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“Ἀν. σικῶ, ὶ ψ΄ ν᾿
ARTHUR 5. HUNT, D.Lrrr., M.A.
Rome ork ἘΝ
Thee ἀπ ENS
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THE present volume contains the remainder of Lord Ambherst's collection of Greek
Papyri, including the classical fragments and non-literary documents, besides some additional
theological fragments which had not been identified at the time of the publication of
Part I.
In editing the new classical fragments Professor Blass has, as usual, rendered us
great assistance; and Mr. J. G. Smyly has made many valuable suggestions on the
Ptolemaic texts. 7
The facsimiles include many of the most important papyri, and serve to illustrate, by
examples taken from each century, the whole period of nearly a thousand years during
which Greek writing prevailed in Egypt.
In response to several requests for a facsimile of the ‘Letter from Rome’ (Part I,
No. 34) we have added a reproduction of that document in the present volume
(Plate X XV).
THE literary texts contained in this volume are printed as they stand in the originals except for
division of words, addition of capital initials in the case of proper names, occasional expansion of
abbreviations, and supplements, so far as possible, of lacunae. In the single case of Pap. 10 an exact
transcription is accompanied by a reconstruction in modern form. In Papp. 12 and 20, which are
fragments of commentaries, for the sake of greater clearness the passages quoted for comment are printed
in uncial type; similarly in Pap. 13 uncial type has been used in order to distinguish the text from the
marginal ‘scholia. Additions and corrections written by a hand other than that of the body of the
manuscript are printed in thick type.
Non-literary texts are given in modern style with accentuation and punctuation. Abbreviations
and symbols are resolved; the latter are collected in Index ix. Additions and corrections are incorpor-
ated into the text, and their occurrence is recorded in critical notes, where also faults of orthography, &c.,
are corrected wherever they seemed likely to cause difficulty. Iota adscript is reproduced wherever it
was written. Square brackets [.] indicate a lacuna, round brackets () the resolution of an abbreviation
or symbol, angular brackets { )} the omission in the original of the letters enclosed; double square
brackets [[ ]] mean that the letters within them have been deleted in the original, braces { }, that the
letters so enclosed, though actually written, should be omitted. Dots placed within brackets represent the
approximate number of letters lost or deleted. Dots outside brackets indicate mutilated or otherwise
illegible letters, Letters with dots underneath them are to be considered uncertain.
Heavy Arabic numerals refer to the texts of this and the preceding volume; ordinary ditto to
lines; large Roman numerals to columns.
Amh. Pap. I.=The Amherst Papyri (Greek), Vol. I, by B. P. Grenfell and A. S. Hunt.
Archiv=Archiv fiir Papyrusforschung.
B.G.U.=Aegyptische Urkunden aus den Kéniglichen Museen zu Berlin, Griechische Urkunden.
Brit. Mus. Pap.=Catalogue of Greek Papyri in the British Museum, Vols. I and II, by F. G. Kenyon.
C.P.R.=Corpus Papyrorum Raineri, Vol. I, by C. Wessely.
Fayim Towns=Fayim Towns and their Papyri, by B. P. Grenfell, A. S. Hunt, and D. G. Hogarth.
Gr. Pap. I.=Greek Papyri, Series I. An Alexandrian Erotic Fragment and other Greek Papyri,
by B. P. Grenfell.
Gr. Pap. II.=Greek Papyri, Series II. New Classical Fragments and other Greek and Latin
Papyri, by B. P. Grenfell and A. S. Hunt.
Pap. Oxy. I and Il=The Oxyrhynchus Papyri, Parts I and II, by B. P. Grenfell and A. S. Hunt.
Pap. Par.=Les Papyrus Grecs du Musée du Louvre (Notices et Extraits, tome xviii. 2), by
W. Brunet de Presle et E. Egger.
Petr. Pap. I and Il=The Flinders Petrie Papyri, Parts I and II, by the Rev. J. P. Mahaffy.
Rev. Pap.=Revenue Laws of Ptolemy Philadelphus, by B. P. Grenfell, with an Introduction by the
Rev. J. P. Mahaffy.
Wilcken Ost.=Griechische Ostraka, by U. Wilcken.
PREFACE ; Ἢ ‘ P ‘ ‘ y : ~ d ‘ F δ r 7 ἃ ὰ
List or PLaTEs
Tasie or Papyri. : ἢ : . 2 , ἐ : . ἑ - ‘ .
I, Crasstcan Fragments (Nos. 10-26) : 7 ; : ὃ ; ‘ : ΐ
Il. Latin Papyri (Nos. 27-28) . ἡ Ἔ : ᾿ ᾿ : ὶ : : .
ΠΙ. Documents or THE Protemaic periop (Nos. 29-62) . ; ᾿ , i i a .
IV. Documents or THE Roman periop (Nos. 63-136) .
V. Documznts or THE Byzantine prriop (Nos. 137-158) .
VI. Descriptions or Miscettanrous Papyri (Nos. 159-189)
I, Appitionat Turotocicat Fracments (Nos. 190-201)
II, AppEnpa anpD CorricEnDA To Amherst Papyri, Part 1.
1. New Crassicat FRaGMents
Il. Kuines anp Emprrors
UI. Consuts; Inpictions; Eras . 5 ᾿ς " ἢ ὶ ‘ δ ᾿ Ἂ :
1V. Montss .
V. Prrsonat Names . ς : : ; i ξ : ; . A z x
VII. Orrictars anp Mirirary Terms. ἢ ; ; 4 ἷ ᾿ : : ; ὃ R
VIII. Reticion : P ‘ : : ‘ ; , ; , : 5
IX, Symsors . : , } ᾿ é ; ὃ ‘ ‘ , ‘ ξ ? : ‘ 4
X. Wescuts, Measures, Coins
ΧΙ. Taxes
XII. Generar Inpex, Greex anp Latin
XIII, Inpex or Susjzcts.
No. 26 (Col. I) . = : rl
Nos. 10, 11, and 14 > Α, R
Nos. 12 and 25
Nos. 15, 18 (Cols. XI-XIV), 22 and 103
Nos. 13, 17 verso, 23 recto, 24 verso
Nos. 27 and 28 recio . 5 ᾿
Nos. 29 and 39. ᾿ ᾿
Nos. 42 and 48 .
No. 33 . 5 > . :
No. 35 . ; ὺ
Nos. 47 and 50
No. 51 (Col. I)
No. 85
No. 64 . Ξ
Νο. 66
Νο. 77 ᾽ 5 ἴ Ξ
Nos. 78 and 9. ; : :
No. 72 . : E °
Nos. 138 and 150 .
No. 139 .
No, 145. ἦ
Nos. 148 and 157 .
No. 151. ᾿
Nos. 190 (Frs. ὅ verso, ¢ verso, d recto, e recto, g recto, h verso), 191 recto and 192 recto
Part I. No. 3a
: At the end
=e «.-
I πο...
10. Fragment of a Tragedy (Plate I) 2nd cent. B.C. I
11, Literary Fragment (Plate II). . ‘ P “Ὁ « “18ὲ εηΐ, Βι0; 2
12. Aristarchus’ Commentary on Herodotus i (Plate [ΠῚ grd cent. a. D. . i . : 6,4
13. Aristophanes? (Plate V) ‘ ; : 5 : 5 ; . 3rd cent. a.p. . ; ὃ νὰ
14. Treatise on Divination (Plate II) . : ‘ F λ Ρ . Late 3rd or early qth cent. A. ἢ. 6
15. Philosophical Fragment re IV). ἐ : : . Late 2nd or 3rd cent. a.p. . 7
16. Epic Fragment. : , 2 . : ᾿ R . 2nd or 3rd cent. a.p. . A δ Ἴ
17. Euripides, Sczron (Plate V) ‘ : ‘ . 6th or 7th cent. ap . ; , 8
18. Scholia Minora on Homer, Odyssey xv (Pate IV) : ; . Late rst or early 2nd cent. Α. ἢ. . 9
19. Homeric Lexicon. . . Ὁ wy ete ἡ 8 | ah ae ἠδ δέος ἀνδι: οὐ εν
20. Scholia on Callimachus . ὃ é 3 : ᾿ ‘ ‘ . 4th cent, a. Ὁ. ‘ 4 ᾿ Mas |
21. Grammatical Rules ‘ . ᾿ δ . ἢ ; P . Late 3rd or early 4th cent. a.p. . 19
22. Homer, Ziad v (Plate IV) . ‘ . - . . . . Late rst or 2nd cent.aD . - 21
23. Homer, Odyssey xv (Plate V) z ᾿ ‘ ‘ ¥ Late 3rd or 4th cent. ap. . ὁ 22
24. Demosthenes, Second Philippic (Plate V) . 4th cent. A.D. : ’ ἢ 3 24
25. Isocrates, Πρὸς Δημόνικον (Plate III) . . ; 3 . Late 1st or early 2nd cent. a.p. . 25
26. Babrius Fables (Plate 1) ; 4 3 ; ; ; ; . Late 3rd or early 4th cent. a.p. . 26
27. Latin Juristic Fragment (Plate VI) 5th or 6th cent. Δ. Ὁ. 29
28. Latin Juristic Fragment (Plate V1) 4th or 5th cent, a.p. 30
29. Royal Ordinances (Plate VII) boat, 9 31
30. Report on a Dispute 2nd cent. . 32
31. Banker’s Receipt. Official ἜΜΕΝ 112 34
32. Official Report. Loan of Wheat . . ‘ 2nd cent. 37
83. Petition to the King and Queen (Plate IX) . About 157 38
34. Fragments of Petitions . ; 4 About 157 41
35. Petition to the Strategus (Plate x) 132 42
36. Petition to the Strategus About 135 45
37. Letter ; : 196 or 12. 46
38. Letter of Dioscurides ; : 2nd cent. 47
39. Letter of a Captain (Plate VII) Late 2nd cent. 47
40. Letter to the Priests of Socnopaeus 2nd cent. 48
41. Letter to the Priests of Socnopacus 2nd cent. 49
42. Repayment of a Loan (Plate VIII) 179 50
43. Loan of Wheat (Plate VIII). ; tri 52
44. Loan of Wheat . : / : $ 138-7 , 54
45. Protocol of a Contract . About 150-145 . 55
46. Loan of Wheat 113 56
47. Loan of Wheat (Plate XI) . 113 57
Loan of Wine
Loan . . ; Ξ ;
Loan of Money (Plate XI) nee Ὁ
Sale of a House (Plate XII). . .
Banker’s Docket :
Banker's Docket
Banker’s Docket
Receipt for Rent .
Receipt .
Receipt .
. Receipt .
Receipt for Picea in kind : :
Receipt for Payments in kind ᾿ “ :
Order for Payment of Corn . : . 7
List of Soldiers. : . - ; :
Imperial Rescripts. - Ἴ ;
Decisions of Praefects (Plate XIV)
Judicial Proceedings . . ryt ea τ:
Judicial Proceedings (Plate XV)
Judicial Proceedings
Official Correspondence. ‘ ‘ : < :
Report of Sitologi. : ° ᾿
Letter of the Magistrates of ne
Registration of an Inheritance . ᾿
Registration of an Inheritance (Plate XVIII)
Return of Sheep and Goats . :
Census Return
Examination of Boys Ἰνὼ
Extract from a Census List .
Petition to the Epistrategus (Plate XVI)
Petition to a Centurion (Plate XVII)
Petition to the Praefect .
Petition . : .
Petition for a RES
Petition to the Praefect.
Petition to the Praefect . ; . . .
Petition . ; .
Application for a Fess ‘(Plate XIII)
Application for a Lease ‘
Lease of Land : ; :
Application for a Lease é ὁ 5
Lease of Land .
Application for a Lease.
Application for a Lease.
Application for a Lease (Plate XVI)
Application for a Lease of an Oil-press
Contract of Partnership . :
Sale of Land
Sale of Land.
106g . . .
106g : . ‘ :
88 “ ; ὸ Ξ Ξ
112 " ᾿
176 or oe
146 or 135.
About 146 or 135
151 or 140.
About 151 or 140
#63. ς .
2nd cent.
3rd cent. . . ° a
oy Μ ᾿ ‘
Early 2nd cent. .
cy oe .
About 232 .
Late 1st cent. . F
154. : ; < ‘
About 115. 5 5
178-9. A ὃ
246. ς : : ὰ >
129-30 ; Ὰ . :
147 . . . . .
161-8 . : * ro ae
2nd or 3rd cent..
184. 9 ἢ 3 :
About 186 . ; ὁ
232-3. Ἶ -
241]. ᾽ é . :
Late 3rd or early 4th cent.
Late 3rd or early 4th cent.
2nd or 3rd cent..
48 ᾽ : : δ .
"8 ᾿ Ξ : Tg ΟΣ
Tat oS ! = 3 ‘
159. ἐν ᾿
159 (Cx Ἄ ᾿
162-3. . ‘
208 . ‘ 7
ΠΥ Ἴ ed
Sale of Confiscated Property
Abstracts of Contracts .
Division of Property
Agreement concerning a Lake
Agreement concerning Land
Sale of a Camel . : ;
Receipt for Rent (Plate IV)
Receipt for Rent.
Receipt for Rent .
Receipt for Rent.
Receipt for Military Supplies
Receipt for Military Supplies
Payment for Military Supplies
Repayment of a Loan.
Repayment of a Loan.
Repayment of a Loan. ἢ
Repayment of a Loan. δ
Tax-receipt . Ῥ : e
Tax-receipt .
Tax-receipt .
Tax-receipt .
Tax-receipt . ;
Receipt for Payment in n kind
Tax-receipt . ἡ
Receipt for Payments in kind
Ticket . .
List of Guards .
Account of Funeral Expenses
Account 4
Accounts. Receipt for Rent
Account P
Letter of Gloutas :
Letter of Sarapion to Selene
Letter of Sarapion to Eutychides.
Letter of Eutychides to Sarapion
Letter of Eutychides to Heliodorus
Letter of Eutychides to Anoubion
Letter of Apion . ἢ
Official Correspondence Ν
Declaration of a Pilot (Plate XIX)
Nomination of Officials (Plate XX)
Declaration of Sitologi
Petition to the Praepositus .
Petition to the Praefect
Letter of Plution.
Letter of Timius.
Letter of Apa Johannes (Plate XX)
. . . 180-92 . F ‘
i . Late 2nd or 3rd cent..
. : . . ἐ WAGs F
. . + 108-::ὲὶ
. ; ‘ ; . Early 3rd cent.
180 . .
96 ς ‘ .
. i ‘ F ao πόδι: : .
2830... . . °
‘ .. 185 . 4 .
. ᾿ 185-6. : .
᾿ : ; ᾿ . 185-6. > , °
. ᾿ ‘ ; Sed sae é ‘
. . ‘ i age. . . ᾿
FEY tle κι."
. IgGs οἱ .
. 137 : ᾿ .
F iy (oe ‘ ° Ἶ
. " ‘ . and or early 3rd cent.
. 185
200 .
204. δ 4 .
183 ΟΥ 215
; : + 21-2. 2 é
2nd or 3rd cent..
τὰ cent. .
; ; A é . Late rst cent.
Early 2nd cent. . :
: ᾧ 4 : . Early and cent. .
iat. ‘ . .
127-8 . Β . °
gin Wwe, ΟΣ
° . Early and cent. .
Early 2nd cent. .
Early 2nd cent. .
. $ P . Early 2nd cent. .
Early 2nd cent.
δ . . ἥ . 3rd cent.
. . . . .. 2889. ΄-
. - 326 :
. . 380
+ 349
+ 350
F ᾿ A . 4th cent. .
ὁ : . . 4th cent.
. 5th cent.
Late 4th or oe. sai cent, .
146. Warrant for Arrest’. ᾿ . ὃ : : : : . th cent. ©. é : Ἶ ἴ . 178
147, Loan.of Seed Corn: «6 τὦ ee ὃ ον. 4 or early ΗΠ ΒΕ τ ἐδ
148. Loan of Money (Plate XXII). Ξ . Σ 3 ὰ ἘΣ 5 ; : : 4 . 286
149. Loan of Money . A : ᾿ A ; . 6th cent. . > ἢ Ε : . 87
150. Payment in Advance for Hay (Plate XIX) 3 . : ; ἘΠ ΨΡ 4 τῶν é ᾿ . 182
151. Loan of Money (Plate XXIII) . : Ὁ Ξ Σ ς . 610-640 . : 3 ἢ ὃ . 184
152. Letter . ᾿ : ‘ . Ε Ἔ 4 * P ° . 5th or early 6th cent.. Ἔ : . 1185
153. Letter . ‘ Ζ : P : ‘ ᾿ 5 . Late 6th or 7th cent. . ; i . «187
154. Letter concerning a Hospital ; : : « : - . Late<6th or th cent.5- ὦ. 28S
155. Wages Account. . ‘ : . . . shone . pth cent. ᾿ . . Ἐν: 89
156. Order for Payment . ; : “4 A Ὰ ᾿ : . ὅδ cent. 4 ; ᾿ 3 : . 189
157. Receipt (Plate XXII) . Ἶ : ; ; - ᾿ Ra ie es : : : ὅ 4 . 190
268... Rect we en wy ἡ ας SRR, (Ca ee, ee
159. Homer, Ziad xxi 4 ‘ ‘ Ξ ’ 2 ; , + th cent. . Ρ ᾿ ‘ Ἶ + 192
160. Literary fragment. : : : { Ξ : _ . 6th cent, . 5 : ; - + 192
161-168. Ptolemaic fragments . ; : . . P $ . 2nd cent. Beco . ; 5 ~ - 102
169-181. Roman fragments. ἢ 3 : 5 : : . + Ist—grd cent. a.p. » ᾿ “ον Wes
182. Graeco-Latin fragment. ‘ : ; » , : ; . 287-304 . P ? 5 5 . 193
183-186. Byzantine fragments. : : ‘ ᾿ ‘ ᾿ . 6th-8th cent. 3 < ξ ; . 194
187-188. Coptic fragments . . . . . oe Le : . 6th or 7th cent. . . A 5 + 194
189. Coptic-Arabic fragment ᾽ οι ORB nie Gl vat, pias Ἂς ρα, ρου δά
190. Fragments of the Shepherd of Henais "(Plate XXIV) . ae, ECR. ὁ. halt en 9 ee Ge he tee
191. Exodus xix (Plate XXIV) . . . ‘ = . < +, GPE OORE χων ἃ - . . + 201
192. Deuteronomy xxxii (Plate XXIV) 3 ‘ ; ὰ 5 > sot Gents, Bot οὐ νου <n tes + 202
193. Proverbs x . . ὶ ἢ ζ : . ς : . δ EER. ", : : : ) . 208
194-201. Theological iain ὃ Ξ ‘ Ἴ : : 2 . 5th to 7th cent. . ἢ Sires + 203
Dime. 11:5 X 9-3 cm. Prate II.
ARTS of fifteen iambic lines from a lost tragedy, written in a cursive hand of the second
century B.c. The papyrus is one of a large find made in the temple of Socnopaeus at
Dimé; see p. 32. A paragraphus occurs after line 5, indicating a change of speaker.
The mention of Achilles in line 7 shows that the subject of the tragedy was taken from
the Trojan war, and the restoration of the last word of that line is the key to the situation.
Blass proposes ἀσπίδα, in which case the speaker in the next line, ἕξω γὰρ αὐτὴν τήνδε, must
be Hector. The scene, he conjectures, is at Troy, and probably within the town, since Hector
has left his arms at home (lines 7-9). Hector addressing the Trojans is interrupted by
a messenger who announces the advent of the Achaeans, apologizing for the bad news, and
summoning Hector to battle (lines 1-5). To him Hector replies (lines 6-15), calling for his
armour, and repelling attempts to keep him back. The general situation, therefore, appears
to be parallel to that at the beginning of the twenty-second book of the Iliad, but the poet
would seem to have departed from epic tradition in placing Hector within the walls instead
_ of outside the Scaean gates.
To ascribe the fragment to a particular tragedy or even author is difficult. The only
tragedy which seems to have had as its subject the defeat and death of Hector is the
Νηρηΐδες of Aeschylus, which has been generally supposed, though on slender evidence, to
have followed the Μυρμιδόνες and preceded the Φρύγες or Ἕκτορος λύτρα. Blass thinks that
the fragment may belong to that play.
We give first an exact copy of the text, followed by a partial restoration by Blass.
ανδρεσπρί. σα ἄνδρες πρ[ὸ]ς ἀΐστυ
ταυτανγελωνσοισουκαβθῖ ταῦτ᾽ ἀγγελῶν σοῖς οὐ καθ᾽ [ἡδονὴν δόμοις
ηκωσυδωναξἕτησεκειφρί ἥκω" σὺ δ᾽, ὦναξ, τῆς ἐκεῖ φρουρᾶς μολὼν ὃ
5 φροντιζεοπωσσοικαιριωσεῖ φρόντιζ ὅπως σοι καιρίως ἕΐ ξξει τάδε.
χωρειπροσοικουσοπλατεΐ (EKT.) χώρει πρὸς οἴκους ὅπλα τ᾽ ἔϊκκόμιζέ μοι,
καιτηναχιλλεωσδοριαλωτί καὶ τὴν ᾿Αχιλλέως δοριάλωτζον ἀσπίδα.
εξωγαραυτηντηνδεκαΐ ἕξω γὰρ αὐτὴν τήνδε καἰὶ
αλλεκποδωνμοιστηθιμηΐ ἀλλ᾽ ἐκποδών μοι στῆθι, μὴ [διεργάσῃ ?
το ημιναπαντακαιγαρεισλαΐ ἡμῖν ἅπαντα. καὶ yap eis λα[γῶ φρένας ὃ
αγοισανανδρακαιτονευθᾳ ἄγοις ἂν ἄνδρα καὶ τὸν εὐθαϊρσέστατον,
εγωτεεμαυτουχειρονΐ ἐγώ τ᾽ ἐμαυτοῦ χειρονΐ
καιπωστί. «“Πραυσμαιδῖ καί πως τί ἐθ]ραυσμαι δ΄
αλλουθενη .[....].-[ ἀλλ᾽ οὐδὲν af,
15 ελθωνδεεῖ ἐλθὼν δ᾽ εἶ
2. οὐ καθ᾽ [ἡδονήν : cf. Prom, Vinct. 260-1 ὡς δ᾽ ἥμαρτες οὔτ᾽ ἐμοὶ λέγειν καθ᾽ ἡδονὴν σοί τ᾽ ἄλγος.
6x 4-2 cm. Prater II,
HE present fragment is too small to have more than a palaeographical interest. It
consists of the ends of fifteen lines and the beginnings of twelve more, written in
a small neat uncial with a tendency to link letters together by horizontal strokes. We should
assign the papyrus to the end of the Ptolemaic period, or the reign of Augustus. On the
verso are the ends of nine lines in a cursive hand apparently of the early first century Α. Ὁ.
Col. II. 7-8, which are marked off by paragraphi, seem to be a heading, perhaps giving
the title of the following composition, and there is a marginal note apparently referring
to κεφαλῆς in line 8. The work, whatever it was, seems to have been in prose, for words
are frequently divided between two lines.
Col. I. Col. II.
OR Be yas
7... [- -}raral
ἼἽνομα.. εἐπτα λυΐ
] επτα eof
5. ]. ᾳοιδη νικαι κί υ-
}rodv 5 Sep καλπί σ-
Jowe ‘ βεσαν ax,
Ἰκαιδα [κ΄ φ' Φιλιννὴης θεῖ
7- ace κεφαλης τί
το Ἰριων φευ΄ το δυμῖ
Ἰακαι 10 υποπετί
Ἰωισατε κοι φευΐ
Ἰσασθε trove . [
].. ov c ἃ
15 k
ASHMUNEN. 16°5 X 22:7 cm. Piate III,
HIS papyrus contains the last two columns of a commentary on the first book of
Herodotus, written on the verso of some second or early third century accounts. The
writing on the verso may be assigned with confidence to the third century a.p. The colon-
shaped stop occurs.
The title of the work is given as often at the end, ‘ Notes (ὑπόμνημα) of Aristarchus on
the first (book) of Herodotus.’ Nothing is known of this commentary; but it is almost
certain that the author was the great Homeric critic of antiquity, who, if we may believe
Suidas, wrote no less than 800 ὑπομνήματα alone, i.e. not counting συγγράμματα or connected
treatises. Unless the papyrus gives only a series of excerpts from Aristarchus’ commentary,
which is not very likely, that work must have been extremely brief, for in the second column,
which is fairly well preserved but has only sixteen lines, as many as twenty-two chapters are
disposed of, there being no notes on chapters 195-214.
The chief points of interest in the fragment are the proof of a hitherto unknown variant
ἄἅμιπποι for ἄνιπποι in chap. 215 and a new quotation from the Ποιμένες of Sophocles.
Quotations from the text of Herodotus are printed in capitals.
Col. I. Col. II.
Ἰοσουί. «νου ἐστι Se vov ova νυν φορουσιν οἱ σακοφορουν
7 απο των ἀρτων τες : ONOC ZWC ECT[IJN οἱοι καὶ εν τοις
7 καταλυσις : af... πλοιοις ovfor..... 7 ΑΝΙΠΤΙΟΙ.. .7δει
7. ανεοι τὴν pa [.]Sa αμιπίποι... c}rmou δῖνο. .Ja
5 10 .[. μεν. β.[.. 5 γώωγοι ἵμασι δεδεμενοι και [er] αὐτωῦ
Ἵνεσεως τουτου πρί. τινες οχουμζεἾνοι οἱ ηρῶες τοις appa
7. [- - π]ρλλ[ο]ν xpovo[v σι προσηλαυνον Kat ουτως ameBale]
7. ρ. eves Surf.]..
}- 0). [ΠΡτοί. «Ἱροεσί.1..
το 1.{1..1 1 .Ὡὸν
ὃ ᾿
νον ot δὲ προς] ekacollwljow ο μεν are
βαινεν ο δε [μ]ενων παρξιχετο τὴν
του ἡνιόχου χρειαν : CATAPIC πέελε
Wan eee v. lise ἢ Σκυθικζος οιἷον [a] Apaloves
7... οο ‘a 1] Ἵ φ[ορ]ουσιν [.. . ορθως ελεΐγε . «νὴ
ΠΣ s+ * Ls μ[ενω yalp dotlaaey CIAH[PW] ΔΕ OY
J.-9--- Δ APFYPG) XP[WINTA! LodoxAns εν Πζοι)
15 Ἰστί.Ἰι. [-Jaof. .
Ἵν. ταί. Javrol . .
15 pest ov xadkos ov σιδηρος απτε
+. . αἱ. Jour . . . ᾿Ξ ται χροος
7. Ἵντοσί.]ὦ
badge ape
ρα. .]. «. a
Ἵν 20 υπομνημα
25 ke
I. 25. This line was possibly the last of the column.
IL. 2. ONOC ZWC ECT[IIN: Hdt.i.194. ἔνεστι MSS. ζώς, the reading of R, is confirmed by the papyrus
against (wds of the other MSS.
ev τοις πλοιοις: cf. Hdt. cid.
3. ἈΝΙΠΤΙΟΙ : Hdt. i. 215, describing the Massagetae, ἱππόται δέ εἰσι καὶ ἄνιπποι" ἀμφοτέρων γὰρ μετέχουσι.
Aristarchus’ note is devoted to the explanation of ἅμιπποι, which must have been an ancient variant here
though not found in any MS. of Herodotus. With his explanation of ἅμιπποι cf. Bekk. Anecd. p. 205,
ἽἌμιππος : ἐὰν διὰ τοῦ F γράφηται ἣ συλλαβή, ἄνιππος, σημαίνει τοὺς ἵππους μὴ ἔχοντας ἀλλὰ πεζούς. ἐὰν δὲ διὰ τοῦ μ,
ἅμιππος, ὅπερ καὶ μᾶλλον, σημαίνει τοὺς δύο ἔχοντας ἐζευγμένους ἵππους ἱμᾶσι χωρὶς ζυγοῦ, καὶ τὸν μὲν ἡνιοχοῦντα, τὸν
δὲ μαχόμενον.
6-10. Aristarchus compares the Massagetae’s use of two horses tied together, one rider fighting and the
other guiding, to the custom in Homeric combats, ‘The heroes used to drive to battle in their chariots
and so get down (to fight), but when the adversaries were less numerous one got down while the other
remained to perform the part of charioteer.’ The supposed o above ὦ erased in eAacowow is itself more
like w, but there is no reason for the alteration unless the reading was changed, and πρὸς ἐλάσσοσιν is in any
case required.
- ro. CATAFIC: Hdt. zdzd.; cf. Xen. Anad. iv. 4. τό.
12-13. φάλαρα occurs in Hdt. zd7d., but the meaning of this note is obscure.
14. ΧΡΙΩΊΝΤΑΙ : or ΧΡΙΕΩΙΝΤΑΙ. The quotation from Sophocles’ Ποιμένες refers to Cycnus son of
Poseidon, whom Achilles was unable to wound by iron, but killed by strangling with the thong of his helmet.
13°4X 12:1 cm. PLaTE V.
RAGMENT of a lost comedy, with marginal scholia. The upper parts of two columns
are preserved, the first containing the ends of twenty lines and the second the
beginnings of a few more. The occurrence in Col. I line 2 of the phrase ἐξ ὑπτίας, which
is quoted by Pollux from Aristophanes and Plato (vii. 138 νεῖν δ᾽ ἐξ ὑπτίας μάθημα κολυμβητῶν
᾿Αριστοφάνης εἶπε καὶ Πλάτων: cf. Kock fr. 665, Plato, Rep. vii. 529 C), suggests that the
fragment should be attributed to the former. But the remains are so scanty that it is
impossible either to identify it with any certainty or to recover the sense.
The text is written in rather small upright calligraphic uncials, the annotations,
apparently added by another scribe, in a minute but clear cursive; But though the -two
hands are most probably distinct, the width of the margin between the columns indicates
that the manuscript was from the first designed for the reception of scholia. To the hand
of the scholia are also due occasional textual corrections, and probably also the punctuation
and rather frequent lection signs. All three kinds of stops are used, as in some of the
Oxyrhynchus papyri (cf. Pap. Oxy. II. 226, 231).
For determining the date of the papyrus the cursive notes give useful aid. These are
evidently not later than the third century and we should place them early in it rather than
late. The body of the manuscript is no doubt practically contemporary.
Col. I. Col. II.
Fie Ξ . > emoropte’ Tool
JIC’ H MH ’[M]JBAAGD* + Tapa τὸ φορτικ εκ mpagwy ΔΕΙ THN ΓΡΑΦΗΙ͂Ν
] €= ὙΠΤΙΛΟΣ ἢ μὴ μ πρασοι[ς].... aipo” ANN’ εκκάλω FOL
]..INQN εἰς Μαγνητα ᾿ ON Εγὼ φιλῶ ML
5 ΕΚΊΛΕΓΕΙΝ @ συλλεγειν 5 TAI MAI ΤΟ.
1 ae , [ἴ.....2101
|] BYZANTIO[N] το τέλος THY δαίπανην
JTOC HP=’ εγὼ" pad
; κιμοί
15 A 2 etOr παισει Tapa [
EPHIMEPO, a σημερινωι [
I. τ. ᾿μβάλω has been ‘corrected to ᾽νβάλω. ἐκβάλω has probably preceded earlier in the verse. It is
doubtful whether the marginal note opposite this line begins with an abbreviation, .7( ), or a critical sign. The
whole scholium is very obscure. Μάγνης is presumably the comic poet (Aristoph. Knights, 520).
5. ἅ is for ἀν(τὶ rod); cf. the scholium on line 19 below.
10. TOCOJYTOYI: the stroke over . seems rather to be a mark of scansion than an ill-formed diaeresis.
12. Βυζαντίου has been substituted for the original reading Βυζάντιον ; cf. line 1. In the second line of
the scholium amoA . [ could be read instead of απομί.
14. The marginal note μαδί and the two lines following appear to refer to line 14 of the text and
to be distinct from the note on line 12. But the third line beginning παισει (?) may also be a separate
scholium on line 15.
15. AJAA HEIOY or EJAAHNIOY would suit the vestiges.
19. ἀν(τὶ rod) σημερινῶι is a gloss upon EPH]MEPW.
20. The first letter may be f, and H might be read in place of [€]l. There is no trace of writing below
this line, but the column would be unusually small if it ended here, and two rather short lines may have
II. The marginal entry at the top of the column refers to line 4, as is shown by the critical signs placed
at the beginning of each. Perhaps émicromie? . . . was a line which had dropped out of the text after line
4; cf. Pap. Oxy. I. 16, col. III. 3, where the same sign is used to denote an omission. Or the word ἐπιστομιεῖ
may have occurred in line 4 and what follows in the margin was an explanatory note.
2. TO[PFITITION ? (Blass).
23X12 cm. Piate II.
RAGMENT from the beginning of a work on divination. The title of the treatise is
given at the head, τὸ δεύτερον ὑ[π]όμνημα τῶν [π]ρακτικζῶν σημείων, with probably the
author's name, of which however only the initial letter, ®, remains. Sacrificial victims are
the means here discussed of foretelling the future, and their peculiarities and significance
are described as a guide to conduct. The treatise opens with an account of the omens to
be observed in the choice of friends. ᾿
The papyrus is written in a well-formed uncial hand which appears to belong to the
later stage of the square sloping type. We should assign it to the end of the third or the
earlier part of the fourth century. The diaeresis is used, and stops are occasionally
to Sevrepov υἱπίομνημα των [π]ρακτικίων σημει
wy εντέυθεν ἀρχεται
σί κ]ο[που]ντι εἰ apewov φιλον ποιησασθαι τονδὲε
5 [twa] σκεπτεον [τ]ὰ σημεια εἰ εχεται το]ν μαντευ
[τικου] τροπου" avev των πλεοναζονίτ]ων ..
[- .] φυομενων και συνισταμενων περι την]
[κ]εφαλὴν πλὴν γε εἰ μη βασιλεὺς τυχοι wy ἢ
εγγὺυς τουτω τοις ‘yap τὴν παρα τῶν τοιουτων
το [φιλ]ιαν διαπρασσομενοις οἰκεια τα τοιαυτα εἶτ
[ε]αν evypoa τε ἀνειμενως ἢ καὶ addws idew χα
[pera καὶ μη θλειβη τα περι τ[η]ν κεφα[λη]ν
[εφ]αρμοσαι ὃ αν εν ταις δημοτικαζις... .7. [. «νι
[...] καὶ τὰ προσχωρουντα πως των απρακτ[ω]ν
15 [ka] απομαντευτικων τοις πρακτικζο][ς και] μαν
[τευτ]ικοις σημείοις οιον [. .] emumrvyn μεικρα
[γε]νομενη καὶ ex[........ ya en. | eee phe
[....] opouws καὶ al... .Joos μεικροτερος Kat
[... .JBawav προς τὴν αντικελ[ευθοὴν [x]au αἰ...
ae a τ: Jos kar [..... ] αντικελευθος τω δεξιω pe
[ra τοῦ] ἡπατος καὶ ἡ επιλοβις γλωσσα μετριως
ΩΣ 7 παροντων yap τουτων λεγοιμεν av ε
Lk sa Ἶναι καὶ δεξια pera συνεσεως τα παρα
besa Ἵν... του περι ovs λειπομεθα
δ ee oe ραστος το af...... ]€- Jopevas
[.... κ]αρδια παρατηρητεον evyp[o]:.[.....
[.. . .1θε ovorf
[-.. τον af.Jovros καὶ μη επιβῖ.. .]. ce py
CORN caine alas 1 καὶ αξιων δεξια και ὕπεικοντα
80 [ 15 letters εσθαι λεγουσιν
[ a6 Ἴφομεναι ἡ προσ
: 34 Je
3: ὦ. Jer γαρ εὰλ
10-6 X 5*I cm. Piate IV.
N INETEEN incomplete lines from the top of column, containing part of a philosophical
or scientific treatise, written in a small uncial hand with a tendency to slope
backwards, of the same type as that of the Chariton fragment (Fay. Towns, Plate I). On
the verso are parts of three lines in a large cursive hand of the third century, mentioning
᾿κώμης Ναρμούθεως and a κλιδοποιός. The writing on the recto we should assign to the end
of the second or to the third century. Iota adscript has in two places been inserted later.
The > shaped sign is used to fill up short lines.
Jamep Se τ[.] σωματί.
ara παΐνἾτα προσ
Ja συνπηγνυται ov
Jen διανισταμε. [. .
5 τη" εργί:νθαί...
7. υξι προαναφω
Jevov avrois διαυ
Ἴουντων Se και»
ar προς το χρὴ
18. Ἰθυμιαι ενδοθεν
ἼἽμοντα εαὐτ[ω]ν .[.
Ἰλογικην δυναμιν 7 εξ εαυτων em
Ἴ7εέκτοσθε Ba..... ν Ἵμαιοῖ
Jous κελεν....ε.. 7. συΐ
10 |v προ του... potpo : :
Ἴνυσιν φυσικας τε
11-12. Perhaps προαναφω] [νουμ]ενον, but it is difficult to obtain a connexion between lines 14 and 15 on
the supposition that only five letters are lost at the beginning of line 15.
15°7X 4 cm.
FRAGMENT containing on the vecfo parts of twenty-two lines written in an uncial hand
of, probably, the second century, and on the verso parts of twenty lines in a larger
and thicker type of uncial of the second or third century. Epic forms and words are found
on both sides, and apparently the verso contained hexameters ; but the vecfo does not seem to
be metrical. The proper names Harmodius and Triptolemus occur on the γερο (lines 1 and
19), and the non-Homeric form wapyis on the verso (line 17).
Jroe Appodior [
pro ofv Bowl
Jor ηλιου af
Ἰσσαμην κομῖ
5 1. στις δοιχωμί
Joares δο. ὃ .[
7. ἐπος λεξειενῇ
Jaxavas στρατί
το jw Kewns τισί
Jonny κτησ . [
pen aides το
Jaororpvao . [
Jou ovoe πε
15 οις τοκεεσσι τί
7. ὦ φυλῆς μ.[
7 θειοτατοις. [
7. ἐπιστεψασί
Jar Τριπτολεμί
290 1]. ζωοις ape
] ζυγον af
b iinet
os τανυπίεπλ
Ἶμιν μνηΐ
Ἴτολοιο κατ
Ἴεωντο και. [
Ἵν οπισθενΐ
Jo" ο ὃ em yf
Jews odpa [
Ἴσαν Se Ovpal le
7. τοισιν ερηΐ
Jon κλισμῳΐ
15 μεγαΐλης δια παστᾳαῖδος
ns’ 7 8 eyral
ἐφιλησε παρηϊδα
7. οὐσι προσεῖ
Ἴανοντες επί
Ἴιουμεν υπί
8-4. Χ 7:2 cm. PiaTE V.
PIECE of the upper part of a leaf from a papyrus book, containing a fragment of the
argument to Euripides’ lost Satyric drama Scévon, and the beginnings of a few lines
from the play, which are quoted in the course of the argument. This identification, which is
due to Blass, is based upon the occurrence in the quotation of the words κακοὺς κολάζειν,
which coincide with a citation from the Scivon by Stobaeus, Flor. 46. 20 (= Nauck, 27.
679) ἔστι τοι καλὸν κακοὺς κολάζειν. Of Euripides’ treatment of the well-known myth of
Sciron, the robber who kicked his victims over a cliff to be devoured by a tortoise, and who
was ultimately killed by Theseus, no more is known than can be gleaned from half a dozen
fragments, the longest of which does not extend beyond five lines. The papyrus is unfortunately
too mutilated materially to add to our information. It is written in a not very late Byzantine
hand of medium size, with the brown ink characteristic of the period. The manuscript may
be assigned to the sixth or seventh century. An accent occurs in line 5 of the recto.
γεΐγραπται το Spa
μα Ἴπρος τὴν πα
7 η δε διασκευ
5 n |erov" ἀλλω μά
πῆραγμα τας veas
βαήσιλεα το ενοδιον
1 . , . [. , . . , , , .Ψ
_mpohoyos δεδει
ἴαμβοις εἐπαυΐζειται
“ καΐι πῆερι τον παμίτος
Tov ἴαμβων ov λεγζει
5 προσαντες οὐδεν εἶστι ty δικὴ v -
aravra ὃ αὐτὴ καὶ
TO μὲν Tovnpov ἡΐυρεν ἐστι τοι καλον
κακους κολαζειν [
[γ]ελῳτᾳ κινειν π΄
Recto. 4. Cf. the ὑπόθεσις to Eurip. Orestes ἡ δὲ διασκευὴ τοῦ δράματός ἐστι τοιαύτη.
7. The reading of the end of this line is very doubtful. The ε may be 1, or ev may be m, the following οὗ
might be read aA, and the supposed final o before the lacuna is possibly ν or p.
Verso. 2, enawlerar: cf. the ὑπόθεσις to Eurip. Andromache, ad fin.
9. The letters at the beginning of the line are very indistinct ; the supposed « is rather more like x, which
might be followed by a instead of ι.
Height 7-1 cm. Prate IV (Cols. XI—XIV).
WENTY consecutive and practically complete columns of Scholia Minora on the fifteenth
book of the Odyssey, written on the verso of the papyrus. A few notes have also
been made by the same hand on the vec/o, which had been used for accounts consisting of
lists of names and amounts in drachmae and obols. Before being utilized for the scholia
the lower part of the papyrus was cut away, so that only the tops of the columns of accounts
remain. The short and narrow columns of the verso are complete at the bottom; above they
are sometimes entire, sometimes a line or two is wanting. It is occasionally difficult to decide
whether there is anything lost at the top or not, since there is no upper margin preserved.
ΤΙ, 6
The scholia are written in a small rapid uncial hand which now and then (e.g. 1. 255) employs
abbreviations. Iota adscript is regularly written. Diaeresis is common, and a few accents
oceur. A considerable number of alterations and corrections of the text have been made, of
which certainly most, and perhaps all, are due to the original scribe, though they are some-
times made in lighter ink than that first used. With regard to the date of the papyrus
the accounts on the vecfo are in an unmistakable first century hand; and in some scribbling
at the top of one of the columns θεὸς Κλαύζδιος) and Vespasian are mentioned. The
terminus a guo of the scholia is thus fixed fairly accurately. They were probably written
towards the beginning of the second century, possibly at the end of the first, and are not
at all likely to be later than a.p. 150.
The scholia, which cover nearly the whole of the fifteenth book, consist for the most part
of equivalents of the less common words, similar to those of the following fragment of
a lexicon to the Jihad (19). They are however more than a mere vocabulary, and
include some short notes or scholia proper, e.g. lines 21, 105, 108. They are therefore of the
type of the so-called Scholia Didymi, but are much more numerous and exhaustive than the
published collection of Scholia Minora upon the Odyssey. The manuscript thus serves to
some extent as an authority, which is valuable on account of its age, for the text of this
book. But as a textual witness it has its natural limitations. The writer may for instance
quote an indicative as an infinitive (e.g. 1. 11), or an accusative as a nominative (l. 26); he
neglects elisions (Il. 134, 201), and is careless about the use of v ἐφελκυστικόν (see note on 1. 20).
On points such as these the scholia can carry little or no weight. We give below a collation
with Ludwich’s edition; but do not notice the common interchange of a and 1,
Col. I. Col. II.
evpux[opov ......... Jove . [ I [κουριδιοιο του εκ πίαρθενιας 22
καὶ πολίλους x]o[plovs ἀγουσαν το[ις 15 [γαμουῆντος
Geos] ἡ [τὴ]ν μεγαλην [μεταλΊλαι επ[ιζἼηίτει 23
i [φηθῆωσίι fehve aa ae 2
mpodop[wt τωι προ του κοιτων 5 [κυδρἤην εὐτῆιμον
5. ἥοἸπαίι [εἐπιτη]δὲς επι͵γηδεέζιως 28
μελ[εἸδίηματ]α μ[εριμνην pee λοχοωσι evedpe{v) over
αλαλ[η ]σ[αι] πλαίν]ησαι ae προθμωι τωι μεταξυ της] 10a 29
δασ ofa]perfo}. διαγι{μ]αμειζοι 13 KNS τοπωι καὶ τῆς Σαμου
iid Reo par ava παυπαλοεσσὴς Tplax eras
το τετμ[ηιϊς καταλ[αβη]ις 15 ἴε POE RE PE, tae
περιβ[αλλειν valepBladdew 17 ‘cud }ols] προθυμζουμ τὴ
εξωφ[εἾλλεν ηζυ]ξηῖσεν 18
aexn7[e ἀκουσίως 19
Col. III. Col. IV.
25 [k]a[redo}[ow 32 [ 16 letters Ἶνι
ovpos φυλαξ [ 34 40 ἕζεινοδοκωι τωι υπο͵δεχομε 70
αεσαι κοιμηζθηναι 40 vole tous ξενο]υς
πρησσωμεν αἰννωμεῖν
επιγομενουΐς σἸπ[ου]δ[αἼζοντας
CS ane
ayavos ayarfol..vf..... ]
sepavinvar ealpajislilonlngie)
αγχιμολον συ[νεγγ]υς ἐλασαντα
ανστας αναστας ευνὴς : κοιτης
σπερχομενος επειγ[ομενος
εελδεται επ[ιθυμει
ἵεμενον [προ]θυμουμενοῖν
νοστοιο .[.....- ]-[
Col. V.
vero Bal,
ovpov φ[υλακα
κτεασ. σίιν
διζημ[ενἾῆος ζητων.
κειμηλ[ιον} ἀποθετον κτημα
ne tHe εἴαυτο]υ
Spoor θεραπαιναις
μεγαροισιν οικημασι
τετυκειν παρασκευαζειν
κηαι καυσαι
κηωεντα θυμιαμάτων ἀποδὼ
φωριαμοισι κιβωτοις
νειατος ἐσχατος
πρίοἸτερω [π]ροσωτερω
Col. VII.
K[vowrny atre orev]
DP IES tet 7. Se Suif«(ws)]
διδιίίσκομενος} δεξιουμενος
κιχω[ν] κα[ταλαβων
σειο: σίου φώλοτητος ἕενιας
apynv [λευΐκην
τύζοντες φωνουντες
nigev wppnoev
164 τος μᾶστιν μαστιγα ἢ Se λεξις Αἰιολικὴ
ς, 2
εχθαιρίηισιν -στυγηι
κατερυΐ κΊηι [κ]ατέχηι
τετυΐκειϊν παρασκευαζειν
αλις ικζανως :
αγλαϊη[ι] καλ[λονηι
ονειαρ ὠφελημα
απειρο[ν͵Ἶα πολλην
στραφί θῆηναι στραφηναι
εἐπωμ[αι) ακολουθω
αμπείμψἼ]αι ἀναπεμψαι
αλεισίον} ποτήριον τετΐορἼευ
] μενον κατα af. .Ἶα
Col. VI.
PEA) RS oa te a }rarof,
pent Dy ἐκ εὐ αν Ἴον
πολνηρίατου πολ]νευκτου
; evoi
ews ea[s] τουτου] αφικοῖ παρα
πειρινί θα] πηγμα τῆς αμαξης
θηησατίο εθαυμασεν
εζεσθην εκαθηντο δυΐκως
εων τῶι EAVTOU προχοῶι τὴν κατα
Savero διεκοπτεν
νεμε διεμεριζεν
οινοχοει οινον εγεχεεν
ἴαλλεν εξετεινεν
λιψαντε σπεισαντεΐς] δυζικ(ως)
Col. VIII.
ὑϊποκρειναιΐτο ἀποκρειναιτο
τ[ανυπεπλο]ς μακροπεπλος
υἱποφ͵]θαμενη προφθασασα
αἰτιτ]αλλομενὴην τρεφομενὴν
τίισεται τιμωρησεται
εὐχετζογωμην evxas ποιωμὴν
127, 128
132, 135
γή[θΊησεν, <xapn 165
- κιμηλια ἀποθετα χρηματα 159
-iavOn διεχυθὴ 165
95 paleo σκοπει: voiv μιν 167, 168
μερμηΐρι]ξεν διεμεριμναι τόρ
Col. IX.
ik. Views bale Ἰλλομί. .... :
ἈΡΑΡΕΝ ΑΕ Ρ νΣ 9 Ἵν : ἀεκοντὰ axor(ta) 200
_ [φιλεειν ξε]νιζειν: ικεσθαι π(αρα)γενεσθ(αι):οι
[συμ]φίρασσἼατο συνελογισατο 202
115 [δο]ασσαίτο] εδοξεν eLawero adnplet 204, 206
[υπ]ερβιοῖς pelyas μεθησει αφησει 212
Keveov κενον εἰσεται ελευσετα[ι] 214, 213
εγκοσμειτε κατα τροπον τιυθετε 218
@ @
πρησΐσοἷμεν avvopev 219
120 τηλ[εδαπος Eevos eyyovos απὸ 224, 225
αφνιος πλουσι[οἧς ευδαιμων 224
μητερι μηλ[ω]ν Yn πολυθρεμ, 226
τελεσῴφορον τίο]ν ἐνιαυτὸν [olr παν 230
Col. ΧΙ.
Ese es ΝΣ Ἴτου
[χολωθεις] διοργισθεις 254
[vate}rawy οἰκων 255
140 [κιχανω καταλαμβανω 260
μηδ επικευσης μηδ αποκρυψης 263
αἰπεήφθειτο ἀπωλετο 268
πίευσΐομενος ακουσομενος 270
κατακτας ανελων 272
145 εμῴφυλον πολειτικὸν 273
εται εταιροι ἀλευομενος φυλασ 245
εφέσσαι επικαθισαι 27}
κατακτινουσι avehwow 278
φιλησεαίι ξ]ενισθησηι 281
150 ἵκίρ]ιοφιν [εκ] των ἴκριων 283
183, 184
ηἴξαν ὠὡρμησαν σειον εσειον
σκιοωντοὸ εσκιαΐοντο
Φηρας Φηραι πολις της Θεσσαλιας 186
Διοκληος Διοκλεους
αἴσαν)] εκοιμηθησαν 188
Col. X.
[αργαλεωι] χαλεπωι : arns βλαβηΐς 232, 233
[δασπλ͵ητις δυσπροσπελαστος 234
[εριμυκο]υς μεγαλως μυκωμ[ε 235
volus] ετισατο ετιμωρησατο 236
ao pov . .]. apagipov 239
υψί[η]ρεφες μεγαλην οροφην exov 241
θετο εποιησατο γεινατο εἐγεννησεν 242
λαοσσοον οχλοὺς εκδιωκοντα ἢ 244
σωΐζοντα ολετο απώλοτο 247
γυναίων qulvexa Swpwv: δια yu
ναικωΐν δ]ωροδοκιας
Col. XII.
ae, RT ee 7. εν
[εσσυμενως προχειρως 288
σθεντα ;
ελατῆινον απο eharns κατασκεῖνα 280
μ[εἸσοῦμης το κοιλον τῆς νὲ
ὡς οπου τιθεται ο ἵστος
πρ[οἼτονοισι τοις τον ἵστον συν 290
εἐχουσι σχοινιοις
ευστρεπτοισιν εὐπλεκτοις 201
βοεῦσιν ἵμασιν : λαβρον : πολυν 293
επαιγιζοντα επιπνεοντα
αγυΐαι : at οδοι : ουρωι ἀνεμωι 296, 297
Ηλιδα Hits πολις ah ns καὶ ἡ χωρα 298
ορμαινων διανοουμενΐ wl] 300
αλοιη καταληφθειη
δορπειτην εδειπνησία»]} δυικ(ως) goa
Col. XIII.
[πειρητιζων πΊειραν λαμβ[ανἼων
[ενδυκεως φιλοήφρονως
[στ]α[θμωι] ry. επαυλει
πτωχευσων μεταιτησαΐ.]}ν
κατατρυχω καταδαπανῶ
υποθου διηγησαι ὕποδειγμα λεγε
οπασσον πάρεχε
πλαγξομαι πλανηθησομαι
κοτυλὴν γενος ποτηριου λεγεται Se
καὶ κοτυλη παν κοιλον ποτηριον
εκ δὲ τζοἼντου νυν to πινειν λέγει
πυρνον τροφὴν ορεξηι παρασχηι
ἀγγελίην φατιν
μιγείην εγγενοιμην
URS | Bares (Se ee
εἰυ]ξεῖστοι] ευἕεστο[ι ενκατα
βεβριθασιν γεγεμισμεναι εἰσιν
ανειαται ἀδημονει βαρυνεται
adns πλαν[η]ς πλαγκτοσυνης πλανη(ς) 342, 43
ἴσχαναας κατεχεις
ἐκπάγλως ὕπεραγοντως
οδυρεται κλαιει oiled «Ie ελυπησε
αποφθεἼιμενη ἀποθανουσα
oper δεζινων axed Aunt
λευγ[αλε͵ωι χαλεπωι
μετζαλλησαι επι]ζητησαίι
Col. XVII.
πἰερίασαν [
καταλε[ίχθ]αι [
Col. XIV.
[δοιεν π]αρασχοιεν
[ονειατα ? βρωματ]α
δίρωοιμι σἸπουδησαιμι
συνίθε]ο συνκαταθου
[α]}εκητι βουλησει
διακτορου του διαγοντος τας
αγγ[εἤλιας ἡ διατορου και σαφη
worn |||] των λογωι
δρηστοσυνηι δουλιαι
νήησαι καυσαι κατα το υπί )
κεασαι σχισαι
δαιτρευσαι διελειν
Spwcw υπειργουσιν
Col. XVI.
ταυυἸπεπλίωι plaxpay εσ[θη]τα
πίοἸλνηρα[το]ν πολυευκτί ο]ν
[πρ]οΐαλλε εἕαπεστιλλε
[e}ride[ vjopfa}. ἐνδεομαι
aefovor [αυ]ξο[υ]σι
[μ]λιχον προσγενεστατον
χάτεουσι εἰνἼδεονται
πυθεσθαι ἀκουσαι
ἵαινει [ν]}} εὐφραινει[ν]]}
[Sve}rp[abe}ro κ[ατε]πορθηθη
στόλου [oi τ τς ευρ]υ[αγνυια
owomdnOns πολυν owov
[πολυπυρος πολυΐν πυρον εχουσα
[ε]πίχομενος εἴ
225 avewn {.1] αδημονζια 240 δεδασται διανίενεμηται
ανακτορ[ι]ηισ[ι] ταις δεσποτων 307 Opperdns Ορίμενου vos’
cde σῆσσι adyeo[e 399 τρωκται σιναμ[ωροι
αληθῆι [πἸλ[α]νη[θηι 4ο1 αθυρματα maf. jaf
Συριη.[.]..-. aL - -J 403 mavyytja eof
230 Ορτιζγιης] ἡ vuv [Anos προΐτε 404 245 πολυπεπαϊλοι
pov Oprvyva ex{adeuto... .Ἶε ἡπεροπευοῖν
ῥα... GOTEPL. ς Δ ΡΝ στὰ Jens εἐπεφραδε εἴ
περιπληθης ποῖλ....... 7.ς exovoa 405 ληΐστορες [ληιϊσται
εὐβοῖτος .]«.[........ εχ]ουσα 406 wvov τἰιμην
255. euUpyos. .... encase es εἴχουσα [- . Jef
Col. XIX. ‘ Col. XX.
INS rae tae Ἰχητωι[ [ἐντυνοΐνοντο
εν σὰν τεῦ δος 7. on. pol β[οἼτηρίας
[προμολον εβη]σαν 468 εἰσΊπίεριος
[αεσιφροσυνηισι κουφαις διζα]νο[ιαἾις 470 κίατειμι
2856. [vo ημ]αῖς αναβη]σαμενοι αναβιβασαντί(ες) 475 265 οἰδοιποριον᾿
[αντλΊωι [rye αἼντλιαι κηξ yevols] ορνιθ(ων) 479 [
πριατ[ο] ἐὠνησα]το nmevov προσ[η [ov |s 483, 490 υἱπερωιωι
βρωσιν. τίρο]φην [αλ]ωμένος πλανωμί(εν)ος 492 =
Kaddpable}rny κατεκοιμηθησαν 494 μίεμονεν
es Cee evvjas Tas ayKupas 498
On the recto
in the margin between two columns, opposite Col. V of the verso
270 θηησατο
in the upper margin, ‘opposite Col. VI of the verso
Tiraves εἰρηνται οτι τισιν
υπεστησαν wy εποιησαν
275 σκοπιζεσθαι παρα to ua ) σχιζεσθαι
‘bev καὶ τι των ξυλων σ[χι)δαξ
λεγεται οτι κεκοπται
in we margin between two columns, opposite Col. XVII of the verso
die δεν ὦ
280 as 5 Pe a [. +4 .]εν
1. This first column was the first of the roll, being preceded by a blank space considerably broader
than that left between the columns.
9. The explanation of τηὐσίην here as equivalent to μεγάλην seems to be peculiar to this papyrus.
Hesychius says rnicinv' ματαίαν"... τινὲς ἀρχαίαν, ἄλλοι βλαβερὰν ἣ περιβόητον.
II. περιβίαλἼλειν : περιβάλλει stands in the text of Homer; the scholiast quotes the verb in the infinitive.
In connexion with the gloss ὑπερβάλλειν it may be noticed that one MS., M, actually reads ὑπερβάλλει.
14. Cf. Schol. D κουριδίοιο' τοῦ ἐκ παρθενίας γεγαμηκότος.
20. λοχοωσι: λοχόωσιν Lud. The writer was quite careless as to ν ἐφελκυστικόν, as is proved by the
fact that he occasionally offends against the metre, e.g. 1. 96. Other instances where the papyrus disagrees
on this point with Lud. (though sometimes with MS. support) are Il. 66, 156, 158, 214, 216, 226, 247.
21. προθμωι: πορθμῷ Lud. with MSS.
τωι μεταξὺ xtd.: cf. Schol. Β ἡ στενὴ θάλασσα μεταξὺ ᾿Ιθάκης.
26. ovpos: the word should be in the accusative.
31. ayavots: 1, ἀγανοῖσι. For the repetition of the word quoted cf. 1. 194.
43. κατερυΐκ]ηι: so most MSS.; κατερύκει Lud. with F(G)H, &c.
46. The iota adscript is wrongly written.
49. gtpap[O]yvar: so ἘΠ; τραφθῆναι Lud. with FGH, &c. Other variants are ταρφθῆναι, τρεφθῆναι,
and τερφθῆναι.
51. apme[py]ar: ἀμπέμψει FHXU, ἀππέμψει Aristarchus, Lud.
62. μεγαροισιν : μεγάροισι AD, μεγάροις Lud.
70. The text followed by the scholiast probably omitted lines 113-119, there being only one gloss
between lines 109 and 121. Lines 113-119 are omitted in PH and printed in small type by Lud.
73. ews: Telws Lud.
75. Cf. ll, 270-1, note.
81. ἴαλλεν is a mistake for ἴαλλον ; cf. 1. 92.
83. Cf. Schol. D.
84. exdv . . . seems to be another equivalent of κιοιτην, though in that case the line should properly
have been begun further to the right. εκδυίιεν λεγετα]ι δε du{x(ws)], €. g., is a possible reading, though this
scarcely fills the available space.
85. διδιίσκομενος : cf. H? δειδισκόμενος. The papyrus gives some support to Nauck’s conjecture orf δὲ
πάροιθ᾽ ἵππων δειδισκόμενος, δεδισκόμενος vulg.
92. γη[θ]ησεν : 1. γήθησαν ; cf. 1. 81.
93. κιμηλια : this line should have come after |. 88.
104, ποιωμὴν : 1. ποιοίμην.
108. Θεσσαλιας : according to Schol. BHQ Φηραί was in Lacedaemonia.
110. ailoay: ἄεσαν Lud.
115. εξαινετο: ἐξαίνυτο Lud.
120. eyyovos: ἔκγονος Lud.
125. The doubtful A may perhaps be τ (or y), and the word is possibly some form of τέλζελιος or
τελζελιοῦν. Cf. Schol. PV on 1. 231 τέως μέν" ἕως τοῦ τελειωθῆναι τὸν ἐνιαυτόν.
131. ὑψήρεφες, which was first written, is also the reading of FH. ὑψερεφὲς Lud.
133. The derivation of λαοσσόος from σώζειν is derived from Apion; cf. Apoll. Lex. 5.0.
134. odero: ὄλετ᾽ in the Homeric text; cf. 1. 201 nKaxe.
141. The final s of επικευσης has been converted from 4, i.e. επικευσηι was first written.
145. By the superadded syllable -nv a variant πολειτὴν was intended.
146. adevouevos: cf. P ὑπαλευόμενος ; ὑπαλευάμενος Lud. with other MSS. The scholiast seems to have
connected ὕπ᾽ with the foregoing τῶν, as was conjectured by Voss (Randgi. 65); cf. 1. 192.
147. ἐφέσσαι so DJLW; ἔφεσσαι Lud. The ¢ which was apparently added above the line is smudged
and was perhaps purposely erased.
148. κατακτινουσι : κατακτείνωσι MSS., Lud.
164. αλοιη: so Ven. 457, Cobet Misc. Crit. 378; ἁλώῃ Lud.
171. ὑποθου: apparently υποθεὺ was first written and ε was then converted into o. ὑπόθευ vulg.
185. tov diay. τας αγγίεϊλιας: so Apoll. Lex. 58.17. For the alternative explanation ἡ διατοροῦ κτλ.
cf. Schol. E on Od. v. 43 ἣ παρὰ τὸ διάτορος 6 μεγάλως φωνῶν, πλεονασμῷ τοῦ K.
192. Spwow: 1. dpdwor. The scholiast read πάρα δρώωσι like Herodianus and Eust.; cf. P πάρα
dpdwor. παραδρώωσι Lud. Cf. 1]. 146, 228.
212. εξαπεστιλλε is perhaps a confusion of ἐξαπέστελλε and ἐξαπέστζενιλε.
227. The spelling κηδεσσιν, which was first written here, is also found in FU.
228. αληθῆι: i.e. the scholiast read πόλλ᾽ ἔπ᾽ ἀληθῆ. ἐπαληθῃ MSS., Lud. ; cf. 1. 192, note.
245. πολυπεπαΐλοι : 1. πολυπαίπαλοι.
260. Perhaps εὐνας was written twice over (cf. Il. 41, 194); or this line may have been begun
further to the right than usual owing to the papyrus being damaged. xaddpa6[e}rnv in the line above is
very irregularly written.
270-1. This gloss seems to refer to Od. xv. 132, being an alternative to that given in 1. 75 above.
273 sq. For this etymology of Τιτᾶνες cf. Schol. on Hesiod, Theog. 207 ἔμελλον τιμωρίαν τίνειν ὑπὲρ
τῆς τοῦ πατρὸς ὕβρεως. Neither this nor the following note have any apparent connexion with this book
of the Odyssey. λ
275-7. The beginning of this scholium is obscure. σκοπίζεσθαι is an unknown word, but there seems
to be no doubt about the reading; σκο(λογπίζεσθαι is hardly a likely correction. For υπί ) cf. 1. 189;
but the v is here very uncertain, and the curved stroke which we have taken to represent the abbreviation
of = might equally well stand for ἡ. It passes through the initial letter of σχίζεσθαι.
20x18 cm.
LEAF from a vellum book containing a lexicon to Book XI of the Zéad. The two
sides of this leaf, which is rather worm-eaten and faded, cover lines 558-601. To
judge from this remnant the work was a mere vocabulary without such notes as are mixed
with the glosses of the Scholia Didymi, though, as might be expected, the latter are not
infrequently reproduced more or less exactly here. Two similar fragments of Homeric lexica or
collections of glosses on papyrus have been published by Wilcken in St¢zungsberichte der Berl.
Akad. der Wissensch., 1887, pp. 807 sqq. These are both somewhat earlier in date than
the present manuscript, which is of about the seventh century. The hand is a good-sized
upright uncial of the ordinary later Byzantine type.
Recio. Verso.
πΊεδιον 558
θεοει[δης 581
ἴσης ix Dees ᾿επαινυμειΐον 582
[σπουδὴ μετα σἸπουδης 562 δοναξ, [ 584
5 [εξηλασ]σαίν εδιω]ξαν εθνος [πληθος 585
[εκορεσσατο [ἐπλη]σθη 5 κηρα [την συμήφορ[αν
[dopBy]s [7 ]podns ἀλεεινων eee pov
υἱπερθυμοι αἾγαν ενδοξοι 564 nuorev [εφωνησΊεν 586
νυσὶ σοἹντεῖς τι]γρωσκοντες 565 διαπρυσιον ΩΝ 7
το ξυστίοι]σ[ι τοις] δο]ρασι γεγωναῖς ? βοησας]
σακίος οἶπλον το μεδοντες βασίζλεις 587
no apparent reason.
[et py σασκετο]
[θυνε 1
[Apacer lawy
[σακει 7
[παγεν ]
ἴορμενα ]
[προσσω |
[ἐπαυρὴ 1]
[λιλαιομενα 7
[aca 7
[ως ον 1]
[αγλαος 7
[πυκινοισι 1
[wap avrov |
δια παντος
χώρει προεπεμπεν
[eis το μεσον
των οπλωι
οπτως ουν
πλησιον αὐτου
ηκοντισεῖν επεμπὲ
Φαυσιου maida
ονομα, κυριον
νήλεες ἡμαρ
app Avavra
δεμας πυρος
aden ἡμεῖραν
εξ εναντιας
περι Tov Αιαντα
Si[knv πυρος
τίον Νηλεως
Recto. τ. πἼεδιον, which must be a gloss on ἄρουραν, is written in black ink by a second hand.
17. xwpet is for χῶρι, a rare form οἵ χωρίς, The word projects somewhat to the left of the column, for
25. [emavpn]: ἐπαυρεῖν MSS.
Verso. 2. emawvper[ov: ἀπαινύμενον MSS.; cf. Schol. D ἀπαινύμενον' ἀφαιρούμενον.
3. Cf. Schol. D δόναξ' 6 κλάδος.
4. [mAnOos]: cf. 1. 22 below.
15. φευξεσθαι: so L; φεύξεσθ᾽ is the ordinary reading.
19. The accusative is mistakenly written for the nominative.
26. Νηληιον: so some MSS., cf. Schol. T ad loc.
Height 20-3 cm.
Νηλήϊαι is the better reading.
HE following fragmentary scholia on Callimachus, Hymn. ad Artemin, 107 sqq., are
contained on the upper part of a leaf from a papyrus codex.
The vecto is numbered
in the right corner {, the verso in the left corner ἡ, i.e. these two pages were respectively
the seventh and eighth in the book. The handwriting is a large semi-cursive, which we
should place in the fourth century. The scholia are commonly divided off from each other
by double dots. A single point is also used to denote a pause, and diaereses, an elision-
mark, and an angular breathing occur.
The scholia often approximate to though they do not coincide with the published scholia
on Callimachus (which in the notes below we call simply Schol.), and there is clearly a
relationship between them. A peculiarity of the commentary is that it does not always
follow exactly the order of the lines in the text of Callimachus; cf. recto 1-2, 7-10. For
the sake of clearness we print in uncial type the passages cited from the Hymn for comment.
Two slight variations from the ordinary text occur in these quotations.
Recto. .
TIATOC KEPAYNEIOC ἀκρωτήριον ΑρκαδΊιας ο[υτ]ω καλου 109
μενον : THN AE MIAN KEA[AAONTO]C δυνα[μ]εθα 107
εὐπειν To κελᾳδοντίος. .. . emBerov καὶ
λεγειν ποτζαμον Apx[aduas . ..] κυριον : AIM 114
5 ἘΠῚ @PHIKI ope. Θρ[αϊκίης.. ..... Ἴφοροι Ολυμποι
φροντισμα ενδῖ. .7. [- -..«ὐνονςν Ἵμενη : ΤΙΡῪΝ
@10C AKMWN akaparos [Ἡρακλης] Τιρυς yap
πολις Apyous: FAMOC E[CCETAI μνησεται: AKA 138, 143
το KHCIOC λεγεται ἡ ew[........ ] To εν ope
ΣΌΛΩΝ Peed: ΤΥ ΤΩΣ ] αναιτιος ἐστι
[ 24 letters Ἴκμων τιθεις
[ 25. καὶ Je ΔρνυοπίεἸς . 161?
[ we Ὥστον opos
is [ » 9 Ἰελης τινων
[ moo» 7 ζυγον και
[ » oo» 7. εν yap apo
[ 6, 7 μη Sovvale
[ 23.» κ]ελαδοντοῖς
20 24», Το τς
ΤΡ ΑΝ ΕΙΣ Ἴτος᾽ ΠΙΤΙΑΊΝΗ πολις Λακεδαι 112
[MOWOS ty cas aos « 18 . [. Sypjos Αττικὴης
TETPOPYON os... τος 1... CLTYMJPAlIAEC Hare 176, 178
βώτχυκάς ee en ea IP Θεσΐπρωτιας Στυμ
5 φαιον δε opfos.......... | εθνος Σκυθειας
Ἢ δὲ ἱστορίια exer ὡς μελλουσαν θυεσθαι
τὴν ᾿φιγειζειαν ἡ ΑρτΊ]εμι(ς αἹρπαἕασα απηγαγεν
ets Tavpovs [.......... 1{1. [νομενη τῆς Aprepe
Sos tous mw.[........-. ].. n&ev αὐτη ἡ Se I
το φιγενεια ehfados...... PES EA 1{..
εκ τῆς ελεφοίυ
[ση]μειον εἴ
ἢ Ἄρτεμις αἱ
7 γαγειν τα al
15 τοδῃμος πί
προσταξιν af
[δΊαιμονος :. [
[- Ψειδητ. [
Recto. 1. Cf. Schol. Κεραύνιος" λόφος ᾿Αρκαδίας.
2. The alternative explanation of xeAddovros as a participle is not noticed in Schol., which have simply
Κελάδοντος" ποταμὸς ᾿Αρκαδίας.
4-5. Cf. Schol. Αἵμῳ ἔπι ὄρος Opgxns. The rest of line 5 perhaps refers to Callim. H. ad Art, 117
Μυσῷ ἐν Οὐλύμπῳ, upon which Schol. have ἔστι γὰρ καὶ Μακεδονίας.
6. ΦΟΙΒΟΟ ΑΕΘΛΟΝ ΤΟΥ͂ΤΟΝ : τοῦτον ἄεθλον Φοῖβος vulg.
4-8. Cf. the extant scholium Τιρύνθιος ἄκμων" ὁ μὴ καμὼν ἐπὶ τοῖς ἄθλοις Ἡρακλῆς.
g-11. The note on ᾿Ακακήσιος evidently approximated to Schol. ᾿Ακακήσιος" ἀπὸ ὄρους ᾿Αρκαδίας, ἤ, 5 μηδενὸς
κακοῦ παραίτιος ὦν.
13. Perhaps part of ἃ scholium on Θειοδάμαντι in line 161; cf. Schol. ad loc., βασιλεὺς Δρυόπων ὃ Θειοδάμας.
19. The first o of x]eAadovro[s is corrected from «.
Verso, 1. The note on Πιτάνη is in disagreement with Schol. Πιτάνη δέ, πόλις Μακεδονίας.
2. δημ]ος Αττικης clearly refers to Λίμναις in line 172; cf. Schol. Λίμναι, δῆμος ᾿Αττικῆς ἔνθα τιμᾶται ἡ ΓΆρτεμις.
3. ΤΕΤΡΟΓΎΟΝ : τετράγυον vulg.
CTYM@AITAEC κτλ: cf. Schol. Στυμφαλίδες" ᾿Ηπειρωτικαί. Στύμφαι γὰρ χωρίον τῆς ᾿Ηπείρου.
6 544. The story of Iphigenia apparently occupies the remainder of the fragment.
ASHMUNEN. 22°7X 12°5 cm.
HE recto of this papyrus contains a copy of several official letters dated in a.p. 288-289
(No. 187). On the verso is a series of grammatical rules written in a very rude
uncial hand, probably by a schoolboy, at the end of the third or in the early part of the
fourth century. The rules are of an elementary character and often agree almost verbatim
with those found in ancient grammarians whose works are extant. Mistakes of spelling and
construction are not infrequent, some of them being corrected by the writer.
ow at μεν κυριως λεγομεναι ζ aide οἕΐεια βαρεια
περισπωμενὴ δασεια Wry μακρα βραχειίζα τουτων
τον[κ]αι μεν] [.]] 7 ofeva βαρεια περισπωμ[ενὴ χρονι-
[και δε] δυο δα[σἼεια ἡ ψιλη πνευματικαι δε B [paxpa βραχεια
5 av Se] (κατα)γχρηστικως λεγομεναι [le] και σημειων τρεις
ἀποστροφὴ υφεν διαστολη Kal ediav οξεί[ας μεν
ὑπ[ο]δ[εἤειγματος xapw ovov evvovs βαρειαίς} δῖε ovoy.....
περισπωμενὴς ὃ ovov evxos δα[σΊειας οἷον af..... ψιλης
οιο[ν] eros μακρα ovov ὕλη βραχειας ovov ὕδίωρ ἀποστρο
το gms ovov ὡς εφατ᾽ υφεν ovov προς κοτυλη" δίονοφιν
διαστολη Kal ειδιαν ovov ἐμοι ὃ ovopla κλυτὸν Αἱ
. {Sys νηλεειδες :
pepn του λογου ἐστιν κατα μεν τινας θ τίαυτα ovo
μα mpoonyopia μετοχὴ ἀρθρον avtwvuplia κατα
τ δὲ τὴν συμπεφωνημενὴν αγριβη πὶ
ἢ συναιρουσι yap εἰς ἐν τὴν δὲ προσηγορίιαν pero
χὴν ἀῤβῥὸν avi καὶ To ονομα καὶ τὴν μίετοχην και τοῦ
ονομα αποδῖ! εἤϊιδοντες Tour ἐστι κυριοῖν των τὴ
πτωτικὴ κλεισι υποπιπτοντων μερωΐν
20 Ta δε υποπιπτοντα των τὴ πτωτικὴ κλ[ισει ἐστι
τία]δε ονομα Pulendh ε κὶ μετοχὴ apOplov ἀντω
τῶν OVOMLATWMY ἐστιν
νυ]μια ἡουιοῖν ἵτον ἠκεμεν}} τρια κατα [Se τινας
πεντε [ρθη γενικὴ} ἀρσενικον Ondv [ovdere
plo κοινον Kat επικοινον αρσενικον μεν ovr
25 εστιν ov προτασσεται τῆς opOys εὐ[ικηῖς πτωσε
ὡς αρθρον το ὃ οιον ο ἀρισταρτος θηλὺ [δε
ἐστιν ov προτασσεται τῆς ορθης εἰἤικης [πτωσεως
apOpov το ἢ οἱον ἡ Ἐλενη οὐυδετερον Se [eorw ov προτασ
σεται τῆς ορθης ενικης πτώσεως αρθρον το ΤΟ οι
go ον TO παιδειον κοινον Se εστιν ο τας μίεν πτω-
σ[ειῆς εχε[] τας avras υποτασσεται Se αρθροῖις διαφοροις
[ovoy εΠπῖπο]ς βους ονος λιθος καὶ τα ομοια [λέγομεν
γίαρ ο] ἵππος καὶ ἡ ἵππος καὶ o βους καὶ ἡ Bolus καὶ ο ovos
και] ἡ ovos καὶ ο λιθος Kat ἡ λιθος = επικοινζον Se
35 0 δια μειας λεξεως το Se ἀρσενικον καὶ [το θηλυ
σημενει [Se] Se ἐτερῳ των αρθρων προκατίειλημμε
νον ἤτοι ἀρσενικων ἡ θηλυκων Kall
ε.1..[] ovov aeros χελιδων ἡ χεδων. [
2. Ψ of ψιλη corr. 5. x of xpnorixos corr. 12. First ε of -ewdes corr. from ει. 15. 1. ἀκριβη.
16. |. τε for δε. 1g. 1. κλισει. 26. 1. Αρισταρχος. 31. v of υποτασσεται corr. from οἱ. 35. 1. re
for de. 36. 1. σημαινει. 37. 1. ἀρσενικω ἡ θηλυκω. καθ corr. 38. 1. χελιδων. }
‘Lection marks properly so-called are seven, as follows: acute, grave, circumflex, rough, smooth, long,
short. Of these three denote accent, oxytone, barytone, perispome, two quantity (1. breathings) rough,
smooth, two breathings (1, quantity) long, short.
Lection marks improperly so-called . . . are three, apostrophe, hyphen, division into separate words.
An example of the acute accent is εὔνους, grave ..., circumflex edyos, rough breathing .. ., smooth
breathing ézos, long ὕλη, short ὕδωρ, apostrophe ws ear’, hyphen zpos κοτυληΐδονοφιν, division into separate
words ἐμοι ὃ ονομα, κλυτον Aidov ...
‘The parts of speech are according to some nine: noun proper, noun appellative, participle, article,
pronoun; but according to the generally received accurate classification eight, for grammarians combine
noun appellative and noun proper to form one... The declinable parts of speech are as follows, noun
proper, noun appellative, participle, article, pronoun. There are three genders of nouns, or according
to some five, masculine, feminine, neuter, common, and epicene. Masculine nouns have prefixed to the
nominative singular the article 6, as for instance 6 ᾿Αρίσταρχος. Feminine nouns have prefixed to the
nominative singular the article ἡ, as for instance ἡ Ἑλένη. Neuter nouns have prefixed to the nominative
singular the article τό, as for instance τὸ παιδίον. A common noun has the same cases but can take different
articles, such as ἵππος, βοῦς, ὄνος, λίθος and so on. For we can say ὁ ἵππος and ἡ ἵππος, ὁ Bods and ἡ βοῦς, 6
ὄνος and ἡ ὄνος, 6 λίθος and ἡ λίθος. An epicene word expresses both masculine and feminine by one word
but takes exclusively one of the two articles in front, either masculine or feminine . . ., such as derds,
χελιδών, as ἣ χελιδών .. -
1. προσωδιαι εἰἰ is to be supplied before the beginning of the line.
3-4. xpovixat and πνευματικαι should change places.
5. For ζκατα)χρηστικως cf. Bekk. Anecd. Ὁ. 683. 23 τὰ πάθη οὐκ εἰσὶ κυρίως προσῳδίαι ἀλλὰ καταχρη-
10. κοτυληϊδονοφιν : Od. v. 433. The object of the sign connecting ἡ and 8 was to prevent its being read as
πρὸς κοτύλῃ. The hyphen is frequently employed in the Bacchylides papyrus. διαστολὴ κατ᾽ ἰδίαν ( or as it was
pronounced at this time καθ᾽ ἱδίαν, cf. Blass Neutest. Gramm. 16) is the opposite of this, showing that e.g.
ονομακλυτον was to be read as two words ὄνομα κλυτόν.
11. ἐμοι ὃ xtA,: Od. xix. 183.
13. kara μεν τινας 8: only five are stated, four being omitted.
16-17. The dots above the letters signify that they were to be left out.
17-19. The passage from καὶ τὴν μ[ετοχην to μερων is unintelligible as it stands.
20. των after ὑποπίπτοντα is superfluous.
22. yern has been omitted after τρια.
30-34. This definition of common nouns agrees verbally with that found in Bekk. Anecd. p. 846, with
the substitution of γάρ for μέν in line 33.
34-37. Cf. Bekk. Amecd. 1.c. τε (written δὲ by mistake) in 1. 35 and δε in 1. 36 are there omitted.
11°5 x 8-5 cm. PiaTe IV.
FRAGMENT from the bottom of a column, containing the ends of /Had v. 481-495,
written in a good-sized semi-uncial hand which is not later than the second century
nor earlier than the end of the first. The text, as usual, is the vulgate, and the papyrus
does not seem to have been a very careful copy.
481 [kad Se κτηματα πολλα τα τ ελδεται os kK] επιδ[ ευ)ης
[adda καὶ ὡς Λυκίους οτρυνω καὶ μεμοὴν αὐτος}
[ανδρι μαχησασθαι αταρ ov τι μοι ενθα]δε το[ ον
ἴοιον κ ne φεροιεν Αχαιοι ἡ κεν αγζοιεν]
485 [τυνη ὃ εστηκας αταρ] ovr αλλοίζσι κελευει[ς
[λαοισιν μενεμεν Kale ἀμυνεμεναι wperow
[μη πὼς ws αψισι λιΐνου adovre παναγρου
[ανδρασι δυσμενεεσσῖιν chop kale] κυρμα γενησθε
[οι Se ταχ ἐκπερσουσ εν νεομενὴν πολιν υμὴν
yoo [σοι Se χρὴ ταδὲ παντ]α μελει νυκτας τε καὶ Nap
[αρχους λισσομενω] τηλεκλειτων επικουρων
[νωλεμεως εχεμεν] κρατερὴν ὃ ἀποθεσθαι ενειπὴν
[ws φατο Σαρπηδων) Saxe δὲ φρενας Ἑκτορι μυθος
[αυτικα ὃ εξ οχεων συν τευχεσιν αλτο χαμαζε
495 [παλλων 8 οἕεα Sovpa] κατα στρατον wixero παντὴι
485. ovr: οὐδ᾽ MSS.
486. wpecow: ὥρεσσι some MSS. Others λαοῖσι.
489. νεομενὴν is for ναιομένην.
490. 1. μελειζν») with MSS.
492. The scribe seems to have written xarepnyv and then inserted the p. 1. ενιπὴν.
11-2 xX 14 cm, Pirate V (Recto).
ART of a leaf out of a vellum book containing Odyssey xv. 161-181 and 189-210 with
some lacunae, the ink also being much faded. The handwriting is a carefully formed
cursive of the late third or fourth century, so the fragment is one of the earliest extant
pieces of a vellum MS. Iota adscript is sometimes written. Stops, accents, breathings, and
marks of elision and quantity are occasionally found. In the upper margin of the vecto
is the number of the page, 261. The text, as usual, is the vulgate. Our collation is with
the edition of Ludwich.
161 [averos apynv xnva φερων ονυΐχεσσι πέλωρον
[ἡμερον εξ alvdr[s οἱ 8 ιυζοντες] erovro
[avepes ἡ]δε γυναιΐκ[ες ο Se σφισιν εγγύθεν ελθίων
[δεξιος η]ίξεν προσθ ἐπΐπων οἱ Se ιἸδόντες
165 [γηθησα]ν και πᾶσιν en φρεῖσι θῆυμος {α]νθη"
[τοισι δὲ] Νεστορίδης Πεισίστρατος] ρχετο μύθων
[φραζεο] δη Μενέλαε διοτρεφές όρχαμε λαῶν
[ἡ vw] τοῦ έφηνε Διος τερᾳς ne σοι αὐτῶ
[ws] φάτο μερμηριξε δ᾽ ἀρηιφιλος Μενέλαος
το [o}rmws οἱ κατα μοῖραν υποκρίναιτο νοήσας
τον ὃ Edevn τανυπεπλος υποφθαμενὴ φατο [μυθον
κλῦτε μοι αὐταρ eyw μυθησομαι ws er θυμω
αθαϊν]ατοι βαλλουσι Kat ws τελεεσθαι οἵω
ws οδὲ χὴν ἥρπαξ᾽ ατιταλλομενὴν evi ovKw
[ελΊθων εξ όρεος of ov γενεὴ [τε] τοκος τε
ὡς Ὀδυσεὺς κακα πίολ]λα πα]θων και πολλ επαληθεις
οίκαδε νοστησει [και τιΐσεται ne και ἤδῃ
οἴκοι arap μ[νηστηρ])σι κακον [π]άντείσσι φυτευει
τὴν ὃ av Τηλζεμαχος π]επνυμ[εἶνος ἀντιον ηζυδα
ovrw ψῖυν Zevs θειη εἸριγδοῖνπος] πίοσις ρης
[τ]ὼ [κεν τοι καὶ Kew} θεῳ [ws ευχετοωμὴν
7 lines lost.
ἣμος ὃ ηριγένει[α φανη ροδοδακτυλος ως
urmous τε ζεύγίνυντ ava θ᾽ αρμῆατᾳ [ποικιλ εβαινον
εκ ὃ ἐλασαν πρίοθυροιο κα]. αἰθο]ύσσης [εριδουπου
μάστιγξεν ὃ ελίααν τω] ὃ οὐκ άκοντε πείΐτεσθην
αιψα ὃ [εἤπειθ {κοντ]ο Πύλου αὐπυ πτολίεθρον
καὶ Tote Τηλεμαχος προσεφώνεε Néo[ropos viov
Νεστορίδη πὼς κεν μοι ὑποσχόμενος [τελεσειας
μυθον εμόν ἕεινοι Se διαμπερὲς ευχομεῖθ evar
εκ πατέρων φιλότητος αταρ Kat ομήλικες ἐιμεν
nde δ᾽ οδος Kat μάλλον ομοφροσύνηισι ενησει
μή με παρ εἕ dye νηα διοτρεφές adda um’ αὐτου
μὴ μ᾽ ο γέρων ἀέκοντα κατάσχη Ge en όικω
ἴεμενος φιλέειν ene Se χρεω θασσον ικέσθαζι
ὡς φάτο Νεστορίδης ὃ ap ed συμφράσσαϊτο] θυμῶ
οππῶως οἱ κατα μοῖραν ὑποσχόμενος τελεσειεν
ὡδε δὲ ot φρονέοντι δοάσσατο κέρδιον εἰναι
στρεψ᾽ ἵππους em. νῆα [θο͵ην και θῖνα θαλάσσης
νηΐ δ᾽ ἐπι πρύμνη εξαίν[υτ]ο κάλλιμα δῶρα
εσθῆτα χρυ[σο]ν τε τα οἱ Μ[ενέϊλαος ἔδωκεν
και μιν εποτρ[υνων ἔπεα [πτεροεῖντα προσήυδα
[σπουδὴ νυ]ν alvalBawe κεζλευε τε παντΊ]ας εταιρους
πριν ene οικαδ txeo Oar [απαγγειλαι τε γέρο]ντι
164. nligev: ἤιξε L(udwich) with most MSS. ηιξε U.
168. Aws: θεός L. with all MSS. except the first hand of U which has διός.
172. pot: so Porph. gu. 71. 273, 7. μευ MSS., L.
101. αἰθούσσης: so H. αἰθούσης L. with most MSS.
192. μάστιγξεν : μάστιξεν MSS., L.
198. ομοφροσύνηισι: ὁμοφροσύνῃσιν MSS., L.
207. ἔδωκεν: ἔδωκε MSS., L.
6-3x 4:8 cm. Pirate V (Verso).
RAGMENT of a vellum codex containing parts of δ 1 and 5 of Demosthenes’
Second Philippic. The speech begins on the verso, at the top of which is written
the title of the book. The leaf no doubt originally contained two columns of writing, each
column having an average of about twenty-six lines; the column of which part is preserved
on the vecfo would then have been the fourth of the speech. The fragment has been cut from
the leaf on the right and left, and the upper edge is notched; at the bottom it has been
torn, not cut. The handwriting is an upright calligraphic uncial, which may well be as early
as the fourth century. Accents, square breathings, stops, and marks of elision are occasionally
added. These and the marginal and interlinear insertions seem all to be due to the original
scribe, except the addition above line 5 of the vecto which is certainly later.
Verso. Recto.
“« Φιλιππου B- γεθος δυναμε κῖ
οταν w ανδρες Αθη ετι πορρωτερω λὴ
vatot λογοι γιγνων ce πανθ᾽ pas μη Ϊ
ται περι wy Φιλιπ δ᾽ επιστησεται pe WD
5 πος πραττει και βι γεθΊος δυναμε 5°
ὡς προς ἣν OVd av
αζεται παρα τὴν εἰ 5 P 5 τ δ αὐ
ρηνὴν ae. τους v ταιραι ὀννῃσομε sakes
bes θα: ovx’ 6 avros tpo ὃυν
περ ἡμῶν doyous πος οσπερ προτε -[
και δικαίους καὶ φι 10 ρον του βουλευε
το λανθρωπους opw σθαι: adda και τοις
Verso 1. The title, κ(α)τ(ὰ) Φιλίππου β, is placed at the beginning of the speech; οἵ, 14.
8. The variant ὑμῶν is not otherwise recorded.
Recto 1. The syllables inserted in the margin yeOos dvvaye were intended to be supplied at the end
of line 5 where they were inadvertently omitted. κ' stands for xarw, i.e. ‘insert below,’ and the point of
omission is marked by the sign in the right margin opposite line 5; cf. Amh. Pap. I. 1. col. III. 17, &c.
2. π, added in a large, and perhaps different, hand above the end of the line, appears to be the
number of the page. r
3. wav’: so pr. S pr. L pr. A; πάντας vulg., πάντα Blass).
mas: om. B, with Y Liban. Dionys. The marginal #[ probably represents a variant ὑ[μᾶς; cf.
verso 8,
5. The originally omitted syllables ye@os δυναμε, after having already been supplied in the upper
margin, have also been inserted above the line by a later hand.
avraipat: a mis-spelling for ἀντᾶραι, which is apparently corrected in the marginal entry.
XXV. ISOCRATES, Πρὸς Δημόνικον.
20X 15°5 cm. Puate III.
N incomplete column written in a semi-uncial hand of the latter part of the first or the
beginning of the second century a.p., containing §§ 50-53 of Isocrates’ oration Πρὸς
Δημόνικον. The following column contained the conclusion of the discourse and the title,
of which only one or two letters are preserved.
On the verso is part of an account, much obliterated.
Gok 1.
μηδεν Se ᾧ 50
των τυχοντω]ν διαφ[ερονἾτας εἰκοτως
orov γίαρ Tlovs τωι hoyolt] μονον ψευδο
μενους αποδοκιμαΐζομεν ἢ που γε
5 Tous τωι βιωι παντι ελαττουμενους dav
λους εἰναι φησομεν δικαιως ὃ αν τους ᾧ δι
τοιουτους υπολαβοιμεν μὴ μονον
[εἰς] avrovs ἀμαρτανοντας ahha καὶ τῆς
TUXNS προδοτας εἰναι ἡ μεν yap αὕὅτοις
το [χ]ρ[ηματ]α και δοξαν καὶ φιλους ενεχει
ρισεν οἱ δε σφας avror{s] αναξιους της Up .]} Col. I
[mapxovons ευδα)ιμονιας κατεστησαν 3 vr
[ev Se] See θἤνητον olyra τὴν τίω]ν θεων § 52 = [
[o}roxac{alo[Par διαΐνοιας yyoupar κακει
τ [vous [emt] [ous ο]ικειοτατοις μαλιστα Sy
holo ]ar πως εχουσι προς Tous φαυλους
. καὶ τους σπουδαίους των γονεωΐν] Ζευς
yap Ἡρακλεα και Τανταλον [γ]εννίη σας ὡς
ὡς ot μυθοι λεγουσι και πανῖζες πιστευ
20 over τον μεν δια τὴν ἀρετὴν [abalva
τον εποιῆσε τον δε δια τὴν κα[κει]α[ν]
[τ]αὺς μεγισταις τειμωριαζι)ς εκοίλα]σεν
ous δεζι) παραδειγμασι xpopedvolus o ᾧ 53
ρεγεσθα[ι] της καλοκαγαθιας καὶ μὴ po
25. νὸν τοῖς vp ἡμῶν ἀκα τὴν εἰρη
μενοις ἀλλα καὶ των ποιη[τ]ων τα
βελτιστα μανθανειν καὶ των αλίλων
σοφιστων εἰ τι χρησιμ[ον] ειρηκασιν
5. Before φαύλους, ov has been omitted by mistake.
8. αμαρτανοντας : ἁμαρτάνειν MSS.
Il. E
9. mpodoras εἰναι: εἶναι προδότας MSS.
13. 1. τῆς for την.
16. ς φαυλο has been rewritten.
17. τῶν ἀνθρώπων MSS. There is not room for [πων] in the lacuna.
18-19. ws is written twice over by mistake.
25. 8 and a placed above euper[e|w and εἰρημένοις means that the order was to be transposed ; cf.
Pap. Oxy. I. 16, Col. I. 26. εἰρημένοις ἐμμένειν MSS.
Height 25-8 cm. Piate I (Frontispiece).
WO consecutive columns, containing the eleventh, sixteenth and seventeenth fables
of Babrius, accompanied by a Latin translation. The papyrus may be assigned to
the end of the third or early part of the fourth century. The Latin version, which in
each case precedes the Greek, is extraordinarily bad, giving the impression of having been
composed by a person who knew very little Latin, and copied by another who knew less.
The corruption in line 25, for instance, is easily accounted for by unintelligent copying.
Forms like frestigiatur (1. 5), dabbandam (1. 30), and sorsus=m)dypys (1. 31) are however less
easily laid to the copyist’s charge ; and for the many eccentricities of accidence and syntax
the responsibility must to a great extent rest with the translator. But in spite of such
shortcomings in this part of the text, the script both of the Latin and Greek sections—
which there can be little doubt were written by the same person—though having no pretensions
to a literary character is nevertheless very fair, and the writer can hardly have been in the
early stages of his education.
The Greek text is moderately accurate, but is clearly inferior to that of the unique
manuscript in the British Museum (A/¢hous), from which it offers several minor variations
(cf. the collation given below). But if the positive contributions from this new witness
are insignificant, it possesses an interest in carrying the tradition so many stages further back,
and showing, for instance, that the form of the eleventh fable, which Crusius suspects of
compression, and βαλόντος in line 5, which various editors have emended, are as old as the
fourth century. That some at least of the metrical epimythia of the fables are of the same
antiquity is also a valuable fact, for which we are indebted to the Latin version (Il. 32 sqq.).
A further feature of interest in the papyrus is the order of the fables, which, while differing
from that of the Athous, is based on a similar principle. The three fables here preserved
stand respectively seventeenth, sixteenth, and eleventh in the Athous: but they all begin
with the letter A. -This can hardly be accidental, and therefore the alphabetical arrangement,
which is also found in the paraphrases of Babrius, if not likely to be original is at any rate
extremely ancient. It will be observed that fables sixteen and seventeen are run together,
and for the purposes of the Latin translation treated as one.
The few additions and corrections that have been made in the text of the papyrus are
by the original hand. A mark of elision is twice written (1. 11), and diaeresis is occasionally
used; but these are the only lection signs employed.
Col. I.
luppus autem auditus anucellam uere dictu{m
putatus m[a]nsit quasi parata cenaret
dum puer quidem sero dormisset
ipse porro esuriens et luppus enectus yer[e
rediuit frigiti(s) spebus frestigiatur
luppa enim eum coniugalis interrogabat
quomod[o njihil tulitus uenisti s[i]cut sole[bas
et ille [dix]it quomodo enim quis mylieri cr[edo.
athoupos ορνιν οἰκιης ενεδρείνων
κορυκος oa πασσαάλω απηρτηθη
tov δ᾽ ed ἀλεκτωρ πινυτος ανκυϊλογλωχιν
καὶ ταῦτ εκερτομησεν ofv φωνησίας
πολλοὺς μεν oda θυλακους daly δὴ
ovdets οδοντας εἰχεν μειζον αἰλουρίου
αγροικος ἡπειλησε νηπιω τιτθη κλαίζοντι
σιγα pn σε τω λυκω ριψω
λυκος ὃ ἀκουσας τὴν τε ypavy αληθυειν
νομισας εμεινεν ὡς ετοιμα δειπνησων
εὡς 0 παῖς μεν εσπερας εκοιμηθη
autos δὲ πινων καὶ χανὼν λυκος οντος
ἀπηλθε ψυχραις ελπισιν ενεδρευσας
Cok. -FI;
λυκαινα ὃ avrov ἡ συνευνος ἡρωτα
πως οὐδὲν ηλθες apas ws πριν ειωθεις
ο ὃ
κακεινος evre{v} πως yap os γυναικι πιστευ]ω
bulpecula inionfortunam binearisq[ue h]ort[isque
peregrina uolens circomitti quis saeui[tia
codam su[c]census et linei quidem a[lli]gatus
sinuit ful[ge]re [h]anc speculator genius malus
infra aruras missuro procedebat
ignem babbandam erat autem tempus sectilis
et pulcheri fructus spaearum sorsus
7 2 P ets
oportet ergo serenae magis aut inequa irasci
| nec uidit eius ariis Cereris
est quidam ira ultricis quem custodiamus
ipsismet ipsis nocentiam ferentes animosali[bus
ahalre|k εχθραν ἀαμπελ[ου] τε καὶ κηπίο]ν
E 2
al |
16 2
[ξεν] θελησας mepiBarduv τις a]ixern
[την κερκον αψας και Awov τι [π]ρ[οσδησα]ς
ἀφηκε φευγειν τὴν ὃ επισκοπος [δαιμἼων
49 εἰς Tas apoupas του βαλοντος ὠδηγέι
τὸ πυρ φερουσαν nv’ δε ληΐων apy
και καλλεικαρπος ελπιδων πληρης
ovd εἰδεν avrov τὴν atwa δημητηρ
4. « of uerle corr. from δὴ 16. v of Ave corr. 23. εἰς Of ειωθεις corr. 24. In κακεινος
t seems to have been erased after κα. 25. @ in -tenam written over another a. 29. 2 of infra
corr. 32. Second ¢ of oportet corr. from ὁ. 39. First o in emtoxomos corr.
4. τ in wer[e has apparently been converted from ¢ or ὁ; but the traces of the substituted letter are
fainter than those of that which it is supposed to have replaced.
5. frestigiatur: perhaps wuestigiatus was meant, though no verb westigior occurs. frestigiatur can
hardly have been evolved from iusidiatus. Blass suggests praestigiatus, which is much nearer to the
papyrus, but not a translation of the Greek.
9. ορνιν: ὄρνεις A(thous).
10, κορυκος οἰα: ὡς θύλακός τις A. κορυκος is for κώρυκος (= θύλακος) but κώρυκος ofa does not scan.
πασσαλω: πασσάλων must be read, with A.
14. ovdeis: οὐδεὶς δ᾽ A.
μειζον : ζῶντος Α.
15. κλαιζοντι has become detached from the following line.
16, σιγα: παῦσαι A.
17. λυκὸος ὃ: 6 λύκος 8 A.
19. eomepas: cf. 1. 36 εχθραν. ἑσπέρης A.
20. πινων : πεινῶν A.
χανων λύκος : λύκος χανὼν A., whose order is confirmed by the Latin translation as well as by the
ovtos is for ὄντως ; cf. 1. 10 Kopuxos.
21. woxpais: cf. the Latin frigiti{s) (1. 5); νωθραῖς A. ψυχραις is of course impossible after ἀπηλθε
on metrical grounds, though ψυχραις ἀπηλθεν would be unobjectionable. But A.’s reading is probably sound.
evedpevoas: παρεδρεύσας A., rightly.
23. ἤλθες apas: A. gives the correct order, ἄρας ἦλθες ; cf. too the Latin (1. 7).
ειωθεις : εἰώθης A., which is followed by Crusius. In the papyrus the letter first written after 6 seems
to have been o or a, which was afterwards altered to es or ts.
24. κακεινος : ὁ ὃ, which is here written above the line, is the reading of A. κακεινος makes the line
a foot too long. ,
25. 1. uulpeculam infortunam ot importunam. m or on could be read instead of or before s¢unam.
ὦ for u reappears in the next word, dinearis.
26. saeuiltia is very doubtful. The first letter may be ¢; but calamitate is not likely.
30. babbandam = φέρουσαν, but no verb babbare is known. woluentem suggests itself, but this is
rather far removed from babbandam.
31. spacarum is for sperum, sorsus is a curious rendering of πλήρης ; the letters are clearly enough
written. ;
The critical sign below this line means that the mec uidit, &c., which was originally omitted and then
inadvertently added in the wrong position, should be inserted here. There is a corresponding mark in
front of mec.
32. 1. serene. . . inique.
33. 1. areas Ceres.
35: ipsismet ipsis may be a mistake for mobismet ipsis or ipsismet ipst. The small fragment con-
taining the lower parts of the letters sis of ipsismet was placed slightly too far to the left when the
facsimile was made.
35. εχθραν: so A.; ἐχθρήν Crusius,
apned[ov] τε καὶ κηπ[ο]υ: ἀμπέλων... κήπων A, The shortness of the space between A and τε in the
papyrus makes ἀμπελοὺυ more probable than ἀμπελων, and the former is confirmed by the following κηπ[ο]ν.
In the Latin version the plural seems to have been intended,
37. αἼικειη : αἰκίῃ A.; the spelling of the papyrus is correct.
40. Badovros: so A.; cf. the Latin missuro (line 29). A.’s reading has been commonly condemned.
and variously emended, e.g. βλαβόντος (Ahrens, Crusius), λαβόντος (Halm). The papyrus shows that the
corruption, if it be a corruption, is at least a very old one,
42. This line is defective. A. has καὶ καλλίπαις ἀμητός which there is no ground for questioning. The
καλλίελικαρπος of the papyrus (cf. the Latin version, line 31) looks like a gloss on καλλίπαις,
43. awa: ἅλωνα A.
13:8 x 29 cm. 5th or 6th century A.p. Plate VI.
HE lower part of a broad column, including some complete lines, containing Latin legal
matter, perhaps part of a literary work. In line 9 occurs a date . . . Consé[antino?]
C(aesaribus) consul(tbus), and in the line following there is apparently a reference to Caracalla.
The papyrus is in bad condition, and of the first 8 lines only a few letters are here and
there legible, which we have not thought it worth while to print. Even in the better pre-
served part below the light brown ink is often very faded and illegible. The upright, half-
uncial handwriting is of a similar type to that of the Oxyrhynchus Vergil fragment (Pap.
Oxy. I. 31), and may be referred to approximately the same period. Some abbreviations
occur; and both double and single points are used. :
It is to be observed that the writing is at right angles to the fibres of the papyrus, and
that therefore this manuscript was written continuously, not divided up into columns. There
is, we believe, no extant example of a lengthy literary work having been written in such
a manner, and this fact creates the presumption that the roll from which this fragment came
was not a very large one. But the conclusion is by no means necessary. A roll which the
reader opened vertically instead of horizontally would have been perfectly convenient, and
the Byzantine fashion of writing long contracts in this manner may very well have been
extended to literary compositions.
Vestiges of 8 lines.
Ena ] debere ... [9 letters] . pat . Gd. . bus fiet ac...*.. Comst[........ 7 ὃς gsul: hdtop. h[
ἘΚ einai Aurelio Seuer[o] . [.]..¢..e rescripto m........ se .... ationibus impetratum [
si contra reum narratio falsi eligitur * posse nocere constat: neque litem institutam
diu trahi iura [pe]rmittunt " si quidem contra eum etiam qui post litem institutam desti
tit - huiusm[o]di passis quaestionem ¢... gperies tuo destitutori a ...r.9.s ¢consulan
tur: propter quod aditus rector prouinciae pro.e.... tore... are.[........ Vs rogen|. -
15 litem institutam aut de[..]..meg...ro saepe constitutum ...C...........0..
repete po.n.inonil..[...].... ast... x .t de extraordinariis iudiciis ............
nondum actionem ... [..]. dit: agere....Qcom....en..... [
traces of 5 more lines.
9. The supposed t of fat is raised rather above the line. diebws cannot be read.
10. Perhaps rationibus or even narrationibus ; cf. line τι.
16. Above the t of #. Ζ is a short vertical mark, which might signify an abbreviation.
17. Between this line and the lower edge of the papyrus are a variety of marks which’seem to: be
ink, and may be due to blotting. If there were more lines of writing below 1. 17 it is hardly possible that
they could have become so effectually effaced that no single letter is decipherable.
55x 53cm. (Frag. c). 4th or 5th century a.p. Plate VI (recto).
HREE small fragments, which we have not succeeded in fitting together, from a leaf
of a papyrus codex. So far as the scanty evidence admits of a judgement, the subject
is of a legal character. Palaeographically these fragments are of interest, offering another
example of the mixed sloping hand found also in the Vienna fragment of the Formula
Fabiana, the Paulus fragment in Gr. Pap. II. 107, and the Bodleian Chronicle of Eusebius.
The resemblance to the handwriting of the Vienna fragment, ascribed to the 4th century
(facsimile in MWitthel. Pap. Erz. Rainer, IV. ad fin.), is especially striking.
(a) recto. Verso.
fjacile iura d[
715. animis ra
libertat[i] si op[
- mmato em[
der. τ. m . enasuic[
1. sin... [... Inf
5 Ts ἀδῦϊετο PE Ai a ὗν σ
(b) recto. : verso.
]t pro ον
Jetia ποτα
Jest ina [
hea ; iol. ee
5 lori meri[
]sta xistim[
ἢ" μι : tral
qu. .
(c) recto. verso.
i tee | 71. d[. . . tJungi-[
7. origi[n . 7π| ]garinpot . . tabe . [
7. temporis quo τα Jmmo den[....].[
Jt intellegat qui d[ Jntur rle]digere . [
5 Jerit consortii re[ 5 |tudinis portare[
] cospectum quodi[ |= rat[iJonal[
7. lira quam [ Jui. [-]s iussos [
tum ut den[ ]..n..riglo. [
7 maius et tam[
22x 12cm. About B.c. 250. Prater VII.
st deers papyrus contains part of a series of extracts from royal ordinances. Both the style
of the language and the character and date of the handwriting, which is a fine
semi-uncial of the middle of the third century s.c., strongly resemble the Revenue Papyrus,
especially Cols. Ixxxvi-cvii, and it is tempting to suppose that it actually formed part of the
series of rolls which composed that unique document. But it certainly does not join on to
any of the extant fragments of the Revenue Papyrus. Not only is the texture of the papyrus
somewhat thicker, but the arrangement of the sections, of which two are headed ἄλλο μέρος
τοῦ αὐτοῦ and a third begins with the common formula introducing part of a πρόσταγμα,
_ βασιλέως προστάξαντος, is different from the scheme of the Revenue Papyrus, so that after
all the connexion between the two may be confined to the internal resemblance.
The sense of the fragment is difficult to recover. Apparently the principal subject is the
regulation of markets, and in the πρόσταγμα in lines 20, sqq. soldiers are mentioned, but it
is not clear whether they are referred to in the preceding paragraphs. The 24th year
occurring in line 6 is no doubt that of Philadelphus, and the papyrus was written probably
not much later than that date.
ἘΠ ΤΣ 7 μὴ ἀποδεδω[κ]ὼς τοῖς στ
fe Re a δ]εκαπλοῦν περὶ δὲ τῶν yf
Laie tox νῷ 7 αὐτῶν διαγνώσεται τῶν δε
Dis anse' ahaha Ἵν ἐν ταῖς γ ἡμέραις evr. . [
5 [. aixtine fae Ἵν αὐτῶν τὰ ὀνόματα διαδυΐ
[πρὸ ἀνὲν 7 λογιστήριον. (ἔτους) κὃ.[
[ἄλλο μέρος το]ῦ αὐτοῦ.
χα λ]άβωσιν τὰ σύμβολα τί
δ ν Τὸ 7. ημάτων καὶ τῶν ἀγορῶν [
το ΓΝ Jara καὶ τὸν οἶνον καὶ τὰ.....
[....].€s ἄλλαι ἀγοραὶ συντασῖ
Reyes Jos ἂν ἐξενέγκωνται τί
δ τον λυ τὰ π]ενθήμερον τὰ δὲ ὀθόνια
ἄλλο μέρος τοῦ αὐτοῦ.
15 μηδὲ συναγοραζέτωσαν μήτε α[ὐτοὶ μήτε οἱ
ε ’ 5» nr id 5 ’
ὑπηρέται αὐτῶν παρευρέσει μηδεμζίαι,
ε y tle & , > ,
οἱ τοιοῦτόν τι πράσ[σονἾτες ἀποτισάτωϊσαν
ἀργυρ[(ου] (τάλαντα) γ καὶ ὁ βασιλεὺς περὶ αὐϊτῶν διαγ-
20 βασιλέως προστάξαντος. Tov εν
ἀγορῶν τοῖς στρατιώταις καὶ τί
τὰς σιταρχίας μὴ ἔστω μηθένα [
ova... ὑπηρετῶν μηδ
ΕΣ ΕΣ ἥγο mpay ματευομένωϊν
is { το letters ᾽ν ἀλλὰ τὸ διδί
[ 2: » 71... ἐκ τοῦ [
4. διαγνώσεται: the subject is probably the king; cf. 18-19.
13. d0dr[ta: the tax connected with ὀθόνια was the subject of Part E of the Revenue Papyrus; cf. p. 175
of Grenfell’s edition.
Dif. 32°3 X 22°5 cm. Second century B.c.
N official report giving an account of an inquiry held concerning the ownership of a house
at Socnopaei Nesus. The present occupier of this was a priestess of Socnopaeus and Isis
called Thembos, but the ownership of it was claimed by Tesenouphis, a priest of the same
temple, on the ground that his father Marres had bought the house some time previously
from the father (or grandfather) of Thembos. The result of the inquiry was to vindicate
the claim of Tesenouphis, proof being adduced that Marres had actually been the proprietor
of the house ‘before the war, and that the contracts relating to his ownership had been
destroyed during the disturbances.
The papyrus is one of a large find made in the temple at Dimé. The other Greek papyri
are 10, 33-35, 40-43, 55-62, and 161-164; and there were also many demotic documents which
are now in the possession of Mr. F. Ll. Griffith, The earliest date found in the Greek papyri
is the second year of Philometor (42), the latest the forty-first of Euergetes II (162). Within
this period of fifty years falls the present document, and Tesenouphis is probably identical
with the Tesenouphis in 88. 5, and Marres his father with the Marres son of Pechusis mentioned
in 42 and 48, and perhaps 55. The ‘war’ most likely refers to the revolt in the Thebaid,
instigated by Dionysius (Fr. Hist. Gr. II. pp. viii, sqq.) about 8.c. 165, which may well have
extended to the Fayim. The burning of title-deeds by the ‘Egyptian rebels’ (line 34) was
probably directed largely against the Greek settlers, though the sufferer in this case was an
Egyptian. The causes of the quarrels between the two nationalities are illustrated by 40.
The papyrus is written in a large very cursive hand in two columns, of which the first
has lost the beginnings of lines. The Greek is unusually poor, judged by a comparison with
other official documents of this century. On the verso is a demotic account.
Col. I. Col. II.
[ 15 letters Ν]είλου πόλει rovgwxparer τοὺς ἐκ τῆς κώμης πρεσ-
fi 0 iain ἐμφανι]σμὸν Τεσενούφιος βυτέρους, προσεμαρτύρουν
[Μαρρείους τῶν ἀπὸ] Σοκνοπαίου Nygo{v) 25 τὸν Tod Τενεσούφιος Μαρρῆν
[ἱερέων Σοκνοπαίο]υ θεοῦ μεγάλου καὶ πατέρα κατεσχηκέναι
5 [Ἴσιος Νεφορσῆτος κ]ατὰ Θεμβῶτος τὸν οἰκίαν πρὸ τοῦ πολέμου.
a Re Oy eae 7. «τρήτιος τῶν ὁμοίως καὶ Κονδύλου ἑνὸς
[ἀπὸ τῆς αὐτῆς ἱερ]ειῶν δι’ οὗ προφέροφερ}εται τῶν ἁλιείων, προσεμαρτύρει
[τὸν ἑαυτοῦ πατέρα Μ]αρρῆν ἠγορακέναι 30 ἔχειν τὰς τοῦ πατρὸς τοῦ
[οἰκίαν παρὰ . ατρήτ]ιος τοῦ προγεγρ[α]μμένουν Τεσενούφιος συνγραφὰς τῆς
το [ 15 letters 7.λιν ἐν τοῖς ἔμπροσ- δηλουμένης οἰκίας καὶ ἐν τῆι
[θεν χρόνοις, ἐν δὲ rH] γενῃμένηι ταραχῆι πόλει ἠναγκάσθην ὑπὸ
[ 1g letters Ἰαμμένων [...... 1 τῶν Αἰγυπτίων ἀποστατῶν
[ 13. ,, τὴν] δηλουμένην οἰκίαν 345. ἐνέγκαι τὰς συνγραφὰς
[ ts 7 μοι ἐὰν ἦι ofa γράφω καὶ ταύτας κατακαῦσαι.
τ [ 12. “ἢ τῆς οἸϊκίας. τῆς [δ]ὲ προ- ἐγ δὲ τοιούτων φανερὸν
[γεγραμμένης Θεμβῶτος] προσκληθείσῃς ἡμῖν γεγονέναι εἶναι
[4614 letters ρᾳ γυνὴ διὰ τὸ τὸν τὴν οἰκίαν Μαρρέους τῶι τοῦ
[πόλεμον γεγονέναι καὶ af. .Jov γενομένου “0 Τεσενούφιος πατρός. παρηγγεΐ-
[ 19 letters 1εψ.1ε. . cos καὶ ἡ γυ- λαμεν τῆι Θεμβῶτος
ὅδ! [νὴ ἘΔ 08 Ἱμένου ἐκχωρεῖν ἐκ τῆς οἰκίας,
[ 11 |. μματων μέχρι μὲν ἣ καὶ ἡμέρας αἰτοῦσα
[ 1 ἔφη ἐκχωρήσειζν) ἐκ τῆς
45. οἰκίας ἐν ἡ[μ]έραις i.
11. 1. γενομένηι or γεγενημένηι. 27. 1. τήν for τόν. 43. nvay corr. from ave. 39. 1. τοῦ for τῶι.
41. 1. Θεμβῶτι. :
‘(We received) the declaration of Tesenouphis son of Marres, a priest at Socnopaei Nesus of the great god
Socnopaeus and Isis Nephorses, against Thembos daughter of . . . atretis,a priestess of the same village, in
which he sets forth that his father Marres had bought a house from the aforesaid . . . atretis . . . long ago,
and that in the revolt which took place . . ., praying that “if my statement is right, she shall vacate the
house.” The aforesaid Thembos having been summoned to appear, . . . (we examined) the village elders.
They gave further evidence that Marres the father of Tesenouphis had become owner of the house before
the war. Likewise Condylus, one of the fishermen, having been summoned, gave evidence that he had had
I. F
the contracts of Tesenouphis’ father concerning the house in question and “I was compelled at the metropolis
by the Egyptian rebels to bring the contracts and burn them.” From this it became clear to us that the
house belonged to Marres the father of Tesenouphis; accordingly we ordered Thembos to vacate it, and
she making a request for time consented to vacate it within ten days.’
I. The division of words in the first line is obscure. No known name of a nome ends in εἰλουπολιτου, and
since the dispute concerns a village in the Arsinoite nome, the mention of another nome would not be
expected. Though the metropolis of the Arsinoite nome long continued to be called ἡ Κροκοδίλων πόλις, it
is not at all likely that the nome was ever called Κροκοδιλοπολίτης. Probably therefore rov should be separated
from πόλει and evAov is the end of N]e(Aov. A village called Νείλου πόλις is known to have been near Socnopaei
Nesus; cf. Brit. Mus. Pap. 186. 14. The next word is perhaps a proper name in the dative, i.e. the person
to whom the document is addressed. There is no reason to think that another column at the beginning is
lost. Who the writer was does not appear; but the general character of the papyrus suggests that it is
a report of the χρηματισταί or one of their agents. In line 38, the only place where the first person is used not
merely in a quotation, the number is plural.
2. ἐμφανι]σμόν : cf. 88. 13.
5. On Isis Nephorses (Isis ‘of the beautiful throne’), who was associated with Socnopaeus at Dimé, see
Krebs, Aeg. Zeitschr. 1893, Ὁ. 32
14. ἐὰν ἦι «.7.A.: the writer is clearly quoting the actual words of Tesenouphis; cf. 1. 33 where he with
similar abruptness changes from the third person to the first.
28. Κονδύλου: sc. προσκληθέντος, cf. 1. 16.
THEBES. 156 X 134°5 cm. B.C, 112,
HE first four lines of this papyrus are a receipt issued by the royal bank at Hermonthis
for 1200 drachmae of copper, with 180 for extra charges, paid to the ‘private account’
of the reigning sovereigns as a fine by Senpoéris daughter of Onnophris (cf. 58. 2). The
payment is stated, as usual, to be in accordance with a διαγραφή or report (cf. 52-54), in this
case that of Hermias, overseer of the revenues, and Phibis, the royal scribe; and by a rare
chance a copy of the actual διαγραφή is appended (5-19), and throws an interesting light upon
the procedure of the revenue officials at the end of the second century s.c. In it Hermias
recounts to the banker that being on a tour in the Pathyrite nome collecting taxes he had
been informed at the Memnonia, the district opposite Thebes, that a certain piece of desert
land had been secretly enclosed with a view to planting date palms. On going with his
agents to the spot he discovered that two πήχεις (about 55 square metres) in excess of the
proper amount had been enclosed by Senpoéris, who, after ‘persuasion by force’ (perhaps
a euphemism for torture) had been applied to find out the value of the land, agreed to
‘pay a fine of 1200 drachmae of copper. This sum together with twice the ordinary extra
charges Hermias authorizes the banker to receive. There follow first (20) the official signature
of Hermias, secondly (21-22) the signature of Phibis, the βασιλικὸς γραμματεύς, which is
conditional upon a certificate from the topogrammateus stating that the proceedings had been
correct and giving the measurements, thirdly (23-29) the signature of the topogrammateus,
giving the measurements upon the authority of the komogrammateus. On palaeographical
grounds the papyrus must belong to the end of the second century z.c., and the sixth year
in which these events took place refers to the reign of Cleopatra III and Ptolemy Soter II,
who are the βασιλεῖς mentioned in line 2.
The papyrus, which is in an excellent state of preservation, was found in a pot together
with twenty demotic texts (cf. p. 55 of Mr. Newberry’s edition of Lord Amherst’s Egyptian
papyri; 31=his xlix). The Greek dockets upon three of these are published in 52-54.
Col, I.
Ἔτους ς Χοίαχ η. τέτακται) ἐπὶ τὴν ἐν Ἑρμ(ώνθει) τρά(πεζαν) ἐφ᾽ ἧς Διονύσιος εἰς τὸν
ἴδιον λόγον τῶν βασιλέων
κατὰ διαγραφὴν ‘Eppiov τοῦ ἐπὶ τῶν προσόδων καὶ Φίβιος τοῦ βασιλικοῦ γραμματέως, ἧς καὶ
τὸ ἀντίγραφον ὑπόκειται, Σενποῆρις ᾿Οὕννώφριος προστίμου φοινικῶνος π(ηχῶν) B χα(λκοῦ)
"AD τέλ(η) pr.
Διονύ(σιος) τρα(πεζίτης).
‘Eppias Διονυσίωι χαίρειν. ἐπιβάλλοντες εἰς τὸν αθυρίτην διεπεμψάμεθα τοὺς παρ᾽ ἡμῶν
εἰς τὰς τοπαρχίας σχεθησομένους τῆς εἰσαγωγῆς τῶν ὀφειλομένων πρός τε τὴν σιτικὴν
μίσθωσιν καὶ τὴν ἀργυρικὴν πρόσοδον, καὶ ἐπὶ τῆς συνσταθείσης πρακτορείας ἐν τοῖς
Mepvoveiors σημανθέντος ὑπάρχειν τόπους περιειλημμένους εἰς φυτείαν φοινίκων
καὶ μεταπεμψάμενος Τοτοῆν τὸν κωμογραμματέα καὶ ἐπελθόντες ἐπὶ τὸν Σενποήριος
τοῦ ᾿Οννώφριος τόπον καὶ ἐγμετρήσαντες [ἐ]γβῆναι πήχί(εις) β, καὶ ταύτην μεταπεμψάμενοι
πειθανάγκης προσαχθείσης περὶ τοῦ καθήκοντος προστίμου ὡς τῆς (ἀρούρας) διὰ τὸ παρειληφέναι
Col. IT.
ἀπὸ χέρσου (ταλάντων) ι τὰς συναγομένας χα(λκοῦ) "AX καὶ ταύτης ἐπιδεξαμένης, κατα-
κολουθήσας καὶ Se-
ξάμενος ἐπὶ τῆς ἐν Ἑ ρμώνθει τρα(πέζης), συνυπογρά(φοντος) Φίβιος τοῦ βασιλικοῦ γραμ-
μα(τέως) τοῦ δὲ τοπογραμματέως
ἐντάσσοντος διὰ τῆς ἑαυτοῦ ὑπογρα(φῆς) τά τε μέτρα καὶ τὰς γειτνίας καὶ προσδιασαφοῦντος
ἐν τούτοις εὐνὴν Ἄλτω τὰς τοῦ χοϊκοῦ) πρὸς ἀργύ(ριον) "AX ἀνάφερ᾽ ἐν λήμματι εἰς τὸ
πρόστιμον εἰς τὰ ἀναγεγραμμένα
ὑπὸ τῶν παρ᾽ ἡμῶν ὡς κα[θ]ήκει, ἐφ᾽ ὧι ταξαμένηι ἕξει ἐν ἈΝ τὸν τόπον φοίνιξι
οὐδένα λόγον.
geet Fs ee πρὸς ἡμᾶς περὶ οὐδενὸς ἁπλῶς. προσκόμισαι δὲ καὶ τὰ καθήκοντα τέλη διπλᾶ
καὶ εἴ τι ἄλλο καθήκει.
ἔρρωσο. (ἔτους) ς Χοίαχ ς.
δέξαι τὰς τοῦ χα(λκοῦ) πρὸς ἀργύ(ριον) χιλίας διακοσίας, / AL, καὶ εἴ τι ἄλλο καθήκει.
(ἔτους) = Χοίαχ ξ.
Φῖβις, ἐὰν ὁ τοπογραμματεὺς ὑπογρά(φῃ) ταῦθ᾽ οὕτως ἔχειζν) καὶ μηθὲν ἠγνοῆ(σθαι) καὶ ἐν-
τάξει τά τε μέτρα καὶ
τὰς γειτνίας, δέξαι τὰ(ς) τοῦ χα(λκοῦ) πρὸς ἀργύ(ριον) χιλίας διακοσί(ίας), / “AX, καὶ τἄλλα
τὰ προσδιαγρα(φόμενα). (ἔτους) ¢ Χοίαχ ς.
‘ F 2
Col. III.
Παμώνθης, δέξαι παρὰ τῆς Σενποήριος τιμὴν τῶν
δηλουμένων τὰς τοῦ χαλκοῦ πρὸς ἀργύ(ριον) δραχμὰς χιλίας διακοσίας),
5. γίνεται χα(λκοῦ) "AS, καὶ τἄλλα τὰ καθήκοντα᾽ εἶναι δὲ τὰς γειτνίας
ἐξ ὧν ἀνενεγκεῖν Τοτοῆν τὸν κωμογραμμα(τέα) νότου οἰκίαι
α[ὐ]τῆς Σενποήριος βορρᾶ περίστασις τοῦ φρουρίου ἀπη(λιώτου) οἰκίαι
“A[. .]. . Tos λιβὸς ῥύμη.
(ἔτους) ς Χοίαχ ς.
‘The 6th year, Choiak 8. Paid into the bank at Hermonthis in charge of Dionysius, to the private
account of the sovereigns in accordance with the report of Hermias, overseer of the revenues, and Phibis the
royal scribe, a copy of which is appended, by Senpoéris daughter of Onnophris as a fine upon a palm-grove
of two cubits, 1200 copper drachmae (and) the taxes 180 drachmae. (Signed) Dionysius, banker.
Hermias to Dionysius, greeting. When we reached the Pathyrite nome we sent our agents to the
toparchies to look after the collection of debts owed on account of both rents in corn and taxes in
money; and as they were engaged upon exacting payment at the Memnonia it was reported that there
were certain pieces of land which had been enclosed for the purpose of growing palms. Whereupon I sent
for Totoés the village scribe, and we went to the land of Senpoéris daughter of Onnophris and measured
it, and found that it projected by two cubits. She was then sent for, and forcible persuasion being applied
with regard to the proper fine, it was fixed, on consideration of her having reclaimed it from the desert, at
the rate of τὸ talents for the aroura, making in all 1200 drachmae, to which she agreed. Accordingly
please receive at the bank of Hermonthis, as Phibis the royal scribe also subscribes to this and the topo-
grammateus adds a statement, signed by himself, of the measurements and adjoining areas and further
declares that nothing in this case has been overlooked, the 1200 copper drachmae, and put them down among
the receipts for fines in addition to those which have been registered by our agents, in the proper way,
on the understanding that, having paid this sum, she shall retain the plot planted with palms and have
no dispute with us on any point whatever. Receive also twice the usual taxes and any other charge that
is usual. Good-bye. The 6th year, Choiak 6.
Receive the thousand two hundred drachmae of copper, total 1200, and any extra charge. The 6th
year, Choiak 6.
Phibis. If the topogrammateus subscribes to the effect that the facts are correct and that nothing has
been overlooked and adds both the measurements and adjoining areas, receive the thousand two hundred
drachmae of copper, total 1200, and the other extra charges. The 6th year, Choiak 6.
Pamonthes. Receive from Senpoéris as the value of the above mentioned land, the thousand two
hundred drachmae of copper, total cop. 1200, and the other usual charges. The adjoining areas are,
according to the report of Totoés the village scribe, on the south the house of Senpoéris herself, on the
north the free space round the guard-house, on the east the house of Ha... s, on the west a road.
The 6th year, Choiak 6.’
I. ἴδιον Adyov: for the use of this expression in the Ptolemaic period cf. Wilcken, Akéenstiicke, I. 21.
2. τοῦ ἐπὶ τῶν προσόδων : in the third century B.C, it is the οἰκονόμος accompanied by the ἀντιγραφεύς
who is the principal revenue official in the nomes, the strategus still retaining a semi-military position.
But in the second century B.C. the strategus is often ἐπὶ τῶν προσόδων, e.g. in 85.2. Hermias however was
ἐπὶ τῶν προσόδων simply, being accompanied by the βασιλικὸς γραμματεύς, whose signature was necessary
besides his own for authorizing the payment to the bank; see lines 13, 20.
3. The τέλη here amount to 33, of the πρόστιμον. According to the instructions of Hermias the ordinary
taxes were to be doubled in addition to the extra charges. Cf. the Zois papyrus, in which extra taxes
of κ᾽ and τὰς occur.
6. σιτικὴν μίσθωσιν: i.e. the rent of βασιλικοὶ γεωργοί.
10, The πῆχυς was +} of an aroura in area, hence the fine of 1200 drachmae is εἷς of τὸ talents.
15. χα(λκοῦ) πρὸς ἀργύ(ριον) : in making up their accounts, bankers classified their receipts in copper either
as χαλκὸς ἰσονόμος, i.e. copper which was converted into silver at par at the ratio of 120 : 1, and χαλκὸς οὗ
ἀλλαγή, copper on which they charged a discount (about 10 per cent., see Rev. Pap. p. 200). That χαλκὸς
πρὸς ἀργύριον corresponds to one of these two terms is certain, but different views have been taken on the
question with which of the two it is to be identified; cf. Rev. Pap. p. 204 and Wilcken, Osz. I. pp. 720, 544.
There is no conclusive evidence yet on either side. The distinction between the different kinds of copper
has no reference to differences in the actual coins, and directly concerned the bankers and tax-farmers, not
the tax-payers.
31 X 10'5 cm. Second century 8.6,
HE vecto of this papyrus contains part of a report of some official, like 30, concerning
certain soldiers who had received grants of land (κλῆροι) and were accused of returning
for taxation purposes less than the true amount of their holdings. The ends of lines are
missing, and though in some cases a suitable connexion can be obtained on the supposition
that only five or six letters as a rule are to be supplied (e.g. 4-10), it is possible that much
more is lost.
Apparently the accused soldiers held a meeting and measured their holdings with the
result that the size was not found to be larger than what had been officially assigned to
them, and they expressed their readiness to maintain this by oath under penalty of for-
feiting their κλῆροι if they were wrong (1-10). The topogrammateis also gave evidence
in their favour (11-12), but it seems that one of the soldiers was discovered to be holding
more than his proper amount. At least this is the most probable interpretation of the
detailed mention of the property of Archibius son of Horus, 24$ arourae being sown with
wheat and yielding a rent of 4} artabae, and 33 and a fraction being sown with barley at
a rent of 5% artabae. The provenance of the papyrus is uncertain, so it is impossible to
say in which nome the proceedings took place. The general character of the surroundings
suggests the Faytm, but the place-name in line 15 is not known in that province, and the
στρατευόμενοι who received κλῆροι from the crown (Rev. Pap. XXIV. 5) were not confined
to the Faydm.
Τῶν ἐν τοῖς στρατευομένοις καθὼς
γράφουσιν παραγρ[ αἹψάντων rol
τὰ ἐκφόρια καὶ καταστάντων εἶ
καὶ ὁρισαμένων μὴ ἐπιβεβηκέϊναι μηδὲ
5 πλείονα ἔχειν τῆς παραδεδειγμένης
αὐτοῖς καὶ ἑτοίμως ἐχόντων χειρο-
ypaddiy τὸν βασιλικὸν ὅρκον κ[αὶ
τὴν ἐπίσκεψιν αὐτῶν ποιεῖσθαι
καὶ τῶν avevexOnoopevaly τοὺς
10 κλήρους ἀναλαβεῖν εἰς τὸ βασιλικόν,
τούς τε τοπογραμματεῖς γραΐ
μηδεμίαν ἔχειν πλείω τῶν [
καὶ τῶν (ἀρουρῶν) ι ποταμοφυλακί
τῶν ἀποτεταγμένων Ψενεφιλί
15 ᾿Αρχίβιος τοῦ Ὥρου περὶ Ψυγχαν
ἀνενεχθῆναι ὑπάρχειν (ἀρούρας) AC (ἡμισυὶ
ὧν ἐσπα(ρμέναι) (πυροῦ) Sd (ἄρουραι) κὃ d ή, κρι(θῆς) ε (ἡμίσους) d (ἄρουραι) dry ἡ
17. It is possible that (ἄρουραι) is to be connected with the figures which precede in both cases, instead
of with the figures which follow. The sense will then be ‘of which 4} arourae have been sown with
wheat yielding 24% artabae, 5} arourae with barley yielding 334 artabae.’ The rent would then be almost
exactly 5% artabae for each aroura, and the two amounts of arourae added together would make up ten
(cf. line 13). But the order of words in 17 is in favour of the interpretation which we have given in the
introduction, and the total amount of the arourae seems to be stated in line 16, not in 13.
On the verso is a brief acknowledgement of a loan of wheat (cf. 46 and 47) dated in
the third year, probably of Cleopatra III and Soter II, i.e. B.c. 114. No interest is men-
tioned and probably none was to be charged, as often happens in loans of this period,
e.g. 46-50.
Φανίας Πρωτάρχου τρίτου (ἔτους). ἐὰν δὲ μὴ
Πασικράτηι ᾿Απολλωνί[ο]υ ἀποδῶ ἀποτείσω σοι
χαίρειν. ἔχω παρὰ [σοῦ ἐν τῶι ἐχομένων μηνὶ
πυρῶν ἀρτάβας τρεῖς, το ἡμιόλιον.
5 “(πυρῶν) (ἀρτάβαι) γ, ἃς ἀποδώσω aolt
ἐν τῶι Παῦνι μηνὶ τοῦ (ἔτους) y Τῦβι cj.
Below in the opposite direction, obliterated.
Φανίας Πασικράτηι
χαίρειν ε
‘Phanias son of Protarchus to Pasicrates son of Apollonius, greeting. I have received from you three
artabae of wheat, total 3 art. of wh., which I will return to you in the month Pauni of the third year.
If I fail to return it, I will pay you in the following month one and a half times the amount. The 3rd
year, Tubi 18.
Die. ; 32X19 cm. About 8.6. 157. Pxiate IX.
PETITION addressed to Ptolemy Philometor and Cleopatra II by five cultivators
of domain lands at Socnopaei Nesus. The petitioners had accused the komarch of
Socnopaei Nesus, Tesenouphis, of peculation before a court composed of the epimeletes,
the βασιλικὸς γραμματεύς and the chrematistae, but when the trial was about to begin
the plaintiffs heard that the defendant had obtained the services of a professional advocate.
Against this the petitioners appealed to the king and queen on the ground that in trials
concerning the revenue the employment of advocates had been forbidden by a decree of
a previous reign. A copy of this decree is appended, and is in the form of a letter
from the king, probably Philadelphus, to Apollonius, perhaps the well-known διοικητής of
that name (note on line 28). In it severe penalties were dealt out to certain advocates who
had helped persons charged with defrauding the Treasury. Not only did they have to pay
twice the amount of the loss suffered by the government increased by one tenth, but the right
of exercising their profession as advocates was taken from them, while future offenders
were threatened with arrest and confiscation of property. The papyrus throws an interesting
light upon the methods of procedure in the law-courts of the Ptolemaic period.
An approximate date for the document is supplied by 34 (a), part of another petition
on the same subject sent by the same five persons to the epimeletes and βασιλικὸς γραμματεύς,
which is headed ‘the 25th year,
Βασιλεῖ Πτολεμαίωι καὶ βασ[ιλίσσηι Κλεοπζάτρ]αι τῆι ἀδελφῆι
θεοῖς Φιλομήτορσι χαίρειν] ν
Μαρεπάθις Σισούχου καὶ Π[αϊγκῶς ᾿Οννώφ[ριος καὶ Τ]εσενοῦφις
Μάρρεως καὶ Φατρῆς Θο[το]ῆτος καὶ ἱΑρπί..... ᾿Αμα]ράντου
5 βασιλικοὶ γεωργοὶ τῶν [ἀπὸ τ]ῆς Σοκνοπαίου Ν]ήσου τῆς
Ἡρακλείδο[υ] μερίδος τ[οῦ] ᾿Αρσινοίτου νο[μοῦ. . σ]υνεστηκυίας
ἡμῖν καταστάσεως ἐπὶ [Ζωπύρου τοῦ ἐπι[μ]ελητοῦ καὶ Πετε-
αρψενήσιος τοῦ βασιλικοῦ γίρα)μματέως συϊν])εδρευόντων
καὶ τῶν ἐν τῶι προειρημένωι νομῶι τὰ βασιλικὰ καὶ προσο-
το δικὰ καὶ ἰδιωτικὰ κριυνζόντων χρηματισ]τῶν ὧν εἰσαγω-
γεὺς Δεξιὸς πρὸς Τεσενοῦφιν τὸν κωμαρχήσαντα τὴν
προειρημένην κώμην ἀφ᾽ ὧν ἐπιδ[ εἸδώκειμεν αὐτοῖς
ἐνφανισμῶν περί τινων ἀδικημάτων] καὶ παραλογειῶν
σίτου τε καὶ χαλκοῦ καὶ ἤδη τῶν καθ᾽ ἡμᾶς εἰσαγομένων
13 πυνθανόμεθα τὸν ἐνκαλούμενον Τεσενοῦφιν μετὰ συνηγό-
pov συνκαθίστασθαι, προστεταχότων τῶν προγόνων
ὑμῶν διὰ τοῦ ὑποκειμένου προστάγματ[ο]ς τοὺς προσπο-
ρευομένους συνηγόρους πρὸς τὰς προσοδικὰς κρίσεις
ἐπὶ βλάβῃ τῶν προσόδων πρᾶξαι εἰς τὸ β[α]σιλικὸν διπλοῦν
20 τὸ ἐπιδέκατον καὶ τούτοις μηκέτι ἐξεῖνα[ι] συνηγορᾶσαι.
δεόμεθ᾽ ὑμῶν τῶν μεγίστων θεῶν εἰ ὑμῖν δοκεῖ
ἀποστεῖλαι ἡμῶν τὴν ἔντευξιν ἐπὶ τοὺς αὐτοὺς χρημα-
τιστὰς ὅπως ἐπὶ τῆς διαλογῆς τῶν ἐντ[εὐ]ξεων συντά-
ἕωσιν τῶι Τεσενούφει μὴ μετὰ συνηγόρου συνκαθίστασθαι.
25. τούτου γὰρ γενομένου οὐθὲν τῶν ὑμῖν συμφερόντων
Βασιλεὺς Πτολεμαῖος ᾿Απολλωνίωι χαίρειν. ἐπειδή τινες
‘ A
τῶν ὑπογεγραμμένων συνηγόρων προσπορεύονται πρὸς τὰς
4 , Xr , Ν 58 tA &
30 προσοδικὰς κρίσεις καταβλάπτοντες τὰς προσόδους σύνταξον
ὅπως πραχθῶσι εἰς τὸ βασιλικὸν οἱ συνηγορήσαντες διπλοῦν
Ν 2 ’ Ν , ἣν 30) a ‘
τὸ ἐπιδέκατον καὶ τούτζοι]ς μηκέτι ἐξέστω συνηγορᾶσαι περὶ μη-
θενὸς πράγματος. ἐὰν δέ τις τῶν καταβλαπτόντων τὰς προσόδους
ἐλεγχθῆι συνηγορήσας περὶ πράγματός τινος, αὐτόν τε
45 πρὸς ἡμᾶς μετὰ φυλακῆς ἐπιστείλατε καὶ τὰ ὑπάρχοντα αὐτοῦ
καταχωρίσατε eis τὸ βασιλικόν.
(€rovs) κζ Τορπιαίου τε.
12. 1. ἐπιδεδώκαμεν or ἐπεδεδώκειμεν. 20. 1. συνηγορῆσαι; so 32.
‘To King Ptolemy and Queen Cleopatra the sister, gods Philometores, greeting from Marepathis son
of Sisuchus, and Patkos son of Onnophris, and Tesenouphis son of Marres, and Phatres son of Thotoés, and
Harp... son of, Amarantus, cultivators of the royal domains, from Socnopaei Nesus in the division of Hera-
clides of the Arsinoite nome. A trial has been arranged before Zopyrus the epimeletes and Petearpsenesis
the royal scribe, there being also on the bench the chrematistae who judge cases concerning the Crown,
the revenues or private affairs in the aforesaid nome and whose clerk is Dexios, in which we accuse
Tesenouphis the ex-komarch of the aforesaid village by written declarations previously handed in to them
of certain misdeeds and peculations of both corn and money. Just as our side is already coming into
court we hear that the defendant Tesenouphis is pleading with the assistance of advocates, although your
ancestors ordained by the decree appended that advocates who take up revenue cases to the detriment of
the revenues should have to pay to the Crown twice the sum (of the damage) increased by one tenth and
should not be allowed to be advocates any longer. We entreat you, the great gods, if it please you, to
send this our petition to the aforesaid chrematistae in order that when the examination of petitions is held
they may give instructions to Tesenouphis forbidding him to appear in court with the help of an
advocate. For if this is done your interests will not suffer damage. Farewell.
King Ptolemy to Apollonius, greeting. Since certain of the hereinafter mentioned advocates are
taking up revenue cases to the injury of the revenues, see that those who have been advocates are made
to pay the Crown twice the sum (of the damage) increased by one tenth, and forbid them to be advocates
in any case whatever. If any one of those who are injuring the revenues is in the future convicted of
having acted as advocate in any case, send him to us under arrest and confiscate his property to the
Crown. The 27th year, Gorpiaeus 15.’
38: Ὑ]εσενοῦφις Mdppews : probably identical with the plaintiff in 80. For a priest being at the same time
a βασιλικὸς γεωργός cf. 85. 3-6, and Brit. Mus. Pap. 208. 206.
4. ᾿Αμα]ράντου : in.84 (c). 3 the father of the fifth γεωργός is called Harpagathes.
g. For this comprehensive description of the powers of the chrematistae, the Greek judges as contrasted
with the Aaoxpira. who were guided by the Egyptian law, cf. Pap. Taur. 13. 6.
19-20. διπλοῦν τὸ ἐπιδέκατον : i.e. twice Iz the amount of the βλάβη, as we think. A charge called
τὸ ἐπιδέκατον is found coupled with τὸ συνηγορικόν in Leyden Papyrus F; cf. Wilcken, Os¢r. I. p. 302, sqq.
Wilcken thinks that the συνηγορικόν was the charge for the employment of an official advocate, but is
doubtful about the meaning of ἐπιδέκατον. The occurrence of ἐπιδέκατον here as a charge upon the advocates
makes it tempting to find the same explanation for ἐπιδέκατον in the Leyden papyrus, especially as
συνηγορικόν might, so far as the word itself goes, mean a tax upon advocates. But, as Wilcken has pointed
out, that explanation of συνηγορικόν is inadmissible in the Leyden papyrus because the payers are not
advocates but the parties to the suit. And since the ἐπιδέκατον there is also paid by the parties to the suit
it is not certain what connexion, if any, it has with the ἐπιδέκατον here. The word is ambiguous, meaning
either a sum and one tenth of it, or a tenth added to some other sum. But the former meaning is the
commoner in the official documents of the Ptolemaic period and is more ‘appropriate here.
28. βασιλεὺς Πτολεμαῖος ᾿Απολλωνίωι : since the decree is dated in the 27th year (line 37), the author
must be Soter or Philadelphus, for the three following Ptolemies did not reign so long. Of the two
Philadelphus is the more probable, for the Apollonius in question may well be the dioecetes of that
name in whose office the Revenue Papyrus was corrected (Rev. Pap. XXXVIII) in the 27th year of
the second Ptolemy. The dioecetes was particularly concerned with the exaction of penalties from
officials (Rev. Pap. XVIII. 15, XLI. 12).
37. Γορπιαίου: equivalent to Mesore in this year; cf. Rev. Pap. LVII. 4-5, and introd. to 42.
Dimé. About B.c. 157.
RAGMENTS of three more petitions relating to the same subject as 38. (a) and (4)
are pieces of a petition to the epimeletes and royal scribe (cf. 83° 7-8) which is
perhaps referred to in (c), another petition from the βασιλικοὶ γεωργοί to the king and
queen. (d) is the conclusion of another petition, probably sent like (a) to the epimeletes
and βασιλικὸς γραμματεύς. All three hands seem to be different from each other and from
that of 38, though there is a strong general similarity between them. (a) supplies the date
for the whole series, the 25th year of Philometor.
The verso of (a) and (4) is covered with demotic writing.
(a) 9°6 x 3:2 cm, (ὁ) 6:2 x 2:2 cm.
(Ἔτους) xe[
[Ζωπύρωι ἐπι]μελητῆι [καὶ Πετεαρψενήσει βασιλικῶι γραμματεῖ
[παρὰ Μαρεπάθι)ος τοῦ Σισούζχου καὶ Παϊτκῦτος τοῦ ᾿Οννώφριος καὶ
[Τεσενούφιος] τοῦ Μαρρείους [καὶ Φατρῆτ]ος τοῦ Θο[τοῆτος καὶ “Apw.....
[τοῦ ᾿Αμαράντο]υ βασιλικ[ῶν γεωργῶν τῶν ε [τῶν ἀπὸ κώμης Σοκνοπαίου
[Νήσου βασιλικ]ῶν γεωργῶν [....... τ]οῦ Χοίαχ [
ΓΟ any sacs π)εποημένος [....+..++- 7 Τεσείνουφ
δος ἣν αοέδερα, 7. χα(λκοῦ) (τάλαντα) ρ, καί... ....« «ὦ Ἱεροί
bos. cage παραδ]είξειν dOfev.....+.. ].4
Te: Τεσεν]ούφιος χειρογρ[αφ
[ 14letters 7 (ἔτους) [
(c) 13°5 Χ 7:2 cm.
[Βασιλεῖ Πτολεμαίωι καὶ βασιλίσσηι Κλεοπάτραι]) τῆι ἀδελφῆι θεοῖς
[Φιλομήτορσι χαίρειν Μαρεπάθις Σισούχου καὶ] Πατκῶς ᾿Οννώφριος καὶ
[Τεσενοῦφις Μάρρεως καὶ Φατρῆς Θοτοῆτος καὶ 1 μικρὸς ᾿Αρπαγάθου
[βασιλικοὶ γεωργοὶ οἱ ἀπὸ κώμης Σοκνο]παίου Νήσου τῆς Ἡρακλείδου
[μερίδος τοῦ ᾿Αρσινοίτου νομοῦ, i1letters ὑμῖν] ἐντετευχότες ὑπὲρ
[τῶν παραλογειῶν Τεσενούφιος τοῦ τῆς αἸὐϊτ]ῆς κώμης κωμάρχου
[ 15 letters ἑτοίμως ἔχομεν παραδείκν)υσθαι αὐτὸν παραλο-
[γισάμενον σῖτόν τε kal χαλκόν, eudaviojar δὲ καὶ Ζωπύρωι τῶι
[ἐπιμελητῆι καὶ Πετεαρψενήσει τῶι βασιλικ]ῶι γραμματεῖ καὶ κεχειρογρα-
. Ἰγρί ) μηθὲν γεγονέναι
το [φηκότες τὸν βασιλικὸν ὅρκον 20 letters μενος
(α) το 8 x 19 cm.
πρὸς τὸ ἔρημον ἡμῶν ληφθῆναι [.]....Tov[.....-
μὴ συγχωρῆσαι αὐτῶι πλεῖόν τι περυποιούμενοι
τῶι βασιλεῖ, ἀλλ᾽ ἐπεὶ ἑτοίμως ἔχομεν ἔτι καὶ νῦν παρα-
δεικνύειν αὐτὸν ὁμολογοζῦγντα διὰ τοῦ δηλουμένου ἐμφα-
5 νισμοῦ συντάξαντες ἐκθεῖναι τὴν κατάστασιν εἰς μη-
δεμίαν ἀναβολὴν ποησαμένους. τούτων γὰρ γενο-
μένων ἐσόμεθα τετευχότες τῆς παρ᾽ ὑμῶν βοϊι)ηθείας.
> ΤᾺΝ εὐτυχεῖτε.
5. Second ν of συνταξαντες corr. from 1, res over the line.
Dimé. 30:2 X 12 cm. B.C. 132. PLATE X.
PETITION addressed to Apollonius, ‘strategus and overseer of the revenues, by the
priests of the temple at Socnopaei Nesus, who were also βασιλικοὶ yewpyot, complaining
of the conduct of a certain Petesuchus, a λεσῶνις or some kind of chief priest (cf. note on
line 11). This individual had on Epeiph 18 under false pretences forcibly collected certain
rents of land belonging to the temple, to the extent of 225 artabae of wheat, and deposited
them at the house of Paalas. Four days later the petitioners came before the strategus,
who summoned Paalas and put an embargo upon the wheat, pending a subsequent decision
concerning the ownership of it. In the present document written later on in the same day,
Epeiph 22, they state their case against Petesuchus, whom they accuse of having broken
a pledge made at the time of his appointment as λεσῶνις that he would take no part in the
collection of rents, and ask for his arrest and detention until the formal trial should take
place. .
Towards the end of the document the writing is very cramped owing to considerations
of space. After reaching the bottom the writer continued with short lines in the left-hand
margin, beginning opposite line 35. Again reaching the bottom, he concluded with the
four lines which begin opposite line 31, adding the date opposite lines 28 and 29.
᾿Απολλωνίωι τῶν πρώτων φίλων
καὶ στρατηγῶι καὶ ἐπὶ τῶν προσόδων
παρὰ τῶν ἱερέων τοῦ Σοκνοπαίον
θεοῦ μεγάλου καὶ Ἴσιος σ᾿ Νεφορσῆτος
5 θεᾶς μεγίστης καὶ τῶν συννάων
θεῶν καὶ βασιλικῶν γεωργῶν
τῶν ἐκ τῆς Σοκνοπαίου Νήσου.
τῆι νῇ τοῦ "Emel τοῦ dy (ἔτους) καιρο-
τηρήσας ἡμᾶς ἀσχολουμένους ἐν
10 Κροκοδίλων πόλει Πετεσοῦχος
ὁ λεσῶνις τοῦ Loxr[o}raiov θεοῦ μεγάλ[ο]υ
καταβὰς εἰς Διονυσιάδα καὶ παρα-
λογισάμενος τοὺς παρ᾽ ἡμῶν γεωργοὺς
Τεῶν καὶ Στοτοῆτιν ὡς ἀπεσταλ-
15 μένος ὑφ᾽ ἡμῶν ἐπὶ τὴν παράλημ-
ψιν τῶν ἐκφορίων ἧς γεωργοῦσι ἱερᾶς
γῆς Σοκνοπαίου θεοῦ μεγάλου βιασά-
μενος αὐτοὺς ἐπὶ τῆς ἅλω μετε-
νήνοχεν πυροῦ (ἀρτάβας) Σκ[ε] ἐπὶ τὴν τ[ο]ῦ
29 Πααλᾶτος οἰκίαν, ὑπὲρ ὧν ἐντυχόντες
σοι ἐπὶ τοῦ Πρεμὶτ τῆι κβ τοῦ αὐτοῦ
μηνὸς καὶ προσκαλεσάμενος τὸν
Πααλᾶσιν κατεγγεγύηκας τὸν
πυρὸν τοῦ Σοκνοπαίου θεοῦ μεγάλου,
258 ὑπὲρ ὧν κεχειρογράφηκεν τὸν βασι-
λικὸν ὅρκον Πετεσοῦχος 6 λεσῶνις ὑπὲρ τοῦ
μὴ ἐφάψεσθαι τῶν ἐκφορίων τῆς γῆς
ὅο (ἔτους) An κατὰ μηδένα τρόπον ἐν τῆι yeyovvia
᾿Επεὶφ xB. ἡμῶν πρὸς αὐτὸν συναλλάξει τῆς
8ο λεσωνείας τοῦ dy (ἔτους) καὶ παραβεβη-
66 τυχόντες κότος τὰ τῆς χειρογραφίας. ἐπεὶ οὖν
τῆς παρὰ σ[ο]ῦ σέσωσαι ἐν τῆι ἀρρωστίαι ὑπὸ τοῦ
ἀντιλήψεως. Σοκνοτπαῖτος θεοῦ μεγάλου καὶ Ἴσιος {o}Ne-
ene φορσῆτος θεᾶς μεγίστης καὶ τῶν συννάων
45 περὶ αὐτοῦ 35 θεῶν ἀξιοῦμεν ἐὰν φαίνηται συν-
μισοπονή- τάξαι καταχωρίσαι ἡμῶν τὸ ὑπόμνημα
pos πρὸς παρὰ σοὶ ἐν καταχωρισμῷ πρὸς τὴν ἐσομέ-.
ἐπισταί )e..v
9 ,
ὅπως δυνώ-
μεθα ἐπι-
ε “ Ν Ν lal Ν lal
νὴν ἡμῖν πρὸς τὸν Πετεσοῦχον τὸν λεσῶνιν
, 9 Ν PT ated > A > ,
κατάστασιν ὅπως μὴ ἐξῆι αὐτῶι ἐφάπτεσθαι
eX Δι lal “ Ν i > ,ὔ lal > 4 A
τελεῖν 49 τοῦ πυροῦ καὶ γράψαι ᾿Απολλωνίωι τῶι ἐπιστάτει καταστῆ-
‘ ,
τὰ νομιζό. a. σαι αὐτὸν ἐπὶ σὲ πρὸς τὴν τούτων διεξαγωγήν, [τούτου
μένα. ays. θεοῖς ὑπέρ γενομένου τευξόμεθα τιμῆς} ἵν᾿ ἐὰν ἢι ταῦθ᾽ οὕτως
lal , Ν
τε τοῦ βα(σιλέως) καὶ ; ae aaah ν᾿ : ee: See -
55 τῶν βα(σιλιὶ)κῶν τέκνων ἔχοντα ἡμεῖς μὲν κομισώμεθα τὰς Σκε (ἀρτάβας) εἰς τὸν τοῦ
θεοῦ λόγον, περὶ δὲ ἧς πεποίηται βίας καὶ χειρογρ(αφίας) διαλαβεῖν
On the verso a short line οἵ demotic.
20, otxtay over the line. 28. ηι of
54- βα(σιλέως)
16. w of των corr. from αἱ.
15. π᾿ Of mapadnp corr. from o.
53. τοῖς θεοῖς over the line.
te corr. from ots. 42. 0 ovr written over εὐτύχει.
over the line. 55. βα(σιληκῶν over the line.
‘To Apollonius, one of the first friends, and strategus and superintendent of the revenues, from the
priests of the great god Socnopaeus and Isis Nephorses the most great goddess and of the associated
gods, being also royal cultivators living at Socnopaei Nesus. On, the 18th of Epeiph in the
38th year Petesuchus, the chief priest of the great god Socnopaeus, having waited for a favourable
opportunity when we were engaged in business at Crocodilopolis, went down to Dionysias and imposed
upon our agents Teos and Stotoétis by saying that we had sent him to collect the rents of the land
sacred to the great god Socnopaeus which they cultivate, and having compelled them to go to the threshing-
floor he carried off 225 artabae of wheat to the house of Paalas. Concerning this we addressed a complaint
to you at the Premit on the 22nd of the same month, and you summoned Paalas and laid an embargo
on the wheat of the great god Socnopaeus; and Petesuchus the chief priest has signed an undertaking
on the royal oath at the compact which we made with him on the appointment of a chief priest in the
38th year, that he would not touch the rents under any circumstances; which written oath he has
violated. Since, therefore, your life has been saved in sickness by the great god Socnopaeus and Isis
Nephorses the most great goddess and the associated gods, we entreat you, if it please you, to give
instructions that our petition shall be registered at your office in view of the coming suit brought by us
against Petesuchus the chief priest, in order that he may not be allowed to touch the wheat, and also
to write to Apollonius the chief of the police telling him to send Petesuchus to you for a decision upon
the case, in order that if our statement is found correct we may obtain the 225 artabae of wheat on
behalf of the god, and you may administer to him the penalty which he deserves for his violence and
perjury ..., so enabling us to make the customary sacrifices to the gods on behalf of both the king
and the royal children, if we gain your support. Farewell. The 38th year, Epeiph 22.’
2. ἐπὶ τῶν προσόδων: cf. note on 81, 2.
6. καὶ βασιλικῶν γεωργῶν : cf. 38. 3 note. βασιλικὸς γεωργός like δημόσιος γεωργός in Brit. Mus.
Pap. 256 (e) 1-2 is a general term implying a cultivator of land under public ownership, and is not
limited to cultivators of βασιλικὴ γῆ. In the present case the land cultivated by the βασιλικοὶ γεωργοί
was ἱερὰ γῆ.
11. λεσῶνις : cf. 40. 1, 41. 15 and λεσωνεία in 1. 30 below, Β. α. U. 337. 13 and 719. 10.. The word
is obviously of non-Greek origin, and from the two Berlin papyri Wilcken (Os¢r. I. p. 382) was only able
to infer a connexion between λεσωνεία and the cult of Sebek. The context of the present passage
however showed that λεσῶνις is a title, probably of Egyptian origin, borne by a priest. On asking
Prof. Spiegelberg whether any word resembling λεσῶνις and.meaning chief priest was known in demotic, he
at once referred us to the demotic equivalent for ἀρχιερεῖς in the Canopus Inscription mr vz. For the
following note on Spiegelberg’s identification, the correctness of which can hardly be doubted, we are
indebted to Mr. F. LI. Griffith. ‘The demotic title (in the Canopus Inscription) consists of two words.
The first has long been known to be the Old Egyptian mr “director,” which mr corresponds to A€-, its
etymological descendant, in the Coptic compound AEMHH@E “ commander of the army” (Proc. Soc. Bibl.
Arch., 1899, p. 270). The second word is spelled by a sign generally reading 5”. What this means is
uncertain.’ Mr. Griffith has also found the title ‘mr sn of Sebek’ in the demotic papyri which were found
with 35 (cf. p. 32). The payment for λεσωνεία in B. G. U. 337 is probably for the salary of the λεσῶνις
like the tax called ἐπιστατικὸν ἱερέων, on which see Wilcken, Ostr. I. p. 241, and Fay. Towns, p. 176.
21. Πρεμίτ: an Egyptian name apparently of the place where the strategus held his court.
30. καὶ παραβεβηκότος : the genitive has no construction; cf. line 44 where too the syntax is irregular.
40. ἐπιστάτει : sc. τῶν φυλακιτῶν probably.
41-2, The words τοὐτου---τιμῆς are enclosed in the original in round brackets, indicating that they were
to be omitted. The papyrus is no doubt only a rough draft.
55. βα(σιλυκῶν: the scribe first wrote B+, and then added κων to distinguish it from f+ in the previous
line which means βα(σιλέως), In the light of this instance Mr. Kenyon’s statement (Palaeography of Greek
Papyri, p. 33) of the absence in Greek papyri of contraction in the sense of the omission of the middle
portion of words requires modification.
GEBELEN. 10°7 X 10 cm. About B.c. 135.
ETITION to Boéthus, strategus and epistrategus of the Thebaid, from Dryton son
of Pamphilus, of the Philoterean deme at Ptolemais, a cavalry officer in the reserve
from the camp at Ptolemais, complaining of some danger or difficulty which he experienced
in going to Thebes, where he owned land, from Diospolis Parva, where he was then stationed.
The nature of his request does not appear owing to the mutilation of the papyrus; perhaps
he wished to be transferred to a post nearer to his land. It is to be hoped that the
missing portion of both this papyrus and 39 will be found among the unpublished papyri
from the same find at Gebelén which are in continental museums. This Dryton is referred
to in several other papyri from Gebelén, and two wills of his are published in Gr. Pap. I.
12 and 21; cf. zd¢d. 18-20, and Gr. Pap. II. 17. Those documents supply an approximate
date for the present petition, Gr. Pap. I. 12 showing that Dryton was not placed on the
reserve until near the end of Philometor’s reign, while in the later papyri he is given the
same titles as here. ;
Βοήθω[ι] συνγενεῖ κα[ὶ ἐπιστρ]ατήγωι
καὶ στρ[α]τηγῶι τῆς Θηβαίδ]ος
παρὰ Δ[ρ]ύτωνος τοῦ Πα[μ]φίλου
Κρητὸς δήμου Φιλωήερ]είου
8 τῶν διαδόχων καὶ το[ῦ ἐ]πιτά.
γματος ἱππάρχων ἐπ᾽ ἀνδρῶν
ἀπὸ τῶν ἐκ τοῦ ἐν Πτολεμαίδι
ὑπαίθρου νυνὶ δὲ παρεφεδρεύοντος
ἐν Διοσπόλει τῆι μικρᾶι. ὑπαρχόν-
το τῶν γάρ μοι ἐν Διοσπόλει τῆι μεγάληι
καὶ ἐν τῶι Παθυρίτηι ἐπαρδίων
δι᾿ ἣν α[ἰ]τίαν, λείπω τε τὴν
ὑπερβολήν, διοδεύων κιν-
δυν[εύω π]αρ᾽ ἕκαστον" διὸ ἀξιῶ
1. vy in ovvyever rewritten; so 2 o in στρ[αἤτηγωι, 3 os in Δ[ρ]υτωνος, 5 ν (partially) in διαδοχων, 8 ον
in παρεφεδρευοντος.
I. συγγενεῖ: this is the highest in the series of honorific titles which first make their appearance in
the second century B.C., τῶν διαδόχων (line 5) being at the other end of the scale; cf. Strack, Griech.
Titel im Ptolemierreich (Rhein. Mus. ἵν, p. 176).
“11. ἐπαρδίων : ‘irrigated land’; the word seems to be new. Dryton’s property at Diospolis Magna
and in the neighbourhood is more definitely described in Gr. Pap. I. a1; it consisted of a vineyard
and buildings and various ψιλοὶ τόποι.
12. λείπω τε τὴν ὑπερβολήν: “1 do not exaggerate.’
Fay6ém ? ᾿ 14°5X 11 cm. B.C, 196 or 172.
ART of a letter written in a large cursive hand, The ends of fifteen lines are preserved ;
how much is lost at the beginnings is uncertain. The writing, as often happens in
Ptolemaic letters, is across the fibres of the recto, and the original breadth of the papyrus
was probably twice its present one.
The writer apologizes for not being able to come to the addressee because he (or she)
had hurt his foot (Il. 4-5), and encourages the addressee to bear up under certain annoyances
to which he had been subjected by a third person (Il. 6-10). He concludes by announcing his
intention to return shortly and the dispatch of ten pomegranates (Il. 11-13). In a postscript
(ll. 15-16) he asks for news of the addressee.
The letter was written in the second century B.c., and in the first half of it rather than
in the second, so that the roth year mentioned in line 14 is most likely that of Epiphanes or
Philometor. On the verso is another letter, obliterated.
Ἱμένης Νιτηΐτιος καὶ πλοίου
κατ]αλιποῦσα πάντα ἀπελθεῖν
Js ᾿Αρσινόην. [[καλ]] ἐγὼ δὲ εἰ μὴ
Ἴμην τὸν πόδα παρεγενόμην
ἂν καλ]ῶς οὖν ποήσεις ἴα. .... υ]}
Ἰαυτὴν καὶ μὴ ἀθύμει
1ε ἐκούομεν δὲ μὴ παραγεγονέ-
4 9 , ‘
vat Ἴνσας ὅτι ἠνώχλησαι, μὴ
το 7 ἀθύμει, ἀλλ᾽ ἄφες αὐτὸν χαίρειν.
παραγενήσ)]ομαι συντόμως καὶ ἀπέ-
’ 4 [a4
σταλκα Ἵν, κομίζει δέ σοι ῥόας ι
Ἴιωει ἐπὶ τὸν πόδα.
] ἔρρωσο. (ἔτους) ι Paddu a.
> ~ x Ν Ν > 4
15 ] ἀποστεῖλαι διὰ τὸ μὴ εἰδέναι
πῶς ᾿ 7 ἔχεις.
4. It is not clear whether Arsinoé is a personal or a place name, but the former view is more
probable. If however a place is meant, a village called Arsinoé is intended, for the metropolis of the
Arsinoite nome was not called Arsinoé until much later (cf. Fay. Towns, p. 9, note 1).
6. The writer has made several alterations in this line. ws at the beginning and ποήσεις are both
apparently written over erasures, unless they are themselves intended to be erased.
8. 1. ἀκούομεν ὃ
16 X 10°7 cm. Second century Β, c.
| Sees from Dioscurides to Theodorus saying that he had sent two payaipoddpor
(a kind of military police) with his instructions, and requesting Theodorus to attend to the
message which they were bringing. What this affair was is obscure owing to the mutilation
of the last part of the papyrus.
[Ac]looxoupidns Θεοδώρωι
[xa]ipew. Ζυγραν [κ]αὶ ᾿Απολλώνιον
[τ]ῶν μαχαιροφόρων πέπομφα
[ἀπ]οδείξοντας περὶ ὧν
προῃρούμην. ὀρθῶς οὖν
[... ].. σας ἀ[κο]ύσας αὐτῶν
[- ..]. μενων [-. .] ρ[7πον
[ἀναγκαῖόν ἐστιν τὸ πρᾶγμα,
καὶ φροντίσας ὡς μέγα χρῆμα
ιο K.«[..].. θήσονται ἐπιτετε-
λεκότες ἕκα[στ]α ὡς μέλλουσιν
[ἀν εἸμπόδιστ[οι κ]ατασταθέντες
ὌΝ Bee Lt ots eae ἔρρ]ωσο.
[ ἔτους Παϊχὼν is.
GEBELEN. 15:7 Χ15 cm. Late second century B.c. Prats VII.
LETTER from Portis, captain of a chosen band of youths, and his followers to Pates and
Pachrates ‘and all the other soldiers.’ On the verso the addressees are styled φιλοβασιλισταί,
one of the numerous military titles at the court, and known in the time of Euergetes II from
Pap. Par. 15. 1. 4. Probably they were a corps attached in some way to the person of the king
or queen, but of lower rank than the σωματοφύλακες.
After the usual greetings (4-6) the writers proceed to express their pleasure at having
taken part in certain contests in which their opponents had apparently been Hermonthites (6-8).
A curious word reBes (or perhaps μεβεις), which if it is not corrupt is probably a non-Greek
title, occurs in line 7. In the next two lines the subject is the recent election of a προστάτης,
but the papyrus breaks off before the sentence is complete.
Πόρτεις ἡ[γ]εμὼν τῶν ἐν προχειρισ-
μῶι καὶ οἱ [ἐκ] τοῦ σημείου νεανίσκοι
Πατῆτι [καὶ] Παχράτηι καὶ τοῖς ἄλλοις
[στ]ρ[α]τιώται[ς] πᾶσι χαίρειν καὶ ἐρρω-
5 μένωι δι[ὰ walyrds εὐημερεῖν, ὑγιαίνο-
μεν δὲ καζύτ]οί. μεταλαβόντες τοὺς συν-
τετελεσμέν[ο]υς πρὸς τοὺς τεβεις Ἕρμων-
[θ]ίτας ἀγῶνας μεγάλως ἐχάρημεν.
[é}ret οὖν προκεχειράκαμεν προστάτην
τ), eee Ce ΘΟΕ: 1 Νεχθηράτιος Βεμερων
On the verso
7 Πατῆτι καὶ Π[αχράτηι
καὶ τοῖς ἄλλοις στρατιώϊταις
ἌΣ 2 ἐρρωμένως. 9. 1. προκεχειρίκαμεν.
Diné. 20X9°5 cm. Second century B.c.
. LETTER from Epiodorus to the λεσῶνις (‘chief-priest, cf. 85. 11 note) and other priests
of Socnopaeus, with reference to a grant of land which the temple had received. This
formed part of a parcel containing apparently 46 arourae in all; but Arius, who had the
duty of apportioning the whole land between the temple and other recipients, had leased
21 arourae of the best land to certain Greeks, leaving only 25 arourae of the worst land
for the temple. By the aid of a bribe to the rowoypapparevs and κωμογραμματεύς Epiodorus
managed to. turn out Arius and to have a fresh division of the land. ᾿
The position occupied by the Greeks is interesting. Here they are found over-reaching
their Egyptian fellow-subjects. Their unpopularity at this period during the reactionary rule
of the later Ptolemies is evidenced by the complaint of Glaucias (Brit. Mus. Pap. 44. 14);
ef. the burning of title-deeds in the Fayfim by the ‘Egyptian rebels’ mentioned in 80,
a proceeding which wasprobably directed largely against the Greek landowners.
᾿Ηπιόδωρος τῶι λεσώνει
καὶ τοῖς ἱερεῦσι τοῦ Σοκνο-
παίου χαίρειν. χωρισθεὶς͵
en 2 8 (4. 9 ᾽’
ὑμῶν evpov ὑπ΄ ᾿Αρείου
διεσταλμένας ἀπὸ τῆς
γῆς τὰς κρατίστας (ἀρούρας) κα
καὶ μεμισθωμένας τισὶ
τῶν Ἑλλήνων, εἰς δὲ τὸν 20
τοῦ θεοῦ κλῆρον τῆς χειρί-
στῆς καταλελειμμένας
Ν , > ’ ν
τὰς πάσας (ἀρούρας) κε. ὅθεν
ὑμῶν μηδεμίαν πρόνοι-
αν ποησαμένων ἠναγκά-
σθὴην παραγενομένων τῶν
γραμματέων ἐπὶ τὴν
διαγραφὴν μετὰ πολλοῦ
ἱδρῶτος ἀποστῆσαι τῆς
γῆς τὸν “Apeov, καὶ δοὺς
τῶι τοπογραμματεῖ καὶ τῶι
κωμογραμματεῖ καὶ τοῖς
ἄλλοις ἀργυρίου στα(τῆρας) ἡ τήν
τε γῆν ἐκ πλήρους κομι-
[σάμενος le
On the verso
ἐπηκολουθήκίαμεν T]he
25 διαστολῆι τῆϊς γῆς κ]αὶ
Σοχώτης παρί..... ]..@.
Lower down vestiges of two lines in a different hand.
*Epiodorus to the chief priest and the priests of Socnopaeus, greeting. When I left you I found
that Arius had separated the best 21 arourae from the rest of the land and had leased them to certain
of the Greeks, and had left for the portion of the god only 25 arourae of the worst land. Therefore as
you had made no provision for your interests I was obliged, when the scribes came to delimitate the
land, by great exertions to remove Arius, and having given the topogrammateus, komogrammateus and
the rest eight staters of silver, and recovered the land in full .. .’ '
Ding. 29°5 x 8:5 cm. Second century B.c.
ETTER from Diodorus, perhaps identical with the prophet of Socnopaeus mentioned
in 56 and 57, to the priests of Socnopaeus giving directions about the sealing of the
granary at the temple. The papyrus had already been used for writing a letter, the ink
of which has been washed off.
A dd]wpos τοῖς te ped- αὐτῶι ἕως ἂν
σι το] Σοκ[ν]οπαίου πίο]ήσητίαἾι. τὸν
καὶ Ἴ[σἤιος [Ν]εφορσείους σφραγ[ισμὸ]ν «fale
χαίρειν. πέπομφα συνπαρόντος
5 τὸν Tap ἐμοῦ 13 τοῦ [λ]εσώνιος
Πετερμοῦθιν ἢ τις av τι τοιοῦτο
σφραγισάμειζον γίνηται, τοῦ κ[.ἸΣ.
τίὸ]ν θησαυρόν. μον ὡς προθυμό-
καλῶς οὖν ποήσετε τίατα πα[.].. σῳ..
το συνπαραστάντες 20 θησομένου.
On the verso an obliterated line.
‘Diodorus to the priests of Socnopaeus and Isis Nephorses, greeting. I have sent my agent
Petermouthis to seal the granary. Please therefore assist him until he carries out the sealing, and let
the chief priest be present or whoever is acting in this capacity (Ὁ), and the... be... as carefully as
15. [λ]εσώνιος : cf. note on 35. 11.
16. τις is apparently for ὅστις ; but the construction is very difficult. Perhaps ἀντὶ rowtro(v) should
be read; αἰτήσαντι seems an unlikely correction.
19. The traces of ink after ow perhaps do not represent letters, in which case 1. σωθησομένου.
Il, H
Dine. 22X12°5 cm. B.C. 179. Pxrate VIII.
N acknowledgement by Demetrius, a Greek settler from Sinope (cf. 55. 1), that he had
received from three farmers (γεωργοί) of Arsinoé, named Marres, Achoapis, and Phanesis,
nine hundred artabae of wheat in repayment of a loan; cf. Petrie Pap. 11. 47. The agree-
ment was written twice over (with a few omissions in the first copy), like 44, a practice for
which the Gebelén scribes substituted the prefixing of a short abstract to the contract itself,
e.g. 51. The first copy is on the whole the most cursively written document which we have
met, the words frequently degenerating into a mere scrawl in which no attempt is made to
give the individual letters any particular shape, and half of them may be left out. So long
as the key is provided by the second copy, which is better written though still very cursive,
it is possible to divine what the first copy was intended to represent, but unfortunately nearly
half the second copy is lost and continuous decipherment ‘of the latter part of the first is
hopeless. The last four lines of it give a list of witnesses, probably six in number, as in 48;
οἱ τέσσαρες at the beginning of the last line but one is clear. The detached fragment is
probably to be placed so that there is a gap of about eight letters between nv of line 37
and Jp. Jé.
The agreement begins as usual in this century with a long protocol giving the eponymous
priesthoods at Alexandria, the year being the second of Philometor. The day was given
in the second copy on both the Macedonian and Egyptian calendars, Dius 29 corresponding
with some day between Pachon 21 and 29 inclusive. Since in 48, written six years later,
Loius 13 coincided with Mecheir 13, no serious change had taken place in the interval, for in
B.C. 173 Dius 29 would have corresponded with Pachon 29 and in 8.6. 179 Dius 29 did
either exactly or very nearly correspond with Pachon 29. In the ten years however between
the date of 48 and that of Pap. Par. 63 some intercalation must have occurred, for in the
18th year of Philometor Peritius 4=Mesore 25 (Pap. Par. 63. XIII. 14), i.e. the Egyptian
calendar had moved on twenty-one days compared with its relation to the Macedonian in the
eighth year. A somewhat greater change had taken place shortly before the date of 42; for
according to a hieroglyphic inscription dated in the 23rd year of Epiphanes (Bouriant,
Recueil de Travaux, 1885, p. 1) Gorpiaeus 24 then coincided with Pharmouthi 24, a difference
of more than twenty days compared with the relation of the two calendars in 42, and a difference
of thirty days compared with their relation in 48. Another attempt to systematize the vagaries
of the Macedonian calendar has recently been made by Strack (Rhein. Mus. lv. pp. 163, sqq-);
but, speaking for ourselves, the result of his researches is only to confirm us in the view (cf.
Rev. Pap. pp. 161-163) that the problem is insoluble, at any rate in the existing paucity of data
for determining the chronology of the early Ptolemies. For it must be remembered that
though it is a convenient working hypothesis to convert dates found in third and second
century B.C. papyri into years B.c. on the supposition that the regnal years were calculated by
the Egyptian calendar in which the new year began on Thoth 1, this assumption is, so
far from being proven, certainly wrong in a number of cases. As Mr. Smyly has pointed out
(Hermathena, x. 432), the method of calculating the king’s years from Thoth 1 was in the
third century only employed for revenue purposes, the ordinary method being different. But
what this system was and how long it continued to be employed is unknown. And in the
case of double dates by the Macedonian and Egyptian calendars it is not even certain that the
regnal year refers to the Egyptian date rather than the Macedonian, while in the case of dates
in which only the Macedonian month is given; it is quite hopeless to try and fix the precise
date z.c. There is no harm in converting dates found in Ptolemaic papyri of the earlier period
into years Β. 6., so long as the correspondence is not used as a basis of argument, though the
possibility of an error of at least one year is perpetually present; but the foundations are too
insecure at present to serve as a starting-point for exact calculations.
Βασιλεύοντος Πτολεμαίου τοῦ [Πτολεμαΐῆζου καὶ Κλεοπάτρας θεῶν ᾿Επιφανῶν ἔτους
δευτέρου, ἐφ᾽ ἱερέως [Ποσειδωνίου τοῦ Ποσειδω]νίου ᾿Αλεξάνδρου καὶ θεῶν Σωτήρων καὶ θεῶν
καὶ θεῶν Ἐὐεργετῶν καὶ θεῶν Φιλοπατόρων [καὶ θεῶ]ν ᾿Επιφανῶν καὶ θεῶν Φιλομητόρων,
Βερενίκης Evepyér[iSos] "Er........ TAS Acces ov, κανηφόρου ᾿Αρσινόης Φιλαδέλφου
ΓΝ ΤΡ eel τῆς ὁ. ἀφ... .... , ἱερεία]ς ᾿Αρσινόης Φιλοπάτορος Εἰρήνης τῆς Πτολεμαίου,
pnvos Δίου τοχῶν ἐν [Κρο(κοδίλων πόλει)] τοῦ ᾿Ἀρσωνοίσου νομοῦ. ὁμολογεῖ Δημήτριος
Σινωπεὺς τῶν μὴ γρ[αφὴν ἐσ]χηκότων ..... των καὶ τῶν ἄλλων ἐπιμη..
tL See Mappet Πεχύσιος [καὶ] ἐλ βκὸι ἐπρτεσούχον καὶ φως mandihes
τοῖς τρισὶ ᾿Αρσινοίταις [γεωργοῖς] ἀπέχειν παρ᾽ αὐτῶν πυρῶν ἀρτάβας
το ἐνενηκοσίας τὸ Sdvelov.......- 7. ..[.. .“ν αὐτῶι οἱ προγεγραμμένοι κατὰ
συνγραφὴν δανείου ἣν
eight illegible lines.
20 βασιλεύοντ οἷς Πτολεμαίου [τ]οῦ Πτολεμαίου καὶ
Κλεοπάτρ[ας] θεῶ[ν] ᾿Επιφανῶν ἔτους S[ev]répo[v,
ἐφ᾽ [ἱε]ρέω[ς Πο]σειδ]ωνίου τοῦ Ποσειδωνίου ᾿Αλεξάνδρου
καὶ θεῶν Σωτζήρων καὶ θε]ῶν ᾿Αδελφῶν καὶ θεῶν Evepye-
τῶν καὶ θεῶν Φ[ιλοπατόρω]ν καὶ θεῶν ᾿Επιφανῶν καὶ θεῶν
285 Φιλομητόρων, ἀθλοφόρου] Β[εἸρενίκης Evepyéridos
Ἔα ἐχον ἡ ἐν ἔν. Vee Mh κανηφόρου ᾿Αρσινόης φζῆλα-
δέλφου ΣᾺ Οὐ νννν [.{..7.«ὐὺς νορ[οῆς, ἱερείας ᾿Αρσινόη[ς
Φιλοπάτορος Εἰρήνης τῆς Πτολεμαίου, μηνὸς Δίου ἐνάτη[ι
καὶ εἰκάδι Παχὼν [........ κ]αὶ εἰκάδι ἐν Κροκοδίλων πόλει
30 τοῦ ᾿Αρσινοίτοϊν νομοῦ. ὁμολογ]εῖ Δημήτριος Σινωπεὺς
τῶν μὴ γρᾳφὴν ἐσχηκότων Oe. τατων καὶ τῶν ἄλλων
érym..[.]..[- σεβᾳσμ... κατὰ μέρος Μαρρεῖ
Π[εϊχύσιος καὶ ᾿Α[χο]άπει Πετεσούχου καὶ Φανήσει
Φανήσιος [τοῖ]ς τίρ]σὶν ᾿Αρσινο[7γταις γεωργοῖς ἀπέ-
35 χεῖν παρ᾽ αἰὐτῶν π]υρῶν ἀρτάβας ἐνενηκοσίας
τὸ δάνειον [.. .7ρ[. .] - .«.1
δανείου ηνΐ
ἐξέστω . [ “ A detached fragment.
Dreier of Lia
0 «11. .-. τούτ]ων [ 7. pol
| rote . ιουΐ
Η Jeror
5. Εἰρήνης τῆς Πτολεμαίου: she was in office for at least twenty-three years, for she was already
priestess of Arsinoé Philopator in the ninth year of Epiphanes (Rosetta stone lines 5-6), and she was
holding the same post in the eighth year of Philometor (48. 5). ~
6. μηνὸς Δίου Παχών: the days seem to have been omitted unless ev is the beginning of ἐνάτῃ καὶ εἰκάδι,
cf. lines 28-29. But considering the shortness of the lacuna it is more probable that ἐν refers to
Κρο(κοδίλων πόλει).
7. In 55. 1, written four years later probably, Demetrius appears as τῆς βὶ ἱππαρχίας ἑβδομηκοντάρουρος.
Perhaps the phrase here means that he had not yet received his grant; cf. the expression τῶν οὔπω
ἐπηγμένων εἰς δῆμον found in Petr. Pap. I. 27 (cf. Wilcken, Gdzt. gel. Anz., 1895, pp. 143-144).
9. γεωργοί is very likely for δημόσιοι. or βασιλικοὶ γεωργοί. βασιλικοί was often omitted, e.g. in the
title γραμματεὺς γεωργῶν (Fay. Towns Pap. 18(@). 1), and βασιλικοὶ γεωργοί occur frequently in these Dimé
papyri; cf. 33 and 34,
Ding. 7.2 Χ17:5 cm. B.C. 173. ΠΡΙΑΤΕ VIII.
ONTRACT for the loan of ten artabae of wheat for five months from Marres son
of Pakusis (cf. 42. 8) to Menelaus, a Macedonian of the Epigone. The loan was
apparently without interest, but in the event of failure to repay the penalty was five hundred
copper drachmae an artaba (see note on line 12). There are six witnesses, all belonging to
the guard stationed at Socnopaei Nesus. As usual, the protocol contains a list of the priesthoods
at Alexandria, and the date is given on both the Macedonian and Egyptian calendars,
Loius 13 coinciding with Mecheir 13; cf. introd. to 42.
The papyrus is very cursively written in long lines across the fibres of the vecto, and the ink
is somewhat blurred in parts, making decipherment difficult. Line 15 has resisted our efforts.
᾿ Βασιλεύοντος Πτολεμαίου τοῦ Πτολεμαίου καὶ Κλεοπάτρας θεῶν ᾿Επιφανῶν ἔτους ὀγδόου
ἐφ᾽ ἱερέως Ἡρακλείδου τοῦ Πεναφου ᾿Αλεξάνδρου καὶ θεῶν Σωτήρων καὶ θ[εῶ]ν ᾿Αδελφῶν
: καὶ θεῶν Evepyerav
καὶ θεῶν Φιλοπατόρων καὶ θεῶν ᾿πιφανῶν καὶ θεῶν Φιλομητόρων, ἀθλοφόρου Βερενίκης]
Ἐὐεργέτιδος ᾿Αρσινόῃς τῆς. .... ου,
κανηφόρου ᾿Αρσινόης Φιλαδέλφου ᾿Αριστοκλείας τῆς Δημητρ(ί)ου, ἱερείας ᾿Αρσινόης Φιλο-
πάτορος - :
5 Εἰρήνης τῆς Πτολεμαίου, μηνὸς Awiov τρεισκαιδεκάτηι Μεχεὶρ τρεισκαιδεκάτηι, ἐν τῆι
Σοκνοπαίου Νήσωι τοῦ ᾿Αρσινοίτου νομοῦ. ἐδάνεισε Μαρρῆς Πακύσιος ᾿Αρσι[ν]οίτης Μενελάωι
Παριγέτου Μακεδόνι τῆς ἐπιγονῆς πυροῦ ἀρτάβας δέκα. ἀποδότω δὲ Μενέλαος Μαρρῆτι
τὸ δάνειον τῶν δέκα ἀρταβῶν τῶν πυρῶν ἐν μηνὶ Αὐδυνᾳίωι Αἰγυπτίων δὲ ᾿Επεὶφ
ἢ ὅταν ἡ ἄφεσις τῶν πυρίνων καρπῶν γένηται πυρὸν νέον ἄδολον καθαρὸν ἀπὸ παντός, μέτρωι
το δικαίωι τῶι πρὸς τὸ βασιλικὸν χαλκοῦν μετρήσει καὶ σκυτάληι [δ]ικαίαι καὶ κατα-
στησάτω εἰς τὴν Σοκνοπαίου πρὸς Μαρρῆν τοῖς ἰδίοις ἀνηλῴώμᾳσι. ἂν τῶν ἀρταβῶν
τοῦ πυροῦ μὴ ἀποδῶι ἀποτεισάτω τιμὴν δραχμὰς πεντακοσίας, καὶ ἡ πρᾶξις ἔστω
Μαρρῆτι τῶι κατὰ τὴν γραφὴν παρά τε ἑαυτοῦ Μενελάου καὶ ἐκ] τῶν ὑπαρχόντων
αὐτῶι πάντων πράσσοντι κατὰ τὸ διάγραμμα καὶ τοὺς νόμους. κύριος δ᾽ ἔστω
13 καὶ α[.]Γ. ς πράσσοντᾳ του εκ 30 letters ἢ κρισι
οἱ ἐξ τῶν ἐν τῆι Σοκνοπαίου Νήσωι φρουρούντων καὶ μισθο(φόρωιλ).
συγγραφοφύλαξ Φίλων.
13. € Of eavrov corr. from τ.
‘In the reign of Ptolemy, the son of Ptolemy and Cleopatra gods Epiphaneis, the eighth year,
Heraclides son of Penaphus (?) being priest of Alexander and the gods Soteres and the gods Adelphi and the
gods Euergetae and the gods Philopatores and the gods Epiphaneis and the gods Philometores, the
athlophorus of Berenice Euergetis being Arsinoé daughter of . . .,.the canephorus of Arsinoé Phila-
delphus being Aristoclea daughter of Demetrius, the priestess of Arsinoé Philopator being Irene daughter
of Ptolemaeus, the 13th of the month Loius, which is the 13th of Mecheir, at Socnopaei Nesus in the
Arsinoite nome. Marres son of Pekusis, Arsinoite, has lent to Menelaus son of Parigetus (?), Macedonian
of the Epigone, ten artabae of wheat. Menelaus shall return to Marres the loan of the ten artabae of
wheat in the month Audynaeus which is on the Egyptian reckoning Epeiph or whenever the release
of the wheat crops takes place, in wheat that is new, pure, free from all adulteration, by just measure
calculated by the royal bronze standard, and with just measurement and rule; and he shall deliver it at
Socnopaei Nesus to Marres at his own expense, or if he fails to return the artabae of wheat he shall
pay the value, five hundred drachmae, and Marres shall in accordance with the contract have the right
of execution upon both Menelaus himself and all his property, as the decree and the laws allow. .
(The witnesses are) Pasippus, Xenon, Theodorus, Ptolemaeus, Macedonians, Philo, Thracian, Sosicrates,
Cretan, all six belonging to the guard at Socnopaei Nesus and in receipt of pay. (Signed) Keeper of
contracts, Philo.’
5. Ἑϊρήνης τῆς Πτολεμαίου: cf. note on 42. 5.
8. Audynaeus exactly corresponded with Mesore, since Loius coincided with Mecheir.
9. ἄφεσις : apparently, as Mr. Smyly suggests, the cultivators were not allowed to use their crops for
private purposes until the claims of the government had been satisfied, and ἄφεσις here means the official
release of the harvest after the taxes had been paid; cf. Petr. Pap. II. 2 (1) 9-10, τῆς μισθώσεως διαγορευούσης
κομίσασθαι αὐτὸν τὰ ἐκφόρια ὅταν ἡ ἄφεσις δοθῇ.
το. Cf. the similar phrase in a Gizeh papyrus of the third century B.C. (Inv. no. 10250) μέτρωι ὧι αὐτί ὃς]
ἐκόμισα ἐξ ᾿Αλεξανδρείας ....... μένωι πρὸς τὸ χαλκοῦν μετρήσει δικαίαι καὶ σκυτάληι, The σκυτάλη was used for
levelling the piled up grain.
11. Either τὸ δάνειον must be inserted before τῶν ἀρταβῶν, or τὰς ἀρτάβας must be read,
12. δραχμὰς πεντακοσίας : in Philometor’s reign δραχμαί simply ought to mean copper drachmae on the
copper standard (Rev. Pap. pp. 210, sqq.), but 500 copper drachmae is much too low a price for ten
artabae of wheat; cf. the instances collected by Lumbroso, Recherches, p. 7, where the price of one
artaba ranges from 250 to 400 copper drachmae. 500 silver drachmae on the other hand is far too
high a price for ten artabae. Probably therefore 500 copper drachmae here was the value of a single
14. The stereotyped phrase in later second century B.C. contracts of loan (e.g. 46-49), καθάπερ ἐγ
δίκης, had not yet come to be used in the Fayfim. In its place we have a reference to the original edict
giving creditors the right of execution upon the persons and property of debtors.
Fayd. 18-7 Χ 5:7 cm. Be 138-1 37.
CONTRACT for a loan of wheat. Only a small part of the whole document is
preserved, but since the contract is written twice over (cf. 42 introd.), the first time in
a small, the second in a much larger cursive, and the formula closely resembles that of 48,
the general sense and several of the chief details are obtainable. The lender is a person
called Pyrrhus; the borrower’s name is lost, but he was a cavalry soldier who had received
a grant of 80 arourae (cf. 55. 2). The loan consisted of [.]45 artabae of wheat.
The date of the papyrus is the thirty-third year of Euergetes II reigning with the two
Cleopatras, ‘the sister’ and ‘the wife.’ The long list of the priests and priestesses at Alexandria
is given both times in full, as in 42 and 48. In the Gebelén documents of this period, e. g.
Gr. Pap. II. 15, the omission of their names, which became almost universal in later reigns,
(cf. 51) is already found.
On the verso are parts of two lines which may or may not have had some reference to
the contract on the vec/o.
1 [Βασιλευόντων βασιλέως Πτολεμαίου καὶ βασιλίσσης Κλεοπάτρας τῆς ἀδελφῆς] θεῶν Evepyerav
[τῶν Πτολεμαίου καὶ
[Κλεοπάτρας θεῶν ᾿Επιφανῶν καὶ Κλεοπάτρας τῆς γυναικὸς θεᾶς Evepyéridos ἔτους τρ]ίτου καὶ
ο΄ φριακοστοῦ [ἐφ᾽ tlepelws τοῦ Εὐτύχου
[[Αλεξάνδρου καὶ θεῶν Σωτήρων καὶ θεῶν ᾿Αδελφῶν καὶ θεῶν Ἐῤεργετῶν καὶ θεῶν Φιϊλοπατζό]ρων
κ[αὶ θεῶν ᾿Ε]πιφανῶϊν καὶ θεοῦ Εὐπάτορος ,
4 [καὶ θεοῦ Φιλομήτορος καὶ θεῶν Ἐὐεργετῶν, ἀθλοφόρου Βερενίκης Εὐεργέτιδος 7 τῆς Μάγ-
νητοῖς], κανηφίόρου ᾿Αρσινόης
5 [Φιλαδέλφου Πτολέμας (?) τῆς , ἱερείας ᾿Αρσινόης Φιλοπάτορος » μηνὸς] Πανήμου
ἑβδόϊμ]ηι [
6 [ἐν Φιλόπατορι τῆι καὶ τοῦ ᾿Αρσινοίτου νομοῦ. ἐδάνεισε Πύρρος 7 τῶν Kop. . aryl
1 [τῆς.. ἱππαρχίας ὀγδοηκονταρούρωι πυροῦ ἀρτάβας -κοσίας τεσσαράϊκοντα πέντε, τὸ
δὲ [δάνειον τοῦτο τὰὲξῤῤ -κοσίας
8 [τεσσαράκοντα πέντε ἀρτάβας τῶν πυρῶν ἀποδότω Πύρρωι ἐν μηνὶ τοῦ τε]τάρτου καὶ
τριακοστοῦ ἔτους
9 [ εἰς THY Φιλοπάτορα τὴν Kal 7 οὗ ἂν Πύρρος συντάσσηι
το ἱπυρὸν νέον ἄδολον καθαρὸν ἀπὸ παντὸς , ἐὰν δὲ pie ἀποδῶι καθὰ γέγραπται ἀποτι-
τι. [παραχρῆμα τὴν ἐσομένην πλείστην τὴν ἐν τῆι aylopar τιμήν.
12 [ἡ δὲ πρᾶξις ἔστω Πύρρωι τῶι κατὰ τὴν συγγραφὴν πράσσοντι παρά τε καὶ ἐκ τῶν
ὑπαρχόντων αὐτῶι π]άντων. ἣν δὲ ἔθετο Π[ύρρωι
13 pov συνηρμένωι επιν.
|xewv, οἱ δύο τῶν Kopi
Ἱεριδος Φίλων Δαζίμου [
ra χασαὶ
16 [βασιλευόντων βασιλέως Πτολεμαίου καὶ βασιλίσσης Κλεοπάτ]ρας τῆς ἀδελφῆς Oav Εὐερ-
17 [γετῶν τῶν Πτολεμαίου καὶ Κλεοπάτρας θεῶν ᾿Επιφανῶν καὶ Κλεοπάτρας τῆς γυναικὸς θεᾶς
18 [Εὐεργέτιδος ἔτους τρίτου καὶ τριακοστοῦ ἐφ᾽ tepéws τῇ]οῦ Εὐτύχου ᾿Αλεξάνδρου
19 [καὶ θεῶν Σωτήρων καὶ θεῶν ᾿Αδελφῶν καὶ θεῶν Ἐῤεργετῶν καὶ θε]ῶν Φιλοπατόρωϊν καὶ θεῶν
20 [[Ἐπιφανῶν καὶ θεοῦ Εὐπάτορος καὶ θεοῦ Φιλομήτορος καὶ θεῶν Ἐῤε]ργετῶν, ἀθλο[φόρου Βερε-
ar [νίκης Εὐεργέτιδος τῆς Μάγνητος, κανηφόρου ᾿Αρσινόη]ς Φιλαδέλφου Πηζολέμας (ἢ) τῆς
22 [., ἱερείας ᾿Αρσινόης Φιλοπάτορος τῆς οἾν, μηνὸς Πανήϊμου ἑβδόμηι
2. [ , ἐν Φιλοπάτορι τῆι καὶ τοῦ "Alpowotrov νομοῦ. ἐδ[άνεισε
24 [Πύρρος τῶν Kop. τῆς . ἱππαρχ])ίας ὀγδοηκονταρ[ ούρωι
ἃ [ πυροῦ ἀρτάβας -κο]σίας τεσσαράκοντα πέντε
26 [τὸ δὲ δάνειον τοῦτο τὰς -κοσίας τεσσαράκοντα πέντε ἀ]ρτάβας τῶν πἰυρῶν
27 [ἀποδότω Πύρρωι ἐν μηνὶ τοῦ τετάρτο]υ καὶ τριακοστοῦ ἔτους
2 [ els τὴν Φιλ]όπατορα τὴν Kat [
290 [οὗ ἂν Πύρρος συντάσσηι πυρὸν νέον ἄδολ]ον καθαρὸν ἀπὸ [ παντὸς
30 Jou μετρήσει δικζαίαι
3 OL ἐὰν δὲ μὴ ἀποδῶι καθὰ γέγραπται ἀποτισάτω παραχρῆμα ε. [
82 [ τὴν ἐσομένην πλείστην
48 [τὴν ἐν τῆι ἀγορᾶι τιμὴν ἡ δὲ πρᾶξις ἔστω | Πύρρωι τῶι [κατὰ τὴν
34 [συγγραφὴν πράσσοντι παρά τε καὶ ἐκ τῶν ὑπαρχό]ντων αὐτῶ[ι πάντων.
35. [ἣν δὲ ἔθετο Πύρρωι Ἵνι πτολεμα[ι
86. [ ] Χοίαχ μιᾷ καὶ
41 ἰ -κ]οσίων ἑβδο[μήκοντα
38 [ 1...
1-ὦ, = 16-17. The formula is slightly different from that found in Gr. Pap. II. 15, which is dated in
the thirty-second year and has [βασιλευόντων Bact]Adws Πτολεμαίου (so probably)] τοῦ Πτ[ζολ]εμαίον [καὶ
Κλεοπ]άτρας θεῶν ᾿Επιφανῶν καὶ βασιλίσσης Κλεοπάτρας τῆ 9] ἀδελφῆς [καὶ βασιλίσσης [K]Acon[drpas τῆς γυναικός],
θεῶν Ἐεργετ[ῶν.
5. Πανήμου ἑβδό[μ]ηι: the Macedonian calendar was assimilated to the Egyptian about this time pro-
bably, for an inscription of Euergetes II (Strack, Dynastie der Ptolemiier, Ὁ. 253, No. 103) shows that
the Macedonian calendar was still running its course independently of the Egyptian at some time during
his reign, while if Strack’s reading of line 36 of the Assuan stele (Athen. Mittheilungen, xx. p. 327) is
correct, in the second year of Soter II the two calendars coincided.
6. ἐν Φιλοπάτορι τῆι καὶ. . .: supplied from line 28; cf. 43. 5 and 11. A village named Philopator
in the Faydm is mentioned in 59. 2, 60. 2, &c., but that it had an Egyptian name as well is not
known from any other passage.
GEBELEN. 115 X 34-7 cm. About B. c. 150-145.
ART of the protocol of a contract, written in Philometor’s reign, giving the list of
eponymous priesthoods at*Ptolemais. The mention of Ptolemy Eupator and of
Cleopatra ‘the daughter’ shows that the date of the papyrus is near the end of Philometor'’s
sovereignty. Eupator is placed after Philometor, as in Leyden Pap. N and Gr. Pap. II. 15. 4, 8.
Of the extant lists Gr. Pap. I. 12 approximates most nearly to this one in form, but belongs
to another year, the priests being different.
[ 4 Πτολεμαίου δὲ Εὐ]εργέτίου 18 letters
[ 20 letters Πτολεμαίου [ 23 letters Λε]ωνίδου [ 20 letters
[ 12 letters Πτολεμαίου δὲ ΦἸιλοπίάτορος ... .. Ἱεροῦ: οὖς Ca ae 1, Πτολεμαίου δὲ]
᾿Ἐπιφαϊνοῦς Εὐχαρίσ-
του 19 letters’ Πτολεμαίου [δὲ θεοῦ Φι]λομήτορ[ος. .. ... «. . τοῦ ᾿Απολλω-
νου], Πτολεϊμαίου δὲ
5 Εὐπάτζο]ρος Λυσιμάχου fod Λυσιμάχου Φ[ιλομητο]ρείον, ἱερε{ῶὧν βασιλίσσης μὲν
Κλεοπάτρας] ΤιμαρέΪτης τῆς .....
βασιλίσσης δὲ Κλεοπάτρας τῆς θυγατρὸς Βερενίκης τῆς “Eppiov, Κ[λεοπάτρας δὲ τῆς
μ[ητ]ρὸς θεᾶς [Ἐπιφανοῦς
Νικασοῦς τῆς ᾿Αριστονίκου, κανηφόρου ᾿Αρσινόης Φιλαδέλφου Εἰρήνη[ς τ]ῆς ᾿Αντιπάτρου Πει-
[ovldvaxros [........
μηνὸς Παῦνι πέμπτῃ καὶ εἰκάδι, ἐν Κροκοδείλων πόλει ἐπὶ Πηολ]εμαίου ἀγορανόμου τοῦ
1-2. Apparently some irregularity has occurred here in the order of the Ptolemies, a name, presumably
that of Philadelphus, being inserted between Euergetes I and Philopator.
GEBELEN. 16X 14:7 cm. B.C. 113.
HIS and the two following papyri (47 and 48) are contracts of loan in which the lending
party is a woman whose name appears in two forms, Naomsesis and Namesesis (cf.
Gr. Pap. I. 27, col. 11. 8 Naapoyjoe). The loans are in kind, wheat in 46 and 47, wine in 48,
and for short periods, without interest, penalties being as usual imposed if the borrower failed
to repay at the stated time.
This papyrus and 47 were written in the fifth year of Cleopatra III and Ptolemy Soter II
before Heliodorus, agoranomus of Pathyris; cf. Gr. Pap. I. 25, col. II.9. The writing is across
the fibres.
Ἔτους ε Φαῶφι y, ἐν Παθύρει ἐφ᾽ Ἡλιοδώρου ayopavop(ov).
[ἐδάνεισε]ν Ναομσῆσις Σπεμμίνιος Περσίνη
[Θαή]σει “Apovjows Περσίνῃ πυρῶν ἀρ(τάβας) δέκα ἄτ[οκα.
τὸ δὲ δάνειον τοῦτο ἀποδότω ἡ δεδανεισμέϊνη
5 Θαῆσις Ναομσήσει ἐν μηνὶ Παχὼν τοῦ ε (ἔτους) [{πυρὸν)
[νέον] καθαρὸν ἀποκαθεσταμένον εἰς οἶκον
πρὸς αὐτὴν τοῖς ἰδίοις ἀνηλώμασιν μέτρῳ
ὧι καὶ παρείληφεν. ἐὰν δὲ μὴ ἀποδῶι ἐν τῷ
ὡρισμένῳ χρόνῳ ἀποτεισάτω παραχρῆμα
[ἡμιόλιον τὴ]ν ἐσομένην ἐν τῆι ἀγορᾶς
τιμήν, ἡ δὲ πρᾶξις ἔστω Ναομσήσει ἐκ τῆς
δεδανεισμένης Θαήσιος καὶ ἐκ τῶν ὑπαρ-
. χόντων αὐτῇ, πράσσοντι καθάπερ ἐγ δίκης.
On the verso
ἀπ[ό]δο(σις) ε (ἔτους), δάί(νειον) Θαήσιος (πὐρῶν) ι.
10, 1. ἀγορᾷ. 13. 1, πρασσούσῃ.
‘The fifth year, Phaophi 3, at Pathyris, before Heliodorus, agoranomus. Naomsesis daughter of
Spemminis, Persian, has lent to Thaésis daughter of Harsiésis, Persian, 10 artabae of wheat, without interest.
This loan the borrower Thaésis is to pay back in the month Pachon of the fifth year in new, pure wheat,
delivered to her at her house at Thaésis’ own expense according to the measure by which she received
it. If she does not repay at the stated time she shall forfeit forthwith the current market price increased
by one half, and Naomsesis shall have the right of execution upon the borrower Thaésis and upon her
property, proceeding as if in accordance with a legal decision.’
GEBELEN. 16:5 X 11-5 cm, , δὰ BU, 399. PEATE 2s.
OAN of twelve artabae of wheat for six months without interest from Naomsesis (cf. 46
L here called Namesesis and Namosesis) to Petseous son of Sales. The formula and
conditions of the contract are identical with hare of the preceding papyrus, which was written
a month earlier.
Ἔτους ε ᾿Α[θὺρ .., ἐν Παθύρει ἐφ᾽ Ἡ- ,
λιοδώρου [ἀγο]ρ[ανόμου. ἐδάνεισεν
Ναμεσῆσις Σπεμμίνιος Περσίνη
Πατσεοῦτι Σαλῆτος Πέρσῃ τῆς ἐπί(ιγονῆς)
5 πυροῦ ἀρτάβας δέκα δύο ἄτοκα.
τὸ δὲ δάνειον τοῦτο ἀποδότωι .
ὃ δεδανεισμένος Napeojoer »
ἐμ w(nri) Παχὼν ἃ τοῦ αὐτοῦ" ἔτους (πυρὸν) ἡ"
νέον καθαρὸν ἄδολον μέ(τρῳ) ὧι καὶ παρ-
το εἴληφεν ἀπ[ο]καθεσταμένον εἰς οἶκον
πρὸς αὐτὴν ἰδίοις ἀνηλώμασι. ἐὰν δὲ + , :
μὴ ἀποδῶι ἐν τῶι ὡρισμένωι χρόνω Ἡ
ἀποτεισάτω παραχρῆ(μα) ἡμιόλιον τὴν
ἐσομένην ἐν τῆι ἀγορᾶι τιμήν, ἡ δὲ
τ πρᾶξις ἔστωι Ναμεσήσει ἐκ τοῦ
Πατσεοῦτος καὶ ἐκ τῶν ὑπαρχόν-
των αὐτῶι πάντων καθάπερ ἐγ δίκης.
Ἡλιόδω(ρος) κεχρη(μάτικα).
On the verso
Ναμοσῆ( σις) Πατσεοῦ(τι) Σαλῆτος,
20 (πυροῦ) ἀρ(τάβαι) ιβ.
GEBELEN. 17:8 Χ 14:7 cm. B.C. 106.
ONTRACT for the loan of eight jars (κεράμια) of wine from Naomsesis (cf. the two
preceding papyri) to Psenthotes, a Persian of the Epigone. The papyrus was written
in the r1th year (of Cleopatra III) which =the 8th year (of Ptolemy Alexander). The writing
is-across the fibres.
["Ero]us ta τοῦ καὶ ἡ Μεσορὴ vy, ἐν Παθύρει
[ἐφ᾽ Ἑ ρμίου τοῦ πα]ρ[ὰἃ] Πανίσκου ἀγορ[ανόμου.
[ἐδάνει]σεν Ναομσ[ῆ]σις Σπεμμίνιος [Περσίνη
[Ψενθώτη]ι. ᾿Αλύκι[ος] Πέρσης τῆς ἐπ[ιγονῆς
5 [οἴνου κεράμια ὀκτὼ] ἄτοκα. τὸ δὲ [δάνειον
[τοῦτο ἀποδότω] τῇ Ναομσήσι ἐν p(nvi)
Ἐπεὶφ ἃ τοῦ θ᾽ ἔτους παρὰ ληνὸν μέτρῳ
τῶι Πελαίου, χορηγοῦντες κενώματα ἀρεστά,
καὶ παρεχέτω τὸν οἶνον μόνιμον ἕως ᾿Αθὺρ ἃ
το [τοῦ] δεκάτου (ἔτους), καὶ ἀποκαταστησάτω εἰς οἶκο[ν
[π]ρὸς αὐτὴν τοῖς ἰδίοις. ἐὰν δὲ μὴ ἀποδῷ ἐν
[τ]ῷ ὡρισμένῳ χρόνῳ ἀποτεισάτω ἑκάστου
[κ]εραμίου χαλκοῦ δραχμὰς χιλίας, ἡ δὲ πρᾶξις
ἔστω Ναομσήσι ἐκ τοῦ Ψενθώτου καὶ ἐκ τῶν
15 ὑπαρχόντων αὐτῷ πάντων, πράσσοντι
. καθάπερ ἐγ δίκης.
‘Eppi(as) ὁ παρὰ Πανί(σκου) κεχρη(μάτικα).
On the verso
δά(νειον) Ψενθώτης ᾿Αλύκιος
οἴνο(υ) κε(ραμίων) η.
4. 1. Πέρσῃ. 8. 1. χορηγῶν. 11. ἡ Of αὐτὴν corr. from o. 15. a of παντων corr. from p. 1. πρασ-
σούσῃ. 18, 1. Ψενθώτου.
‘The eleventh which is also the eighth year, Mesore 13, δὲ Pathyris, before Hermias, agent of Paniscus,
agoranomus. Naomsesis daughter of Spemminis, Persian, has lent to Psenthotes son of Alukis, Persian
of the Epigone, eight jars of wine without interest. This loan he is to repay to Naomsesis on the goth
of the month Epeiph of the ninth year at the wine-press, measured by the measure of Pelaeas, providing
acceptable vessels, and he shall supply wine that will keep until Athur 30 in the tenth year, and shall
deliver it to her at her house at his own expense, If he does not repay at the stated time he shall
forfeit for each jar a thousand drachmae of copper, and Naomsesis shall have the right of execution
upon Psenthotes arid upon all his property, proceeding as if in consequence of a legal decision.’
2. ἐφ᾽ Ἑρμίου: a number of documents written by Hermias are published in Gr. Pap. I and II;
cf. 51 and Gr. Pap. II. 25, introd. This, the earliest of the series, is rather a favourable specimen of
his work, containing fewer mistakes than usual.
7-8. μέτρῳ τῶι ΠΠελαίου: some private measure, with which both parties were well acquainted; the
name Πελαίας is found in 51 5, &c. On the frequent occurrence of such private measures in the papyri
cf. Wilcken, Ostr. I. pp. 770 sqq.
5 9. Cf. the similar provision in Gr. Pap. II. 24. 13 564. καὶ παρεχέσθω (sc. τὸν οἶνον) μόνιμον καὶ ἀρεστὸν
ἕως ᾿Αθὺρ ἃ (better A) τοῦ ty τοῦ καὶ δεκάτου (ἔτους), the date of the loan being Tubi of the previous year.
13. Assuming that the 1000 drachmae represent the ἡμιόλιον of the value of the wine, the price of
a κεράμιον would be approximately 666 copper drachmae.
GEBELEN. 11 X16 cm. B.C. 108,
ONCLUSION of a contract of loan to two or more persons whose names are lost
from a woman ‘called Philumene, following the regular formula. The ninth year
mentioned in line 11 is no doubt that of Cleopatra III and Ptolemy Soter II. The writing
is across the fibres.
; ‘ . daro-]
καταστησάτίωσαν εἰς οἶκον τοῖς
ἰδίοις ἀνηλώμασιν. ἐὰν δὲ [μὴ ἀπο-
δῶσι καθότι πρόκειται ἀποτεισάτω-
σαν ἐν τῶι ἐχομένωι μην(ὶ) ἡμιόλιον
5 παραχρῆμα, καὶ ἡ πρᾶξις ἔστωι
Φιλουμένηι ἔκ τε τῶν δεδανεισμέ-
νων ἐξ ἑνὸς καὶ ἑκάστου καὶ ἐξ οὗ ἂν
αἱρῆται καὶ ἐκ τῶν ὑπαρχόντων αὐτοῖς
πάντων, πράσσουσα καθάπερ ἐγ δίκης.
το ᾿Απολλώνιος κεχρη(μάτικα).
(ἔτους) 0 Μεχεὶρ ε.
2-3 cay... καθο over an erasure. 3. « Of προκειται corr. from τ 0. 1. πρασσούσῃ.
GEBELEN. 22 X 10'5 cm. B.c. 106. PLate XI.
ONTRACT for a loan of 5 talents 2000 drachmae of copper for one month, without
interest if punctually repaid. The usual penalties are imposed upon failure to return
the loan at the proper time.
Ἔτους ta τοῦ καὶ ἡ Μεσορὴ 15, ἐν Kpoxo-
δίλων πόλει ἐπὶ Πανίσκου ἀγοραόμου
τῆς ἄνω τοπαρχίας τοῦ Παθυρίτου.
ἐδάνεισεν ᾿Εριενοῦφις Ψεμμίνιος
5 τῶν ἐπανηκόζνγ)των ἐκ τοῦ παραγγέλ(ματος)
Εὐνόωι Πατσεοῦτος καὶ Πατ-
σεοῦτι ᾽Ορσεοῦς τοῖς δυσὶ Πέρσαις
τῆς ἐπιγονῆς τῶν ἐκ Παθύρεως,
χαλκοῦ νο(μίσματος) (τάλαντα) πέντε δραχμὰς
το δισχιλίας ἄτοκα εἰς ἡμέρας τριά-
κοντα ἀπὸ ιᾶ τοῦ Μεσορὴ Tot προκ(ειμένου) (ἔτους).
τὸ δὲ δά(νειον) τοῦτο ἀποδότωσαν οἱ δεδα(νεισμένοι)
Ἐριενούφει ἐμ μηνὶ Θωὺθ ε τοῦ ιβ
τοῦ καὶ θ (ἔτους). ἐὰν δὲ μὴ ἀποδῶσι
τ ἐν τῶι ὡρισμένων χρόνωι καθότι
προγέγραπται ἀποτεισάτωσαν
ἐν τῆι ἐχομένηι ἡμέραι παρα-
χρῆμα τὰ τοῦ χα(λκοῦ) (τάλαντα) € 'Β ἡμιόλιον
καὶ τοῦ ὑπερπεσόντος χρόνου τόκους
20 διδράχμους τῆς μνᾶς τὸν μῆνα
ἕκαστον. ἔγγυοι ἀλλήλων εἰς ἔκτεισιν
τῶν διὰ Tot δανείου τούτου πάντων
αὐτοὶ οἱ δεδα(νεισμένοι), ἡ δὲ πρᾶξις ἔστω
᾿Ἐριενούφει ἔκ τε αὐτῶϊν καὶ ἐξ ἑνὸς
25. καὶ ὁποτέρου οὗ ἂν βούϊληται καὶ
ἐκ τῶν τούτοις ὑπίαρχόντων) πάντωϊν καθάπερ
[ἐγ δίκης.
‘The eleventh which is also the eighth year, Mesore 14, at Crocodilopolis before Paniscus, agoranomus
of the upper toparchy of the Pathyrite nome. Erienouphis son of Psemminis, one of those who have
come up in accordance with the summons, has lent to Eunous son of Patseous and to Patseous son of
Orseus, both Persians of the Epigone and of Pathyris, 5 talents 2000 drachmae of copper money without
interest for thirty days from the 11th of Mesore in the aforesaid year. This debt the borrowers are to
repay to Erienouphis on the 5th of the month Thoth in the twelfth which is the ninth year. If they do
not repay at the stated time as is above-written they shall forthwith forfeit on the following day the
5 talents 2000 drachmae of copper increased by one half, and for the overtime interest at the rate of
Ta (+
two drachmae on the mina each month. The borrowers themselves are sureties for each other for the
payment of all the liabilities of this loan, and Erienouphis shall have the right of execution upon them
together or singly or upon whichever he pleases and upon all their property, as if in accordance with
a legal decision.’
3. In the left margin below this line and opposite line 4 are some nearly effaced letters, but beyond
an initial « the traces are too faint to be decipherable, and the writing may have had no reference to
the contract.
5. of ἐπανήκοντες ἐκ τοῦ παραγγέλματος is a new phrase, apparently referring to a fresh settlement of
colonists. Whether ἀνά in ἐπανήκοντες implies that they had gone away but were recalled by a proclamation,
or simply that they had come up the river, is obscure.
19-20, This rate of interest, 2 per cent. a month or 24 per cent. a year, is the ordinary rate required
upon loans not paid back at the specified date; cf. Gr. Pap. II. 18. 17, 21. 17, 27. 15, &c.
GEBELEN. 18-3 x 47°2 cm. B.c. 88. Prate XII.
ONTRACT for the sale of a house at Pathyris at the price of one talent of copper.
As is common in contracts of sale from the Thebaid, a short abstract of the contents
is prefixed in a separate column; cf. introd. to 42.
Col. I.
(Ἔτους) κς Μεσορὴι το μέρει Παθύ(ρεως)
κῆ. ἀπέδοτο οἰκίαν ᾧκο-
Πετεῆσις δομημένην
Πατῆτος καὶ δεδοκω-
5 Πελαΐαι Εὐνόου μένην καὶ τε-
τὴν ὑπάρχου- 15 θυρωμένην
σαν αὐτῶι ὧν αἱ γειτνίαι
ἐν τῶ. ἀπὸ ὀ δεδήλωνται
ἀπηλιώτου διὰ τῆς ὠνῆς.
Col. II.
A 4 “Ὅ. 3 “ a
βασιλευόντων Πτολεμαίου τοῦ ἐπικαλουμένου ᾿Αλεξάνδρου καὶ Κλεοπάτρας τῆς ἀδελφῆς θεῶν
a > nS | “ Ν , “᾽
20 Φιλομητόρων Σωτήρων ἔτους ἕκτου καὶ εἰκοστοῦ, ἐφ᾽ ἱερέων καὶ ἱερειῶν καὶ κανηφόρου τῶν
ὄντων ©
— a 4 4 “
καὶ οὐσῶν, μηνὸς Μεσορὴι κῆ, ἐν Παθύρει ἐφ᾽ “Eppiov ἀγορανόμου τῆς ἄνω τοπαρχίας τοῦ
ἀπέδοτο Πετεῆσις Πατῆτος Πέρσης ὡς (ἐτῶν) μ μέσος μελίχρως τετανὸς μακροπρόσωπος
εὐθύριν οὐλὴ ὑπ’ ὀφρύι ἀριστερᾷ, τὴν ὑπάρχουσαν αὐτῶι οἰκίαν φκοδομημένην καὶ δεδο-
κωμένην καὶ τεθυρωμένην τῆς οὔσης ἐν τῶι ἀπὸ ἀπηλιώτου μέρει Παθυρέως
25 λεγομένης κρήνης, ἧς γείτονες νότου οἰκία Πελαΐου τοῦ ὠνουμένον, βορρᾶ οἰκία
Taevovrios τῆς Ψενποήριος ἧς κρί αἸτεὶ Τοτοῆς Πανεχάτου, ἀπηλιώτου καὶ λιβὸς
ῥύμη βασιλική, ἢ ot ἂν ὦσι γείτονες πάντοθεν. ἐπρίατο ἸΠελαίας Ἑὐνόου χα(λκοῦ) (ταλάντου) a.
προπωλητὴς καὶ βεβαιωτὴ[ς] τῶν κατὰ τὴν ὠνὴν ταύτην πάντων Πετεῆσις
ὁ ἀποδόμενος, ὃν ἐδέξατο] Πελαίας ὁ πριάμενος.
30 Ἑρμίας κεκρη(μάτικα).
τ6. 1. ἧς. 20. κανη corrected from κλεο. 23. First ἡ of ὠκοδομημενὴν corrected from ε.
‘The twenty-sixth year, Mesore 28. Peteésis son of Pates has sold to Pelaeas son of Eunous the
house belonging to him in the eastern part of Pathyris, built and furnished with beams and doors, the
position of which is set forth in the contract of sale.
In the twenty-sixth year of the reign of Ptolemy surnamed Alexander and of Cleopatra the ‘sister,
gods Philometores Soteres, the several priests and priestesses and the canephorus being in office, the
28th of the month Mesore, at Pathyris, before Hermias, agoranomus of the upper toparchy of the
Pathyrite nome. Peteésis son of Pates, aged about forty years, of medium height, having a fair complexion,
straight hair, a long face, straight nose, and a scar under the left eyebrow, has sold the house belonging
to him built and furnished with beams and doors at the so-called fountain in the eastern part of
Pathyris, adjoining which are, on the south the house of Pelaeas the purchaser, on the north the house
of Taénoutis daughter of Psenpoéris, over which Totoés son of Panechates has rights, on the east and
west a royal street, or whatever may adjoin it onall sides. The house has been purchased by Pelaeas
son of Eunous at the price of one talent of copper. The negotiator and guarantor of the sale in
all respects is the vendor Peteésis, who has been accepted as such by the purchaser Pelaeas.—Drawn
up by me, Hermias.’ :
26. For this technical sense οἵ κρατεῖν cf. Pap. Oxy. II. 237. col. VIII. 34.
THEBES. B.C, 139.
GREEK docket to a demotic contract (no. xlvi of Mr. Newberry’s Catalogue of
Lord Amherst’s Egyptian papyri), showing that the bank at Hermonthis had received
600 copper drachmae from Pechutes, being 5 per cent. on the value of some property, not
described in detail, which had been bought by him. Apparently this was the fourth share
of a larger property, valued at 10 talents of copper, which had been made over by Pechutes’
father Harsiésis to Senteutes.. But the nature of the transaction is obscure and there is
a mistake in one of the figures, and for the elucidation of the difficulties we must await
Prof. Spiegelberg’s edition of the demotic text.
The docket was written in the thirty-first year, and the demotic contract, as Prof. Spiegelberg
informs us, gives the name of the sovereign, Euergetes II.
1 Ἔτους ha Φαμενὼθ va. τέ(τακται) ἐπὶ τὴν ἐν Ἑρμώνθει τράπεζαν ἐφ᾽ ἧς ᾿Αμμώνιος (εἰκοστῆς)
ἐγκυ(κλίου) κατὰ τὴν Παταζμῖνος καὶ τῶν μετόχων τῶν πρὸς τῆι ὠνῆι
2. διαγραφὴν ὑφ᾽ ἣν ὑπογράφει ᾿Αμμώνιος 6 ἀντιγραφεὺς ὠνῆς Πεχύτης ᾿Αρσίησιος τοῦ δ΄ μέρους
πάντων ὧν κατεχώρισεν ᾿Αρσιῆσις ὃ πατὴρ αὐτοῦ
Sy ς
4 Σενηε]ύτην Πανῶτος καὶ συντετίμηται (ταλάντων) ¢ τελος οὗ ἀλλαγγ ἑξακοσιας,{Ἠ ΔΛ,
᾿Αμμώνιος τρα(πεζίτης).
‘The 31st year, Phamenoth 11. Paid into the bank at Hermonthis in charge of Ammonius, for the tax
of 5 per cent. upon sales in accordance with the report of Patazmis and partners, tax-farmers, to which
Ammonius the antigrapheus subscribes, for the purchase by Pechutes son of Harsiésis of the fourth part
of all the property which his father Harsiésis ceded to Senteutes daughter of Panos, and has been valued
at Io talents, the tax in copper on which an agio is charged six hundred drachmae, total 600. (Signed)
Ammonius, banker.’
1. The ἐγκύκλιον was not raised to 10 per cent. of the price until after the date of this papyrus;
cf. Gr. Pap. II. 15. col. III. 1, written in the 32nd year of Euergetes II, where the ἐγκύκλιον is still 5 per cent.
But if δ΄ is correct in line 2,7 in line 3 must be wrong, since 5 per cent. upon the quarter of τὸ talents
is 750, not 600, drachmae, and as the demotic contract supports δ΄, probably 7 is a mistake for 7. The
only alternative to δ΄ seems to be ’’, which is equally unsatisfactory. ε΄, which is required to make the
arithmetic right, cannot be read.
2. διαγραφήν : cf. introd. to 81.
3. οὗ ἀλλαγή: cf. note on 31. 15 and Rev. Pap. pp. 202 566.
THEBES. B.C. 114.
NOTHER docket on a demotic contract (no. xlvii of Mr. Newberry’s Catalogue)
showing that the bank at Hermonthis had received from Senpoéris daughter of
Onnophris (cf. 31. 3) 3600 copper drachmae, the tax of 10 per cent. on a house and
appurtenances bought by her. The papyrus is dated in Pachon of the third year (of
Cleopatra III and Soter II).
: Ἔτους y Παχὼν y. τέ(τακται) ἐπὶ τὴν ἐν Ἕ ρμώ(νθει) τρά(πεζαν) ἐφ᾽ ἧς ᾿Αμμώνιος (δεκάτης)
ἐγκυ(κλίου) ὠνῆς κατὰ διαγρα(φὴν) Μέμνονος
2 καὶ Ἑρμίου τελω(νῶν) ὑφ᾽ ἣν ὑπογρ(άφει) ᾿Ασενώθης 6 ἀντιγρα(φεὺς) Σενποῆρις ᾿Οννώφριος
τελος οἴκου καὶ (
3. ταμιεῖον καὶ μέρος αὐλῆς ἃ ἠγόρα(σεν) παρὰ Λολοῦτος τοῦ Πετενεφώτου χα(λκοῦ) (ταλάντων)
σ τέ(λος) “Ty.
4 ᾿Αμμώ(νιος) τρα(πεζίτης).
4. 1. ταμιείου καὶ μέρους. ;
‘The third year, Pachon 4. Paid into the bank at Hermonthis in charge οἵ Ammonius for the tax of
10 per cent. upon sales in accordance with the report of Memnon and Hermias, tax-farmers, to which
Asenothes (?) the antigrapheus subscribes, by Senpoéris daughter of Onnophris, the tax upon a house
and store and part of a court bought by her from Lolous son of Petenephotes for 6 talents of copper,
3600 drachmae. (Signed) Ammonius, banker.’
THEBES. B.C. 112.
NOTHER Greek docket on a demotic contract (no. xlviii of Mr. Newberry’s Catalogue)
showing that Panas and his two brothers had paid into the bank at Hermonthis 600
copper drachmae, being the tax of 10 per cent. on the purchase price of a house which had
partly collapsed. The papyrus is dated in the fifth year (of Cleopatra III and Soter II), the
banker Dionysius being identical with the banker in 81, 4.
1 Ἔτους € Mexelp xz. τέ(τακται) ἐπὶ τὴν ἐν ἙἭ ρμώνθει τρά(πεζαν) ἐφ᾽ ἧς Διονύσιος (δεκάτης)
ἐγκυ(κλίου) ὠνῆς κατὰ διαγραφὴν
2 Ψενχώνσιος͵ ὑφ᾽ ἣν ὑπογράφει ᾿Ασκλη(πιάδης) 6 ἀντιγρα(φεὺς) Πανᾶς Πεχύτου καὶ ᾿Αρσιῆσις
καὶ Ὧρος ἀδ(ελφοὶ)
3 οἶκος καθειρῃημένος ἧς οἱ τῦχοι περίεισιν καὶ εἴσοδος καὶ ἔξοδος ὃν ἠγόρα(σαν) παρὰ Πα-
θούριος :
καὶ Ταφιώμιος τῶν Ψενχώνσιος καὶ Πέτρας τοῦ Ψενενούφιος χαλκοῦ (ταλάντου) α τέ(λος) χ.
Διονύσιος τρα(πεζίτης).
σι ».
3. 1. οἴκου καθῃρημένου οὗ οἱ τοῖχοι. 4. as of πετρας above the line. ὃ Πετρασί ).
‘The fifth year, Mecheir 26. Paid into the bank at Hermonthis in charge of Dionysius for the tax of
_ IO per cent. on sales in accordance with the report of Psenchonsis, to which Asclepiades the antigrapheus
subscribes, by Panas son of Pechutes and Harsiésis and Horus his brothers, upon a dismantled house
of which the walls are standing and the entrance and exit, bought by them from Pathouris and Taphiomis,
children of Psenchonsis, and Petra daughter of Psenenouphis for one talent of copper, the tax 600 drachmae.
(Signed) Dionysius, banker.’
Dime. 17:7 X 13°2 cm. B.C. 176 or 165.
ECEIPT for a year’s rent paid by Marres and others on land belonging to
Demetrius, a cavalry soldier, who had received a farm of 70 arourae (cf. 42. 30). The
fifth year, in which the papyrus was written, is that of Philometor (.c. 176) or that of the
joint reign of Euergetes II and Philometor (n.c. 165); cf. note on 61. 9.
Δημήτριος Σινωπεὺς
τῆς B ἱπ(παρχίας) (ἑβδομηκοντάρουρος) Μαρρῇ καὶ
τοῖς μετόχοις χαίρειν.
ὁμολογῶ ἔχειν παρ᾽ ὑμῶν εἰς τὰ
5 ἐκφόρια τοῦ ε (ἔτους) Παῦνι
vy (πυροῦ) (ἀρτάβας) πεντήκοντα
ἑπτά, / (πυροῦ) (ἀρτάβαι) νζ.
(ἔτους) ε Παῦνι vy.
4. Tap υμων over the line.
‘Demetrius of Sinope, belonging to the second hipparchy, owner of 70 arourae, to Marres and
partners, greeting. I acknowledge that I have received from you for the rent of the fifth year on Pauni 13
fifty-seven artabae of wheat, total 57 art. of wh. Farewell. The fifth year, Pauni 13.’
3. μετόχοις : SC. γεωργοῖς, οἴ, 42.34. Probably the Marres here is identical with Mappijs Πεχύσιος mentioned
in 42 and 43,
Dime. 15'2X 13:2 and 13°3x6:5 cm. B.C, 146 or 135.
WO receipts written in the same hand and both issued by Diodorus, a ‘prophet of the
great god Socnopaeus. In 56 the payment is said to be ‘imép τοῦ πελωιος, an
unknown word, perhaps a proper name, but more probably a transliterated form from
demotic like λεσῶνις (note on 85. 11). In 57, owing to the mutilation of the papyrus, the
nature of the payment is uncertain. The 36th year mentioned in 56. 12 may refer to either
Philometor or Euergetes II.
Διόδωρος ὃς καὶ Πετε- Διόδωρος ὃς καὶ Π[ετεσοῦχος Μαρρείους
σοῦχος Μαρρείους προφήτης Σοκυϊοπαίου θεοῦ μεγάλου
προφήτης Σοκνο- Ψοίφει τῶι καὶ [ χαίρειν.
παίου θεοῦ μεγάλου ἔχω παρὰ σοῦ e.[
5 ᾿Αμωνίωι χαίρειν. 5 χαλκοῦ δραχμ[ὰς δισχιλίας
ἔχω παρὰ σοῦ — χα(λκοῦ) (δραχμαὶ) ᾿Β[
ὑπὲρ τοῦ πε-
λωιος ἐν τῶι ἃς (ἔτει) A line of demotic,
χαλκοῦ δραχμὰς
το χιλίας ἐν τῶι
Φαῶφι ἢ τοῦ αὐτοῦ (ἔτους).
(ἔτους) ἃς Φαῶφι ιβ.
A line. of demotic.
56. ‘ Diodorus also called Petesuchus, son of Marres, prophet of the great god Socnopaeus, to Amonius,
greeting. I have received from you for the... in the 36th year one thousand drachmae of copper
on Phaophi 8 of the same year. The 36th year, Phaophi 12.
Il. K
Ding. 17x68 cm. B.C. 132,
ECEIPT for 4 talents 4000 drachmae of copper paid by Marres, a priest of Socnopaeus,
to Acusilaus in the thirty-eighth year (of Euergetes 11),
᾿Ακουσίλαος γάλου χαίρειν.
Τεσενούφιζο)ς ἔχω παρὰ Μαρρῆς
Μαρρῆς γρ(αμματεῖ 3) elept χα(λκοῦ) (τάλαντα) ὃ ᾿Δ.
elept Σουκενε- ἔρρωσο.
5 παίου θεοῦ pe- το (ἔτους) Xn Παχὼν i.
On the verso
εἱερὶ Τεσενοῦφις.
4. 1. Μαρρεῖ. 4. 1. ἱερεῖ Σοκνοπαίου. 7.1. Μαρρείους ἱερέως.
4. γρ(αμματεῖ) : or, perhaps, γ(εω)ρ(γῷ); cf. note on 33, 3.
Dine. 23 Χ17᾽5 cm. B.C. 151 ΟΥ̓140.
HIS papyrus and 60 are receipts issued by the sitologi, the keepers of the public
granaries, to the priests of Socnopaei Nesus, the same person, Marres son of
Sisuchus, being the chief tax-payer in both cases. The formula of the two papyri is nearly
identical, and bears much resemblance to that found in receipts of the Roman period for
land-tax or rent of domain land (Fay. Towns Pap. 81 introd.). Here too the payments
appear to be for rent and taxes paid by the priests upon βασιλικὴ γῆ. Both documents
are very cursively written with frequent abbreviations, some of which are obscure. 59 is
dated in the thirtieth year, i.e. of Philometor or Euergetes II; in 60 the year is lost.
Ἔτους d Παχὼν «0. spfodoyet......
ὁ σιτολό(γος) περὶ Φιλοπά(τορα) evra( ) μεμετρῆ(σθαι) ἀπὸ τοῦ ὦ
ἐν τῆι Σοκνο(παίου) Νή(σωι) ὑπὲρ αὐ(τῆς) ἀπὸ γενη(μάτων) τοῦ αὐτοῦ (ἔτους)
παρὰ Μαρρέους Σισούχου καὶ οἱ μέ(τοχοι) μισ(θωταὶ 3) (πυροῦ) (ἀρτάβας)
5 ἑξήκοντα ὀκτὼι y, “ ξη γ.
ὁ αὐ(τὸς) Παῦ(νι) 5, (πυροῦ) (ἀρτάβας) εἴκοσι πέντε y iB, / κε γ iB.
ιθ, (πυροῦ) (ἀρτάβας) δέκα ἥμισυν y ‘B, J & (ἥμισυ)γ iB.
x0, (πυροῦ) (ἀρτάβας) δέκα y ‘B, 7 Ly ip.
᾿Ἐπεὶφ 0, δέκα iB. σι (β. / ρκές.
and hand το Ἡρώδης ὁ ἀντιγρ(αφεὺς) σ(υν)με(μέτρημαι) καθότι προγέγρα-
mrat (πυροῦ) (ἀρτάβας) ἑκατὸν εἴκοσι πέντε ¢,
_— (vpod) (ἀρτάβαι) ρκε ¢.
In the lower margin two words of demotic, and on the verso a short line of demotic.
4. 1. τῶν με(τόχων) μισ(θωτῶν).
‘The 3oth year, Pachon 29 ... sitologus . . . of Philopator acknowledges that /he has had measured
from the... at Socnopaei Nesus on behalf of the village from the produce of the same year by Marres
son of Sisuchus and his associates... 684 artabae of wheat, total 68}. The same, Pauni 4, 25;%) artabae
of wheat, total 25,5. (Pauni) 19, 10}4 artabae of wheat, total 1044. (Pauni) 29, τούς artabae of wheat,
total 10,5. Epeiph 9, τους, total τοῖς, Total 125}. 1, Herodes, antigrapheus, have jointly had measured
as aforesaid 125} artabae of wheat, total 1254 artabae of wheat.’
2. ὃ σιτολό(γος) is a mere scrawl, but the last letter seems to be A with o under it, and cf. 60. 1. περί
is very doubtful ; μερὶ could also be read, but there is no sign that the word is abbreviated. The reading
Φιλοπάί(τορα) is confirmed by 60. 2; cf. note on 44. 6. The meaning of the abbreviation era( ὁ),
which apparently recurs in 60. 2, and of the symbol at the end of the line is uncertain.
3. ὑπὲρ av(rijs): the first two letters are not recognizable here but in 60. 3 ὑπέρ is clear. The
abbreviation which follows is written both here and in 60. 3 L, just as ai(rds) in 59.6. ai(rijs) refers to
Socnopaei Nesus.
4. μισ(θωταί) : or μισ(θοῦ) (cf. 60. 8), in which case ἱερεῖς would be understood with μέτοχοι, cf. 60. 4.
On priests as βασιλικοὶ γεωργοί cf. note on 88. 3.
to, The sitologus receipts of the Roman period are generally signed by one of the sitologi
themselves, e.g. Fay. Towns Papp. 81, 82, 85. But here and in 60. 7 and g we have the signature of an
ἀντιγραφεύς or ‘controlling clerk.’ This ἀντιγραφεύς is not the important official of that name who is
generally associated with the oeconomus and ranks above the βασιλικὸς γραμματεύς in the list of officials
in Rev. Pap. XXXVII. 4, but, as is indicated by 60. 7 and 9, a subordinate ἀντιγραφεύς in the service of
the βασιλικὸς γραμματεύς ; cf. the discussion of the various kinds of ἀντιγραφεῖς in Rev. Pap. pp. 76-77.
Dime. 15°7X 19°5 cm. About B.c. 151 or 140.
NOTHER receipt for payments in corn by the priests of Socnopaeus; cf. introd. and
notes to 59, with which this papyrus is contemporary.
["Erous..] ᾿Επεὶφ ζ. ὁμολογεῖ Σοχώτης ὁ σιτολό(γος)
[κωμ(ῶν) Φιλοπ]άτορος καὶ Σοκνε(παίου) Νή(σου) εἰτ. α( ) [μεἹμετρῆ(σθαι)
[ἐν τῆι Σοκ]νεί(παίου) Νή(σωι) ὑπὲρ αὐ(τῆς) εἰς τὴν apf. ..] τοῦ αὐτοῦ (ἔτους)
[παρὰ Mappeiolus τοῦ Σισούχου καὶ οἱ εἱερ[ εἷς] Σοκνε(παίου) θε(οῦ) με(γάλου)
5 [(πυροῦ) (ἀρτάβας) τε]σσαράκοντα μίαν (ἥμισυ) d, / (πυροῦ) (ἀρτάβαι) μα (ἥμισυ) d.
and hand [......]pos ὁ ἀντιγρ(αφεὺς) παρὰ βα(σιλικοῦ) γρ(αμματέως) συνμεμέτρη(μαι)
[(πυροῦ) (dprdBas)] τεσσαράκοντα μίαν (ἥμισυ) d, / (πυροῦ) (ἀρτάβαι) μα (ἥμισυ) d.
3rd hand [...... 7 μεμέτρη(μαι) μισ(θοῦ ?) (πυροῦ) (dpréBas) εἴκοσι τρῖς (ἥμισυ) y (B, / (πυροῦ)
(ἀρτάβαι) κγ (ἡμισιὴ ¥ (β.
K 2
and hand [, .. + plot's doreyplabeds) παρὰ᾿ Balodisend) papipanéar) ov(ehpalpérpnpas) διωροῦ
εἴκοσι Tpis ἥμισυ y iB, /ny (ἥμισυ) γ᾽ (6.
4. 1. τῶν ἱερέων.
3. Possibly ἀρ[(θμ(ησιν}] or ἀρ[ταβ(ιείαν) (cf. 85. 11), but the reading ap is very uncertain.
17 2. Χ11 7 cm, B.C. 163.
N official order for the payment of 200 artabae of wheat and 1333 artabae of barley.
The beginning of the document is lost, and the partial obliteration of the ink
combined with the extremely cursive character of the writing renders several points obscure.
Apparently the grain was required for the distribution of seed, and Horus, the village scribe,
reported that he would have a sufficient quantity if 200 artabae of wheat, which he had,
were left with him, and if 1333 artabae of barley were provided by the agents of Irenaeus,
the sitologus. At the end are the signatures of two officials, Ptolemaeus and Dionysius,
authorizing the payment.
line 9).
The date is the nineteenth year of Philometor (see note on
ἀπὸ τῶν ἐνλειπόντων
πρὸς τὰ καθήκοντα
σπέρμᾳτα ἣν γράφει “Opos
ὁ κωμογρ(αμματεὺς) δύνασθαι διαγραφῆναι
εἰς το ιθ (ἔτος) ἐπ΄... . οντος
€K..+.U καὶ ἀναλείπηται τοῦ
πυροῦ (ἀρτάβας) Σ καὶ ἐὰν οἵ παρ᾽ Εἰρηναίου
τοῦ σιτολόγου μετρῶσι ἀπὸ τῶν
τοῦ ς (ἔτους) γενημάτων κρ(ιθῶν) pryy’,
“(πυροῦ ἀρτάβαι) Σ, κριθῶν ρλγγ΄,
ἐπακολούθησον καὶ υ[.1. ο( ) πρί ) ὡς κα(θήκεὺ).
pata el AR SURE ρλγγ ἔρρωσο. (ἔτους) ιθ Φαῶφι of.
(πυροῦ ἀρτάβας
and hand
Διονύσιος. συνπροοῦ τὰς δια-
κοσίας (ἀρτάβας) τοῦ πυροῦ, / (ἀρτάβαι) Σ, καὶ
ἀπὸ τῶν γενημάτων τοῦ ς (ἔτους)
κριθῶν pry γ΄, Z pry γ΄, Sv ὧν καθήκει
καὶ ὡς εἴθισται. (ἔτους) ιθ Φαῶφι tH.
9. tov = (ἔτους): on palaeographical grounds, combined with the date in line 12, the papyrus must
belong to Philometor’s reign, for the reign of Epiphanes is too early and that of Ptolemy Alexander too
late to suit the handwriting. The ‘sixth year’ mentioned here no doubt refers to the joint reign of
Euergetes and Philometor which began in B.C. 170, and corresponds to the seventeenth year of Philometor ;
cf. Pap. Par. 63. I. το, and Wilcken, Anm. zu Droysen’s K/einen Schriften, U1. 418:
The abbreviated form of κριθῶν very much resembles the sign for ἀρτάβη, which is indeed only ap
written very cursively with a stroke over it. This abbreviation of κριθῶν recurs in the signature of Ptole-
maeus in the margin.
11. After καί we should expect σύμβολα ποίησαι (cf. Gr. Pap. II. 93. 6-7), but the abbreviated word
here cannot be read as σύμβολα. πρί ) is perhaps πρ(οοῦ); cf. line 13. The signature of Ptolemaeus in the
left-hand margin is in a smaller hand than the body of the document, but it is not certain that it is
different. The abbreviated word after Πτολεμαῖος is an imperative: some word like μέτρησον is required.
13. With the signatures of Dionysius and Ptolemaeus cf. the authorization of various officials
in 31,
Dif. 15 X6-7 cm, Second century B. c.
LIST of μαχαιροφόροι (cf. 88, introd.), all of whom bear Greek names. Three persons
called Apollonius are distinguished as ‘the dark’ and ‘the fair, and ‘the baggage-carrier
respectively. Three of the names have ov( ) or perhaps v( ) inserted before them.
(Ἔτους ?). Φαῶφι 6, το Πολιάνθης
εἰσὶν οἱ ἀκολου- Δίογνητος
θοῦντες μαχαιρο(φόροι) Σαραπίων
Δίδυμος ου( ) ᾿Απολλώ(νιος) oKevod(dpos)
5 Λυσίμαχος ᾿Ωριγένης
᾿Απολλά(νιος) μέλας 15 Θέων
᾿Απολλώ(νιος) λευκὸς ov( ) Λυκόφρων
Δωρίων ουί ) Κάστωρ
7. ἃ of λευκός corr. from ε. 12. Before Sapaniwy is a blur of ink, perhaps an erasure.
AsuHMUNEN. 17°2X 19 cm. Third century a. Ὁ.
WO short rescripts of the emperors Septimius Severus and Caracalla. The first is addressed
to Artemidorus also called Achilles, whose titles are not stated. Its meaning depends
upon the view taken of μεμφητα at the end of line 5. If this may be construed as equivalent
to μεμπτά the sense would appear to be that Artemidorus had taken a long while to produce
an unsatisfactory result. But μεμφητός does not occur elsewhere, and such a form would
scarcely be looked for in a document of this kind. On the other hand μεμφει cannot be
read; and though a late form Μέμφη for Μέμφις is found, it is not likely here, and moreover
does not suit the context.
The second rescript is longer, but equally obscure. It seems to have no connexion
with the first beyond the accidental fact of having been published on the same day at
[Αὐτοκράτωρ] Καῖσαρ Λούκιος Σεπτίμιος Seounplos] Εὐσεβὴς
[Περτίναξ Σεβ]αστὸς ᾿Αραβζ[ι]κὸ[ς] ᾿Αδιαβηνικὸς Παρθ[ι]κὸς Μέγισϊ τ]ος
[καὶ Αὐτοκράτ]ωρ Καῖσαρ Μάρκος Αὐρήλιος ᾿Αντων[ῖ)νος
[Εὐσεβὴς Σεβ]αστὸς ᾿Αρτεμιδώρῳ τῶι καὶ ᾿Αχιλλεῖ, τοῖς
ἜΝ See eet Jos συνκαταθέμενος βραδέως μεμφητὰ
Fas pestis ome mploeréOn ἐν ᾿Αλεξανδρείᾳ ἡ (ἔτει) Φαμενὼθ τη.
ἔκ τς t τ]ῶν κυρίων Σεουήρου καὶ ᾿Αντωνίνου
ΒΕ ΕΣ ΕἸὐδαίμονος τὸ συμβόϊλ]αιον ἀποδοθῆναι
oe as ee 7 καὶ ἄκυρον ἐκ τῆς διαλ[ύ]σ[ε]ω[ς] φανὲν καὶ
ἀνα σαν OO ie Ἵν γενομένην κέλεζυσι]ν δηλοῖ συνθη-
PRR er ΤΕ τς ]-[-o.[..-Jeav..[....]. σει. προετέθη
[ἐν ᾿Αλεξανδρ]είᾳ ἡ (ἔτει) Φ[αμεϊνὼθ xd. [᾿ΑἹντινοιτικόν
12. [αἸντινοΐτικον Pap.
6-7. There is a wider space between these two lines than between the others in the papyrus.
11. Jeav: the doubtful a may be 0; ἔθνους might be read.
Asumunen. 19°5 X 25:2 cm. A.D. 107. PLaTE XIV.
HIS papyrus contains copies of two official documents relating to the public baths of
the city of Hermopolis. The first of the two is a report of a decision of the praefect
Vibius Maximus concerning the manner in which the cost of the renovation of the baths
should be defrayed. The question had been referred to the praefect by Heraclides, the
strategus of the Hermopolite nome; and the judgement given was that the expenses which
had been incurred should be met out of certain sums which had previously been assigned
to the city. Appended to this is a copy of a letter from Sulpicius Similis, the successor of
Vibius Maximus in the praefecture, to the same strategus Heraclides, requesting the latter
to submit a fresh list of persons qualified to serve as superintendents of the baths, if the
complaint made by one of the present holders of the office, that his associates were incapable,
was true; and asking for information about the revenues of the city.
This text necessitates an alteration in the hitherto accepted chronology of the praefects
of Egypt. The praefecture of C. Minucius Italus has been assigned to the year 105 A. Ὁ.
(P. Meyer, Hermes, xxxii. p. 213; Milne, Egypt Under Roman Rule, p. 178, &c.) on the
strength of C. I. L. V. 875, an inscription from Aquileia erected in his honour in that year,
where pracfectus Aegypti is put at the end of his list of titles. But obviously this does not
prove that he was praefect in a.p. 105; and we now know that Vibius Maximus, who was
in office as early as a.p. 103, was. still praefect in a.p. 107, and that he was succeeded
between the end of March and the end of August in that year by Sulpicius Similis. The
praefecture of Minucius Italus must therefore have preceded that of Vibius Maximus;
probably he should be placed between Vibius Maximus and Pompeius Planta, the latest
date in whose term of office now attested is Feb. 26, a.p. 99. The Dioscurus, whom
P. Meyer (ἰῤίω., p. 214) supposes to have been praefect in ἃ. "Ὁ. 105-6, must now finally dis-
appear from the list.
Δεκάτου ἔτους Τραιανοῦ Καίσαρος τοῦ κυρίου Φαμενὼθ X.
ἀναγνωσθέντος περὶ δαπάνης εἰς τὸ ἐκ καινῆς κατασκευαζόμενον
βαλανεῖον καὶ τὴν πλατεῖαν τάλαντα δέκα ἕξ, κα[ὶ] προσειπόντος
Ἡρακλείδου στρατηγοῦ καὶ ἄλλα μετοξὺ δεδα[π]ανῆσθαι, Οὐίβιος
5 Μάξιμος" “ προσεκρίθη τῆι πόλει παρὰ Θέωνος πειτ]ηκοντα τάλαντα
καὶ ἐκ τῶν τῆς γυμνασιαρχίδος ἄλλα δοκῷ μοι εἴκοσι. ἐκ τῶν προσ-
κριθέντί ων] τῆι πόλει ἀποκαταστ αθ]ήτω." ὩἩρζαϊἸκλείδης" “τίνος, καὶ
τίνος ὑπαρχόντων ;" Οὐΐβιος Μάξιμο[ς} “ἔχεις ἐν τοῖς ὑπομνημα-
τισμοῖς μου."
το ἀντίγραφον ἐπιστολῆς.
Σουλπίκιο[ς] Σίμιλις “Ηρακλείδῃι. στρ(ατηγῷ) Ἑρμοπί(ολίτου) χα(ίρειν. Ἡρώδης Διονυσίου
ἐνέτυχέ μοι
λέγων τοὺς σὺν αὐτῶι κατασταθέντας ἔϊπ]ιμελητὰς βαλανείου [ἀἸθέτους
εἴϊν]αι κ[αὶ] μὴ ἀναλογοῦντας τὴν ἐϊπ]ιμέλειαν. i] οὖν ἀθετοί εἰσιν πέμ[ψεις] μοι
ἑτέρων ἐπιτηρητῶν ὀνόματα, περὶ δὲ τῶν τῆς πόϊλ]εως λημ[[ μ]άτων [ἐξε]τά-
ι σας δηλώσεις μο[ι]. ἐρρ[ὥσἼθα[ι εἸύχ[ο]μᾳ[.1. (ἔτους) δεκάτο[υ] Αὐτοκράτορος Καίσαρος
Τραιανοῦ Σεβαστοῦ TeppavKov............ 7
7. ηρ[ αἰκλειδης᾽ Pap.
‘The tenth year of Trajanus Caesar the lord, Phamenoth 30. A report was read concerning expendi-
ture on the baths which were being refitted and on the street, amounting to sixteen talents, and Heraclides,
strategus, stated that further expenses had been incurred meanwhile. Vibius Maximus :—“ Fifty talents
were awarded to the city from Theon, and twenty, I think, besides from the property of the gymnasiarch
(fem.); let the money be recovered from the funds assigned to the city.” Heraclides:—* Which fund,
and in whose keeping is it?” Vibius Maximus :—* You have it stated in my minutes.”
‘Copy of a letter. Sulpicius Similis to Heraclides, strategus of the Hermopolite nome, greeting.
Herodes son of Dionysius has presented to me a petition saying that the superintendents of the baths
appointed with him are inefficient and incapable of doing their duties. If therefore they are inefficient,
send me the names of other superintendents; and inquire into the revenues of the city and inform me.
I pray for your health. The tenth year of the Emperor Caesar Nerva Trajanus Augustus Germanicus.’
5. παρὰ @€wvos: Theon was perhaps a benefactor of the city, like the Julius Asclepiades who
bequeathed his estates to Alexandria (cf. Fay. Towns Pap. 87). But the verb προσεκρίθη seems to imply
that there had been some dispute in the matter, and so παρά may mean ‘from Theon’s estate.’
8. ὑπομνηματισμοῖς probably means the praefect’s decision upon the dispute implied by προσεκρίθη ;
cf. the previous note.
13-14. The strategus was to submit a list of persons qualified for the λειτουργία, from whom the
praefect would then select the requisite number. This method of election is similar to that followed in
the case of apdxropes, who were ultimately appointed by the ἐπιστράτηγος ; cf. introd. to 189 and Wilcken,
Ostr. I. p. 602.
AsHMUNEN. 21 Χ 24:7 cm. Early second century A. Ὁ.
EPORTS of judgements delivered by the praefects Sulpicius Similis and Vibius Maximus,
on whom see introd. to the preceding papyrus. Of the account of the case adjudicated
by Similis, which is placed first, only the concluding portion remains, but this fortunately
contains the gist of the matter. Apparently two brothers had been chosen as δημόσιοι yewpyot,
and they now petitioned that one of them should be released from this service. The praefect,
being first assured that they had no father, decides that the request should be granted pro-
vided that a substitute were found. The report of the second case, tried by Vibius Maximus
at Memphis, is also incomplete, and the situation is here more obscure. The origin of the
proceedings was a letter written by the praefect censuring some official; and apparently this
had been either disregarded or not delivered. The result was that the praefect now dismissed
the offender from his post.
The two columns are in a rapid sloping hand of an unusual type, giving the impression
that the scribe was accustomed also to write in Latin. On the verso are three columns of
an account of expenses, grouped under various days of the months Mecheir, Phamenoth,
Pharmouthi, and Pachon. Some of the payments were for taxes, e.g. for the dao(ypadia)
of the 12th year, 24 drachmae, for the naubion-tax of the 12th year (on account), 8 (?) drachmae.
The rath year, which is frequently mentioned, may be that of Antoninus, the accounts dating
from about the middle of the second century a. Ὁ.
Cole nae Col. IL.
-pev τὸν ἕτερον ἀπολυθῆναι περὶ τοῦ τὸν ἡγεμόνα γράψαι
ἵνα δυνηθῶμεν καὶ τῇ ἑαυτῶν ἐπιστολὴν Γλαύκῳ... . μεμ-
γεωργίᾳ προσκαρτερεῖν." Σουλπί- ᾿ φόμενον αὐτὸν εἶ
κιος Σίμιλις ἐπύθετο εἰ πατέ- 15 αὐτῷ πεπομφεν.Ϊ
5 pa ἔχουσι. εἰπόντων μὴ ἔχειν OviBios Μάξιμος ᾿Ανουβί.
Σουλπίκιος Σίμιλις᾽ “δίκαιον τὸν ἐλάβετέ μου ἐπιστολὴν τί
ἕτερον ἀπολυθῆναι ἐὰν ἄλλος γισται ὥστε μόνα τὰ πρὶ
ἀντ᾽ αὐτοῦ κατασταθῇ." ῖ κοντα ἄγειν εἰ ἐγώ τι ἔγραψα στρα-
20 τηγῶι μεμφόμενος αὐτῷ
Οὐιβίου Μαξίμου. ἵνα μὴ παιδαγωγὸν ἔχωι af
το (ἔτους) ἡ θεοῦ Τραιανοῦ Φαρμο(ῦθι) κδ, φιλαίτιον ἀλλ᾽ ἐξῆν μοι εκ
ἐν Μέμφει. ἀναγνωσθέντος εἴδους ᾿ γράφειν μεθίστημί σε τῆ[ς
Col. I.*... “We request that one of us be released, in order that we may be able to attend to our
own cultivation as well.” Sulpicius Similis asked if they had a father. The answer being in the negative,
Sulpicius Similis said :—* It is just that one of them should be released, if some one else is appointed in his
I. 1. -vev is the termination of ἀξιοῦμεν.
2. The emphatic καὶ... ἑαυτῶν clearly indicates that the λειτουργία from which release was requested
was δημοσία yewpyla,and this passage thus confirms the conclusion, for which there was already some evidence,
that the cultivation of the state land and imperial domains was not a purely voluntary occupation.
Cf. 94. 16-18, 95. 4, and Fay. Towns Pap. 123. 17, note.
11. εἴδους : cf. B, G. U. τό. 7 πρὸς τὸ μεταδοθὲν els ἐξέτασιν εἶδος τῆς τοῦ ἰδίου λόγου ἐπιτροπῆς 7 τόμου
κολλή(ματος) 7, δι’ οὗ δηλοῦται K.T.A.
II, The amount lost at the ends of the lines of this column is uncertain. If the lines were of the
same length as those in the preceding column, the number of letters to be supplied would range from
about nine at the top to about six at the bottom. The column slopes strongly to the left, while the
break in the papyrus is at right angles, and there is therefore more lost above than below. Some of the
lacunae can be filled up satisfactorily if Col. I is taken as the basis of the supplements ; but others seem
to require a larger number of letters.
15. πεπομφένα[ι is possible.
18-19. κοντα in 1,19 may well be the termination of προσήκοντα, but it is unlikely that no more than
oon- is lost at the end of 1. 18.
Dif. 23 ὃς. 23 cm. A.D. 124. PLaTeE XV.
REPORT of two cases decided by Claudius Didymus, strategus, probably of the division
of Heraclides. The second trial, the report of which is preserved complete, originated
in a charge brought against four persons by a man named Stotoétis of the murder of his
brother. The case had already been heard by the strategus a few days previously, and
Stotoétis had failed to make good his accusation. He now produced two women as witnesses,
but with no better success; for on being questioned by the strategus they admitted that they
knew nothing of the matter. The account of the first case is much mutilated, only the ends
of the lines remaining; but probably the trial was that referred to in the report of the second
case as having taken place a few days before.
Col. I.
7. ee 15 φορίου 7τῇ κρίσι οἱ δυνά-
Ἴυσ. [.] εροί. .] μενοι προσἸ]ελθούσης Ταουή-
Ἵν Πεκύσ[ε]ως Twos καὶ Js Τεσενούφεως
7 Σαταβοῦτος κ]αὶ Πανεφρέμμε-
Il. L
5 prure . . τὰ ws Kat Πανεφρέμμεως Πιβοού-
7..[ Ἑρμίᾳ τον 20 χιος (ἢ) ὁ στρατηγὸς ἐπύθετο] εἴ τι τῶν εἰρημέ-
7. .«εσὲν πρω- νων ἔγνωσαν. προενεγκαμένων μη )δὲν ἐγνωκέναι
Ἵν αὐτοῦ τὸν 7 τοῦ dvadopiov
γ]ρ[αἸφῆς rot κρα- Jevn λέγει τὸν ap-
το τίστου έλεγον καὶ τὸν ap- 7 κώμη, Κλαύ-
Ἰνχέναι ἐπεὶ δὲ ηρ- 25 διος Δίδυμος 6 καὶ Τέμεινος στρ]ατηγὸς Στοτοή-
ly τῇ ἡμέρᾳ γεγο- τι παρ]ασταθέντες
π]αραστήσιν τοὺς ἰδόν- 7. was ὕστερον
τας 7 τότε περὶ τοῦ ἀνα- 7 ἐντυχεῖν.
Col. IT.
[ἄλλο]ν spoils. (€rovs)] θ᾽ ᾿Α[δ]ριανοῦ Kailo]apos τοῦ κζυρίο]υ
30 Θὼθ κ, ἐπὶ τῶν κατὰ Στοτοῆτιν Πεκύσεως
πρὸς Σαταβοῦν ἸΠεκύσεως καὶ Σαταβοῦν Στοτο-
ἥτεως καὶ Πεκῦσιν Σαταβοῦτος καὶ Στοτοῆτιν
Πανζε]φρέμμεωϊς). Στοτοήτιος λέγοντος ἐνκε-
κλ[ηἸκέναι τοῖς [π]ερὶ Σαταβοῦν φόνου ent] τῷ ἀδελ-
35 φῶι αὐτοῦ καὶ παρεῖναι τοὺς μαρτυρῆσαι δυ-
ναμένους τὸ[ν] φόν[ο]ν καὶ τῶν περὶ Σαταβ ο]ν
ἀποκρειναμένων καὶ πρότερον ἄλλους ὑπὸ αὐ-
τοῦ παρασταθέντας μηδὲν τοιοῦτο μεμαρ-
τυρηκέναι, ὁ στρατηγὸς Στοτοήτι' “ καὶ πρώ-
4o nv οὐδὲν ἀπέδειξας, ἀλλ᾽ οὐδὲ οἱ ὑπὸ σοῦ πα-
ρασ[τ]αθέντες μάρτυρες ὁμολόγησαν τὸν φό-
νον ἐγνωκέναι. ἵνα δὲ καὶ νῦν πληροφορήσω
ἐλθέτωσαν ods ayes.” προσελθούσης Σιε-
τοῦτος “Αρπαγάθου καὶ Ταουήτιζο)ς Σαταβοῦ-
45. τος ὃ στρατηγὸς ἐπύθετο εἴ τι περὶ τοῦ φό-
νου ἔγνωσαν. προενεγκαμένων μηδὲν
ἐγνωκέναι Κλαύδιος Δίδυμος ὁ καὶ Γέμεινος
στρα[τ]ηγὸς ἐκέλευσεν ὑπομνηματισθῆγαι.
40. ὕπο Pap.; so 42. ἵνα (?), 48. ὑπομνηματισθηναι. 41. 1, ὡμολόγησαν.
‘Another. The ninth year οἵ Hadrianus Caesar the lord, Thoth 20, in the case of Stotoétis son
of Pekusis against Satabous son of Pekusis, Satabous son of Stotoétis, Pekusis son of Satabous, and
Stotoétis son of Panephremmis. Stotoétis stated that he had accused Satabous and his friends of
murder committed against his brother, and that there were present persons able to witness to the
murder. Satabous and his friends having replied that the other persons previously produced by him had
given no testimony of the kind, the strategus said to Stotoétis: “The other day you proved nothing, and
not even the witnesses produced by you acknowledged that they knew of the murder. But now also
to give you full satisfaction, let the persons whom you bring come.” Sietous daughter of Harpagathes
and Taouetis daughter of Satabous having come forward, the strategus asked if they knew anything
concerning the murder. When they declared that they knew nothing, Claudius Didymus also called
Geminus, strategus, ordered the case to be entered in the minutes.’
Asumuneén. 13:4 Χ 20:5 cm. About a. D. 232.
RAGMENT of a report of judicial proceedings before the praefect Honoratianus, probably
Mevius Honoratianus, who was in office in Δ.Ὁ. 232 (cf. 80). The nature of the point
at issue is obscure owing to the mutilation of the papyrus, which unfortunately breaks off
before the decision of the praefect is reached. Apparently the case turned upon the inter-
pretation of some document, and the whole of what is preserved in the papyrus seems to
be a speech of an advocate who is discussing a point of syntax. Afterwards a letter to the
Alexandrian Senate was read, and this was followed by a remark of the praefect Honoratianus,
perhaps giving his judgement, but here the papyrus fails us.
This report is written in a large and clear cursive hand of the third century; on the verso
are parts of three columns of an account. The middle one of these, which alone contains
complete lines, is a list of payments in drachmae, chiefly for ναῦλα.
χων ἤδῃ δῖ... ... Ἵν ὡμολόγησεν
Ino. .J.... καὶ πάντα ἔσχον [τὰ] οἰκε[:]α καὶ ὅτι αὐτὸς
Ἴηνος ἐκεῖνος καὶ οὐκέτι ὁμονυμίᾳ κρατεῖται ὃ ἤδη
Jopevos, 6 νυνεὶ ἀποδειχθείς, 6 τῶν ἀναλωμάτων
5 Jovws, ὁ τῆς ἀρχῆς, 6 τοῦ ὀνόματος, ὃ τῆς τιμῆς. πῶς
7 ὑπὸ τὸ ἔχειν δύναται τὰ σήμερον δριζόμενα εἶπον
ἼἽνεχον ὅτι πρὸ τῆς Μασκουλείνου ἀποφάσεως γέγονεν
Ἰτοχη καὶ ὅτι ἐγ μέρους ἦρξεν. οὐ δύναται οὖν συνάπτειν
olvat οὔτε τὰ τελευταῖα τοῖς προτέροις μιγνύναι. ἐπιτρε-
το ἀναγ]νωσθῆναι αὐτοῦ τὴν χειρογραφίαν δι᾿ ἧς ὁμολογεῖται
Ἵνα καὶ ἀνέγνω τὰ ὑποτεταγμένα οὗ ἀρχή" βουλη
Ἴη ᾿Αλεξανδριανῇ τῇ κρατίστῃ Αὐρήλιος Σερῆνος Διοσκόρου
7 μετὰ τὴν ἀνάγνω[σ]ν] “Ονωρατια[νὸς] ἔπαρχος] Αἰγύπτου εἶπεν"
pe... .].. τεφινα.. [20 letters Ἶνι
Il. υποτεταΐμενα Pap.
7. Μασκουλείνου: probably an ἐπιστράτηγος or δικαιοδότης.
AsHMUNEN, 27:5 X 49 cm. Late first century A. Ὁ.
HIS long papyrus, inscribed on both sides, contains a copy of official correspondence
relating to the purchase and taxation of some unwatered land in the Hermopolite
nome, sold by the government to a private individual. The precise nature of the land is
L 2
not stated, but probably it was government property like the confiscated land which is the
subject of 97.
The originals of the documents on the vecfo were all written in the last three months
of the sixth year of Nero (a.p. 59-60) and may be divided into (a) a letter of Dionas,
village scribe of Tapteris, to some subordinate officials, probably γεωμέτραι, enclosing a
number of orders by higher officials, and asking for the measurements and adjoining areas
of two pieces of land which were about to be sold by the government to a certain Dioscorus
(lines 1-24), and (4) the answer of the γεωμέτραι giving the required information (25-35).
All this is written in very broad lines in a large cursive hand. The papyrus has unfor-
tunately suffered considerably ; not only are there serious lacunae, but through the partial decay
of the material and its assumption of a dark brown colour the ink is in places only faintly
discernible. There is, however, a good deal of repetition, and the general sense is recoverable
On the verso are three columns of writing, of which the first is in a small cursive
hand, while the second and the third are in a large cursive resembling that on the recto
but probably not identical with it. The first and third columns are so much obliterated
as to be indecipherable; the second, which is nearly complete, is an official report
describing the efforts of several praefects in the reign of Domitian to obtain precise
information about the land which is the subject of the correspondence on the vecto. The
latest praefect mentioned is Mettius Rufus, who is known from Pap. Oxy. I. 72, &c., to
have held office in a.p. 89-90. Probably both vecto and verso were written during his tenure
of office (cf. note on 66), though as far as the handwriting goes the documents on the recto
might have been copied out very soon after the year in which the originals were written.
Three noteworthy abbreviations occur, ¢ for αὐτός and its cases, which is found in other
Hermopolis papyri, e.g. 75, κ' for καί and 7’ for τάς. All three are used (with the difference
that τ΄ stands for τῶν) in the ᾿Αθηναίων Πολιτεία papyrus, which was written about the same
time as 68, and was discovered not very far from Hermopolis. The Faydm scribes of this
period do not seem to have employed them.
-The letter of Dionas to the γεωμέτραι, following the usual practice, consists of a series
of instructions each enclosing another, except the last which encloses the application of
Dioscorus for the sale of the land. It will be more convenient to study them in the
reverse, i.e. the chronological, order. The earliest is the proposal of Dioscorus addressed
to Tiberius Claudius, strategus of the Hermopolite nome in the sixth year of Nero (lines 17-24),
which should be compared with 97, a similar application sent to a strategus of the Fayim.
In this Dioscorus proposed to buy from the government two pieces of land in different
κλῆροι, the one containing six arourae, the other four. The land had once produced wheat,
but was now dry, and Dioscorus wished to cultivate it again with wheat (19). The terms
proposed were that Dioscorus should pay down at once to the government bank 20 drachmae
for each aroura, being the price fixed by the praefect Julius Vestinus (20-21), and that for the
first three years, dating from the coming seventh year of Nero, he should, while reclaiming the
land, be exempt from taxation upon it, but afterwards should pay a tax of one artaba of wheat
upon each aroura under cultivation (21-22). The absolute ownership of the land was to be
guaranteed to Dioscorus and his heirs for ever (23). The month in which the application
was written is not stated,; but in Pauni the strategus sent it on to Alexander and other scribes
of the nome with a note explaining its contents and requesting them to proceed with the
customary formalities in such cases, appending his official signature at the end (14-16). The
next step was taken on Pauni 26, when Alexander passed on the letter of the strategus and
the application of Dioscorus to Polemon, the βασιλικὸς γραμματεύς, appending his official signature
(12-13). Polemon in his turn wrote on Epeiph 14 to Hermias, the roroypappareds of the district in
which the land in question was situated, a more detailed epistle, enclosing the correspondence
and requesting him to inspect the land and to find out whether it was correctly described
and was included in the land for sale, whether it was really unwatered and yielding no taxes,
and, if so, how long it had been in that state; and to certify that the buyer had not been
put up to act as agent for persons forbidden to buy land from the government, that the
areas were not in a condition to be sown, and that they had received no accretions or
losses from changes in the course of the river (5-9). He concluded with instructions to
measure the areas in question and state those adjoining them, a reminder that the τοπο-
γραμματεύς would be held responsible in the event of failure to supply the information, and
his official signature (9-11). On the following day, Epeiph 15, Hermias wrote to his subordinate
Dionas, scribe of Tapteris, the village near which the land was, a letter couched in very
much the same terms as that of Polemon, requesting him to measure the land and to provide
the necessary information (2-5). The correspondence, which by this time had assumed bulky
proportions, was finally passed on by Dionas to certain persons whose title is lost, but who,
as has been said, were probably γεωμέτραι, with a brief introductory note (1). The answer
of the γεωμέτραι is contained in 25~35, dated early in the next month, Mesore. The measure-
ments and adjoining areas are given in great detail (25-32), and their correctness is vouched
for by a βασιλικὸς ὅρκος (32-35). For an explanation of the somewhat complicated system
of land-measuring employed the reader is referred to the commentary.
That the document on the verso (36-70) refers to the same land which is the subject
of the vecto is certain from internal as well as external evidence, but owing to the brevity
of its language and the obscurity of several of the technical terms used the exact connexion
is not clear. There is no introductory formula, so probably it is only a rough draft or an
extract of a report. The date of it, as has been stated, is not earlier than the praefecture
of Mettius Rufus (a.p. 89-90). An interval of about thirty years had thus elapsed. The
report begins by stating that certain ἐδάφη, a term which is used for an estate containing
land as well as buildings, had been bought in former times (ἔμπροσθεν), and a full description
was then entered on the official register (παραδειχθέντων), but apparently no later revisions
of the original description of the land sold were made (36-39). Hence in about a.p. 85
Ursus, who seems to have preceded C. Septimius Vegetus as praefect, on hearing that
among these ἐδάφη were certain arourae (i.e. the land sold to Dioscorus) which during the
three years’ period of exemption from taxation had been entered on the books by the two
officials concerned, but afterwards were referred to in a general way (σημανθείσας) by the κωμο-
γραμματεύς alone, who had not held a fresh survey of the measurements, gave orders that
the strategus and βασιλικὸς γραμματεύς should investigate the accuracy of the original survey.
They were also instructed to send in an account of the present condition of the land, and
inquire into the conduct of the βασιλικὸς γραμματεύς and κωμογραμματεύς, the two responsible
officials who had failed to keep the survey up to date (39-52). Accordingly an inquiry was
held by the magistrates, but without success. Owing to the length of time which had elapsed
since the sale the land in question could not be distinguished from that surrounding it; the
accurate measurements which had been made at the time of the sale were no longer applicable
to the land in its present condition; the κωμογραμματεύς, who ought to have registered the
changes, but had not done so, was dead; and the persons whose duty it was to provide
παραδείξεις (i 6. probably the βιβλιοφύλακες ἐγκτήσεων) had failed to supply the information
required by the magistrates, although they received an official intimation demanding the
evidence for the original παράδειξις having been made. The strategus and βασιλικὸς ypap-
ματεύς therefore informed the praefect that they were unable to discover the facts (52-65).
Vegetus, however, who became praefect in about a.p. 86, was dissatisfied with this negative
result, and instituted another inquiry with a different strategus, who was still in office when
the report was written. The second inquiry, however, had no more result than the first (65-69).
This was too much for the patience of the next praefect, Mettius Rufus, who issued
a peremptory order for the production of the παραδείξεις, under threat of severe penalties if
he was disobeyed (69-73). The last stage in the proceedings is obscure owing to the loss of
the third column. If the documents on the vecto were what the praefect wanted, then he
was certainly successful.
1 [Avovas κωμογρα(μματεὺς) Tamrjpews....... Λε]υκζοπυ]ργείτου κάτ(ω). τοῦ ἐπεσταλμένου μοι
χρηματισμοῦ περὶ παραδείξεως τὸ ἀντίγραφον ὑπόκιται.
2 [Eppias τοπογρα(μματεὺς). ..........Ὁ Λευκο]πυρ[γίτο]ν Διονᾶτι κωμογρα(μματεῖ) Ταπτήρεως
χαίρειν. το[ῦ ἐπ]εσταλμένου μοι χρηματισμοῦ τὸ ἀντίγραφον] ὑπ[ο]τέτακ[τἼ]αι.
ἐπελθ[όἾντες οὖν ἐπ[ὶ] τὰς δη[λο]υμέναϊς]
ἀρούρας) ι καὶ ἐπισκεψάμενἼ)οι εἴ εἰσιν ἀπὸ [τοῦ] καθήκοντος ὑπολόγου καὶ συνκεχωρημένου
ρούρ μενοι εἴ εἰ ή όγ εχωρημ
εἴ[ς] πίρᾶ]σιν ἐξ οὗ οὐδὲν τῶι καθόλου εἰς ἀπαίτησιν ἧκται τῶ]. ἐνεστῶτι y (ἔτει) καὶ
αὐτοῦ τοῦ τρίτου (ἔτους)
> A , > ’ a ae Lol > , Ν ‘ IPE 3 UA ,
4 [ἐκ τοῦ..... κλήρου ἀρούρας ἐ]ξ καὶ ἐκ [rod] ᾿Αλεξάνδρου περὶ τὴν αὐτὴν ἀρούρας τέσσαρας,
/ (dpovpa) ι, ἐπιθεὶς τὰ μέτρα καὶ γιτνίαις καὶ σχοινισμοῖς, στοχασ]άμενοι τοῦ μηδὲν
ἀγνοηθῆναι ὡς πρὸς σὲ
5 [τοῦ λόγου ἐσομένους. (€rovs)] ς Νέρωνος Κλαυδίου Καίσαρος Σεβαστοῦ Γερμανικοῦ Αὐτο-
κράτορος ᾿Επεὶφ te. Πολέμων βασιλικὸς γραμματ(εὺς) Ἑρμοπολ(ίτου) Ἑ, ρμίαι τοπί(ο)-
γρα(μματεῖ) Λευκοπ(υργείτου) κά(τω)
6 [ 20 letters 1 Ταπίτή]ρεως καὶ ἄλλων κωμῶν χα(ίρειν). τοῦ ἐπεσταλμένου μοι χρημα-
τισμοῦ τὸ ἀντίγραφον ὑπετέτακται. ἐπελθόν]τ(ες) ἐπὶ τὰς δηλουμένας δι’ αὐτοῦ (ἀρούρας)
ι καὶ ἐπισκεψά-
1 [pevou εἴ εἰσιν ἀπὸ τοῦ κα]θήκο[ντί(ος)] καὶ συνκεχ[ω]ρημένου εἰς πρᾶσιν ὑπολόγου τοῦ
ἔπιτᾳ συνχερσεύοντ(ος), ἐξ οὗ οὐδὲν ἁπλῶς εἰς τὸ δημόσιον περιγείνεται, καὶ ἀπὸ ποίου
ἔτους χερσεύουσιν
8 [ 2oletters 1..... ἐωνημένου οὐδὲ ὁ ὠνούμενος ὑπόβλητος τῶν κεκωλυμένων ὠνεῖσθαι
οὐδ᾽ εἰσὶν ἀπὸ καθαρᾶς γῆς σπορίμης οὐδὲ τῶν ὑπερτεθέντων εἰς [.] νι... [..
a» 4 a αὶ ΟῚ 4 na Ἃ - 4
9 [ 26 letters ἢ προσγενημ]άτ(ων) ἢ ἐπ᾽ ὀφρύων ποταμοῦ ἢ λελειμμένη διωρύ-
γῶν, ἐπιθέντ(ες) τὰ μέτρα καὶ τὰς γεζιτνίας καὶ σχο]ινισ[μ]οὺϊς .]... εξ. 7. πικ... [.....ὕ
ν et
te ee
[ 40 letters }s πρὸς χάριν οἰκονομ[η]θῆναι ὡς πρὸς ὑμᾶς τοῦ λόγου
τούτων ἀγνοηθησομένων [.....Jov ἐσομένου]. é[ous] ἕκτου Νέρωνζος Κλαυδίου
[Καίσαρος Σεβαστοῦ Γερμανικοῦ Αὐτοκράτορος "Emel]p ιδ. Πολέμων βασιλ(ικὸς) γίρ]αμμα-
τ(εὺς) σ[εση(μείωμαι) .].. (ἔτους) ¢ Νέρωνος Κλαυδίου Καίσαρος Σεβαστοῦ Γερμανικοῦ
Αὐτοκράτορος ᾿Επεὶφ ιδ.
[[Αλέξανδρος ypappar(eds) ἙἝ ρμοπολ(ίτου) Πολέμωνι βασιλ(ικῷ) γραμ]ματ(εϊ) τοῦ αὐτου νομοῦ
χα(ίρειν). τοῦ ἐπίισ]ταλέντος ἡμεῖν ἀναφορίου ὑπὸ τοῦ τοῦ νομ[οῦ)] στρα(τηγοῦ) τὸ
[ἀντίγραφον ὑποτέϊτακἼται. ἀνεν.]
[48 letters (ἔτους)] ς Νέρωνος Κλαυδ[ίου] Καίσαρος [Σε]βαστοῦ
Te ρμα]νικοῦ Α[ὐ]τοκράτορος Tatu κς. ᾿Αλέξανδρος [σ]εση(μείωμα)).
[Τιβέριος Κλαύδιος στρα(τηγὸς) Ἑρμοπολ(ίτου) Αλεξάνδ)ρω [καὶ] τοῖς γραμματ(εῦσι) τοῦ] vol yoo
χα(ίρειν). τοῦ ἐπιδοθέντ(ος) μοι ἀναφορίου ὑπὸ Διοσκόρου το[ῦ... .(1ου βουλομένου ὠνή-
σασθαι ἀπὸ χέρσου [σῆἾιτο-
[φόρου εἰς σιτοφόρον περὶ κώμην Ταπτῆριν τοῦ] Λευκοπυργίίτου) κά(τω) ἐκ τοῦ....ν
κλήρου ἄρουραι ἕξ κ[αὶ] ἐκ τοῦ ᾿Αλεξάνδρου περὶ] τὴν αὐ[τ]ὴν] ἄρουραι τέσσαϊρες,
/ (dpovpat) ι, τὸ ἀντί[γρ]αφον ὑμεῖν
[ὑποτέτακται. ὅπως οὖν τὸ ἀκόλουθον τούτῳ γίνηται ὡς καθήκει. (ἔτους) ἕκτου] Νέρωνος
Κλαυδίου [Καίσαρος] Σεβ[ασἼ]ηο]0 Γερμαζνικοῦ] Αὐτοκράϊτο]ρος Παζῦνι. .1] Τιβέριος
Κλαύδιος στρα(τηγὸς)] σεση(μείωμαι).
[Τιβερίῳ Κλαυδίῳ. ....... . +++ στρα(τηγῷ) Ἑρμοπολίτου π]αρὰ Διοσκόρο[υ Tod... . « Pere
wv ἀπὸ “Ep[uourdd(ews) τοῦ αὐτο]ῦ νομοῦ [ἀναγρ(αφομένου) ἐπὶ] τοῦ ὑπὸ Μ]έμφιν.
[βούλο]μαι ὠνήσασθαι [... .1δὃ...[....
σον SSRN Grow Khe re o's PST. τωρ τ ΡΩΝ Eas νος ὃς ]
ολί. . τ]οῦ τρίτου ἔτου]ς N[épwvos] Κλαυδίου Καίσαρος Σεβαστ]οῦ
[Γ]ερμ[ανικοῦ Αὐτοκράτορος 12 letters ἐκ τοῦ... . . .] κλήρου περὶ Ταπτῇ]ριν τοῦ Λευκοπυ[ρΊ]-
γ(ίτου) κά(τω) ἀπὸ χέρσου σιτοφόρου εἰς σιτοφόρον ἀρούρας ἕξ καὶ ἐκ τοῦ ᾿Αλεξάνδρου
κλήρου ὁμοίως
περὶ [τὴν αὐτ]ὴν ἀρούρας τέσσα[ραϊς, /(dpovpar) [ι, ἐ]φ᾽ ὧι παραδειχθεὶς [... τᾳ διαγράψω
ἐπὶ τὴν ἐπὶ τῶν τόπων δημοσίαν τράπεζαν τὴν κελευσθεῖσα]ν τιμὴν ὑπὸ Λουκίου Ἰουλίου
[O}ino[retvov το]ῦ ἡγεμόν[ο]ς ἑ[κάσἠτης ἀρούρας ἀργ)υρίου δραχμὰς εἴκοσι, [ἕξω δ]ὲ εἰς τὴν
τούτων ἀναγωγὴν καὶ κατεργασίαν ἀτέλειαν ἔτη [τρ]ΐα ἀϊπὸ τοῦ εἰσιόϊντος ζ (ἔτους)
Νέρωνος [Κλαυ]δίου .
[Κ]αίσαρο[ς Σε]βαστοῦ Τερμανικοῦ Αὐτοκράτορος, ple] ἃ τελέσω τῆς ἐν σπόρῳ φανῃ-
σομένης ἑκάστης ἀρούρης πυροῦ ἀρτάβην μίαν καὶ τὸ πο... ν eee ee eee eee Spay nas
παρὰ τὸ χρῃθησόμϊ ε(νον),
μενεῖ [δέ μοι] καὶ ἐγγόνοις καὶ τοῖς παρ᾽ ἐμοῦ μ[ετ]απαραλημψομένοις ἡ τούτων κράτησις κυρία
ἀναφαίρετος ἐπὶ τὸν ἀεὶ χρόνον ἐὰν οὖν φα[ίνηται .Ἶπολ.. [... .]σαι οἷς καθήκει. ου .. τα
ἐπιηΐ,... .}υ[. ...]ον ἀρμ .. ..... 7 διευτύχει.
[ἐϊπισκο[ποῦσιν ἐξ ὧν ἀνήνεγκε Δι]ονᾶς κωμογρα(μματεὺς) Ταπτήρεως εὑρίσκομεν ἀπὸ τοῦ κα-
θήκοντος ὑπολόγου καὶ συνκεχωρημένου εἴϊς πρ]ᾶσιν ἐξ οὗ τὸ καθόλον εἰς ἀπαίτησιν ἦχθαι
τῶι ἐνεσ[τῶ(τι) ς (ἔτει) καὶ αὐτοῦ [τοῦ = (ἔτους)] Νέρωνος Κλαυδίου Καίσαρος Σεβαστοῦ
Γερμανικοῦ Αὐτοκράτορος κεχερσευκότων ἐκ τοῦ "Em... νυ ἄρουραι ἕξ, ἀρχό(μεναι) νότ(ου)
wie) μετὰ σχοι(ίν" Bes
λιβὸ(ς) ὅριον νό(του) σχοι(νίον) a (ἥμισυ τέταρτον) ἡ) Bo(ppa) τὸ ἴσον] ἀπηλιώτ(ου) ἕν
ἥμισυ λιβὸ(ς) τὸ ἴσον, / (dpovpar) β (ἥμισυ τέταρτον) iF, βο(ρρᾶ) καὶ λιβὸ(ς) ὁρίου ἐχό-
(μεναι) μετὰ σχοι(νία) ἀπὸ νότο(υ) γ(ύου) τέϊταρτ]ον βο(ρρᾶ) ἕν λιβὸ(ς) καὶ ἀπη-
treads ἄρ, Ὁ Chars) WP νἐγῃδιμονανυΜ βοὴ Sabo
νό(του) ἕν βο(ρρᾶ) (ἥμισυ τέταρτον) 1 ἀπηλ(ιώτου) y λιβὸ(ς) [γ, / (ἄρουραι) B (ἥμισυ)] η), 7
(ἄρουραι) ς. ιξ, τ ὑπ(ολόγου) uF, καταλ(είπονται) (ἄρουραι) >, ὧν γίτονες λιβὸ(ς) ὅριο(ν)
τὸ (αὐτό) ἀπηλ(ιώτου) Taiov Νωρβανοῦ νότ(ου) τῶν dva.er( ) οὖσι... ἀπὸ τοῦ
thijpov .3 a fan ea tas
καὶ ἄλλων ἐπί τι μέρος Bo(ppa) βουνὸς... . σφρ]αγί ) ἄλλος Bovvd(s), καὶ τῶν λοιπ(ῶν)
σφραγ(ίδων) τὸ λοιπ(ὸν) ἐκ (τοῦ) ᾿Αλεξάνδ(ρου) περὶ τὴν (αὐτὴν) ἄρουραι τέσσαρες ὧν
σχοι(νία) νό(του) γ(ύου) μετὰ σχοι(νία) ιβ ἀπῃλ(ιώτου) ὅριον νό(του) ἐν Bo(ppa) [(ἤμισυ)
ἀπηλ(ιώτου) y λιβὸ(ς) γ, / (ἀρουραι) Bd, κί. ........ 7. «- σχοι(νία) νό(του) [d] ιξ Bo(ppa)
[dis] ἀπηλ(ιώτου) a λιβὸ(ς) a, / (ἀρούρας) d ιξ, καὶ πρὸς τῶι λιβικῶι ὁρίωι ἀρχό(μεναι)
νό(του) γύο(υ) μετὰ σχοι(νία) ιβ (ἥμισυ ὃ) νό(του) ἃ 78 Bo(ppa) ἃ ηξδ ἀπηλ(ιώτου) y
ΠΛ βδ( [7]. (ἀρουρα) ᾳ τὴ (NBEB.
καὶ ἀπηλ(ιώτου) ἐχο(μένη) &, [a 7, καὶ πρὸς τῶι ἀπηλιωτιϊκῷ ὁρίῳ sie’ ) plelra
ὑπολόγ(ου) ἐφ᾽ ὅσον παρατείνει vd(rov) καὶ Boppa ὧν σχοι(νία) ws AB ὅμοιον) (poor),
7 ἃ XB, L ὑπ(ολόγου) XB, κα(ταλείπεται) d, / (ἄρουραι) ὃ, ὧν y(eiroves) τῶν πρὸς τῶι
ἀπηλ(ιωτικῶι) δρ[]}ῳ
.[...:]7.- νό(του) EvSapovid(os) ᾿Αριστοδῖί...... Ἴτων βο(ρρᾶ) ὑπόλ(ογος) ἀπηλ(ιώτου) [ὑ]πό-
λ(ογος) καὶ τοῦ πρὸς τῶι λιβὶ ἃ σφραγί ) λιβὸ(ς) ὅριο(ν) τοῦ κλ(ήρου) νό(του)
᾿Απολλωνίου Διονυσίου Bo(ppa) πολ[.]Βο(. ). τούτων δ᾽ ὄντων ὀναφέρομεν,, ὑπὲρ ὧν καὶ
ἀμνύομεν aan’ Κλαύδιοίν Καίσαρα] Σεβαστὸν Τερμαυμὼν Αὐτοκράτορα . εἶ μὴν ἐξ ὑγειοῦς
καὶ ἐπ᾽ Dalia eavlicheehe bes τὴν τάράδειξιν καὶ μὴ εἶναι ἐπὶ ye... ὧν
ἢ προσγενημάτων ἢ ἐπ᾽ ὀφρ[ὑωὴν φορεμαῦ ἀλλὰ εἶναι ἀπὸ τοῦ καθήκοντος ὑπολόγου καὶ
συνκεχωρημένου εἰς πρᾶσιν οὐδὲ ὁ ὠνούμενος ὑποπείπτει τῶι κυρίῳ συνκρ[ί]ματι
περὶ ἐωνημένης. εὐορκοῦντι μέϊν μοι εἸὖ εἴη] ἐφιορκοῦντι δὲ τὰ ἐναντία]. (ἔτους) ς Νέρωνος
Κλαυδίου Καίσαρος Σεβαστοῦ Τερμανικοῦ Αὐτοκράτορος μηνὸς Μεσορὴ ὃ.
22. pn of χρηθ corr. 27. ἴσον Pap. v of οριου corr. from ν.
Col. I. (2nd hand), fifteen lines much obliterated.
Col, II.
3rd hand ἐδαφῶν ἔμπροσθεν ἐωνημένων x(ai)
4 3 ‘ ε /, ε
παραδειχθέντων ἀπὸ ὑπολόγων ὧν ἡ
διάθεσις διὰ τῶν λόγων οὐκ ἀναγρί. .1.
Sua. ρουργῳν ἤχθη, K(ai) Οὖρσος, παραγζγελλο-
409. μένου ἐν τοῖς ἐδάφεσι εἶναι ἀρούρας
τινὰς TOL μὲν τῆς ἀτελείας τρι-
a , δι δ. .4 , lal ‘
ετεὶ χρόνῳ ὑπο ἀμφοτέρων τῶν πρὸς
χρείαις διὰ τῶν λόγων ἀνασταθεί.-
σας ὕστερον δὲ ὑπὸ μόνου κωμο-
45 γραμματέως σημανθείσας ὑπ᾽ αὐ-
τοῦ μὴ παραδεδεῖχθαι, ἔκρεζινε
τὸν στρατηγὸν κ(αὶ) βασιλικὸν ἐξετάσαι
εἰ ἀπὸ τοῦ καθήκοντος [ὑἸπολόγου ἡ
παράδειξις ἐγένετο, κ(αὶ) τὸ ὁμόλογον
50 ἀν[αφέρε]ιν, ὁμοίως δὲ κζαὶ rept τοῦ Ba-
σ(λικοῦ) μετὰ [τοῦ κωμογραμ]ματέως
ἄ ξετ]άϊσα]:, «(al) [x] το]ύτῳ[ν] é€[e}rdofews
γενομένης ἐδηλώθη διὰ τὸ τὰ ἐδά.
dm πρὸ πλείστου χρόνου ἐωνῆσθαι
55 κ(αὶ) κατὰ μηδὲν διαφέρειν τῆς ἀλ.-
λης ὁμορούσης γῆς μὴ δεδυνῆσθαι
ἐκ τῆς νυνεὶ Kat ἀγρὸν θεωρίας
τὸ ἀληθὲς γνωσθῆναι τῶι καὶ τὴν
εὐ[ θ]υμετρίαν κατὰ τὸ τὰ ἐδάφη
60 ἐωνῆσθαι συνεστάσθαι, καὶ τὸν μὴ
μεταβαλόμενον κωμογρ(αμματέα) τετελευ-
τηκέναι, τοὺς δὲ ἐμφερομζέγ)νους τ(ὰς)
παραδείξεις μὴ ἐνενηνοχ(έναι) παραν-
γελίαν λαβόντας πρὸς τὸ γνωσθῆναι
65 εἶ παρεδεί] ξχθησαν, κ(αὶ) Οὐέγετος
ἔκρεινε τὸν νῦν στρατηγὸν ἐξετάσαι
ὡς Οὖρσος. οὗτος δὲ καὶ ἑξῆς βασιλικὸς
ἐδήλωσαν μηδὲ νῦν τὰς παραδείξεις
ἐνενηνέχθαι, καὶ Μέττιος Ῥοῦφος
Ἴο ἔκρεινε"
ἐὰν μὴ ἐν διμήνῳ τὰς παραδείξεις
— weeny ine τὰ
Traces οὗ a third very narrow column.
36. « Pap., so in 39, 47, 49, 55, 65. 56. First o of opopovens corr. from γι. 62. τ of τους corr.
rt’ Pap. 64. τα of λαβοντας corr,
3. ἀπὸ [rod] καθήκοντος ὑπολόγου: this phrase, which recurs in ll. 7, 25, and 37, is obscure. In these
passages it can be a substantive meaning ‘reckoning, but in 28 and 31 where from the total measurements
of the land sold to Dioscorus fractions ὑπολόγου are subtracted, it would seem to be an adjective meaning
land ‘liable to taxation’ as contrasted with unwatered land; cf. line 32.
συνκεχωρημένου εἶ[ 9] π[ρᾶ]σιν: cf. introd. to 97.
τ[ῷ]. ἐνεστῶτι y (ἔτει) καὶ αὐτοῦ τοῦ τρίτου (ἔτους) : there must be some mistake in the present passage,
for as is proved by the numerous dates on the recto the ‘ present’ year is the sixth, not the third. y there-
fore must be an error for ¢, which considering the resemblance between the two letters is easy-
τρίτου is a more serious problem, but the simplest solution is to suppose that the copyist had ¢
before him, which he read as y and wrote out as a word. If τρίτου is retained we must suppose that the
year in which the land became dry (cf. line 7) is meant. In line 18 the third year is again mentioned.
4. ἐπιθείς : the singular and plural are interchanged in this letter. 1. γειτνίας καὶ σχοινισμούς.
5. Aevxon(vpylrov): a toparchy in the Hermopolite nome, as this passage shows; cf. B. G. U. 552. I.
12, &c. It is clear from the coincidence between many of the place names occurring in B. G. U. 552-
557 (e.g. Πατεμίτης, Κουσσίτης, ᾿Ερεῖθις) and those in the present volume that these six Berlin papyri were
found, not as the editors state at Akhnds, but at Ashmunén, and that all the places mentioned in them
are in the Hermopolite, not in the Heracleopolite, nome.
15. ἄρουραι... ἄρουραι τ[έσσα]ρες should be in the accusative.
20. L, Julius Vestinus was praefect in A.D. 59—61; cf. Pap. Oxy. II. 250. 2, B. G. U. 112, &c.
25. [ἐϊπισκο[ποῦσ]ιν : 1. ἐπισκοποῦντες. οὐδέν seems to have dropped out after ἐξ οὗ, cf. line 3. 1, ἧκται
for ἦχθαι.
26, sqq. The system of land-measuring employed is the same as that found in Brit. Mus. Pap. 267,
the unit of linear measurement being the σχοινίον of 100 royal cubits, of which the aroura was the
square. In this papyrus the dimensions of each piece of ground are generally given in words, only once
(in line 31) is a diagram used like those in Brit. Mus. Pap. 267, in which a horizontal line is drawn
and the dimensions are given above and below and at the two ends. Of the 10 arourae sold to Dioscorus
six were situated in one κλῆρος (26-29) four in another (29-32). The 6 arourae were divided into (a)
a rectangular piece of land measuring τῷ by 1} schoenia, total 2}$ arourae (27), (4) an irregular piece
measuring 1 schoenium on three sides and } on the fourth, total § aroura (27), (c) an irregular piece
measuring 1 x%x3x 3 schoenia, total 2§ arourae (28), These three added together made 67, arourae
from which #5 is subtracted for ὑπί(ολόγου), perhaps because it was subject to taxation (cf. note on 1. 3),
leaving 6 arourae. The 4 arourae in the κλῆρος of Alexander are composed of (a) an irregular piece
measuring 1 x} x 3 x3 schoenia, total 2} arourae (29-30), (6) a rectangular piece measuring τς x 1 schoenia,
total τς aroura (30), (c) a rectangular piece measuring %$ by 3 schoenia, total 13} arourae (30), (4)
adjoining (c) on the east ~; aroura (31), (¢) in a different σφραγίς a rectangular piece measuring 3% by
3 schoenia, total 3% of an aroura (31). From this 34 is subtracted for ὑπολόγου (cf. 28), leaving a total
of 4 arourae.
While the dimensions of the different pieces of land present no particular difficulty, this is not the
case with the descriptions which in most instances precede the statement of the dimensions. Sometimes the
ὅριον or boundary mark of the κλῆρος serves to indicate the position of the piece of land in question,
but the technical meaning of γύης which occurs several times in the form γύο(υ) or y(vov) is obscure. Perhaps
it is to be regarded as a subdivision of the κλῆρος. A phrase which is found with it, μετὰ σχοινία (if it
be two words) followed by a number, appears to indicate that the land in question was so many schoenia
off from some fixed point, though whether from the γύης or from a boundary mark is not clear.
27. After ἀπὸ véro(v) y(vov) is a blank space. Probably the number which should follow σχοι(νία) (cf.
26, 29, and 30) was intended to be inserted here. νότο(υ) is required before ré[rapr]ov, but does not
seem to have been written.
32. ὑπόλ(ογος) : sc. γῆ apparently ; cf. note on l. 3.
33. ἐξ ὑγειοῦς : this reading is to be restored in Brit. Mus. Pap. 181. II. 13 and Pap. Oxy. II.
255. τό. :
39. Oipoos: a new praefect (cf. 65 and 69) who must have held office about A.D. 84-85, being
succeeded by Vegetus who is known to have been praefect in A.D. 86-88 (C. I. L. III. p. 856 and 1130,
Bull. de corr. Hell. 1896, p. 167).
66. τὸν νῦν στρατηγόν : unless the person who composed this report was quoting the expression of
Vegetus, νῦν implies that this strategus was still in office at the time of the report, which must then
have been drawn up before A.D. 92, since the strategi normally held office for three years and Vegetus
was succeeded by Mettius Rufus before Oct. A.D. 89 (Pap. Oxy. II. 237, col. VIII. 43).
Fay. 20°8 x 11 cm. A.D. 154.
HE keepers of the public granaries, as is well known, had to present reports to the
strategus of the amounts of grain delivered to them. during ὁδοῦ month, just as.
the tax-collectors did of the taxes paid in to them. It now appears that the strategus was
not the only recipient of such reports. The following text is a statement presented by the
sitologi of land at the village of Autodice'to the officials: appointed to receive and forward
the periodical accounts of receipts to the " ἐκλογιστής of the nome and zdto/ogus’ at Alexandria.
The ἐκλογισταί were finance-administrators, who were concerned with the computation and
apportionment of taxes; cf. Wilcken, Os¢. I. pp. 499 sqq., whose account is fully borne out
by this papyrus. But the conjunction of ἐκλογιστής and ἴδιος λόγος here is a difficulty.
It is not possible that the great idiologus should have been ἐκλογιστής of the nome; neither
can the phrase well signify that the ἐκλογιστής was at the same time an official in the
department of the idiologus, even if such a combination were likely. Apparently, therefore,
two distinct officials or a distinct official and distinct department, are meant, in spite of
the single article (cf. line 15); though it is strange that the ἐκλογιστής should precede the
ἴδιος λόγος.
3rd hand? ἐπ(αγομένων) €.
1sthand ᾿Αφροδισίωι καὶ τοῖς σὺν αὐτῷ προχειρισθεῖσι, πρὸς
παράλημψ(ιν) κ[αὶ κα]τακομιδὴν βιβλίως “πεμ[π]ομ(ένων) εἰς
᾿Αλεξάνδρειαν τῷ τοῦ νομοῦ ἐγλ[ο]γιστῇ καὶ ἰδίῳ λόγῳ
5 παρὰ Ἥρωνος τοῦ Ἥρωνο(ς) καὶ μετόχ(ων) σιτολόγω(ν)
μέρους πεδίου Αὐτοδίκ(ης) δι(ὰ) τῶν ἀπὸ ᾿Ανδρομ(αχίδος)
καὶ Θεοξενίδος.
καταχω(ρίζομεν) ὑμεῖν μέτρημ(α) κατ᾽ ἄνδρα ἰσδοχῆς ἀπὸ
Παῦνι ἕως Μεσορὴ δηλώσαντες περὶ τοῦ μηδὲν ἡμεῖν
το μεμετρῆσί θ(αι) τ]ῷ Πα[ζχ(ὼν) καὶ Π]αῦνι καὶ μηνιαίους ἐν κεφαλαίῳ
ἀπὸ Παῦνι ἕως Μ[εσ]ορὴ καὶ ἀπολογισμὸν περὶ τοῦ μηδὲν
ἡμεῖν μεμετρῆσθ(αι) τοῦ διαφόρου φορέτ(ρου) ἀπὸ Παῦνι ἕως
Μεσορὴ καὶ κατ᾽ ἄνδρα καταγωγῆς τῷ ᾿Επεὶφ καὶ Μεσορὴ
δηλώσαντες τῷ [Π]αχὼν καὶ Παῦνι μὴ γεγονέναι
15 καταγωγὴζ(ν) καὶ λόγο[ν] φορέτρου καὶ ἰδίῳ λόγῳ ἀ[π]ολογισμ(ὸν)
περὶ τοῦ μηδὲν ἡμεῖν μεμετρῆσθ(αι) ἀπὸ Πιαχ[ὼ]ν ἕως
Μεσορὴ ἐπαγο(μένων), πάντα τοῦ ἐνεστῶτος ιζ (ἔτους)
᾿Αντωνίνου Καίσαρος τοῦ κυρίου ἀπὸ γενήματος
τοῦ αὐτοῦ ἔτους. (and hand) ᾿Αφροδίσιος σεση(μείωμαι). (3rd hand) Νεμεσᾶς [σεσΊη-
(μείωμαὶ). ;
and hand 9290 (ἔτους) ιζ ᾿Αντωνίνου Καίσαρος
[το]ῦ κυρίου Μεσορὴ ἐπαγο(μένων) ξ.
2. ς of προς rewritten. 3. 1.. βιβλίων. Πρ, € of δηλώσαντες corr. from o.
M 2
‘To Aphrodisius and those appointed with him to receive and transmit the accounts sent to Alexandria
to the eclogistes of the nome and idiologus, from Heron son of Heron and his partners, sitologi of part
of the plain of Autodice cultivated by inhabitants of Andromachis and Theoxenis. We report to you
the individual amounts received by us from Pauni to Mesore, declaring that nothing has been measured to
us in Pauni and Mesore, and our monthly summaries from Pauni to Mesore, and a statement that nothing
has been measured to us for expenses of carriage from Pauni to Mesore, and a list of individual deliveries in
Epeiph and Mesore, declaring that there has been no delivery in Pachon and Pauni, and the account of transport,
and a statement to the idiologus that nothing has been measured to us from Pachon to the intercalary
days of Mesore, all this being for the present 17th year of Antoninus Caesar the lord, of the produce of
the same year.’ Signatures of Aphrodisius and Nemesas, and date.
3- τῷ τοῦ νομοῦ ἐκλ[ο͵γιστῇ: cf. Pap. Oxy. I. 57. 9, where the same official appears in a somewhat
different capacity. In that document it is stated that the ἐκλογιστής had received a sum of money towards
a survey of dykes and canals, and had not paid it at the proper date to the λογιστήριον. We are
unable to agree with Wilcken (Os¢. I. p. 502) in thinking that this text represents the strategus as carrying out
the financial arrangements of the ἐκλογιστής. βουληθείς in line 19 is clearly to be connected, not with κατα-
κεχωρικέναι in line 16 (in that case βουληθέντα would be necessary) but to ἐδήλωσεν in line 9, i. 6, its subject
is the strategus of the Antaeopolite nome, not the ἐκλογιστής Potamon,
It is noticeable that the βιβλία are said to be sent to the ἐκλογιστής of the nome at Alexandria. It is
presumably to be inferred that his headquarters were there, and that his visits to his financial district
were only occasional. The way in which the ἐκλογιστής is spoken of in Pap. Oxy. I. 57 seems also to
indicate that the official in question was not very easy of access.
ἰδίῳ λόγῳ : cf. line 15. The zdiologus is usually described as 6 πρὸς τῷ ἰδίῳ λόγῳ, ἐπίτροπος τοῦ ἰδίου
λόγου, &c.; but ἴδιος λόγος occurs absolutely also in C. I. G. 4815 c. 4, Strabo, xvii. p. 797 (where the
MSS. reading has usually been changed to id:dAoyos).
6. δι(ὰ) τῶν ἀπό: cf. Fay. Towns Pap, 34. 8 and introd. to Pap. 81.
8. ἰσδοχῆς : cf. Fay. Towns Pap. 86. 1.
12. For διαφύρου φορέτ(ρου) see Fay. Towns Papp. 81. 2, &c., 86 (a). 11, and cf. 90.. 18, 91. 17. The
κατ᾽ ἄνδρα καταγωγῆς in line 13 and Adyo[y] φορέτρου in line 15 apparently refer to the corn sent from the
Fayim to Alexandria.
Αϑβημυνῆν, Fr. (a) 11 x 25:2 cm. | About a.p. 115.
{Ὁ of a letter, written on the verso of an account, from the local magistrates (ἄρχοντες)
of Hermopolis to Felix Claudius Vindex, epistrategus, with reference to the reduction
of the expenses connected with the office of gymnasiarch which had been ordered by Rutilius
Lupus, praefect in a.p. 114-117. Mention is made in lines 8-9 of the public bath and the
‘sums usually assigned to the public account of the city by the gymnasium’ (cf. 64. 6); but
the extremely mutilated condition of the papyrus renders the context obscure. Parts of two
columns are preserved, but the second is represented by only a few letters of the first six
lines. The position of fragment (4) is uncertain.
Col. I.
(@) Φήλικι Κλαυδίωι Οὐΐνδικι τῶι κρατίστωι ἐπ[ιστρ(ατήγωι)] παρὰ ἀρχόντων
ἝἙρμουπόλ(εως). τοῦ κρατίστου ἡγεμόνος Ῥουτιλ[ίου Λ]ούπ(ου) κελεύσαντος
συσταλῆναι τὰ πολλὰ τῶν ἀναλωμάτων τῆϊς γυἹμνασιαρχίας ἵνα οἱ
καθιστ. vapevor προθυμότερον ὑπομέϊνωσἾι τὸ ἀνάλωμα [
5 καὶ σοῦ δημοσίαι ἐπιτρέψαντος τοῦ ἀ[ναλώ]μᾳ[τ]ος ἃ ἐνεδέ.
xero [σ]υσταλῆναι καὶ ταῦτα exouf-].c.[....]...¢ τοὺς νῦν
γυμνασιαρχεῖν μέϊλίλοντας παρ... .7. .[]...«λῃμμα καὶ τὸ
βαλανεῖον καὶ τὸ συνήθως] διδόμ[ε]νο]ν ὑ[π]ὲρ τιν. [.7. va.[
πὸ τοῦ γυμνασίου εἰς τὸ δημ[ό]σιο(ν) χωματ.].... σδ.. ων...
το λυχναψίας ἅσπερ ὁ κατὰ το[ὺ]ς γυμνάσι. .. pf. . -Jexarf. .1.
κατὰ τὸ καθῆκον συσταλ[ῆναι] τὰ π[λε]ίῳ τῶν ὑπὸ του...
ἐλάσσονος γινομένου αὐτί... ........... Ἴτατος αν. .jo ε.[
ἑτέρας χρείας ἐδίδου daof...... 2.2.20 ΤΥ]
-[.....)..07.[].a@. [.] rovel
(4) 15 ] Spaxpat) € ἀνθ᾽ (ὧν) ἱκαναί εἰσιν [
Jrovs (δραχμαὶ) τξ, μουσΐ
1. σαι ὡς ἐπιμελητί 1) [Jaf
Ἰωρατι[.1 vewkop . vas οὐδ. [
1. (δραχμαὶ) τί. . «(]λης αλί ) λεγομεῖν
20 71. ἱκαναὶ (δραχμαὶ) τί. λο]υπ(αὶ) (δραχμαὶ). [
7 λοιπ(αὶ) (δραχμαὶ) SE, καὶ ὑπὸ τοῦ. [
7 (δραχμαὶ) °A, αἰτινε. [.7. ov if
7 ὑπὸ τοῦ e.[... .7γου
Col. II.
] [eo p. GL]... DL
25 1 ἀνθ᾽ (ὧν) (τάλαντα) δ[.7. ( ) [
ev γυμναῖσι
I, 1. ουἵνδικι Pap.
I. 1. ἐπ ιστρ(ατήγω!)}}: sc. of the Heptanomis or Middle Egypt probably (cf. Wilcken, Os¢. I. p. 426),
though it is not certain that the tripartite division of Egypt was introduced before the time of
4. The letter after καθιστ has been altered or crossed out. Perhaps καθιστάμενοι should be read.
18. vewxoplas is apparently the word intended (cf. Mittheil. Pap. Erz. Rainer IV. p. 58 γυμνασιάρχου
[BlovAevrod vewxdpov τοῦ ἐνταῦθα μεγάλου Σαράπιδος), but there is something like the top of a v between p and «.
ASHMUNEN. 23°6 x 13°3 cm.
A.D. 178-179.
ETURN bya woman named Chenepeis of some land which had been settled on herself
by her maternal grandfather on the occasion of her marriage. According to the terms
of the settlement the proceeds of half the property were reserved for Chenepeis’ mother
during the latter’s lifetime. She was now dead, and Chenepeis accordingly became sole proprietor.
The papyrus is written in an extremely cursive hand.
era we
mapa Xeveretros [“E]putov τοῦ καὶ ᾿Αντιμάχου
μητρὸς Ἕρμιος Ἑρ[μοδ]ώρου “Eppom(odirSos) ἀναγ(ραφομένης) ἐπὶ Ppo(vpiov) λιβ(ὸς)
μετὰ [κ(υρίου)] “Eppeivov a[..( }] ἀπογρ(άφομαι) εἰς τὸ ἐνεστὸς ιθ (ἔτος)
Αὐρη[λ]ήίων ᾿Αντωνίνου καὶ Κομμόδου Καισάρων τῶν
κυρίων τὰς προσενεχθείσας μοι ὑπὸ τοῦ
πρὸς μητρός μου πάππου Ἑ ρμοδώρου Ἡρακί(λείδου)
κατὰ συνοικεσίου συνγρ(αφὴν) τὴν πρὸς τὸν ἄν-
Spa μου Νεοπτόλεμον ᾿Αρείου τετελειωμέ-
νην διὰ τῶν ἐπιτ[η]ρούντ(ων) ἀρχ(εῖον) τῷ = (ἔτει) θεοῦ
Α[λίου ᾿Αντωνίνου p(nvi) ᾿Επεὶφ ἐν τῷ Λευκοπί(υργίτῃ)
ἄνω περὶ Τοχνοῦβιν ἐκ τοῦ ᾿Αρίστωνος κλ(ήρου)
(ἀρούρας) τρίεἸ εἷς, ὧν ἡ [κ]αρπεία τοῦ (ἡμίσους) μέρους
τετήρηται τῇ προγεγρ(αμμένῃ) μου μητρὶ Ἕρμιος
ἐφ᾽ ὃν περίεστι χρόνον' ἣν δηλῶ τετελευ-
τηκέϊν]αι, καὶ ὀμ[ν]ύω τὴν Αὐρηλίων
᾿Αντωνίνου καὶ Κομμ[όδ]ου Καισάρων τῶν κυρίων
τύχην οὕτ(ως) ἔχει[ν]. (ἔτους) oA Αὐτοκρατόρων
Καισάρων Μάρκου Αὐ[ϊρηλίϊου ᾿Αντωνίνου καὶ
Λουκίου Αὐρηλί[ο]υ [Κο]μμόδου Σεβαστῶν ᾿Αρμενιακῶν
Μηδικῶν Παρθ[ κῶν Τερμανικῶν
Σαρματικῶν Μεγίσ[τ]ων. Χενεπεῖς Παύσιτος
ἐπιδ(έδωκα) καὶ ὦμοσα τὸν dp[k(ov)|. Ἑρμεῖν]ος περί
καὶ ἔγρ(αψα) ὑπί(ὲρ) (αὐτῆς) μὴ εἰδ(υίας) γρ(άμματα).
14. 1. Ἕρμει.
) ἐπιγέγρ(αμμαι) (αὐτῆς) κύριος
. from Chenepeis, daughter of Hermias also called Antimachus, her mother being Hermis
daughter of Hermodorus, of Hermopolis, registered in the quarter of the Western Guard-house. I return
for the current nineteenth year of the Aurelii Antoninus and Commodus, Caesars and lords, the property
bequeathed to me by my maternal grandfather Hermodorus son of Heraclides in accordance with my
marriage contract with my husband Neoptolemus son of Arius, executed through the guardians of the
record office in the month Epeiph of the sixth year of the deified Aelius Antoninus, namely three
arourae from Ariston’s holding situated in the upper Leucopyrgite district near Tochnoubis, the usufruct
of the half part of which was reserved to my aforesaid mother Hermis during her lifetime. I now declare
~~. ae aie «--
that she has died, and I swear by the Fortune of the Aurelii Antoninus and Commodus, Caesars and
The nineteenth year of the Emperors Caesars Marcus Aurelius
Antoninus and Lucius Aurelius Commodus Augusti Armeniaci Medici Parthici Germanici Sarmatici
(Signed) I, Chenepeis daughter of Pausis, have presented the return and sworn the oath,’
lords, that the facts are as stated.
Signature of Herminus on behalf of Chenepeis.
2. There is a strange discrepancy between the name of the father of Chenepeis as given here and
in her signature in line 22, where she is described as the daughter of Pausis.
Cf. 97. 19, note.
8, συνοικεσίου συνγρ(αφήν): cf, Pap. Oxy. 11. 266. 11 note.
Asumungn. (a) 25:2x 17:3 (6) 19x17-2cm. A.D, 246, Prate XVIII.
ETURN addressed to the deputy-strategus of the Hermopolite nome by a woman called
Aurelia Tinoutis acting with her husband, announcing that the property of her paternal
uncle, who had died intestate, had devolved upon her and was worth three talents; cf. 71.
Incidentally the papyrus supplies the name of a new praefect, Valerius Firmus (cf. 81. 5),
to whom Aurelia had shortly before sent a statement of her claim.
There are two copies of the return, written in different hands, but each signed by Aurelia.
The few lacunae in the first (given below) can all be supplied from the second.
10. o of κατοχ corr. from a. 13. Ἰουλιων Pap.; so in 15 and 16 Ἰουλίου. 17. παῦνι Pap.
[Αὐρ]ηλίῳ Μαρκίῳ τῷ καὶ Νεμεσι[αἹνῷ ἀπαιτη[τ]ῇ διοικ(οῦντι) [τὴν orp(arnyiar)
ἝἙρμοπολ(ίτου) ’ |
[παρὰ ΑἸὐρηλίας Τινούτιος “Eppetvov “Epporodetridos μετὰ o[v]y-
[εστ]ῶτος τοῦ ἀνδρὸς Αὐρηλίου Διοσκουρίδου ᾿Αμμωνίου ἀπὸ [τῆ]ς
[αὐτ]ῆς πόλεως. ἀπογρ(άφομαι) παρὰ ofo]t ἐντὸς τῶ[ν] ὁρισθεισῶν ἡ[μ]ερῶϊν
[δίηκ[αι]ον κληρονομίας τοῦ πα[τ]ραδέλφου μου Χαιρήμονος
᾿Αρπ[ο]κρατίωνος ἀπὸ τῆς αὐτῆς πόλεως τετελευτηκότος
ἀτέκνου καὶ ἀδιαθέτου én’ ἐμοὶ μόνῃ κληρονόμῳ. ἧς KAnpor[o-
μ[ίας] φθάσασα διεπεμψάμην τῷ λαμπροτάτῳ ἡγεμόνι
Οὐαλερίῳ Φίρμῳ τὴν διακατοχήν, φυλασσομένων μοι
ἁπάντων ὧν ἔχω δικαίων, καὶ δηλῶ τὰ καταλειφθέντα ὑπ᾽ α[ὐ-
τοῦ σύνπαντα ἄξια εἶναι ὡς ταλάντων τριῶν, καὶ ὀμνύω
τὴν Μάρκων ᾿Ἰουλίων Φιλίππων Καισάρων τῶν κυρίων
Σεβα[στ]ῶν τύχην οὕτως ἔχειν. (ἔτους) γ Αὐτοκράτοροϊς Καίσαρος
Μάρκ[ο]ν Ἰουλίου Φιλίππου Εὐσεβοῦς Εὐτυχοῦς καὶ Μάρκου
ἸΙουλίου Φιλίππου γενναιοτάτου καὶ ἐπιφανεστάτοϊυ
Kato[alpos Σεβαστῶν Ἰαῦνι xB. (2nd hand) Α(ὐρηλία) Τινοῦτεις Ἑρμ(οπολῖτις)
μετὰ συνεστῶτος ἐμοῦ τοῦ ἀνδρὸς Α(ὐρηλίου) Adoc-
κουρίδου ᾿Αμμωνίου ἐπιδέδωκα [καὶ ὦμο-
σα τὸν ὅρκον.
On the verso an obliterated line.
‘To Aurelius Marcius also called Nemesianus, collector of taxes and deputy-strategus of the Hermopolite
nome, from Aurelia Tinoutis daughter of Herminus, of Hermopolis, acting jointly with her husband
Aurelius Dioscurides son of Ammonius, also from Hermopolis. I register to you within the fixed period
my right of inheritance from my father’s brother Chaeremon son of Harpocration, of the same city, who
has died without children and intestate leaving me his sole heir. Of this inheritance I at once announced
the succession to his excellency the praefect Valerius Firmus, safeguarding all the rights which I possess;
and I declare that the property left by Chaeremon is worth in all about three talents, and I swear by
the Fortune of the Marci Julii Philippi, Caesars and lords Augusti, that this is true.’ Date and signature
of Aurelia Tinoutis.
1. ἀπαιτη[τ]ῇ : the ἀπαιτηταί are as a rule found exercising the humbler function of collecting taxes,
especially arrears; cf. Wilcken, Ost. I. p. 610. In 108 it is, as usual, the βασιλικὸς γραμματεύς who is deputy-
διοικ(οῦντι): a variant for the more usual διαδεχομένῳ.
3. σ[υ]ν[ εστ]ῶτος : Aurelia was acting without a κύριος, but her husband was associated with her; cf.
a Vienna papyrus (Mittheil. Pap. Erz. Rainer, IV. p. 54) χωρὶς κυρίου χρηματιζούσῃ τέκνων δικαίῳ κατὰ
“Ῥωμαίων ἔθη, συνεστῶτός σοι Αὐρηλίου Εὐδαίμονος τοῦ καὶ Δίου,
ASHMUNEN. [15 X 11-2 cm. A.D. 129-130.
RETURN addressed to the strategus of the Hermopolite nome by Anoubion (ef. introd.
to 126), stating the numbers of sheep and goats owned by him compared with their
numbers in the year before.
Φίλονει στρατ(ηγῷ) “Eppor(odirov)
παρὰ ᾿Ανουβίωνος Σαραπίωνος “Eppor(odirov) ἀναγραφο(μένου)
ἐπ᾿ ἀμφό(δου) Πόλ(εως) λιβ(ός). ἀπεγραψάμην τῶι διεληλυθότι
vy (ἔτει) ᾿Αδριανοῦ Καίσαρος τοῦ κυρίου εἰς πρακτορί-
5 ἂν Περὶ πί(όλιν) κάτ(ω) πρόβατα σὺν ἄρν(ασι) υ, αἶγες σὺν ἐρίφο(ις)
ιθ, ἐξ ὧν διεφθάρη aty(es) ἐξ πρόβ(ατα) ρκα καὶ πέ-
πρακα Σελήνῃ ᾿Αχιλλέως τελούσῃ τὸ ἐννό(μιον)
εἰς τὸν Περὶ π(όλιν) κάτ(ω) πρόβ(ατα) wl: καταλείπεται, ἃ Kar
ἀπογράφο(μαιμ) εἰς τὸ ἐνεστὸς ιδ (ἔτος) ᾿Αδριανοῦ Καίσαρος
το τοῦ κυρίου, πρόβ(ατα) διακόσια τριάκοντα δύο, αἶγ(ες)
δέκα [τ]ρεῖς, ἄρν(ες) ἑκατὸν τριάκοντα δύο, ἔρι-
fo(t) ς, καὶ τίο]0 ὅλου τόπου Περὶ πίόλιν) [kdr(w)........ ls
κί. . Jago exal.y - [
15 KL
1. 1. Φίλωνι. 5. 1. αἶγας.
‘To Philo, strategus of the Hermopolite nome, from Anubion son of Sarapion, of Hermopolis, registered
in the West-end quarter. I returned in the past thirteenth year of Hadrianus Caesar the lord for taxation
in the Lower Suburb 400 sheep and lambs, 19 goats and kids, of which 6 goats and 121 sheep have
died, and I have sold to Selene daughter of Achilleus, who is paying the pasture tax to the account
of the Lower Suburb, 47 sheep. The remainder, which I return for the present 14th year of Hadrianus
Caesar the lord, is 232 sheep, 13 goats, 132 lambs, 6 kids...’
ἡ. τὸ ἐννόμιον : a tax for the use of public pastures belonging to the government; cf. Wilcken, Osz.
I. pp. 191-2 and Fayfm Towns Pap. 61.
8. τόν : sc. τόπον ; cf. line 12.
Dif. 220 x 148 cm. A.D. 147.
OPY of a return addressed to the village scribe of Socnopaei Nesus by Panephremmis,
a priest, for the census of the ninth year of Antoninus. The declaration gives as usual
a list of the members of Panephremmis’ household and a short statement of his property.
Πνεφερῶτι κωμογρ(αμματεῖ) Σοκνοπ(αίου) Νήσου
παρὰ Πανεφρέμμεως ᾿Αγχώφεως πρεσβ(υτέρου) Πανε-
φρέμμεως μηί(τρὸς) Στοτοήτε]ως τῆς Ὥρου ἱερεὺς y
5 [φ]υλῆς ἀπὸ κώμης Σοκνοπί(αίου) Νήσου. ἀπογρ(άφομαι) ἐμαυτόν
τε καὶ τοὺς ἐμοὺς εἰς τὴν τοῦ διεληλυθότος
θ (ἔτους) κατ᾽ οἰκ(ίαν) ἀπογρ(αφήν)" καταγείνομαι δὲ ἐν οἰκίᾳ μη-
τρικῇ τοῦ πατρὸς τετελ(ευτηκότος), εἰμεὶ δὲ ὁ π[ρ]ργεγρ(αμμένος)
Πανεφρέμμεις (ἐτῶν) μ οὐλ(ὴ) πία]ρὰ ὀφθ(αλμὸν) [δε]ξιόν" καὶ τοὺς
το ἀνεψιούς μου Πανεφρέμμειν [᾿ΑἸγχώφεως
[νεζωτίέρου) παϊνεϊφρέμμζεωε μηίερδτ) Θα[σΊῆτος τῆς
[Sroro}jrews (ἐτῶν) ῃ εὔσημον ὀφθαλ(μὸν) δεξιὸν καὶ
[Στοτο]ῆτιν ἄλλον μ[η(τρὸς)] τῆς αὐτῆς (ἐτῶν) a, καὶ τὴν
[γυναϊκ]ά μου οὖσαν ὁμοπ(άτριον) καὶ ὁμομήτ(ριον)
15° [ἀδελφ]ὴν Θασῆν (ἐτῶν) ιζ ἄσζη(μον)]), καὶ τὴν τοῦ
[Πανε]φρέμμεως μητέρα Στο[τ]οῆτιν
[Παν]εφρέμμεως τοῦ Παοῦτος (ἐτῶν) να ἄση(μον)
[κάτο]ικο[ν], Σεγᾶθιν Στ οτ]ο [το] ήτεως πρε[σἸβ(υτέρου)
ΓΣτ]οτοήτεως μη(τρὸς) Θα[σῆ]τος τῆς Σαταβοῦτοί(ς)
20 [(ἐγῶν) .1η)η ἀἄση(μον). ὑπάρχίει) δὲ ἡ[μῖ]ν τὸ ἐπ[ιβ]άλλον
elev μέρος πα[τ]ρι{κ(ῆΞ)] - αλί. «Ἴδεως καὶ τρίϊτ(ον) μέρο( τ)
οἰκοπέδων" διὸ ἐπιδίδω(μι).
Il. N
(ἔτους) « ᾿Αντωνείνου Καίσαρος τοῦ κ[υ]ρίου ᾿Ἐπὶφ i.
On the verso
εξ )
18, or[or]oténrews Pap.
‘Copy. To Pnepheros, village scribe of Socnopaei Nesus, from Panephremmis son of Anchophis
the elder, son of Panephremmis, his mother being Stotoétis daughter of Horus, priest of the third
tribe, of the village of Socnopaei Nesus. I register myself and my household for the house to house
registration of the past ninth year. I am living at my mother’s house, my father being dead ; and I, the
aforesaid Panephremmis, am 40 years old and have a scar near the right eye. Likewise my nephews, Cove:
Panephremmis son of Anchophis the younger, son of Panephremmis, his mother being Thases daughter of
Stotoétis, aged 8 years, having a conspicuous right eye, and another Stotoétis, son of the same mother,
aged one year; and my wife, who is my full sister on both my father’s and mother’s side, Thases, aged
17 years, having no distinguishing mark; and the mother of Panephremmis, Stotoétis daughter of
Panephremmis son of Paous, aged 51 years, having no distinguishing mark, a catoecus; and Segathis
daughter of Stotoétis the elder, son of Stotoétis, her mother being Thases daughter of Satabous, aged [.]8,
having no distinguishing mark. We own a half share that has fallen to us of our father’s... and a third
share of his building sites. I therefore present the return. The tenth year of Antoninus Caesar the
lord, Epeiph 30.’
AsuMunein. 25°5 X 32 cm. A.D. 161-168.
N application from a woman called Demetria ἡ καὶ Tepeds asking that her son Artemon
might be admitted to the list of privileged persons who were wholly or partially exempt
from poll-tax. The nature of ἐπίκρισις we have already discussed in Pap. Oxy. II.
pp. 217, sqq. In the present case the basis of the claim is the same as in Pap. Oxy. II. 257,
that the ancestors of the boy in question on both the father’s and mother’s side were ἀπὸ
γυμνασίου, i.e. descended from a gymnasiarch, and therefore the boy himself had the right
of inclusion among οὗ ἀπὸ γυμνασίου.
The papyrus is written in three columns, of which the first, containing the application
and concluding with a βασιλικὸς ὅρκος (cf. Pap, Oxy. II. 257. 38 sqq., 258. 23), consists only
of a few letters at the ends of lines. The second and third however, which give the
genealogy of Artemon, are practically complete, and are very full in details, the family tree
being carried back for five generations to the beginning of Augustus’ reign or even beyond.
The evidence is extracted in most cases from the census lists, as is shown by the coincidence
of the years mentioned, e.g. in lines 31 and 36, with those of the census which recurred every
fourteen years. Where the year mentioned is not a census year, 6. g. in line 47, the evidence
was no doubt taken from the ἐπίκρισις lists which were revised from time to time (Pap. Oxy. II.
p- 244). In some cases the number which the volume and sheet in question had received
in the archives is given.
We append a diagram showing the genealogy of Artemon. It is interesting to note
that on his mother’s side there had been at least three successive cases of the intermarriage
of brother and sister, while on his father’s side there had been none.
ἜΝ => Thermouthis
the younger Ϊ
Heron Asclepiades Dorion Heracleus Apollonius |
[ Ῥ, A.D. 37
Seopa ἢ
Hermaeus Ι Tereus
| |
Arius 7 bance
b. A.D. 63 b. A.D. 66
| ἘΞ ES eed
Asclepiades== Berous Didyme = Apollonius | |
b.A.D.16 | b,A.D.21 Ὁ. A.D. 36 | b. A.D. 35 Hermaeus== Theus
Ὁ. A, D. 88 | Ὁ, A.D. 89
Te... Achilles | Hermaeus eof Tereus
Artemon = Tereus
b, A.D. 49 | b. A.D. 67
.» .odora Artemon == Demetria
also called also called | also called
Thaésis Agrippa Tereus
b. A.D, 91 b, A.D. 93 | b. A.D. 120
b. A.D, 157
Col. I.
παρὰ Anuntpias τῆς Kal Tepedros Ἑ ρμ]αίου μητ(ρὸς) Θεῦτος
7 Ἑρμοπίολ ) ἀπὸ γ(υμνασίου)
7. τῷ ἐνεστῶτ()
[. ἔτει ᾿Αντωνείνου καὶ Οὐήρου τῶν κυρίων Σεβαστ]ῶν 6 vids [μου
5 [[Δρτέμων Ἴωνος
7 ἐπικρι(θ )
Ἴου μ.[..
About fifteen lines lost.
κρὶ τ Lieto Sw
] ἀπὸ τοῦ yupvacio(v)
25 καὶ ὀμνύ]ω τὴν Αὐτοκράτορ[ο]ς
[Καίσαρος Μάρκου Αὐρηλίου ᾿Αντωνείνου Σ]εβαστοῦ καὶ
[Αὐτοκράτορος Καίσαρος Λουκίου Aipydiov] Οὐήρου Σεβαστοῦ τύχην
[ἀληθῆ εἶναι τὰ προγεγρ(αμμένα). (ἔτους). Αὐτοκράτορος] Καίσαρος Μίάρκου
[Δὐρηλίου ᾿Αντωνείνου Σεβαστοῦ καὶ ΑἸὐτοκράτο[ρος Καίσαρος
30 ἰ[Λουκίου Αὐρηλίου Οὐήρου Σεβαστοῦ Mecop}) Ko.
Col. II.
ky (ἔτους) θεοῦ Αἰλίου ᾿Αντωνίνου ἸΠόλ(εως) ἀπηλ(ιώτου) aS β διαδοχῆς,
ἀναφό(ριον) ᾿Αρτέμωνος ᾿Αρτέμωνος τοῦ καὶ ᾿Αγρίππα μητρὸς
Δημητρίας τῆς κ(αὶ) Τερεῦτος ἀπὸ γ(υμνασίου) ἀφήλικ(ος) ἀναγρ(αφομένου) ἐπὶ P[p]o(upiov)
N 2
δι ἐπιτρόπ(ου) Πτολεμαίου Διδύμου ἀτεκί ) μετελί ) ἑ(αυτὸν)
35 ᾿Δρτέμωνα ᾿Αρτέμωνος τοῦ κ(αὶ) ᾿Αγρίππα ἀπὸ γ(υμνασίου) (ἐτῶν) γ.
θ (ἔτους) ὁμ(οίως) Πόλ(εως) ἀπ(ηλιώτου) ιαδ [7] δια[δο]χ(ῆς), ἀναφό(ριον) ᾿Αρτέμωνος το[Ὁ]
κ(αὶ) ᾿Αγρίππα
᾿Αρτέμωνο[ς] τοῦ ᾿Ασκλῃπί(ιάδου) απαδουί ) μητ(ρὸς) Τερεῦτος [᾿Απολ(λωνίου)] ἀ[π]ὸ y(up-
ἀναγρ(αφομένου) ἐπὶ Φρο(υρίου) λιβ(ὸς) a... κί )a.( ) ἑ(αυτὸν) ᾿Αρτέμωνα τὸν [κ(αὶ)
, [πα]ν ἀπὸ] γ(υμνασίου) (ἐτῶν) vy,
go [..1ελ(. 7) γ(υναῖκα) Δημητρίαν τὴν κ(αὶ) Tepe(dv) “Eppaio(v) γ(υναῖκα) (αὐτοῦ) ἀπὸ y(up-
νασίου) (ἐτῶν) μ.
[us (ἔτους) θεο]ῦ ᾿Αδριανοῦ Πόλ(εως) ἀπ(ηλιώτου) ιαδ οὐ τόμ(ου) 0) κο(λλήματος) ρλη,
[ἀν]αφό(ριον) ᾿Αρτέμωνος ᾿Ασκληπιάδου τοῦ ᾿Αχιλλέως
[μ]ητ(ρὸς) Β[εἸροῦτος ‘Eppatov ἀπὸ γ(υμνασίου) Φρο(υρίου) λιβ(ὸς) a . [.] . εἰσονεροί )
[1 . ἀπηλ(ιώτου) στᾳθί(μοῦ) ἑ(αυτὸν) [᾿Α]ρ[τ]έμωνα ᾿Ασκληπιάδ(ου) [.1α5 ἀπὸ y(vpvaciov)
(ἐτῶν) πγ,
45 [[Ἀρτέμω]να τὸ[ν K(ai)] ᾿Αγρίππαν υἱὸν μηϊτ(ρὸς) ΤΊ]ερε(ῦτος) ᾿Απολ(λωνίου) ἀπὸ γ(υμνασίου)
(ἐτῶν) dO,
[- - οδώρ(αν) τὴϊν x(at)] Θαῆσιν θυγ(ατέρα) μητ(ρὸς) τῆ[ς] (αὐτῆς) ἀπὸ γ(υμνασίου) (ἐτῶν) μα.
ua (ἔτους) Νέρωνος Φρο(υρίου) λιβ(ὸς) a τόμ(ου) κο(λλήματος) μδ, ᾿Ασκληπιάδης ᾿Αχιλ(λέως)
᾿Ασκληπιάδου μητ(ρὸς) Τεῳη .. Ἥρωνος (ἐτῶν) μθ,
γ(υνὴ) (αὐτοῦ) Βερ[οῦ]ς Ἑ ρμαίου τοῦ Awpiwrfo|s (ἐτῶν) pd, ᾿Αρτέμων υἱὸς (αὐτοῦ) (ἐτῶν) ιθ.
50 ἡ (ἔτους) θεοῦ Οὐεσπα[σ]ιανοῦ Φρο(υρίου) λιβ(ὸς) «δὲ ἀλ(λο)ὺ ἀποί ) ᾿Απολ(λωνίου) ᾿Απολ-
τίο]ῦ ἫἩ ρακλήοζυ μ]ητ(ρὸς) Τερε(ῦτος) ᾿Απολ(λωνίου) ἀπὸ γ(υμνασίου). [. .} . . - ἑ(αυτὸν)
᾿Απολλώ(νιον) (ἐτῶν) μα,
. [1 Διδύμην Ἑ ρμ]αίου τοῦ Διοσκ(όρου) γ(υναῖκα) (αὐτοῦ) ἀπὸ [γ(υμνασίου)] (ἐτῶν) μ,
[Tlepedv θυγ(ατέρα) (αὐτοῦ) [ἀ]πὸ γ(υμνασίου) (ἐτῶν) 0.
ια [(ἔτους) Ν]έρωνος Φρο(υρίου) .λιβ(ὸς) a τόμ(ου) [κο(λλήματος) Je, ᾿Απολλςζώ]νιος ᾿Απολ-
55 [τοῇῦῦ Ἡ ρακλήου μ[ητ(ρὸς)] Τερεῦτος (ἐτῶν) λ.
us (ἔτους) θεοῦ ᾿Αδριανοῦ Φρο(υρίου) Χζιβ(ὸς)] δὲ ἀλ(λο)ὺ Ἑ ρμαίου ᾿Αρείου
τοῦ Ἑ μαίου μητρ[ὸ]ς Θερμούθ(ιος) Ἑ ρμαίου ἀπὸ γ(υμνασίου)
ἀναγρ(αφομένου) ἐπὶ Πόλ(εως) λ[ι]β(ὸς) στα]θίμοῦ) μετελί ) ἑ(αυτὸν) Ἑρμαῖον
ἀπὸ γ(υμνασίου) (ἐτῶν) pd,
60 γ(υναῖκα) Θεῦν ἀδελ(φὴν) καὶ γ(υναῖκα) τῶν (αὐτῶν) γονέων (ἐτῶν) py,
Δημητρίαν τὴν κ(αὶ) Τερε(ῦν) θυγ(ατέρα) (αὐτοῦ) ἀπὸ γ(υμνασίου) (ἐτῶν) ιβ.
θ (ἔτους) Δομιτιανοῦ Φρο(υρίου) λιβ(ὸς) §S ᾿
ἀλ(λο) [ἀ]ναφό(ριον) Ἑ ρμαίου ᾿Αρείου τοῦ νε(ωτέρου) ᾿Α[ρείου μ]ητρὸς
[Θερ]μούθιος ἀπ[ὸ y(vpvaciov)|] ἀναγρ(αφομένου) ἐπὶ Πόλ(εως) [λιβ(ὸς}] στ[α]θ(μοῦ)
μετελί )
65 €(avrov) Ἑρμαῖον ἀπὸ γ(υμνασίου) (ἐτῶν) vy,
“Apevov υἱὸν ᾿Αρείο[υ] δι... (. ) μητ(ρὸς) Θερμούθ(ιος) ἀπὸ γ(υμνασίου) (ἐτῶν) β,
_ τ: σα..." =
:4».ἔ Qe) »
γ(υναῖκα) Θερμοῦθ(ιν) Ovy(arépa) (αὐτοῦ) μητ(ρὸς) Τερε(ῦτος) ἀδελ(φῆς) ἀπὸ γί(υμνασίου)
γ(υναῖκα) τοῦ
ἀδελ(φοῦ) ᾿Αρείου ἀπὸ γ(υμνασίου) (ἐτῶν) κδ,
Col. III.
Θεῦν Ovy(arépa) (αὐτῆς) ἀπὸ y(vpvaciov) a (ἔτους ὃ).
yo τα (ἔτους) Νέρωνος Πόλεως λιβ(ός), οὐ τόμ(ου) κο(λλήματος) ριδ,
Ἑρμαῖος ᾿Αρείου νε(ωτέρου) ᾿Αρείο]ν μητ(ρὸς) Θερμούθ(ιος)
(ἐτῶν) κθ,
Λρειος υἱὸς μητ(ρὸς) Τερεῦτ(ος) ἀ[δ]ελ(φῆς) (ἐτῶν) B.
31. «aS: the meaning of this symbol which recurs in 36 and 41 (cf. 50, 56 and 62, where 3 and ὃ
are found in place of ta) is obscure. The letters probably represent numbers; the S-shaped sign
is more like that employed as the symbol for αὐτός than that for ἔτος. The difficulty is the curved
stroke above the line, which suggests nothing but μ.
33. ἀπὸ y(vuvaciov): for the resolution of the abbreviation cf. line 24 and Pap. Oxy. II. 257.
34. Artemon was returned in the census of A.D. 160 by his guardian, owing to the death of his father.
The abbreviation following Διδύμου might here be read dréx(vov), but in line 38 where it seems to recur arex( )
is not suitable.
40. (ἐτῶν) 4: according to this passage Demetria was born in A.D. 106, which is inconsistent with
line 60 where she is stated to have been twelve years old in A.D. 132. The second statement is more likely
to be correct, for if the first is right she was fifty-one when Artemon was born. yp therefore should have
been xc.
41. o): either this or the sign after τόμ(ου) ought to represent the number of the τόμος.
47. The eleventh year of Nero (cf. ll. 54 and 70) was not a census year; but a revision of the ἐπίκρισις
lists seem to have been made then; cf. Pap. Oxy. II. p. 224.
50. Perhaps ἄλ(λη) ἀπο(γραφή), but in line 56 ἀλί ) stands for GA(Ao), sc. ἀναφόριον ; cf, line 63.
61. (ἐτῶν) 18: cf. note on line 40.
66. “Apeoy υἱὸν ᾿Αρείο[υ]: a line has dropped out between υἱόν and "Apefo[v]. The person who
makes the returns in lines 62-9 for A.D. 90 is Hermaeus who was born in A.D. 37. His son Arius was
born in A.D. 63 (line 73), and it is his grandson Hermaeus son of Arius who was two years old in
A.D. 90; cf. lines 56-8, which give the return of the younger Hermaeus himself in A.D. 132. We must
therefore read “Apetov υἱὸν (ἀπὸ γ(υμνασίου) (ἐτῶν) KC | Ἑρμαῖον υἱὸν) ᾿Αρείο[υ].
67. If γί ) means γ(υναῖκα) here, ᾿Αρείου is to be supplied. αὐτοῦ is of course the Hermaeus in
line 65.
Αϑβημυνῆν. 9°5 x 9°6 cm. Second or third century Α. Ὁ.
XTRACT from some official document, perhaps a κατ᾽ οἰκίαν ἀπογραφή (cf. 74), giving
a list of persons and their house property, written in very bad Greek.
«ουρί.} . 1
μακ. [Ἰοτοί ) τό(μου) y κολ(λήματος) [. .1. ( )
οἰκία. pl. .Jepos ᾿Ανουβαρ[ίου] Τρύφω(νος)
τῆς ὑπογεγραμ(μ)ένης Νεῖλος
5 ᾿Αμμωνίου τοῦ Σαραπιωνος
μη(τρὸς) ᾿Ανουβαρίου Τρύφωνος
(ἐτῶν) ιβ θηί( ) ᾿Ανουβάριὸν Τρύ-
φωνος τοῦ ἘΕῤαγγέϊλ]ου (ἐτῶν) μ
. . Σειλβανὸς λιθοτόμος
το ἐπικεκλημένος Καλαβώτης
ἔτι ἐν τῇ Tedéow γίτων Σαβινι
ἐνδρομες ἔχων τὸ ἐργασ-
τήριν ἐστα '᾽᾿Ἐπιμάχης γείτων
[.]. «τυ ἱματ(ιγοπώλου.
14. t οὗ ἱματοπωλου added over the line.
Dimfé. 20°5 X 25 cm. A.D. 139. PLATE XVI.
ETITION to the epistrategus from Pabous, a priest and at the same time a guard
at the custom-house of Socnopaei Nesus, accusing Polydeuces and Harpagathes, two
custom-house officials, of having defrauded the government and of having committed an
assault upon himself when he called the attention of their superiors to their misconduct.
The fraud does not seem to have been very cleverly managed. What Polydeuces and
Harpagathes had done, according to Pabous, was to embezzle part of the money received
at the custom-house, while at the same time Harpagathes kept a correct register of the
business done. This had somehow come into the hands of Pabous, who here appends a copy
for the consideration of the epistrategus. This register is the counterpart of the receipts
issued by the custom-house (cf. Fay. Towns Papp. 67-76 (a), introd.), and consists of a brief
record of the animals and produce passing through, without however stating which of the
taxes ρ΄ καὶ ν΄, λιμένος Μέμφεως and ἐρημοφυλακία were levied upon them, nor, unfortunately,
the amounts paid. But, covering as it does a period of nearly two months, the fragment
that is preserved gives an interesting indication of the activity of the caravan trade, though
it does not materially add to the information already supplied by the tax-receipts. Instances
of persons importing (εἰσάγοντες), as in the receipts, are comparatively rare. The kinds of
produce mentioned as having passed through the custom-house are wine, salt, and oil, the
latter, which is usually measured by the load (cf. Fay. Towns Pap. 67. 2, note), being much
the most frequent.
Col. I.
ἸΙουλίων Πετρωνιανῷ τῶι κραπΠστῳ ἐπιστρατήγῳ
παρὰ Παβοῦτ[ο]ς τοῦ Στοτοήτεως τοῦ Πανομιέως
ἱερέως ἀπὸ κώμης [Σ]οκνοπαίου Νήσου τῆς
Ἡρακλείδου μερίδος [τοῦ ᾿ΑἹρσ{ι]νοίτου νομοῦ ’Apafo-
τοξότου πύλης] τῆς αὐτῆς Σοκνοπαίου Νήσου.
[.]-[....]p κατηγορ. [. .. ἀἸϊλλὰ ὁρῶν τὸν φίσκον
περιγραφόμενον ὑπὸ Πολυδεύκους τετραετεῖ
ἤδη χρόνωι παρὰ τὰ ἀπειρημένα ἐπιτηροῦν-
τος τὴν προκειμένην πύλην καὶ ὑπὸ
[Δρπαγ]άθίου το]ῦ Ἐροΐ. (7Ἴγακος ἐπέδωκα
tlo}is τῆς [νομαρχίας ἐπι]τηρητα[)ς ἀντί[γρα-]
gov ὧν εἶχ[ο]ν τοῦ ᾿Αρπαγάθου ἰδι[ογ]ράφ{ιξων
ἀναγραφίων τῶν διὰ τῆς πύλης εἰσαχθέντων
[κ]αὶ ἐξαχθ[έντων, ἀ]ξιῷν τὴν ἐξέτασιν αὐ[τ]ῶν
γίεἹνέσίθαι εἰς] τὸ ἐπί υγ]νῶναι εἰ προσετέΪ θη]
αὐτῶν τὰ τέλη τῷ κυριακῶι λόγωι. καὶ
ἐπιγνοὺς 6 Πολυδεζ[ύκ]ης ἐπελθών μοι
μεθ᾽ ἑτέρων ὧν τὰ ὀνόματα ἀγνοῶι πλείσ[τ]α[ ιἧς
πληγαῖς με ἠκίσατο, καὶ μὴ ἀρκεσθεὶ]ς
ἐπήϊν]εγκέ μοι Ἡρα[κλ]ᾶν τινα μαχαιρο-
φόρων οὐσιακῶν καὶ ἀμφότεροι βίᾳ
βασί[τ]άξαντές με εἰσήνεγκαν εἰς τὸ λογ[ι]στήριον
τοῦ ἐπιτρόπου τῶν οὐσιῶν καὶ ἐποίησάν με
. [Κ[]. ᾳιον ὄντα μαστιγοῦσθαι εἰς τὸ ἀναδῶ-
[vai] pe αἰὐτοῖς] τὸ τοῦ [᾿Δρπ]αγάθου ἀναγράφιον, ὅπερ
φανερὸν {tovro} ἐγένετο] τοῖς τε τῆς νομαρχίας ἐπιτηρη-
ταῖς] καὶ τῷ ἐπὶ] τῶν τόπων τότε ὄντι βεφιν ιἸκιαρίωι
Col. ΤΙ.
cielghns:n ὅθεν] κατὰ τὸ dvaly]|xailov ἐπιδίδ)]ωμι
καὶ ἀξιῶ edly δίό]ξῃ σοι [πέϊμψαι [πρὸς σ]ὲ καὶ
τὸν Πολυδεύκην καὶ τὸν ᾿Αρπα[γάθην τὸν
κράτιστον τοῦ κακοῦ καὶ προσεπίτροπο[ν] ἵνα
δυνηθῶ τὴν ἀπόδιξιν ἐπ᾽ αὐτοὺς π[ο]ιησ[ά]μενο(ς)
τυχεῖν καὶ τῆς ἀπὸ σοῦ εὐεργεσίας. διευτύχει.
ἔστι δὲ τὸ] ἀντίγραφον τῶν ἰδιογράφων
τοῦ] ᾿Αρπαγάθο[υ] ἀναγρ[ αφ]ίων᾽
B (ἔτους) ᾿Αντω[νΐνου Κ[αίσαρος τ]οῦ κυρίου] ᾿Επεὶφ
ζ. Στοτοήϊτις .Jo επί... .. 7 καμήλ(ους) β.
ὁμοίως [.Jrovs ε. [- καϊμῃλί ) 7 [γεν]ή(ματος) B- (ἔτους)
"Epiddes. sie... ]€ οἴνο(υ) κερ(άμια) 2.
iP Epos seek rey γ]ενή(ματος) κβ (ἔτους).
πὴ eb) πο waka 1
ΠααίονἽτῶῖε δξίάγων) ἅπ()) καϊμηϊλ( )
Πασοκ[ράτ]η(ς) [ἐ. . ἀὐγω(ν) οἴνο(υ) κεράμια 1.
45 Em .[..].«s €&(dyov) ἐπὶ κ[αμ]ήλ(οις) B καὶ ὄνῳ a.
ὁ αὐτὸς] εἰσάγω[ν] ἐπὶ καμήλ(οις) B καὶ ὄνῳ ἃ oivo(v) κερ(άμια) ἢ.
ὁμ[οίω(ς) Π]αβοῦς ἐλαίο(υ) κάμηλ(ον) ἃ.
[δ]μο[(]ω(ς)ὺ Ἰπαβοῦς ἐλαίο(υ) κάμηλ(ον) a πῶλ(ον) a.
A.[..]. [ἐϊξάγω(ν) ἐπὶ καμήλ(ῳ) a ἐλαίο(υ) μετ(ρητὴν) a.
50 [1]--- Στο[τ]ο[ἢτις] ἐλαίο(υ) καμήλ(ους) ε.
u[-] [ὁμο]ΐῳ(ς) ὁ [α]ὐ(τὸς) Στοτοῆτις ἐλαίο(υ). καμήλ(ους) ε,
Περί... .].[.].. εἰ σ]άγω(ν) ἁλὸ(ς) καμήλ(ους) ὃ.
[ἢ δίδημίον Πράγων) [δύ μίοίυ) καμρλί Ὁ. —
ἐν [εν ς 97. ἐλαίο(υ) καμ[ή]λ(ους) ζ.
Col. III.
2 lines lost. yo ιβ Pf. ]Juns [
a OES ty Διονύσζιος
weeeee ἐλ]αίο(υ) κ[αμηλί ) _ 6pfot]o(s) OL
os ++ ἐλ]αίο(υ) καμ[ηλί ) w Στοτοῆτις [ἐ]λαίο(υ) καμηλί ) [
eS OL ea ef ὁμοίως Παβοῦς ἐλ(αίου) κ[αμηλί )
δ τὰν ἀν τὴν 1 Ὁ 75 ὁμοίως Πασοκράτη(ς) ἐλ[αίο(υ)
ri ιξ' ᾿Ανχῶφις ἐλαίο(υ) κ[αμηλί )
Δίδ[υμο]ς ἐλαζο(υ) _ ὁμοίως “Epiwy ἐλα[ίο(υ)
Παβοῦς ἐλαΐο(υ) wf Ἑκῦσις [1]...
65 ὃ ᾿Ανχῶφ[ις Ka Πανεφρέμ[μιῆς ἐλ[αίο(υ)
e[...]. ns [ 88 ᾿Ανχῶφις ἐλαίο(υ) καμηϊλί )
& [Ἐρι]εῦς ἐλαίο(υ) κ[αμηλί ) Πανεφρέμμις édailo(v) καμη]λί )[
ζ [Ἐρ]ιεῦς. .[ Δρπαγάθης ἐξάγω(ν) [
(α...1.{.1. KB ᾿Ἐριεῦς Appuxd
27. 1, βενεφ[ιἸκιαρίωι.
‘To his highness the epistrategus Julius Petronianus from Pabous son of Stotoétis son of Panomieus,
a priest of the village of Socnopaei Nesus in the division of Heraclides of the Arsinoite nome, Arab archer at
the custom-house of the said Socnopaei Nesus. While not seeking an occasion of accusation but because I saw
the treasury being defrauded by Polydeuces, who contrary to the prohibition has now for four years been in
charge of the aforesaid custom-house, and by Harpagathes son of Er..., I presented to the overseers
of the nomarchy a copy of Harpagathes’ autograph returns in my possession of the imports and exports
passing through the custom-house, requesting that an examination of them should be held in order to
determine whether the taxes upon these had been added to the treasury account. Polydeuces having
discovered this attacked me with other persons whose names I do not know and belaboured me with
many blows, and not satisfied with this set upon me Heraclas, one of the guards of the domains and
taking me up by force they together carried me to the counting-house of the superintendent of the domains
and caused me...to be scourged in order to make me give up to them the register of Harpagathes,
an act which became known to the overseers of the nomarchy and to the deneficiarius then in the
district. I am therefore compelled to present this petition requesting, if you think fit, that you should
send for Polydeuces, and Harpagathes, the chief cause and prime mover in the mischief, in order that
I may produce the proofs against them and obtain your beneficence. Farewell. The copy of the
register of Harpagathes is as follows. The second year of Antoninus Caesar the lord, Epeiph 7,
Stotoétis ... Papontos exporting on .. camels ..., Pasocrates importing (Ὁ) 10 jars of wine.. οὐ &c.
4. ᾿Αραβοτοξότου : this title does not appear to be found elsewhere, but occurs (in the form ᾿Αραβοδο-
érov) in a small unpublished fragment from Omm el ‘Atl.
6. The sense requires some such supplement as οὐ θέλων κατηγορεῖν or οὐ φιλῶν κατηγορίας.
7-8. If rerpaeret ἤδη χρόνῳ is to be connected with ἐπιτηροῦντος, which seems the more natural con-
struction, it will follow that there was some limit to the time during which the post of ἐπιτηρητής of
a πύλη could be occupied by the same person, _
II. τ[ο]ῦς τῆς [νομαρχίας ἐπι]τηρητα[1]ς : cf. line 26. The customs-duties were under the supervision of
the nomarch; cf. Gr. Pap. II. 50 (a) and (6).
Dimi. 266 Χο cm. A.D. 184, PLrate XVIL
PETITION to Aurelius Antoninus, centurion, from Stotoétis, a native of Socnopaei
Nesus, requesting that an inquiry should be held into the conduct of Hekusis, a relative
by marriage, who, Stotoétis alleges, had defrauded him in respect of their common property, and
in particular had forced upon him an unfair agreement.
Αὐρ[ηἸλίῳ ᾿Αντωνείνῳ (ἑκατοντάρχῳ)
παρὰ Στοτοήτιος ᾿Α[γ]χώφεως
> ‘ , ’ la
ἀπὸ κώμης Σοκνοπαίου Νήσου.
βίαν πάσχων ἑκάστοτε ὑπὸ
ε 4 5 td
5 Ἑκύσεως ἐπικαλουμένου
Εὐπορᾶ τινος ἀπὸ τῆς αὐτῆς
, ν Ν ν Ν
κώμης ὅστις πο[λ]λὰ μὲν καὶ
ἄλλα εἴς με διαπραξάμενος
ἔϊτι] καὶ τῇ συνγενίδι pov,
το .[- (Πἰστου πρὸς γάμον ouveh-
Oa ἐν τοῖς κοινοῖς ἡμῶν
ε , an
ὑϊπ]άρχουσι παντοδαπῶς
plov] πλεονεκτῇ ἄνθρωπος
> , oh 4 4
ἀ[σἸθενής. ἐπὶ τούτοις δὲ
᾿χὺν ,’ ’
15 [καὶ ἐν νωθρίᾳ μου γενομένου
On the verso 30 buon. . [
]. af
[ἐξ]εβιάσατο ὥστε ἀσφάλιαν
ylplarriy αὐτῷ με ποιήσασ-
θαι, ἐπανγειλάμενος εἰ μὴ
[πο]ιῶ εἰς τὸ ζῆν μοι ἐπιχειρή-
[σει]ν. τοιαύτης ο[ὖ]ν αὐθαδίας
ἐν αὐτῷ οὔσης οὐ δυνάμενος
[ἐν]καρτερεῖν ἐπιδίδωμι καὶ
[ἀξ]Πιῶ ἀχθῆναι αὐτὸν εἰς τὸ δια-
κουσθῆναι. ἐπὶ γὰρ τοῦ ῥητοῦ
[κ]αὶ ἕτερα τούτων μίζονα ἀπο-
δείξω. διευτύχι.
ἔτους κε Μάρκ[ο]ν Αὐρηλίου
[Κο]μμόδου ᾿Αντωνείνου Σεβαστοῦ
[E}ioeBots Θὼθ i.
4. ὕπο Pap.; so 12 ὕ[π]αρχουσι. 9. σὺν over an erasure. 13-14. 1. ἀνθρώπου ἀ σ]θενοῦς. 24. 1. τῷ
«Τὸ Aurelius Antoninus, centurion, from Stotoétis son of Anchophis, of the village of Socnopaei
Nesus. I am constantly suffering violence from Hekusis surnamed Euporas, an inhabitant of the same
village, who besides other outrages upon me, being married to my kinswoman . . . takes all sorts of
advantages over me, who have no power to resist, in regard to our common property. Moreover as
I neglected my rights, he forced me to give him a written security, announcing that if I refused he would
make an attempt on my life. His audacity having reached this pitch I can endure no longer, and present
this petition requesting that he should be brought before you to be heard. In addition to what I have
said I will prove other more serious charges. Farewell. The 25th year of Marcus Aurelius Commodus
Antoninus Augustus, Thoth go.’
10. The mutilated word at the beginning of the line is probably the mame of the ovyyevis, the
genitive being written for the dative owing to the influence of μου. This is perhaps more likely than
that Ἔτου, which could be read for στοῦ, is an (unknown) patronymic, preceded by an equally short
name in the dative. Another alternative would be to take .[. «is as a participle governing τοῦ. ...ὄ
cvvedd[ei]v, but this is a less simple construction, and the name of the ovyyevis is certainly expected.
14. If ἀ[σ]θενής is right—and it is almost certain—évépwzros ἀ[ σ]θενής must refer to the writer of the
petition, and should have been in an oblique case in agreement with p[ov] (or p[e]). This is not the only
error in the papyrus; cf. note on line 10, and line 24 ἐπὶ rod ῥητοῦ.
30. Apparently not ἀπόἾδος.
ASHMUNEN. 25°5X41°5 cm. About a.p. 186.
PETITION addressed to a praefect, in three much mutilated columns. The first two are
written in rough uncials, the remains of the third, which are too small to be worth printing, are
in a different and very cursive hand and perhaps represent an official note. The verso also is
covered with cursive writing resembling the second hand on the vecto, Longaeus Rufus who
is known from Pap. Oxy. II. 237 and B. G. U. 807. 10 to have been praefect in a.p. 185 is
mentioned several times, and it is almost certain that the document is addressed to Pomponius
Faustianus who (Pap. Oxy. II. p. 147) succeeded Longaeus Rufus between Sept. 185 and
Jan. 186, for the strategus is Damarion who was in office in 185-6 (cf. 107 and 109). The
cause of the petition was the conduct of the various magistrates at Hermopolis in charge of
the collection of corn, whom the writer accused of peculation.
Col. I.
[Πομπωνίῳ Φαυστιαν])]ῷ [ἐπάρχῳ [Αἰγύπτου
[τό letters] . anf. . .]..[
[17 » Ἰμματων...[
Ν >
[27 » Ἵνήματος τὸν οἰκεῖον δι.
5 [8.,, Τήματι κλητοὺς δι᾽ ad-
[77 Jenrfolus ὑπὸ σοῦ κελευσί.
[τῦ ,, Je βουλὴν εἰ τὸ ταμεῖον
[18 ,, ]od ὁ λαμπρότατος ἡγεμὼν
[τΊ .. Ἰσμένῳ διαλογισμῷ ηγε-
το [15 ,, Told κυρείου ἡμῶν avr.
[10 ,, τοῦ λαμπρ)οτάτου Λογγα[ί]ου ‘Po[v-
[fou 14 letters}roheirn exedevfo . .
[17 letters]o παλαιῶν γενημ[ά-
ἴτων 13 letters ἀϊπὸ νέων καρπῶν dq...
[12 letters] ἐκ τῶν ἀναδόντων αὐτί...
fis wea ἐγμε]γρητῶν καὶ στρατηγῶ[ν καὶ Ba-
[σιλικῶν γραμματέων διαδεξαμένων τὰς στρα-
[σηγίας τ. ἰὸν Ἴων προσγράψας émured.....
[Αι ted Ἴι δὲ κινδύνῳ πάντων ra[v.....
ΓΤ ΜΦῈ [τὸ τρῶν 1 δυσὶ γενήμασι καὶ σὺ ὁ κύρειος [...
βαίνων [.1.. ς éxito... veowrw (ἔτει) κς πα[ραγγέλ-
λεις διὰ εἱερῶν σου γραμμάτων Δαμα[ρίωνι
στρατηγῷ τὴν ἐξέτασιν γενέσθαι τοῦ πλήθους
τούτου καὶ τῆς ἀπαιτήσεως προσίσὶ τῆνζαι κα]ὶ μα-
θῖν πρότερον ἐναπεχρήσαντο οἱ σιτολ[ό]γοι κα[ὶ
συναπεχρήσαντο αὐτοῖς οἱ ἄρχοντες καὶ [oli ἐγμε-
τρηταὶ ος κατὰ τὴν αὐτοῦ ἐπειμέλειαν ἐπέστιλε
x a , ε ,ὕ ψ > , =
τὸ πρῶτον Λογγαίῳ Ῥούφῳ τὴν ἐναπόχρησιν εἷ.
ναι ὑπὸ τοὺς ἐγμετρητὰς καὶ ἄρχοντας ἐκ πα-
4 > , > Led ,
ραθέσεων ἐπειδιχθέντων αὐτῷ. ποιησάμειζος
οὖν κατὰ τήνδε τὴν στρατηγίαν αὐτοῦ τὴν
> 7 lA Ν >) | κα “Ὁ
ἀπαίτησιν πεντακι(σ )χιλίων καὶ πρὸς ἀπὸ τῶν
ἐναποχρησάντων ἀρχόντων καὶ ἐγμε[τρητῶν
γράφι σοι τὸ δοκοῦν σοι κελεῦσαι K....[....
ἀρχόντων μαθόντων ὅτι ἡ π΄.[......«ο ἡ γεγε-
νημένη ὑπ᾽ αὐτῶν καὶ τῶν ἐγμζετρητῶν.......
συσκερωρημα παῖ. .]. χωρὶς τῆς of
ποιοῦσιν αὐτὸν [. .] διάγνωσις σ΄. [
διὸ τὴν] κλοπὴν [.. .Ja καὶ τῶν κε
καὶ τῶν παρα... . «Ἵυτων εστι. [
γεναμένων [. . .Javros πόροϊ
σιτολόγων a .[.. .] καταχρονΐ
νισται, θελήσαϊντος] yap τοῦ Δα[μαρίωνος
Col. II.
[- -...1... af. .].-7a,... yy. [J]. our. py. [lof
[. . .Jat ἀγο[ρ]ασταὶ τὸν πόρον τῶν σιτολόγων [
fe Sens Ἵν πρ[ώ]τον, ἡγεμὼν κύρειε, προσφεύγίω
[.-. -Japy@ λιπαροῦντες αὐτὸν ὅπως περιφ. .]
[...] τὴν ἀπαίτησιν τὴν κελευσθῖσαν γείνεσθαι ὑ-
[π᾿ αὐτ]οῦ ἐξ αὐτῶ[ν] τῶν διαδεξαμένων τὰς στρα-
[τη]γίας αὐτῶν. ὅταν γὰρ ἐξεί σ᾿ τάσῃς ἑνὸς ἑκάστου
[rev ἀρχόντων καὶ τῶν ἐγμετρητῶν πρῶτον
[μὲν] τὸν τοῦ Σαραπάμ[μ]ωνος Πανίσκου τοῦ καὶ δο-
[ρυφ])οροῦντο[ς] τὸν ἔπξα]ρχον ἑκάστης ὥρας εὑ-
[ρήσ]ις αὐτὸ[ν] καὶ τὸν οἶκον αὐτοῦ ὅλων κεκτη-
56 [μέν)ον μόνας] ἑπτὰ ἀρούρας νῦν δὲ ἔχοντα
[αὐτ]ὸν ὑπὲρ τὰς ἑπτακι(σγ)χιλίας καὶ ἀμπέλου δια-
[κοσίας] καὶ ἐν ἑνὶ δανίῳ δανισάμενον Κλα[υ]δί-
[ῳ Εὐτ]υκίδῃ τάλαντα ἑχδεμήκοντα δύο ἐκ
[τῆς xdo}ri[s] τῶν θησαυρῶν καὶ ἐκ τοῦ μὴ ἀπο-
60 [δοῦνα]. αὐτὸν τὰ δημόσια, δεύτερον δέ τις
See Ins ‘Eppaiov ἐκμετρητὴς γενάμενος
[.......] μὲν λογείαν ποιησάμενος ἐκ τῶν σι-
[τολόγ]ων ἀπὸ τῆς κλοπῆς τῶν θησαυρῶν συλ-
EGS ow Ἴτω ἀθρόον ἀργύριον ἐπεδέξατο ἀρχήν
27. 1. ὡς or οἷς for os, and in 28 Λογγαῖος Ῥοῦφος. 30. 1, παραδειχθεισῶν. 54. 1. ὅλον. 58. 1.
Fay. 12x 16-8 cm. A.D. 232-3.
MUTILATED fragment from the conclusion of a petition addressed by Colluthus to
some official, perhaps the epistrategus. The exact nature of Colluthus’ complaint is
not clear, but he states that he had been subjected to violence and wished to be allowed
to institute legal proceedings against the accused persons. Allusion is made to a judgement
of the praefect Mevius Honoratianus,
On the verso are remains of two columns of a money account.
[τὸ aces 7. λιφω μοι τη. Pw: «τὰ παρὰ τοὺς νόμου] τὸ και. ωνα. [
. εἰ.ὰς ἐπιβεβχη[μ]ένων ὡς σήμερον κατὰ ἔτος OvTa.... δέ
τῆς Ἤρακλαῖδον μερίδος λογιστηρίῳ κατακλισθεὶς ὑπὸ αὐτῶν καὶ
5 μαι αὐτοῖς πάσης μ[ο]υ. τῆς [ἐϊπιβαλλούσης ὑπάρξεως καὶ αὐτηί.. .]. ποι. [
τεύοντά μου κατὰ τὰ [ὑπὸ] τοῦ λαμπροτάτου ἡγεμόνο]ς Μη[ουί]ου ᾿ο[νωρατιανοῦ
θέντα πρὸ βήματος ἐν [᾿ΑἹ]ρσινοίτῃ δικάζω αὐτοῖς ὅθεν [
[ἀ]ξιῶ ἐπισταλ[ῆ]ναι ἵνα εἰδῶσιν ἣν πεποίημαι αὐτοῖς ἐκ
[ἤγλύσωσίν με [τῆς κα]τοχῆς πρὸς τὸ δύνασθαί] με πρὸς εὐκα[ιρίαν τὴν προ-
το [κ]ιμ[έν]ην κώμηϊν ... .Javyov φθάνω δεδήλωται ἀλλ᾿
σεβ[ασἸμιωτάτῳ καὶ σεβ[α]σίτ]ῷ ᾿Αδρε]γιανείῳ π[ε]μφθησομενῖ
Μηουίῳ ᾿Ονωρατιανῷ ὑπίὸ τῶ]ν στατιωνεί ζίοντος βενεφικιαρίου
and hand Κόλλ[ο]υθος [ἐπ]ιδεδίωκα] (ist hand) (ἔτους) 8B Μεσορὴ κζ ο.[
δια ἀξιῶν ἐπισταλῆναι τοῖς .. .].. .[.. ἵνα εἸἰἰδῶσι τὰ ἐνγεγραμμέϊνα
15 ὅπως ἀϊπο]λύσωσί με τῆϊς κατοχῆς............ 71... [1] μοι ἐν τῷ [
στρατηγίοῦ] παρελθόντοϊς ... .... ἐντὸς τῶν δὁρισ]θεισῶν ἡμερῶν [
(ἔτους) ιβ΄ Αὐτοκράτορος Καίσαρος Μάρκου Αὐρηλίου Σεονήρου ᾿Αλεξάν]δρου Εὐ[σ]εβοῦϊς
Εὐτυχοῦς Σεβαστοῦ
9. to (?) corr. from dy.
4. λογιστηρίῳ κατακλισθείς : cf. 77. 22.
12. στατιωνεί[ ζῆοντος βενεφικ[ιαρίου : cf. Pap. Oxy. I. 65, an order for arrest addressed to the komarchs
of a village (apa) τοῦ στατιζωνίγζοντος β(ενε)φ(ικιαρίου), and 77. 27 τῷ ἐ πὶ] τῶν τόπων τότε ὄντι β.
14. δια is probably the termination of βιβλίδια.
ASHMUNEN. 25°8 x 18-6 cm. A.D. 247.
HIS petition is addressed to Aurelius Nemesianus, deputy-strategus of the Hermopolite-
nome (cf. 72. 1), requesting that a certain Ammonius should be sent up to the praefect’s
court on a charge of extortion. According to his own statement the petitioner had been robbed
by this Ammonius, who had held some secretarial post under the late strategus, of 2 talents
3000 drachmae of silver; and it appears that he had already brought the matter to the
notice of the praefect Valerius Firmus and received a favourable reply from him. Accordingly
he now demands that Ammonius with his three assistants should be ordered to appear in
order to stand his trial.
Αὐρηλίῳ Νεμ[εσιανῷ] διαδεχί ομ]ένῳ [στρ]ατηγίαν [E]pp[omod(irov)
παρὰ Αὐρηλζ[ίου .. .]ειου ᾿Αμμωνίου καὶ ὡς χρηματί ζει. €-
χων εἰπ[εῖν πρὸς ΑἸὐρήλιον ᾿Αμμώνιον γενόμεϊνον.....
κογρ[αἾφον [Αὐρηλίο]ν ᾿Αντωνίου στρατηγήσαντοϊς προστε-
5 ταχ[ό]ηος το]ῦ λαμπροτάτου ἡμῶν ἡγεμ[όϊνος Ovaddpiov
Φύρ[μοὴν [περὶ] ὧν [ἐμὲ] διέσεισεν ἡνίκα ἐτύγχανεν ypap[pe-
revs τῷν. 7... ρ. [wy ἀργυρίου ταλάντων δύο καὶ δραχ' μῶν
τρισχ[ιλίω]ν, []ξ[ ι1ὦ τοῦτον κελεῦσαι παρανγελίᾳν
δοῦναι [παρὰ τῆς Ἰστρατηγίας παρεῖναι [κ]αὶ προσεδρε[ύ-
10 εἰν τῷ β[ήμ]ατι [το]ῦ λαμπροτάτου ἡμ[ώ]ν ἡγεμόνοί ς
ἔστ᾽ ἂΐν τ]ὰ πρ[ὸς] αὐτὸν ζητούμενα πέρας λάβῃ,
ἀλλὰ κ[αὶ] παρενενκεῖν αὐτὸν τοὺς β[ο]ηθοὺς αὐτοῦ
ἸΙσίδω[ρ]ον καὶ Τερόντιον καὶ Ἱερακί[ω]να εἰς τὸ μη-
δὲν Aveta ar τ[ο]10 πράγματος λ[ε]γ[οἹμένου ἀκολ[ού-
15 Ows rlalis δοθείσαις por..... a aca ros ἀχ[θί]σαις &-
ap.. (€rovs) .” Tlayov H....[.-.. ees Jo αἰτία ἔτυχέ
μοι [..-].[.- 7. τι κόλ(λημα) ξϑ τόμ(ου) [.. .] ἐπιδέδῳ(κα). (ἔτους) ὃ [Θ]ὼθ ἃ.
ἐὰν Moe 2.)}s ce Gnens Ἴσκου μὴ υἱ.. «(μου ... ἀ[ντ]ιδίκο[ις] δοθή[σε-
χαρ, ἀν Δ ΚΣ ὩΣ δ ἧς
20 (ἔτους) ὃ [Av]roxpélrloplos Καίσαρος Μάρκου ᾿Ἰοζυλίου Φιλίππου Εὐσεβοῦς
Evz[u}y[od]s καὶ Μάρκου] Ἰουλίου Φιλίππου γενναιο[τάτου
Κ[α]ζσΊαίρος ΣἸεβ[αστ]ῶν Φαμενὼθ λ΄. ;
and hand >. [.]ειο[ς] ᾿Α[μ]μωνίου ἐπιδέδωκα κ[αθὼς πρόκειται.
6. ervyxav[e]v Pap.
5-6. Οὐαλε[ρίου] Φίρ[ μο]υ ; cf. 72. το,
8-9. If παρανγελίαν δοῦναι is rightly read, τοῦτον for τούτῳ is to be explained by supposing a change
of construction, παρανγελίαν----στρατηγίας ‘being an afterthought.
15. This line is perhaps a reference to the instructions of the praefect previously mentioned in ll. 4-6.
18. The vestiges after μου do not well suit τοῖς.
Fay6m. 19:5 X 1971 cm. Late third or early fourth century.
ETITION to a praefect, whose name is unfortunately mutilated, from an ex-high-priest
of Arsinoe, stating that he had. in absence been selected by the town council to attend
the praefect’s tribunal as an official recorder, although he was unskilled in writing and unfitted
for the post. He had made a fruitless application to the council to be excused, and he now
appealed for release to the praefect himself.
[το a ines Ἴβανωι τῷ διασημοτάτωι ἐπάρχωι Αἰγύπτου
‘ ia: Hehe ΄ al > A , 9 Ν
[wapa........] Διδαροῦ ἀρχιερατεύσαντος τῆς ᾿Αρσινοιτῶν πόλεως. ὅτι τοὺς
[λογογράφους το]ὺς ὑπὸ τῶν βουλῶν χειροτονουμένους εἰς τὸ προσεδρεύειν τῷ σῷ ἀχράν-
[τῳ δικαστηρίῳ, ἡγεμὼν. δέσποτα, καὶ γραμμάτων ἐπιστήμονας εἶναι προσήκὰ
5 [καὶ προθύμως δϊρ)μωμένους οὐ λέληθεν τὴν σὴν ἀνδρείαν ἐμὲ γοῦν ἐν
{τον ας διατρίβοντα καὶ γεώργίᾳ σχολάζοντα ἐν τῇ κραϊίστῃ βουλῇ τῆς ‘apse:
[τῶν πόλεως τ]ινὲς ἀπόντα εἵλαντο εἰς λογογραφίαν ἀνεπιτήδειον ὄντα καὶ
[ 15 letters 1]. Sov ἐπιστάμενον οὐδὲ πολιτευσάμενόν ποτε. καὶ μετὰ ἡμέ-
[ρᾶφ.. "νἀ ΟΣ ΝΣ ἀνελθὼν ἐπὶ τῆς μητί ρ]οπόλεως καὶ τοῦτο μαθὼν οὐδὲ ἐκκλη-
το [τῇ letters Ἰθην τῷ καὶ τὰς ἡμέρας τὰς νενομισμένας, δεῖ γὰρ παρὰ [τὸ]ν
[καεῤδῦ᾽ονς οὐ eye Jey τὰ ἀληθῆ, παρεληλυθέναι. ἀλλ᾽ ἐπιστάλματι χρησάμενος
[ἐνέτυχον ....... τῇ κρατίστῃ βουλῇ διὰ τοῦ ἐνάρχου πρυτάνεως ᾿Αθ[ηναί)ου
fs 5 nee ee ἀγορανομήσαϊντος γυμνασιαρχήσαντος βουλευτοῦ σημαίνων] ὡς
[22 letters ] καθέστηκα ὅπως διορθωσάμενοι ἑαυτοὺς... ...
15 [ 20 ,, αἸῤτοῖς πέπρακται 7o.[....}re μου ἐπιτηδει[.......
ἔν > τὸ jeaow. 80 ὅπερ κ[ατέφυ]γον ἐπὶ τὸ σὸν μεγαλεῖον
[ 20 5 ἸἸμοῦντας τοῖς ἐντα[ῦθ]α τοὺς δυναμένους 7[.......
[τῷ letters Ἰθῆναι κληθῆναι ὑπ[ὸ το]ῦ σοῦ μεγαλείου καί... ....
[ 20 , ἣν προσεδρεύσω τῷ σ[ῷ ἀχράϊ]ντῳ δικαστηρίῳ
20 andhand[ τὸ, ἐπιδέδω]κα.
3rd hand? [(€rovs) . .] Φαῶζφι. .]-
F Beale eh
2,6. apowwoirwy Pap. 16, ὅπερ Pap.
1. The name of the praefect is not Σαβεῖνος (C. P. R. I. 20, A.D. 250); Σιλβανός or Νωρβανός
would suit, but the letters αν are quite doubtful and »[.] might be read instead.
10-11. dei—]e[«]v is a parenthesis. The meaning is that the rule was for objections to such appoint-
ments to be made at once, and not after the lapse of an interval.
Fay6m. 14°5X15 cm. Late third or early fourth century.
OMPLAINT from two persons to a praefect concerning irregularities which had occurred
in the management of the census, whereby the treasury was being defrauded. The
Sabinus mentioned in line 3 is very likely the same as the κηνσίτωρ Septimius Sabinus to
whom a papyrus of about a.p. 300 in Lord Crawford’s collection is addressed, where iovpdropes
(curatores; cf. 1. 10 below) occur. If so, the praefect may be Clodius Culcianus (cf. Pap. Oxy. I.
71. ἘΝ
Ἱκιανῷ τῶ[ι Shacry[plordrar ἐπάρχωι Αἰγύπτου
[παρὰ Ἴγαθου ἀμφοτέρων βουλ(ευτῶν) τῆς ᾿Αρσινοιτῶν πόλεως. ἐν τῷ κήνσῳ τῷ
[γενομένῳ ὑπὸ 1 Σαβείνου τοῦ κην σ]ΐτορος πολλὴ πεδιὰ κατὰ τοῦ τ[αμ]είου γεγένηται
δε]καπρώτων, οὐχ ὑπὸ τοῦ κηνσίτορος ἀλλ᾽ ὑπό τινων κακούργων
5 Ἴης ὁριοδίκτης ἐφ᾽ ἐξουσίᾳ ἔχων τὰ πάντα μὴ συνεστῶτα
ἀἸπογραφαῖς ὧν αὐτὸς yewpyt καὶ καρποῦται ἀρουρῶν ᾿Ὡρίωνά τινα
1ε καὶ Σουχάμμων τις καὶ αὐτὸς ἔχων αὐτόθιν γῆν ὑπέβαλεν μὴ
[ἔχειν 7 ἀδελφὸν αὐτοῦ Σερῆνον καὶ Μάνωνα ὁμοίως δὲ καὶ Σαρα-
Ἴι καὶ Ταῆσιν καὶ Π]ανετβηοῦν καὶ αὐτοῖς τὴν διαφέρουσαν αὐτῷ
το Jre δεδύνηται κακουργῆσαι καὶ τολμῆσαι ἔχοντες τοὺς ἰουρά-
[ropas olvepyods τῶν πεπραγμένων αὐτοῖς ὡς μὴ δεδυνῆσθαι
ο]υμένοις τῶν κυριακῶν φόρων εὑρίσκιν τὰ ἀπογραψάμενα
ἀναγκάζεσθαι τὰ ὑπὲρ αὐτῶν εἰσφέρειν. ἔχωντες οὖν δῖξαι τοῖς κα-
ély τῷ τὰ ὀνόματα ὑποβεβλῆσ[θα]. τὴν γῆν ταύτην τούτου χάριν
15 κἸελεῦσαι δι’ οὗ ἐὰν δοκιμάσῃς ἐπαναγκασθῆναι ἐκίνους τὰ ὑπὲρ τῆς
[γῆς 7- - «οὖ αντα μισοπονηρίαν δύνῃ
2. apowoirwy Pap. 3. πολ᾽λη Pap. 1, παιδιά, 4. ὕπο Pap. 10. tovpa Pap. 13. ὕπερ Pap.
ASHMUNEN. 216x123 cm. Second or third century A.D.
NDS of lines of a petition addressed to some high official, complaining of the conduct
of various persons. At line 15 begins an extract from a ὑπομνηματισμός or report of
a trial held before Origenes, strategus of the Hermopolite nome in the fourth year of an unnamed
emperor. In the right hand margin are the beginnings of two lines in a different hand,
probably an official note of some kind. The large amount lost renders uncertain the point
in dispute.
Col: sd;
7 κύριε παί..
Ἴρου dpoupal.
] πολλοῖς ἀναί..
Ἴιψοις καὶ πί..
; 1. (Perera.
Joe [-.- 1... [{.]αντιβαϊ. .1. Col. 11.
] xara τὸν αὐτὸν τρόπον συν
Ἵμερη κατηνάγκασάν με βίᾳ and hand
mlarépa μήτε ἀδελφὸν περὶ ἧς eral,
το. ] yevopévns ἐμοῦ τε καὶ τῶν αὐτί
’Apryelvous στρατηγοῦ τοῦ νομοῦ καὶ τῆς
] παραδοθείσης τριακονταετεῖ
7 καὶ ἐπιτροπικῆς καταστάσεως
ros καὶ ἐπιπλήξαντος αὐτοὺς
15 ἀντίγρ]αφον. (ἔτους) ὃ Τῦβι B. mpoced-
[θόντος 7 καὶ Μέλανος Λυσιμάχου καὶ τῶν
7 καὶ τῶν λοιπῶν πρεσβυτέρων
ἀπέχειν πάντας τοὺς τῆς κώμης
δημόσια. ᾿Ωριγένης ὁ στρα-
20 [τηγὸς Ἴτας συνεστάναι βουλομένους
. 7 μείζονος [[e]] νουθεσία καὶ ποιή
jus σὺν τῷ ὑπ᾽ ἐμοῦ αἱρεθησομέ-
[vw ] τὸ δὲ γράμμα τὸ γενόμενον
᾿ Jot αὐτοὶ τῇ αὐτῇ ἀπονοίᾳ ἐπιμε-
25 Ἵμενος μὴ dpa τι πάθω ἢ ἄλλος
Ἴς πρὸς αὐτοὺς ἢ ἀναπέμψεις
ASHMUNEN. 25°5 X 16:3 cm. A.D. 78. Pirate XIII.
HIS papyrus and 86 are proposals of an unusual kind for the lease of landed property.
Both documents are addressed to Hermaeus, exegetes of the Hermopolite nome, and
are applications for a five years’ lease of land belonging to orphan children. The extent of
the estates is not mentioned in either case, but the rent was 600 drachmae in 85, 260 drachmae
in 86. For the land-tax and vavBuv-tax (see note on line 9) the lessees were responsible,
and an allowance was to be made in case of a failure of the Nile or other accidents.
A noticeable feature of both documents is the last clause (85. 19-22, cf. 86. 16-17) by which
the exegetes was to publish the proposal for the space of ten days, during which objections
could be brought. If none were made, the lease was to be confirmed. A similar clause is
found in C. P. R. I. 39. 24-5, an application for a lease of land belonging to the city of
Hermopolis. About the duties of the exegetes very little is known, Strabo (xvii. p. 797)
says that the official of that name at Alexandria was ὁ ἐπὶ τῶν χρησίμων, and it has been
supposed that he was a kind of pracfectus annonae (cf. Wilcken, Ost. I. p. 657). In the third
century the exegetes is found in the nomes sharing with the other principal officials the
administration of the corn revenues. But in the present instance he seems to be exercising
the function of a public trustee of orphan children.
Ἑρμαίωι ᾿Απολλωνίου Φιλοκλαυδίωι τῶι καὶ ᾿Αλθαιεῖ
ἐξηγητῆι Ἕ, ρμοπολ(ίτου)
παρὰ ᾿Απολλωνίου τοῦ ᾿Αμμωνίου καὶ ‘Apiwvos τοῦ ‘Apiwvos
ε aA , ε ’ ’ > » ΄
Ἑρμοπολειτῶν. βουλόμεθα ἑκουσίως μισθώσασθαι eis ἔτηι πέν-
5. τε ἀπὸ τοῦ ἐνεστῶτος δεκάτου (ἔτους) Οὐεσπασιανοῦ τοῦ κυρίου ᾿
δ ΄ , ε or. , a
τὰ καταλελιμμένα πάντα καθ᾽ ὁνδηποτοῦν τρόπον τοῖς
9 lal cn > tal 45. .% ’ὔ ’ὔ Ν
αὐτοῦ υἱοῖς ὀρφανοῖς ὑπὸ Σαραπίωνος Κάστορος ἀπὸ Κουσ-
lal Ν 9 x 3N 3 tA Δ ἢ ’ Ὁ“ ea > lal
σῶν καὶ ὅσα ἄλλα ἐὰν ἀφεύρω én’ ὀνόματος τῶν υἱῶν ὀρφανῶν
αὐτοῦ Σαραπίωνος φόρου κατ᾽ {ar} ἔτος χωρὶς τῆς κατ᾽ ἄρουραν ἀρτα-
, ‘ ΄ 3 , ἈΝ ε ΄ ‘ > »¥ =
το βιήας καὶ vavBiov ἀργ(υρίου) δραχμὰς ἑξακοσίας {xwpis Kar’ ἄρουραν
3 ’ Ν , aN ¥ aN > “A a >
dpraBujas καὶ vavBiov}. ἐὰν Sé] τι ἄλλα ἐὰν ἀπαιτηθῶμεν ἢ ἐκ-
lal ‘\ “Ὁ, > »¥ > , ‘ ’
πραχθῶμεν χωρὶς τῆς Kat’ ἄρουϊρ]αν ἀρταβιήαν καὶ ναυβίου παρα-
δεχθήσεται ἡμῖν ἀπὸ τοῦ προκειμένου φόρου. τὸν
δὲ φόρον ἀποδώσομεν ἐξενίαυτα ἐν μηνὶ Φαῶφι οἷς ἐὰν
τ σὺ ὁ ἐξηγητὴς ἐπιστί[είϊλῃς, ἐὰν δέ τι ἄβροχος γένηται
ἢ καὶ ποταμοφόρητος ἢ ὕφαμμος ἢ κατεξυσμένηι [παρα-]]
͵ ΚΟ ὡς eae ε ὃ , ¥ δ θ , ea
γένηται ἀπὸ τοῦ ἰσίονζτος) ἑνδεκάτου (ἔτους) παραδεχθήσεται ἡμῖν
4... 5, Lol / , ‘ x > , 3s ’
ἀπὸ τοῦ προκειμένου φόρου κατὰ τὸ ἀνάλογον, ἐὰν φαίνηζται)
lal »“»ἢ. lal 4 3 4 Le, | ‘
προτεθῆναι τῆσδε τῆς μισθώσεως ἀντίγραφον ἐπὶ τὰς
20 καθηκούσας ἡμέρας δέκα ὅπως μηδενὸς προσαγαγόνζτος»
δ ἢ, ta Heel -.’ 3 ’, ’, ΗΝ. Ν
ἐπίθεμα μένηι ἡμῖν ἡ μίσθωσις βεβαία ἐπὶ τὸν πεν-
Il. P
ταετ[ἢ] χρόνον ἀμεθεστάτους. (ἔτους) δεκάτου Αὐτοκράτορος
Καίσαρος Οὐεσπασιανοῦ Σεβαστοῦ Φαμενὼθ wy. (and hand) ‘Qpiwy Ὡρίωνο(ς)
ἐπιδέδωκα. (3rd hand) ᾿Απολλώνιος ᾿Αμμωνίου συνεπιδέδωκα
25 καθὰὼϊς πρόϊΐκειται.
On the verso
Xov... μ[{{σθωσις}} ᾿Απολ(λωνίου) ᾿Αμμω(νίου) ex
8. 1. ἐφεύρω, cf. 86. 88. 9-1Ο. Ll. ἀρταβείας ; so in 12, 11.1. ἄλλο, 17. π Of παραδεχ corr. from ρ.
22. 1. ἀμεθεστάτοις.
‘To Hermaeus son of Apollonius, of the Philoclaudian or Althean deme, exegetes of the Hermopolite
nome, from Apollonius son of Ammonius, and Horion son of Horion, inhabitants of Hermopolis.
We voluntarily desire to lease for five years from the present tenth year of Vespasianus the lord all
the property of every kind bequeathed by Sarapion son of Castor, of Cusae, to his orphan sons, and
whatever else I may find to be owned by the orphan sons of Sarapion, at a yearly rent, excluding
the tax of an artaba on each aroura and the naubion-tax, of six hundred drachmae of silver. If any
other charge is demanded or exacted from us besides the tax of an artaba on each aroura and
the naubion, an allowance shall be made to us from the aforesaid rent. We will pay the rent
yearly in the month of Phaophi to whomsoever you the exegetes shall appoint. If any part of the land
becomes unwatered or is carried off by the river or covered by sand or worn away from the coming eleventh
year onwards, a proportionate allowance shall be made to us from the aforesaid rent. These provisions
are subject to your consenting to the publication of this lease for the legal period of ten days in order
that if no objection is brought against it the lease may remain guaranteed to us for the period of five
years without change. The tenth year of the Emperor Caesar Vespasianus Augustus, Phamenoth 26.
I, Horion son of Horion, presented this application. I, Apollonius son of Ammonius, jointly presented
this application as aforesaid.’
I. Φιλοκλαυδίωι τῶι καὶ ᾿Αλθαιεῖ: a deme probably at Alexandria,
9. τῆς κατ᾽ ἄρουραν ἀρταβιήας : cf. 86. 15 where in the corresponding passage χωρὶς γνησίων δημοσίων is
found. Generally the δημόσια were paid by the landlord, not the tenant; cf. 87. 25,&c. But clearly here
and in 86 χωρίς implies that the lessee had to pay them. For the dpraBela cf. C. P.R.I. 1.16 and Fay.
Towns Pap. 99. 13. It was, we conjecture, the land-tax of one artaba to the aroura. On the naubion-
tax, which had to do with the maintenance of dykes and canals, cf. Wilcken, Osz. I. pp. 259-263 and
Fay. Towns, p. 160.
14. ἐξενίαυτα: cf. Pap. Par. 25. 12 ἐξενίαυτον γενέσθαι. The meaning is slightly different from that
of κατ᾽ ἔτος ; cf. 86. 11 where both expressions are found.
ASHMUNEN. (a) 23:3 Χ12, (6) 21x9°7 cm. A.D. 78.
WO copies of a proposal addressed like 85 to Hermaeus, exegetes of the Hermopolite
nome, by Hermias, asking for the lease for five years of the property bequeathed by
his late sister Didyme to her children Hermophilus and Salion. Cf. introd. to 85.
Both copies are written by the same scribe, and are practically identical. We give the
text of (a); in (4) the ink is a good deal obliterated towards the ends of lines.
‘Eppatos ᾿Απολλωνίου Φιλοκλαύδιος ὁ κ(αὶ) ᾿Αλθεεὺς ἐξη-
γητῇ Ἑρμοπολείτου
παρὰ Ἑ, ρμίου τοῦ “Epyuiov ‘Eppor(odirov). βούλομαι μισθώ-
σασθαι εἰς ἔτη πέντε ἀπὸ τοῦ ἐνεστῶτος δεκάτου (ἔτους)
5 Αὐτοκράτορος Καίσαρος Οὐεσπασιανοῦ Σεβαστοῦ τὰ ἀπολε-
λιμμένα ὑπὸ Διδύμης “Eppiov ἀδελφῆς μου τετελ(ευτηκυίας) ὀρφανοῖς τέ.
κνοις δυσὶ “Ἑρμοφίλῳ καὶ Σαλίωνος ἀμφο(τέροις) ᾿Αρείου ἐδά.
dy καὶ ὑπάρχοντα καὶ ἃ ἐὰν ἄλλα ἐφεύρ]ωι αὐτῶν
καθ᾽ ὁνδήποτε οὖν τρόπον ἐπὶ φόρου κατ᾽ ἔτος
το ἀργυ(ρίου) δραχμ(ῶν) διακοσίων ἑξήκοντα χωρὶς γνη-
σίων δημοσίων, ἃς καὶ ἀπίοδ]ώσω κατ᾽ ἔτος ἐξενί.
αυτα ἐν μηνὶ Φαῶφι οἷς ἐὰν σὺ ἐπιστείλ(ῃς) ὁ ἐξηγη-
τής. ἐὰν δέ τις ἀἄβροχο(ς) γένηται παραδεχθήσεταί
μοι κατὰ τὸ ἀνάλογον τοῦ φόρον. ἐὰν δὲ ἕτερα ἐκ-
15 πραχθῶι χωρὶς γνησίων δημοσίων ὁμοίως ἱπα-}
παραδεχθήσεταί μοι. ἐπιθέματος δὲ γενομ[έ]νο(υ)
ἐξεῖναί συ ἑτέροις μεταμισθοῦν ἐὰν οὖν φαίνηται
μισθῶσε μοι ἐπὶ τούτοις. (ἔτους) δεκάτου Αὐτοκράτορος
Καίσαρος Οὐεσπασιανοῦ Σεβαστοῦ Φαμενὼθ
20 andhand ἑβδόμηι.
On the verso
μί(σθωσις) “Eppiov ro(d) “Eppi(o)v er
I. os Of ερμαιος corr.from@. 1. Ἑρμαίῳ.... Φιλοκλαυδίῳ τῷ καὶ ᾿Αλθαιεῖ. (4) is correct. 6, adeAdns
pov over the line. 4. 0 Of cadtwvos corr. from a? 1. Σαλίωνι. 10, wy of διακοσιων above as erased.
14. First a of κατα corr, 16. παραδεχθησεται Over an erasure. 17. 1. σοι. 18, 1. μισθῶσαι.
‘To Hermaeus son of Apollonius, of the Philoclaudian or Althean deme, exegetes of the Hermo-
polite nome, from Hermias son of Hermias, of Hermopolis. I wish to lease for five years from the
present tenth year of the Emperor Caesar Vespasianus Augustus the estates and property and what-
’ ever else I may find of whatever description bequeathed by Didyme daughter of Hermias, my sister,
deceased, to her two orphan children Hermophilus and Salion, both sons of Arius, at the yearly rent of
two hundred and sixty drachmae of silver excluding public charges proper, and I will pay every
year the annual sum in the month of Phaophi to whomsoever you the exegetes may appoint. If any
of the land becomes unwatered, a proportionate allowance from the rent shall be made to me. If other
payments are exacted from me besides the public charges proper, a like allowance shall be made to me.
If any objection is made you are permitted to lease the property to others; if you consent to
lease the property on these terms. The tenth year of the Emperor Caesar Vespasianus Augustus,
Phamenoth 7.’
10. χωρὶς γνησίων δημοσίων : dpraBela and ναύβιον are meant; cf. 85. 9.
11. ἐξενίαυτα: cf. 85. 14. The annual charge was to be paid annually.
P 2
ASHMUNEN. 22:2 Χ 9:2 cm. A.D. 125.
ONTRACT, in letter-form, for the lease of 128 arourae in two parcels (σφραγῖδες) near
Hermopolis for two years, from Chaeremon son of Polydeuces to Anoubion son of
Sarapion. The crop was to be in the first year hay and dpaxos, and in the second wheat;
and the rent was to be in the first year 250 drachmae and in the second 853 artabae of
wheat measured half by the measure called δοχικόν, half by the measure used in the
temple of Athena (cf. note on lines 21-2). A receipt given to Anoubion by Chaeremon
showing that he had paid the second year’s rent is extant (105).
The papyrus is written in an uncultivated hand with several mistakes of spelling.
lel if 3 ,
πυροῦ éxpopiov ἀποτάκτου
Let 3 led > ,
πυροῦ ἀρτωβῶν ὀγδοήκον-
Ta πέντε ἡμίσους, ἃς καὶ
> A > 7 ἫΝ» ε an la > Ν
ἐνεστῶτος ἐνέτου ἔτους ᾿Αδριανοῦ μετρήσεις μοι εἰς τοὺς δημο-
id A 7 Reed. lal 7 x οὶ , Lod εν ,
5 Καίσαρος τοῦ κυρίου ἀπὸ τῶν 20 σίους θησαυροὺς τῷ δήοντι καιρῷ καὶ ἐποί-
σεις μοι μέτρησιν μίαν ᾿Αθη-
ναίῳ ἀντὶ μιᾶς δοχικῷ, τὸν
δὲ 3 Ν ’ A ὃ
ἐ ἀργυρικὸν φόρον τοῦ δε-
id » 3 ’ A > Ν
κάτου ἔτους ἀποδώσεις τῷ Ἐπεὶπ
Χαιρήμων Πολυδεύκους ᾿Α-
νουβίωνι Σαραπίωνος χαίρειν.
’ ’ 9» , 3 Ν A
{(με)μίσθωκά σοι ἐπ᾽ ἔτη δύο ἀπὸ τοῦ
ὑπαρχουσῶν μοι ἐν τῷ Πε-
ρὶ πόλιν κάτω περὶ Μαγδῶλα
Μίρη ἐκ τοῦ ᾿Αττείνου κλήρου
"s \ a > , ,
ἐν δυσὶ σφραγεῖσι ἀρούρας δέκα
10 δύο δίμοιρον, τῷ μὲν ἐνεστῶ- 25. μηνί, τῶν δημοσίων τῆς
γῆς ὄντων πρὸς ἐμέ, καὶ ἀ.
μεθέστατόν σε φυλάξω [ε][ς]
» Ἀ ΄ Ν
τι εἰς ξυλαμὴν χόρτου καὶ
ἄρακος ἐκφορίου ἀποτάκτου
> ’ lal
ἀργυρίου δραχμῶν διακο-
, , Ν aA ten
σίων πεντήκοντα καὶ τῷ ἑξῆς
ἑνδεκάτῳ ἔτει εἰς σπορὰν 30
τὸν διετῆ χρόνον. (ἔτους) 4
Αὐτοκράτορος Καίσαρος Τραιαινοῦ
᾿Αδριανοῦ Σεβαστοῦ OalA. .
1-2. αἰνουβ corr. from calpan. 2. σα Of σαραπιωνος corr. from ev. 4. 1. évdrov. δεκάτου should
have been written; v. iuf. 16. First + of amoraxrov corr, from x. 17. 1. ἀρταβῶν. 19-20.
τοὺς δημοσιους θησαυρους corr. from to δημόσιον by the insertion of -vs after ro, and θησαυρους above the
line, and the alteration of v in δημοσιον to vs. 1, δέοντι, 26. κ of και corr. from «
‘Chaeremon son of Polydeuces to Anoubion son of Sarapion, greeting. I have leased to you for
two years from the present ninth (1. tenth) year of Hadrianus Caesar the lord out of the land belonging
to me in the Lower Suburb near Magdola Mire in the holding of Attinus, in two parcels, twelve and two-
thirds arourae, to be cultivated in the present year with hay and aracus at the fixed rent of two hundred
and fifty drachmae of silver and to be sown in the following eleventh year with wheat at the fixed rent
of eighty-five and a half artabae of wheat, which you will measure out to me into the public granaries
at the due time, and you will cause the artabae to be measured so that for every one on the standard
of Athena there is one on the δοχικόν standard, and the rent in money for the tenth year you will pay
in the month of Epeiph, the taxes on the land being payable by me, and I will guarantee your
tenancy for the period of two years. The tenth year of the Emperor Caesar Trajanus Hadrianus
Augustus, Thoth. .’
er i es
ee νἝ
4. évérov (i.e. ἐνάτου) must be a mistake for δεκάτου as is shown by a comparison of lines 15 and
23 and 105. The date in line 28 is indecisive, for 0 might be read there.
7. Μαγδῶλα Mipn: on the meaning of μαγδῶλον ‘ watch-tower’ see Fay. Towns, p. 154. There was
a village called Magdola or Magdolus in the Fayfm also,
11. ξυλαμήν : cf. Pap. Oxy. I. 102. 11, II. 280, 12.
21-2, μίαν ᾿Αθηναίῳ, x.r.A,: the phrase recurs with slight variations in 89. 7-8 and C. P.R.I. 39.
18-19 where read pla{v) δοχ[ικοῦ ἀντὶ] μιᾶς ᾿Αθηναίου. The meaning of it seems to be that half the
artabae were to be on the one standard, half on the other. On the μέτρον ᾿Αθηναῖον, i.e. the measure
used by the temple of Athena at Hermopolis, see Wilcken, Ost. I. p. 774. The μέτρον doxixdy occurs in
several Hermopdlis papyri, e.g. B.G.U. 552. I. 9, and may be compared with the μέτρον τετραχοίνικον
χαλκόστομον παραλημπτικὸν τῆς μεμισθωκυίας in Pap. Oxy. I. 101. 40.
ASHMUNEN. 23 X 10°7 cm. A. Ὁ. 128.
PROPOSAL addressed to Eutychides son of Sarapion (cf. introd. to 181) by Castor
son of Panechotes for the sub-lease of 7 arourae in two parcels in the Hermopolite
nome for two years. The rent of one parcel of 4 arourae was to be 36 artabae of wheat
in the first year and 28 artabae of barley in the second, and that of the other parcel of
3 arourae was to be 24 artabae of barley in the first year and 24 artabae of wheat in the
second, besides some extra payments in money and corn.
Εὐτυχίδῃ Σαραπίωνος
A 7 7 “A > ‘
mapa Κάστορος Πανεχώτου τῶν amo
κώμης ᾿Ακώρεως καταγεινομέ-
vou ἐν κώμηι Μνάχει. βούλομαι
, ‘ Le] 9 Oe 4 > ‘
5 μισθώσασθαι παρὰ σοῦ ἐπ᾽ ἔτη δύο ἀπὸ
cal > lal »Ἤ ε lo 7
τοῦ ἐνεστῶτος vy (ἔτους) “Adpiavod Καίσαρος
wn 4 5.1,» » > ,
τοῦ κυρίου ἀφ᾽ ὧν ἔχεις ἐν μισθώσει
‘ ’ > , » »
παρὰ Σαραπίας Εὐδαιμονίδος ἐν τῶι
, Ν A > ‘ ,
πάσκωι περὶ Mvaxw ἐν δυσὶ xoi-
το ταις ἀρούρας ἑπτά, ὧν μιᾶς μὲν ἀρου-
ρῶν τεσσάρων ἑτέρας δὲ ἀρουρῶν
τριῶν, πάσας ἀποτάκτου ἐκφορίου
τῶν μὲν ἀρουρῶν τεσσάρων τοῦ
vy (ἔτους) ᾿Αδριανοῦ Καίσαρος τοῦ κυρίου
τ ἑκάστης ἀρούρης πυροῦ ἀρταβῶν
ἐννέα, τοῦ δὲ ἑξῆς WS (ἔτους) ἑκάστης
ἀρ[ο]ύρης κριθῆς (ἀγρταβῶν ἑπτά, [[a]] τῶν
δὲ λουπῶν ἀρουρῶν τριῶν ἐκφορίου
τοῦ μὲν ἐνεστῶτος vy (ἔτους) ἀνὰ κριθ(ῆς)
> la > , A 4 > ,
20 ἀρτάβας ὀκτώ, τοῦ δὲ εἰσιόντος
{8 (ἔτους)] ἀνὰ πυροῦ dpraBas ὀκτώ. πάντα
δὲ] μετρήσω κατ᾽ ἔτος ὑπὲρ σοῦ εἰς
τὸ δηϊμόσ]ιον μέτρῳ δημοσίωι
[- -..7. τῶν καὶ μέτρησίν σοι ἀνα-
25 Solow] πρώτῃ μετρήσει καὶ δώσω
κατ᾽ ἔτος μισθωτικοῦ δραχ(μὰς) τέσσαρας
καὶ παιδασίᾳς τῶι μὲν ἐνεστῶτι (ἔτει)
πυροῦ (ἀρτάβης) ἥμισυ τῷ δὲ εἰσιόντι ἔτει
κριθῆ(ς) (ἀρτάβης) ἥμισυ, τῶν δημοσίων κα-
go τ᾽ [ἔτος ὄνίτω]ν [π]ρὸς τὸν γεοῦχον.
(ἔτους) τρισκαιδ[ εἰκάτου Αὐτοκράτορος
Καίσαρος Τρα[ια]νοῦ ᾿Αδριανοῦ Σεβαστοῦ
Θὼθ ta. (2nd hand) Εὐτυχίδης ἐμίσθί(ωσα) καθὼς πρόκ(ειταμ).
On the verso
rs ὔδδου] ed ee Oe eee are ile eer 7. ον: woes ἼΣ
3. 1. καταγεινομένου. To. 1. μία. 11. 1. ἑτέρα. 15. mupov over a word rubbed out; similarly κριθὴης
and emra in 17, ava xpi? in 19 and ava πυρου in 21 are corrections. In 17 the initial a of apraBwy has been
rubbed out by mistake. 20. εἰσΐοντος Pap. 25. Of mpwrn above ὦ erased.
‘To Eutychides son of Sarapion from Castor son of Panechotes, from the village of Acoris, living at
the village of Mnachis. I wish to lease from you for two years dating from the present thirteenth year
of Hadrianus Caesar the lord, out of the land which you hold on lease from Sarapia daughter of
Eudaemonis in the marsh near Mnachis in two parcels, seven arourae, of which one parcel consists of four
arourae and the other of three arourae, at the fixed rent for the whole, for the four arourae in the thirteenth
year of Hadrianus Caesar the lord nine artabae of wheat to the aroura, and in the following fourteenth
year seven artabae of barley to the aroura, and for the remaining three arourae at the rent for the present
thirteenth year at the rate of eight artabae of barley and for the coming fourteenth year at the rate of
eight artabae of wheat. And I will measure out all the rent for you every year into the public granary
by the public measure ... and I will perform the measuring for you at the first measuring and I will pay
you every year for the tax on leases four drachmae and for ... in the present thirteenth year half an
artaba of wheat and in the coming year half an artaba of barley, the public taxes being payable by the
landlord. The thirteenth year of the Emperor Caesar Trajanus Hadrianus Augustus, Thoth 11.
I, Eutychides, have leased the land, as aforesaid.’
9. πάσκωι: πάσκος, πηλός Hesych. Πάσκω Tood occurs as a village name in B. G. U. 554. 7. κοίταις
is used here as equivalent to σφραγῖσι.
25. πρώτῃ μετρήσει : the meaning is that Castor would pay Eutychides as soon as he began measuring
his harvest. Cf. Ὁ. P. R. I. 39. 18. .
26. μισθωτικοῦ : this title for the tax on μισθώσεις (if that be the meaning) is new.
27. παιδασίας : cf. the payments for θαλλός in 90. 9. and 98. 11. Those for παιδασία were probably
of a similar character. The word is new.
——— Se
ASHMUNEN. "Ὁ 8x 123 cm, A.D. 121,
ONCLUSION of a lease of land for two years similar to 87. The rent on 14 arourae
of it was to be at the rate of 63(?) artabae of wheat to the aroura in the first
year and in the next year at the rate of 6} artabae of wheat to the aroura for that part
which was sown with light crops (ἀπὸ ἀναπαύματος, cf. 91. 16, note) and 20 silver drachmae
for that part which was sown with corn. On the system of the rotation of crops employed
in the Roman period see Wilcken, Archiv, I. pp. 157-158.
[ 16 letters 7 πασῶν ε (ἡμίσους) τὴν [.....
[ Ve Ἴι καὶ τὴν ad ἀνὰ [πυροῦ ἢ
ἀρτάβας [ἐξ ἥμισυ, καὶ τῷ ἰσιόντι ζ (ἔτει) τὰ
ἀπὸ ἀναπα[ζύματος ἀνὰ πυροῦ ἕξ ἥμισυ καὶ τὰ
5 ἀπὸ καλάμ[η]ς ἀνὰ ἀργ(υρίου) δραχ(μὰς) εἴκοσι. πάντα δὲ [...
μετρήσι(ς) κατ᾽ ἔπϊοἸς ἐν τῷ “Emel μηνὶ τὸν μὲν πυρὸν
μετρήσις εἰς τοὺς δημοσίους θησ(αυροὺς) μίαν ᾿Αθη-
ναίου ἀντὶ μίαν δοχ(ικοῦ), τὸζν) δὲ ἀργυρικὸν φόρον
δόκιμον ἄριστον, τῶν δημοσίων πάντων σιυπι-
το κὸν δὲ καὶ ἀργυρικὸν εἶναι πρὸς ἐμὲ τὸν Mey-
χῆν. (ἔτους) ς Αὐτοκράτορος Καίσαρος Τραιανοῦ
“ASpiavod Σεβαστοῦ Oar γ. Δημήτριο[ς] “Hpddo(v)
ἔγραψα ὑπ(ὲρ) αὐτοῦ μὴ εἰδ(ότος) γράμματα.
8, 1. μιᾶς. 9. apt of apioroy corr. from ον. 1. dpeordv? 9--1ο. 1. σιτικῶν. τε καὶ ἀργυρικῶν ὄντων.
2. τὴν ad: sc. ἄρουραν.
ἡ. μίαν ᾿Αθηναίου : cf. note on 87. 21.
10. Μεγχῆν : the landlord ; cf. 87. 26, 88. 30.
Fay. 161 XQ cm. A.D. 159.
EASE of 8 arourae at Theadelphia for two years at a rent of 30 artabae of
wheat for the first year and 40 for the second, with an extra yearly charge of 1
artaba for θαλλό. The taxes upon the land were to be paid by the lessor with the
exception of the ¢dperpov. The crops to be grown in the last year are as usual pre-
[ βουλόμεθα μισθώσασθαι ἐξ addn-]
ληλενγ[ύ]ης τὰς [ὑπα]ρχίούσας σοι wept κώ-
μην Θεαδελφίαν κλήρου κατοικίικοῦ) ἀρούρας
ὀκτὼ ἢ Solas ἐὰν ὦσι ἐν a σφρ(αγῖδι) εἰς ἔτη δύο
5 ἀπὸ τοῦ ἐϊν]εστῶτος Ky (ἔτους) ᾿Αντωνίνου Καίσαρο(ς)
τοῦ κυρίου, ἐκφορίου τοῦ παντὸς ἀσπερμίεἸὶ
τῷ μὲν πρώτῳ ἔτει πυροῦ ἀρταβῶν τριά-
κοντα δύο τῷ δὲ δευτέρῳ ἔτει ὁμοίως
πυροῦ ἀρταβῶν τεσσαράκοντα καὶ θα[λ-
το od κατ᾽ ἔτος ὁμοίως πυροῦ ἀρτά-
βης μιᾶς πάντων μέτρῳ δρόμωι [τ]ετρα-
χ[οιν]είκῳ ἀνυ[πΊολ[ ὄγων καὶ ἀκωδ]ύνων,
καὶ ἐπιτελέσομεν τὰ κατ᾽ ἔτος] ἔργα πάντα
ὅσα καθήκει ἐκ τοῦ ἰδίου σπείρων τῷ ἐσχά-
15 τῳ ἔτει τὸ μὲν (ἥμισυ) μέρος πυρῷ τὸ δὲ λοιπί(ὸν) ἥμισυ pé(pos)
χόρτῳ εἰς κοπήν, καὶ τὰ κατ᾽ ἔτος ἐκφόρια
ἀποδώσωμ(εν) αἰεὶ ἐν μηνὶ Madu ἐν τῇ κώ(μῃ),
τῶν ὑπὲρ τῶν (ἀρουρῶν) κατ᾽ ἔτο(ς) φορέτ(ρων) ἐπὶ ὁ(μοίου ?) ὄντ(ων)
πρὸς ἡμᾶς τοὺς μισθ(ωτὰς) τῶν δ᾽ ἄλλων δη(μοσίων)
20 πάντων ὄντων πρὸς σὲ τὴν Διδεῖν. καὶ
μετὰ [τὸ]ν χρό(νον) παραδώσωμεν τὰς (ἀρούρας) κα-
θαρὰς ἀπὸ θ(ρύου) καλάμ(ου) ἀγρώστεως δείσης πάσης,
ἐὰν φαί(νηται) μισθῶ(σαι). (“πᾶ hand?) Διδεῖς ἡ καὶ Πτολλαροῦς
Πτολεμαίου δι(ὰ) Ἡρακλείδου φροντιστοῦ
25. μεμίσθωκα ἐπὶ πᾶσι τοῖς προκειμένοις.
ἔτους Ky ᾿Αντωνίνου Καίσαρος τοῦ κυρίου
Φαῶφι κε.
4. 1. ὅσαι. IO. ὁμοίως seems to be written over an erasure. 14. ἴδιου Pap. 1. σπείροντες.
15. Above pos of pepos is a horizontal line; a similar shorter stroke occurs above v of παῦνι in 17.
17. 1. ἀποδώσομεν ; 80 21 1. παραδώσομεν. 23. All this line is over an erasure.
‘. .. We wish to lease on our mutual security the eight arourae or thereabouts of a catoecic holding in
one parcel which belongs to you near the village of Theadelphia for two years from the present 23rd year
of Antoninus Caesar the lord, at:a total rent, not including seed, of thirty-two artabae of wheat for
the first year and forty artabae of wheat in the second year, and one artaba of wheat yearly for festivities,
all by the four-choenix dpéuos-measure, subject to no charge or risk. We will perform all the proper
annual operations at our own expense, sowing in the last year one half with wheat and the remaining
half with grass for mowing. We will pay the yearly rent always in the month Pauni at the village, the
yearly cost of transport on account of the arourae being borne in equal shares (Ὁ) by us the lessees,
and all other public charges by you, Didis. At the end of the time we will deliver up the arourae free
from rushes, coarse grass and dirt of all sorts, if you consent to the lease. I, Didis also called
Ptollarous, daughter of Ptolemaeus, through Heracleides, agent, have let the land on all the aforesaid
terms. The 23rd year of Antoninus Caesar the lord, Phaophi 25.’
1, ἐξ ἀλληἸλενγ[ύ]ης : cf. B. G. U. 603. 7.
6. ἀσπερμεί : cf. 91. 8, Brit. Mus. Pap. 314. 10. The sense perhaps is that the rent mentioned was "
to be paid exclusive of any advances of seed made to the tenant, which would be an additional charge
upon him; but the term might also be taken to mean, as Kenyon suggests (ad /oc.), ‘ without deducting
seed corn for the following year’ or ‘without additional payment on account of seed corn advanced for
the last sowing ’—the latter explanation being the direct opposite of the one proposed by us.
9. θάλ[ζλ]οῦ: cf. 98. 11-12, where payments for θαλλός are made at the festival of Isis and the harvest-
festival, 185. 17 τῶν κεραμίω(ν) τῆ(ς) θαλλοῦ, and B. G, U. 538. 33. θαλλός in these instances is apparently
equivalent to θαλία, just as conversely θαλία is found in the sense of θαλλός.
13. For a specification of what was understood by τὰ κατ᾽ ἔτος ἔργα cf. 91. 10-12.
18, ἐπὶ ὁ(μοίου) : the reading is doubtful; the letter following ἐπὶ is either o or o, and this is succeeded
by a curved stroke similar to that usually representing 7. ἐπισηί ) might be read, but this could hardly
be expanded otherwise than as ἐπισή(μων) or ἐπισή(μου), which seems improbable, though some analogy
may be found in Β. G. U. 166. το χωρὶς χαλκίνων φολέτρων.
21-22. καθαρὰς ἀπὸ κιτιλ. : cf. note on 91. 22.
23. The signature of Didis is in a hand very similar to that of the rest of the document, and they
are perhaps really identical.
Fay. 20°7X 14 cm. A.D. 159.
ROPOSAL for a lease of 11 arourae at Euhemeria for a period of two years at an
annual rent of 40 artabae of wheat, the lessee undertaking the responsibility for the
proper agricultural treatment of the land, while the bulk of the taxes upon it, as usual, fall
upon the lessor. In the first year any kind of produce except cnecus might be grown, in
the second it is stipulated that one half of the land should be sown with wheat and the
other half with light crops (γένεσι ἀναπαύματος ; cf. note on line 16).
σ. ς > la os , > ’
Ἥρωνι Σαραπίωνος ἀφήλικι per ἐπιτρόπ(ου) ᾿Ισχυρίωνος
τοῦ Ἡρώδου, ἐπακολουθούσης τῆς τοῦ ἀφήλ(ικος) μητρὸ(ς) Ἡ ρωίδος,
παρὰ ᾿Αφροδισίου τοῦ ᾿Ακουσιλάου ἀπὸ τῆς μητροπόλεως.
βούλομαι μισθώσασθαι τὰς ὑπαρχούσας τῷ Ἥρωνι
‘ ’ > ’ ΄Ὁ > , ὃ > tA ν ὃ
5. περὶ κὠ(μην) Εὐημερείαν γῆς ἀμπελείτιδος ἀρούρας ἕνδεκα
n ν 38 > > a τὸ > » δύ Pm, | A > “
ἢ ὅσας ἐὰν ὦσι ἐν pie odp(ayid:) εἰς ἔτη δύο ἀπὸ τοῦ ἐνεστῶτος
- » > 4 ’ a A ’ > , A Ν > ¥
Ky (ἔτους) ᾿Αντω(νίνου) Καίσαρο(ς) τοῦ κυρίου, ἐκφορίου τοῦ παντὸς κατ᾽ ἔτος
τῶν ὅλων ἀρουρῶν ἀσπερμεὶ πυροῦ ἀρταβῶν τεσσαρά-
κοντα μέτρῳ δρ[όϊμῳ τετραχοινίκῳ ἀνυπολόγω(ν)
Ν > , ΠΡ / ‘ dae » ‘
το καὶ ἀκινδύνων, [κ]αὶ ἐπιτελέσω τὰ Kar’ ἔτος ἔργα χωματ(ισμοὺς)
ποτισμοὺς ὑποσχ[υ]σμο(ὺς) διβολήτο(υς) ἀναβολὰς διωρύγω(ν)
κατασπορὰς βοτανισμοὺς καὶ τὰ ἄλλα ὅσα καθήκει
3 aA 3297 a 8 a Lal , δὲ a
ἐκ τοῦ ἰδίου τοῖς δεοῦσι καιροῖς, βλάβος μηδὲν ποιῶν,
σπείρων τὰς ἀρούρας τῷ μὲν πρώτῳ ἔτει οἷς ἐὰν
τῷ αἱρῶμαι γένεσι πλὴν κνήκου, τῷ δὲ δευτέρῳ ἔτει τὸ
4 9 id ~ 4 Ν Ν La td >
μὲν jpso{o}v μέρος πυρῷ τὸ δὲ λουπ(ὸν) ἥμισ ἰοξυ γένεσι ava-
παύματος, τῶν Kat €ro(s) δημοσίω(ν) φορέτρω(ν) ὄντων
πρὸς ἐμὲ τὸν ᾿Αφροδ(ίσιον), τῶν δὲ ἄλλων δημοσίω(ν) πάντων
πρὸς τὸν Ἥρωνα. καὶ τὸ κατ᾽ ἔτος ἐκφόριο(ν) ἀϊπ]οδώσω
20 μηνὶ Παῦνι ν[έ]ον καθαρὸ(ν) ἄδολον ἄκρειθον ἐν
κώμῃ Θεαδελφείᾳ, καὶ μετὰ τὸν χρόνον παραδώσω
τὰς ἀρούρας ἀπὸ συνκομιδῆς τῶν σπαρησομένων
ὡς πρόκί(ειται) καθαρὰς ἀπὸ θρύο(υ) καλάμου ἀγρώστ(εως) δείσης
πάσης, ἐὰν φ(αίνηται) μισθῶσαι.
25. ᾿Αφροδίσιος ὡς (ἐτῶν) p οὐλ(ὴ) μετώπ(ῳ) μέσωι.
(ἔτους) Ky ᾿Αντω(νίνου) Καίσαρος τοῦ κυρίου ᾿Αθὺρ ιβ.
2. npwidos Pap. 6. 1, ὅσαι.
‘To Heron son of Sarapion, a minor, with his guardian Ischyrion son of Herodes and with the
concurrence of the minor’s mother Herois, from Aphrodisius son of Acusilaus, of the metropolis. I wish
to lease the eleven arourae or thereabouts of vine-producing land in one parcel belonging to Heron near
the village of Euhemeria for two years from the current 23rd year of Antoninus Caesar the lord at the
total yearly rent for all the arourae, not including seed, of forty artabae of wheat by the four-choenix
dromus-measure, subject to no charge or risk.. I will perform the annual operations, the embankments,
irrigation, ploughing, hoeing, dredging of canals, sowing and weeding and all else that is fitting at my
own expense and at the proper seasons, doing nothing injurious, sowing the arourae in the first year
with any crops I choose except cnecus, and in the second year one half with wheat and the other half
with light crops. The yearly government freightage shall be borne by me, Aphrodisius, but all the
other government charges by Heron. I will pay the yearly rent in the month of Pauni, new, pure,
unadulterated and unmixed with barley at the village of Theadelphia, and at the end of the period
I will deliver the arourae with the produce sown as aforesaid duly harvested, free from rushes, coarse
grass and dirt of all sorts, if you consent to the lease. Aphrodisius, aged 40 years, having a scar in the
middle of his forehead. The 23rd year of Antoninus Caesar the lord, Athur 12.’
5. γῆς ἀμπελείτιδος : the land however was to be treated as σιτοφόρος ; cf. 1]. 14 sqq.
11. drocx[t]opo(ds) διβολήτο(υς) : cf. Fay. Towns Pap. 112. 3-6 διῶξαι τοὺς ὑποσχ[ ει]σμοὺς καὶ διβολήτρους
τῶν ἐλαιώνον, καὶ τὰ ἀναπαύματα ὑπόσχεισον καὶ διβόλησον. It is more probable that διβολήτίρ) ους should be
read there than διβολήτῴρ)ους here.
16. γένεσι ἀναπαύματος : cf. 89. 4 τ[ὰ] ἀπὸ ἀναπα[ύ]ματος, and Brit. Mus. Pap, 314 ἀναπαύμεσι γένεσι, where
ἀναπαύμεσι must be corrected to ἀναπαύματος, the mistake having probably been caused by the following
word. On the agricultural development implied by the phrase cf. Wilcken, Archiv, I. pp. 157 5644.
20. ἄκρειθον : i.e, the corn was not to be κριθοπυρός; cf. Fay. Towns Pap. tor. III. 4, note.
21. Theadelphia was about 14 miles distant from Euhemeria ; cf. Fay. Towns, p. 51.
22. ἀπὸ συνκομιδῆς : ἀπό here designates the state in which the land should be when the lease ended,
as opposed to καθαρὰς ἀπό in line 23 which refers to what the land should be free from, or in other words
ἀπό denotes the positive attributes, καθαρὰς ἀπό the negative; cf. Wilcken, 7c. It is however somewhat
remarkable that the very things, θρύον καλάμου, κιτιλ., which here (and elsewhere, e.g. 90. 23) are expressly
excluded, were according to the terms of other leases to be present when the land was given up; cf.
e.g. C. P. R. I. 38. Cases of the latter kind must therefore imply a concession from the landlord to the
tenant, who was excused from cleaning the land before surrendering it.
Divi. 21X10 cm. A.D. 162-163. Pirate XVII.
PPLICATION to the nomarch of the Arsinoite nome from Marcus Antistius Capito-
linus for the concession of the right to sell by retail the oil in a factory at Heraclea,
for which Capitolinus offers the sum of 80 drachmae 80 obols. Cf. Fay. Towns, p. 150.
This papyrus gives rise to some interesting questions with regard to the continuance of
the government oil-monopoly, upon which it throws an altogether new light. Clearly this
factory was one of a number under government control; perhaps it is to be connected with
the ἐλαιουργῖον at Heraclea belonging to the emperor Nero, which is the subject of Brit.
Mus. Pap. 280. Further, the terms of this application to the nomarch offer several parallels
to the arrangements for the oil-monopoly laid down in the Revenue Papyrus. In the section
dealing with the retail trade (Cols. 47-48), it is prescribed that the amounts required in the
various localities should be sold by auction to the κάπηλοι, μεταβόλοι &c. by the contractors
for the monopoly. Now Capitolinus is a κάπηλος ; and he here sends in a bid for a certain
quantity of oil. Further, the sum which he offers is to be paid εἰς τὸν τῆς ὠνῆς Adylov
(lines 9-10); and he binds himself to take no partner or employee who was τῆς ὠνῆς ὑποτελής
(lines 18-20). What is this dvi? It might at first sight be supposed to refer to the present
transaction, which is of course virtually a sale, though described in the last line as a μίσθωσις.
If however that is the meaning εἰς τὸν τῆς ὠνς λόγ]ον is scarcely the phrase that would
be expected; nor on this view does the stipulation in lines 18-20 seem intelligible. But if
by the ὠνή may be understood the original monopoly-contract between the government and
a financial company the parallel to the Ptolemaic institutions becomes complete. The ὠνῆς
λόγος is then the account of the contracting company, and τῆς avis ὑποτελής means liable
for taxes to this company (cf. Rev. Pap. XV. 11-12); though the reason for the exclusion
of persons so liable from the retail trade is not clear.
But if it appears probable that some of the Ptolemaic regulations concerning the
manufacture and sale of oil remained substantially unchanged in Roman times, there is no
doubt that at the same time some very radical alterations were made. It is certain that oil-
presses were owned and worked by private persons; cf. e.g. the following papyrus (93) and
Fay. Towns Papp. 95, 96. There was therefore at this period no real oil-monopoly at all. But
while the manufacture and sale of oil were thrown open, there were oil-presses and oil-
producing estates which remained the private property of the emperors, and probably others
which had passed under the control of the government or of the city corporations. It was
to these οὐσιακά and δημόσια ἐργαστήρια that the Ptolemaic system was applied. They were
farmed by speculators, who paid down a lump sum for the concession and made what profits
they could. How far they were left to their own devices in the pursuit of this end cannot
yet be determined. No doubt the elaborate system of checks and counterchecks previously
in vogue were largely modified or done away with. But that supervision by the government
was not altogether removed seems to be indicated by the fact that the application of
Capitolinus is addressed not directly to the contractors but to the nomarch.
Κλαυδιανῷ νομάρχῃ ᾿Αρσι(νοίτου)
παρὰ Μάρκου ᾿Ανθεστίου Καπιτω-
Aeivov. βούλομαι ἐπιχωρηθῆναι
παρὰ σοῦ πρὸς μόνον τὸ ἐνεστὸς
5. [τ]ρίτον ἔτος ᾿Αντωνίνου καὶ Οὐήρ[ο]υ
τῶν κυρίων Σεβαστῶν κοτυλί-
ζειν πᾶν ἔλαιον ἐν ἐργαστηρίῳ
ἑνὶ ἐν κώμῃ Ἡρακλείᾳ Θεμίστου
μερίδος καὶ τελέσιν εἰς τὸν τῆς ὦ-
10 Uys λόγ]ον ὑπὲρ ὅλου τοῦ ἐνιαυτοῦ
[ἀ]ργυρ[(ο]υ δραχμὰς ὀγδοήκονϊ τα
[ὀ]βολ[ο]ὺς ὀγδοήκοντα σύνπαϊν-
Hs] Ne) δὲ cal τὴν! Ebi te
pabijobn molt agile e101: αὐλὸν
15 ἐξ ἴσου, τῶν dils ἑτέρους dd[-yous
[π]ρὸς διοίκησζιν τε]λουμένα[ν
ὄντων πρὸς ἐμὲ τὸν ᾿Ανθέστιον
Καπιτωλεῖνον. οὐχ ἕξω δὲ κ[ο]ινω-
νὸν οὐδὲ μίσθιον γενόμενον
20 τῆς ὠνῆς ὑποτελῆ, δώσω [δ]ὲ
καὶ ὑπὲρ διπλώματος ur. .[.}
δύο τ[ὰ] κατὰ συνηθίαν υ[ό]μ{ι-
μα, ἐξουσίας σοι οὔσης ἑτέρο[ιἾς
μεταμ[ι]σθοῦν ὁπότε ἐὰν αἱρῇ.
25. ἐὰν φαίνηται μισθῶσαι.
15. ἴσου Pap. 41, im..[.] Pap.
‘To Claudianus, nomarch of the Arsinoite nome, from Marcus Antistius Capitolinus. I wish to be
conceded by you for the present third year only of Antoninus and Verus the lords Augusti the right
to retail all the oil in one factory at the village of Heraclea in the division of Themistes, for which
I will pay to the account of the contractors on behalf of the whole year a total sum of eighty drachmae
of silver and eighty obols, payment of which I will make in equal monthly instalments, the government
charges on other accounts falling upon me, Antistius Capitolinus. I will have no partner or servant who
is liable on account of the contract, and I will give for the certificate the two ... prescribed by custom,
the right resting with you to make a fresh lease with other persons whenever you choose, if you consent
to my proposal.’
15. τῶν e[i]s ἑτέρους λόγους, κιτιλ. : i.e. government charges levied in respect of the oil which Capitolinus
proposed to sell, such perhaps as the χειρωνάξιον. The same phrase occurs in a papyrus having a similar
formula in the. collection of Lord Crawford, only with εἰς instead of πρός before διοίκησιν ; πρός is not
quite certain, but suits the traces better than εἰς.
19. γεν[ὀἤμενον : the reading is doubtful, the first v especially, if it is ν, being badly formed, though
the final ν of καπιτωλεινον in the previous line approximates to it. π might be read instead of y or ν
instead of ye. On the meaning of the phrase see introd.
21. διπλώματος : the certificate or permit granting the concession. Cf. B. G. U. 213 where δίπλωμα is
a licence in connexion with donkeys, though whether it means the right to employ donkeys belonging
to the government, or, as Wilcken prefers to suppose, permission to use private donkeys on government
roads, is not clear.
24. μεταμ[ι]σθοῦν : this provision that the lease could be cancelled at the discretion of the nomarch
seems a rather one-sided arrangement. But no doubt a proportionate amount of the rent agreed to be
paid by Capitolinus would be remitted if the nomarch availed himself of his power.
Diet. 22:8 x 10°6 cm. A.D. 181.
PROPOSAL from Harpalus to Stotoétis for the lease for one year of an oil-press
belonging to the latter at Heraclea. The rent offered is seven jars of raphanus oil
and one and a half choes for θαλλός, besides extra payments. Some of the details closely
resemble those of the similar text in Fay. Towns Pap. 95; cf. also introd. to the preceding
Sroro(y)ri[s]] ᾿Αγχώφεως
mapa ᾿Αρπάλου Ἁρπάλου ἀπὸ κώμης Σοκνο-
παίου Νήσου. βοζύγ)λομαι μισθώσασθαι παρὰ σοῦ
ἐπὶ ἐνιαυτὸν ἕνα ἔτι ἀπὸ τοῦ ἐνεστῶτος
5 μηνὸς Τῦβι τοῦ KB (ἔτους) Κομόδου ᾿Αντωνείνου
Καίσαρος τοῦ κυρίου τὸ ὑπάρχον σοι ἐλαιουρ-
nw > , ε ,’ Lal ,
γῖον ἐν κώμῃ Ἡρακλείᾳ τῆς Θεμίστου
, 5» A > 4 9
μερίδος ἐνεργὸν ἐξηρτισμένον ἅπασι
σὺν τοῖς ovale] χρηστηρίοι[ς] πᾶσι, φόρου
10 τοῦ ὅλου ἔνια )υτο]ῦ ἐλαίου ῥαφινίνων
κεραμίων [ἑπ]τὰ καὶ θαλλοῦ Εἰσίοις
ἡμίχουν καὶ ἀμεστεσίοις χοῦν ἔτι δὲ
καὶ ε.ι....1.{..}..[..1. ῥαφανίνου δύο χωρὶς
μισθοῦ. .[.7. ««.{..... 7 ἀποδώσω κατὰ μῆ-
15 va τὸ αἱροῦν ἐξ [ἴσσου, τῶν δὲ δηϊμοσ]ΐζων πάν-
-" , Ν A “ "ὦ ἈΝ
των τοῦ ἐλ[αι]Πουργίου ὄντος πρὸς ἐμὲ τὸν
ἽΔρπαλον πλὴν τέλος θυ[ε]ιῶν τῶν dv-
Ν Ν A Lal 38 a
των πρὸς σὲ τὸν Στοτοῆτιν, ἐὰν δέ τις
ἐπισκευῆς ἢ ἀνοικοδομῆς ἢ καταιά-
a a 3 , ε , ¥
20 γματος ξυλικῶν ἢ ἀργαλίων ὁμοίως ὄν-
τῶν πρὸ(ς) σὲ τὸν Στοτοῆτιν. καὶ μετὰ τὸν
χρόνον παραδώσω τὸ ἐλαιουργῖον
καθαρὸν σὺν ταῖς ἐναιστώσαις θύραις
A , 8 4 -“
καὶ κλεισί, ἐὰν φαίνεται μισθῶσαι.
25 ἽΛρπαλος ὡς (ἐτῶν) μ᾽ οὐλ(ὴ) ἀντικνημίῳ δεξιῷ.
(ἔτους) κβ Κομόδου ᾿Αντωνείνου Καίσαρος τοῦ
κυρίου Τῦβι γ.
10. 1. ῥαφανίνου. 11. εἰ οὗ εἰσιοις corr. from apy. 12. 1. ἡμιχόου.... χοός. 16. 1. ὄντων.
17. 1. τέλους . . . τοῦ ὄντος. 18, 1. τι and supply γένηται. 19. ἡ before κατὰ over an erasure.
1. xaredyparos. 20. 1. ἐργαλίων. 23. 1. ἐνεστώσαις. 24. 1. φαίνηται.
‘To Stotoétis son of Anchophis from Harpalus son of Harpalus, of the village of Socnopaei Nesus.
I wish to lease from you for one year from the present month Tubi in the 22nd year of Commodus
Antoninus Caesar the lord, the oil-press belonging to you at the village of Heraclea in the division of
Themistes, in working order and thoroughly furnished, together with all the existing fittings, at the rent
for the whole year of seven jars of raphanus oil and for festivities half a chous at the festival of Isis,
and a chous at the harvest-festival, and . . . two of raphanus oil exclusive of rent. This I will pay in
equal monthly instalments, all public charges upon the oil-press falling upon me, Harpalus, with the
exception of the thyia-tax for which you, Stotoétis, are responsible. If any repairs or rebuilding or
breakage of wood-work or tools occur you, Stotoétis, shall be responsible. At the end of the time
I will deliver up the oil-press uninjured together with the doors and keys belonging to it, if you consent
to the lease. Harpalus, aged about forty years, having a scar on the right shin. The 22nd year of
Commodus Antoninus Caesar the lord, Tubi 3.’
11. θαλλοῦ: cf. note on 90. 9.
17. τέλος θυΪ ε]ιῶν : the sweet-scented thyia-wood was apparently used in the manufacture of oil ; cf,
118, which is a receipt for a payment of this tax by an éAatovpyds, and B. G. U. 337. 11 καὶ ὑπ[ὲρ
τέλου]ς θυιῶν ἐλαϊουργί[ων 2] Σ[οκνοπαίο]υ Νήσου.
20. ἀργαλίων : cf. Brit. Mus. Pap. 283. το where the word is spelled in the same way.
ASHMUNEN. 27°5 X 11-3 cm. A.D. 208,
ONTRACT between two persons for partnership in the cultivation of some land which
had been leased by one of them from the government; cf. 100, which is concerned
with a similar partnership. The agreement, the beginnings of the lines of which are lost
throughout, determines the amount of rent and taxes to be paid by each of the two parties,
and the division of profits, all of which were to be on a proportionate scale. An interesting
provision is that if after the expiration of the lease the original lessor was made a cultivator
of the domain lands his partner should assist him during his term of service; cf. note on line 16.
The writing is across the fibres.
Se oe ᾿Αμμωνίο]υ ᾿Ἑρμοπο[λ]είτης Ἑρμῇ Διογένους ἀπὸ τῆς (αὐτῆς)
[πόλεως χαίρειν. ὁδ]μολογῶ παρειληφέναι σε κοινωνὸν κατὰ
[τήνδε τὴν ὁμολογίαν] ὧν κἀγὼ ἐμισθωσάμην ἐκ τοῦ δημοσίου
Sa iiaraeg ΩΣ εἰς ἔτη πέν͵τε ἀπὸ τοῦ ἐνεστῶτος ιζ (ἔτους) Yeounpov
5 [kat ᾿Αντωνίνου καὶ Τέτ]α Καισάρων τῶν κυρίων ἐν τῷ Περὶ πόλ(ιν) κάτω
“δ a τ ων
SALE OF LAND ite cor 119
ἔξ eta inet ata ὡς ἐκ τ]οῦ Διονυσίου χορτενχέρσου ἀρουρῶν
Neha eo scale yeh 7 ἡμίσουϊς] τετάρτου ὀγδόου ἑκκαιδεκάτου
Br ace foo ss J]... ρώμεθα κατ᾽ ἔτος [ἐκ]φορίου καὶ φόρου
Ἐν δὲν Π τ το]ῦ διὰ τῆς μισθώσεώς μου δηλουμένου
WOT. οι ἠδ ἐν ΚΑΤΑΣ }rov μέρος τῶν διὰ τῆς μισθώσεως φόρων
[πα Ἐν ΣῊ Ἰιθεμάτων ἀποδώσεις καὶ μετρήσεις κατ᾽ ἔ.
brO¢ 3's kia gate eerie of nis Ἴς καὶ [ἀ]ντιποιησόμεθα τῆς γεωργίας ἕκασ.
frog oy ban wks κ]αὶ τὰ περι[γ]εινόμενα πάντα Klar’ ἔτος
ἌΣ ΔΉ on eee ee 7 μέρους pera τὰ i ni πάντα pl.]. τὴ
ΠΝ ΡΝ ΠΩ ΦἸΟΡ 1. μέρος καὶ πάσας τὰς γεινομένας δαπάνας
ῬΑ ΝΑ Δ ΤΕΥ γ' τελέσε]ις κατὰ τὰ αὐτὰ μέρη. ἐὰν δὲ μετὰ τὸν προ-
[γεγραμμένον χρόνο]ν κατασχεθῶ τῇ γεωργίᾳ συνγεωργήσεις μοι
Cia ΓΦ ] τὸ τρίτον μέρος ἕως οὗ ἀπολυθῶ τῆς γεωρ-
[γῶν ke 46x’ δι κ]υρία μένοντός μοι τοῦ λόγου περὶ ὧν ἔχω
20 [πρὸς σὲ ἐπὶ πάντων τ]ῶν δικαίων. (ἔτους) uf Αὐτοκρ[ατόρω]ν
[Καισάρων Λουκίου] Σε[πτιμίου Σε]ουήρί[ου EiaeBods Περτίν]ακος
[Δραβικοῦ ᾿Αδιαβηνικο]ῦ Π[αρθιϊκοῦ Μ[εγίστου καὶ Μ[άρκο]ν [Αὐρηλίου
[Ἀντωνίνου EiceBods| Σεβαστῶν καὶ [Π]ουβλίου Σεπτιμίου [Γέτα
[Καίσαρος Σεβαστ]οῦ Θὼθ a. (2nd hand) ..[..].’Appoviov Πατερί..
25. [ ]
ἘΠῚ ἣν ἘΣ ee ἘΡ 1 Ἑ ρμ[ο]πολ( )
Pee) Se τε ον ὡς Jas ᾿Αμμωνίου ἀπὸ τῆς (αὐτῆς) πόλ(εως) βούλομ[αι] ἑκουσίως
[ 19 letters 0 Se” eee τὸ ἐϊν]εστὸς {{ (ἔτος) [Σ]εουήΐρ]ου
16-18. This provision clearly refers to the possibility of the original lessor being selected for the
λειτουργία of the δημοσία γεωργία, the obligatory character of which is sufficiently indicated by the words
κατασχεθῶ and ἀπολυθῶ ; cf. note on 65. 2. ‘
Asumunén. 17X57 cm. A.D. 109.
CONTRACT for the sale of τὸ arourae of catoecic land in the Hermopolite nome
by Hermaeus to Tibous, his newly-married daughter, for 2500 drachmae of silver. The
document is written in a large careful cursive hand in extremely long lines of which the first
halves are lost. Below are parts of three lines, in a much smaller hand, containing the
signature of the seller, and in a second column, in another large and fine cursive hand, is
a docket of the bank of Hermophantus and Eutychides at Hermopolis, which is complete,
and states that the purchase price had been paid. The missing portions of the body of the
contract can to a large extent be supplied from 96, another contract for sale with a very
similar formula.
3rd hand
4th hand
Col. I.
[Ἔτους δωδεκάτου Αὐτοκράτορος Καίσαρος Nepova Tparavod Σεβαστοῦ Γερμανικοῦ Δακικοῦ
Παχὼν € ὁ]μολ[ο]γεῖ ἙἝρμαῖος Μουσαίου τοῦ ᾿Απολλωνίου μητρὸς ᾿Αμμωνοῦτος ᾿Απολλω-
νίου Ἑ. ρμοπολείτης
[ἀναγραφόμενος ἐπ᾿ ἀμφόδου ὡς (ἐτῶν) Τιβοῦτι Ἑ ρμαίου τοῦ Μουσαίου
μητρὸς 7 ἀνα]Ἱγραφομένηι ἐπὶ τοῦ αὐτοῦ ἀμφόδου ὡς (ἐτῶν) ve μέσῃ μελίχ(ρωτι)
μακ(ροπροσώπῳ) εὐθ(ύρινι) ο(ὐλὴ) (2nd hand) κροτάφ(ῳ) ἀρισ(τερῷ) (1st hand) μετὰ κυ-
[ρίου τοῦ ἀνδρὸς Πετῆτος Πετοσίριος πεπρακέναι αὐτῆι ἀπὸ τῶν ὑπαρχουσῶν αὐτῶι
ἐν τῶι] Περὶ πόλιν ἄνω[ι] περὶ Πεμκύριν ἐκ τοῦ Ἐένωνος κλήρου κατοικικῶν ἀρουρῶν δέκα
[κατοικικὰς ἀρούρας δέκα καὶ παραδώσειν 1γῆς πίλ]ήρει[ς τ]ῶι τῆς κατοικίας δικαίωι
σχοινίωι καθαρὰς] ἀπὸ βασιλικῆς καὶ παντὸς εἴδους
[ὧν γείτονες τιμ[ς] ἀργυρίου Σεβαστοῦ νομίσματοϊς δρ]αχμὰς δισχειλίας πεντηκοσίας
[ 7 ὀφείλει α[ὐ]τῆν προικός, [καὶ] εἶναι τὴν τούτων xupleliay καὶ κράτησιν πρὸς
[ 7 καρπ[ι]ζομέϊνο]υς δὲ καὶ διαμ[ισ]θοῦντας [κα]ὶ ἀπ[ο]φερο[ μένους τὰ ἔξ] αὐτῶν
κατ᾽ [ἔτ)ος
[γενήματα καὶ περιεσόμενα ἅπαντα εἰς τὸ ἴδιον TOW τε ἔμπρο[ σθεὶν χρόνων κ[αὶ τ]οῦ
ἐνεστῶτο]ς δωδεκάτο]υ ἔτους ὄν[τ]ες [..... }rof. -]
[ 1, τῆς βεβ[αιώσεωϊς διὰ [παντὸς] πρὸς πᾶσαν βἸ]εβ[αίωσιν ἐξα]κολουθούσης μοι
[τῷ πωλοῦντι, καὶ μὴ ἐπελεύσασθαί με μηδ᾽ ἄλλους ὑπὲρ ἐμοῦ ἐπὶ τὴν ὠνουμένην μηδ᾽ ἐπὶ
τοὺς παρ᾽ αὐτῆς περὶ μηδενὸς τρόπῳ μηδενί, ἐὰν δὲ ἐἸπέλθίω ἢ μὴ β]εβα[ιώσω, ἥ τ᾽
ἔφο]δος [ἄκυρος ἔ]στίω καὶ προσαποτί-
[σω ἢ ὃ ὑπὲρ ἐμοῦ ἐπελευσόμενος τῇ ὠνουμένῃ ἢ τοῖς παρ᾽ αὐτῆς τά τε βλάβη καὶ τὴν
τιμὴ]ν καὶ εἰϊς τὸ δημόσιον [τὴν ἴσην, κ[αὶ μηδὲ]ν ἧσσον ἡ] ὁμολ[ογία κυρία.
[Ἑρμαῖος Μουσαίου 7 παραδώσω τὰς ἀρούρας πλήρεις [τῶι τῆς κατοικίας [δικαίωι
σχ)ροινίῳ κ[αὶ καθαρὰς ἀπὸ βα[σιλικῆς καὶ παντὸς
[εἴδους Pre. Seer ee Ἴσιμου ye... eee Ἴων... [11 letters] . φρο...
[το letters}rar . [
Col. II.
ἔτους δωδεκάτου Αὐτοκράτορος Καίσαρος Nepova Tpaavod Σεβαστοῦ
Γερμανικοῦ Δακικοῦ Παχὼν €. διαγραφὴ διὰ τῆ(ς) “Eppoddvro(v) καὶ Εὐτυχ(ίδου) τραπί(έζης)
Τιβοῦς ἙἭ ρμαίου μετὰ κυρίου τοῦ ἀνδρὸς Πετῆτος Πετοσίριος Ἕ ρμαίωι
Μουσαίου τιμὴν κατοικικῶν αὐτοῦ ἀρουρῶν δέκα ἀπὸ τῶν ὑπαρχουσῶν
αὐτῶι ἀρ[ο]υρῶν δέκα τριῶν τόπου ἐν τῶι Περὶ πόλιν ἄνωι περὶ Πεμκύριν
ἐκ το(Ὁ) Ἐένωνος κλήρου ἀκολούθως τῆι ἀναφερομένῃ διὰ τοῦ ἐν Ἑ). ρμουπόλ(ει)
γραφείου ὁμολογ[(]ᾳ πράσεως ἀΓρ]γ(υρίου) δραχ(μὰς) δισχειζλίλας πεντακοσί(ας), /dpy(vpiov)
(δραχμαὶ) Ἐφ.
Traces of four lines below in a different and smaller hand.
‘ Hermaeus son οἵ Musaeus son of Apollonius, his mother being Ammonous daughter of Apollonius,
of Hermopolis, registered in the quarter . . . acknowledges to Tibous daughter of Hermaeus son of
Musaeus . . . registered in the same quarter, about 15 years of age, of middle height, fair, long-faced,
straight-nosed, having a scar on her left temple, with her guardian, her husband Petes son of Petosiris,
that he has sold to her from the thirteen arourae of catoecic land which belong to him in the Upper
Suburb near Pemkuris in the holding of Xenon ten arourae of catoecic land, and will transfer these
to her in full, measured by the just measure used in the settlement, and free from the cultivation of
royal land and all imposts ... for two thousand five hundred drachmae of Imperial silver coin ... ,
and the ownership and possession of the land shall belong to whomsoever (she may appoint and their
representatives), who shall enjoy and farm out and gain the yearly produce of it and everything accruing
from it as their own . .., the duty of guaranteeing the sale perpetually with every guarantee resting
upon me the seller, and neither I nor others on my behalf shall make any claim against the buyer
or her representatives on any subject whatever; if I make a claim or fail to guarantee the sale, the claim
shall be invalid and I or the claimant on my behalf shall pay the buyer or her representatives both
the damage and . . . the price of the land and to the Treasury an equal sum, while the agreement shall
nevertheless be valid.
(Col. II.) The twelfth year of the Emperor Caesar Nerva Trajanus Augustus Germanicus Dacicus,
Pachon 5. Paid through the bank of Hermophantus and Eutychides by Tibous daughter of Hermaeus, with
her guardian, her husband Petes son of Petosiris, to Hermaeus son of Musaeus, the price of ten arourae of
catoecic land forming part of the thirteen arourae belonging to him situated in the Upper Suburb near
Pemkuris in the holding of Xenon, in accordance with the contract of sale registered at the record
office of Hermopolis, two thousand five hundred drachmae of silver, total silv. dr, 2500,
4. βασιλικῆς : sc. γῆς or perhaps yewpylas: cf. note on 65. 2.
AsSHMUNEN. 17°5 x 66 cm. A.D. 213.
CKNOWLEDGEMENT of the sale of 4 arourae of catoecic land in the Hermopolite
nome for 4000 drachmae by a woman acting with her husband as κύριος to Apollonia
with Sarapammon as κύριος. Perhaps the seller was the mother of Apollonia; cf. 95, which
has a very similar formula. The writing is a very clear and regular cursive, and the lines
are of great length.
τ [37 letters]os py[r]pd[s... .Jof..... ΓΈ, en ee ἀναγραφομέ]νη ἐπ᾽ [dudd Sov Πόλεωϊς
λιβὸς] μετὰ κυρίϊου τοῦ] ἀνδρὸς Ἑρμοῦ υἱοῦ Διογένους κοσμητεύσαντος τῆς (αὐτῆς) πόλεως
ἐπηκολούθηκα τῇ ι
2. ἴτ «Ὁ νῖν δια γραφῇ [κ]αὶ πέπ]ρίακ]αᾳ ἀπὸ τοῦ νῦν] ἐπὶ τὸν ἀεὶ χρόνον ᾿Απολλωνίᾳ] ἙἝρμιό-
‘ys [12 letters ἀναγρ]αφομ[έ]νηι ἐπὶ Φρουρίου λιβὸς μετὰ κυρίοϊυ Σαραπάμμωνος Πλουτᾶ
καὶ ὡς xpnpar(ile) τὰς ὑπαρχούσας μοι ἐν τῷ Περὶ πόλιν ἄνω περὶ] Μον-
4 [.--]. κώμην ἐκ τοῦ Αἰσχρίωνος σὺν τῷ A[...... κλίηρων γῆς κατοικικῆς ἀντλητοῦ ἀρ-
οἴύρας τέσσαρας ἃς παραδ]ώσω κ[ατ᾽ ἀ]γρὸν σπορίμας πλήρεις τῷ τῆς [κατοικ]ΐας δικαίῳ
σχοινίῳ καθαρὰς ἀπὸ βασιλικῆς καὶ παντὸς ἁπλῶς εἴδους ἀπὸ κοινῶν
Il. R
4 [καὶ ἀδια]ιρέτ[ωἹν ἀρο[υρ]ῶν δέκα ὀκτὼ κ[ατὰ μέρ]ος, dv ὅλων γείτονες ὡς ἐγὼ v[17 letters ns
ἀ[πηλ(ιώτου) οὐσιακὴ γῆ καὶ ἰδιωτικὰ ἐδάφ[η, τῶν] ἄλλων ἀνέμων ἰδιωτικὰ ἐδάφη καὶ ἄλλα,
τιμῆς τῆς συμπεφωνημένης ἀργυρίου
5 [δραϊ]χμῶν [τ]ετρακισχειλίων, γ(ίνονται) (δραχμαὶ) ᾽Δ, [ἂ]ς αὐτόθι daréo[x]ov παρὰ [τ]ῆς ὠἀ[ν]ουμένης
[κατὰ THY. eee eens 7. διαγραφήν, xa} el[yla[c] περὶ αὐ[τ]ὴν καὶ τοὺϊς παρ᾽ αὐτῆς τὴν τῶν
πεπραμένων [ὡς π]ρόκειταζι ἀρ]ουρῶν τεσσάρων κυρείαν καὶ κράτησιν
6 [χρωἹμένουϊς] καὶ oixovopfotpras περὶ αὐτῶν κα]θ᾽ ὃν ἐὰν [ailpavrar τρ[όπο]ν κ[αὶ] τὸν ἀπὸ
[POUT ar τὺ Ma τερον sm γεωρ]γοῦντας καὶ διαμι[σθο]ῦντας [καὶ καρπιζοἸμένους καὶ daro-
φερομένους τὰ ἐξ αὐτῶν κατ᾽ ἔτος γενήματα καὶ περιεσόμενα
7 [daavra εἰς τὸ ἴδιον ἀπὸ τοῦ ἐνεστῶτος πρώτου καὶ εἰκοστοῦ ἔτους. [.... . . ... ld. . .17{... ὑπὲ]ρ
αὐτῶν κατ᾽] ἔτος δημόσια διαλ[ε]ίπει τὰ τῶν τε ἔμ]προσθεϊν] χρόνων μέχρι τοῦ διεληλυ-
θόϊτος εἰκοστοῦ ἔτους κα[ὶ αὐτ]οῦ τοῦ εἰκοστοῦ
8 ἔτους δημόσια πάντα καὶ ἐπιμερισμοὺς πρὸς ἐμὲ τῆν [π]ωλ[ο]ῦσαν, τῆς βεβαιώσεωϊ-ς]) διὰ
πα[ντὸς] πρὸς πᾶσαϊν βεβαίωσιν ἐξακολουθούσης μοι τῇ πωλούσ[ῃ, καὶ] μὴ ἐπελεύσασθαί
με μηδ᾽ ἀλλ[ο]υς ὑπὲρ ἐμοῦ ἐπὶ τὴν ὠνουμένην
9 [μη]δ᾽ ἐπὶ τοὺς παρ᾽ αὐτῆς περὶ μηδενὸς τῆσδε τῆς πράϊ σεως] τρόπῳ μηδ[ ενί, ἐὰν δὲ ἐπέλ[θω]
ἢ μὴ βε[βαιώσἼω ἣ 7 ἔφοδος ἄκυρος ἔστω καὶ προσαποτεζί]σω ἢ ὁ ὑπὲρ ἐμοῦ ἐπελευσόμενος
τῇ ὠνουμένῃ ἢ τοῖς παρ᾽ αὐ-
10 [τῆς] τά τε βλάβη καὶ δαπανήματα καὶ ἐπιτείμου ὡς ἴδιον] χρέος διπλῆν τὴν τιμὴν [κ]αὶ εἰς
τὸ δημόϊσιον] τὴν ἴσην, καὶ μηδὲν ἧσσον ἡ πρᾶσις κυρία. (ἔτους) κα Αὐτοκράτορος
Καίσαρος Μάρκου Αὐρηλίου Σεονήρου
ir [Av}ravivov Παρθικοῦ Μεγίστου Βρεταννικοῦ Μεγίστου Ἐὐσεβοῦς Σ[εβ]αστοῦ Φαρμ[ο]θθ().
I. ὕιου Pap. 4: ὑ... Ἰδιωτικα (twice) Pap. 7. ἴδιον Pap., so in 10 ἵδ[ιον»]. 8. ὕπερ Pap., so in 9.
10. ἴσην Pap.
I, . .. registered at the quarter of the Westend, with my guardian, my husband Hermes son
of Diogenes, ex-cosmetes of the same city, have consented to the present payment and have sold from
the present time henceforth for ever to Apollonia daughter of Hermione . . . registered at the quarter
of the Western Guard-house, with her guardian Sarapammon son of Ploutas, and however he is styled,
the four arourae of catoecic, irrigated land which belong to me in the Upper Suburb near the village of
Mon... in the holding of Aeschrion with that of A... , which land I will transfer to her in good
condition for sowing and in full, measured by the just measure used in the settlement, free from the
cultivation of royal land and every impost whatever, forming a share of eighteen arourae held in
common and undivided, the whole of which is adjoined . ..on the east by an Imperial estate
and private properties, and on the other quarters by private properties &c., for the price agreed upon,
four thousand drachmae of silver, total dr. 4000, which I have received on the spot from the buyer
by a payment (through a bank). And I agree that she and her representatives have the ownership
and possession of the four arourae sold as aforesaid and that they can use and administer them in
any way they choose, and can cultivate and lease the land and enjoy and gain the yearly produce
of it and all else accruing from it as their own, beginning with the present twenty-first year, and
that all arrears of yearly charges and imposts upon it in former times up to the past twentieth year
and including the twentieth year are payable by me the seller, and that I the seller am responsible for
guaranteeing this sale perpetually with every guarantee, and that neither I nor others on my behalf
will make any claim against the buyer or her representatives on any point connected with this sale in
any way whatever. If I do make such a claim, or fail to guarantee the sale, the claim shall be invalid,
and I or the claimant on my behalf shall pay the buyer or her representatives the damage and costs
and as a fine, as if it were a private debt, twice the value of the land and to the Treasury an equal
sum, and the sale shall nevertheless be valid. The 21st year of the Emperor Caesar Marcus Aurelius
Severus Antoninus Parthicus Maximus Britannicus Maximus Pius Augustus, Pharmouthi.’
1. Ἑρμοῦ υἱοῦ Διογένους κοσμητεύσαντος : cf. 100. 1.
4. Perhaps [προκειμένῃ διαϊγραφῃ and similarly in line 5 [κατὰ τὴν προκειμένηϊν διαγραφήν, in which case
the διαγραφή (cf. 95. II.) must have preceded.
4. [ddva]ipér[w]v: οἵ, Fay. Towns, p. 142. The sense is that the 4. arourae owned by the seller
were the part of 18 arourae held by joint owners and not divided up into definite sections.
Dif. 20:7 X 12:7 cm. A.D. 180-192.
PPLICATION to the strategus of the division of Heraclides by Taouetis, a priestess,
who wished to purchase the third part of some buildings at Socnopaei Nesus which
had been put up for sale by the government; cf.68. The property in question is described
as having formerly belonged to a certain Anchorimphis; and the inference is that it had for
some reason been confiscated. It belonged therefore to the category of γενηματογραφούμενα ;
and though that term is not here actually used, the papyrus fully bears out the explanation
of γενηματογραφεῖσθαι given by Wilcken, and the conclusions drawn by him from B. G, U.
282, 291, and Brit. Mus. Pap. 164 (Archiv, I. pp. 147-9). The property confiscated was sold
at a price fixed by valuation (line 13); and it then became, as is expressly stated in lines
15-17, the inalienable property of the purchaser. But it appears that the owner was at the
same time in a sense a lessee, for he had to pay a fixed annual charge (πρόσοδος) upon his
purchase. In lines 13-14 the price agreed upon is 120 drachmae of silver καὶ τῶν
ἑπομένων. The ἑπόμενα are explained by a reference to Brit. Mus. Pap. 164. 4-6 καὶ μετὰ
κύρωσιν καὶ διαγραφὴν τῆς τειμῆς (cf. 1. 13 below) καὶ τῶν τόκων ὡρίσθη προσόδου τίνος.
How the amount of the πρόσοδος was determined we do not yet know.
“Αρποκρατίωνι στρ(ατηγῷ) ᾿Αρσι(νοίτου) Ἡρακλείδου μερίδος
παρὰ Ταουήτιος Στοτοήτεως τοῦ Πακύσεως ἱερείης
ἀπὸ κώμης Σοκνοπαίου Νήσου μετὰ κυρίου τοῦ
ἀνδρὸς Στοτοήτεως ᾿Αγχώφεως τοῦ Πανεφρέμμεω(ς).
5 βούλομαι ὠνήσασθαι ἐκ τῶν εἰς πρᾶσιν ὑπερκειμένων
τῆς διοικήσεως περὶ τὴν προκειμένην κώμην πρότε-
[plov ᾿Αγχορίμφεως πρεσβ(υτέρου) Πανεχώτου τοῦ Πακύσεως
ἀνθεσί. . Στοτ]οήτεως Πανεφρέμμεως τοῦ Παβοῦτος
τρίτον μέρος οἰκίας καὶ αὐλῆς καὶ ἐλαιουργίου ἀργοῦ κα-
το θεστῶτος κ[αὶ] μὴ οἰκουμ(ένου), γίτονες καθὼς διὰ τῆς τοῦ
ὁρισμοῦ πορείας δηλούίτ]αι νότου καὶ λιβὸς οἰκόπ(εδα) Edvoi-
δια λεγόμ(ενα) βορρᾶ Ταουήτεως Πακύσεως οἰκία ἀπηλιώ(του)
ῥύμη βασιλ(ική), τιμῆς τῶν τῆς συντιμήσεως ἀργ(υρίου) (δραχμῶν) ἑκατὸν
εἴκοσι καὶ τῶν ἑπομένων, ἐφ᾽ ᾧ κυρωθεῖσα διαγράψω
R 2
τ ἐπὶ τὴν δίημ)οσίαν τράπεζαν, μενεῖ δέ μοι ἡ τούτων
κράτησις κα[ὶ] κυρεία ἀναφαίρετος ἐπὶ τὸν ἀεὶ χρόνον,
[ea φαίν[η]ται κυρῶσαι: ἐὰν δὲ μὴ κυρωθῶ οὐ κατασχε-
[θήσομαι τῇ [ὑἹποσχέσει.
Τα[ουῆ]τις ᾿Απύγχεως (ἐτῶν) Ay donp(os)-
20 (ἔτους) [.. Αὐρηλίο]υ Κομόδου ᾿Α[ντωνίνο]υ Καίσαρος τοῦ κυρ[ίο]ν
Θὼθ ἢ.
‘To Harpocration, strategus of the division of Heraclides in the Arsinoite nome, from Taouetis
daughter of Stotoétis son of Pakusis, priestess, of the village of Socnopaei Nesus, with her guardian her
husband Stotoétis son of Anchophis son of Panephremmis. I wish to purchase of the property at the
said village held by the government and put up for sale, having formerly belonged to Anchorimphis
the elder, son of Panechotes son of Pakusis,...Stotoétis son of Panephremmis son of Pabous, the third
part of a house and court and of an oil-press which is out of working order and not inhabited, adjoined,
as is set forth in the survey, on the south and west by the plots called Eunoidia, on the north by the
house of Taouetis daughter of Pakusis, on the east by a public road, at the price of the 120 drachmae of
silver agreed on by valuation with the subsequent payments, on condition that if the sale is confirmed
I shall pay this sum into the government bank, and I shall remain in undisturbed possession and owner-
ship of them for ever, if you consent to confirm the sale; but if not I will not be bound by my promise.
Taouetis daughter of Apunchis, aged 33 years, having no distinguishing mark. Τῆς... [ἢ year of Aurelius
Commodus Antoninus Caesar the lord, Thoth 8,’
8. ἀνθεσ[ τῶ(τος)}»
19. The signature must be that of the buyer, but in line 2 she is called the daughter of Stotoétis ;
ef, 72208:
AsHMuNEN. 14°2 X 26°5 cm. Late second or third century 4.p.
FRAGMENT of a list of abstracts of contracts concerning sales or mortgages of house
property at Hermopolis. Cf. Pap. Oxy. 11. 259; and for a discussion of this subject in the
light of Mettius Rufus’ edict concerning the registration of property in’ land and houses see
tbid. pp. 176-80, Of the first column only the ends of a few lines are preserved. We give
the text of the second.
ιθ (ἔτους) Παῦνι ζ, καταλί( ) Meco(py), ἐπηνέχθη
5 προσκί ) ιθ (ἔτους).
Ἑρμαῖος Ἑλένης τοῦ Τοθήους Φρο(υρίου) λιβ(ὸς) Νεωτερίδι ᾿Αμφίονος τοῦ καὶ Τί
μητ(ρὸς) Διδύμης τῆς καὶ Ταρῆτος ᾿Απολλω(νίου) τοῦ αὐτοῦ ἀμφό(δου) μ[ετὰ κυρίου
Δίου Πασίωνος χαί(ρειν). ὁμολ(ογῶ) πεπρ(ακέναι) σοι σι(τοφόρου) (ἀρούρας) β καὶ
> cre a
οἰκιὰαν καὶ τὴν ἐνοῦσαν
᾿αὐλ(ὴν) καὶ (ἥμισυ) pép(os) [rar] μεσοτύχ(ων ὃ) οἰκιῶν β ἐπὶ Φρο(υρίου) λιβ(ὸς) ἐπὶ ris
το ἨἸουδ(αικῆς) λαύρας τιμῆς τοῦ οἰκοπί(έδου)
ιθ (ἔτους) ᾿Επείφ, καταλί ) Μεσο(ρή), ἐπηνέχθ(η) κ (ἔτους) Φαῶφι [
Ἑ[ρ]μαῖος ὁ καὶ Φιβίων ᾿Απολ(λωνίου) τοῦ καὶ Μιττόκου Ἑ ρμοπολ(ίτης) ἐμβί ) ανθί 1) επί
τοῦ Ἡρώδου ἀπὸ τ]ῆς αὐτῆς πόλ(εως) καταχρημαῖ.. . .Ἷ τουΐ
ιδ (ἔτους) μηνὶ [..... κ]έφαλ(αίου) (δραχμὰς) pO (τετρώβολον) τόκ(ου) (δραχμῶν) ς
εἰς δ ξεν Jon
13 ἐπὶ ὑποθ(ήκῃ) [...... μ]έρ(ους) οἰκίας ἐπὶ Πόλ(εως) ἀπ(ηλιώτου) καταί. .. .. 1. .[
[- .] μην(Ὁ [- ««.... 6. ]..+[ -] Tepedr(os) [
[ 24 letters 1 ἐπι
9. 1. μεσοτοίχων ὃ 10. iov® Pap.
8. σι(τοφόρου) : the first letter is more like y, but yé(verat) is not satisfactory.
Asumunen. (a) 18:3 12, (6) 17x19 cm. A.D. 179.
WO copies of an agreement for the division of land in the Hermopolite nome among
four persons named Dioscorus, Hermione, Cornelius also called Hermophilus (cf. 100. 2),
and Tereus. Dioscorus received τῷ arourae in one parcel (κοίτη), Tereus 2 arourae in
another κοίτη, and Cornelius and Hermione together 2 arourae in the same κοίτη. Both
copies have lost the first halves of the lines, and the second breaks off just before the end
of the document; but by combining the two together the agreement emerges nearly complete.
The general formula much resembles that of a sale, e.g. 95 and 96.
[Διόσκορος Ἑρμείνου τοῦ Φιβίωνος μητρὸς Ἑλένης καὶ ‘Eppidvn ἡ δι᾽ ἐπικρίσεως Μία] ἡ
κ[α]ὸ Ἑ ρμιόνη Ἰζο]θήους τοῦ αὐτοῦ ΦΊ [βίωἸνοῖς
[μητρὸς καὶ Κορνήλιος ὁ καὶ Ἑρμόφιλος Εὐδαίμονος τοῦ ᾿Αλεξάνδρου μητρὸς ΕὐἾ]δαι-
μονίδος οἱ τρεῖς ἀναγρ(αφόμενοι) ἐπὶ Φρο[ζυρίου] λιβὸς
[καὶ Τερεῦς μητρὸς ᾿Αρειτίου Ἑρμίνου ἀναγρ(αφομένη) ἐπὶ Πόλεως λιβός, οἱ τ]έσσαρες
Ἑρμοπολ(ται) μετ[ὰ] κυρίων τῶν συ[γ]γ[εν]ῶν
[ Ἑρμιόνης μὲν τῆς δι’ ἐπικρίσεως Μιᾶς τῆς καὶ Ἑρμιόνης Σωσιβίο]υ ᾿Εξακῶντος,
Τερεῦτος δὲ ‘Opiwvos ἙἝἭ ρμεζνου, ἀλ-
[λήλοις χαίρειν. ὁμολογοῦμεν .. .... πρὸς ἀλλήλους κυριευτικῶς ἀπὸ τῆς ἐνεστώσης ἡμέρας
ἐπὶ τὸν ἅπαντα χρόνον ἃς ἔχομεν
> n 4 , ‘ , > “ ’ , ¥ id ΄σ
[ἐν τῷ Λευκοπυργείτῃ κάτω περὶ πόλιν ἐκ τοῦ Μοσχίωνος κλήρου ἄρουραν μίαν] ἥμισν
τέταρτον ἧς γείτονες βο[ρ]ρᾶ ᾿Αρειτί[ο]υ
[Ἑρμείνου λιβὸς .. .....«..Ὁ ἀπηλιώτου Συρίωνος τοῦ καὶ ᾿Αθηνοδώρου νότου κλ]ηρονόμων
Σοήριος ᾿Επιμάχου, καὶ ἐκ τοῦ
[Δουμιχᾶ κλήρου ἀρούρας τέσσαρας ἐν δυσὶ κοίταις ὧν πρώτη]ς ἄρουραι δύϊο] γείτονες νότου
καὶ ἀπηλιώτ(ου)
{eee βορρᾶ ἀνειμένη λιβὸς ἰδιωτικὰ ἐδάφη, δευτέρας dpolvpar δύο ἐν als φρέαρ ἐξ
ὀπτῆς πλίνθου γείτο-
[ves καὶ τούτων νότου καὶ λιβὸς κληρονόμων Πλουτάρχου βορρᾶ καὶ ἀπ]ηλιώτου δημο[σία] γῆ,
[π]άσας κατοικικάς,
[καὶ λελονχέναι τὸν μὲν Διόσκορον ὑπὲρ τοῦ κατ᾽ αὐτὸν τρίτου μέρους ἐκ τ]οῦ Μοσχίωνο]ς
ἄρουραν μίαν ἥμισυ
, ‘ \ “ ε id ε An > ae | ΄ , > 8 a aA A
[τέταρτον τὴν δὲ Τερεῦν ὁμοίως ὑπὲρ τοῦ κατ᾽ αὐτὴν τρίτου μέρους ἀπὸ τῶν ἐΐκ τοῦ Δουμιχᾶ
κ[λή]ρου ἀ[ρ]ουρῶν τ ε]Ἰσσάρων
A A , > , ὃ , Ν Ν ε / ‘ ὃ 3 3 , ? ‘ Ἀ
[τῆς νοτινῆς κοίτης ἀρούρας δύο, καὶ τὴν Ἑρμιόνην τὴν δι ἐπικρίσε]ως Μίαν τὴν καὶ
Ἑρμιόνην καὶ τὸν Κορνήλι-
[ov τὸν καὶ Ἑρμόφιλον ὑπὲρ τοῦ κατ᾽ αὐτοὺς ἐξ ἴσου τρίτου μέρους τὰς τῆς βορινῆ]ς κοίτης ἐκ
τοῦ Δουμιχᾶ κλήρου ἀρούρας
[δύο. ἕκαστον δὲ ἡμῶν σὺν τοῖς παρ᾽ αὐτοῦ κρατεῖν καὶ κυριεύειν ὧν ἔλαχεν ὡς πρόκειται
Ν 4 A > lel ‘ 9 A a 3N\ en , a
[ καὶ χρώμενον καὶ οἰκονομοῦντα περὶ αὐτῶ]ν καθ᾽ ὃν ἐὰν αἱρῆται τρόπον καὶ
[ra καὶ διαμισθοῦντα καὶ καρπιζόμενον καὶ ἀποφερόμενον τὰ ἐξ αὐτ]ῶν Kar ἔτος γενήματα
καὶ περιγεινόμε-
[ ν > ‘ io a ᾳ ἂν 39 A > » ὃ 7 , lal a
va ἅπαντα εἰς τὸ ἴδιον, τῶν ὑπὲρ αὐτῶν Kat ἔτος δημοσίων πάντων] σιτικῶν τε καὶ ἀργυρι-
κῶν καὶ ἐπιμε-
[ρισμῶν τῶν τε ἔμπροσθεν] χρόνων μέχρι τοῦ διεληλυθότος
ιθ (ἔτους) κα(ὴ
[αὐτοῦ τοῦ ιθ (ἔτους) 1ω[.] ὄντων πρὸς ἡμᾶς κατὰ τὰ προκεί-
[μενα ] ἔλαχεν ὡς πρόκειται ἀρουρῶν, μὴ οὔσης
[ εἰς] τὸν ἅπαντα χρόνον, ἥτις καὶ κυρία ἔστω ὡς ἐν
id / Ν 9 ε a“ ‘ ¥
[δημοσίῳ κατακεχωρισμένη π]ρὸς ἕκαστο[ν] ἡμῶν δισσὴ εἶναι. (ἔτους)
« Αὐτοκρατόρων
[Καισάρων Μάρκου Αὐρηλίου ᾿Αντωνείνου καὶ Λουκίου Αὐρη]λίου Κομμόδου Σεβαστῶν ᾽Αρμε-
[Μηδικῶν Παρθικῶν Γερμανικῶν Μεγίστων ᾿Αδριανοῦ ἴ. (2nd hand) Διόσκορος “Eppeivov τέθει-
μαι τὴν προκειμένην διαίρεσιν 7 τῆς δηλουμένης Ἑ ρμιζόν)ης [. . . σ]υστεθειμ.
[ Σωσιβίου ᾿Βξακῶντος καὶ εὐδοκ[ῶ τῇ προκί(ειμένῃ) δια[ιρέσει
[3rd hand Τερεῦς μετὰ κυρίου ᾿Ω]ρίωνος τέθειμαι τὴν προκζειμένην Shai-
[4th hand Κορνήλιος 6 καὶ “Eppddidos Εὐδαίμονος τέθειμ]αι τὴν προκ(ειμένην) διαίρεσιν καὶ
εὐϊδοκῶ] ὡς [πρόκί(ειται).
[ ]-.-@ avp. po.ef..... Jad. .
9. « οὗ apolvpa corr. from s. 12. τ[εἸσσαρῶ Pap.
[Διόσκορος “Eppeivov τοῦ Φιβίωνος μητρ]ὸς Ἑλένης καὶ Ἕ ρμιό]νη ἡ [δ] [ἐ)π[κρίσεως Μία
ἡ καὶ Ἑ ρμιόνη Τοθήους τοῦ αὐτοῦ Φιβίωνος
[μητρὸς καὶ Κορνήλιος ὁ καὶ ἝἭ,ρμόϊφιλος Ἐὐδαίμονος τοῦ ᾿Αλεξάνδρ[ου] μητίρὸ]ς
Ἐὐδαιμονίδος οἱ τρῖς ἀναγρ(αφόμενοι) ἐπὶ Φρουρίου λιβός
[καὶ Τερεῦς μ]ητρὸς ᾿Αρειτίον “Eppivov ἀϊν]αγραφομέψνί[η ἐπὶ Πό]λ(εως) λιβὸς οἱ
τέσσαρες Ἑ), ρμοπ(ολῖται!) μετὰ κυρίων
[τῶν συγγενῶν 1 Ἑρμιόνης μὲν τῆς δι’ ἐπ Πκρίσεως Μιᾶς τῆς καὶ Ἑρμιόνης
Σωσιβίου ᾿Ἑξακῶντος, Τερ-
5 [εῦτος δὲ ‘Opiwvos “Eppivov, ἀλλήλοις] χαίρειν. ὁμολογοῦμεν [. .1. σί. .] πρ[ὸ]ς ἀ[λ]λήλους
κυριευτικῶς ἀπὸ τῆς ἐνεστώσης ἧ-
[μέρας ἐπὶ τὸν ἅπαντα χρόνον ἃς ἔχομε]ν ἐν τῷ Λευκοπυργείϊτῃ κ]άτω περ[ὶ] πόϊλ]ιν ἐκ τοῦ
Μοσχίωνος κλήρου ἄρουραν μίαν
[ἡμισυ τέταρτον ἧς γείτονες βορρᾶ ᾿ΑἹρει]τίονυ “Eppivov λιβ[ὸς. .1. [. .,9}1.τατᾳ ἀπηλιώτου
Συρίωνος τοῦ καὶ ᾿Αθηνοδώρου
[νότου κληρονόμων Σοήριος ᾿Επιμάχου, καὶ] ἐκ τοῦ Δουμιχᾶ [κλήρο]ν ἀρούρας τέσσαρας ἐν
δυσὶ κοίταις ὧν πρώτης
[ἄρουραι δύο γείτονες νότου] καὶ ἀπηλιώτου υἱ.. .1.. [7 βορρᾶ ἀνιμένη λιβὸς ἰδιωτικὰ
ἐδάφη, δευτέρας
το [ἄρουραι δύο ἐν αἷς φρέαρ ἐξ ὀπτῆ]ς πλίνθου γείτον[ες] καὶ τούτων νότου καὶ λιβὸς κληρονό-
μων Πλουτάρχου βορρᾶ καὶ
[ἀπηλιώτου δημοσία γῆ, πάσας κα]τοικικάς, καὶ λελ[ο]νχέναι τὸν μὲν Διόσκορον ὑπὲρ τοῦ κατ᾽
αὐτὸν τρίτου μέρους
[ἐκ τοῦ Μοσχίωνος ἄρουραν μίαν ἥμισυ τέτα]ρτον τὴν δὲ Τερ[ε]ῦν ὁμοίως] ὑπὲρ τοῦ κατ᾽
αὐτὴν τρίτου μέρους ἀπὸ τῶν ἐκ
[rod Δουμιχᾶ κλήρου ἀρουρῶν τεσσάρων] τῆς νοτινῆς κο[ζί]της ἀρούϊ ρ]α[ς] δύο καὶ τὴν
Ἑρμιόνην τὴν δι᾿ ἐπικρίσεως Μίαν τὴν
[καὶ Ἑ ρμιόνην καὶ τὸν Κορνήλιον τὸν καὶ “Eppodil\ov ὑπὲρ τοῦ κατ᾽ αὐτοὺς ἐξ ἴσου τρίτου
μέρους τὰς τῆς βορινῆς κοίτης ἐκ
15 [τοῦ Δουμιχᾶ κλήρου ἀρούρας δύο. ἕκ]αστον δὲ ἡμῶν σὺν τοῖς παρ᾽ αὐτοῦ κρατεῖν καὶ
κυριεύειν ὧν ἔλαχεν ὡς πρό-
[κειται ἀρουρῶν καὶ χρώμεϊἷνον καὶ οἰκονομοῦντα περὶ αὐτῶν καθ᾽ ὃν ἐὰν αἱρῆται
τρόπον κα[ὶ] γεωργοῦντα i
[καὶ διαμισθοῦντα καὶ καρπιζόμενον καὶ ἀπο]φερόμενον τὰ ἐξ [αὐτῶν [κ]ατ᾽ ἔτος γενήματα
καὶ περιγ[εινόμενα ἄπ]αντα
[εἰς τὸ ἴδιον, τῶν ὑπὲρ αὐτῶν κατ᾽ ἔτος δημοσίων πάντω]ν σι[τικῶν τε κ]αὶ ἀργυρικῶν καὶ
ἐπιμζερισμῶν ......
[ τῶν τε ἔμπροσθεν χρόνων μέχρι το]ῦ διεληλυθότος ιθ (ἔτους)
καὶ αὐτοῦ τοῦ ιθ (ἔτους)
2. [ ὄντων πρὸ]ς ἡμᾶς κατὰ τὰ προκείμενα... ....
[ ἔλαχεν ὡς πρ]όκειται ἀρουρῶν, μὴ οὔϊσης. .....
[ εἰς τὸν ἅπαντα χρόνον ἥτις] Kal κυρία ἔστω ὡς [ἐν δημοσίῳ
[κατακεχωρισμένη Ἴ 2 val... Je
. . . . . e . ᾿ . . + .
‘ Dioscorus son of Herminus son of Phibion, his mother being Helene, and Hermione who is known
in the Epikrisis list as Mia also called Hermione, daughter of Tothes son of the same Phibion, her
mother being . .. , and Cornelius also called Hermophilus, son of Eudaemon son of Alexandrus, his
mother being Eudaemonis, all three registered at the quarter of the Western Guard-house, and Tereus
daughter of ..., her mother being Arition daughter of Herminus, registered at the Westend quarter,
all four inhabitants of Hermopolis, with their kinsmen as guardians ... , of Hermione who is known in
the Epikrisis list as Mia also called Hermione, Sosibius son of Exacon, and of Tereus, Horion son of
Herminus, to each other, greeting. We acknowledge that we have divided amongst ourselves with full
rights of ownership from the present day for all time the 1} arourae which we possess in the lower
Leucopyrgite district near the metropolis in the holding of Moschion, of which the adjoining areas are
on the north the land of Arition daughter of Herminus, on the west..., on the east the land of Syrion
also called Athenodorus, on the south that of the heirs of Soéris son of Epimachus, and in the holding
of Doumichas four arourae in two parcels of which the first consists of two arourae and the adjoining
areas of it are on the south and east ... , on the north dedicated land, on the west private properties,
and the second consists of two arourae and contains a well of baked brick and the adjoining areas of
it are on the south and west the land of the heirs of Plutarchus, on the north and east public land,
all four arourae being catoecic land. And we agree that Dioscorus has received as his third share
τῇ arourae in the holding of Moschion, and that Tereus has likewise received for her third share two
arourae in the southern parcel from the four arourae in the holding of Doumichas, and that Hermione
who is known in the Epikrisis lists as Mia also called Hermione, and Cornelius also called Hermophilus
have received for their joint third share the two arourae in the northern parcel in the holding of
Doumichas. And we agree that each of us with his representatives is the possessor and owner of the
land that he has received as aforesaid, and can ..., use and administer it in any way he chooses, and
cultivate it, lease it, enjoy and gain the yearly produce of it and everything accruing from it as his
own, the yearly charges upon it both in corn and money and imposts ... from previous times up to
the past 19th year, and including the 19th year, being payable by us... .
(a) 1. ἡ δι’ ἐπικρίσεως Μία] ἡ «[a]t Ερμι[δνη : women being not liable to poll-tax were not themselves
subject to ἐπίκρισις ; cf. Pap. Oxy. II. p. 221. But since descent from privileged persons had to be
traced on both sides in order to obtain the right of exemption from poll-tax, women’s names occur in
documents concerning ἐπίκρισις (cf. 75) as much'as men’s. Hermione was entered in these as Μία ἡἣ καὶ
30. Perhaps ἀξι[ωθ(είς).
Asumuneén. 18-5 X 22°5 cm. A.D. 198-211.
GREEMENT between Hermes son of Diogenes (cf. 94. 1 and 101. 3) and Cornelius
also called Hermophilus (cf. 99 (a). 2), whereby, Hermes having become the lessee of
a lake for three years and having taken Cornelius as his partner to the extent of a sixth
share in the yearly rent of 2000 drachmae and having received from him his share of the
rent for the three years, the two parties came to some arrangement, the details of which
are lost, but which presumably concerned the profits to be derived from the lake; cf. 94.
Ἑρμῆς Διογένους κοσμητεύσαντίος) ἙἭ ρμο[υπόἤλεως τῆς μεγάλης ἀρχαίας καὶ [λαμ-
πρ[ᾶ]ς καὶ Κορνζήλιος ὁ καὶ] Ἑρμόφιλος Εὐδαίμονος ἀπὸ τῆς [αὐτ]ῆς πόλ[εω]ς ἀλλήϊλοις
χαίρειν. ἐπεὶ 6 ἙἭ ρμῆς μισθωτὴς γενόμενος λίμνης [κα]λουμέν[η]ς ΠάτρωϊνοἼς
εἰς ἔτη τρία ἀπὸ τοῦ δεκάτου (ἔτους) προσελάβετο τὸν Κορνήλιον κοινωνὸν
5 τῆς αὐτῆς λίμνης κατὰ τὸ ἕκτον μέρος ἐπὶ φόρῳ κ[ατ ἔτος τῆς λίμνης ἀργυρίου
δραχμαῖς δισχειλίαις, τυγχάνει δὲ ὁ Ἑρμῆς ἀπειληφὼς παρὰ τοῦ Κορνηλίου
τοῦ καὶ “Eppodidov τὸ κατὰ ἑαυτὸν ἕκτον τοῦ ἐπὶ τὸ αὐτὸ τῆς ὅλης τριετίας ταλάντου
ἑνός, ὁμολογοῦμεν κατὰ τὰ προκείμενα μέρη εἴ τι αἰ... . .. .7Γ. τη...
περὶ [τ]ῆς αὐτῆς λίμνης ε..[... .Ἷν εἰ δὲ ....ὐον ννν εν [
10 τί
απλί Λουκίου Σεπτιμίου
Σεουζήρον Εὐσεβοῦς Περτίνακος
κ[αὶ M]d[pxov Αὐρηλίου ᾿Αντωνίνου
6. τ of τυγχανει corr.
AsuMuNEN. 9X9°5 cm. Early third century a. p.
CKNOWLEDGEMENT addressed to Artemidora daughter of Apollonius by Paésis,
stating that as the result of a conference between them he consented to do something
(the verb is omitted or lost) in connexion with land leased to Paésis by Artemidora.
Anvap[iov] τῆς ᾿Αντινόου νομ[α]ρχ(ήσαντος)
᾿Αρτεμιδώρᾳ ᾿Απολλωνίου διὰ
Ἑρμοῦ Διογένους χαίρειν.
ὁμολογῶ ἐκ συνάρσεως λόγων
5 τῶν ἀπὸ ὃ (ἔτους) μέχρι θ᾽ (ἔτους) καὶ
αὐτοῦ @ (ἔτους) ὧν ἔχω σου ἐν μισθώσει
περὶ κωμογ(ραμματείαν ὃ) Πέσλα κάτ(ω) ἐκ τίοῦ) Πτολεμαίο(υ)
περὶ τὸ Κολωτίῳνο(ς) ἐποίκ(ιον) ἀπὸ (ἀρουρῶν) €
ἀρούρας δύο (ἥμισυ) ἐπεὶ τῷ ἐμὲ τὸν
10 Παῆσιν ἀπερίσπαστόν σε ποιήσειν
δος avrov|,
3. γεν of d:oyevous corr. from νυ.
il, 5
3. Ἑρμοῦ Διογένους : cf. 94. 1, 100. 1.
7. κωμογ(ραμματείαν ἢ) : for this variation for κώμην we can find no parallel, and perhaps it is only
a mistake.
ἐκ τίοῦ) Πτολεμαίο(υ) : sc, κλήρου.
Fay. 22°5 x13 cm. A.D. 180,
ONTRACT for the sale of a camel at the price of several hundreds of drachmae, but
the amount is uncertain owing to a lacuna.
Ἔτους εἰκ[ο]στοῦ Αὐτο]κρατόρων Καισάρων Μάρκου
Αὐρηλίου ᾿Αντωνίνου καὶ Λουκίου Αὐρηλίου
Κομμόδου Σεβαστίῶ]ν ᾿Α[ρ]μενιακῶν Μηδικῶν
Παρθικῶν Τερμανικῶν Σαρματικῶν Μεγίστων
5 μηνὸς Δύστρου ΤΌβ[] λ, ἐν Πτολεμαίδι Evepye-
τιδι τοῦ ᾿Α[ρ]σινοείτου νομοῦ. ὁμολογεῖ Θασῆς
᾿Αγχώφεως ὧ(ς) (ἐτῶν) λε εὔσημος ὀφθαλμὸν δεξιὸν
μετὰ κυρίου τοῦ ἀν δ]ὴρὸς Στοτοήτεως τοῦ Στοτο-
ἥτεως ὧ(ς) (ἐτῶν) ν οὐλὴ πζήϊχι δεξιῷ Στοτοήτι ᾿Αγχώ-
10 φεως ὡς ἐτῶν τρ[ιάκο]ντα δύο οὐλὴ μήλῳ ἀρισ-
τερῷ, πάντες amd] κώμης Σοκ[νο]παίου Νή-
σου, πεπρακέναι τὴ]ν Θ[α]σῆν τῷ Στοτοήτι
ἀφ᾽ ὧν ἔχει ἐν ἀπογρ(αφῇ) ἐπὶ τῆς κώμης καμήλων
ἐξ [κ]άμ[η]λον ἕνα, καὶ ἀπέχιν τὴν τειμὴν
15 ἀρ[γυ]ρίου δραχμὰς [. .ἸΠ ακοσ]ΐας, τῆς βεβ[α)ιώσεως
αὐτῇ ἐ]ξακολ[ ουθούσης, καὶ] εἶναι [ἀν]άγί κην ΣτοτΊο-
qr. ἀπογράφεσθαι τῇ τ]ῶν θρεμμάτων [ἀπογρ(αφῇ).
and hand Στοτοῆτις ἐ[πιγ]έγραμμε κύρις.
3rd hand Θασῆς ᾿Αγχώφεζω]ς μετὰ κυρίου τοῦ ἀν-
20 δ[ρ]ος [Στο]τοήτίεω]ς τοῦ [Στ]οζτο)ἡτ]εως πέπρα-
κα κ[αὶ ἀπ]έχίω παρὰ] Σ[τοτο]ήτεως ᾿Αγχώ-
φ[ε]ως Spalxpas.... κο]σίας ὡς πρ(όκειται). Ταρ-
.[7.ς A....0. ἔγραψα [ὑἹπὲρ αὐτῆς Θασῆτο(ς)
ἀγρ(αμμάτου), adro(d) Στοτοήτεως βρ]αδέα γράφοντος.
4th hand 25 ..[..].. (ἔτους) « Τῦβι 2.
On the verso a red stamp.
18, 1. ἐ[πιγ]έγραμμαι κύριος.
‘The twentieth year of the Emperors and Caesars Marcus Aurelius Antoninus and Lucius Aurelius
Commodus Augusti Armeniaci Medici Parthici Germanici Sarmatici Maximi, the 3oth of the month
Dystrus or Tubi, at Ptolemais Euergetis in the Arsinoite nome. Thases daughter of Anchophis, aged
about 35 years, having a conspicuous right eye, with her guardian her husband Stotoétis son of Stotoétis,
aged about 50 years, having a scar on his right forearm, agrees with Stotoétis son of Anchophis, aged
about 32 years, having a scar on the left cheek, all of the village of Socnopaei Nesus, that she, Thases,
has sold to Stotoétis one of the six camels which are registered in her name at the village, and that
she has received the price... hundred drachmae of silver, and undertakes to guarantee the sale, Stotoétis
being obliged to register the camel at the registration of animals.’ Signatures of Stotoétis, the guardian
of Thases, and of Thases herself, the latter written by a third person, and docket of the registration-
13. ἀφ᾽ ὧν ἔχει: cf. B. G. U. 153. 19, where ἀφ᾽ [ὧν ἔ]χει is to be restored.
15. Either [ér]r[axoo]fas or [ὀκ]τ[ ακοσ]ίας or perhaps [re]r[paxoo]las may be read; on the prices
realised by camels cf. Fay. Towns, p. 199.
18. Stotoétis’ signature is written in rough uncials; cf. 1, 24 where he is described as a slow writer.
22. Possibly πρζ(όκειγται should be read. This signature is in a very ill-formed and difficult hand.
25. The mutilated word is probably some term like ἀναγέγραπται or évréraxras.
ASHMUNEN. 6°5 X 13°3 cm. A.D. 90. Prate IV.
RECEIPT issued by a landlord to his tenant acknowledging payment of the year's
rent for 9 arourae of land. Cf. 104-106.
Εὐτυχίδης ᾿Αχιλλίωνος Σαραπίωνι Εὐτυχίδους
γεωργῷ χαίρειν. ἀπέχω παρὰ σοῦ πάντα τὰ ἐκφόρια
ὧν γεωργεῖς plov] ἀρουρῶν ἐκ τοῦ Θεοφίλου κλήρου
ἀρούρας ἐννέα γενήματος τοῦ ἐνεστῶτος
8. ἐνάτου ἔτους Δομιτιανοῦ Καίσαρος τοῦ κυρίου, καὶ οὐ-
δέν συ ἐνκαλῶι. ἔτους ἐνάτου Αὐτοκράτορος Καίσαρος
Δομιτιανοῦ Σεβαστοῦ Γερμανικοῦ νηνὸς Καισαρίου xl.
3. εἰς Of yewpyets corr. from ts. 4. ς Of γενηματος corr. from v. 6. 1. σοι. 7. 1. μηνός.
First a of xatoapiov corr. from «.
‘Eutychides son of Achillion to Sarapion son of Eutychides, cultivator, greeting. I have received
from you all the rent for the nine arourae cultivated by you of the land belonging to me in the holding
of Theophilus, from the produce of the present ninth year of Domitianus Caesar the lord, and I make
no claim against you. The ninth year of the Emperor Caesar Domitianus Augustus Germanicus, the 27th
of the month Caesareus.’
2-4. The sentence is badly constructed and may be taken to mean either that the nine arourae were the
whole of the land leased from Eutychides by Sarapion, ἀρούρας ἐννέα in line 4 being merely resumptive,
or that they were only a part of it. In any case dpovpéy must be read for ἀρούρας.
AsHMUNEN. 13 X10°5 cm. A.D. 125.
ECEIPT issued by Demetria also called Taseus with her son Arius as guardian to
R Anoubion son of Sarapion (cf. 105 and introd. to 181), stating that he had paid his
rent for the year.
Anpntpia ἡ καὶ Τασεῦς ᾿Απολλω-
νίδου μετὰ κυρίου τοῦ ἐμαυτῆς υἱ-
οὔ ᾿Αρείου Νεάρχου τοῦ καὶ Μεγχήους
᾿Ανουβίωνι Σεραπίωνος γεοργῶι
5 χαίρειν. μεμέτρημαι παρὰ σοῦ mav-
τα τὰ ἐκφόρια ὧν ἐγεώργησάς μου
ἀρουρῶν γενήματος τοῦ διε-
ληλυθότος ἐνάτου ἔτους ᾿Αδριανοῦ
Καίσαρος τοῦ κυρίου, καὶ οὐδέν σοι
10 ἐνκαλῶ περὶ οὐδενὸς ἁπλῶς, τῶν
δημοσίων [ὄντων πρὸς ἐμὲ τὴν
κάτοικον. ἔτους δεκάτου Αὐτοκράτορος
Καίσαρος Τραιανοῦ ᾿Αδριανοῦ Σεβαστοῦ
Θὼτ ty. ἴαλρειος Νεάρχου ἐπιγέγραμ-
15 μαι τῆς μητρός μου κύριος καὶ ἔγρα-
ψα ὑπὲρ αὐτῆς μὴ εἰδυίης γράμμα-
2. viov Pap. 4. 1. γεωργῶι. 16. ειδυΐϊης Pap.
‘Demetria also called Taseus, daughter of Apollonides, with my guardian, my son Arius son of
Nearchus also called Menches, to Anoubion son of Sarapion, cultivator, greeting. I have had measured to
me by you all the rent for the land of mine which you cultivated from the produce of the past ninth
year, and I have no claim against you on any point whatever, the public charges being payable by me,
the owner. The tenth year of the Emperor Caesar Trajanus Hadrianus Augustus, Thoth 13. I, Arius
son of Nearchus, have been appointed my mother’s guardian and wrote for her as she was unable to
write,’ ,
12. κάτοικον : generally yeodxov is found in this context, e.g. in 106. 2. But Demetria being owner
of catoecic land styles herself κάτοικος.
17. The rest of the line is filled up, with crosses, representing sealing.
AsHMuUNEN. 14:2 X 10'5 cm. A.D. 127,
ECEIPT issued by Chaeremon son of Polydeuces to Anoubion son of Sarapion (cf. 104. 4),
stating that he had paid a year’s rent. The original contract for the lease of the
land to Anoubion is extant in 87.
Χαιρήμων Πολυδεύκους ’Avov-
βίωνι Σαραπίων[ οἷς χαίρειν. ἀπέ.
χω παρὰ σοῦ πάντα τὰ ἐκφό-
pia ὧν ἐγεώργησάς μου ἀρου-
5. ρῶν ἐν τῷ Περὶ πόλιν κάτω
περὶ Μαγδῶλα Μίρη ἐκ τοῦ
᾿Αττείνου κλήρου γενήμα-
τος, τοῦ ἐνεστῶτος ἑνδεκάτου
ἔτους ᾿Αδριανοῦ Καίσαρος τοῦ κυρίου,
το καὶ οὐδέν σοι ἐνκαλῶ, τῶν δη-
μοσίων ὄντων πρὸς ἐμέ. (ἔτους) ta
Αὐτοκράτορος Καίσαρος Τραιανοῦ
᾿Αδριανοῦ Σεβαστοῦ Μεσορὴ κε.
‘Chaeremon son of Polydeuces to Anoubion son of Sarapion, greeting. I have received from you
all the rent for my land which you cultivated in the Lower Suburb near Magdola Mire in the holding
of Attinus from the produce of the present eleventh year of Hadrianus Caesar the lord, and I have no
claim against you, the public charges being payable by me. The eleventh year of the Emperor Caesar
Trajanus Hadrianus Augustus, Mesore 25.’
ASHMUNEN ὃ . 93% 12-7 cm. A.D, 282.
ONCLUSION of a receipt, apparently for a payment of rent, dated in the sixth
year of Probus.
ἐκ πλήρ[ο]υς, τῶν δημοσίων π]άντων τῆς [γῆς
καὶ ἐπιμερισμῶν ὄντων πρ[ὸ]ς ἐμὲ τὴν γεο[ῦχο]Νν.
ἡ ἀποχὴ κυρία κ[αὶ] ἐπερωτηθ(εῖσα) ὡμολ(όγησα). (ἔτους) ς΄
Αὐτοκράτορος Καίσαρος Μάΐρκο]υ Αὐρηλίου Πρόβου
5 Γερμανικοῦ Μεγίστου Μ[ηδ])ικοῦ Μεγίσ[το]υ Παρδικοῦ
Μεγίστου Ἐὐσεβοῦς Εὐτυχοῦς [Σ]εβασίτο]ῦ Μεσορὴ a.
Αὐυθαῖβις “Eppodidov np. Xe... ἐκ πλήρους ὡς...
_Gevis (ἔγγρίαψα) Salto) φασκίουσηρὴ) μὴ [8(6u.)]
5. 1. Παρθικοῦ.
7. The mutilated word before ἐκ is not any form οἵ ἔχειν or ἀπέχειν. After ds, πρόκειται may be
intended as usual, but what was written does not in the least resemble any abbreviation of that word.
Asumunen. 15°5 X 11-5 cm. A.D. 185.
HIS papyrus and 108 belong to a series of receipts with the same formula, addressed
to the strategus or acting-strategus of the Hermopolite nome by Julius Vestinus,
a aduplicarius, acknowledging payments of barley by the elders of various villages for the
requirements of the a/a Heracliana stationed at Coptos in the twenty-fourth, twenty-fifth,
and twenty-sixth years of Commodus. One of this series has already been published
(B. G. U. 807; cf. Wilcken, Archiv, I. p. 177); fragments of several others are described
in 173-177. 109, which is also addressed to the same strategus, is a receipt issued by the
elders for payment; cf. Gr. Pap. I. 48 and B. G. U. 381.
The procedure was as follows. The praefect (Longaeus Rufus) gave orders that
20,000 artabae of barley in all (107. 10, cf. B. G. U. 807) should be bought in the nome
(συνωνεῖσθαι) for the requirements of the a/a. This total was divided amongst the different
villages of the nome by the πραγματικοί or assessors of taxes, and local officials were deputed
by the strategus to collect the money from the government bank and to pay it to the elders
who supplied the barley to the military officials (e.g. 109). In the Fayim the barley was
paid either direct to the military officials (Gr. Pap. I. 48) or to the special collectors
(B. G. U. 381. 1-2). The contributions of barley from the different villages recorded are
100 artabae by Terton Epa (?) (107. 13), 170 artabae by Ereithis (108. 17), 100, 385, and 430
artabae by unknown villages (178, 175, 176), 100 artabae by Parion (174), and 15 by
Magdola Πετεχῶντος (B. G. U. 807. 7). Four copies of each receipt were the rule (107. 15,
Β. 6. U. 807. 17), and perhaps 177 is a duplicate of 175.
Δαμαρίωνι στρατηγῶι “EpporoX(irov)
᾿Αντώνιος Ἰουστεῖνος δουπλικάριος διαπεμ-
φθεὶς ὑπὸ Οὐαλερίου Φροντείνου ἐπάρχου
τῆς ἐν Κόπτῳ εἴλης Ἡρακλειανῆς. μεμέτρημαι
5 παρὰ πρεσβυτέρων κώμης Τέρτον “Ena τοῦ
Πατεμίζτου) ἄνω τὰς ἐπιβληθείσας τῇ κώμῃ
αὐτῶν ἀπὸ] τῶν κελευσθεισῶν ἀπὸ τοῦ
λαμπροτάτου ἡγεμόνος Λογγαίου ‘Poddov
; συνωνηθῆναι ἀπὸ γενήματος τοῦ διελη-
το λυθότος Kd (ἔτους) κριθῆς ἀρταβῶν μυριάδων
δύο εἰς χρείας τῆς προκειμένης εἴλης
κριθῆς μέτρῳ δημοσίῳ δοἸχικῷ μετρήσι
τῇ κελευσθείσῃ ἀρτάβας ἑκατόν, / κριθῆς] (ἀρτάβαι) p,
ἀκολούθως τῷ γενομένῳ ἐπιμερισμῷ
15 [ὑ]πὸ τῶν τοῦ νομοῦ πραγματικῶν. τὴν
[δ᾽ ἀπ]οχὴν ταύτην τετρασ(σ)ὴν ἐξεδόμην.
(ἔτους) κε Αὐτοκράτορος Καίσα[ρο]ῆς Μάρκον
Αὐρηλίου Κομίμόδ)ου ᾿Αντω[νίνου Σεβασ]τοῦ
Εὐσεβοῦς ᾿Αρμενιακοῦ Μηδικοῦ Παρθικοῦ
20 Σαρματικοῦ Γερμανικοῦ Βρεταννικοῦ
Μεγίστου Παῦνι .. (2nd hand) ᾿Αντώνιος
Ἰουστῖνος δουπλικάριος με-
μέτρημε τὰϊς τῆς κριθῆς ἀρτάβας
ἑκατόν, (ἀρτάβαι) p, [ὡς πρόκειται.
6. πατεμὶ Pap. ἡ. 1. ὑπὸ τοῦ. 22. 1, μεμέτρημαι.
‘To Damarion, strategus of the Hermopolite nome, from Antonius Justinus, duplicarius, dispatched
by Valerius Frontinus, praefect of the a/a Heracliana stationed at Coptos. I have had measured to me
by the elders of the village of Terton Epa in the upper Patemite district the proportion imposed upon
their village from the twenty thousand artabae of barley which his highness the praefect Longaeus Rufus
commanded to be bought up from the produce of the past 24th year for the requirements of the
aforesaid a/a, of barley, measured by the official standard at the appointed time for measuring, one
hundred artabae, total 100 artabae of barley, in accordance with the division made by the assessors of
the nome. And I have issued four copies of this receipt. The 25th year of the Emperor Caesar Marcus
Aurelius Commodus Antoninus Augustus Pius Armeniacus Medicus Parthicus Sarmaticus Germanicus
Britannicus Maximus, Pauni.. I, Antonius Justinus, duplicarius, have had measured to me the hundred
artabae of barley, total 100 artabae,’ as aforesaid.’
5. Téprov "Ewa: cf. Téprov Πεγμώεως, Téprov Πετοχνούβεως, &c., in B. G. U. 552-557.
6. Tlarewi{rov) ἄνω : cf, B. G. U. 556. II. 4, &c.; see also note on 68. 5.
12. δ[οἸχικῷ : cf. note on 87. 21.
AsHMUNEN, 14:2 X 12-5 cm. A.D. 185-186.
NOTHER receipt with the same formula as 107, addressed to Plutogenes, royal scribe
acting as deputy to the strategus (cf. B, G. U. 807), by Antonius Justinus a year later
than 107, and recording the payment of 170 artabae of barley by the elders of the village
of Ereithis. ᾿
[Πλ]ουτογένει βασιλικζῷ γραμματεῖ] Ἕ. ρμοπολί(ίτου)
διαδεχομένῳ καὶ τὰ [Klara τὴν] στρατηγίαν
᾿Αντώνιος ᾿Ιουστεῖνος δουπλικάριος
διαπεμφθεὶς ὑπὸ Οὐαλερίου Φροντείνου
5 ἐπάρχου τῆς ἐν Κόπτῳ εἴλης Ἡρακλιανῆς.
μεμέτρημαι παρὰ πρεσβυτέρων κώμης
Ἑρείθεως τοῦ διεληλυθότος κε (ἔτους) διὰ ᾿Αμ-
φιθαλοῦς ᾿Αρείου νομοφύλαζκ]ος τῆς αὐτῆς
κώμης τοῦ ἐνεστῶτος Kz [(ἔτους) Αὐ]ρηλίου Κομμόδου
10 ᾿Αντωνίνου Καίσαρος τοῦ κ[υρίο]υ [τὰς ἐ]πιβλη-
θείσας τῇ κώμῃ αὐτῶν ἀπὸ τῶν κελ]ευσθει-
σῶν ὑπὸ Λογγαίοζυ “Poddov τοῦ λαμπροτά-
[του] συνωνηθ[ῆναι ἀπὸ γενήματος τοῦ κ΄. (ἔτους)
[κριθῆς ἀρταβῶν [μυριάδων δύο εἰς χρείας
15 [τῇ]ς αὐτῆς εἴλης [κριθῆς μέτρῳ δημοσίῳ
[δο]κιχῶι μετρήσει τῇ κελευσθείσῃ ἀρτά-
[Bas] ἑκατὸν éB| δομήκοντα, / κριθῆς (ἀρτάβαι) po, ἀκο-
[λούθω]ς τῶι γενζ[ομένωι ἐπιμερισμῶι
[ὑπὸ τῶν] τοῦ νομοῦ πραγματικῶν
3. ἴουστεινος Pap. τό. 1. doxtK@.
8. νομοφύλα[ κ]ος : a guard of the pastures.
AsuMunen. 12X15°5 cm. A.D. 185-186,
HIS receipt refers like 107 and 108 to the provision of barley for the ala Heraclana,
and is addressed to the strategus; but it is issued by the elders of a village, and
acknowledges the receipt of a sum from two local officials appointed to collect the money
at the government bank for barley supplied to the a/a. Cf. introd. to 107.
On the verso in a different hand is a list of villages in the Hermopolite nome in two
columns of which the first is effaced. The second runs Ψιάσεως, Λευκουπύργου (cf. B. G. U.
553. 1), Θελβώσθεως, Ψωβιτρήσεως, "Epeifews (cf. 108. 7), Τήνεως, Παρίου (cf. B. G. U. 553A
III. 5, where probably Παρίο]ν is to be read), Μαγδώλ(ων) Evorol , Tap ..( ) Aydewr.
Aapapiom στρ(ατηγῷ) Ἑ, ρμοπ[οἸλ(ίτου)
Nedepa[s] Φίβιος τοῦ Φίβιος μητρὸς Τοΐ.. .Ἶτος ὡς (ἐτῶν) λε οὐλ(ὴ)
ῥεινὶ καὶ ot λοιποὶ πρεσβύτερ[οι] κώμ[ης... ρδων τοῦ Πατεμίτ(ου)
ἄνω τοῦ ἐνεστῶτος κς (ἔτους) Αὐρηλίου Κ[ομ]μόδου ᾿Αντωνίν[ο]υ
5 Καίσαρος τοῦ «κυρίου Sv ἐμοῦ τοῦ γράϊφοντος] καὶ προγεγραμ-
μένου. ὁμολογοῦμεν ἀπεσχηκέναι [παρὰ] Διογένους “Eppat-
ov κοσμητεύσαντος καὶ] Ἑ ρμείνου “Hp[wdijavod ἀγορανο-
μήσαντος Ἑ ρμουπόλ(εως) τῆς μεγάλ(ης) αἱρε[θ]έντων ὑπὸ τοῦ
προστρατηγήσαντος ᾿Α[μ]μωνίου τιμ[ὴ]ν κριθῆς ἀνελέ
το σθαι διὰ] τῆϊς δημοσίας τραπέζης κ[αὶ ἐ]ξοδιάσαι τοῖς πα-
PR DLA Say 58a 7 τιμὴν] τῶν ἐπιβληθ[ εἼ]ισῶν τῇ κώμῃ
ἡϊμῶν ἀπὸ γενήμ]ατος διεληλυθότο[ς] κε (ἔτους) κριθῆς ἀρ-
τα[βῶν...... κοντα ἀκζολούθ]ως τῷ γενομένῳ ἐπι-
μίερισμῷ ὑπὸ τῶν] τοῦ νομο[ῦ πρα]γματικῶ[ν] ὡς τῶν [...
Pe eT ἢ δραχ]μῶίν...... Ἰκοσίων [ὀ]γδοήκοϊντα
[24 letters καί... Joperf.....
[as i
. . . . . . . ᾽ . .
‘To Damarion, strategus of the Hermopolite nome, from Nepheros son of Phibis son of Phibis, his
mother being T ..., about 35 years old, having a scar on his nose, and the other elders of the village of
. .. rdon in the upper Patemite district for the present 26th year of Aurelius Commodus Antoninus Caesar the
lord, through me, the writer and aforesaid. We agree that we have received from Diogenes son of Hermaeus,
ex-cosmetes, and Herminus son of Herodianus, ex-agoranomus of Hermopolis the great, who were chosen
by the late strategus Ammonius to receive the price of barley through the public bank and pay over
to .. the price of the . . . artabae of barley imposed upon our village from the produce of the past 25th
year in accordance with the division made by the assessors of the nome, at the rate of...’
Dif. 20:9 X 13°9 cm. A.D. 75.
CKNOWLEDGEMENT by a father and son, both named Satabous, to eight ferrymen
of Socnopaei Nesus, of the return of 35 artabae of wheat which had been lent to
the latter.
"Erous ἑβδόμου Αὐτοκράτορος Καίσαρος Οὐεσπασιανοῦ
[Σ]Ἰεβαστοῦ, μηνὸς Λωίου κε Παῦνι κε, ἐν τῇ Σοκνο-
παίου Νήσωι τῆς Ἡ ρακλίδου μερίδος τοῦ ᾿Αρσινοίτου
νομοῦ. ὁμολογοῦσιν Σαταβοῦς Πανεφρύμμιος ὡς
5 (ἐτῶν) ἕε οὐλὴ ὀφρύι ἀριστερᾷ καὶ ὁ τούτου vids Σαταβοῦς
ὡς (ἐτῶν) de οὐλὴ μετόπῳ μέσωι Πισάιτι Στοτοήτι[ος
ὡς (ἐτῶν) ἔθ οὐλὴ μήλῳ ἀριστερῶι καὶ Τεσενούφι Te-
σενούφιος ὡς (ἐτῶν) XB οὐλὴ δακτύλῳ μικρῷ χειρὸς
ἀριστερᾶς καὶ ᾿Αρπαγάθῃ ὡς (ἐτῶν) AB οὐλὴ ἀντικν[η-
το μίῳ ἀριστερῶι καὶ Τεσενούφι ὡς (ἐτῶν) κγ οὐλὴ γόνα.
τι ἀριστερῶν ἀμφοτέροις Σαταβοῦτος καὶ “Apma-
γάθῃ Τεσείους ὡς (ἐτῶν) KB οὐλὴ ῥεινεὶ καὶ Ὥρῳ Ἐρ[ι-
έως ὡς (ἐτῶν) κ οὐλ[ὴ] μετόπῳ μέσωι καὶ Πανεφρύϊμ-
μι Ὧρου ὡς (ἐτῶν) κε οὐλὴ μετόπῳ μέσωι καὶ ὭὯρ[φ
τ Ὀννώφριος ὡς (ἐτῶν) κ οὐλὴ μετόπῳ μέσωι τοῖς
ὀκτὼι προθμεῦσι κώμης Σοκνοπαίου Νήσου
τοῦ ἐνεστῶτος ἔτους, ἀπέχειν παρ᾽ αὐτῶν τοὺς
ὁμολογοῦντας ἃς ὄφειλαν αὐτοῖς κατὰ ἀσφά.
λειαν ὁμολογείαν πυροῦ ἀρτάβας τριάκοντα
20 πέντε τὴν τελ[ειω]θεῖ[ σαν τῶι ἐνεστῶτι [ἔ]η εν μη-
vi Τῦβι ἐννεα[κα]ιδεκάτῃ διὰ το] αὐτοῦ ypadi[o|v
καὶ μὴ ἐνκαλεῖν μηδὲ ἐπελεύσεσθαι τοὺς ὁμοῖλο-
ΤΙ. τ
you[v]res μήτε περὶ τούτον μήτε περὶ oddevd[s] da[hds
πράγματος ἐνγράπτου Kati) ἀγράφως. ὑπογραφεὺς τῶν
25 ὁμολογούντων Σάτυρος Σατύρου ὡς (ἐτῶν) Ky οὐλ(ὴ) ἀντικνη-
μίωι δεξιῶι καὶ τῶν ὀ[κτ]ὼι Στοτοῆτις Καπατύτου
ὡς (ἐτῶν) τεσ σα]ράκ[ο]ντα ὀκτὼι οὐλὴ μετόπ(ῳ) μέσαι.
and hand’ Σαταβοῖς] Πανεφρ[ὑ]μ[μιος] κ[αὶ 6] υἱόϊς] pou Σ[ατ]αβ[οῦς
ὁμολογ[ο]ῦμεν ἀ[πέχειν παρ]ὰ Πισάιτος τοῦ Στοτοήτεως
89 καὶ Τεσενούφ(ιος) τοῦ [Τεσενο]ύφιος καὶ ᾿Αρπαγάθ[ου καὶ Τεσενού-
φιος τοῦ Ἐριέως καὶ [Ὥρου] τοῦ ᾿Εριέζως καὶ ᾿Αρπαγάθου τοῦ
[Τεσείους] κ[αὶ] “Qpov τοῦ [᾿ΟἸνν[ώφριος καὶ Πανεφρέμμεως τοῦ
36 τουΐ
18. 1, ὥφειλαν. 19. 1. ὁμολογίας. 22. 1. ὁμολογοῦντας. 24. 1. ἀγράφου.
‘The seventh year of the Emperor Caesar Vespasianus Augustus, the 25th of the month Loius which
is the 25th Pauni, at Socnopaei Nesus in the division of Heraclides of the Arsinoite nome. Satabous son of
Panephrummis, aged about 65 years, having a scar on his left eyebrow, and his son Satabous, aged about
35 years, having a scar in the middle of his forehead, acknowledge to Pisais son of Stotoétis, aged about
69 years, having a scar on his left cheek, and Tesenouphis son of Tesenouphis, aged about 32 years,
having a scar on the little finger of his left hand, and Harpagathes, aged about 32 years, having a scar
on his left shin, and Tesenouphis, aged about 23 years, having a scar on the left knee, both being sons of
Satabous, and Harpagathes son of Teses, aged about 22 years, having a scar on his nose, and Horus
son of Erieus, aged about 20 years, having a scar in the middle of his forehead, and Panephrummis son
of Horus, aged about 25 years, having a scar in the middle of his forehead, and Horus son of Onnophris,
aged about 20 years, having a scar in the middle of his forehead, all eight being ferrymen of the village
of Socnopaei Nesus for the current year, that the acknowledging parties have received from them the
thirty-five artabae of wheat owed to them according to a bond of agreement executed on the nineteenth
of the month Tubi in the current year through the same record-office, and that the acknowledging
parties make no further claim and will not proceed against them on this or on any other matter whatever,
written or unwritten. The subscriber for the acknowledging parties is Satyrus son of Satyrus, aged about
23 years, having a scar on his right shin, and for the eight ferrymen, Stotoétis son of Kapatutes, aged
about 48 years, having a scar in the middle of his forehead,’ Signature of the father and son.
21. tlo]é αὐτοῦ γραφί[ο]υ: the γραφεῖον has not before been mentioned; that at Socnopaei Nesus is
probably meant.
Dime. 21 x 12°5 cm. A.D. 132.
CKNOWLEDGEMENT of the return of a loan of 224 silver drachmae; cf. the two
following papyri, which are also receipts for repayments of money and are very
similarly phrased.
Ἔτους [ἑἸκκαιδε[κάτο]ν Α[ὐτο]κράτορος Kaicaplos T]pa[cjarfo]o
᾿“Αδριανοῦ Σ[εβ]αστοῦ, μηϊνὸς] Καισαρεί[ου] wf Μεσίο-
ρὴ ιζ, ἐν Ἡρακλ[εί]ᾳ τῆς Θεμ[ίστου] μερίδος [τ]οῦ ’Apowo-
[εἸϊτἼου νομο[ῦ]. ὁμολογεῖ Πακῦσις Πακύϊσε]ως τ[ο]ῦ ‘Apra-
5 γάθου μητρὸς Ταφιῴμιος dfs (ἐτῶν) .]. οὐλ[ὴ] [ὀ]φ[ρύι ἀ]ριστερᾷ
Στοτοήτι ᾿Αρπαγάθου τοῦ Σαταβ[οῦ)τος ὡς (ἐτῶν) [.}y οὐλὴ πο-
δὲ δεξιῷ καὶ ᾿Αρπαγάθῃ Πακύσεως τοῦ ᾿Αρπ[α]γάθου
ὡς (ἐτῶν) KO οὐλὴ μετόπῳ ἐξ ἀριστίερ]ῶν καὶ Τεσενούφι
ὡς (ἐτῶν) κε οὐλὴ μετόπῳ ἐξ ἀριστερῶν καὶ Σι[ο]τοήτει
το ὡς (ἐτῶν) κα ἀσήμῳ ἀμφοτέροις Ὥρου τοῦ Πανεφρύϊμ]μεως ;
καὶ Στοτοήτει Στοτοήτιος πρεσβυτέρου Στοτοήτιος
ὡς (ἐτῶν) κ οὐλὴ ὀφρύει δεξιᾷ καὶ Στοτοήτει νεωτέρῳ Ὄν-
νώφρεος τοῦ Στοτοήτιος ὡς (ἐτῶν) λγ οὐλὴ γόνατι ἀριστερῷ
ἀπέχιν παρ᾽ αὐτῶν τὸν ὁμ[ο]λογοῦντα παραχρῆ-
15 μα διὰ χειρὸς ἐξ οἴκου ἀργυρίου δραχμὰς διακοσίας
εἴκοσι τέσσαρες ἃς ὥφιλαν αὐτῷ καθ᾽ ὁμολογείαν τελιωθῖσαν διὰ
τοῦ ἐν κώμῃ Σοκνοπαίου Νήσου γραφείου τῷ ἐνεσ-
τῶτι ws (ἔτει) ᾿Αδριανοῦ Καίσαρος τοῦ κυρίου μηνεὶ Φαῶφι
δεκάτης, ἣν καὶ ἀναδέδωκεν αὐτοῖς εἰς ἀθέτη.-
20 σιν καὶ ἀκύροσιν, καὶ μηδὲν τὸν ὁμολογοῦντα μή-
τε τοὺς παρ᾽ αὐτοῦ ἐνκαλῖν τοῖς περὶ τὸν Στοτοῆτιν περὶ .
μηδενὸς ἁπλῶς πράγματος ἐνγράπτου ἢ ἀγράφου ἀπὸ
τῶν ἔνπροσθεν χρόνων μέχρι τῆς ἐνεστώσης %-
μέρας τρόπῳ μηδενί. (2nd hand) Πακῦσιζς) Πακύσιος ἀπέχο τὰς
25. προγιμένας ἀργυρίου δραχμὰς τιακωσίας ἴκωσι '
τέσσαρος καὶ οὐδὲν ἐνκαλῶ καθὼς πρώγιται.
rst hand ἐντέτακ(ται) διὰ τοῦ ἐν “Hpax(dela) γραφείο(υ).
16. εἰκοσι τεσσαρες above the line. 1. τέσσαρας. 20. 1. ἀκύρωσιν. 24. 1. ἄπεχω. 25. 1. προκει-
μένας ... διακοσίας εἴκοσι. “6. 1. τέσσαρας .. . πρόκειται.
‘The sixteenth year of the Emperor Caesar Trajanus Hadrianus Augustus, the 17th of the month
Caesareus which is the 17th Mesore, at Heraclea in the division of Themistes in the Arsinoite nome. Pakusis
son of Pakusis son of Harpagathes, his mother being Taphiomis, aged about .. years, having a scar on
the left eyebrow, acknowledges to Stotoétis son of Harpagathes son of Satabous, aged about [.]8 years,
having a scar on the right foot, and Harpagathes son of Pakusis son of Harpagathes, aged about 29
years, having a scar on his forehead to the left, and Tesenouphis, aged about 25 years, having a scar on
his forehead to the left, and Stotoétis, aged about 21 years, having no distinguishing mark, both being
sons of Horus son of Panephrummis, and Stotoétis son of Stotoétis the elder, son of Stotoétis, aged
about 20 years, having a scar on the right eyebrow, and Stotoétis the younger, son of Onnophris son of
Stotoétis, aged about 33 years, having a scar on the left knee, that he the acknowledging party has received
from them directly from hand to hand out of the house two hundred and twenty-four drachmae of silver which
they owed him in accordance with an agreement executed through the record-office of Socnopaei Nesus
on the tenth of the month Phaophi of the current 16th year of Hadrianus Caesar the lord, which agree-
ment he has surrendered to them to be annulled and cancelled, and that neither he nor his representatives
make any claim on Stotoétis and the rest on any matter whatever, written or unwritten, in the past down
to the present day in any manner. (Signed) I, Pakusis son of Pakusis, have received the aforesaid two
hundred and twenty-four drachmae of silver, and I make no claim, as is aforesaid. (Endorsed) Registered
through the record-office at Heraclea.’
Ty 2
20°I X 12-3. A.D. 128.
CKNOWLEDGEMENT from Pakusis, a priest of Socnopaeus, to his brother Pane-
phremmis of the repayment of 120 drachmae of silver, being the balance of a sum
of 420 drachmae lent to Panephremmis twelve months previously. The formula is substantially
the same as that of the preceding papyrus. Ἴς
and hand
3rd hand
᾿Εντέτακ(ται) διὰ τοῦ ἐν κώμῃ Σοκνοπαίου Νήσ(ῳ)
Ἔτους τρισκαιδεκάτου Αὐτοκράτορος Καίσαρος Τραιανοῦ ᾿Αδριανοῦ
Σεβαστοῦ, μηνὸς ᾿Απελλέου Φαῶφι ζ, ἐν τῇ Σοκζ(ν)οπαίου
Νήσου τῆς Ἡρακλείδου μερίδος τοῦ ᾿Αρσινοείτου νομοῦ. ὁμολ[ογ]ἷέϊ
Πακῦσις Στοτοήτεως πρεσβυτέρου τοῦ Πανεφρί(μγ)εως ἱερεὺς
πρώτης φυλῆς Σοκζ(ν)οπαίου θεοῦ μεγάλου μεγάλου ὡς (ἐτῶν) pa
οὐλὴ βραχίωνει ἀριστερῶν τῷ ἑαυτοῦ ὁμοπατρίωι καὶ ὅμο-
μητρίωι ἀδελφῷ Πανεφρίμι ὡς (ἐτῶν) να οὐλὴ δακτύλο μικρο
χιρὸς ἀριστερᾶς ἀπέχιν παρ᾽ αὐτοῦ τὸν ὁμολογοῦντα
παραχρῆμα διὰ χιρὸς ἐξ οἴκου ἀργυρζίγ)ου δραχμὰς éxa-
τὸν εἴκοσι αἵ εἰσιν λυπὰς ὧν ὄφειλεν αὐτῷ ὁ ἀδελ-
φὸς Πανεφρίμις καθ᾽ ὡμολογίαν τελειωθίσαζ(ν) διὰ τοῦ
αὐτοῦ γραφίου τῷ διεληλυθότι ιβ (ἔτει) ᾿Αδριανοῦ Καίσαρο(ς)
τοῦ κυρζίγ)ου μηνὶ ᾿Αθὺρ δωδεκάτην ἀργυρ(ί)ου δραχμζῶ)ν
τετρακοσίων εἴκοσι ἣν καὶ ἀναδέδωκεν αὐτί ᾧ
τὴν ὁμολογίαν εἰς ἀθέτησιν καὶ ἀκύροσιν καὶ μη-
δὲν τὸν ὁμολ[ο]γοῦντα Πακῦσιν μηδὲ τοὺς παρ᾽ αὐτοῦ
ἐνκαλεῖν τῷ ἀδελφῷ Πανεφρίμι μηδὲ τοῖς παρ᾽ αὐτοῦ
περὶ ὧν ἀπέχι καθότι πρόκιται μηδὲ περὶ ἄλλου τινὸς
ἅπλος πράγματος ἐνγράπτου μηδὲ ἀγράφου ἀπὸ τῶν
ἔνπροσθεν χρόνζων) μέχρι τῆς ἐνεστώσης ἡμέρας
τρώπῳ] μηδ[ενὶ] παρευρέσεωϊς] μηδεμιᾶς.
ὑπογραφῖς τοῦ μὲν ὁμολογοῦντος Ὀννοῴφ[ρις
ὈὈννόφρεως ὡς ἐΐτ]ον ἑβδομήκοντα πέντε οὐλὴ
μετώπο ἐκ ἀριστερον τοῦ δὲ ἄλλου Πανεφρίμις Στίοτο-
ἡ[τεΐως ὡϊς ἐτῶν .. οὐλὴ ... ἦψι δεξιᾷ... [..71.
Π[ακῦ]σις Σ[τοτοήτεως ὁμολογῶ ἀπέχειν
[παρὰ τοῦ ἀδελφοῦ Πανε]φρ[{]μιος τὰς
[προκιμένας ἀργυρίου δραχ]μὰς ἑκατὼν
[εἴκοσι ai εἰσι λοιπαὶ Bly ὠφιλέ μοι
ΗΝ ἀργυρίου δραχμῶν] τετρακωσί-
[wy εἴκοσι καὶ οὐδὲν ἐν]καλῶ ὑπὲρ οὐ-
[δενὸς ὡς πρόκιται. ᾿Οννῶ])φρις ἔκραψα
45 [ὑπὲρ αὐτοῦ μὴ εἰδότος γράμματα. (4th hand) Πανε-
[φρίμια,. τος 155. Santen 7. anf-Jerf.......
ΤΕΣ ΣΤ ς τ Πανεφρίμις ἔγραψα ὑπὲρ
[αὐτοῦ μὴ εἰδότος γράμματα.
4. 1. ᾿Απελλαίου, which perhaps was actually written. 5. 1, Νήσῳ: 6, ι of ἱερεὺς corr. 9. 1. δακτύλῳ
μικρῷ. 12. 1. λοιπαὶ... ὥφειλεν. a οἵ αδελ corr. from π. 15. 1. δωδεκάτῃ, 17. 1, ἀκύρωσιν. 18, ε
of δεν rewritten. at. 1. ἁπλῶς. 43. 1. παρευρέσει μηδεμιᾷ. 25. 1. ἐτῶν. 26. 1. μετώπῳ ἐξ ἀριστερῶν.
44. 1. ἔγραψα.
2. γραφιωι was perhaps written, being a mistake for γραφίου.
Dif. 21:32 Χ 8-7 cm. A.D. 157.
CKNOWLEDGEMENT from Stotoétis, a priest of Socnopaeus, to Erieus, a priestess,
of the receipt of 178 drachmae with interest. This money was the balance of a debt
of 356 drachmae contracted by Erieus’ mother, who had since died. The papyrus follows the
usual formula.
"Erovs πρώτου καὶ εἰκοστοῦ Αὐτοκράτορος
[ΚΊἸα[ἤσαρος Τίτου Αἰλίου ᾿Αδριανοῦ ᾿Αντωνείνου
Σεβαστοῦ Εὐσεβ]οῦς Φαῶφι κβ, ἐν [τῇ] Σοκνοπαίίου)
N[jo@ τῆς ἩρακἸλείδου μερίδος τοῦ [᾿Αρσι]νοείτου
5 vopod. ὁμολογ]εῖ Στοτοῆτις πρεσβύτερος Στοτοή-
τείως τοῦ Στ]οτοήτεωΐ εωὶς ἱερεὺϊς τ]ετάρτης
φυλῆς Σοκνοπαίου θ[ε]οῦ μεγάλου ὡς (ἐτῶν) £5 οὐλ(ὴ) μετό(πῳ)
μέσῳ Ἐρειεῦτι Πανεφρέμμεως τοῦ Στοτοήτ(εως)
ἱερείᾳ ἀπὸ τῆς αὐτῆς κώμης ὡς (ἐτῶν) κη ο(ὐ)λ(ὴ) μετόπ(ῳ)
το μετὰ κυρίου τοῦ ἀνδρὸς] Στοτοήτεως Πακύσε-
ws ὡς (ἐτῶν) λε οὐλ(ὴ) δακτύλῳ δευτέ(ρῳ) χειρὸς ἀρ(ιστερᾶς), ἀπέχει(ν)
map αὐϊτῆ]ς τὴν [ὁ]μολογοῦσαν παραχρῆμα διὰ χειρὸς
ἀπὸ ἀργυρίου δραχμ[ῶ]ν τριακοσίων ἀργυρίο(υ)
δραχμὰς ἑκαζτὸ)ν ἑβδομήκοντα ὀκτὼ καὶ τοὺς τό-
τι κους ἃς ὀφείλειν ὁ τετελευτηκὼς αὐτῆς μήτ(ηρ)
Σεγᾶ[θις Π]ακύσεως καθ᾽ ὁμολογείαν τελεί!)-
olfeicaly διὰ τοῦ αὐτοῦ γρ(αφείου) τῷ ι (ἔτει) ᾿Αντωνείνου
Καίσαρος τοῦ] κυρίου μηνεὶ ᾿Αθὺρ δωδεκάτῃ,
ἣν καὶ ἀνανδεκεν αὐτῇ τὴν ὁμολογείαν εἰς
20 ἀθέτησιν καὶ ἀκύρωσιν καὶ μηδὲν τὸν ὁμολο-
yoou[ra ἐϊνκαλεῖν περὶ ὧν ἀπέχει δραχμῶν
ὡς πρόκειται χῶρι ἄλλων ὧν ὀφείλει ὃ τε-
τελευτηκὼς ἀδελφὸς ἀργυρίου δραχμὰς
ἑκατόν]. [ὑπογραφε[ὺ]ς Στοτοῆτιζς) νεώτε(ρος)
25 dn (trio) μὶ oft)0(Q) δεκ(υληβεμααῷῃ galodn) ἀμέονϑἐρϑό,
and hand ΖΣτο[το]ῆτις πρεσ(βύτερος)] Στοτοήτιος ὁμολογῶ
ἀπέχειν παρὰ τῆς "Epua τὰς προ-
κειμένας ἀπὸ ἀργυρίου δραχμῶν
τρ(ιλα[κο]σίων πεντήκοντα ἕξ ἀργυρίου
89 δρ[αχ]μὰς ἑκατὸν ἑβδομήκον-
τα ὀκτὼ καὶ τοὺς τόκους ἃς ὄφειλέν
μίοι ἡ [τ]ῦῆς "Epa μήτηρ Σεγᾶθι(ς) Πα-
κύσεως καθ᾽ ὁμολογία(ν) δηλωθεῖ-
catv) [δι]ὰ z[o]d αὐτοῦ γραφείου καὶ οὐδὲν
35 ἁπίλῶς] ἐνκαλῶ περὶ τῆς μητρὸς
χω[ρὶ]ς ἄλλων (Gs) ὀφείλι μοι 6 ταύτης
ἀδελφὸς Στοτοῆτις πρεσβ(ύτερος) ἀργυρίο(υ)
δραχμὰς ἑκατὸν καθὼς πρό-
κειτα[ι]. Στοτοῆτις ἔγραψα ὑπὲρ τοῦ
40 πατρ[ός].
6. ἵερευς Pap.; so 9. ἵερεια. 12. 1. τὸν [ὁ]μολογοῦντα. 15. 1. ὥφειλεν ἡ τετελευτηκυῖα, 1g. 1.
ἀναδέδωκεν. 32. The π of πακυσεως is perhaps over the ς of σεγαθις. 33. 1. τελειωθεῖσαν.
8, Ἐρειεῦτι : in the signature below she is called ᾿Εριᾶς (lines 27, 32). Cf. 71. 2, note.
13. τριακοσίων : in the signature at the end, written by the son of Stotoétis, the amount of the
original loan is given as 356 drachmae. It is more probable that the scribe, who is an inaccurate writer,
inadvertently omitted the 56 than that the signature is erroneous.
Fay. 21°3X 7:7.) A.D. 131.
RECEIPT issued by the collectors of money-taxes of Philoteris for a payment of
159 drachmae 3 obols.on account of the κατακ(ρίματα) of the twelfth year, the receipt
itself being dated in the sixteenth year of Hadrian. That the abbreviation κατακ is to be
expanded xarax(piwara) is rendered practically certain by Fay. Towns Pap. 66. a list of
payments headed... ἀριθ(μήσεως) OHO μη(νὸς) κς (ἔτους) κατακριμάτ(ων) ; cf. also B. G. U. 471.
9-10 καὶ ἀπὸ κριμάτων KL(?) (ἔτους) τῶν Κεφαλᾶ πράκτορος τῶν αὐτῶν (δραχμαὶ pw .[. .] καὶ
συ(μβολικὰ) (δραχμαὶ) ε κιτιλ., where there is the same conjunction as in the present text
of κρίματα and πράκτωρ.
If the explanation here suggested is correct, some modification in the accepted view
of the functions of the Roman πράκτορες will be necessary. One of the duties of the Ptolemaic
πράκτωρ was the collection of fines imposed by judicial sentences; and this function, it seems,
his Roman name-sake continued to exercise. It can therefore no longer be affirmed that
the only point in common between the πράκτορες of the Ptolemaic and Roman periods was
their name (Wilcken, Os¢. I. p. 601).
A secondary point of interest in this receipt is the fact that it was made out by two
persons who had been nominated for selection in the place of a πράκτωρ who had retired
from office. Until the decision was made between them by the epistrategus, the two candidates
discharged the duties of the post together.- Several ostraca exemplifying this practice have
been published by Wilcken; cf. Osé. I. p. 603, II. nos. 271, 272 and 645, the last of which,
like this papyrus, was issued in the name of two persons, neither of whom are full πράκτορες.
The ostracon however is countersigned, which the papyrus is not.
Ἔτους ἑκκαιδεκάτου [Αὐτοκράτορος
Καίσαρος Τραιανοῦ ᾿Αἰ[δριανοῦ
Σεβαστοῦ Χοίαχ ιδ. δ[ιέγρ(αψε)
διὰ Δωρίωνος καὶ Εἴ... ...
5 δοθ(έντων) εἰς κλῆρο(ν) πρ(άκτορος) ἀΓργ(υρικῶν) ἀντὶ
Χαιρήμονος γενομένου
πράκί(τορος) ἀργ(υρικῶν) Φιλωτίερίδος
κατακ(ριμάτων) δωδεκάτου (ἔτους) [..
Φιλί ) ῥυπ(αροῦ) ἀργ(υρίου) (Spaywas) ere
10 πεντήκοντα evr[éa (τριώβολον),
y(wovrar) pum(apod) (δραχμαὶ) ρνθ (τριώβολον), σ(υμβολικὰ) χ[(αλκοῦ ὀβολοὺς)...
11, p of pum corr. from a.
‘The sixteenth year of the Emperor Caesar Trajanus Hadrianus Augustus, Choiak 14. Paid through
Dorion and E..., selected to be drawn by lot for the post of collector of money-taxes in place of
Chaeremon, late collector of money-taxes at Philoteris, for the penalties of the twelfth year, by...
son of Phil... , a hundred and fifty-nine drachmae three obols of debased silver, total 159 dr. 3 obols
debased silver, for the receipt . . obols of copper.’
4-5. It is probable that both the persons mentioned in line 4 are referred to by δοθί ) x.7.A., not the
second only, both on account of the analogy of Wilcken, Os¢, II. no. 645 (cf. introd.) and because, if Dorion
was already an actual mpdxrwp, his title ought to have been added.
11. σ(υμβολικά) : the charge for making out the receipt; cf. Fay. Towns, p. χόκ.
ASHMUNEN. 62x15 cm. A.D. 137:
RECEIPT dated in the twenty-second year of Hadrian showing that two persons had paid
through ...son of Diogenes 2038 drachmae 2 obols, and on behalf of the twenty-first
year through Nicon son of Apollonius 110 drachmae. That these payments are for purposes
of taxation there is little doubt, though the name of the tax is not given; for on the verso
there is a short account in the same hand, adding on the προσδιαγραφόμενα to the original
sums. These ‘extra charges’ amount to a little over - in both cases,
The writing on the recto is across the fibres, that on the verso along them.
KB (ἔτους) ᾿Αδριανοῦ Kaigapos rod κυρίου ‘ASpiavod xO.
"E...[..] dat].... ( ) δι(ὰ) N . adov Διογένους
δισχειλίας τριάκο(ντα) ὀκτὼ (διώβολον), / “By (διώβολον).
καὶ κα (ἔτους) οἱ (αὐτοὶ) Sua) Νίκω(νος) ᾿Απολ(λωνίου) ἑκατὸν
5 δέκα, / pt.
On the verso
Ἔλη (διώβολον) προ(σδιαγραφόμενα) poy SB(odds) (ἡμιώβολον) χ(αλκοῖ) [8], / ἜΣια
TpmBonos) (ἡμιώβολον) x(adxoi) β1]7].
pt προσδ(ιαγραφόμενα) θ (διώβολον), / pO (διώβολον).
6. ’BAn= πρὸ poyd$x' /’B3ia [[7Sx°]] Pap. The meaning of the correction is not that the arithmetic
was wrong, but that the complicated fraction 3} obols and 2 chalci was treated as 4 obols.
Fay. 5.2 x 10°5 cm. ‘A.D, 178.
RECEIPT for the tax ‘for the harbour of Memphis’ paid by a man carrying wheat
from the Fayim to Memphis on a camel and foal. The amount of the tax, as usual,
is not stated. On the nature of this and the other tolls levied on traffic between the Fayfim
and Memphis see Fay. Towns, pp. 195-200.
The writing is across the fibres of the recto.
Τετέλ(εσται) διὰ πύλ(ης) Kap(avidos) λιμένος Μέμφεως
Πτολεμαῖς ἐξ(άγων) ἐπὶ καμήλ(ῳ) evi πώλ(ῳ) ἑνὶ
πυροῦ (ἀρτάβας) δέκα. (ἔτους) ιθ ᾿Αντωνίνου κ(αὶ) Κομόδου
τῶν κυρίων Σεβαστῶν Θὼθ ἐννεα-
5 καιδεκάτῃ, ιθ.
‘Paid at the custom-house of Karanis the tax for the harbour of Memphis by Ptolemais, exporting
upon one camel and one foal ten artabae of wheat. The 19th year of Antoninus and Commodus the
lords Augusti, Thoth the nineteenth, το.
1. Kap(avldos): Kep( Ὁ could also be read; but mvAn-receipts from Karanis, which was on the edge
of the desert at the north-east corner of the Fayim, are extant in B. G. U. 764, &c.
Fay6m. 4°57 cm. Second or early third century a.p.
ee for the tax for protection by the desert police, paid by a man exporting
vegetable-seed from Socnopaei Nesus; cf. Fay. Towns, p. 196.
The writing is across the fibres of the recéo.
Τετέλ(εσται) διὰ πύλης Σοκνοπαί-
ov Νήσου ἐρημοφυλακίίας)
Δίων απαί( ) ἐξ(άγων) ἐπὶ dvo ἑνὶ
λαχανο]σπέρμ(ον). (ἔτους) κγ //
5 Θὼθ κε.
3. 1. ὄνῳ.
‘Paid at the custom-house of Socnopaei Nesus the tax for desert police by Dion ..., exporting upon
one donkey vegetable-seed. The 23rd year, Thoth 25.’
Dimé. 8x 9:9 cm. A.D. 185.
ECEIPT for 80 drachmae paid by an oil-manufacturer on account of the tax on
thyia-wood and the naubion-tax. On the former of these taxes cf. 93.17 note; and
on the naubion-tax, which was levied upon landowners in connexion with the maintenance
of dykes and canals, cf. Wilcken, Os¢. I. pp. 259 sqq., Pap. Oxy. II. p. 297, Fay. Towns, p. 160.
The writing of the receipt is across the fibres.
Ἔτους κὲ Μάρκου] Αὐρηλίου K[o]udSo(v)
᾿Αντωνίνου Kaicalpo|s τοῦ κυρίου Παῦνι
Kl. διέγρ(αψε) Ἰιρωτ(ᾷ) [καὶ] μετόχ(οις) πράκ(τορσιν) ἀργ(υρικῶν)
κώ(μης) Ἡρακλ(είας) Taf. . .]υς ἐλαουργὸς
5 τέλους θυιῶν καὶ ναυβ(ίου) δραχμὰς
ὀγδοήκοντα, / (δραχμαὶ) π.
5. θυΐων Pap.
‘ The twenty-fifth year of Marcus Aurelius Commodus Antoninus Caesar the lord, Pauni 27. Paid
to Protas and his associates, collectors of money-taxes at the village of Heraclea, by P..., oil-manu-
facturer, for the tax on thyia-wood and the naubion-tax, eighty drachmae, total 80 drachmae.’
1, υ
Dime. 21-9 X TO-3 cm. A.D. 200.
ECEIPT issued by the ἐπιτηρηταί of the taxes κοπή, θρίξ and χειρωνάξιον (cf. Fay.
Towns, p. 187) for a payment of 300 drachmae on account by the priests of Socnopaei
Nesus. The ἐπιτηρηταί were government inspectors who were associated with the collectors
or farmers of the several taxes. There were probably ἐπιτηρηταί for every tax (cf. Wilcken,
Ost. I. pp. 599 sq.); but they have not previously occurred in connexion with the κοπὴ καὶ θρίξ.
For the payment here made by the priestly college to the ἐπιτηρηταί cf. B. G. U. 392 II.
6 sqq., where at the end of a list of sums received by the πράκτορες ἀργυρικῶν of Socnopaei
Nesus is an entry of a considerable amount paid διὰ τῶν ἱερέων πρεσβυτέρων. It is not quite
clear in these two cases whether the payments were made by the priests as tax-payers or as
tax-collectors. It would be quite intelligible that the priests should have had the privilege
of themselves collecting the taxes due from members of their own body. On the other hand
there is some evidence that the priests of Socnopaei Nesus acted as tax-collectors in a wider’
sense; cf. Β, G. U. 337. 18 sqq., and Wilcken, zézd. pp. 616 sq.
(Ἔτους) η΄ Aovkiov Σεπτιμίου Σευήρου Εὐ[σεβοῦς
Περτίνακος καὶ Μάρκου Αὐρηλίου ᾿Α[ντων]είνου
Σε β]αστῶν Μεσορὴ ἐπαγο(μένων) δ. διέγρ(αψαν) ᾿Ανουβίωνι καὶ τοῖς
λ[ο]υπ(οῖς) ἐπιτη(ρηταῖς) κοπ(ῆς) τριχ(ὸς) καὶ χειρί ὠναξί(ίου)]
5 Ση[ο]τοῆτις Πανεφρέμμεϊ ω]ς κ[αϊὶ. [...
“Αρπαγάθου καὶ τοῖς] λοιπί(οῖς) ἱερεῦσι κώ(μης)
Σοκνοπαίου Νήσ[ο]ν ἀφ᾽ οὗ ὀφείλ(ουσιν)
ἀποτάκτου ἐπὶ λόγ(ου) (δραχμὰς) τριακοσίας,
7 (δραχμαὴ τ.
3. μεσορη enayd ὃ above the line. 6. 1. καὶ οἱ λοιπ(οὶ) ἱερεῖς.
‘The eighth year of Lucius Septimius Severus Pius Pertinax and Marcus Aurelius Antoninus
Augusti, the 4th intercalary day of Mesore. Paid to Anoubion and the other inspectors of the taxes on
cutting, hair and ttades, by Stotoétis son of Panephremmis and... son of Harpagathes and the other
priests of the village of Socnopaei Nesus, of the prescribed sum due from them three hundred drachmae
on account, total 300 drachmae.’
Dimé. 22x 6-3 cm, A.D. 204.
ECEIPT issued by the sitologi of Heraclea acknowledging a payment of 7 artabae
of wheat to the credit of Sagathes διὰ κληρούχων. The position of Sagathes and his
relation to the κληροῦχοι are obscure. On the analogy of other receipts of this class in
which payments are made διὰ γεωργῶν it might be supposed that Sagathes was a tenant
and the κληροῦχοι his landlords. But there is still much uncertainty attaching to the
explanation of these sitologus-receipts and the position of the various persons mentioned in
them; cf. our discussion of the subject in Fay. Towns, pp. 208 sqq.
Ἔτους ιβ Λουκίου Σεπτιμίου 10 ls Σαγάθης ᾿Αρπαγάθου
Σεονήρου EvaeBovs Περτίνακος διὰ κληρούχων τῆς αὐ-
καὶ Μάρκου Αὐρηλίου τῆς κώμης γενήματος
᾿Αντωνίνου Ἐὐσεβοῦς Σεβαστῶν τοῦ αὐτοῦ ἔτους πυροῦ
5 καὶ Πουπλίου Σεπτιμίου μέτρῳ δημοσίῳ ξυσ-
Κέτα Καίσαρος Σεβαστοῦ 15 τῷ ἀρτάβας ἑπτά,
Παῦνι a. ᾿Αρχωνᾶς Σώτουν γ(ίνονται) (πυροῦ ἀρτάβαι) ζ. ᾿Αρχωνᾶς
καὶ μέτοχοι σιτολ(όγοι) κώμης ᾿ μεμέτρημε τὰς ἀρτάβ(ας).
Ἡρακλζ[εἴ]ας μεμετρήμεθα
6. 1. Γέτα. ον ἢ Σαγάθην. 17. 1. μεμέτρημαι.
‘The twelfth year of Lucius Septimius Severus Pius Pertinax and Marcus Aurelius Antoninus Pius
Augusti and Publius Septimius Geta Caesar Augustus, Pauni1. We, Archonas son of Sotas and assistants,
keepers of granaries of the village of Heraclea, have had measured to us to the credit of Sagathes son
of Harpagathes through landowners of the said village, for the produce of the said year seven artabae
of wheat by smoothed public measure, total 7 artabae of wheat. (Signed) I, Archonas, have had the
artabae measured to me.’
11. διὰ κληρούχων : cf. 69. 6 note.
AsHMUNEN ἡ 215 Χ 7:7 cm. A.D. 183 or 215.
WO RECEIPTS for payments of taxes by Sabinus son of Zosimus in Athur of the
twenty-fourth year of an emperor who must be either Commodus or Caracalla. The first
receipt records the payment of 7 drachmae 4 obols for ζυτηρᾶς κατ᾽ ἄνδρα, the tax upon
the manufacture of beer; cf. Fay. Towns, p. 170. The second is for two payments of
8 drachmae for povodecpias χόρτου καὶ ἄλλων εἰδῶν, a tax on hay well known in Faytim papyri,
but of uncertain meaning. In this receipt Sabinus is described as a yewpyds of the seventeenth
κλῆρος. Probably this means that he was a δημόσιος γεωργός; cf. Fay. Towns Pap. 34. 6,
where too the tax appears to fall upon δημόσιοι γεωργοί.
KS (ἔτους) ᾿Αθὺρ ἢ. διέγρ(αψε)
Σαβεῖνος Ζωσίμου ὑπὲρ
ζυτ(ηρᾶς) κατ᾽ av8(pa) τοῦ διελ(ηλυθότος) Ky (ἔτους)
(δραχμὰς) ἑπτὰ (τετρώβολον), / (δραχμαὶ) ζ (τετρώβολον).
3 KO (ἔτους) ᾿Αθὺρ ἢ. διέγρ(αψε) Σαβεῖ.
νος Ζωσίμου γεωρ(γὸς) ιζ κλήρ(ου)
LIST of payments of corn by various persons belonging to different.villages in the Ὁ
Hermopolite nome. The papyrus is probably a series of extracts from the books of
ὑπὲρ μονοδεσμίίας) χόρ(του) καὶ dd(Awv)
εἰδῶν] τοῦ διελ(ηλυθότος) Ky (ἔτους)
(δραχμὰς) ὀκτώ, (δραχμαὶ) η. ᾿Αθὺρ Kd ἄλλας
το (δραχμὰς) ὀκτώ, / (δραχμαὶ) η.
29°5 x 98 cm. A.D, 211-212.
a sitologus, since κολλήματα are mentioned.
and hand
Προσκί ) ἐπὶ θησ(αυρὸν) Τοχνούβ(εως) γενη(μάτων) κ (ἔτους)
Σεονήρου ᾿Αντωνίνου Καίσαρος
τοῦ κυρίου κολ(λήματος) ξγ Τλήθμεως
᾿Αμμωνίων ὑπί(ὲρ) ᾿Ηλ[ιοδ]ώ[ρου] καὶ Μα-
Toros Ὁ]. τ τον 7 ὑπ(ὲρ) Taxot πρ..
Σενκύρκεως ὑπ(ὲρ) Τισοίτος τῆς κ(αὶ) Εὐδαι[μ(ονίδος)
ὡς .[..] a/(dpraBn) a δί...... 1.
θῃ[σ(αυροῦ) δ]ρόμου κολ(λήματος) EC Τλήθμεως ὑπί(ὲρ)
᾿ἩἩλιοδώρου καὶ Marir(os) / (ἀρτάβης) (β΄.
Ὑλήθμεως ὑπ(ὲρ) ᾿Ηλι[οδ]ώρ[ου] καὶ Μα-
τῦτος (ἀρτάβη) α (ἥμισυ) (τέταρτον).
Ταχοὶ ὑπὲρ Τισόειτος τ[ῆ]ς καὶ
Εὐδαιμονίδ(ος) (ἀρτάβη) α.
9. και corr.
I. προσκί( ), or perhaps προσμί ), is probably a verb; cf. 98. 5.
ToxvotB(ews): cf. 71. 12.
3. TAjOpews is clearly a village name, and so are Ταχοί in 1]. 5 and 12 and Σενκύρκεως in line 6.
11. The sign for artaba here and in line 13 is made in an unusual manner, being merely a dot
without a stroke above it.
9°8 x 8-5 cm. Second or third century a.p.
PPARENTLY a ticket for two persons sailing on the canal which led past Bacchias
(cf. Gr. Pap. II. p. 79).
Βακχιάδος ἐπίπλοοι"
᾿Αλεξᾶς Ἑκ[ύσεως,
Κοπρῆς Πουβλε(ῇ).
On the verso
1. ἐπίπλοοι : cf. Gr. Pap. Il. 46 (a). 7, where the ἐπίπλοοι are in charge of a boat-load of corn.
Asumunin, 34:8 x 11 cm. Third century a.p.
LIST of ‘ guards of the palaestra ’ attached to the various municipal officials of Hermopolis
according to rank, the strategus and gymnasiarch having four apiece, the exegetes and
cosmetes two, the agoranomi one, the chief priest of the reigning sovereigns two apparently, the
chief priests of Hadrian and Faustina one. The papyrus is written in a rude uncial hand with
several mistakes of spelling, and can be ascribed with confidence to the third century.
Γραφὴ τῶν συνμενόντων Πινουτίων Διογένους.
καὶ προσκαρτερούντων κοσμητῇ β'
παλαιστροφυλάκων. Κουλᾶς *Avz[c}rarpov,
στρατηγῷ δ᾽ Κουλᾶς Εὐτο[χί]δο(υ).
5 Ἥρων Δίου, 20 ἀγορανόμοις ἃ]
Διόσκορος “Eppaiov, Τούρβων Κο[ζρνηλίου ἰς}.
Διόσκορος Θεαγένους, ἐπὶ τῆς εὐθη[νία]ς w... ἀρχ(ιγ)ερεὺς
Ἡρᾶς Διοσκόρου. Σεβαστῶν [B}
γυμνασιάρχ[ῳ] δ᾽ Κουλᾶς Κορνη[λίου],
10 Φιβίων "Hpwvos [σ]ὺν ἐφήβίιοις), 25 Ἑρμαῖος Ἕρμί.. .1. . ov.
᾿Αχιλλεὺς Ζ[ω]πύρου, ἀρχζ(ι)ερεὺς ᾿Αδρ[Πανοῦ a
‘Opiov Πλζάτ]ωνος, ᾿Αμμωνίων Tepixda[ros].
᾿Αχιλλεὺς ᾿Αντιπ[ ρῃάτρου. ἀρχιερεὺς Φαυ[σ]τίνης a’
[ἐϊξηγητῇ B Διόσκορος Ἡρακλείδου.
153 Μενουθίων Ἑρμοῦ, go αἱ δὲ ἄλλαι τάξεις Ὑ ἀφηλίκων.
ἡ. σ Of διοσκορος above the line. 13. p of αντιπατρου above the line. 16. First ν of πινουτίων
corr, 20. First ο of ayopavouoi[s above the line. ay corr. 27. Second of αμμωνίων corr. from gs.
30. y above the line. agndixw™ Pap.
22-30. The connexion between this section with the preceding is not clear. The proper mames seem
to be those of guards as before, though it is noteworthy that the nominative case is employed instead
of the dative in the titles of the officials. But the construction of ἐπὶ τῆς εὐθη[νία]ς, which may be
a heading or equivalent to εὐθηνιάρχης and is somehow coupled with ἀρχιερεὺς Σεβαστῶν, is obscure.
30. This line is very enigmatical, the writer having perhaps stopped in the middle of a sentence.
If however it is complete, the meaning probably is either that the other orders of priests had three boys
each as attendants, or that the other three orders were attended by boys.
Faytm. 131 X10 cm. Late first century a.D.
ART of an account of expenses incurred in connexion with the mummification and
burial of a body. The items here are rather different from those in the shorter account
of payments for a similar purpose in Fay. Towns Pap. 103; cf. also Gr. Pap. II. 77, which
is concerned with the same subject.
The account is written on the verso of a petition, of which only the end is preserved,
accusing certain unnamed persons of robbery and violence. The concluding sentences are :—
οἱ δὲ λοιποὶ αὐτῷ[ν ἐν] συνώδῳ av8(pes) κε ἀνεύρητοι eyévouro (I. ἀνεύρετοι ἐγένοντο), καὶ ἀφήλ-
πακαν (1. ἀφήρπακαν) ἡμῶν ἱμάτια ἄξεια (δραχμῶν) Σ..... 6 Πετεσοῦχος κινδυνεύει, καὶ [ἐπὶ τῷ
παρόντι ἐπιδεδώκαμεν τῷ ᾿Ιουλίωι στρατιώτῃ τὸ ἴσον τοῦδε τοῦ ὑπομνήματος. διὼ ἀξιόμεν ἀχθῆναι τοὺς
ἐνκαλουμένους ἐϊπ]Σ σὲ πρὸς τὴν τῶν σῶν βοηθειων (1. βοήθειαν) ἐχόμεθα τοῦ πάσχειν (1).
εὐτύχε. The petition seems to have been written towards the end of the first century ;
the accounts on the verso are not much later in date.
Adyo(s) δαπάνη(ς) ταφῆς.
ὧν ἐγὼ ἐδαπάνη(σαν:
κεδρέας [(Spaxpat)] ὃ,
ἐλαίνου y κο(τυλῶν) [(ὀβολοὶ)] x,
5 κύθρα (ὀβολὸς) α,
εἰς πρώσοπο(ν) καὶ . ιμαί ) (δραχμαὶ) xd,
τῶι ταριχευτῇ (δραχμαὶ) ια,
στηθὶν μνα(είων) ὃ (ὀβολοὶ ?) ωι.
καὶ ὧν Θερμο(ῦθις) ἐδαπάνη(σε) σὺν ᾿Αρπαγά(θῃ) [
το ὀθονίου κα[ὶ] χιτοίνος) ᾿Αρπαγά(θου) [(δραχμαὶ)
ἄλλου χιτο(νος) υἱοῦ Θερμο(ύθιος) [(δραχμαὶ)
ἐλαίου [(Spaxpat)
[τῶι] ταρ[υχευτῇ ὃ
6. 1. πρόσωπον. 10, 11. 1. χιτῶνος.
“Account of the expenses of a mummy. My expenses :—cedar-oil 4 drachmae, 2 cotylae of olive-
oil 20 obols, an earthenware pot 1 obol, for a mask and...24 drachmae, to the mummifier 11 drachmae,
for a necklace (?) of 4 minae in weight, 810 obols. Expenses of Thermouthis (?) and Harpagathes :—
linen cloth and Harpagathes’ tunic [. . drachmae], another tunic for Thermouthis’ son [. . drachmae],
oil [. . drachmae], to the mummifier ... .’
ASHMUNEN, 23 Χ 148 cm. Early second century a.p.
PRIVATE account of receipts and expenditure during the month of Epeiph. The first
fourteen lines give the receipts, starting with a balance of 183 drachmae 3 obols from
the previous month, and record payments from various persons. The total is givenin line 14
as 644 dr. 4 obols, but neither figure agrees with the sum of the individual items, for the obols
when added together come to 7, ie. one drachma, and the drachmae to 544. There follows
(ll. 15-46) a list of payments for different purposes, of which the total is given in line 47 as
465 dr. 5 obols, a sum which we are again unable to reconcile with the several items,
though the balance when the expenses are subtracted from the receipts is correctly stated
as 178 dr. 6 obols. Line 49 records a further receipt of 600 dr., the expenditure of which is
accounted for in lines 50-55.
Omitting payments to individuals where no explanation is given, the items of expenditure
include 80 dr. 2 obols for sheets of papyrus (in 127. 20 a single sheet costs 3 obols), 20 dr.
for cushions, 34 dr. to a tax-collector owing to some delay in connexion with a donkey,
8 dr. to a guard of a granary, 8 dr. for a nurse, 1 obol for oil, 1 obol for salt, 20 obols as
a present to a δακτυλιστής (note on line 32), 1 dr. 2 obols for a writing-tablet, 6 obols for
cheeses, 1 obol for spices, 28 dr. 1 obol for 3 choes of oil, 100 dr. for travelling expenses,
60 dr. for a ring.
Some of the persons mentioned in 126 occur also in 127 and 128 (see notes on 126. 30, 44
and 50), and 129 belongs to the same series. ΑἹ] four papyri were written in the early part
of the second century, and the accounts probably relate to some member of the family of
Sarapion, which is often mentioned in the Hermopolis papyri published in the present volume,
e.g. in 87-8, 104-5, 181-5; cf. 128. 102. Selene the ‘ mother,’ found in 126. 8, is very likely
identical with the Selene to whom 181 was written, and Eudaemonis the ‘wife,’ mentioned
in 127. 24, may be the same as the Eudaemonis of 185. 4.
Coals. tf.
Λόγος μηνὸς] Ἐπείφ.
λουπ(αὶ) (προτέρου) λόγου (δραχμαὶ) ρπγ (τριώβολον).
δι(ὰ) Σαρᾶτος Πεκί ) (δραχμαὶ) 5,
δι(ὰ) ζυμουργο(ῦ) Σεσι( ) [(Spaxpat)] κ,
5 δι(ὰ) Cupovp[yo(d)]. . [. .] (δραχμαὶ) ιβ,
δι(ὰ) Κάστορο(ς) Κο[υ]λῶ(τος) (δραχμαὶ) πε (ὀβολός),
δι(ὰ) Βαρώσεως (δραχμαὶ) ριβ,
δι(ὰ) Σελήνης μη(τρὸς) (δραχμαὶ) ιβ,
δι(ὰ) “Eppa ᾿Αχιλλέως) (δραχμαὶ) η,
το δι(ὰ) Μιρή(ους) Σωκράτ(ους) (δραχμαὶ) ὃ,
μισθ(ὸς) ὄνων (δραχμαὶ) ὃ (τριώβολον),
δι(ὰ) Φιβίῳ(νος) ἀπὸ ᾿Ιβίω(νος) Tav...( ) (δραχμαὶ) ρξ,
δι(ὰ) Ὥφεως Μιρή(ους) (δραχμαὶ) p.
JS ἐπ(ὶ τὸ αὐτὸ) (δραχμαὶ) xpd (τετρώβολον).
15 L ἀνηλζ(ώματα) ᾿Ἐπείφ.
“Eppogir(~) Tawpa( ) (ὀβολότ),
κάρταις (δραχμαὶ) π᾿ (ὀβολοὶ δύο),
Βελῆτι τιμ(ῆς) τυλῶν (δραχμαὶ) κ,
ιβ. Εὐδαιμονίδ(ι) τιμ(ῆς) κε(ραμίου) ἃ (δραχμαὶ) η,
20 τελώνο(υ) ὑπ(ὲρ) ὑπερχρονι(σ μοῦ)
ὄνο(υ) Μιρή(ους) Φιβίω(νος) (δραχμαὶ) dd,
‘Opio(v) Χαιρή(μονος) τηρη(τῇ) aor
Σινκύρκ(εως) (δραχμαὶ) η,
Σαραπί(ίωνι.) Veveodr(os) Kovda(ros) (δραχμαὶ) η,
25 Χιχόι(τι) Κουλῶ(τος) Δωσι(θέου) (δραχμαὶ) η,
Πεκύσι Δωσι(θέου) (δραχμαὶ) η,
᾿Ανουβ(ιώνι) Σωτ(δ) δαπί(άνης) Εὐδαιμονίδ(ος) (δραχμαὶ) η.
Ταΐβι rpodo(d) (δραχμαὶ) η,
ἐλαίου (ὀβολός),
30 κοκομαψνος (ὀβολός),
Col. IT.
ἁλὸς (ὀβολός),
φιλανθρώπί(ου) δακτυλ(ιστῇ ?) ὀβ(ολοὶ) κ,
Κορνηλ(ίῳ) ἀπὸ Θνηφιί ) (δραχμαὶ) β,
Πρωοῦτι Σαλατ(ᾶτος) ὑπ(ὲρ) τιμ(ῆς)
35 ἄρακος (δραχμαὶ) κη,
᾿Ανουβίωνι τιμ(ῆς) χόρτο(υ) (δραχμαὶ) ἡ, .
᾿Απολλινα(ρίῳ) εἰς δαπ(άνην) θησ(αυροῦ) (δραχμαὶ ιβ,
τιμῆ(ς) πινακίο(υ) (δραχμὴ) a (ὀβολοὶ δυο),
τιμῆ(ς) τυρῶν ὀβ(ολοὶ) ς,
40 ἀρτυμάτων (ὀβολός),
Δημητρίῳ τόκω(νὴ) (δραχμαὶ) ε,
ἐπιτίμ(ου) θησ(αυροῦ) Κλεοπί ) (δραχμαὶ) κῃ,
Κουλῶτι πλινθ(ουργῷ) (δραχμαὶ) ν,
Ἑρμαίωι ᾿Αχιλλίω(νος) (δραχμαὶ) ρις,
45 τιμῆ(ς) βαλαναρίο(υ) (δραχμαὶ) ὃ,
τιμῆ(ς) y χουν ἐλαίο(υ) (δραχμαὶ) xn (ὀβολός).
/ ent τὸ αὐτὸ) ἀνηλ(ώματα) (δραχμαὶ) υξε (πεντώβολον).
hour(at) (δραχμαὶ) pon dB(odol) ς.
ἀπὸ Μαρσιπί ) (δραχμαὶ) x.
50 L ἀνηλζώματα) ξακῶ(ντι) ᾿Αχιλ(λίωνος) (δραχμαὶ) Σ,
᾿Αμμωνᾶτ(ι) ὑπί(ὲρ) τιμ(ῆς)
χλορῶν (δραχμαὶ ρ,
Κορνηλ(ίω) ἀπὸ Θνηφι( ) (δραχμαὶ) pp,
παροδίων (δραχμαὶ) p,
55 ὑπ(ὲρ) δακτυλιδίου (δραχμαὶ) ἕ.
“ αἱ π(ροκείμεναμ).
17. 1. χάρταις. 20, 1. τελώνῃ. 28. 1. τροφῷ. 30. 1. κουκκουμίου ? 46. 1. χοῶν. 52. 1. χλωρῶν.
15. L before ἀνηλ(ώματα) here and in 1. 50 is the sign for subtraction.
28, Taibis is also mentioned in 127. 40.
32. φιλανθρώπί(ου) δακτυλ(ιστῇ): cf. the similar phrase φιλανθρώπ(ου) κωμογρ(αμματεῖ) (Brit. Mus. Pap.
347. 13). δακτυλιστής occurs in Fay. Towns Pap. 112. 12 and perhaps means a land-measurer.
44. Ἑ» ρμαίωι ᾿Αχιλλίω(νος): cf. 128. 119.
50. ᾿Εξακῶ(ντι) ᾿Αχιλ(λίωνος): cf. 128. 118,
ASHMUNEN. 21:7 Χ 16°5 cm. Early second century .p.
AN account of receipts and expenditure, very similar to 126, which was written about
the same time and probably by a member of the same family (cf. introd. to 126).
The thirteenth year mentioned in the first line is that of Trajan or Hadrian.
Sums lower than a tetradrachm are uniformly expressed in obols, of which there are
seven to the drachma. The arithmetic is curious, as in 126. The total of the receipts is
given in line 14 as 204 drachmae 11 obols, the correct amount being 204 dr. 12 obols, and the sum
of the expenditure is said in line 40 to be 219 drachmae, whereas the correct figure is
220 dr. 12 obols. Considering these errors it is remarkable that the amount of the adverse
balance, 12 dr. 27 obols (line 41), is only one obol in excess, if the given totals are ignored
and the correct sums of receipts and expenditure are taken as the basis. In 126, where the
items also seem to have been added up wrongly, the amount of the balance is right as
regards the totals given of receipts and expenditure.
Col. I.
Λόγος Φαῶφι to(d) vy (ἔτους).
Καλξ μαγίρῳ (δραχμαὶ) ἡ ὀβ(ολοὶ) κγ,
Μιρῆτ(ος) Πετέως (δραχμαὶ) η,
Πεπειοῦτ(ος) yewpyo(d) (δραχμαὶ) κη,
Γ Σαραπίίωνι) ἀπὸ ᾿Αρτεμιδ(ώρου ?) (δραχμαὶ) μ,
‘Opiwvo(s) Καλλήους (δραχμαὶ) ιβ,
‘Opiwv “Eppato(v) (δραχμαὶ) η,
Πασχί(εῖτι) Πανεσνέ(ως) (δραχμαὶ) ἡ ὀβ(ολοὶ) ιζ,
“Eppato(v) ᾿Ὡρίωνο(ς) (δραχμαὶ) η,
το πΠεπειοῦτ(ος) γεωργοί) (δραχμαὶ) ἕ,
Ὀρύντου τιμ(ῆς) κε(ραμίου) (δραχμαὶ) η,
I. x
om i
Xarpyu(ovos) ᾿Απιπειοί ) (δραχμαὶ) x,
Tlpwodr(os) Πετοσίρε(ως) (δραχμαὶ) ὃ.
J αἱ πί(ροκείμεναι) (δραχμαὶ) 25 ὀβ(ολοὶ) ca.
L ἀνηλίζώματα) Φαῶφι το(ῦ) vy (ἔτους).
TIpwodr(.) λογοί ) (δραχμαὶ) ἡ ὀβ(ολοὶ) ια,
᾿Ανουβ(ίωνι) εἰς δαπ(άνην) θησ(αυροῦ) (δραχμαὶ) ὃ,
Πεκύσι Ἰβιωσκοπί ) ἐπὶ τόκ(ῳ) (δραχμαὶ) κ,
Παήσι κηπ(ουρῷ) (δραχμαὶ) μ,
τιμῆη(ς) χάρτου (τριώβολον).
. ἐλαίου (ὀβολός).
. ἐλαίου (ὀβολὸς) (ἡμιώβολον),
κράμβι (8Bodss),
Evdaipovid(.) γυν(αικὶ) δαπί(άνης) ὀβ(ολοὶ) ιβ.
ἢ. ᾿Ανουβ(ίωνι) διὰ Θατρῆ(τος) δαπί(άνης) ὀβ(ολοὶ) vy,
τιμῆ(ς) ξύστ(ρας ?) ὀβ(ολοὶ) ζ,
φορέ(τρου) κε(ραμίων) αἰρο(μένων) ἀπὸ ηἡλιστί )
εἰς πλοϊο(ν) ὀβ(ολοὶ) ς,
τιμ(ῆς) κριθ(ῆς) ὄνο(υ) (τετρώβολον),
᾿Ανουβ(ίωνι) διὰ Ταίβιο(ς) τροφο(Ὁ) (δραχμαὶ μ,
Col. II.
τῷ (αὐτῷ) δαπ(άνης) Mac x(etros) Πανεσν(έως) (Spaxpat) ὃ ὀβ(ολοὶ) ιβ,
ἌἌρτο.... τέκτονι (τριώβολον),
Προ... σηβᾳ. de( ) (τριώβολον),
Παήσι κηπί(ουρῷ) τεμομ(ένων ?) κοτί ) κυκλί ) (δραχμαὶ) ἕ,
ἐνοικί ) ηλιστί ) κεφοί ) ἀνηλί ) ἐσκατουμί ) ἱ(δραχμαὶ)} [In]
(δραχμαὶ) dB(odol) un (ἡμιώβολον),
Παπούνι ναύτ(ῃ) ὑπ(ὲρ) μισθί(οῦ)
πλοίου (δραχμαὶ) ιβ,
Πασχί(εῖτι) ποιμ(ένι) ὑπ(ὲρ) παραδοχ(ῆς) ποίμ(νης) (δραχμαὶ) ιβ.
7 αἱ π(ροκείμεναι) (δραχμαὶ) Σ[κ]|ιθ.
πλείωι (δραχμαὶ) ιβ ὀβ(ολοὶ) κζ.
.30. ταϊβιο(ς) Pap. 34. 1. τεμνομ(ένων) Ὁ
17°5 X 49°6 cm. A.D. 128.
HIS papyrus is mainly occupied with a long account of a rather unusual character. It
consists of a list of payments from various persons, chiefly on account of loans made to
them either in kind or money. The sums returned are sometimes accompanied by interest ;
and the repayment always occurred either in the month Pauni or, much less frequently,
Epeiph, the period usually fixed in contracts of loan for the restoration of the debt. The
position of the person receiving all these payments is nowhere stated, but he must have
been a lender on a considerable scale. Perhaps he was the Castor son of Hermaeus who in
a formal receipt at the end of the fourth column acknowledges a payment of the rent of
4 arourae from Anoubion son of Sarapion, or he may be some member of the faiily of
Sarapion; cf. 126 introd. On the verso of the papyrus is a short list of sums owed ‘for
rent and fodder, probably by the person who appears on the γεγο as the creditor.
Col. I.
JexOews 8
. μους Parpylo(us)] εἰς ἀπόδο(σιν) Παῦνι.
(δραχμδὺ φνβ, (πυροῦ) (ἀρτάβαι) μηγ᾽, φλραὴ ane (ἀρτάβαι) xd,
καὶ ὑπί(ὲἐρ) τόκο(υ) va (ἔτους) (δραχμαὶ) οβ καὶ ὑπί(ὲρ) ἐκφο(ρίου)
5 (ἀρουρῶν) (ἡμίσους τετάρτου) ἢ (δραχμαὶ) if (τριώβολον), / ἐπ(ὶ τὸ αὐτὸ) ἀργ(υρίου) (δραχμαὶ)
"Apa (τριώβολον), (πυροῦ) (ἀρτάβαι) οβ γ᾽.
Μιρῆς Κόμωνος ἀπόδοσι(ς) Παῦνι (δραχμαὶ) Σμ,
ἄλλ(αι) (δραχμαὶ) πη, ἄλ(λαι) (δραχμαὶ) ριβ, ἀλ(λαι) (δραχμαὶ) pis, καὶ
(πυροῦ) (ἀρτάβαι) ἡ B, ἄλ(λαι) (πυροῦ) (dpradBar) ε γ᾽, ἄλ(λαι) (πυροῦ) (ἀρτάβαι) Sd β᾽,
G(Aax) (ἀρτάβαι) β (ἥμισυ),
/ ἐπί(ὶ τὸ αὐτὸ) ἀργ(υρίου) (δραχμαὶ) dvs, (πυροῦ) (ἀρτάβαι) λα ς᾽.
το ᾿Αχιλλᾶς Σαλατ(ᾶτος) ἀπόδο(σις) Παῦνι (δραχμαὶ) πδ,
φακ(οῦ) (ἀρτάβαι) ὃ.
[. . ὡς Ἡγέμο(νος) ὑπ(ὲρ) λοιπογραφέ(ντων) χειρο(γράφου) (δραχμαὶ) ὃ (τριώβολον ?),
καὶ εἰς ἀπόδο(σιν) Παῦνι (δραχμαὶ) pry, φακ(οῦ) (ἀρτάβη) a γ᾽.
[- «15 Μιρήο(υς) ἀπόδο(σις) Παῦνι] (δραχμαὶ) ρξε.
15 [....]us Ψεναμο(ύνιος) ἀπόδο(σις) Παῦνι (δραχμαὶ) Σοβ,
(πυροῦ) (ἀρτάβαι) μβ (ἥμισυ), xphor(s) (πυροῦ) (ἀρτάβη) a.
recat 7. . no(us) (πυροῦ) (ἀρτάβαι) vy β΄.
[- - - .Jrou ) Ὀννώφ(ρεως) (πυροῦ) (ἀρτάβαι) ζ d, ἀργ(υρίου) (δραχμαὶ) μη.
Of. .-]s ᾿Αλεξάνδρο(υ) ὑπ(ὲρ) ἐκφο(ρίου) (πυροῦ) (ἀρτάβαι) Ky, καὶ
20 κατὰ χειρό(γραφον) (πυροῦ) (ἀρτάβαι) ιβ, κριθ(ῆς) (ἀρτάβαι) ιβ, (δραχμαὶ) μη.
᾿Αχιλλε(ὺς) νεώ(τερος) Περιβλέπτου ἀπόδο(σις) Πα-
du (πυροῦ) (ἀρτάβαι) β (ἥμισυ), κρι[θ(ῆς)] (ἀρτάβαι) B B’, ἀργ(υρίου) (δραχμαὶ) π.
Col. IT.
|: eee 7. os Ἑρμαίου ἀπόδο(σις) Παχῴ(ὼν)
[ἀργ(υρίου)] (δραχμαὶ 3) ., κριθ(ῆς) (ἀρτάβαι) ιδ γ᾽, (πυροῦ) (ἀρτάβαι) β B.
25 ὯὩρϊ...1. [Ἱτριγῳνο(ς) ἀπόδο(σις) Παῦνι (δραχμαὶ) xn,
(υὐμοῦ) {Cpr Bad) 7!
Κάστωρ Κολλούθ(ου) (πυροῦ) (ἀρτάβαι) «.
Μιρῆς Κρούριος (πυροῦ) (ἀρτάβαι) ιβ.
Πλουτᾶς ζημουργὸς ὑπ(ὲρ) τόκ(ου) (δραχμαὶ) of.
30 Πασεΐμ]ις Καιπαλίκου κριθ(ῆς) (ἀρτάβαι) Kn β΄.
/ Κάστωρ Βατραχᾶς κριθ(ῆς) (ἀρτάβαι) ἡ (ἥμισυ), (πυροῦ) (ἀρτάβαι) η.
ἐν ΤΑΣ οκί ) Μελώο(υς) ἀπόδο(σις) ᾿Επεὶφ (δραχμαὶ) gs.
Μιρῆς Φατρήο(υς) Βελλῆς ἀπί ὀ]δο(σις) Παῦνι (δραχμαὶ) ρκδ,
κριθ(ῆς) (ἀρτάβαι) ve, (πυροῦ) (ἀρτάβαι) ις.
35 Φα[τρ]ῆ[ς] Μιρήους ἀπόδο(σις) Παῦνι (δραχμαὶ) ve,
(πυροῦ) [(ἀρτάβαι) .], καὶ ὑπ(ὲρ) τόκ(ου) ια (ἔτους) (πυροῦ) (ἀρτάβαι) β.
Μ|[ι]ρῆς A... [ἀπΊ]όδο(σις) Παῦνι (δραχμαὶ) μη, (πυροῦ) (ἀρτάβαι) ιβ,
καὶ ὑπ(ὲρ) τόκο(υ) κοινο(ῦ) (δραχμαὶ) ἕ.
M[tlpjs Καλήους (δραχμαὶ) Σοβ, (πυροῦ) (ἀρτάβαι) xz β᾽,
4... κριθ(ῆς) (ἀρτάβαι) ς, χόρτ(ου) (ἀρτάβη) a (ἥμισυ), καὶ ὑπί(ὲρ)
παλαιο(θ) λόγο(υ) (πυροῦ) (ἀρτάβη) a γ᾽, (δραχμαὶ) ε.
ARES Ἴθενις (πυροῦ) (ἀρτάβη) α γ᾽.
ἀν sips θ(. ) “AppoSio(v) ἀπόδο(σις) ᾿Επεὶφ (δραχμαὶ) pn,
[(πυροῦ)] (ἀρτάβαι ἢ) ὃ, φακ(οῦ) (ἀρτάβαι) β (ἥμισυ).
45. [Μι]ρῆ(ς) Φατρήο(υς) (πυροῦ) (ἀρτάβαι) ιβ, ἀργ(υρίου) (δραχμαὶ) μδ.
[. A. στρι( ) Μιρήο(υς) σὺν υἱοῖς (πυροῦ) (ἀρτάβαι) ιθ ἃ,
κριθ(ῆς) (ἀρτάβαι) γ, ἀργ(υρίου) (δραχμαὶ) Ks.
Col. ITT.
Κᾶμις ‘Opio(vos) (πυροῦ) (ἀρτάβη) a γ᾽.
Πρωο(ῦς) γέρδις (πυροῦ) (ἀρτάβαι) ὃ.
go ᾿Αχιλλε(ὺς) ᾿Επεῖτ(ος) (πυροῦ) (dpraBar) β β΄.
“Eppato(s) “Qpi(wvos) ἀπόδο(σις) Παχ(ὼν) (δραχμαὶ) gs.
Τοθ(ῆς) ᾿Αννοῦτ(ος) (πυροῦ) (ἀρτάβη) α γ᾽. i
‘Opio(v) “Eppaio(v) (πυροῦ) (ἀρτάβη) a γ᾽.
Χαιρ(ήμων) "Appo(viov) (πυροῦ) (ἀρτάβαι) ις,
58 ἀργ(υρίου) (δραχμαὶ) pun, ad(Aar) (δραχμαὶ) κη.
προφήτη(ς) Ἴσιδο(ς) “Odew(s) (πυροῦ 3) (ἀρτάβαι 3) ὃ.
Ὡρίω(ν) ᾿Αμμω(νίου) (πυροῦ) (ἀρτάβαι) γ.
‘Opio(v) Χαιρή(μονος) ἀπόδο(σις) Παῦνι (δραχμαὶ) κδ,
(νροΐ (dpré Bai) B μῦν
60 Μιρῆς Δὰξ ἀπόδο(σις) Παῦ-
νι (δραχμαὶ) μη, (πυροῦ) (ἀρτάβαι) ιὃ.
Φιλίας Παυσιρί(ωνος) (πυροῦ) (ἀρτάβης) β΄.
Κᾶμις (πυροῦ) (dpra Ba) ζ.
᾿Αμ[μώ(νιος)] Φ .. O( ) (πυροῦ) (ἀρτάβαι) γ.
65 ΠΙ...] Ψεναμού(νιος) (πυροῦ) (ἀρτάβαι) ς, κρι(θῆς) (ἀρτάβαι) ς.
᾿Αχ[λ(λεὺς) Μ]7ιρήο(υς) ὀνηλ(άτης) (πυροῦ) (ἀρτάβαι) β (ἥμισυ).
Ἑρμᾶς ᾿Αχιλ(λέως) ἀπόδο(σις) Παῦνι (δραχμαὶ) μβ,
(αὐροῦ) (Bors) αἰ.
᾿ὈΟννῶφ(ρις) Τιναρώο(υς) (δραχμαὶ) ρνβ.
and hand
3rd hand
Μιρῆ(9) Μιρήο(υς) (δραχμαὶ) ἕξη.
᾿Αχιλλε(ὺς) “Qpo(v) ἀπόδο(σις) Φαμε(νὼθ) (δραχμαὶ) κδ,
(πυροῦ) (ἀρτάβαι) ὃ.
Col. IV.
Νικόμαχί(ος) "Ovvdd(pews) ἀπόδο(σις) Παῦνι (δραχμαὶ ἔθ,
καὶ ὑπ(ὲρ) λοιπογραφ(έντων) (δραχμαὶ) ve (τριώβολον).
Πασχεῖς Ψεναμού(νιος) ὀνηλ(άτης) ἀπόδο(σις) Παῦ-
νι (δραχμαὶ) Kn ὀβί(ολοὶ) ε.
Μιρῆς Σωκράτο(υς) (δραχμαὶ) κδ.
"OvvGd(pis) Κάμιο(ς) ἀπόδο(σις) Παῦνι δραχμαὶ ἕβ.
Πανεθώτ(ης) Κολλούθ(ου) (δραχμαὶ) κθ, κρι(θῆς) (ἀρτάβαι) B B’.
DeBr( ) λάξο(ς) ἀπόδο(σις) Παῦνι (δραχμαὶ) ρμθ.
Σαραπίίων) ᾿Ασκληπιάδ(ου) ἀπόδο(σις) ἸΙαῦνι (δραχμαὶ) υκδ.
“Αρπαλο(ς) Νικ(ομάχου) (πυροῦ) (ἀρτάβαι) re, ἄλ(λαι) ὁμοί(ως) (ἀρτάβαι) γ.
᾿Ανουβ(ίων) Evdaipo(vos) (δραχμαὶ) ρπ.
Δίδυμο(ς) Δημᾶτο(ς) (πυροῦ) (ἀρτάβαι) λα.
Ἕρμίας Ἡρακλ(είδου) (πυροῦ) (ἀρτάβαι) ν.
Μενχῆς καὶ Λάκω(ν) (πυροῦ) (ἀρτάβαι) νθ γ᾽,
ἀργ(υρίου) (δραχμαὶ) Σμη.
Μιρῆς Παβύκιο(ς) ἀπόδο(σις) ᾿Επεὶφ (δραχμαὶ) μη.
ἝἙρμίας Φατρήο(υς) ἀπόδο(σις) Παῦνι (δραχμαὶ) μδ.
Φιβίω(ν) Να. ( ) (δραχμαὶ) ρκη.
DiBis Τορσορφίβ(ιος) (δραχμαὶ) ξη.
Μιρῆς Σκίμβιξ (πυροῦ) (ἀρτάβαι) vy γ᾽, κρι(θῆς) (ἀρτάβαι) B BP’.
Τρόφω(ν) Ἐὐτυχί(ίδου) (πυροῦ) (ἀρτάβαι) β.
Τερευτί ) (πυροῦ) (ἀρτάβαι) β ἥμισυ.
E[.]. τα δούλ(η) Εὐτυχίδ(ου) (πυροῦ) (ἀρτάβη) a γ᾽,
dudCoOf (Sirf) ἃ 7
Col. V.
Αλιμῃς “Eppaio(v) (πυροῦ) (ἀρτάβη) a.
Τεουῆτι(ς) ἐπὶ τό(κῳ) (πυροῦ) (ἀρτάβη) a γ᾽.
᾿Αμμώνιο(ς) Διδύμο(υ) (πυροῦ) (ἀρτάβη) a (ἡμισυ).
υἱοῖς Διδύμο(υ) (πυροῦ) (ἀρτάβαι) γ.
Παμοῦνις ᾿Ἦσκᾶτος (πυροῦ) (ἀρτάβης) Υ.
Κάστωρ Ἑρμαίου ᾿Ανουβίωνι
Σαραπίωνος γεωργῶι χαίρειν.
> , ‘ a Ν ’ }
ἀπέχω παρὰ σοῦ τὸν φόρον ὧν
γεωργεῖς μου ἀρουρῶν τεσσάρων
περὶ πόλιν κάτω γενήματος τοῦ
ἐνεστῶτος δωδεκάτου ἔτους
ε an 4 a 4
ASpiavod Καίσαρος τοῦ κυρίου
καὶ οὐδέν σοι ἐγκαλῶ περὶ τοῦ
110 αὐτοῦ φόρου. ἔτους δωδεκάτου
Αὐτοκράτορος Καίσαρος Τραιανοῦ
᾿Αδριανοῦ Σεβαστοῦ ᾿Επεὶπ ky.
τῶν δημοσίων ὄντων πρὸς ἐμέ.
On the verso
and hand (?) Λόγος ὧν ὀφείλ(ω) ἀργυρικ(ῶν) ὑπί(ὲρ) ἐκφο(ρίου)
115 καὶ χλωρῶν.
᾿Απο(λλωνίῳ ?) Ὄφεω(ς) τιμῆ(ς) χλω(ρῶν) (δραχμαὶ) η,
τῷ (αὐτῷ) ὑπ(ὲρ) (ἀρουρῶν) γ (δραχμαὶ) Kn,
᾿Ἑξακῶντι ᾿Αχιλλίω(νος) (δραχμαὶ) Σν,
Ἑρμαίῳ ᾿Αχιλλίω(νος) (δραχμαὶ) μ,
120 υἱῷ Ἑρμαίο(υ) ἰατρῷ (δραχμαὶ) ἕη,
᾿Αμφίονι Κιλμίνο(υ) (δραχμαὶ) π,
᾿Απολλωνίῳ ῥήτορι (δραχμαὶ) π,
{v)iots Διδύμο(υ) (δραχμαὶ) Σ,
Τυράννῳ (δραχμαὶ) .
1. The sign here closely resembles that ordinarily standing for πυρός ; but the preceding word being
doubtful (it cannot be read ἔκθεσις) we hesitate to resolve the sign as (πυροῦ), especially as the following
account is not concerned with πυρός alone.
67. After μβ is a vertical stroke, to which we can attach no meaning.
68. This ‘line is a subsequent insertion.
80, Adfos: cf. Fay. Towns Pap. 44. 2 and B. G. U. 392. 40, 46, 426. recto 15, 639. 29, where the
word should be spelled with a small A.
81. The sign for drachmae seems to have been mistakenly written immediately after ἀπόδο(σις), and
the π of Παῦνι was then inscribed over it.
117. ὑπ(ὲρ) has been converted from the sign for ἄρουρα.
124. After the sign for δραχμαί is an oblique stroke resembling the symbol for half an obol. Probably
it is a mere dash, and the account was never completed.
AsHMUNEN. ‘ 9.2 Χ 24°6 cm. A.D. 127-8,
LIST of payments of wheat, lentils, and hay, made by a number of persons in the
twelfth year of Hadrian. The account belongs to the same series as the preceding
three papyri.
Col. I.
Ἔτους δωδεκάτου Αὐτοκράτορος
Καίσαρος Τραιανοῦ ᾿Αδριανοῦ
Σεβαστοῦ, λήματος πυροῦ.
Πορεμένθι(ς) “Appodiov (πυροῦ) (ἀρτάβαι) ὃ,
5 Τοθῆς ᾿Αννοῦτος (πυροῦ) (ἀρτάβη) a d,
*Opos ᾿Αμμωνίου (πυροῦ) (ἀρτάβαι) γ,
Πρωοῦς Πετοσίρ(ιο) (πυροῦ) (ἀρτάβαι) ὃ κὃ
Πρωοῦς ᾿Επιαλύμιζο)ς (πυροῦ) (ἀρτάβαι) B β᾽,
Βαρῶσις Στρίχωνος (πυροῦ) (dpréBa) uf,
το Ὡρίων “Eppaiov (πυροῦ) (ἀρτάβη) α γ᾽,
[7 letters]tou(s) λεγό(μενος) Βατραχί(ᾶς) (dprd Bat) η,
[9 » Ἰθωτου (πυροῦ) (ἀρτάβαι) . [
ee Jews [(rupod) (ἀρτάβαι)..
Col. II.
“Ἁρπάλου Νικομάχο(υ) (πυροῦ) (ἀρτάβαι) ve,
15 ᾿Αμμώνις Τοθηοῦς (πυροῦ) (ἀρτάβαι) β (ἥμισυ) ἢ,
Κᾶμις ‘Opiwvos (πυροῦ) (ἀρτάβη) α γ᾽.
/ ἐπ(ὶ τὸ αὐτὸ) ἕως Μεσορὴ ks (πυροῦ) (ἀρτάβαι) SAB β᾽.
Παλεῦς νεωτέρου (πυροῦ) (ἀρτάβη) α (ἥμισυ).
Col. III.
λήματος paxod.
20 Πρωοῦς Σαλατᾶτο(ς) gaxo(d) (ἀρτάβαι) δ,
Λαγῶς Ἡσάλωνοί(ς) gaxo(d) (ἀρτάβη) a γ᾽,
ὁμοί(ως) χό(ρτου). y(ivovrar) φακο(ῦ) (ἀρτάβαι) ε γ᾽.
ΝΕ ΨΥ (μενος) Δὰξ ὀ(ρτου) (ἀρτάβαι)
ρῆς λεγό(μενος x p γ,
Βαρῶσι(ς) Στρίχωνο(ς) χό(ρτου) (ἀρτάβαι) β,
2. “Qdis Mipyjovs | χό(ρτου) (ἀρτάβαι) ς,
Χαιρήμων ᾿Αμμωί(νίου) χό(ρτου) (ἀρτάβαι) ζ γ᾽,
Λαγῶς Ἡσάλωνος χό(ρτου) (ἀρτάβαι) η,
Πεκῦσι(ς) χό(ρτου) (ἀρτάβαι) β (ἥμισυ) γ᾽.
γ(ίνονται) χό(ρτου) (ἀρτάβαι) K[O ¢.
2. τραΐανου Pap. 18. 1. νεώτερος.
Asumunén. 16:5 x 8-5 cm. A.D. 70.
LETTER from Gloutas to Eutychides ‘the gymnasiarch’ about the sale of some wheat
and other matters. The spelling and grammar are more than usually atrocious, and
it is difficult to guess the meaning of several passages.
Γλουτᾶς Εὐδυχίδῃ τῷ γυμ- των Θαήσιζο)ς μεθ᾽ ἡμέρας
[ν]ασιάρχῳ πλῖστα χα(ίρειν). μὴ τώξις πλίονας ἀποφέρωμεν.
OTL ἀμελῶ πρὸς μὴ πολήσις τ παρακέκλημαι ἐπὶ
τὴν κριθήν, ἀλλὰ ἐξλῆθα εὑ- μίσονος ναύλου, οὐ τε-
5 ρὼν e{x}& ἑπτὰ μάτιαν πολού(ν)- θελήκουσι διὰ τῆς τῶν
Twv’ τούτου χάριν καρτε- ερκαλλί ...
po. τάχα δύναμε εκοσαι ρημ .. (ἔτους) γ Αὐτοκράτορος Καίσαρος
εἰ τὲ σπευτε παρακιμεσο. 20 Οὐασπασιανοῦ Σεβαστοῦ
περὶ τὲ τῶν τε (ἀρταβῶν) οὔτε πλῃν Χαίαθ ιδ.
το εὑρὼν οὔτε κερὸν γνούς, ἔτι τρῖς ἡμέρας ἔχω, ᾽᾿ἘἜπή-
ἀλλὰ μεθ᾽ ἡμέρας ὄψωμαι, μαχον ἀποκαταστήσο-
περὶ τὲ τῶν μετρημά- [uev...]..7ad...]...
1. 1. Εὐτυχίδῃ. 2. 1. δόξῃς. 4. 1. ἀμελῶ πρὸς (σὲ) μὴ πωλήσας ἢ 4. 1. ἐξῆλθαν 5. 1. μάτην
πωλοῦντας. 7. 1. δύναμαι ἀκοῦσαι (?). 8, 1. εἰ δὲ σπεύδετε παρακομίσω ? 9. 1. δέ for τε, and πλέον ἢ
10. 1. καιρόν. 12. 1. δέ for τε. 16. 1. μείζονος . . . τεθελήκασι. τς 20, -ἀγοῦ Cort. from -nvov.
21. 1. Xolak.
‘Gloutas to Eutychides the gymnasiarch, many greetings. Do not think that I am neglecting you
by not selling the barley, but I came away after finding six or seven offering in vain to sell. This is
why I am holding on. Perhaps I can hear... , but if you are in a hurry I will bring it. Regarding
the fifteen artabae, I found no more and perceived no opportunity, but I will see in a few days, and as for
the payments of Thaésis I will return them after several days. I have been called on to pay(?) a higher
freight ; they have refused ... The third year of the Emperor Caesar Vespasianus Augustus, Choiak 14.
I still have three days, I will restore to(?) Epimachus .. .’
ASHMUNEN. 21°5 X 11-8 cm. Early second century a.p.
HIS and the following four papyri (182-185) form part of the correspondence of a
single family, of which one member, Anoubion son of Sarapion, has already been mentioned
several times in the present volume; cf. 126 introd. The present letter is from Sarapion to
Selene his sister, who not improbably was his wife as well. 182 is from Sarapion to his son
Eutychides (cf. 88. 1); 183-185 are letters from Eutychides to his father and brothers,
Heliodorus and Anoubion. The dated papyri concerning the family of Sarapion were written
in the reign of Hadrian; and the letters, all of which are undated, may therefore be assigned
to the first half, of the second century, They are chiefly concerned with the management
of the family property; and in the subjects treated, the badness of the Greek and the
occurrence of curious new words present much resemblance to the correspondence of Gemellus
and his sons (Fay. Towns Papp. 110-123), which belongs to about the same period.
The present papyrus is fairly well written, and is probably the work of a professional scribe,
except line 24 which was added by Sarapion himself; 182 is no doubt in Sarapion’s own
i ee
ccm, Im
Σαραπίων Σελήνηι τῆι ἠμελήσατε ἡμῶν ὡς ἀνειρημέ-
ἀδελφῆι χαίρειν. 15 νων τὸ ἀναβολικὸν καὶ ἐχόντων ἐκ
ἕως ἂν ἐπιγνῶ τὸ ἀσφαλὲς τοῦ πρά- τούτου εἰς ἡμᾶς δαπανῆσαι. ἐχρη-
γματος περὶ οὗ κατέπλευσα ἐπιμενῶ, σάμεθα οὖν παρὰ φίλων, ἐκ γὰρ ὧν
5 ἐλπίζω δὲ θεῶν θελόντων ἐκ τῶν ἔπεμψας δραχμῶν διακοσίων διὰ
λαλουμένων διαφεύξεσθαι καὶ με- ᾿Ἡλιοδώρου ἀνηλώθησαν εἰς τέλη
Ν Ν 4 > ’ Ν A > a Ν -" s
τὰ THY πεντεκαιδεκάτην ἀναπλεύ- 20 καὶ ναῦλα ἀναπλοῦ καὶ καταπλοῦ (δραχμαὶ) vd.
σειν. μελησάτω σοι ὅπως ἀγορασθῇ ἐπέμψαμεν δ᾽ ὑμῖν ἐπιστολὰς πολ-
Ν , x. ¢ Ν ’ Ν s Ν a , ,ὕ
τὰ κενώματα καὶ ὅπως τὰ παιδία λὰς καὶ διὰ τοῦ δούλου δὲ Σαραπίωνος
το περὶ τὴν ἰδιοσπορίαν ἡμῶν καὶ τοὺς καὶ διὰ τοῦ υἱοῦ τοῦ βασιλικοῦ.
γεωργοὺς ἐπιμελῶς ἀναστραφῶσιν, andhand ἔρρωσο, Σελήνη ἀδελφή.
μάλιστα δὲ περὶ τοὺς ἐνυφαντωνι ὅ- On the verso
πὼς μὴ δίκας λέγωμεν. οὕτως δὲ st hand 2g Σελήνηι ἀδελφῆι ἀπὸ Σαραπίωνος.
14. 1. ἀνῃρημένων.
‘Sarapion to Selene his sister, greeting. Until I learn that all is safe regarding the affair about
which I sailed down, I shall remain, but I hope, if the gods will, to yet escape from the talking and after
the fifteenth to return home. See that the empty jars are bought, and that the slaves give attention to
the sowing of our private land and to the cultivators; and in particular look after the woven stuffs, so
that we may not have any cross-words. You have shown very little regard for me by thinking that
I had received the deferred payment and could pay my expenses out of that. I accordingly borrowed
money from friends; for out of the 200 drachmae which you sent to me by Heliodorus, 54 drachmae
were spent on taxes and the boat-fare to and fro. I have sent you many letters by both the slave of
Sarapion and the son of the royal scribe. Good-bye, sister Selene.’ (Addressed) “Το Selene my sister,
from Sarapion,’
12. If the papyrus reading is kept, ενυφαντωνι must be taken as two words ἐν ὑφαντῶνι. But a safer
course is to suppose that τοὺς ἐνυφαντάς or, more probably, τῶν ἐνυφαντῶν was meant; cf. 138. 14 περὶ
δὲ ὑφαντῶν. The iota remains a difficulty: if it is a numeral, the order is wrong, and a stroke over it
would be expected. Perhaps the scribe began to write ἵνα.
AsHMuUNEN. 15:2 X II-3 cm. Early second century A.p.
SHORT letter from Sarapion (cf. 181) to his son Eutychides about the payment of
labourers, written across the fibres in a large hand.
Σαραπίων Ἑὐῤτυχί(ίδῃ) τῶι υἱῶι
χαίρειν. περισ(σ)ῶς μοι ἔ-
γραψας περὶ τοῦ μισθοῦ
τῶν ἐργατῶν, σὺ γὰρ διὰ σαυ-
5 τοῦ lt. ἐπίγνωθι οὖν τὸ
ἀσφαλὲς τί Πολεῖς δι-
δοῖ τοῖς αὐτοῦ καὶ σὺ δός.
I. Y
δότω σοι δὲ ‘Apiav ὁ ἱερεὺς
ἀργύριον χάριν τῶν ἐργατῶν. αὔριον δέ σοι
το ᾿Αχιλλᾶν πέμψο ἵνα i
καὶ σὺ εἰς Ἑ ρμούπολ(ιν) ἔλθῃς.
On the verso
Εὐτυχ(ίδῃ) vide.
1. views Pap. 2. Final s of περισζσ)ως over the line. 7. ς of rots over the line. 9. xapw
τῶν epyatwy over the line. 10. 1, πέμψω.
‘Sarapion to his son Eutychides, greeting. It was unnecessary for you to write to me about the
wages of the labourers, for you are acting for yourself. Find out therefore—which is the safe course—
how much Polis pays his labourers and pay yours the same, and let Horion the priest give you the money
for the labourers. To-morrow I will send Achillas to you in order that you too may come to Hermopolis.
Good-bye. (Addressed) ‘To my son Eutychides.’
AsHMUNEN. 23X12 cm. Early second century a.p.
A LETTER from Eutychides to his father about matters concerning the farm.
Εὐτυχίδης Σαραπίωνι τῶι πατρὶ χαίρειν.
πρὸ τῶν ὅλων ἀσπάζομαί σε καὶ εὐχα-
aA ν 58 “2 - A ε ,
ριστῶ σοι ὅτι ἐδήλωσάς μοι {στὴν ὑγεί-
αν σου. περὶ τῆς κρειθ(ῆς) τῆς ἐνθάλλου εὐθύ-
5 pel, πέπρακα γάρ. περὶ τῶν κεραμίων
4 9 3 395. 7 ν > > lal
σου γράφω σοι ἵν᾽ εἰδῇς ὅτι οὐκ ἀμελοῦμεν,
ἠγοραζκ]αμέν σοι εὐώδη κεράμια ἕκα-
τόν. τὰ χλωρὰ τῆ(ς) πωεως οἰκονομήσα-
μεν, παραγενάμενοι γὰρ ἐκεῖ ἀντι. ἐνῆ-
το καν ἡμεῖν δαπάνην οὐκ ὀλίγην, καὶ ὡς
edt Bp..... [.Jv καὶ μετὰ πολλῶν κόπων
ἀνηκάσαμεν αὐτῶν ἀντασχέσθαι τῆς
τούτων ἐνεργίας ἐπὶ τῷ προτέρῳ ἐκ-
’ ε »» ΑΜ Ὶ A > A 4
φορίου ὡς ἔγραψας ἐπὶ τῇ ἐντολῇ. περὶ
15 δὲ ὑφαντῶν πρὶν ἢ γράψῃ μοι δι’ ἡμε-
ρῶν ἐκεῖ πέμπω. περὶ τῶν χλωρῶν
¥ 297 lal ,ὔ
οὔπω οὐδέν. παρακαλῶ σε γράψαι μοι
περὶ τῆς ὑγιείας σου. οὐ προχωρῖ 6 πυ-
ρὸς εἰ μὴ ἐκ δραχμῶν ἕπτά.
20 ἔρρωσο καὶ παρακληθεὶς
συνεχῶς ἡμεῖν γράφε περὶ τῆ(ς) σωτη-
ρίας σου.
On the verso
Σαραπίωνι x τῷ πατρί.
12. First a οὗ ἀντασχεσθαι corr. from ε. 1. ἠναγκάσαμεν αὐτοὺς ἀντισχέσθαι. 14. 1, ἐκφορίῳ.
‘Eutychides to his father Sarapion, greeting. Before all else I salute you and thank you for telling
me of your health. Don’t be anxious about the young barley, for I have sold it. Concerning your
jars I am writing to you to let you know that I am not forgetting; I have bought for you a hundred
sweet-smelling jars. I arranged about the green fodder...; when they arrived on the spot they... and
with great difficulty I made them set to work at the former rent, as you wrote in your instructions,
As for the woven stuffs several days before you (?) write to me I will send them. No news yet about
the green fodder. I entreat you to write to me about your health. There is no advance in the price
of wheat beyond seven drachmae. Good-bye and please write to me continually about your safety.’
(Addressed) ‘To Sarapion, my father.’
19. δραχμῶν ἑπτά: sc. for the artaba.
Asumunén. 18-8 x 11-8 cm. Early second century a.p.
ETTER of Eutychides to his brother Heliodorus, giving an account of an attempt made
by the πρεσβύτεροι or village elders to carry off by force a certain Peteus, and urging
his brother to bring an accusation against the parties concerned. It is not clear from the
Greek whether Peteus was forced to become a πρεσβύτερος, although not officially appointed
to that post, or whether he was accused of having acted as a πρεσβύτερος without any
right to the position. Either interpretation is compatible with lines 6-8. The order of the
words is somewhat in favour of the second view, but the absence of Peteus’ name from the
list of πρεσβύτεροι with which the letter concludes is, since the writer is defending Peteus,
more easily explained on the first hypothesis, which offers on the whole a more satisfactory
explanation of the action of the πρεσβύτεροι. The office carried with it much responsibility
in the matter of collecting taxes and was not likely to be popular,
Εὐτυχίδης Ἡλιοδώρωι τῶι ἀδελ-
φῶι χαίρειν.
ε 4 , ε “
οἱ προβύτεροι καταπειράζοντες ἡμῶν
ΝΥ ν Ν , ¥
ἐτόλμησαν ὥστε καὶ Πετέα ὄντα
5 ἐν ἀγρῷ μετὰ τῶν θρεμμάτων
νυκτὸς ἀποσπάσαι ὡς πρεσβύτερον μὴ ὄντα
μήτε ἐν καταχωριζσ)μῷ μήτε ὑπὸ τοῦ
κωμογραμματέως δοθέντα αὐτοῖς.
ἐρω(τῶ) οὖν σὲ πρὸς ἐπίστασιν τῶν ἄλλων
Y 2
το ἐκδικῆσαι αὐτὸν Kal ἐντυχεῖν κατὰ
Πετεψώιτος Φατρήους καὶ Δημη-
τρίου Τεκωοῦτος ὡς ἐπηρεαστὰς
καὶ ἐργολάβους.
εἰσὶν δὲ of ἐν καταχωρισμῷ
15 πρεσβύτεροι
Πετεψῶ(ις) Φατρή(ους),
Mipi(s) Μιρήζουτ) λεγομένο(υ) Τοθήζον),
MipA(s) Πασίω(νος),
Μιρῆ(ς) Πετοσείρεωίς),
20 Δημήτριος Τεκωοῦτος,
Πορεμένθις ᾿Αρμοδίου.
On the verso
᾿ἩἩλιοδώρωι τῶι x ἀδελφῶι.
3. 1. πρεσβύτεροι. 6. νυκτος above the line. 12. 1. ἐπηρεαστῶν καὶ ἐργολάβων.
‘Eutychides to Heliodorus his brother, greeting. The elders made an attack on us and carried
their boldness so far as to seize Peteus by night while he was in the fields with the cattle, on the
ground that he was an elder, although (?) he was neither on the official list nor had been appointed by
the village scribe. I ask you therefore, in order to check the other elders (?), to vindicate Peteus and
draw up a petition complaining of Petepsois son of Phatres and Demetrius son of Tekoous as insolent
persons and busybodies.’ The elders on the official list are Petepsois son of Phatres, Mires son of Mires
called Tothes, Mires son of Pasion, Mires son of Petosiris, Demetrius son of Tekoous, Porementhis son
of Harmodius.’ (Addressed) ‘To Heliodorus, my brother.’
AsHmunén, 20'5 ΧΊΤ' 5 cm. Early second century a.D.
LETTER from Eutychides to his brother Anoubion, giving him directions on various
Εὐτυχίδη(ς) ᾿Ανουβ[ίω]νι τῷ ἀδελ[ φ]ῶι
χαίρειν. ἀσπάζομαί σε πρὸ παϊν-
των καὶ Σαραπίωνα καὶ Σελήνην
καὶ Evdaovida. ἔπιτα ἐρωτῶ
5 σε μὴ ἀμελεῖν μου ἐν ἀπου-
σίᾳ τοιαύτῃ ἀλλὰ τὴ(ν) φροντίδα
πάντων ποιεῖν ὡς ἰδίων σου.
ἀπί[ο]λήμψῃ [πα]ρὰ ἙἝἭ ρμοφίλου
κεράμου μυριάδας δύο εἰς θρᾳγη(ν)
10 ἐὰν γένηται ἡμᾶς μὴ ὑπογύως
ἀναπλεῖν μέντουγε ὁ κύριος
- gn λον»... κ etal 8 apts
τῇ Ὑ προέγραψεν ἡμᾶς pe-
τὰ τῶν Κουσσιτῶν εἰς | ἢ
ἐν ποτέρῳ ἀκουθησόμεθα
καὶ [[rpos epy]] ἂν αὐτῷ δόξῃ. τί
15 δὲ ἡμεῖν συνέβη μετὰ τῶν
ἀρχόντων ἴσως ἐγνώκατε ἢ
κνώσίσ,εσθε. περὶ τῶν κεραμίω(ν)
τῆ(ς) θαλλοῦ μελησάτω σοι ὅπως
ἐκξωδιασθῇ αἰ.1. (.1.. eon μετρηί )
20 6 σεῖτος τοῖς Πάλλαντος Κρίωνι.
ἄσπασαι Ἡλιόδ[ω]ρο(ν) καὶ ᾿Εξακῶντ(α),
ἄσπασαι ᾿Απολ(λώνιον) τὸν ἠπητὴ(ν) καὶ Πλου-
ἐρρῶσθαΐ σε evy(opar) μετὰ
25 τῶν τέκν[ω(ν)}]. TdA(e) ε.
᾿Ανουβ(ίωνι) ἀπὸ Εὐτυχ(ίδου) ἀδελφοί).
On the verso
4. « Of και corr. 16. y of ἐγνώκατε corr. from x. 17. l. γνώσεσθε. 19. 1. ἐξοδιασθῇ.
21. ἡ of ηλιοδ[ω]ρο(ν) corr. from ε.
‘Eutychides to Anoubion his brother, greeting. Before all else I salute you, and Sarapion and Selene
and Eudaemonis. In the next place I entreat you not to forget me in my absence, but to look after
everything as if it was your own. You will receive from Hermophilus twenty thousand . . . if it should
happen that we do not sail up suddenly. The master however on the third wrote warning me to sail
up with the people of Cusae on the 16th or when he chooses... What befell us in connexion with
the magistrates you have probably heard or will hear. Regarding the jars for the festivities, see that
they are paid... the corn to the sons of Pallas (and?) Crion. Salute Heliodorus and Exakon. Salute
Apollonius the cobbler, and Plution. I pray for your health and for that of your children, Tubi 5.’
(Addressed) ‘To Anoubion from Eutychides his brother.’ :
11. ἀναπλεῖν seems to be used twice over, with both γένηται and προέγραψεν.
18. θαλλοῦ: cf. note on 90. 9.
20, τοῖς Πάλλαντος Κρίωνι : apparently καί has been omitted.
BEHNESA. 19:7 X13 cm. Third century a.p.
ETTER written from Alexandria by Apion to his son Horion, gymnasiarch of Oxyrhynchus,
in a clear semi-uncial hand. The latter part is badly defaced and mutilated.
᾿Απίων Ὡρίωνι τῶι
υἱῶι χαίρειν.
, Lad κθ ν > ~
γενόμενος TH KO ἕωθεν ἐν τῇ
᾿Αλεξανδρείᾳ γράφω σοι, τέκνον,
5 ἀσπαζόμενός σε καὶ τὴν ἀδελ-
φήν σου, καὶ τὸ προσκύνημα ὑμῶν
ποιῶ καθ᾽ ἑκάστην ἡμέραν παρὰ
τῷ κυρίῳ Σαράπιδι. περὶ τῶν παρὰ
σοὶ ἔργων ἀμεριμνῶ εἰδὼς ὅτι ἐν
το οὐδενὶ ἐνλείψεις τῶν κατεπειγόν-
των, ἐξαιρετώϊς] τῶν ποτισμῶν
τῶν κτημάτων. τῷ μετεωρι-
δίῳ ἐνχειροῦμεν᾽ περὶ γὰρ τοῦ
καθ᾽ ἡμᾶς μέχρι τούτου [οὐ]δὲν ἔπρα-
15 [ξα.] ἐὰν τὰ παρὰ Νιννάρῳ οἰνάρια
BL... 1. ῃ δύνασαι ἐκ τῶν κατε-
Ἐφ τ τὴς 1 ὑπὸ χεῖρα αὐτῷ ποιῆσαι
..€..«Kn[.|var, δώσεις δὲ καὶ Πλου-
[-1. . ὠμ[.1. [- .] ἑκατὸν κεραμίων
29. [..7.[.7. ς ἢ δευτέρας, ἵνα ἔχῃ αὐ-
[τὰ εἰς [τ]ὰ παρ᾽ αὐτῷ ἀναλώματα
[ἀμ]ερίϊμνως is πρᾶσιν ἐὰν ἢ τὰ wal. .
[8 Ἰεϊτευϑωσας, τὸν γὰρ λόγον μί..
i kalryyopel. κί. 2... .
te ee Jaco ΡΝ Ὁ
Sie }ras rod en[........
[15 . Titer aie. ..ntaast
On the verso
‘Apion γυμν(ασιάρχῳ) τῆς ᾿Οξυρυγχί(ιτῶν) πόλ(εως) (apa) ᾿Απίωνζος.
1, 2. υἵωι Pap. 6. ὕμων Pap. 17. ὕπο Pap. 20. iva Pap.
‘Apion to his son Horion, greeting. I arrived in Alexandria on the morning of the 29th, and I now
write to you, my son, to salute you and your sister, and every day I supplicate the lord Sarapis on
your behalf. Regarding the work which you are carrying on I have no anxiety, knowing that you will
fail in nothing that is pressing, especially the irrigation of the farms. We are putting in hand the un-
completed deed ; as for our own business I have done nothing so far...’ (Addressed) ‘To Horion, gym-
nasiarch of the city of Oxyrhynchus, from Apion.’
12. μετεωριδίῳ : cf. Pap, Oxy. 238 introd., Fay. Towns Pap. 116, 12, note.
ASHMUNEN. 22°7X 12°5 cm. A.D. 288-9.
COPY of official correspondence between the praefect, the epistrategus of the Heptanomis
and Small Oasis, the strategi and other magistrates, with reference to the ἐμβολή, or
embarcation of corn sent to Alexandria for the requirements of that city and other parts of
the empire. Only a comparatively small part of the whole document is preserved, the
papyrus having been cut down to be used for the grammatical rules on the verso (21), and
connected sense is not attainable. The various letters are dated in the fifth year (of Diocletian)
which =the fourth (of Maximian), i.e. a.p. 288-9, and incidentally supply the name of the
praefect at this period, Valerius Pompeianus, and that of another praefect, Sallustius, who
preceded Pompeianus, perhaps immediately.
κ]ρ(ατίστῳ) ἐπιστρ(ατήγῳ) ‘Enravopias καὶ ᾿οάσεως Μικρᾶς m(apa) tod δημ[οσίου
7 ὑπομνηματογράφους k..( ) διὰ Θεοδώρου πρωτήκτορ[ος
7 χαίρειν. τινὲς τῶν ὑπομνηματογράφων καὶ ε. [
ὑ]πὸ τοῦ τῆς διασημοτάτου μνήμης Σαλουστίου ἀκριβῶϊς
5 ἐμ]βολὴν ποιησαμένων δηλώσατέ μοι τὴν ταχίστην of
7 δὲ ὑμ[ᾶ]ς ἐπιτίμων ὑπαρχθῆναι προσταχθέντος μὲν καὶ τί
7 (ἔτους) ε΄ καὶ (ἔτους) δ΄ Μεσορὴ ς.
1 τυγχάνω ἐκ τῶν καὶ ἄλλοτε γραφέντων περὶ τοῦ [
}eavov καὶ ᾿Απολ[λ]ώνιον υἱοὺς Νείλου τοῦ καὶ Ποσιδωνίου v [
το 7 (τάλαντα) dX κατέπεμψα διὰ Αὐρηλίων Αὔξωνος Δημη[τ]ρίου κ[αὶ
εἰς ᾿Αλεξάν]δρειαν παραδοθησόμενα τῷ τῆς πόλεως λόγῳ ἀλλ.[
oh ee χρημάτων ἀναγκαίως τῶν δύο μηνῶν [
ou αὐτῶν τὰ κατενεχθέντα ἀργυρίου (τάλαντα) λ΄ ὑποκολλήσας [
Ἴειον. (ἔτους) ε΄ καὶ (ἔτους) δ΄ ᾿Αθὺρ.
15 στ]ρατηγοῖς Ἑπτανομίας καὶ OnBaidos περὶ τοῦ ἀπεστάλθαι Παυλ
Οὐαλ]έριος Πομπηιανὸς στρ(ατηγοῖς) Ἑπταν[οἹμίας καὶ Θηβαίδος χαίρειν [
ἀποδ]είξατε τοίνυν αὐτῷ τοὺς τῇ ἐμβολῇ τοῦ σίτου ὑπηρετοῦνϊτας
(ἔτους) ε΄ καὶ] (ἔτους) δ΄ Dappod[ A .] Παυλίνῳ κρατίστῳ
7. ὦ ἵνα τοίνυν ai σιτοπομπίαι κατὰ μηδένα τρόπον...
20 ] τῇ Ἑπτανομίᾳ καὶ Θ]ηβαίδι ἑκατέρου πρόνοιαν ποιησαμεν
Ἵμασαν δέ τι κακουρ[γο]ύμενον εὑρίσκοις ὑπὸ τῶν τῇ εὐθύν[ῃ
1 προσήκουσα. (ἔτους) ε΄ καὶ (ἔτους) δ΄ [
1 παραγενομένῳ τῷ ἐγγεγραμμένῳ τὰ κτηΐ
Ἴσου κί.. .] περὶ [τ]οῦ τοὺς δεκαπρώτους τοῖς τοὺς φόρους καταβάλλουσι
25 Ἴωσί. .] Οὐαλέριος Πομπηιανὸς 6 διαση[μότ]ατος ἔϊπαρχος
1 χρωμένους ἀποχῇ τοῖς τοὺς φόρους καταβάλλουσιν μὴ Sie
ew. τῶν κατα! .]βληθέντων ἀποχὰς μὴ . pf. Jod[. Jol
(ἔτους) ε΄ καὶ] (ἔτους) δ΄ ᾿πεὶφ Vv’.
8. τυγίχανω Pap. 11. αλλ᾽ Pap. 12. αναγ᾽καιως Pap. 15. OnBaidos Pap., so in 16 and 20.
τό. πομπηΐανος Pap., so in 25. 23. ey yeypaypevo Pap.
1. Perhaps Παυλίνῳ x]p(arlor@); cf. line 18.
24 X 10°7 cm. A.D. 326. PLate XIX.
DECLARATION on oath addressed to the strategus of the A(phroditopolite ?) nome by
Aurelius Plution, stating that he had received on board his boat two hundred centenaria
(20,000 Ibs$ of charcoal for transport to Alexandria. The date is given in two ways, at the
end by the consuls (Constantine for the seventh time and Constantius Caesar for the first
time), and at the beginning in a different hand by the year of the reign (the twenty-first),
i.e€. A.D. 326.
The declaration has been gummed on to another similar document of which only the
beginnings of lines are preserved. On the verso is a short letter to Nilus, προνοητής, requesting
the return of a person whose name is lost.
Ka (ἔτους) Τῦβι ιδ΄.
and hand Αὐρηλίῳ Γεροντίῳ στρ(ατηγῷ) ᾿Α( )
παρὰ Αὐρηλίου Πλουτίωνος
Σαραπίωνος ἀπὸ τοῦ Μεμφίτου
5 κυβερ(νήτου) πλοίου ταμιακοῦ ἄγο(ντος) (ἀρτάβας) Σ.
ὁμολογῶ ὀμνὺς τὸν τῶν κυρίων
ἡμῶν Αὐτοκρατόρων τε καὶ Καισάρων
τύχην παρειληφέναι καὶ ἐμβε- /
βλῆσθαι διὰ Σιλβανοῦ κρατίστου
το [ἐ]ξαποστόλου τῆς τάξεως τῆς
μαγιστρότητος ὑπὲρ γόμων δύο
[κ]ανόνος τῆς εὐτυχοῦς τρισκαιδεκάτης
[ἰν(δικτίονος)] ἄνθρακος καθαροῦ κεντηνάρια
[δια]κόσια, / κε(ντηνάρια) Σ, ἃ καὶ ἀποκομίσω
kg’ Fist Rosas elis τὴν ᾿Αλεξ(άνδρειαν) καὶ παραδώσω
SS ΤΟΝ Ἴστη ἐκ πλήρους
βου τς ἼἽνω. ἔσχον δὲ καὶ ὑπὲρ
ΓΙ ΣῊΝ ΝᾺ κἸελευσθέντα κεντηνάρια,
we OS Oe _ ee
[καὶ ἐπερωτηθεὶς] ὡμολόγησα.
20 [ὑπατίας τῶν δεσποτῶ]ν ἡμῶν Κωνσταντίνου Σεβαστοῦ τὸ ζ
[καὶ Κωνσταντίο]ν ro(d) ἐπιφαζνεστάγτου (Kai)oapos τὸ a’
[Ττῦβι ιδ, (9τά hand) ΑἸὐρήλιος Πλουτίω(ν) παρέλα-
[βον τὸν ἄνθρακα καὶ ἀποκομίσω ὡς
[πρόκειται. Αὐ]ρ(ήλιος) Νεῖλος ἔγραψα ὑπὲρ αὐ-
25 [rod dypapp]drov.
2-15. ‘To Aurelius Gerontius, strategus of the Aphroditopolite (?) nome, from Aurelius Plution son of
Sarapion, pilot of a treasury boat of 200 artabae burden. I acknowledge, swearing by the fortune of our
lords the Emperors and Caesars, that I have received and have embarked through the agency of Silvanus,
the most distinguished envoy in the service of the magister, for two loads on account of the taxes of the
auspicious thirteenth indiction two hundred centenaria of pure coal, total 200 cent., which I will convey
to Alexandria and deliver to...’ Date and signature.
11. Which of the various magistri of the Diocletianic regime is meant does not appear.
12. [κ]ανόνος : κανών was a general term in the post-Diocletianic period for the ordinary taxes; cf.
Wilcken, ον I. 387.
εὐτυχοῦς : generally this adjective qualifies a coming indiction, e.g. in 147. 6; but the thirteenth
indiction was A.D. 324-5 and therefore over at the time when this papyrus was written.
τρισκαιδεκάτης [iv(dixrlovos)]: the cycle of indictions which began in A.D. 312 is very soon mentioned
in papyri, the earliest instance being in a papyrus at Gizeh (Inv. no. 10485) written in the consulship
of Volusianus and Annianus (A.D. 314) which mentions the third indiction. The cycle began again
every fifteen years, and after the first cycle was completed, there is, so far as we know, only one instance of
the years being computed from the original starting-point. This occurs in Gizeh Inv. no, 10476,
a lease from Aurelia Charite who figures prominently in Hermopolis papyri at Gizeh and Vienna. The
duration of the lease is πρὸς μόνον τὸ ἐνεστὸς ἔτος καρπῶν τῆς εὐτυχοῦς ¢ νέας ἤτοι κβ lvdix(riovos), and the
papyrus is dated ὑπα]τείας Οὐλκακίου (1, Οὐλκατίου) ‘Povdivou . . . καὶ Φλαουίου . . ., who seem to have been
in office in A.D. 333 or 334.
AsuMuNEN, 26 Χ 27°7 cm. A.D. 350. PLate XX.
RETURN from two komarchs of the village of Ibion addressed to Aurelius Diocles,
praepositus of the twelfth pagus of the Hermopolite nome, of a list of persons qualified
for the offices of komarch, eirenarch, sitologus, and collectors of annona (cf. Wilcken, Osé. I.
pp. 155-7). This list of names was furnished for selection or approval,—in the case of the
office of eirenarch only one person is nominated; and the two komarchs and the rest of the
villagers jointly undertake the responsibility for the good behaviour of their nominees. The
procedure in the appointment to these minor posts was thus still identical with that of
the Roman period; cf. Wilcken, Ost. I. pp. 601-3. The only change is in the titles
of the officials concerned.
Αὐρηλίῳ Διοκλεῖ πραιπ(οσίτῳ) ιβ΄ πάγ[ου νομ]οῦ Ἑ ρμουπολείτου
m(apa) Αὐρηλίων Πήσιος καὶ Πασώτου ἀμφοτέρων κωμάρχων κώμης ἸἸβίωνζ[ος] Mav .. μερί. .]s
τοῦ ὑπὸ σὲ πάγου. δίδομεϊν κ]αὶ εἰσαγγέλλομεν τοὺς ἑξῆς ἐϊνγεγραμμένους kopdpyas[K]al εἰρή-
ναρχοι καὶ σιτολόγοι καὶ ἀπαιτητὰΐιὶς ἀννώναιζς ὄντ]αϊς εἰὐπόρους κινδύνῳ ἡμῶν] κ[α]ὶ
5 τῶν ἀπὸ τῆς ἡμετίε]ρας κώμης.
εἰσεὶ δέ,
κώμαρχοι' σιτολόγοι ἀπαιτηταὶΐς} ἀννώναις"
Πινου[τ]ζων ᾿Αρπάλου, Πινουτίων Δημητρίου, Μουσαῖος Πεκύσιος,
Τ... εἰς Σώτου. Σερῆνος Σαραπί]ωνος, ᾿Ασκληπιάδης Μ[ζου]σαίου,
10 Πῆσις Κοπρῆτος, ‘Opiov Παήσιοϊς,
[elipnvapy[o}” ᾿Ακώ[ρἼ]ις Δίου, Παγένης Δίου,
ἐνὸς Φιβίωνος. Ἰωσήφι[ο]ς Κ[ο]λλούθου, Ἰβόις Καλοκαίρου,
Μουσαῖος Κάστορος, Μέλας Πεκύσιος.
‘Eppivos Περούσιος,
15 Ἰσίδωρος Μουσαίου,
Πελῦς Ἡρακλείου,
Μέλα[ς] Διογένους.
ο[ὔ]σπερ ἐγγυώμεθα καὶ παραστήσομεθα ἐξ ἀλληλεγγύης ἀμέμπτως τὴν ἐνχιριστῖσαν αὐτοῖς
[λ]{[τ]ουργίαν ἐν μηδενὶ μεμφθῆναι, ἐὰν δέ τις αὐτῶν ἀφυστερήσῃ καὶ μὴ παραστησόμεθα
20 ἡμεῖς αὐτοὶ τὸν ὑπὲρ αὐτοῦ λόγον ὑπομενοῦμεν ἢ ἔνοχοι εἴημεν τῷ θίῳ ὅρκῳ καὶ τῷ περὶ
κινδύνῳ, καὶ ἐπερωτηθί(έντες) ὡμολογίήσαμεν). μετὰ τὴν ὑπατείαν Οὐλπίου Λιμενίου καὶ
Κατυλλίνου τῶν λαμπροτάτων Φαμενὼθ ὃ. οἱ προκείμενοι Πήσιος καὶ Πασώτου
εἰσαγγέζιξλομεν καὶ ἐνγυώμεθα ὡς πρόκειται. Αὐρήλιος Σαραπίων γνωστὴρ ἔγραψα ὑπὲρ
[γ]ρά[μματα μὴ εἰδότων.
3. εἰσαγίγελλομεν Pap.; so 23. 3-4. 1. elpnvdpxovs καὶ otroddyous . . . ἀννώνηΪς. ἡ. 1. ἀπαιτηταὶ
ἀννώνης. 11. 1, εἰρήναρχ[ οἿ-. 12. Ἰωσηφι[ο]ς . . . ἴβοις Pap. 18. εγγυωμεθα .. . αλληλεγγυης Pap. ;
1. ἐνχειρισθεῖσαν. 22. 1, Πῆσις καὶ Πασώτης.
‘To Aurelius Diocles, governor of the twelfth pagus of the Hermopolite nome, from Aurelius Pesis and
Aurelius Pasotes, both komarchs of the village of Ibion in the upper division of the pagus under your
jurisdiction. We submit and announce the persons whose names herein follow and who are men of means
as komarchs, eirenarchs, sitologi and collectors of annona, on the responsibility of ourselves and of all the
inhabitants of our village, namely :—as komarchs, Pinoution son of Harpalus, T . . . is son of Sotas; as
eirenarch, . .. s son of Phibion; as sitologi, Pinoution son of Demetrius, Serenus son of Sarapion, Pesis
son of Copres, Acoris son of Dius, Joseph son of Colluthes, Musaeus son of Castor, Herminus son of
Perousis, Isidorus son of Musaeus, Pelus son of Heracleus, Melas son of Diogenes; as collectors of annona,
Musaeus son of Pekusis, Asclepiades son of Musaeus, Horion son of Paésis, Pagenes son of Dius, [bois
son of Calocaerus, Melas son of Pekusis. For these persons we are sureties and will produce them on
our mutual guarantee without fail, promising that the office entrusted to them shall be blamelessly
discharged. If any one of them defaults and we’ do not produce him we ourselves will be answerable
for him, otherwise may we be liable to the penalty of the sacred oath and its accompanying risks ; and
in answer to the formal question we have given our assent. The year after the consulship of Ulpius
Limenius and Acontius Catullinus the most illustrious, Phanenoth 4. We the aforesaid Pesis and Pasotes
do announce and become sureties as is aforesaid. 1, Aurelius Sarapion, inspector, wrote for them, since
they were illiterate,’
4. σιτολόγοι: the occurrence of these officials so late as the middle of the fourth century is remark-
able; cf. 140, 4.
ASHMUNEN. 27:2 Χ 18:5 cm. A.D. 349.
DECLARATION on oath addressed to Aurelius Diocles, praepositus of the twelfth pagus
of the Hermopolite nome (cf. 189. 1, 141. 1), by three sitologi and an inspector, stating the
sums they had collected and paid into the official bank as the tax on certain mines. Inci-
dentally the papyrus supplies the name of the praefect at this period, Flavius Strategius. There
are two copies of the declaration in the same hand, both much mutilated; but a combination of
the evidence of the two produces the text almost complete. We give the text of the better
preserved specimen, (a). B. G. U. 21 is a very similar declaration by two komarchs.
Αὐρηλίῳ [Δ]{ο]κ[λ]εῖ “ASL... . Ju πρεπο[ σ]ιτευἹομένῳ
iB πάγο[υ] νομο]ῦ Ἑ ρμ[οπ]ολείτου
παρὰ ΔΑὐρηλίων Κορνηλίου... «(]αιτος καὶ Διδύμου Πιτίνου
καὶ Διδύμζου ᾿ΑἸμμωνίου τῶϊν τρι]ῶν σιτολόγων καὶ ᾿Ατρῆτος
Πευῆτος γνωστῆρος οἱ πάντες] ἀπὸ κώμης Σεσόγχων τοῦ
ὑπὸ σὲ πάγ]ου. ἐπιζητοῦντί σο[ι] κατὰ κέλευσιν τοῦ κυρίου μου τοῦ
διασημοτάτου κόμᾳτ]ο[ς] καὶ ἡγεμόνος Φλ[αουίου Στ]ρ[α]τηγίου
τὸν λόγον τῶν μερισθέντων ἀργυρίου καθ᾽ ἑκ[άστ]ην ἄρ[ο͵υραν
εἰς λόγον τῶν μετάλλων καὶ τῶν διαγραφέντ[ω]ν εἰς τὴν δημ[οσ]ίαν τρά(πεζαν) ὁμολογοῦμεν
ὀμνύντ]ες τὸν θεῖοῖν κ]αὶ σζε]βάσμιον ὅρκον τῶ]ν πάντα
νικώντων] δεσποτῶν ἡμῶν ᾿Αγούστων ἀϊπῃ]τηκέναι ὑ-
πὲρ ἑκάστης] a[plovplas ἀργυ]ρίου τάλαντα δύο κ[αὶ] δραχμὰς δισ-
χειλείας [ἑξήκ]οντ[α, / (τάλαντα) β (δραχμαὶ) ᾿Βξ1], ἀφ᾽ ὧν διεγράψα(με)ν εἰς τὴν δημο-
[σ]ΐαν τράπεζαν] ἀργ[υρίου τάλ]αντα ἑξακεισχ[ε]ίλεια ἑξακόσια.
[ὀγδοήκοντα δύο, / (τάλαντα) ᾿ςχπΊβ, καὶ ὁ[μο]ΐως εἰς τιμὴν .. .. [-.
καὶ ἐξάῤ[το.. ἐν ξος: τάλαντ]α δισ[ζχείλεια ἑπτακόϊσια τεσσαρά-
κοντα πέντε, / (τάλαντα) Βψμε, κ]αὶ μηδὲν [δ]ιεψεῦσθαι ἣ [ἔν]οχοίι
εἴημεν [τῷ ὅρκῳ τούτῳ καὶ τῷ] περὶ τούϊτο]υ κινδύνῳ, [κ]αὶ ἐπε-
ρωτηθεῖντες ὡμολογήσαμεν. ὑπατεζία]ς Amevioly καὶ ΚἸατολ[λ]ψ[ου
τῶν λαμπροτάτων ... .] δ΄. οἱ πρ[οἸκείμενοι σιτολόγοι
καὶ ᾿Ατρῆς [γ]ν ωστὴρ ὠμόσαμ]εν [τὸν] θεῖον ὅρκον [ὡς πρόκειται.
Αὐρήλιος ᾿Ατρ[ῇῆς γνωστὴρ ἔγ]ραζψα] ὑπί(ὲρ) τῶν] σιτολόγων γράμματα
μὴ εἰδόταϊν.
On the verso of (δ)
7 πραιπ(οσίτῳ)
25 + μερισμὸς κώμη[9] Σεσόγχων.
At right angles two lines of an account in a different hand.
1. 1. πραιποσιτευομένῳ. 5. 1. τῶν πάντων. 6. ὕπο Pap.; so 11. ὕπερ, 19. ὕπατε[ια]ς. 9. εἰς τὴν
δημοσιαν τρα(πεζαν) over the line, omitted in (6).
‘To Aurelius Diocles son of Ad... . , praepositus of the twelfth pagus of the Hermopolite nome,
from the Aurelii Cornelius son of . . ais, and Didymus son of Pitinus, and Didymus son of Ammonius,
three sitologi, and Hatres son of Peues, inspector, all from the village of Sesoncha in the pagus under
your jurisdiction. In answer to your request made in accordance with the command of my lord his excellency
the comes and praefect Flavius Strategius for the account of the taxes assigned to each aroura on
account of mines, and that of the sums paid to the public bank, we acknowledge, swearing the divine and
holy oath of our all-victorious masters the Augusti, that we have collected upon each aroura two talents
two thousand and sixty drachmae of silver, total 2 tal. 2060 dr., from which sum we have paid into the
public bank six thousand six hundred and eighty-two talents of silver, total 6682 tal., and likewise for
. two thousand seven hundred and forty-five talents, total 2745 tal.; and we declare that we have
made no false statement, or may we be liable to the penalty of this oath and its accompanying risks;
and in answer to the formal question we have given our assent.’ Date and signature of the sitologi
written by Aurelius Hatres.
1. The mutilated name is perhaps ᾿Αδ ελφίο]υ. The verb πραιποσιτεύεσθαι seems to be new. προπο[λ]ι-
τε[υ]ομένῳ could equally well be read, but if [A]:[o]«[A]e? is right the same person is addressed here as in
139 and 141 where he is called the praepositus of the twelfth pagus; and πραιπ(οσίτῳ) occurs on the
verso of (δ). Moreover in the instances in which the προπολιτευόμενος is found upon papyri (C. P. R. I. 19,
Pap. Oxy. I. 67, Brit. Mus. Pap. 233. 5) he has a metropolis or a whole nome under his jurisdiction.
5. Σε[σόγ]χων : the restorations of this name and of the missing figures in lines 13-16 are from the
second copy.
16. ἐξαρ[τισμοῦ»
ASHMUNEN. 26 Χ 14:7 cm. A.D. 350.
PETITION sent to Aurelius Diocles (cf. 189. 1 and 140. 1) by Aurelia Thaésis, com-
plaining of an assault committed on her by her brother and his wife. There are two copies
in the same hand, (2), which is printed below, being fairly well preserved, while (4) is very
fragmentary, but serves to fill up a few of the lacunae in (a). On the verso of (a) are traces
of several lines in a different hand, perhaps an account.
[Αὐρ]ηλίῳ Adokde... 22... ] tpalur(ocire) ιβ πάγου
νομοῦ [Ἑρμοπολείτου
[πα]ρὰ Αὐρηλία[ς Sure pot Hadeppopeioly ἀπὸ
[κώμης Πεννη. τοῦ] ὑπὸ σὲ πάγου. ὁ ὁμο-
5 [γνήσ]ιός μου ἀδελφὸς. Ἶσσος συνοικεῖ
[μοι] καὶ μηδεμιᾶς ἀμ]φιζβητήσεως
[οὔσης] πρὸς ἀλλήλ[ους ἐ]ξ [τ]υκόντων ἐπῆλ.-
[θέν] μοι μετὰ τῆς [συ]μβίου αὐτοῦ Ῥίας, καὶ
[κατε]νεγκόντες εἰς τὸ ἔδαφος πληγαῖς
10 ἱκαναῖς με κατέκτι[να]ν γρόνθοις τε καὶ λακτί-
[σμασιν καθ᾽ ὅλων τῶν σωμάτων ὡς καὶ
ἐπὶ τῶν ὄψεών μου τὰ οἰδήματα φαίνεται,
ἡμιθανῆ καταστήσαντες, οὐδὲν ἧττον
[κα]ὶ τὴν περὶ ἐμὲ ἐσθῆτα περιέσχεισαν.
15 [6]0{ε]ν οὐ δυναμένη ἀφησυχάσαι γυνὴ
[ἀσθενὴς καὶ χήρα ἐπιδίδωμι τῇ ἐπιεικείᾳ
[σο]νυ τάδε τὰ βιβλία [poly τοσοῦτο μαρτυραμένη
[κ]αὶ ἀξιοῦσα τῆς παρὰ σοῦ ἐκδικείας τυχεῖν.
20 [ὑ]πατείας Σεργίου καὶ Νιγρινιανοῦ τῶν
λαμπροτάτων Φ[αρ)μοῦθι ιβ΄.
Αὐρηλία Θαῆσις Παθερμουθίου ἐπιδέδωκα.
Φλ(αούιος) ᾿Αμμώνιος οὐετρανὸς ἀξιωθ(εὶς) ἔγραψα
ὑπ(ὲρ) αὐτῆς γράμμαϊ[τ]α μὴ εἰδυίης.
4. v of ὑπο above the line; or perhaps rov was first omitted and then written over the line. 7. 1. ἐκ
τυχόντων. 24. eldvins Pap.
‘To Aurelius Diocles son of ..., praepositus of the twelfth pagus of the Hermopolite nome, from
Aurelia Thaésis daughter of Pathermouthius, of the village of Penne[.] in the pagus under your jurisdiction. My
full brother .. ssus lives with me, and without any dispute between us he with his wife Rhia unaccountably
attacked me. They carried me off to the house and nearly killed me by numbers of blows with their
fists and heels over all my body, so that the swellings are apparent even on my face, and left me half
dead. Not only so, but they tore open the garment which I was wearing. Therefore since I cannot
contain myself and am but a weak widow woman I present this my petition to your clemency, bearing
witness to the facts and praying to obtain satisfaction by you. Farewell. Date and signature of Aurelia
Thaésis written for her by Flavius Ammonius, a veteran.
7. [τ]υκόντων : the initial letter is preserved in the second copy.
10. κατέκτι[ να]ν : for the hyperbole cf. Brit. Mus, Pap. 113. (12) d. 11 ὁ χρεώστης ἐφ ὀνευσέν με.
145 x 28 cm. Fourth century Α.Ὁ.
PETITION addressed to the praefect of the province of Augustamnica by Aurelius
Germanus regarding an aggression which had been made by a number of persons
upon his land. The trouble was of long standing. The petitioner had already been once
formally reinstated upon his property by the order of Philagrius the praefect’s brother. Five
years later however the attempt to oust him was renewed by the original aggressors, who
are stated to be persons of wealth and influence; and he was therefore now obliged to renew
his appeal for assistance. The petition is enclosed in a letter, apparently from Germanus to
a local official. It cannot have been addressed to any one superior to the praefect of
Augustamnica, since it concludes with the somewhat familiar ێppwoo. The natural explana-
tion, that the letter contained the instructions of the praefect himself to a subordinate with
reference to the petition of which a copy was appended, is inadmissible owing to the fact
that at the end of the whole document appears the signature of Germanus, in a different
ἀἸληθευοντί 24 letters Jadvadepo . [
1 ἔρρωσο. Μάρκῳ 15 letters λαμπ]ροτάτοις o..[....-..- ptt tenes
ris toes alee
ἡγεμόνι Αὐγουσταμ[νίκης παρὰ Αὐρ]ηλίου Teppar[od “Olpov amd .[....]p....
Riise tate ᾿
1 ὥρῃ τοῦ θεοῦ ὑπάρχει μοι [περὶ ἐποίκ][ο]ν Θμοιούθεως εἶ. .(7ης ὀγδοήκοντ]α
ἀρούρας ἀπὸ τῶν
5 Ἵν μέχρις Se]ipo καὶ ταύτας γεωρ[γήσας ἐΪκμισθῶ αὐτὰ τοῖς β[ουλομένοις [τῶ]ν
φόρων καὶ τελῶν [κα]τὰ
κοινῷ τινι λόγῳ χρησάμενοι Παλὺτ [Ὥ]ρου καὶ τὰ τούτου τέκνα καὶ Περὶτ Μερκο[υ]ρίου
καὶ Κολλούθ[η]ν ἀδελφὸν
λῃστικῷ τ]ρόπῳ ἐπίέ]βησαν τῇ ἡμετέρᾳ μου γῇ βουλόμενοι αὐτὰ γεωργῆσαι καὶ ἵνα αὐτοῖς
λογοποιήσομαι ἐπῆλ-
θον πάντἼ]ες αὐτῶν μικρ[ο]ὲ καὶ μεγάλοι μετὰ ῥοπάλων καὶ ξιφῶν βουλόμενοι ἀναιρῇσαι με,
καὶ ἀπρεπῆ ῥήματά μοι
n.. ανων ἀκοῦσαι εἰ μὴ κατὰ θεῖον ἐξείλησα ἀπ᾽ αὐτῶν ἔμελλον ἂν καὶ τὸ ζῆν κινδυ-
νεύειν καταφρο-
το Ἴζοντί.]ς ἐξου[σ]ίας, καὶ ἐνέτυχα τῷ σῷ ἀδεϊλ]φῷ Φιλαγρίῳ περὶ τούτ[ ω]ἱν καὶ ἐκέλευσεν
80 ὑπομνημάτων τῷ
Ἰυπόλεως παρ[αδοῦναί μοι τὴν γῆν καὶ τοῦ ἐξάκτορος κατὰ [ἀκολουθίαν ἐπέστειλεν τῷ
πραιποσίτῳ τοῦ πάγου
7. μενι ὁριο[δ]είκτῃ καὶ γενάμενοι ἐπὶ τὴν αὐτοψίαν καὶ ἀναμετρήσαντες τὸν κλῆρον
παραδέδωκάν μοι
7 ἔγγραφον προ[σἸ]φώνησιν κατέθεντό μοι, ὅπερ καὶ ἐπιδεικνύω. πάλιν μετὰ τὸ γεωργῆσαί
με αὐτὰ ἐπὶ πέντε ἔτη
7 καὶ οὐκ εἴασζά]ν μοι πάλιν γεωργῆσαι καταφρονήσαντες τῆς περὶ ἐμὲ ἀπραγμοσύνης καὶ
τοῦ σχήματος καὶ τῶν
15 7- owrés τίε τῷ] περὶ [αὐτ]οὺς πλούτω Kal τῇ ἐπὶ τόπων τυραννίᾳ χρώμενοι ἐμοῦ
τελοῦντος ἀπο{ιϊ καρποῦνται.
7 ὑπογραφῆς κελεῦσα[ι τ]ῷ πραιποσίτῳ τῶ]ν κάστρων ἵππωνίωνὶ τῆς ἐγγίστῃ(ς) περα-
τούρας ἐπαναγκάσαι τοὺς ἐγγεγραμμένους
ἡμετέρ]ας μου γῆς τῶϊν].... [.7. ov, ἔτι μὴν κ[αὶ] ἀποκαταστῆσαί μοι τοὺς φό[ρο]υς τοῦ
τοσο[ύτου χρόνου ἵνα ταῦτα ἀπολαβὼν εὐγνωμονήσω
με ΠΣ -
τ]ὰ δημόσια τελῶ ὑπὲρ adrav, ἐπὶ δὲ ἀντιλέγουσιν [rov}rovs παραπεμφθ[έντα]ς pe(i)vac
εἰς [τὸ] ἄχρ[αἹντόζν) σου δικαστήριον ἐμοῦ ἑτοίμως ἔχοντος
τ]οὺς πόδας x[dplirds σοι τὰς μεγίσίτας διὰ] παντὸς ὁμ[ολ]ογήσω. διευτύχ[ ε]ι. (and hand)
Αὐρήλιος Γερμανὸς ὃ προκείμενος ἐπιδε-
20 Εὐ]δαίμονος ἄρξας Ἡ ρᾳ[ κλ]έο[υς] πόλεως ἔγρ(αψα) [ὑπ]ὲρ αὐτοῦ γράμ[μ]ατα μὴ εἰδότος.
7. wa Pap.; so 17. 16, ἵππων Pap.
2. Or perhaps λαμπ]ρότατοι € . «
4. ἡ]γεμόνι Abyovorap[vikns: the province of Augustamnica, created in the fourth century, is stated to
have consisted of the eastern half of lower Egypt. It is remarkable that both here and in Pap. Oxy.
I. 87 the praefect of Augustamnica exercises authority considerably beyond the Delta. The provenance
of the present papyrus is indeed uncertain, but is not improbably Heracleopolis (cf. line 20).
4. The construction seems difficult here; ὑπάρχουσι. . . ἄρουραι would be expected.
g-10. Perhaps καταφρο[[νησάντων τῆς. . . τοῦ στατιωνί]ζοντί οἿ-.
10-11. Probably τῷ [ἐξάκτορ. Ἑρμο]υπόλεως is unlikely owing to its distance from the province of
Augustamnica. Perhaps ‘Hpaxdéolv{s) πόλεως should be read. 1. ὁ ἐξάκτωρ or ἐπιστείλαντος.
16. meparovpas: the word also occurs in Gr. Pap. II. 100. 7, where πρεσβύτεροι παρατούρας are mentioned.
18. ἐπὶ δὲ ἀντιλέγουσιν : cf. 146. 4. ém{e)l rather takes it for granted that resistance will be made.
21:4 Χ 9 cm. Fourth century a.p.
ETTER from Plution, an agent or caretaker at a farm, to a superior, begging the latter
to come next day. On the verso are five lines of Coptic in a large hand—apparently
an account.
TAovuri[ w |v.
‘ > , > Lal ΕΣ
μὴ ἀμελήσῃς ἐν τῇ αὔριον
ἀπαντῆσαι πρὸς ἡμᾶς, ὃ γὰρ
ἀγρὸς ᾿Αβίου ἐξῆλθεν εἰς σπίο-
5 pav καὶ τροφῖα οὐκ ἔνι τοῖς
, > ‘ a? , lal ,
βόες. εἶπον yap τῷ Ἰσάκ, St Kép-
. , Yee eee . ,
μα, Kat λέγι, οὐκ ἔχω" καὶ τούτω(ν)
4 > 4 nr 4
χάριν ἀπέστιλα Σαᾶν πρὸς
σὲ ὅπως μὴ ἐνετρευθῇ
ιο τὰ γράμματα. ἀπέστιλα
διὰ τοῦ αὐτοῦ Σαᾷ ὕνια
δύο παλεὰ εἵνα γένοντα[ι
ἐν καλόν, ἐποίησα γὰρ ἄλλο
Ψ' ’ Ν ’
ἄλυτρον κενόν. μὴ θελή-
ι ONS οὖν, κύριε, μῖνε ἐκ-
6. 1. βουσί. 9. 1. ἐνεδρευθῇ. 12. 1. παλαιὰ. .. γένωνται.
ἢ οὗ θελὴ is ς. 15. € of κυριε corr. from υ. 1. μεῖναι.
Το ...] from Plution.
τὸς ἡμῶν αὔριον διὰ τὴν
ἀφορμὴν τοῦ ὕδατος
εἵνα δηνηθῶμεν
ποτίσαι oy μέγαν κλῆ-
20 ρον. ἀπέστιλά ἴσοι
ὀλίγα λάχανα διὰ Σαᾶ.
ἐρρῶσθαί σ᾽ εὔχο-
[μαι] πολλοῖς χρόνοις,
14. 1. ἄλοιτρον (Ὁ) καινόν. Above
18, 1. δυνηθῶμεν.
Do not neglect to come and meet us to-morrow, for the field of Abius
has been put out to seed, and there is no food there for the oxen.
and he said, “I have none.”
I said to Isaac, “I want money,”
I therefore send Saas to you, in order that my letter may not be waylaid.
I send by the said Saas two old ploughshares that they may be made into one good one; for I have
made another new plough (?).
of water, so that we may be able to irrigate the large holding.
I pray for your long health, my master.’
14. GAvtpov may be for ἄλοιτρον, which should strictly be a threshing implement.
So please, sir, do not stay away from us to-morrow, because of the flow
I send you a few vegetables by Saas.
Possibly even
ἄροτρον was intended; A and p are frequently interchanged, but v for o is an unlikely error.
24°5 X 10°5 cm.
Fifth century A.D.
ETTER from Timius to Sophia, probably his sister or wife, possibly both, asking her
to raise some money of which he was in need by a mortgage on a young slave.
[τῇ κυρίᾳ μου
Σοφίί[ᾳ Τίμιος χαίρειν. 15
εὑρών [ple Πλούσειος ἐπεὶ
τῆς ᾿Αλεξανδρίας κα-
5 τέσχεν με καὶ οὐδὲν
εὗρον δοῦναι αὐτῷ.
σπούδασον οὖν τὸ μι- 20
Ν ’ ε lel
κρὸ[ν] παιδίον ἡμῶν
᾿Αρτεμίδωρον [1.1] θεῖναι
» ε ΄ * Ν LY
ἐν ὑποθήκῃ, καὶ yap
ἐγὼ θεοῦ βουλήσει
3s 9 Lal
ἐὰν evpw πλοῖον 25
ἔλθ[ω] ἐν τάχι πρὸς
ὑμᾶς. μὴ οὖν ἀ.
μελήσεις τοῦ τοῦτο
ποιῆσαι, καὶ γὰρ ἐγὼ
ἐν πολλῇ μερ(ί)μνῃ
καὶ θλείψει ὑπάρχω.
ἐλπείδα δὲ ἔχομεν
εἰς τὸν θ(εδὴν ἵνα αὐτὸς
πρόνοιαν ἡμῶν ποι(ζήλ)σει.
τὸ γαυνάκιον ἐπράθη
δ ἐμοῦ σείτου ἀρταβῶν
δέκα. μὴ ἀμελή[σ]έζις
διὰ 2], πεν “νι ντο.
On the verso
+] τῇ κυρίᾳ pov Σοφίᾳ
‘To my... Sophia greeting, from Timius. Plusius finding me at Alexandria seized upon me,
and I found nothing to give him. Make haste therefore and put our little slave Artemidorus under
pledge, for, God willing, if I find a boat I will come to you soon. So do not neglect to do this, for
I am in much anxiety and trouble. But I trust to God that he will himself care for us. I got the
cloak sold for ten artabae of corn. Do not neglect...’
27°2 X 13°3 cm. Late fourth or early fifth century a.v. Piate X XI,
ETTER from Apa Johannes to Paul, written in a thick cursive hand, and concluding with
one line added in a different cursive and five short lines in Coptic uncials. These have
a considerable palaeographical interest, being one of the very few examples of a Byzantine
literary hand to which an approximate date can be assigned with certainty; for the two
Greek cursive hands are certainly not earlier than the middle of the fourth century nor later
than the middle of the fifth, and the Coptic uncials were undoubtedly written by the first
hand. For the translation of them we are indebted to Mr. Crum. Long-winded apologies
and salutations, as is usual in the correspondence of this period, occupy a great part of the
letter, the chief point of which is a request for money on behalf of a certain Macarius.
[Τῷ ἀγ]απητῷ ἀδελφῷ καὶ ηὐλ[ο]γημένῳ
7 τῷ θεῷ Παύλῳ
"Ata Ἰωάννης.
[βούλο]μαι μὲν καταξιωθῆναι ἀεὶ γράφειν
5 [τῇ σῇ] θεοσεβείᾳ καὶ προσαγορεύειν τὴν
[- - - ἐθφάμιλλόν σου καλοκἀγαθίαν
[ἀδι]αλίπτως μὴ φορτικὸς δὲ ὅμως γε-
[νέσ]θαι τῇ σῇ τιμιότητι περὶ οἱουδήποτε
[πράγματος, ἀλλὰ τὸ γνωστὸν τῆς πρὸς ἀλ-
το [λήλο]υς συνηθείας αὐζτὸ) τοῦτο καὶ οὐδὲν ἕτε-
[ρον] παρασκευάζει πολλοὺς εἰδότας τὸ
[σὸν] εἰς ἡμᾶς ἐνδιάθετον προσφεύγειν
[μοι] καὶ ποιῆσαι δεηθῆναί σου τῆς εὐγενείας
[ἵνα μ]ὴ ἀμελήσῃς περὶ Μακαρίου: ὅσου γὰρ
τ [παρέ]χεις λήμψι ἐκ πλήρους. γνώθει δὲ
[ὅτι ἐϊλυπήθην διότι ἀπεδήμησας ἀλόγως
[. Jee avrn ἐστιν ἡ συνταγή, ἀλλ᾽ ἐχάρην
[ἀκούσας διὰ τοῦ πραιποσίτου ὅτι ἀπέρχῃ
[ταχ]υτέρου πρὸς ἡμᾶς. Ἱέραξ οὖν τῷ
ul Aa
20 [καταϊἸφέροντί σοι ταῦτά pov τὰ γράμματα
[ἀξῆωσον συνβοηθῆναι αὐτῷ εἰς ὃ ἐὰν
[δυνατόν σοι τῇ τιμιότητι. προσαγορεύω
Ν ‘ , Ν ‘ » , x
[τὴν] σὴν διάθεσιν καὶ τὰ φίλτατά σου τὰ
[πάν]τα, τοῦτο γὰρ προτάττεσθαι εὔλογον
Ν Ὁ ΟΦ, ἢ ε lal
25 [...]So7Ta περὶ τῶν αὐτῶν ὑπαρχθῆναι.
and hand [προσα]γορεύει δὲ τῇ σῇ διαθέσει ὃ ἀγαπητὸς Παπνούθης.
ist hand TOINE EPOK
1. nidfolynuevw Pap. 3. iwavyns Pap. 4. ae’ Pap. 12. y of προσφευγειν over the line.
13. cov over the line. 14. ὅσου Pap. τό. τι of διοτι over the line. 1g. 1. [raxlbrepov? iepa€
Pap. 1. Ἱέρακι. 21. 6 Pap. 23. First τ of φιλτατα corr. from A. 24. προτατ΄ τεσθαι Pap.
25. ὕπαρχθηναι Pap. 26. πα of παπνουθῆης corr. from wp.
‘To my beloved brother blessed in God, Paulus, from Apa Johannes. Though I wish to be found
worthy of writing continually to your holiness and saluting your .. . rivalling kindness without ceasing,
I desire nevertheless not to weary your honour on any subject. But the knowledge of our intimacy—
this by itself and no other reason causes many who know your feelings for me to come to me for help,
and to make me ask your nobility not to forget about Macarius. For whatever you give him, you will
receive in full. Know that I am grieved because you went away without cause ..., but I rejoice at
hearing through the praepositus that you are soon coming back to us, Hierax, who brings you this
letter of mine, please assist to the full extent of your honour’s power. I salute your highness and all
those dearest to you, for it is right that this should be put in the foremost place ... The beloved
Papnouthes salutes your highness. (In Coptic) I greet you, my brother Paulus, and all those of your
house in the Lord.’
ASHMUNEN ? 9 X 29:7 cm. Fifth century a.p.
N order from Heraclammon, véparius, to the chiefs of police at the village Telbonthis
(cf. C.P.R.I. 39. το. Θελβῶνθιν) to compel two men to restore some cattle which they had
stolen, or if they denied the theft, to send them to the city for trial.
TI(apa) Ἡ ρακλάμμωνος λαμπρο(θ) καὶ purap(iov)
εἰρηνάρχ(οις) κώμης. Τελβώνθεως. ποιήσατε Κολλοῦχιν καὶ Σίριον τὸν αὐτοῦ ἀδελφὸν τοὺς
υἱοὺς Πενὸβ τοὺς ἀποσπάσαντας τὰ δύο βοικὰ ζῷα ᾿Ανουφίου ἀποκαταστῆσαι αὐτῷ,
ἢ ἀντιλέγοντας ἐκπέμψατε ἐπὶ τὴν πόλιν. ἠτιάθησαν γὰρ ἐπὶ τοῦ ἄρχοντος.
5 ἐρρῶσθαι
: ὑμᾶς εὔ(χομαμ).
3. Boixa Pap.
‘From his honour Heraclammon, rifarius, to the eirenarchs of the village of Telbonthis. Make
Collouchis and Sirius his brother, sons of Penob, who have carried off the two cows of Anouphius, restore
them to him; or if they dispute it, send them off to the city, for they have been charged before the -
magistrate. I ‘Pray for your health.’
1. The riparii exercised a certain judicial authority, and petitions are found addressed to them, 6. g.
Giz. Inv. No. 10269, a complaint of an assault sent in A.D. 362 to Aurelius Nilus and Aurelius
Theodorus, rifarii of the Hermopolite nome.
Axunas ? 14.4Χ11:7 cm. Fourth or early fifth century a. Ὁ.
N acknowledgement addressed to Flavius Cyrfillus ?] through his agent at the village
of Phebeichi in the Heracleopolite nome by Aurelius Maximus, stating that he had
received 183 artabae of wheat for sowing purposes as a loan to be repaid after the harvest.
Φλαουίῳ Κυρ[ίλλῳ 20 letters jv
Αἰγύπτου διὰ O15 letters ἀπὸ κώμης Φε-
βεῖχι ια΄ πάγου τοῦ Ἡ ρακλ[εοπολίτου νομοῦ
Αὐρήλιος Μάξιμος Μέλανος ἀπὸ τῆς αὐτῆς Φεβεῖχε
5 Χαίρειν. ὁμολογῶ ἐσχηκαίνε καὶ μεμετρῆσθαι, παρὰ
"σοῦ εἰς κατασπορὰν τῆς εὐτυχοῦς μελλούσης ἡ ἰνδ(ικτίονος)
πυροῦ καθαροῦ σὺν καὶ τῇ ἀνιλημμένῃ. ἡμιολίᾳ ἀρτάβας
δέκα ὀκτὼ ἥμισυ τέταρτον, (ἀρτάβαι) un (ἥμισυ) d, ἅσπερ ἐπάναγκες
ἐκνεάσας i goo ἐκ νέων καρπῶν ἐφ᾽ a-
το λων τῆς αὐτῆς ἔβμης ἕως Μεσορὴ ἃ μέ.
τρῳ δεκάτῳ ᾧ καὶ αὐτὸς ἀνεμετρήθην ἀναιπιρρή-
τως" εἰ δὲ τῆς προκιμένης ἅλω συμφωνη.
θείσης καὶ τὴν ἀπόδοσιν μὴ ποιήσωμε ἐκ- ©
{κ}τίσω σοι καὶ τῶν ὑπερπιπτόντων χρόνων
τῷ τὰς ὑπὲρ αὐτῶν ἡμιολείας, τῆς πράξεώς σοι οὔ-
ons ἔκ τε ἐμοῦ καὶ τῶν ὑπαρχόντων μοι πάντων. .
κύριον τὸ γραμματῖον ἁπλοῦν γραφὲν καθαρὸν καὶ
ἐπερωτηθὶς ὡμολόγησα.
On the verso
+ Μάξιμος Μέλανος σὲ... ke.[
I. φλαουΐω Pap. 5. 1. ἐσχηκέναι. 11. 1. ἀνεπιρρήτως. 13. 1. ποιήσωμαι. 16..zavrw— Pap.
‘To Flavius Cyrillus ... through... from the village of Phebeichi in the Heracleopolite nome
Aurelius Maximus son of Melas from the same village of Phebeichi, greeting. I acknowledge that
I have received and had measured out to me from you for sowing the crop of the auspicious coming
eighth indiction, including the restored payment of τὰ times the sum due, eighteen and three-quarters
artabae of sifted wheat, total 18} art., which I am bound to renew and replace out of the new
crops at the threshing-floor of the aforesaid village before Mesore 30, reckoning it by the tenth
measure, as it was measured out to me, without subterfuge. But if when the aforesaid threshing-floor is
agreed upon I fail to restore the wheat, I will forfeit to you for the periods in arrear the due sums
greater by a half, you having the right of execution upon both my person and all my property. This
bond, of which there is one copy without flaw, is valid, and in answer to the formal question I gave
my assent.’
6. ἡ ἱνδ(ικτίονος): after is a stroke like that generally found for (ἔτους), and a similar sign occurs
between 13 and ἰνδικ(τίονος) in Gizeh Inv. No. 10267 and elsewhere. Since (ἔτους) would be super-
fluous it is more probable that the stroke simply marks the fact of the preceding letter being a number,
as is the case in line 3 above and also in 188. 1, where Τῦβι 18 is followed by a stroke resembling the
sign for ἔτους.
7. τῇ ἀνιλημμένῃ ἡμιολίᾳ: apparently Aurelius Maximus had been in arrears in his payments for the
year before that with which the agreement is concerned, and had therefore had to pay a ἡμιολία, which
had been however restored to him.
το. After Μεσορή is a spot of ink, which does not however seem to represent a letter.
Fayt. 14°7 Χ 19:3 cm. A.D. 487. Pirate XXII.
N acknowledgement of the receipt of a loan of eight solidi less thirty-two carats
without interest from Flavius Polychronius, a soldier, to Musaeus, a seller of vegetables
at Arsinoé.
[Mera τὴν ὑ]πατίαν Φ[λαου]ίου Aoyyivov τοῦ λαμροτάτου Μεσορὴ Ks, ἀρ[χ(ῃ)] va iv(Suxriovos).
[..+++.+.|s Μουσαῖος v[ids] Παύλου λαχανοπράτης ἀπὸ τῆς ᾿Αρσινο]ειτῶν ©
[πόλεως ἀπὸ ἀμφόδου Θέωνος Φλαουίῳ Πολυχρονίῳ Πέτρου σιμισᾳλίῳ ἀριθμοῦ
beauties 40-2 Jpos τῶν re... αλιβαναριων χ(αίρειν).Γ. ὁμολογῶ ἐσχηκέναι pe Tapa σοῦ
5 [δι]ὰ χειρὸς εἰς ἰδίαν μου καὶ ἀναγκαίαν χρίαν χρυσίου νομισμ[άτια ὀκτὼ παρὰ
[κε]ράτια τριάκοντα δύο, χρ(υσίου) νο(μισμάτια) ἡ π(αρὰ) κερ(άτια) XB”, Kehadfaliov ζυγῷ
[τὴ]ν δὲ τούτων ἀπόδοσίν σοι ποιήσομαι δείχα τόκων ἐπὶ καταβολες
[ὀκ]τὼ δυενιαυσίως χρυσίου νομισμάτιον ἕν, ἀρχομένης καὶ γιγνομένης
[πα]ρ᾿ ἐμοῦ τῆς πρώτης καταβολῆς μηνὶ Θὼθ τῆς εἰσιούσης
το [δωδεκάτης ἰνδικ(τίονος) ofv]rw καὶ ἐφεξῆς ἄχρει συμπληρώσεως τοῦ χρέους.
[ἐὰν δὲ ἐκ]προθέσμως ὑπερθῶμαι περὶ τὴν τούτων ἀπόδοσ[ι]ν καὶ
[βουληθἸ]είης κατὰ παρά[κλησιν ἐμὴν ἑτέραν μοι ἐνδοῦναι mpd0 ow
5. ἴδιαν Pap. ἡ. lL. καταβολαῖς.
‘The year after the consulship of Flavius Longinus the most illustrious, Mesore 26, at the beginning
of the eleventh indiction. ... Musaeus son of Paulus, a vegetable-seller from Arsinoé living in the
quarter of Theon, to Flavius Polychronius son of Petrus ..., greeting. I acknowledge that I have
received from you direct for my own pressing need the sum of eight solidi of gold less thirty-two carats,
total 8 sol. of gold less 32 car., on the standard of the Arsinoite nome. This I will repay you without
interest in eight instalments, two in a year, of one gold solidus, the first instalment beginning and being
paid by me in the month of Thoth in the coming twelfth indiction, and successive instalments until the
debt is paid in full. But if I delay in the repayment beyond the appointed time and you consent at
my request to grant me a further period .. .’
BEHNESA, 24:2 X 14°5 cm. Sixth century A.p.
N acknowledgement, addressed to some persons whose names are lost, through their agent
Cyriacus by Aurelius Anoup, a tenant of a garden belonging to them, of a loan of 2 solidi
less eight carats, to be repaid at the lenders’ pleasure. The two se/ides of which the papyrus
is composed are so joined that the recto of one and verso of the other are uppermost.
ἀνδρὶ 7... +. Ἵν a
θαυμασιωτί ἀτο]ῆυ Κυριακοῦ τί... .Ino . [bf
Αὐρήλιος ᾿Ανοὺπ υἱὸς Πετρωνίου μητρὸς Μαξίμας φροντιστὴς
5. κηπουρὸς ἀπὸ ἐποικίου Νήσου Λαχανίας πέραν τῆς ᾽Οξυρυγχί(ιτῶν)
πόλεως κτήματος τῆς ὑμῶν ὑπερφυείας ἐναπόγραφ(ος)
αὐτῆς χαίρειν. ὁμολογῶ ἐσχηκέναι παρὰ τῆς ὑμῶν
ὑπερφυείας ἐντεῦθεν ἤδη λόγῳ προχρείας τοῦ
ὑπ ἐμὲ κηπίου τῆς ὑμῶν ὑπερφυείας χρυσοῦ νομίσ-
το ματα δύο ἰδιωτικῷ ζυγῷ παρὰ κεράτια ὀκτὼ
δοθέντα μοι διὰ τοῦ αὐτοῦ θαυμασιοτάτου Κυριακοῦ
προνοητοῦ, γί(νεται) χρ(υσοῦ) νο(μίσματα B mapa) κερ(άτια) ἢ ἰδ(ιωτικῷ) Cvy(@), ἅπερ ἀκίν-
δυνα ὄντα ἀπὸ παντὸς κινδύνου ἐπάναγκες
ἀποδώσω τῇ ὑμῶν ὑπερφυείᾳίν; ἢ καὶ τῷ κυρίως
τ ὑπὲρ αὐτῆς τὴν μεθοδίαν Kat ἐμοῦ ποιουμένῳ
ὁπινίκα ἂν ἀπολαβεῖν βουληθείη ἀνυπερθέτως
ἄνευ πάσης ἀντιλογίας κινδύνῳ τῶν ἐμοὶ ὑπαρχ(όντων) πά(ντων).
κύριον τὸ ypapp(areiov) τῆς προχρείας ἁπλ(οῦν) γραφ(ὲν) καὶ ἐπερ(ωτηθεὶς)
Ἰώὡμολόγησα. + (2nd hand) Αὐρήλιος ᾿Ανοὺπ φροντιστὴς υἱὸς Πετρωνίου
20 6 προγεγραμμένος ἔσχον λόγῳ προχρείας τὰ τοῦ χρυσοῦ
νομισμάτια δύο παρὰ κεράτια ὀκτὼ ἰδιω(τικῷ) ζυγῷ κεφαλ(αίου)
καὶ ἀποδώσω ὁπόταν βουληθείητε καὶ συμφωνῖΐ μοι
πάντα ὡς πρό(κειται). Αὐρήλιος Σερῆνος υἱὸς τοῦ μακαρίου
Πτολεμίου ἀξ(ιωθεὶς) ἔγραψα ὑπὲρ αὐτί(οῦ) dypapp(drov) ὄντος.
25 +di emu Anoup..e[-Je.... th(e).
3. kipiaxov Pap. 4. vios Pap. 8. ὕπερφυειας Pap. 10. iwrikw Pap.
the line. 16. 1. ὁπηνίκα.
15. ὃ of ὑπερ over
‘To .. . through the most admirable Cyriacus . . . from Aurelius Anoup son of Petronius
and Maxima, a superintendent in charge of a garden, from the farmstead of Lachaniae Nesus opposite
Oxyrhynchus on an estate belonging to your magnificences, and registered as your servant, greeting.
I acknowledge that I have received from your magnificences forthwith on account of a loan for the garden
of your magnificences of which I am in charge two solidi‘on your private standard less eight carats,
given to me by the aforesaid most admirable Cyriacus, steward, total 2 sol. of gold less 8 car. on the
private standard; which sum free of all risk Iam bound to repay to your magnificences or to the person
lawfully demanding it from me on your behalf whenever your magnificences wish to recover it, without
delay or excuses, on the security of all my property. This contract of loan, of which only one copy is
made, is valid, and in answer to the formal question I have given my assent.’ Signature of Aurelius
Anoup written for him by Aurelius Serenus, and signature of the scribe, Anoup, in Latin.
1-2. Cf. Pap. Oxy. I. 136. 5-7. διὰ Μηνᾶ οἰκέτου τοῦ ἐπερωτῶντος καὶ προσπορίζοντος τοῖς ἰδίοις δεσπόταις
τοῖς αὐτοῖς πανευφήμοις ἀνδράσιν τὴν ἀγωγὴν καὶ ἐνοχήν.
6. ἐναπόγραφ(ος) : cf. ibid. 135. 15 ἐναπόγραφον αὐτῆς γεωργόν.
10. ἰδιωτικῷ ὡγῷ: a solidus on this standard was worth less than an Alexandrian solidus; see Pap.
Oxy. I. p. 236. Instances are found of the conversion of solidi ἰδιωτικῷ ζυγῷ into solidi ζυγῷ ᾿Αλεξανδρείας
at the ratio of 161 : 146 and οὔ : 87.
25. We cannot reconcile the last word with eteleioth(e), the verb generally used in the signatures of
the Oxyrhynchus scribes. esemeiothe is still more unsuitable.
BEHNESA. 212 X T1°5 cm. A.D. 592. PLate XIX.
N acknowledgement by five persons called Aurelius Phoebammon, Papnouthius, Cyriacus,
Johannes, and Phoebammon, addressed to Aurelius Abraamius, stating that they had
received two solidi as the price of fifty loads of hay to be supplied six months afterwards,
Both the body of the contract and the signatures are written by the scribe Damianus, who
appends his own signature in Latin at the end. The contrast between the formal and
upright, if inelegant, hand of the professional scribe and his natural hand, which is a flowing
cursive with a marked slope to the right, is instructive.
[+ Βασιλείας τοῦ θειοτάτου Kai εὐσε-
[βεστ]άϊτου ἡμῶν δεσπότου Φλαουίου
Μζα)υρικίου [Τι]βερίου τοῦ αἰ[ω]ν[ου Αὐγούστου
καὶ Αὐτοκράτορος ἔτους ta ὑπατείας τοῦ
> lel > , ε -“ ’ a
5 αὐτοῦ εὐσεβεστάτου ἡμῶν δεσπό(του) [τὸ
t Φαῶφι Ky ἰνδ(ικτίονος) τα.
Αὐρήλιος Φοιβάμμων φροντιστὴς υἱὸς
Aaveir μητρὸς Μαρίας καὶ Παπ[νούθιος
υἱὸς Μακαρίου μητρὸς Μαρίας κα[ὶ Κυριακὸς
en ’ > ~ ‘
το υἱὸς Βίκτορος μητρὸς Στεφανο[ῦτος καὶ
Ἰωάννης υἱ]ὸς Ἰὼβ μητρὸς “Avrfas καὶ
Φοιβάμίμων ἀγ)]ροφύλαξ υἱὸς M[......
a 4.
[o]t πάϊντες ὁρμ]ώμενοι ἀπὸ ἐπ[οικίου
Σωφρ[οσύνης] τοῦ ’O€vpvyxirov [νομοῦ
15 Αὐρη[ϊλίῳ ᾿Αβρα]αμίῳ pudof..... υἱῷ
Σενο[υθίου] ἀπὸ τῆς Ὃ ξυρυγ[χιτ]ῶν πόλεως
χαίρειν. [ὁμολ]ογοῦμεν ἐσχη[ kevlar παρὰ ofod
ἐντεῦθεν ἤδ]η χρυσοῦ νο[μίσμαἾτα δύο
ἰδιωτικ[ῷ ζυ]γῷ νομιτευόϊμενα] εἰς τὴν
20 σ[υ]ναρέϊσα]σαν ἡμῖν τιμὴν] πλήρης
χόρτου ἕϊηρο]ῦ oda πεφο[ρτομ]ένα
πεντήκο[ντΊ]α, γί(νεται) χρ(υσοῦ) νο(μίσματα) B ἰδ(ιωτικῳ) [ζ]νγ(ῷ) εἰς
χόρ(του) ξηρ(οῦ) πεφορτομένα ζῷα
πεντήκοντα, [ὅϊνπερ χόρτον εὐάρεστον
28 μακροφυοῖν] ἐν ἀγγάλαις ὁμολογοῦμεν
παρασχεῖν σίο]ι. ἐν τῷ Φαρμοῦθι μηνὶ
τῆς παρούσης [ἕ]νδεκάτης ἰνδικτίονος
ἐκ νέων κἰαρπῶ]ν τῆς σὺν θεῷ
δωδεκάτης ἐπινεμήσεως ἀνυπερθέ(τως)
80 κινδύνῳ τῶν ἡμῖν ὑπαρχόντων
ὑποκειμένων εἰς τοῦτο. κύριον
τὸ γραμματῖον ἁπλοῦν γραφὲν καὶ
ἐπερωτηθεὶς ὡμολόγησα. +
Ἔ Αὐρήλιοι Φοιβάμμων καὶ Παπνούθιος
45 καὶ Κυριακὸς καὶ Ἰωάννης καὶ
Φοιβάμμων οἱ προγεγραμμένοι
πεπ[ο]νή[μ]εθα τοῦτο τὸ γραμμί(ατεϊον)
τῶν δύο νομ(ισμάτων) εἰς χόρτου ξηροῦ
ζῷα πεφορτομένα πεν[τ]ήκοντα
4o ὧς πρόκί(ειται). Δαμιανὸς ἔγραψα
ὑπὲρ αὐτῶν ἀγραμμάτων
+di emu Damian(u) eteleiothh.
On the verso
1. ρί ) Φοιβ[άμμων[ος] καὶ Παπνουθίου καὶ Κυριακοῦ καὶ Ἰωάννου καὶ Φοιβάμμωνος πρωτί )
45 [15 letters]. «... [ἐπ]οικ(ίου) Σωφροσύνης χρ(υσοῦ) νο(μισμάτων) B ἰδ(ιωτικῷ) εἰς χόρ(του)
ζῷα ν.
4. ὕπατεΐιας Pap. 9. ὕϊος Pap., so in 10, 12. 11. twavyns Pap. 20. 1. πλήρη. ᾿ 41. 1. ζῷα
πεφορτισμένα, so in 23 and 40. 25. 1. ἀγκάλαις. 27. ivduxtiovos Pap. 29. avimepOe(rws) Pap.
30-1. ὕπαρχοντων ὕποκειμενων Pap. 41. ὑπερ Pap. 44. iwavvov Pap.
‘In the 11th year of the reign of our most godly and pious sovereign Flavius Mauricius Tiberius
the eternal, Augustus and Imperator, and the tenth consulship of our aforesaid most pious sovereign,
Phaophi 23, 11th indiction. Aurelius Phoebammon, overseer, son of David and Maria, and Papnouthius
son of Macarius and Maria, and Cyriacus son of Victor and Stephanous, and Johannes son of Job and
Anna, and Phoebammon, guard of the fields, son of M . . ., all coming from the farmstead of Sophrosyne
in the Oxyrhynchite nome, to Aurelius Abraamius . . . from Oxyrhynchus, greeting. We acknowledge
that we have received from you forthwith two solidi of gold reckoned by your private standard, as the
full price agreed upon between us for fifty loads of dry hay, total 2 sol. of gold by your private standard
for fifty loads of dry hay, which hay we undertake to supply to you in satisfactory condition, well-grown,
in bundles, in the month of Pharmouthi of the present eleventh indiction from the new crop of the, D.V.,
coming twelfth indiction without any delay, on the security of all our property which is thereto
pledged. This bond, of which one copy only is made, is valid, and in answer to the formal question
I have given my assent.’ Signature of Aurelius Phoebammon and his associates written by the scribe
Damianus, who appends his own signature in Latin.
15. Perhaps μυλο[υργός, but the reading of the third letter, which has been corrected, is very uncertain.
29. dwdexdrns ἐπινεμήσεως : it is curious that though the payment has to be made before the end of
the eleventh indiction the hay is said to belong to the harvest of the twelfth ἐπινέμησις, and at fitst
sight it is tempting to suppose that the ἐπινεμήσεις were a different cycle from the ἰνδικτίονες
and partly overlapped them. In that case the ἐπινεμήσεις must be identified with the movable
‘Egyptian’ indiction years beginning generally in Pauni, while the ἰνδικτίονες would be the fixed
Byzantine indictions beginning on Thoth 1. This view would explain such cases as the present
one and Pap. Oxy. I. 133. 18-20, where a precisely similar difficulty occurs; but without more evidence
we hesitate to believe that at Oxyrhynchus ἰνδικτίων regularly meant the fixed, and not, as elsewhere in
most cases, the movable, indiction years. Generally where ἐπινέμησις occurs in Oxyrhynchus papyri the
word seems to be merely a variant for ἰνδικτίων and the cycle of ἐπινεμήσεις to correspond with that of
ἰνδικτίονες ; cf. Pap. Oxy. I. 138. 13-16 ἐπὶ ἕνα ἐνιαυτὸν λογιζόμενον ἀπὸ πεντεκαιδεκάτης τοῦ Xolax μηνὸς τῆς
παρούσης τεσσαρασκαιδεκάτης ivd(txrlovos) μέχρι πεντεκαιδεκάτης τοῦ Χοίακ μηνὸς τῆς σὺν θ(εῷ) πεντεκαιδεκάτης
43. eleleiothh: the second ἃ (if it be % and not merely a flourish) represents ἡ; cf. Pap. Oxy.
E, 195.9%.
AsuMunNgN. 35 X 24°7 cm. A.D. 610-640. PxLaTE XXIII.
GREEMENT made at Hermopolis by four men of the village of Tachoi and the other
landowners of the village, by which they pledged themselves to repay a loan of money
at a certain date. The papyrus is considerably mutilated, having lost about thirty-five letters
at the beginnings of the lines; but the general sense remains clear. The document is signed
by three witnesses.
[- Ἐν ὀνόματι τῆς ἁγίας καὶ ὁμοουσίου τριάδος wanpie καὶ υἱοῦ καὶ ἁγίου] πνεύματος,
βασιλείας τοῦ] θε[ι]οτάτου
[καὶ εὐσεβεστάτου ἡμῶν δεσπότου Φλαουίο]υ Ἡρακλείους} τοῦ αἰωνίου Αὐγούστου Αὐτοκρά-
τοροΐς καὶ] μεγίστου
[εὐεργέτου ἔτους. τῆς ἰν]δικτ(ίονος), ἐν Ἑρμουπόλει τῆς Θηβαΐδος.
oly τοῦ καὶ τὸ πρόσωπον ᾿Ασφατουρίου τοῦ εὐκλεεσ[τά]του
] ἑκατέρας Θηβαίδος τὸν τόπον ἀναπληροῦντι διὰ Σεργίου
πάντων ἀπὸ κώμης Ταχοὶ Sv ἡμῶν Πκαλίου υἱἷο]0
[Tavpivov ἐκ μητρὸς καὶ Φίβιος υἱοῦ] Βίκτορος ἐκ μητρὸς Μαρίας καὶ Μαθείου υἱοῦ
[ἐκ μητρὸς καὶ υἱοῦ ἐκ] μητρὸς Ἴσιδος καὶ τῶν λζο]υπῶν κτητόρων τῆς
αὐτῆς] κώμης
[Ταχοὶ ὁμολ]ογοῦμεν ἡμεῖς οἱ προγεγραμμένοι Πκάλιος καὶ Φῖβις καὶ
το [Μαθείας καὶ καὶ οἱ λοιποὶ κτήτορες τῆς] αὐτῆς κώμης Ταχ[ο]ὺ ἀδιαιρέτως ἀλληλέγγυοι
[ Ἴτες ἕκαστος ἡμῶν ἐνεχόμενος κα]ὶ κατεχόμενος
[ ἀἸπόδοσιν τοῦ ἑξῆς ἐντεταγμέν[ο]υ χρέους ἰδίῳ ἡμῶν
[κινδύνῳ ὁμο]λογοῦμεν ὀφείλειν καὶ χρεωστεῖν
[ -μένου καθαρῶς καὶ ἀποκρ[ἤτως χρ[υ]σοῦ
15 [νομίσματα παρὰ κεράτια] ἐνν]έα εὔσταθμα ζυγῷ Ἑ), ρμ[ο]υπόλεως
[ πα]ρασχεῖν τῇ ὑμετέρᾳ ἁγιότητι ἐν τῇ νεομηνίᾳ
[τοῦ. THs ἰνδικτ]ΐονος χωρ[ζ)ς twos ὑπερθέσεως καὶ ἀν[τ]ιλογίας
[ 7. εὡς πάντων ἡμῶν τῶν ὑπα{ιξ ρχόντων καὶ
ὑπα{ι! ρξόντων
[ἰδικῶς καὶ γενικῶς ἐνεχύρου λόγῳ καὶ] ὑποθήκης δικαίῳ καθάπερ ἐκ δίκης, καὶ προσ-
20[, ἐπερωτηθέντες ὡμολογήσαμεν. -- Αὐρ(ήλιος) Πκάλι[ο]ς Tavpivov καὶ Φῖβις Βίκτορος
καὶ Μαθείας :
[Φοιβάμμωνος καὶ᾿ οἱ προκείμ]ενοι ἐθέμεθα τοῦτο τὸ γραμματεῖον ὡς πρόκ(ειται).
- Αὐρ(ήλιος) Θεόδωρος
[ ἔγραψα ὑπὲρ αὐτῶν γράμματα] μὴ εἰδότων. - (2nd hand) + Αὐρ(ήλιος)
ἐν pa.js Χριστοδώρου ἀπὸ Ἕ) ρ(μουπόλεως)
[μαρτυρῶ τῷ γραμματείῳ. (3rd hand) + ΑἸὐρήλιος Μηνᾶς Ἡρακλάμμῳνος ἀπὸ Ἕ) ρ(μου-
πόλεως) μαρτυρῶ τῷ γραμματείῳ.
[ (4th hand) μαρτυρῶ] τῷ γραμμ(ατείῳ) ἀκούσας πία]ρὰ τῶν θεμένων.
25 [ ]
I. viov Pap.; so 6, 7. 3. OnBaidos Pap.; so 5. 8. ἴσιδος Pap. 12. ἴδιω Pap. 16. ὕμετερα
Pap. 18. ὑπαιρχοντων καὶ ὑπαιρξοντω Pap.
5. ἑκατέρας Θηβαίδος : the Thebaid was at this period divided into two parts, upper and lower; cf.
Hierocles, p. 730 sq., Justinian, Ed. xiii. 22.
18. ὑποθέσεως cannot be read.
19. Cf. Pap. Oxy. I. 136. 40-1, &c.
25. The last line contained the signature of the scribe (Aurelius Theodorus), but all that remains of
it is the final flourishes.
Faydm. 36°5 Χ 30°5 cm. Fifth or early sixth century A.D.
f | ‘HIS letter is mainly concerned with an account of some property, consisting of a court
with six cellars, four of which had been inherited by a brother and sister, Symeon and
Nonna, from their mother. The letter breaks off in the middle of a sentence and was either
ΤΙ. Bb
continued on another sheet or else never completed. It is written across the fibres in
a large semi-uncial hand, which tends to become more cursive as it proceeds. A curious
form of the V-shaped v occurs, in which the two straight strokes cross and are joined at
the bottom by a horizontal line, the result rather resembling the Coptic x. On the verso
of the papyrus is a short partially effaced account in six lines.
τ- Ἐδεξάμην τὰ γράμματα τῆς [σ]ῆς [.. .7.. [-..Ὁὐνονν Ἴςς διαθέσεως
κ[α]ὰὶ πάνυ ἐχάρην γνοὺς ἐξ αὐτῶν [τὰ] περὶ τῆς ταύτης .. ..... d. .Ἰς
εἰρήσθω ὑγίας. περὶ δὲ τῆς λοιπάδος τῆς κριθῆς καθὼς
γράψαι κατηξίωσεν ἀπ[ηλ]λάγημεν τοῦ θεοῦ συνεργήσαντος.
5 ἔμεινεν μὲν τὸ πρῶτον λέγων Σαμβᾶς ὁ ὑποδέκτης ὅτι οὐκ ἐδεξάμην
εἰς λόγον τῆς κριθῆς εἰ μὴ ἕναν χρύσινον, ὕστερον δὲ ἀπέλυσεν
τὸ ὑπόλοι[π]ον τῆς κριθῆς ἀπὸ Φοιβάμμωνος τοῦ [v]iod ᾿Απφῦ
τοῦ σιτομέτρου. ἤδη δὲ κα[ὶ] ἄλλοτε γεγράφηκα αὐτῇ mpi τοῦ σίτο]υ
ὅτι ἀπηλλάγη ὁ κοινὸς πατὴρ Ποῦσις τὰ πάντ[α] .. τί... .Ἶρ[- .]ας.
το εἶπεν ὁ αὐτὸς κοινὸς πατὴρ Ποῦσις ὅτι .. ovopf.........+-.0-.
ἐπειδὴ Νόννα ἡ ἀδελφὴ Σ[υἹμεῶνος [ἡ] Ovlydiryp.......+....
Εὐφημίας ἡ γαμήσασα τὸν υἱὸν @apouvd{.......... ΕΥΤν ees
ἡ μένουσα μετὰ ᾿Ἤράδιδος τῆς μ[ημρὸς [........ 1 a Sees
ὡς οὐκ ἀγν(ογῶ εἰ xe φανερὰ κέλλιζα... .. 12.5. i Re ee
15 δορωφηξ. πᾶσα μὲν ἡ αὐλὴ af....... ] τοῦ [ἀΠ]δ ελ]φ[ο]Ὁ αὐτῆς] ἐστιν,
ἔχει δὲ ἡ αὐλὴ κέλλια ἐξ xa{t]......[.]. ἀρὸμμιειαζν) Νόννα
ε 3 Ν Ν ‘ , > Ν ,’ la
ἡ ἀπὸ Ταλεὶ τὰ πάντα ἀπὸ κληρονομίας μητρ[ι]κῆς. ἔτι δὲ περιόντος
τοῦ πατρὸς αὐτῆς ἐνταῦθᾳ κ[αὶ] τοῦ ἀδέλφοῦ αὐτὴν διεμερίσαντο
πρὸς ἑαυτούς, ἔλαχεν δὲ τὸν πατέρα ἀπὸ τῆς αὐτὴς μητρικῆς
4 > Ν ᾿ τῶ > ‘ > Ν ’ ε ,
20 κληρονομίας εἰς τὴν αὐτὴν ἐπαυλὴν ἀπὸ δίκης, ὡς λέγει,
κέλλια δύο, ὡς εἶναι τὰ ὑπόλο[ι]πα τέσσᾳρα κέλλια, ἃ ἐμερίσαντο
Νόννα καὶ Συμεών" ἐποίησαν δὲ [κ]αὶ ὁμολογίαν πρὸς ἀλλήλους.
θέλει πωλῆσαι τὰ δύο κέλλια [αὑτῆς ἡ αὐτὴ Νόννα als] στενοθεῖσά
’ wn“ 4 > , Ν > 4 , > ‘
τινι στρατιώτῃ τῶν ξένων, ἐκώλυσα δὲ αὐτὴν λέγων ἐπειδὴ
I. γραββατα Pap. 3. tytas Pap. 5. euewev to A of λεγων written over an erasure. ὕποδεκτης Pap.
6. ὕστερον Pap. 7. ὕπολοι[π]ον. . . φοιβαββων . . . [v]iov Pap. 11. νοῦϑα Pap. 12. viov Pap.
19. 1. ὁ πατὴρ. 21. ὕπολο[ζι]πα Pap. v of εἐμερισαντο above the line. 23. w of πωλῆσαι written above o.
l. στενωθεῖσα. 24. First τ of orparwwrn corr. from a.
1. A honorific adjective is lost before διαθέσεως, to which ταύτης and κατηξίωσεν refer.
~ 6. ἕναν is for ἕνα. For xptowos cf. B. G. U. 316. 15 χρυσ[ίνων] δεσποτικῶν τετραγραμμιαίων διζῴδων.
35°5 Χ 16 cm. Late sixth or seventh century a.p.
HIS letter, addressed to Senouthius and containing miscellaneous directions, is apparently
only a rough draft. It is in a very untidy state and has been freely corrected and
altered by the writer, who has not always troubled to cross through what he had first
written, as he would presumably have done if the letter was to have been actually sent.
The writing is across the fibres of the recto.
- Τοὺς κρατηθέντας δύο ἀνθρώπους
ἀπὸ τοῦ ἐποικείου Λεισκανάχου μὴ πέμψῃς
εἰς Βαβυλῶνα ἀλλὰ ἀπόκλεισον αὐτοὺς
εἰς τὸν ὅρμον σου καὶ γράψον μοι. τὰ δὲ
5 γαιδάρια παρασκεύασον δοθῆναι τῷ
πλί. .jrux@ ὑπὲρ ἀποτροφῆς ἑκάστου
γαιδαρίου τριμήσιν ἕν καὶ ἃς λάβ[]σιν
οἱ ὀνελάται μίαν ἀρτ(άβην) κριθῆς ὑπὲρ ἑκάστου
γαιζιϊδαρίου ἵνα τὴν μὲν κριθὴν κατὰ
το στρατί]αν φάγωσιν τὰ γαιδάρια τὸ δὲ
τριμήσιν δοθῇ [ἑκάστῳ ὀνελάτῃ] λόγῳ
ἀποτροφῆς αὐτοῦ" ἀλλὰ εἷς κρατήσῃ αὐτὰ καὶ δαπανήσῃ ἐξ αὐτῶν λόγῳ aitd{v). εἰ δὲ
ἔχετε ἀπο-
τροφὰς καὶ κριθὴν κάτω εἴ[ς] Βαβυλῶνα
λόγῳ τῆς τοιαύτης ἀπ[ο]τροφῆς μὴ δώσῃς)
15 τριμήσια μηδὲ κριθήν. ἐὰν δὲ ἐκφρήσῃς(ς)
τὰ ἀρρενικὰ πρόβατα γράψον μοι εὐθέως
ὅτι πἰό]σα ἀρρενικά εἰσιν καὶ πόσα θηλικὰ καὶ πέμψον τὴν
καταγραφὴν αὐτῶν, [Kat πέμψο[ν] μοι} ἵνα
ὃ θεὸς σήψῃ τὴν ψυχήν σου ὡς
20 διέσηψάς με εἰς τὴν κατ α]γραφὴν ταύτην.
On the verso
“τῷ τὰ πά(ντα) σ΄. (+) τιμαξίῳ Σενουθίῳ . αν .. .[..
νὰ [21 Ὁ. Ἔ
2. The termination -ov of του εποικειου written above -ων. 5. Second o of παρασκευασον written
above ¢. ἡ. Second ε of rpiynow corr. from €; so in 15. 8. ε of oveAarat corr. from o. 9. ἵνα
Pap.; so 18. ν of τὴν above the line. 10. w of φαγωσιν written above ov, which letters are crossed
through. o of ro corr. from ὦ. 11. Second ε of τριμησιν written above ε. ὦ of Aoyw over an erasure.
12. αλλα. .. avro{v) above the line. 14. Above © of Aoyw is an overwritten , erased. Above
δωση vestiges of an overwritten word. τό. € of appevixa corr. from t. 17. kat toca θηλικα above
the line. Ig. o Of Oeos corr. from ὦ. After ws some letters eraséd. 20. ἐσηψας pe written above
ἐστρηψας με, which is crossed through. καταγραφὴν written above διανομὴν.
‘Do not send the two men from the farmstead of Liscanachus whom you have seized to Babylon,
but shut them up in your roadstead and then write to me. As for the labourers (?) see that a quarter’s
payment is given to... for the provision of each labourer, and also what the donkey-drivers receive,
namely one artaba of barley for each labourer, so that the labourers may eat the barley on the journey
and the quarter's payment may be given for their provision. But let one person keep it and expend it for
them. If however you have provision and barley down at Babylon for this provision, do not give
quarterly payments.or barley. If you let out the male sheep write to me immediately how many males
there are and how many females, and send me the register of them. May God destroy your soul if
you destroy me in the matter of this register.’
5. γαιδάρια : this word is perhaps to be connected with yairns, which is found in Hesychiusas an equivalent
of yewpyds. γειδάρι(ο)ν occurs in B. G. U. 377. 5 in a list of supplies δοθέντα εἰς τὸ μαγειρεῖον.
19°8 Χ 34:7 cm. Late sixth or seventh century A.D.
LETTER from a person attached to a hospital (νοσοκομῖον), asking whether a demand
to supply a donkey, barley, &c., from the -hospital’s possessions, should be satisfied
or not.
+OiSev ἡ περίβλεπτος ὑμῶν γνησία φιλία ὡς δέδοκται ἀφορισθῆναι τὴν. μο[ῇρ]αν τοῦ εὐαγοῦς
νοσοκομίου eis τὰς [διανομ]ὰς καὶ μὴ παρελθεῖν τινα διὰ τῶν ἐποικείων αὐτοῦ. ἐπειδὴ τοῦ
ἦλθαν ἐνταῦθα οἱ ἀπὸ Πιαδοθ τοῦ ἐποικείου λέγοντες ὡς ἐτάγησαν ὄνον καὶ κ[ρ]ιθὴν καὶ
χόρτον καὶ
{av} ἐφάνη μοι πιστὸν τὸ πρᾶγμα, ἀλλὰ παρακαλῶ τοὺς περιβλέπτους ὑμᾶς παραγγεῖλ[αι
μὴ πα]ρ[ελθε]ν] τινα
5 δὲ αὐτῶν. εἰ δὲ ἀπὸ τοῦ δεσπότου μου καὶ ἀδελφοῦ τοῦ μεγαλοπρεί(πεστάτου) χαρτουλαρίου
ἐτάγησαν ἢ ἀπὸ τοῦ κοι ν]οῦ δεσπότου ᾿
τοῦ ἐνδοξοτάτου ἰλλ(ουστρίου) κελεύσῃ πάλιν γρ[α]φῆναί μοι ἡ π]ερίβλε(πτος) ὑμῶν φιλ[ί]α
ἵνα παρακ[α]λήσω αὐτούς,
ἐπειδὴ ἀπροόπτως πρᾶγμα οὐ θέλω ἀναγαγεῖν αὐτοῖς, ἐὰν μὴ ἀκριβεύσωμαι ἀφ᾽ ὑμῶν περὶ
ἑκάστου πράγματος. ἔδοξεν γὰρ ὡς εἴρηται ἀφορ[ισἸθῆναι τὴν μοῖραν Tod εὐαγοῦς νοσοκομίου
εἰς ἑκάστην διανομὴν γενησομένην, καὶ ἐπικλαύσω ἐγὼ αὐτὴν τοῖς δυναμέ(νοις) ἐποικείοις
το ἕκαστον πρᾶγμα ζητούμενον παρασχεῖν. +
On the verso, below an erased line,
+7 Seond(rp) w(o)v ἀδελφῷ τ(φ) af-] . () περιβλ(έπτῳ) πα(ν)τιμ(αξίῳ) πρ(οσὴ)κ(υνήτῳ) ἀξιω(τάτῳ)
γνη(σίῳ) κυρίῳ Σενΐ. «Ἴτῳ α. τί ) + Komir..... +
1. ynowa Pap. o of αφορισθηναι corr. from ὦ. 3. Second o of ovoy above , which is crossed
through. 5. eraynoav: Pap. 6. ἵνα Pap. 9. Second ot of εποικειοὶς corr. from ai?
‘Your eminent sincere friendlinesses are aware that it has been decided that the revenues of the sacred
hospital’s share should be set apart for the distributions, and that no one should pass through its
farmsteads. Now some people from the farmstead Piahoth have just come here saying that they have
been assigned a donkey, barley and fodder, and the affair seemed to me genuine. I therefore beg your
eminences to issue orders that no one should pass through the farmsteads. If however they were assigned
by my lord and brother the most magnificent secretary, or by our common lord the most honourable
illustris, let your eminent friendlinesses direct another letter to be written to me in order that I may
admit them; for I do not wish to give them trouble without prevision or accurate instructions from you
on each point. For it was decided, as has been said, that the share of the sacred hospital should be set
aside for any distribution that might occur, and I shall be sorry that out of it opulent farmsteads should
be provided with everything which they ask for.’
2. εἰς τὰς [διανομ]άς : cf. line 9. Charitable distributions seem to be meant.
6. ἰλλ(ουστρίου) : cf. B. G. U. 323. 3, and 396. 4 ἐνδοξοτάτῳ ἰλλουστρίῳ καὶ παγάρχ[ῳ] ταύτης τῆς ᾿Αρσινοιτῶν
9. αὐτήν : sc. τὴν μοῖραν. αὐτήν might also refer to φιλ[]α in line 6; but αὐτή does not occur in this
sense elsewhere in the letter, and ὑμῶν has intervened in line 7.
ASsHMUNEN. 13°5 X 17°3 cm. Fifth century a.p.
SHORT account of payments of corn to labourers as wages in the twelfth indiction-
year. On the verso are some scribblings.
Ady(os) σίτου μισθοῦ τῶν yewpy(Gv) ἡμῶν σὺν θ(ε)ῷ 1B ἰνδικ(τίονος).
᾿Ἐνὼχ yewpy(od) “Ἑρμαπόλ(εως) (ἀρτάβαι) κ,
Πέτρου βοιλί ) Ἑ,ρμαπόλ(εως) (ἀρτάβαι) ιθ,
Φηοῦτος yewpy(od) Ἑ),ρμαπόλ(εως) (ἀρτάβαι) κβ,
3 Βίκτωρ(ος) yewpy(od) Ἑρμαπόλ(εως) (ἀρτάβαι) ce,
Μαθίας γεωργ(ὸς) ἀρκάνο(υ) ἡμῶν (ἀρτάβαι) KB,
Πέτρου βοιλί ) ἀρκάνο(υ) ἡμῶν (ἀρτάβαι) te,
Κόλθε βοιλί ) ἡμῶν (ἀρτάβαι) ζ,
Πέτρου μικρί ) Πεμήνης (ἀρτάβαι) η,
το ἐντολῆς δ(ιὰ) Ἰακυβίου (ἀρτάβη) α.
4. Boid/ Pap.; so 7, 8. i@ Pap.; so 5, 7 ie. 6. 1. Μαθίου yewpy(oi). 9. pixp/ Pap.
3. βοιλί ): ? BonA(drov).
13°5 X 11:2. Seventh century a.D.
Ἐ Θελήσῃ ἡ σὴ ἀδελφί(ότης)
δοῦναι τῶν γραμματι-
φόρων ταριχίου
κυτίνια ἑπτά, γί(νεται)
5. [κ]ντ(ίνια) ζ, p(dva).
Me 1 eens [
2. 1. τῷ γραμματοφόρῳ.
‘May it please your brotherliness to give to the letter-carrier seven jars of pickled fish, total 7 jars,
and no more.’
4. The form κυτίνιον appears to be new.
BEHNESA. 9°7 X 35 cm. A.D. 612. PiLaTe XXII.
HIS papyrus and 158 are receipts for money paid by the bank of Macarius at Oxy-
rhynchus to persons journeying to Alexandria. In 157 two solidi on the Alexandrian
standard (cf. note on 140. 10) were paid to a slave accompanying the banker and a sum of
gold; cf. Pap. Oxy. I. 144. Both papyri are dated by the two eras in use at Oxyrhynchus
starting from Α.Ὁ. 324 and 355 respectively (cf. Pap. Oxy. I. p. 192), and were written by the
same person across the fibres.
- Ἐδόθ(η) δι(ὰ) τοῦ εὐδοκιμίωτάτου) Μακαρίου τραπεζ(ίτου) ᾿Αρίθᾳ παιδ(ίῳ) ἀπερχομέ(νῳ)
ἐν ᾿Αλεξανδρε(ίᾳ)
μετὰ τοῦ αὐτοῦ περιβλέ(πτου) ἀνδρὸ(ς) καὶ τοῦ χρυσί(ου) τῆς καταβολῆ(ς) ἐπὶ μη(νὶ)
Φαῶφι ἰνδ(ικτίονος) πρώτης χρυσοῦ
᾿Αλεξανδρε(ίας) νομίσμ(ατα) δύο, γί(νετα.) χρ(υσοῦ) ᾿Αλε(ξανδρείας) νο(μίσματα) β
μ(όνα). (2nd hand) + γί(νεται) ᾿Αλε(ξανδρείας) νο(μίσματα) B.+
1st hand (ἔτους) Σπθ (καὶ) Σνη μη(νὸς) Φαῶφι ἰνδ(ικτίονος) πρώτης. + ;
‘Paid through the most noble Macarius, banker, to Arithas, slave, on his departure for Alexandria
with the aforesaid distinguished person and the gold of the instalment for the month Phaophi of the
first indiction, two solidi of gold on the Alexandrian standard, total 2 sol. of gold Alex. and no more.
Total 2 sol. Alex. The 289th which is also the 258th year, Phaophi, first indiction.’
BEHNESA. : 10°5 Χ 36°5 cm. A.D. 612.
NOTHER receipt for money paid by the bank of Macarius (cf. 157) to the attendants
of a cancellarius or inspector of revenues, whom they were accompanying to
——— νυν
er αὐ“ ΨψυΝ
ist hand
Ὁ Ἐδόθ(η) δι(ὰ) τοῦ εὐδοκιμ(ωτάτου) Μακ[α]ρίου τραπεζ(ίτου) τοῖς συμ(μάγχί(οις) κάτω
μεριτ(ευομένοις ?) ἀπερχομέί(νοις)
ἐν ᾿Αλεξανδρεί(ᾳ) μετὰ Μόσχου τοῦ περιβλέ(πτου) καγκελλαρ(ί)ου λόγῳ ἀναλώμ(ατος)
ἐπὶ p(nvi) Φαῶφι ἰνδ(υκτίονος) πρώτης
χρυσοῦ ἰδιωτικ(ῷ) νομίσμ(ατος) δίμοιρον παρὰ κερ(άτια) δύο ἥμισυ τέταρτον, γί(νεται)
χρυ(σοῦ) ἰδ(ιωτικῷ) [νο(μίσματος) β᾽ π(αρὰ) κερ(άτια) β (ἥμισυ) ἃ p(dva).
(and hand) + γί(νεται) νο(μίσματος) β᾽ π(αρὰ) κ(εράτια) β (ἥμισυ) d.+
(ἔτους) Σπθ (καὶ) Σνη μ(ηνὸς) Φαῶφι ἰνδ(ικτίονος) πρώτης. +
1. συΐᾷ κατω pepirsts amepxoup* Pap. 4. Ἰδιωτικ(ῷ) Pap.
‘Paid through the most noble Macarius, banker, to the assistants of the lower division (?) on their
departure for Alexandria with Moschus the distinguished cancellarius on account of expenses for the
month of Phaophi in the first indiction two thirds of a solidus of gold on the private standard less two
and three-quarters carats, total 2 sol. of gold on the private standard less δὲ car. and no more.’ Date.
CLIX. 63x38cm. Fragment from the top of a leaf out of a book, containing on the
vecto parts of the last four lines of /Zad xxi, and on the verso the ends of //. xxii. 30-37,
written in square upright uncials, probably of the fourth century a.p. xxi. 608 [ov]
[apa tol. γ᾽ εἶτλαν, 609 [perfor e]r [αἸλίληλους, 610 [os τ] Cav ev [, 611 [es] πόλιν ον
(o written above w) followed by εἰ or of erased. xxii. 30 σημα τζετυκίται, 31 βρ)οτοῖ-
[σιν, 32 Oeov}ros, 33 ] xepow, 34 εγεγΊωνει, 35 ] πυλᾶων, 36 payeo Ola, 37 ope}yr[us.
CLX. 63x11cm. Vellum fragment from the bottom of a leaf, containing on the recto
parts of 5 lines and on the verso parts of 5 lines of a prose literary work written in
a sloping uncial hand of about the sixth century a.p. Verso line 3 Ἱείλεων xs ζωγρια. {,
4 ].7w.. ρωτὴν worep aypav xs axpal, 5 lw σφων mpocayew τον μεν κτηΐ.
CLXI. 4x9:7cm. Dimé. Fragment of a contract for the loan of 245 artabae of wheat
from Pyrrhus to Heliodorus, containing on the vec¢éo the signatures of the ovyypado-
φύλαξ Nicanor and the borrower, and on the verso the title. Second century B.c.
5 lines in all.
CLXII. 16:5x9:2cm. Dimé. Conclusion of a letter dated in the 41st year (of Euergetes I1),
Thoth 29 (B.c. 130). 3 lines.
CLXIII. 16:2x 7.6 cm. Dimé. Conclusion of a receipt for 4 (drachmae ?) paid by Tesenouphis
and Marres (cf. 58). Second century 8.0. 6 lines, and at the end three lines of
demotic. .
CLXIV. 8-5x9:2cm. Dimé. Fragment of an account written on both sides of the papyrus,
the writing on the vecto being over an effaced demotic document. Second century
B.C. 17 incomplete lines in all.
CLXV. 8x 33:3cm. Conclusion of two receipts for payments of corn, the second being
signed by Diogenes ἀντιγρα(φεύς) ; cf. 58. Second century B.c. 10 lines in all.
CLXVI. 2-4x8-4cem. Gebelén. Conclusion of a loan similar to 46-50 signed by Arius,
agent of Anicetus, agoranomus. About Bc. 127; cf. Gr. Pap. 11. 18. 28. 4 lines.
CLXVII. Height 12cm. Gebelén. Three fragments containing parts of the last five lines
of a demotic contract, with parts of three lines of a Greek docket showing that the
ἐγκύκλιον had been paid, and mentioning the 28th year (of Philometor or Euergetes II,
Le€. B.C. 154-3 Or 143-2).
CLXVIII. Four fragments, the largest measuring 7-6 x 8-6 cm., containing parts of 8 lines
of a copy of official correspondence (?). Late second century B.c.
CLXIX. 23-8x 31-5 cm. Ashmunén. Conclusion of a proposal for a lease, dated in the
ny yA hr em ten ps
oth year of Nero Claudius Caesar Augustus Germanicus Imperator, Sebastus (a.p. my
21 lines, of which the last six are nearly complete.
CLXX. 17:1x23°8cm. Ashmunén. Parts of 23 lines of a contract for the sale of land,
with a formula resembling that of 95 and 96. Dated in the 17th year of the
Emperor [M. Aurelius] Aug. Arm. Med. Parth. Germ. Sarm. Max., Tubi (a.p. 176-7).
On the verso parts of two columns, the first being a letter‘addressed to some official
of Hermopolis, the second giving a list of names.
CLXXI. 11-2x 10-5 cm. Ashmunén. Account of payments to γεωργοί, dated in the 13th
year of Imp. Caes. Domitianus Aug. Germ. (a.p. 93-4). Incomplete, the end being
lost. 16 lines.
CLXXII. Ashmunén. Seven fragments, the largest measuring 29°5 x 23°8 cm, of an official
account in several columns, consisting of a list of persons arranged alphabetically
followed by the abbreviation δ᾽ with various numerals. Second century a.p.
CLXXIII. 18-2x15:3cm. Ashmunén. Receipt addressed to the strategus of the Hermo-
polite nome by Antonius Justinus for 100 artabae of barley, similar to 107 and 108;
cf. introd. to 107. Dated in the 25th year of Commodus, Pachon (a.p, 185). In-
complete, having lost the beginning. 19 lines.
CLXXIV. 23:5x14:7cm. Ashmunén, Similar receipt from Antonius Justinus for 100
artabae of barley supplied by the elders of Parium; cf. introd. to 107. Dated in the
25th year of Commodus, Epeiph (a.p. 185). Incomplete, having lost the beginning.
19 lines.
CLXXV. 9:5x63cm. Ashmunén. Fragment of a similar receipt for 385 artabae; cf.
introd. to 107. Dated in the 26th year of Commodus (a.p. 185-6). 12 lines,
CLXXVI. 14x11-5cm. Ashmunén. Fragment of a similar receipt for 430 artabae; cf.
introd. to 107. About a.p. 185. 9 lines.
CLXXVII. 10:3x48 cm. Ashmunén. Fragment of a - similar receipt for 385 artabae,
probably a duplicate of 175; cf. introd. to 107. About a.p. 185. 13 lines.
CLXXVIII. 13:8x17-9cm. Ashmunén. Beginning of a similar receipt for barley supplied
by the elders of Σινπετῆσις ; cf. introd. to 107. About a.p. 185. 17 lines, of which
the first seven are nearly complete.
CLXXIX. 30:7x13cm. Ashmunén. Letter from Herodes (?) to his father Musaeus,
nearly complete but much obliterated in parts. Dated in the reign of Imp. Caes.
Vespasianus Aug. (4.0. 68-78). 35 lines.
CLXXX. 32x13:5cm. Ashmunén. Parts of two columns of an official letter, the second
column containing a list of abstracts of contracts (?) Second or third century a.p.
Ends of 37 lines in Col. I.
CLXXXI. 19:5x11:5cm. Ashmunén. Concluding part of a letter to Ammon, written in
sloping uncials. The writer ends éppdcbai σε βούλομαι καὶ μεμνῆσθαι τοῦ γραφιαρίου
mep[t] οὗ σε παρόντα ἠρώτησα. ἔρρωσο καὶ διευτύχει. Παῦνι ἃ. Third century a.p.
19 lines.
CLXXXII. 75x11cm. Parts of four lines, the 1st and 4th being Latin, the others
Greek and mentioning στρατιῶται. Dated in the consulship(?) of Diocletian and
[Maximian] (a.p. 287-304). Written across the fibres.
Il. cc
CLXXXIII. 29:4 31-5 cm. Account in two columns, consisting of names with sums in
corn and money, headed 7. ων βοηθ(ῶν) καὶ vorap(iov) καὶ ἐπικειμέζνων) καὶ ypap-
μ(ατέων). Sixth century a.v. Nearly complete, but faded. 21 lines in Col. I.
CLXXXIV. 24:5x27:5cm. Parts of 5 lines of an account. Sixth century a.p.
CLXXXV. 297x7 cm. Beginnings of 14 lines of an account. Sixth or early seventh
century A.D. On the verso four complete and one incomplete line in shorthand.
CLXXXVI. 95x7:9cm. Tax-receipt written in a small hand with numerous abbreviations.
Seventh or eighth century a.p. Complete. 6 lines.
CLXXXVII. 4:3x8-8 cm. Four lines in small Coptic uncials, being the signature to a
contract. Sixth or seventh century a.pD.
CLXXXVIII. 13-3 15-3 cm. Coptic letter with address on the verso. About the seventh
century A.D. Practically complete. 11 lines.
CLXXXIX. 5:5x13:5cm. On the veto four incomplete lines of Arabic, and a line of
Coptic in a small cursive hand, with an Arabic seal. On the verso five lines of -
Coptic in a similar hand. Eighth century a.p.
- Ὑπὸ le eT
ARTS of seven leaves, besides two small unplaced fragments, of a papyrus codex con-
taining the Shepherd of Hermas written in an upright uncial hand of about the sixth
century a.p. Two kinds of stops are used, the single and double point; and the ordinary
contractions found in biblical MSS. occur. Mistakes of spelling are not infrequent.
The history of the recovery of the Greek original of the Shepherd of Hermas, which down
to 1856 was known only from translations, is curious. In that year the notorious Simonides
brought to Germany from Mount Athos three leaves (now at Leipzig) of a fourteenth century
codex containing part of the Shepherd (Mand. XII. iv. 7- Sim. VIII. iv. 3, Stim. 1X. xv.
1 and xxx. 2), together with what professed to be a copy of the rest. The disclosure of
Simonides’ extensive forgeries and the discovery in his papers of another copy of the Shepherd
in Greek left matters in a very unsatisfactory condition, though it has been generally recog-
nized that one of the two copies was really, if carelessly, made from a genuine MS. at Mount
Athos containing the missing portions from the beginning as far as Sim. 1X. xxx. 2. A few
years later Tischendorf discovered the Codex Sinaiticus, which included about a quarter of
the Shepherd (Vis. 1. i.— Mand. 111. ii. and a few more fragments of M/and. 111, and IV.),
But an even more important contribution to the recovery of the Greek original was made in
1888 by Prof. Lambros who found at Mount Athos nine leaves in the same handwriting as
the three leaves at Leipzig—the original of Simonides’ copy. There is now therefore MS.
authority for the Greek text from the beginning up to Sim. IX. xxx. 2. For the conclusion
of the work (Sem. IX. xxx.-X.) which was contained on the missing last leaf of the Athos
codex, we are still dependent on translations. The Greek version of this portion produced
by Simonides has been generally recognized as a forgery, though so late as 1887 Hilgenfeld
attempted to revive the theory of its genuineness. Two papyrus fragments of the Shepherd
are also known, Mand. XI. ix. with an additional passage (Pap. Oxy. I. 5, cf. F. C. Conybeare
in the Atheneum, July 9, 1888), and Sm. II. vii-x. and IV. ii-v (Diels and Harnack,
Sitzungsber. εἰ, Berl, Akad., 1891).
The fragments here edited are scattered over the whole book, and include some passages
which are extant in both the Sinaiticus and the Athous, others which are contained in the
Athous alone, and one (Frag. %. verso) from the missing Greek conclusion. The papyrus
tends to agree with the Athous and the corrector of the Sinaiticus as against the first hand;
but one ‘of the insertions of the corrector of the Sinaiticus is ignored by the papyrus
(Fr. a vecto το, note), and there are numerous variations from both the Sinaiticus and the Athous
though none of them go far to affect the sense. The fragment of the lost ending is naturally
the most interesting, and furnishes an additional proof of the forged character of Simonides’
We give a collation with the text of Gebhardt and Harnack (1877). For the readings of
the nine leaves of the Athous which are still at Mount Athos we have used the collation
of Prof. Lambros! (Cambridge, 1888). “
(a) Vis. 1. ii-iii. 14 X 12 cm.
Recto. Verso.
dv τη καρδια pov βλέπω iii § 2
κίατεναντι μου Kale
δραΐν λευκὴν εξ εριων
πος ἢ πα ene
χείονινων γεγονυιαν [και ηδη δεδοκιμα]σμε
5 μεζγαλην καὶ Oe γυ 5 ἶνον εαν επιθυμ]ηση
vy πρεσβυτις εν mare . [πονηρον epyov και] μα
σΐμω λαμπροτατω εχου [λιστα ἕρμας o εγκρ]α
σα βιβἴλιον εἰς τας χειρας [rns ο ἀπεχομεῖνος πᾳ
και εκαθισεν μίονη Kar [σης εἸπιβίυμιας πονὴ
το ασπαζεται pe’ Ἑρμαΐ το [pals και πληρὴης πασης
χαιρε: Kayw λυπουμε ἀπλοτήτος και ακακι
vos καὶ κλαιων εἰπὸν ¢ as peyahns’ ahd ovxy € iii ft
Kupia χαιρε Kale εἰπεν μοι 23 [vexa tlovrov σοι οργι
τι στυγνος Ἑρμας o pla ζεται ο Os add’ ἵνα τον
15 κροθυμος ο αστοχηΐτος 15 [οὐκον σου τον avoynoa
o παντίοἾτε γελων τι [τ]ὰ εἰς τον KY καὶ εἰς vpas
ουτως κατ] φ[ης] τίη ὁ [τους γονεις] avrwr ε
[δ]εα : καὶ olvy ἱλαρος κα [πιστρεψης: adda φι[λο}
yo εἰπὸν [αὐτὴ ὑπὸ yu [rexvos ων] οὐκ ενουθε
20 ναικος αγ[αθωτατης 20 [τεις σου το]ν οἰκον ad
λεγουσὴς μίοι οτι ἡμαρ [λα αφηκας] avrov κατα
τον εἰς αὐτηῖν ἡ Se $4 [φθαρηναι] δια τοῦτο op
[edn μηδίαμως em τον [γιζεται σοι ο7 ks α[λ]ὰ
. > 7 .
Recto 4. χειζονινων : so N° (omitted by the first hand), G(e)b(hardt)-H(arnack).
12. κλαιων: so N°, Gb-H., χαίρων &*.
1 It is not very easy to ascertain from that collation what the readings of the Athous really are. On p.7 Prof. Lambros
says, ‘I may go on to give an accurate collation of the transcript of Dr. Georgandas, which I have made with the large
edition of Gebhardt and Harnack’; but on p. 10 he says, ‘I now go on to give the collation of the Codex with the text
ascribed to the afographon of Simonides in the edition of Gebhardt and Harnack.’ Since the text of Gebhardt and Harnack
is mot based on the apographon of Simonides, it is obvious that these two statements contradict each other. From internal
evidence it would seem that the editor’s statement on p. 7, and not that on p. Io, represents his meaning. It is to be hoped
that a new edition of the Shepherd will soon be forthcoming.
See, ΜΠ eee,
ian oo ee oe
i sel “πὸ -
Ἀδὰ ἴων. ni "Ὁ
14. Eppas: Eppa, Gb-H. The nominative is a mere error; perhaps Epya[s was written for the vocative
in line 10 also.
15. aotoxn[ tos: ἀστόμαχητος Gb-H. with δὲ Ath. Here too the omission of μα is wrong.
17. ovrws: οὕτω Gb-H.
19. ὑπὸ γυΐναικος: so N*, Gb-H.: praem. κυρια ονιδισμος μοι γεἤγονεν N°.
21. plo: om. δὲ Ath. Gb-H.
Verso 13. σοι οργιζεται : ὀργίζεταί σοι N° Ath., Gb-H.; om. σοι δὲ,
16. και εἰς ὑμας: so Gb-H., with some versions; καὶ εἰς ἡμᾶς N° Ath., ἡ αὐτοὺς ἡ N*.
22-3. rovto οργιζεται σοι: τοῦτό σοι ὀῤγίζεταί δὰ Ath., Gb-H.
(ὁ) and (c) Vas. ILI. xii-xiii. 5x9°5 and 5x 5:5 cm. Pirate XXIV (Verso).
Recto. Verso.
και [απεθεσθε τας μα xii. ᾧ 3 Peds se sees ἐπὶ συΐμψε xiii. ᾧ 3
λακιαΐς υμων Kat προσ [λιον des καθημ]ενην
λθεν [vw voxuporns ΚΣ μον ons Ἴθεσιαν
και ενεϊδυναμωθητε [ore τεσσίαρας 7 exer ποδας
5 ἐν τὴ Tore} και ἴδων ο 5 τὸ συμψελίον κ]ᾳαισχυρως
KS τὴν ἰσχυ]ροποιησιν eoTnkey κίαι ylap ο κοσμος
υμων εχ[αρη] Kat δια του δια τεσσαρωΐν κρατειτζαι
[το εδηλωσεὶν ὕμ[ι]ν την στοιχειωΐν οἱ ουν μετα
[οἰκοδομὴν του π͵υργου νοησίαντες ολοτελως
το [καὶ erepa δηλωσΊει εα[ν] το νεου [εσονται τέθεμε
λίωμενοι οἱ εξ ολης
Verso 2. καθημένην ἰσχυρὰ ἡ θέσις MSS., Gb-H. The papyrus perhaps had [toxvpav τοποἼθεσιαν, but
the construction is obscure.
4. exer modas: Todas exe. MSS., Gb-H.
5. 1. καὶ (t)oxupas.
7. κραἸτειτ αι] ororxetw[v: στοιχείων κράτεῖται MSS., Gb-H.
(α) Mand, XII. i. 4x 38cm. PLaTE XXIV (Recéo).
Recto. Verso.
[λεγε]. μοι αροῖν ame σευ = ft [της πονηρᾶς tla [παραδι ᾧ3
[του] πασαν εἰπιθυμιαν [δοντα τους avous εἰς
[πο͵νηραν ενδυσαι δὲ τὴν [θανατον] ἵνα αφεξίωμαι
[ἐπι]θυμιαῖν τὴν αγαθην [amr avrwv] axove φησιν
5 [kar] oepryfv.....+.-. 5 [ev moos] dplyos Oava
Raa eed Jef [τοι ἡ επιθυμια ποΐνηρα
[τους δουλους] του Ov
Recto 5. After σεμνήν the Athous proceeds ἐνδεδυμένος yap τὴν ἐπιθυμίαν ταύτην. If the papyrus had
this, we must divide [v ενδεδυίμενος y]a[p; but seven letters do not fill up the lacuna at the end of
line 5. [v ενδεδυμείνος yap τ]αζὑτην would be suitable.
Verso 3. iva αφεξίωμαι: γνώρισόν por καὶ ἀφέξομαι an’ αὐτῶν Gb-H., following the copy of Simonides.
γνώρισόν μοι ἵνα ἀφέξωμαι is however the reading of the Athous.
4. axove: ἄκουσον Ath., Gb-H.
6. ποΐνηρα: ἡ πονηρὰ Ath., Gb-H.
(e) Sim, IX, ii. 6:8 x 7-6 cm. PraTtE XXIV (Recto).
Verso. Recto.
[πεδιου εδειξ]εν μοι fx ενδεδίυμεναι Se ἢ $4
[πετραν μεγ]αλην dev σαν λωΐζους χιτωνας
[κην εκ του π]αιδιου ava ᾿ καὶ περι[εζωσμεναι
[βεβηκυιαν ἢ] δὲ πετρα σαν εὐπίρεπως ef
5 [υψηλοτερα nv των o 5 τοὺς wplous εχουσαι
ρεων τετραγ ]!. ]ωνος ᾿ , τους Se ξιους ws ped
[wore δυνασθαι odov λουσαι φορίτιον τι βαστα
[τον κοσμοὴν χωρῆσαι πα § 2 ew ουταΐς ετοιμοι
[Aaa Se nv] ἡ πετρα ε σαν λιαν γίαρ wWapar ἢ
το [κεινῃ πυλ͵ην ἐκκεκίο 10 σαν Kat πίροθυμοι... §5
[μμενὴην] exovo[a ws [τὸ ἰδέειν
Verso τ. εδειξὶεν : εδειξε Gb-H.
3. 1. πεδίου.
6. rerpay||[.]Jwvos: perhaps retpa]xwvos should be read.
Recto 4. noav: om. Ath., Gb-H.
10, μετὰ τὸ ἰδεῖν is the reading of the Athous, but such a division as perja would be contrary to
rule, and the scribe elsewhere divides words correctly.
(f) Sim, IX. Xil. 12 Χ 17 cm.
Recto. ; Verso.
wail rela πε oes §2 [. τὰς : ΤΑ a . .
tpa’ ἢ Se πζυλη φημι πε --- 7 avrns και
δια τι κενζη .]ε.1... εἴ. $3 [μειαν exer] πυλὴν μὴ
φησιν ἐπ ἐσχατων τι δυνὴ [εἰς εκεινὴν
5 τῶν ἡμερῶν τῆς συν 5 τὴν πολιν εἰσελθει-
τελειας φανερος eye ει pln] δια τῆς πυλὴης
νετο' Sila tlovro καινὴ ἧς εχει Tas yap $y
[elyever[o ἡ] πυλη [eva μι] κε δυνζατΊαι yeveo[ Pa
ΜΙΝ νὰ eee
ee --
- «αν σαν»...
Recto 1-4. The papyrus here differs considerably from the Athous, which has (apparently) διὰ τοῦτο
καὶ παλαιός ἐστιν 4 δὲ πύλη διὰ τί καινή, φημί, κύριε ; ὅτι, φησίν, ἐπ᾿ ἐσχάτου τῶν ἡμερῶν. Gb-H. have the same
with the substitution of ἐσχάτων for ἐσχάτου.
Verso 2. avrns : περιτετειχισμένη κύκλῳ καὶ μίαν Ath.,Gb-H. The doubtful ¢ in line 1 could be θ, o, or o.
4. dum [εἰ]. εκεινὴν τὴν πολιν: δύνῃ els τὴν πόλιν ἐκείνην Ath., δυνήσῃ els τὴν πόλιν ἐκείνην Gb-H.
(g) Sim, 1X. xvii.
[κε περι τῶν ορ]εωΐν μοι
[δηλωσον Shia τι αἴλλαι
[εἰσιν at] Wear: α[κουε
[φησιν τα ορη ταυΐτα
5 [δωδεκα 7 εἰς φυλ[ζαι
[αι κατΊ]οικουσαι [. . -
[.... Tov] κοσμοῖν exy
4:7 x 38 cm.
PLratE XXIV (Rei).
[δια] τι οἴυτω ποικιλα ᾧ 3
[ον͵τα τὰ ορὴ [es την
[οικοδομην οἶταν ετεθη
[σαν ov λιθοι αἴυτων μια
[χρο]ᾳ εγινοῆτο λαμπ
[por] ws και oft εκ του Bu
[ov] αναβεβηΐ κοτες de
[or] ore φησί. παντα $4
Recto 2. διατί ἄλλαι καὶ ἄλλαι εἰσὶν ai ἰδέαι καὶ ποικίλαι Ath., Gb-H. The papyrus is clearly much
shorter. Owing to the number of variations in this fragment from the text of the Athous, it is difficult
to ascertain the probable length of the lacunae at the beginnings and ends of the lines.
5. τὰ δώδεκα φύλαι εἰσὶν αἱ κατοικοῦσαι ὅλον τὸν κόσμον Ath., Gb-H. Apparently the scribe omitted ra
and the final « of εἰσι. ολον τὸν will not fill the lacuna between Il. 6-7.
(2) Stim. 1X. xxx.
[ε φησιν περί. τουτω-
[παἹντων ot [λιθοι εκ
[του] παιδιου ηρίμενοι
[και] τεθειμενο[ι εἰς
5 [τὴν] οἰκοδομὴν [του
[πυρ͵γου ἀντι τωῖν amoBe
[βλημενων ar ρ[ιζαι
[εἰσι] του ορους tofu λευ
[κου] επείι ουν
5°8 x 5-4 cm.
Recto 1. φΊησιν περι: φησί, καὶ περὶ Ath., Gb-H.
. οἱ λίθοι οἱ ἐκ τοῦ πεδίου Ath. The relative size of the lacunae δὲ the beginnings and ends of lines
in this fragment is very uncertain, but in any case there is not room for both the second οἱ and ἐκ.
6. [v αποβεβλη] is rather long for the lacuna between 1]. 6-7.
Prats XXIV (Verso).
[πιστευσῆαντες Kale ᾧ 3
Fa Secor 8 7 πιστευειν
[ex του] avrov yap γενζους
[εἰσὶν] μακαριον το [yevos
[rour]o οτι αἀκακον [εστι
[ακου]ε νυν καὶ περῖι των ᾧ 4
[λυθω]ν των στογίγυλων
[και λαμπρων καὶ αὐἷΐτοι
[wavres εκ τῇου ορους
8. τοῦ λευκοῦ τούτου ἐπεὶ Ath., which is too long for the lacuna between Il. 8-9.
Verso. It is interesting to contrast this fragment of the lost Greek ending with the lengthy version of the
corresponding passage forged by Simonides (Hilgenfeld, Hermae Pastor, 1887, p. 101): πάντες yap οὗτοι οἱ
προστεθειμένοι τῷ πύργῳ λίθοι ἅτε λίαν λευκοὶ καὶ ἄσπιλοι ὄντες εἰσὶν οἱ ἐν τῷ κυρίῳ ἡμῶν ἐκ νηπιότητος πιστοί, οἵπερ
μάλιστα καὶ ἄχρι τελευτῆς τοιοῦτοι διαμενοῦσιν, ὡς ἐκ τοῦ αὐτοῦ πάντες οὗτοι γένους ὄντες. μακαριστὸν ἄρα τὸ γένος ἐστὶ
τοῦτο ὅτι δίκαιόν ἐστι καὶ ἄκακον ὥσπερ τὰ βρέφη. ἄκουε δή, φησί, νῦν, ὦ Ἑρμᾶ, καὶ περὶ τῶν λίαν μὲν στρογγύλων λαμ-
πρῶν δὲ ὄντων λίθων. πάντες μέντοι οὗτοι ὥσπερ ἑώρακας, “Eppa, εἰσὶν ἠρμένοι ἐκ τοῦ λευκοῦ ὄρους. The earlier of
the two Latin translations is obviously close to the Greek fragment: 7 autem omnes candidi inuenti sunt,
qui crediderunt et qui credituri sunt ; ex eodem @nim genere sunt. felix hoc genus quia innocuum est. audi nunc
de illis rotundis lapidibus et splendidis. hi omnes de hoc candido monte sunt.
Here it is even more difficult than in the case of the vecto to fix the relative size of the lacunae at
the beginnings and ends of the lines. The division which we have proposed is not very satisfactory in
line 8, for the π᾿ of λαμίπρων is under the ν of λιθω]ν.
1-2. Perhaps xa[t pelAdovres] πιστευει[ν.
7. 1. στρογ γυλων.
(ἢ 06 Χ 2:5 cm.
(6) 14:6 Χ 5°5 cm.
εἴρη τ
Of the numbers at the top 24!.] probably refers to the page, 16 to the division into sections adopted
by the scribe.
a πὰωΩἷὨξ «..,.ὕἅὕ
i COST πρὸ
10"4 Χ 9:2 cm. Prate XXIV (Recéo).
RAGMENT from the upper part of a leaf out of a papyrus book, containing verses
1-2 and 5-6 of the nineteenth chapter of Exodus. At the top of the recto where the
chapter begins is a title of some kind. The fragment is from a very handsome MS., written
in large round uncials of calligraphic type, of about the ~sixth century. The following
fragment of Deuteronomy (192) is in a similar handwriting, and probably it as well as the
unplaced piece printed below and three smaller fragments (194) belonged to the same manu-
script, which may have extended to several volumes including the whole of the Pentateuch.
The ink is of the brown colour common. at this period.
Recto. Verso.
το μέρους —
[του δε μηνος tov τριτου τῆς I Ente τὴν δίιαθηκην pov eve 5
[e€oSov τῶν υἱων Ind ex γης σθε μοι Naos περιουσιος
[Avyurrov τὴ ἡμεῖρα ταυτὴ ato πανΐτων των εθνων
[ηλθοσαν εἰς τὴν ερΐημον του ἐμὴ yap εἶστιν πασα ἡ ynv 6
5 [Σεινα καὶ ἀπηραν elk Ῥαφιδειν. 2 5 pes δε εἴσεσθε μοι βασι
[και ἤλθοσαν εἰς τὴ]ν ἐερημον λειον id parevpa
[rov Σεινα και mapelveBarev exer
The following fragment is certainly from the same MS., and should be readily identified, but we
have not succeeded in doing so. It is from the lower part of a leaf, and the vecto formed the conclusion
of a chapter or section.
Recto. Verso.
ot 1. eed
ae me
Ἴσεις AL ? παν͵τα oofa
Jovopl Jer ἐστὶ
8. Ἰηθωσί 5 Jepoly
Joe em ]. of
Ἰωμιει len εἰ
Ἵν ἴακω[β Jeorf
τὸ > >>>>>
II. pd
8x 8.2 cm. PLaTE XXIV (Recto),
ARTS of verses 3-10 of Deut. ch. xxxii. contained on two small fragments of a leaf
from a papyrus book. The large upright hand in which these fragments are written
is apparently identical with that of the preceding fragment of Exodus, and they probably
belonged to the same manuscript; cf. introd. to 191.
Frag. (a).
Verso. Recto.
oma {τ ἃ Ἰορία 8
μεγαλωσυΊνην [ 1 αγγεΐλων
αληθιν]α τα εἶργα 4 μῆερις KUL 9
αἸντίου σχοινισμ[α
; 3 , 5 αἸνταρίκησεν 10
Frag. (6).
Verso. Recto.
π͵)ιστίος κα]. olvx 4 ανυδρ]ω εἰκ]υκλωσεν 10
δικαἼιος Kale olovo[s επ]αιδευσεν [
διεφυλαξἼ]εν [alvrov ofs
ἡμαρτοσα)ν οὐκ [alurw [
poly’ ws aeros [
7 yevea σκολ[ια
5 διεστραμμἼενη ταυτᾳ KO [ 5 νοσσιαν αὐτου
ανταποδιδοτ]ε ουτὸς dalos
Frag. (6) verso6. By the overwritten the scribe intended to record the variant οὕτως for οὗτος :
οὕτω B.
12°34 cm,
RAGMENT of a vellum leaf containing parts of Proverbs x. 18-29. A stichometric
arrangement is observed like that found in the papyrus fragments of Psalms 108, &c.
(Amh. Pap. I. 6). The handwriting is a rather small upright uncial of about the sixth
century. There are a few variants from the texts of the Vatican and Alexandrine codices.
Our collation is with the text of the Vatican MS.
"ρα τ΄
Verso. Recto.
[xer]y δίικαια 18 1
[ov Se] εκφείροντες λοιδορι [ev ἀπωλεια ασἼεβης πίεριφερεται 24
[α]ς αφροίνεστατοι εισιν [ἐπιθυμια δε δικαιου δίεκτη
[ex] πολυλᾳίλιας οὐκ εκφευ 19 [παραπορευομἼενης κατίαιγι 25
5. & αμαΐρτιαν 5 [ Sos αφανιζΊεται ard Bns
φειδομεῖνος Se χειλεων νοημων eon [δικαιος δὲ εκκἤλινας διασω
apyvpos [πεπυρωμενος yh 20 [ζεται εἰς τον αἼιωνα
wooa [δικαιου [worep ομφαξ οδΊουσιν Bra 26
καρδια [δε ἀσεβους εκλειψει [βερον καὶ καπν)ος ομμασι"
το χείλη δίικαιων επισταται 21 το [ουτως παρανομι]α τοις
υψηλα [χρωμενοις αὐτὴν
ot δὲ aldpoves εν ενδεια τελευτωσιν [φοβος κυ προστίθησιν 27
evdoy[ia KU emu κεφαλὴν 22 [npepas σεῖται
δικζαιου [ern Se ἀσεβων ολιγ]ωθη
τ αὐτὴ }rdouriles καὶ ov μὴ 15 [εγχρονιζει δικαιΊοις εὖ 28
πρίοστεθη αὐτὴ umn [φροσυὴ 1]
εν [καρδια [ἐλπὶς Se ἀσεβων ολλΊνται
ev γίελωτι αφρων 23 [οχυρωμα οσιου φοβ]ος κυ 29
Verso 4. πολυλαίλιας : or perhaps πολυλλίογιας. πολυλογίας, the reading οἵ Β and A, is not possible.
Recto ἃ. [epipeperar is rather long for the lacuna; perhaps the termination was written in the line
above (cf. note on 1. 13).
6. διασωζζεται]: σώζεται BA,
8. οδίουσιν : ὀδοῦσι B.
13. |rat is clearly the termination of ολιγωθησεται belonging to the line below.
17. ολλῇυται: so A; ἀπολεῖται B.
The following fragments of theological works, which we have been unable to identify,
were all bought together with 191, 192, and 198.
CXCIV. Three small fragments from a papyrus book, the largest measuring 6:7 x 3:9 cm.,
in a large uncial hand resembling that of 191 and 192, perhaps forming part of the
same manuscript. About the sixth century a. Ὁ.
CXCV. 86x45 cm. Fragment of a papyrus book containing on the vecto parts of 14
lines, and on the verso parts of 12 much effaced lines. ecto ll. 2-5 πεϊμφθη mpol, 7ται
ἢ βασιλί, ] απο στρατηγί, ] γημαι ἡ τεκνί. About the 5th century a.p.
CXCVI. Seven fragments, the largest measuring 15:8 Χ 5'8 cm. from a papyrus book
written in an irregular uncial hand of the sixth or seventh century a.p. Frag.
(2) recto 11. 2-6 Js θελει [, Jos ημιν, Irn’ ὠφελί, αἀκουσωμ, ] θορυβας [.
CXCVII. Three fragments, the largest measuring 6-3 x 5-5 cm., from a papyrus book. Frag.
(2) recto ll. 3-6 ηλθεν [, και eve, ev τη πί, KS τὴν [. About the sixth century Α. Ὁ.
CXCVIII. Six fragments, the largest measuring 4:2 x 6-2 cm., from a papyrus book, Frag.
(a) verso ll. 2-6 mada [, τα αὐτί, δηκαί, σαι pe, wvoo{. About the fifth century a.p.
CXCIX. Three fragments, the largest measuring 8 x 13-1 cm., containing on the vecfo some
effaced cursive writing and on the verso parts of several lines in a large uncial hand
of the sixth or seventh century a.p. Frag. (a) line 6 . καται φυσεωῖ.
CC. Fourteen small fragments, the largest measuring 7:5 x 5:6 cm., belonging to the papyrus
of the Psalms (Amh. Pap. I. 6).
CCI. Eleven miscellaneous fragments of papyrus books, the largest measuring 3°5 x 4:6 cm.,
in different hands. Sixth or seventh century a.p.
HE principal reviews and articles upon Part I which we have seen are by the Atheneum
(Oct. 6, 1900), M. Bonnet (Rev. Phzlol. 1900, p. 352), N. Bonwetsch (Zheolog. Literaturél.
1900, pp. 513-4), F. C. Burkitt (Class. Rev. xiv, pp. 457-9), A. Deissmann (Beil. zur Miinch.
Allgem, Zeit. Oct. 31, 1900, pp. 1-4), A. Harnack (Sitzungsber. d. Berl. Akad. Nov. 1, 1900),
K. Krumbacher (Byz. Zettschr. x, pp. 331-3, on 2), E. Liippelt) (Zzter. Centralb/. 1900,
pp. 1988-9), E. Preuschen (Zectschr. f. d. neutest. Wissensch. 1901, pp. 73-80, on 2), E. Schiirer
(Theolog. Literaturzeitt. 1900, pp. 601-3). Of these the most important are the articles of
Burkitt, Deissmann, Harnack and Preuschen.
Questions Of interpretation would take up too much space here, and we confine our-
selves to calling attention to the discussion of 8 (a), the ‘Letter from Rome,’ by Harnack, and
his identification of Maximus 6 πάπας with the bishop of Alexandria in a.p. 264-282, and
of Theonas with Maximus’ successor. On account of the interest aroused by that document
we have given a facsimile of it in the present volume (Plate X XV).
As generally happens when suggestions are based on the facsimile of a papyrus, most
of the proposed alterations of our readings are unsuitable. Of those readings suggested
in the above-mentioned articles which imply an alteration of our text other than in the
supplements of lacunae, one, Φωκᾶς for Pwyas in 9 (4) 3 (Harnack), is right; two, SOMOPPON
for TOMOPPON in 1. II. 16 (Burkitt), and δίχα for .... in 8 (a). 11. 9 (Deissmann), are
al a i σσ Ὁὦ συ
7 ae ὦ
" γσαο eam > "
ἄγαν 19. recto 8.
ἀγανός 18. 31.
ἀγγελία 18. 186.
ἀγγέλλειν 10. 3.
ἄγειν 10. 11 ; 18. i. 2.
ἄγκυρα 18. 260.
ἀγωγός 12. ii. 4.
ἀδημονεῖν 18. 197.
ἀδημονία 18. 225.
ἀετός 21. 38.
Alas 19. verso 18.
αἰδώς 16. recto 12.
αἰθήρ 16. verso 3.
Αἰολικός 18. 105.
ἀκάματος 20. recto 8.
ἀκολουθεῖν 18. 50; 19. recto 13.
ἀκοντίζειν 19. recto 32.
ἀκούειν 18. 143, 217.
ἀκουσίως 18. 13.
ἀκριβής 21. 15.
ἀκρωτήριον 20. recto 1.
ἄκων 18. 112.
ἄλγος 18. 227.
ἀλλά 10. 14.
ἄλλως 14. 11.
᾿Αμαζών 12. ii, 11.
ἅμαξα 18. 74.
ἀμείνων 14. 4.
ἅμιππος 12. ii. 4.
ἀναβιβάζειν 18. 255.
ἀναιρεῖν 18. 144, 148.
ἀναίτιος 20. recto 11.
ἀνακλίνειν 19. verso 21.
ἄναξ 10. 4.
ἀνειμένως 14. τ1.
ἄνεμος 18. τότ.
ἄνευ 14. 6.
ἀνηλεής 19. verso 13.
ἀνήρ 10. 2, 11.
ἀνιστάναι 18. 34.
ἀντικέλευθος 14. 19, 20.
ἀντλία 18. 256.
ἀντωνυμία 21. 14, 21.
ἀνύειν 18, 119.
ἄξιος 14. 29.
Small Roman numerals indicate columns.
ἀοιδή 11. i. 5.
ἀπάγειν 20. verso 7.
ἅπας 10. 10; 17. verso 6.
ἀπαλέξειν 19. verso 12,
ἀποβαίνειν 12. ii. 7, 8.
ἀπόγονος 18. 120.
ἀποδιδόναι 18. 65; 21. 18.
ἀπόϑετος 18. 59, 93.
ἀποθνήσκειν 18. 202.
ἀποκρίνειν 18. 99.
ἀποκρύπτειν 18. 141.
ἀπολλύναι 18. 134, 142.
ἀπομαντευτικός 14. 15.
ἀποπέμπειν 18. 51.
ἀποστροφή 21. 6, 9.
ἄπρακτος 14. 14.
ἅπτειν 12. ii. 15.
“Apyos 20. recto 9.
᾿Αρίσταρχος 12. ii. 17; 21. 26.
ἄρθρον 21. 14. εἰ saep.
᾿Αρκαδία 20 recto 1, 4.
ἅρμα 12. ii. 6.
“Αρμόδιος 16. recto τ.
ἁρπάζειν 20. verso 7.
ἀρσενικός 21. 23, 24, 35, 37.
Αρτεμις 20. verso 7, 8, 13.
ἄρτος 12. i. 2.
ἄρχειν 18. i. 14; 14. 3.
ἀσπάζεσθαι 18. 86.
᾿Αττική 20. verso 2.
αὐξάνειν 18. 12.
αὔξειν 18. 214.
αὐτίκα 18. i. 20.
αὐτός 10. 8; 12. ii. 5; 15, 12; 17.
verso 6; 19. verso 14.
ἀφαιρεῖν 18. 115.
ἀφιέναι 18. 116.
᾿Αχιλλεύς 10. 7.
βαίνειν 18. 253.
βαρύνειν 18. 197.
βαρύς 21. 3, 7.
βασιλεύς 14. 8; 17. recto 7; 19.
verso το.
βλάβη 18. 126.
βοᾶν 16. recto 2.
βούλησις 18. 184.
βοῦς 21. 32, 33.
βραχύς 21. 2, 9.
Βυζάντιον 18. i. 12.
γαμεῖν 18, 15.
γέλως 17. verso 9.
γεμίζειν 18. 196.
γενικός 21. 23.
γεννᾶν 18, 132.
γένος 18. 174, 256.
γῆ 18. 122.
γίγνεσθαι 14. τῇ.
γλῶσσα 14. 21.
γράφειν 18. ii. 1; 17. recto 2.
γυνή 18.135. ς
δαίμων 20. verso 17.
δασύς 21. 2, 4, 8.
δεῖν 12. ii. 5.
δεινός 18. 203.
δειπνεῖν 18. 165.
δεξιός 14. 20, 23, 29.
δεξιοῦν 18. 85.
δεσπότης 18, 226.
δεύτερος 14. 2.
δή 18. i. 4."
δῆμος 20. verso 2.
δημοτικός 14. 13.
διάγειν 18. 185.
διαιρεῖν 18, ΤΟΙ.
διακόπτειν 18. 78.
διαμερίζειν 18. 79.
διαμεριμνᾶν 18. οὔ.
διανέμειν 18. 8, 240.
διανιστάναι 15. 4.
διανοεῖν 18. 162.
διάνοια 18. 254.
διαπράσσειν 14. το.
διασκευή 17. recto 4.
διαστολή 21. 6, τι.
dudropos 18. 186.
διαχεῖν 18. 94.
διδόναι 20. recto 18.
διεγείρειν 19. recto 23.
διηγεῖσθαι 18. 171.
δίκη 19. verso 24.
διοργίζεσθαι 18. 138.
διώκειν 19. recto 5.
δοκεῖν 18, 115.
δοριάλωτος 10. 7.
δόρυ 19. recto 10.
δουλία 18, 118.
δρᾶμα 17. recto 2.
Δρύοπες 20. recto 13.
δυικῶς 18. 76, 82, 84, 165.
δύναμις 15. 7.
δύνασθαι 29. recto 2.
δυσπροσπέλαστος 18. 127.
δωροδοκία 18, 136.
ἑαυτόν 15. 17; 18. 60, 77.
ἐγγίγνεσθαι 18, 179.
ἔγγονος 18. 120.
ἐγγύς 14. 9 ; 19. verso 20.
ἐγχεῖν 18. 80.
ἐγώ 10. 12; 18. i. 14, ii. 3.
ἔθνος 20. verso 5.
ἐκδιώκειν 18. 133.
ἐκεῖ 10. 4.
ἐκκαλεῖν 18, ii. 2.
ἐκλέγειν 18. i. 5.
ἐκποδών 10. 9.
ἐκτείνειν 18. 81.
ἔκτοσθε 15. 8.
ἐλάσσων 12. ii. 8.
ἐλάτη 18. 153.
ἐλαύνειν 18. 33.
ἔλαφος 20. verso 10, 11.
᾿Ἑλένη 21. 28.
ἐμαυτόν 10. 12.
ἐμβάλλειν 18. i. τ.
ἔμπροσθεν 19. recto 24.
ἐναντίος 19. verso 17.
ἐνδεῖσθαι 18. 213, 216.
ἔνδοθεν 15. 15.
ἔνδοξος 19. recto 8,
ἐνεδρεύειν 18. 20.
ἔνθεν 18, 276,
ἐνιαυτός 18. 123.
ἑνικός 21, 25.
ἐντεῦθεν 14. 4.
ἔντιμος 18. 18.
ἐξαποστέλλειν 18. 212.
ἐπαινεῖν 17. verso 2.
ἔπαυλις 18, 168.
ἐπείγειν 18. 35.
ἐπιζητεῖν 18, 16, 205.
ἐπίθετον 20. recto 8.
ἐπιθυμεῖν 18. 36.
ἐπικαθίζειν 18. 147.
ἐπίκοινος 21. 24, 34.
ἐπιλοβίς 14, 21,
ἐπιπνεῖν 18. 160.
ἐπιπτυχή 14. τό.
ἐπιστέφειν 16. recto 18.
ἐπιστομίζειν 18. ii. marg.
ἐπιτήδειος 18. Το.
ἔπος 16. vecto 7; 21. 9.
ἑπτά 11. ii. 2, 3.
ἐρεῖν 18. 273.
ἔρχεσθαι 10. 15 ; 18. 117.
ἐσθής 18. 209.
ἔσχατος 18. 67.
ἑταῖρος 18, 146.
ἕτερος 21. 36.
ἔτι 14, Io.
εὐδαίμων 18. 121.
εὐθαρσής 10. 11.
εὐκατασκεύαστος 18. 194.
εὔνους 21. 7.
εὔξεστος 18. 194.
εὔπλεκτος 18, 158.
εὑρίσκειν 17. verso 7.
εὐφραίνειν 18, 218.
εὐχή 18. 104.
εὖχος 21. 8.
εὔχροος 14, 11, 26.
ἐφαρμόζειν 14. 13.
ἐφήμερος 18. i. 19.
ἔχειν 10. 8; 14. 5; 18. 131, 210,
233-5, 2373 31. 31.
ἕως 18. 73.
(nreiv 18. 58.
(uydv 16. recto 21; 20. recto 16.
ζῷον 16. recto 20.
ἥκειν 10. 4.
ἥλιος 16. recto 3.
Ἦλις 18. 162.
ἡμέρα 19. verso 13.
ἡνίοχος 12. ii, 10.
ἧπαρ 14, 21.
᾿πειρωτικός 20. verso 3.
| Ἡρόδοτος 12. ii. 18.
ἥρως 12. ii. 6.
ἤτοι 21. 37.
θαυμάζειν 18. 75.
θεῖος 16. recto 17.
θεός 18. τ. marg.; 18. 3.
θεράπαινα 18. 61.
Θεσπρωτία 20. verso 4.
Θεσσαλία 18. 108.
θῆλυς 21. 23, 26.
θηλυκός 21, 37.
θλίβειν 14. 12.
Θράκη 20. recto 5.
Opavew 10. 13.
θυμίαμα 18. 65.
θύραζε 16. verso 12.
θύειν 20. verso 6.
ἴαμβος 17. verso 2, 4.
ἴδιος 21. 6, 11.
ἸἸθάκη 18. 21.
ἱκανῶς 18, 45.
ἴκρια 18. 150.
ἱμάς 12. ii. 5; 18. 159.
ἵππος 12. ii. 45 21. 32, 33.
ἱστάναι 10. 9.
ἱστορία 20. verso 6.
ἱστός 18. 155, 156.
ἰσχυρός 18. recto 19.
Ἰφιγένεια 20. verso 7, 9.
καθῆσθαι 18. 76,
καθίζειν 18. 271.
καὶ γάρ 10. 10.
καίειν 18. 64, 189.
καίπερ 18. ii. 4.
καιρίως 10. 5.
κακοηχής 19. verso 16.
κακός 17. verso 8.
καλεῖν 18. 231 ; 20. recto 1.
καλλονή 18. 46.
καρδία 14, 26.
κατά, καθ᾽ ἡδονήν 10. 3.
καταδαπανᾶν 18. 170.
κατακοιμᾶν 18, 250.
καταλαμβάνειν 18. 10, 87, 140, 164.
κατάλυσις 12. i, 3.
καταπορθεῖν 18. 219.
κατασκευάζειν 18. 153.
καταχρηστικῶς 21. 5.
κατάχυσις 18, 77.
κατέχειν 18, 43, 199.
κεῖνος 16, vecio το.
κελάδων 20. recto 3, 19.
κενός 18. 117.
κεφαλή 11. ii. 8; 14, 8, 12.
κιβωτός 18. 66.
κινεῖν 17. verso 0..
κλαίειν 18, 201.
κλίσις 21, 19, 20.
κλισμός 16. verso 14.
κοῖλος 18. 154, 175.
κοιμᾶν 18, 27, 110.
κοινός 21, 24, 30.
κοίτη 18. 34.
κοιτών 18. 4.
κολάζειν 17. verso 8.
κόπτειν 18. 277.
κοτύλη 18. 175.
κοτυληδών 21. το.
κοῦφος 18. 254.
κτῆμα 18. 59.
κύριος 20. vecto 4; 21. 18.
κυρίως 21. 1.
κωλύειν 19. vecto 15.
λαγώς 10. το.
Λακεδαίμων 20. verso 1.
λαμβάνειν 18. 166.
λαμπρός 19. recto 29.
λέγειν 12. ii. τῷ; 14. 22, 303 16.
vecto 7; 17. verso 4; 18. 171,
174, 176, 2773; 20. recto 3, 4, το;
21. 1, 5.
λείπειν 14, 24.
λέξις 18. τοῦ; 21. 35.
λευκός 18. 80.
λίθος 21. 32, 34.
λογικός 15. 7.
λόγος 18. 187 ; 21. 13.
λυπεῖν 18. 201.
λύπη 18. 203.
Μάγνης 18. i. marg.
μακρόπεπλος 18. 100.
μακρός 18. 209; 21. 2, 9.
μανθάνειν 18. i. 4.
μαντευτικός 14. 5, 15.
μάρτυς 18. i. 17.
μάστιξ 18. 105.
μάταιος 18. 9.
μάχεσθαι 19. verso 22.
μεγάλως 18. 128.
μέγας 16. verso 153 18, 3, 9, 116,
μέλλειν 20. verso 6.
μένειν 12. ii. 9.
μέριμνα 18. 6.
μέρος 21, 13, 19.
μέσος 19. recto 19.
μεταιτεῖν 18. τόρ.
μεταξύ 18. 21.
μετοχή 21. 14, 17.
μετρίως 14. 21.
μικρός 14. τό, 18.
μιμνήσκειν 19. recto 14; 20. recto 9.
μυκᾶσθαι 18. 128.
ναῦς 18. 154.
νέος 17. recto 6.
νίκη 11, ii. 4.
νῦν 12. ii. 1; 18, 176.
fevia 18, 88.
ξενίζειν 18. 113, 149.
ξένος 18. 41, 120.
ξύλον 18, 276.
ὅδε 10. 8; 14. 4.
636s 18, 161.
ὅθεν 20. verso 1.
οἰκεῖν 18. 139.
οἰκεῖος 14, 10.
οἴκημα 18. 62.
οἶκος 10. 6.
οἶνος 18. 8ο.
Οἷον 12. ii. I, 2, 11; 14. τάϊ 16.
vecto 14; 21. 7 et saep.
Ὄλυμπος 20. recto 5.
ὅμοιος 21. 32.
ὁμοίως 14. 18.
ὄνομα 19. recto 34; 21. 11 et saep.
ὄνος 12. ii. 3; 21. 32, 34.
ὀξύς 16. recto 2; 21. τ, 3, 6.
ὄπισθεν 16. verso 9.
ὅπλον 10. 6; 19. recto 11, 21.
ὅπου 18. 155.
ὅπως 10. 5; 19. recto 28.
ὁρᾶν 14. τι.
ὀρθός 21. 23, 25, 27, 29.
ὀρθῶς 12. ii. 12.
ὁρμᾶν 18. 91, 106: 19, recto 18.
"Oppevos 18, 241.
ὄρνις 18. 256.
ὄρος 20. recto 5, 6, 10, 14, Verso 5.
ὀροφή 18. 121.
Ὀρτυγία 18. 231.
ὅτι 13.1.6; 18. 273, 277.
οὐ 12. ii. 15.
οὐδείς 10. 14 ; 17. verso 5.
οὐδέτερος 21. 23, 28.
οὕτως 12. ii. 7; (οὕτω) 20. recto τ.
ὄφρα 16. verso 11.
ὀχεῖσθαι 12. ii. 6.
ὄχλος 18, 133.
παίγνιον 18. 244.
παιδίον 21. 30.
παίειν 18. i. marg.
mais 18. ii. 5; 19. recto 33.
παραγίγνεσθαι 18. 73, 113.
παραμυθεῖσθαι 18, 32.
παρασκευάζειν 18. 44, 63.
παρατηρεῖν 14. 26.
παρεῖναι 14. 22.
παρέχειν 12. ii. g 3 18. 172, 177,
παρηίς 16. verso 17.
πᾶς 15,2; 17. verso 3; 18. 123,175;
19. recto 12.
παστάς 16. verso 15.
πεδίον 19. recto 1.
meipa 18. 166.
πέλεκυς 12. ii. 10.
πέμπειν 19. recto 32.
περισπᾶν 21. 2, 3, 8.
πῆγμα 18. 74.
πηγνύναι 19. recto 22.
πιμπλάναι 19. recto 6.
πίνειν 18. 176.
mAavay 18. 7, 173, 228, 258.
πλάνη 18. 198 (dzs).
πλεονάζειν 14. 6.
πλῆθος 19. Verso 22.
πλήν 14. 8.
πληροῦν 19. recto 27.
πλησίον 19. recto 31.
πλοῖον 12, ii. 3.
πλούσιος 18, 121.
πνευματικός 21. 4.
ποιεῖν 14. 4; 18. 104, 132, 274.
Ποιμένες 12. ii, 14.
πόλις 18. i. 133 18. 108, 162; 20.
recto 9, verso 1.
πολιτικός 18. 145.
πολύευκτος 18. 72, 211.
πολυθρέμματος 18. 122.
πολύς 12. 1.7; 18. 2, 48, 159, 238.
πονηρός 17. verso 7.
ποταμός 20, recto 4.
πότερον 13. i. marg.
ποτήριον 18. 52, 174, 175.
πρᾶγμα 17, recto 6.
πρακτικός 14, 2, 15.
πράσον 18. i. marg.
προαναφωνεῖν 15. 11.
vnc tes 18. 24, 373; 19. recto
προκαταλαμβάνειν 21. 36.
πρόλογος 17. verso I.
προπέμπειν 19. recto 17.
προσάντης 17. verso 5.
προσγενής 18. 215.
προσελαύνειν 12. ii. 7.
προσηγορία 21. 14, τό, 21.
προσηνής 18. 257.
πρόσταξις 20. verso 16.
προσχωρεῖν 14, 14.
προσωτέρω 18. 68.
προτάσσειν 21, 25, 27, 28.
πρότερον 18. 230.
mpopOdvew 18, 101.
προχείρως 18. 152.
πτῶσις 21. 25, 20, 30.
πτωτικός 21. 19, 20.
πυκνός 19. recto 30.
πῶς 10. 13.
πως 14. 14.
σακοφορεῖν 12. ii. 1.
Σάμος 18. 22.
σαφηνιστής 18. 186,
σβεννύναι 11. ii. 5.
σείειν 18, 106.
σημαίνειν 21. 36.
σημεῖον 14. 2, 5,163; 20. verso 12;
21. 5.
σημερινός 18. i. marg.
σίδηρος 12. ii, 15.
σινάμωρος 18. 242.
σκιάζειν 18. 107.
σκοπεῖν 14. 4, 5; 18. 95.
σκοπίζεσθαι (?) 18. 275.
σκοτεινός 18. 30.
Σκυθία 20. verso 5.
Σκυθικός 12, ii. 11.
σός 10. 3.
Σοφοκλῆς 12. ii. 14.
σπένδειν 18, 82.
σπουδάζειν 18. 29, 182.
σπουδή 19. recto 4.
στρέφειν 18. 49,
στυγεῖν 18. 42.
Στυμφαῖος 20. verso 4.
συγκατατιθέναι 18. 183.
συλλέγειν 18. i. marg.
συλλογίζειν 18. 114.
συμπηγνύναι 15. 3.
συμφορά 19. verso 5.
συμφωνεῖν 21. 15.
συναιρεῖν 21, τό.
σύνεγγυς 18. 33.
σύνεσις 14. 23.
συνέχειν 18. 156.
συνιστάναι 14. 7.
συστρέφειν 10. verso 11.
σχίδαξ 18. 276.
σχίζειν 18. 190, 275.
σχοινίον 18. 157.
σώζειν 18. 134.
σῶμα 15, I.
τανύπεπλος 16. verso 4.
Ταῦροι 20. verso 8.
τέλος 18. i. marg.
τιθέναι 18. 118, 1553 20. recto 12.
τιμωρεῖν 18. 103, 129.
Tipuvs 20. recto 8.
τίς 18. i. 4.
τις 12. ii. 6.
Τιτάν 18. 273.
τιτρώσκειν 19. recto 9, verso 19.
τοιοῦτος 14. 9, 10.
τοκεύς 16, recto 15.
τονικός 21. 3.
τόπος 18. 5, 22.
τορεύειν 18. 52.
τοσουτοσί 18. i. TO.
τραχύς 18. 23.
τρέφειν 18. τοῦ.
Τριπτόλεμος 16. recto 19.
τρόπος 14.6; 18. 118.
᾿Αλέξανδρος 42. 2, 22; 48.2; 44. 3, 18.
θεοὶ Σωτῆρες 42. 2,23; 48.2; 44. 3, το.
τροφή 18.177, 258; 19. recto 7.
τυγχάνειν 14. 8.
ὕδωρ 11. ii. 4; 21. 9.
ὕλη 21. 9, Io.
ὑπείκειν 14. 29.
ὑπείργειν 18. 192.
ὑπεραγόντως 18. 200.
ὑπερβάλλειν 18. 11.
ὑπόδειγμα 18.171; 21. 7.
ὑποδέχεσθαι 18. 40.
ὑπόθεσις 17. recto 1.
ὑπόμνημα 12. ii. 20; 14, 2.
ὑποπίπτειν 21. 19, 20.
ὑποτάσσειν 21. 31.
ὕπτιὸς 18. i. 2.
ὑφέν 21. 6.
ὑφιστάναι 18. 274.
φάναι 21. το.
φανερός 18. 17.
φάτις 18. 78.
Φαύσιος 19. recto 33.
φεῦ 11. ii. 9.
φεύγειν 19. verso 15.
Φηραί 18. 108.
φιλεῖν 18. ii. 3 3 16. verso 17.
φιλία 14. το.
Φίλιννα 11. ii. 7.
φίλος 14, 4.
φιλοφρόνως 18. 167.
φορεῖν 12. ii. 1, 12.
φορτικός 18, i. marg.
φροντίζειν 10. 5.
φύειν 14. 7.
φύλαξ 18. 46, 56.
φυλάσσειν 18. 146.
φυλή 16. recto τό.
φυσικός 15. τό.
φωνεῖν 18. go.
χαίρειν 18. 92.
χαλεπός 18. 126, 204.
χαλκός 12. ii. 15.
χαρίεις 14. 11.
χάρις 21. 7.
χειρονΐ 10. 12.
χελιδών 21. 48.
χορός 18. 2.
χρεία 12. ii. Το.
χρῆμα 18. 93.
xpovixds 21. 3.
χρόνος 12.1.7; 18. i. IO, 11.
χρώς 12. ii. τό.
χώρα 18. 162.
χωρεῖν 10. 6.
χῶρι 19. recto 17.
ψαύειν 19. recto 25.
ψιλός 21. 2, 4.
ὠνεῖσθαι 18. 257.
ὠφέλημα 18, 47.
Πτολεμαῖος καὶ Κλεοπάτρα θεοὶ ᾿Επιφανεῖς 42. I, 215
43.1; 44,2, 17. :
θεοὶ ᾿Ἐπιφανεῖς 42, 3, 24; 48. 4; 44. 3, 19.
Κλεοπάτρα ἣ μήτηρ θεὰ Ἔπιφαν,
ς 45, 6.
βασιλεὺς Πτολεμαῖος 88. 27.
θεοὶ ᾿Αδελφοί 42.2, 23 ; 48. 2; 44. 3,179. .
᾿Αρσινόη Φιλάδελφος 42. 4, 26 ; 48. 4, 5, 22 ; 44. 4,
41: 45. 7.
Πτολεμαῖος Evepyérns 45. 1.
θεοὶ Evepyérat 42. 3, 23; 43.2; 44. 3, 19.
Βερενίκη Evepyéris 42. 4, 25.5 43.3; 44. 4. 20.
Πτολεμαῖος Φιλοπάτωρ 46. 1.
θεοὶ Φιλοπάτορες 42. 3,24: 48.2; 44. 5, 19.
᾿Αρσινόη Φιλοπάτωρ 42. 5, 27 ; 48. 4; 44. 4, 21.
Πτολεμαῖος ᾿Επιφανὴς Εὐχάριστος 45. 3.
βασιλεὺς Πτολεμαῖος ὃ Πτολ. καὶ Κλεοπ, θεῶν "Emo.
42.1, 20 ; 48.1.
βασιλεὺς Πτολ. καὶ βασίλισσα Κλεοπ. ἣ ἀδελφὴ θεοὶ
Φιλομήτορες 88.1 ; 84 (c). τ.
Πτολεμαῖος θεὸς Φιλομήτωρ 45. 4.
θεοὶ Φιλομήτορες 42. 3,24: 48. 3.
θεὸς Φιλομήτωρ (?) 44. 4, 20.
βασίλισσα Κλεοπάτρα 45. 5.
βασίλισσα Κλεοπάτρα ἡ θυγάτηρ 45. 6.
Πτολεμαῖος Εὐπάτωρ 45. 4.
θεὸς Εὐπάτωρ (?) 44. 3, 20.
Bao. Πτολ. καὶ βασίλισσα Κλεοπ. ἡ ἀδελφὴ θεοὶ Evep-
yérat of Πτολ. καὶ Kdeom, θεῶν "Emi. καὶ Κλεοπ.
ἡ γυνὴ θεὰ Evepyéris 44. 1, τό. :
θεοὶ Evepyérar 44. 4, 20.
Πτολ. ὁ ἐπικαλούμενος ᾿Αλέξ. καὶ Κλεοπ. ἡ ἀδελφὴ θεοὶ
Φιλομήτορες Σωτῆρες 51. 10.
Νέρων Κλαύδιος Καῖσαρ Σεβαστὸς Γερμανικὸς Αὐτο-
κράτωρ 68. 5, 10, 11, 13, 16, 18, 21, 26, 33, 353
Νέρων 75. 47,54, 70.
Οὐεσπασιανὸς ὃ κύριος 85. 10.
Αὐτοκρ. Καῖσ. Οὐεσπασιανὸς Σεβ. 85. 22; 86. 5, 18;
110. 1; 180. τῷ; 179.
θεὺς Οὐεσπασιανός 75. 50.
Δομιτιανὸς Καῖσαρ ὃ κύριος 108. 5.
Αὐτοκρ. Kaito. Δομιτιανὸς Σεβαστὸς Γερμαν. 108. δὲ
Δομιτιανός 75. 62.
Tpatavds Καῖσαρ ὃ κύριος 64. 1.
Αὐτοκρ. Καῖσ. Νερούας Τραιανὸς Σεβ. Γερμαν. 64. 15.
Αὐτοκρ. Kato. Νερούας Tparavds Σεβ. Γερμαν. Δακικός
95. 1, 15
θεὸς Τραιανός 65. 10.
‘Adpiavds Καῖσαρ ὃ κύριος 66. 29; 73. 4,93 87.4;
88. 6, 14; 104. ὃ; 105. 9; 111. 18; 112. 14;
115. 1; 128. 108.
Αὐτοκρ. Kato. Τραιανὸς ᾿Αδριανὸς Σεβ. 87. 29; 88.
31; 89. 11; 104.12; 105. 12; Ml. 1; 112. 335
114, 1; 128. 111; 129. 1.
“Adpiards 124. 26.
θεὸς ᾿Αδριανός 75. 41, 56.
Φαυστίνα 124. 28.
᾿Αντωνῖνος Καῖσαρ ὃ κύριος 69. 18, 20; 74. 235 77.
36; 90. 5,26; 91. 7, 26; 118. 17.
Adroxp. Kato. Τίτος Αἴλιος ᾿Αδριανὸς ᾿Αντωνῖνος Σεβ.
Εὐσεβής 118. τ.
θεὸς Αἴλιος ᾿Αντωνῖνος 71. 10 ; 75. 31.
Ayrewpivos καὶ Οὐῆρος of κύριοι Σεβαστοί 75. 4; 92. 5.
Αὐτοκρ. Kato. Μάρκος Αὐρήλιος ’Avrov. Σεβ. καὶ
Λούκιος Αὐρήλιος Οὐῆρος Σεβ. 15. 25, 28.
Αὐτοκρ. Καῖσ. Μάρκος Αὐρήλ.᾽Αντων. Σεβ. ᾿Αρμηνιακὸς
Μηδικὸς Παρθικὸς Γερμανικὸς Σαρματικὸς Μέγιστος
Αὐρήλιοι ᾿Αντωνῖνος καὶ Κόμμοδος Καίσαρες οἱ κύριοι
71. 5, τό.
ῬΑντωνῖνος καὶ Κόμμοδος of κύριοι Σεβαστοί 116. 3.
Αὐτοκράτορες Καίσ. Μάρκος Αὐρήλ. ᾽Ἄντων. καὶ Λούκιος
Αὐρήλ. Κόμμοδος Σεβαστοὶ ᾽Αρμην. Μηδ. Παρθ.
Γερμαν. Sappar. Μέγιστοι 71. 18; (om. Σαρματ.)
99. (a) 23.
Képpodos ᾿Αντωνῖνος Καῖσαρ ὃ κύριος 93. 5.
Αὐρήλιος Κόμμοδος ᾿Αντωνῖνος Καῖσ. 6 κύρ. 97. 20;
108. 9 ; 109. 4.
Μάρκος Αὐρήλ. Képpodos ᾿᾽Αντων. Kato. ὃ κύρ. 118. 1.
Μάρκος Αὐρήλ. Κόμμοδος ᾿Αντων. Σεβαστός 78. 27.
Αὐτοκρ. Kato. Μάρκ. Αὐρήλ. Κόμμ. ᾽ἌΑντων, Σεβ.
Εὐσεβ. ᾽Ἄρμην. Μηδ. Παρθ. Σαρματ. Teppav. Βρε-
ταννικὸς Μέγιστος 107. 17.
of κύριοι Σεουῆρος καὶ ᾿Αντωνῖνος 638. 7.
Λούκιος Σεπτίμιος Σεουῆρ. Εὐσεβ. Περτίναξ καὶ Μάρκ.
Αὐρήλ. ’Avrwy. Σεβαστοί 119. 1.
Αὐτοκρ. Καῖσ. Λούκιος Sent. Σεουῆρ. Ἐύσεβ. Περτ.
Σεβ. ᾿Αραβικὸς ᾿Αδιαβηνικὸς Παρθ. Μέγιστ. καὶ
Αὐτοκρ. Kato. Μάρκ. Αὐρήλ. ᾽Άντων. Εὐσεβ. Σεβ.
63. I.
ἌΡΗ καὶ ᾽Ἄντων. καὶ Γέτα Καίσαρες οἱ wip. 94.
5; 20.
Λούκιος Sent. Σεουῆρ. Εὐσεβ. Περτ. καὶ Μάρκ. Αὐρήλ.
᾿Ἄντων. EdoeB. Σεβαστοὶ καὶ Πούβλιος Σεπτ. Γέτα
Καῖσαρ Σεβαστός 120. 1.
Αὐτοκράτορες Καίσαρες Λούκιος Σεπτ. Σεουῆρ. Εὐσεβ.
Περτ. ’Apaf. ᾿Αδιαβ. Παρθ. Μέγ. καὶ Μάρκ. Αὐρήλ.
Ἄντων. Εὐσεβ. Σεβαστοὶ καὶ Πούβλ. Σεπτ. Γέτα
Καῖσ. Σεβ. 94. 20.
Αὐτοκρ. Kato. Μάρκος Αὐρήλ. Σεουῆρ. ᾿Ἄντων. Παρθ.
Μέγ. Βρεταν. Μέγ. Εὐσεβ. Σεβ. 96. το.
Σεουῆρος ᾽Ἄντων. Καῖσαρ 6 κύριος 122. 2.
Aurelius Severus 27. 10.
Αὐτοκρ. Kato. Mdpx. Αὐρήλ. Σεουῆρ. ᾿Αλέξανδρος
Ἐύσεβ. Εὐτυχὴς Σεβ. 80. 17.
Μάρκοι ᾿Ιούλιοι Φίλιπποι Kaloapes οἱ κύριοι Σεβαστοὶ
72. 13.
Αὐτοκρ. Kato. Μάρκ. Ἰούλ. Pid, Εὐσεβ. Εὐτυχ. καὶ
Μάρκ. ἸΙούλ. Φίλ. γενναιότατος καὶ ἐπιφανέστατος
Καῖσ. Σεβαστοί 72. 15; (om. καὶ ἐπιφανέστατος)
81. 20.
Abroxp. Kato. Mdpx. Αὐρήλ. Πρόβος Τερμαν. Méy.
Μηδ. Méy. Παρθ. Méy. Ἐὐσεβ. Εὐτυχ. Σεβ. 106. 4.
domini nostri Diocletianus Augustus. . . et [Maxi-
mianus]| 182.
οἱ δεσπόται ἡμῶν Κωνσταντῖνος Σεβ. καὶ Κωνστάντιος
ὁ ἐπιφαν. Καῖσ. 188. 20.
5 θειότατος καὶ εὐσεβέστατος ἡμῶν δεσπ. Φλαούιος
Μαυρίκιος Τιβέριος ὃ αἰώνιος Αὔγουστος καὶ Αὐτοκρ,
150. I.
ὁ θειότατος καὶ εὐσεβέστατος hy. δεσπ. PA. “HpdxdAevos
ὁ αἰώνιος Αὔγουστος Αὐτοκρ. καὶ μέγιστος εὐεργέτης
161, 1.
βασιλεῖς 81. 1, 15.
βασιλεύς 29. 18, 20 ; 84. (4) 33 35. 54.
βασιλικὰ τέκνα 85. 58.
οἱ κύριοι ἡμῶν Αὐτοκράτορές τε καὶ Καίσαρες 188. 6.
οἱ πάντα νικῶντες δεσπόται ἡμῶν Αὔγουστοι 140. 10,
Σεβαστοί 124, 23.
dominis nostris Diocletiano Augusto. ., et [Maxi-
miano ... coss.] (A.D. 287-304) 182.
Const ... consulibus (fourth cent. A. D.) 27. 9._
ὑπατείας τῶν δεσπ. ἡμῶν Κωνσταντίνου SB. τὸ ¢ καὶ
Κωνσταντίου τοῦ ἐπιφανεστάτου Καίσαρος τὸ ἃ
(A.D. 326) 188. 20.
ὑπατείας Οὐλκακίου (1, Οὐλκατίου) Ῥουφίνου.. .. καὶ
Praoviov . . . (A.D. 3323 Ὁ) p. 169.
ὑπατείας Λιμενίου καὶ Κατυλλίνονυ τῶν λαμπροτάτων
(A.D. 349) 140. 19.
μετὰ τὴν ὑπατείαν Οὐλπίου Amevtov καὶ ᾿Ακοντίου
Κατυλλίνου τῶν λαμπροτ. (A.D. 350) 189. 21.
ὑπατείας Σεργίου καὶ Νιγρινιανοῦ τῶν λαμπροτ. (A.D.
350) 141. 20.
μετὰ τὴν ὑπατείαν Φλαουίου Λογγίνου τοῦ λαμπροτ,
(A.D. 487) 148. I.
ὑπατείας τοῦ αὐτοῦ εὐσεβεστάτου δεσπότου (i.e.
Maurice) τὸ ¢ (A.D. 592) 150. 4.
Ist (A. Ὁ. 612-3) 157. 2, 43 158. 2, 4.
3rd (A. Ὁ. 314-5) p. 169.
7th (ἡ cialis ζ νέα ἤτοι KB ἱνδικτίων, A.D. 333-4)
Ῥ. 169.
8th (ἡ εὐτυχ. μέλλουσα ἡ ἰνδικ.) 147. 6.
11th (Mesore 26 ἀρχῇ, A.D. 487) 148, 1; (A.D.
592-3) 150. 6, 27.
12th (A.D. 488-9) 148. 10; (ἡ σὺν θεῷ δωδεκάτη
ἐπινέμησις, A.D. 593-4) 150. 28; (σὺν θεῷ 18
ἰνδικ.) 155. 1.
13th (ἡ εὐτυχ. τρισκαιδεκ. ἰνδικ., A.D. 324-5?) 188,
12 .
gand (ἡ εὐτυχ. ζ νέα ἤτοι KB ἰνδικ. A.D. 333-4)
Ρ. 169.
(c) ἘΒΑ5.
ἔτος Σπθ καὶ Syn (at Oxyrhynchus, A.D. 612) 157,
4; 158. 4.
060 XeBaords169. Aug. 29—Sept. 27.
Φαῶφι Sept. 28—Oct. 27.
᾿Αθύρ Oct. 28—Nov. 26.
Xolax Αδριανός 99 (a)
25; 116.1. Nov. 27—Dec. 26,
Tope Dec. 27—Jan. 25.
Mexeip Jan. 26—Feb. 24.
Φαμενώθ Feb. 25—March 26.
Φαρμοῦθι March 27—April 25.
Παχών April 26—May 25.
Παῦνι May 26—June 24.
Ἐπείφ June 25—July 24.
Μεσορή Καισάρειος 108. 7 ;
111. 2. July 25—Aug. 23.
ἐπαγόμεναι ἡμέραι Aug. 24—28.
Aios (Dius 19=Pachon 2[.]) 42. 28; cf. 6.
᾿Απελλαῖος (= Phaophi) 112. 4.
Αὐδυναῖος (=Epeiph) 43. 8,
Avorpos (= Tubi) 102. 5.
Tidvnyos 44. 5, 22.
Agos (Loius 13=Mecheir 13) 43. 5; (=Pauni)
110. 2.
Topa ταῖος 33. 37.
NAMES 2171
"ABuos 148. 4.
᾿Αβραάμιος, Aip. ABp., son of Senouthius 150. 15.
᾿Αγρίππας, ᾿Αρτέμων ὃ xat’A., son of Artemon 75. 32,
35, 36, 38, 45:
᾿Αγχορίμφις son of Panechotes 97. 7.
᾿Αγχῶφις (a) 77. 65 ; (8) 77. 6 ; (c) ΤΊ. 80.
᾿Αγχῶφις father of Stotodtis 4) 78. 2; (δὴ) 98. 1;
(c) 102. 9, 21.
᾿Αγχῶφις father of Thases 102. 7, 19.
᾿Αγχῶφις son of Panephremmis 97. 4.
᾿Αγχῶφις the elder, son of Panephremmis 74. 3.
᾿Αγχῶφις the younger, son of Panephremmis 74. Lo,
᾿Αθηναῖος 82. 12.
᾿Αθηνόδωρος, Συρίων ὁ καὶ ᾽Δ., 99. (a) 7.
᾽Ακόντιος Κατυλλῖνος consul. See Index III.
᾿Ακουσίλαος father of Aphrodisius 91. 3.
᾿Ακουσίλαος son of Tesenouphis 58. I
᾿Ακῶρις son of Dius 189. 11.
᾿Αλέξανδρος () 68. 4,15, 19, 29; (δ) 128. I9.
᾿Αλέξανδρος father of Eudaemon 99. (a) 2.
᾿Αλέξανδρος scribe of the Hermopolite nome 68. 12,
13, 14.
᾿Αλεξᾶς son of Ekusis 123. 2
᾿Αλίμης (?) son of Hermaeus 128. 97.
᾿Αλῦκις father of Psenthotes 48. 4, 18.
᾿Αμάραντος 83. 4; 84 (a) 5.
᾿Αμμωνᾶς 126. 51.
᾿Αμμώνιος (a) 56. 5 ; (Ὁ) 94. 1, 24, 47 ; (c) 128. 64.
᾿Αμμώνιος, Αὐρήλιος ᾿Α., 81. 3.
᾿Αμμώνιος antigrapheus 52. 2.
᾿Αμμώνιος banker 52. 1, 3; 58. I, 4.
᾿Αμμώνιος father of Apollonius 86. 3; 24, 26.
᾿Αμμώνιος father of Aurelius. . . 81. 2, 23.
᾿Αμμώνιος father of Aurelius Didymus 140. 4.
᾿Αμμώνιος father of Aurelius Dioscurides 72. 4, 19.
᾿Αμμώνιος father of Chaeremon 128. 54; 129. 26.
᾿Αμμώνιος father οἵ Horion 128. 57.
᾿Αμμώνιος father of Horus 129. 6.
᾿Αμμώνιος son of Didymus 128. 94.
᾿Αμμώνιος son of Sarapion 76. 5.
᾿Αμμώνιος son of Tothes 129. 15.
᾿Αμμωνίων 122. 4.
᾿Αμμωνίων son of Periclas 124, 27.
᾿Αμμωνοῦς daughter of Apollonius 95. 1.
᾿Αμφιθάλης son of Arius 108. 7.
᾿Αμφίων father of Neoteris 98. 6.
᾿Αμφίων son of Kilminus 128. 21.
᾿Ανθέστιος, Μάρκος ’A. Καπιτωλῖψος, 92. 2, 17.
᾿Ανίκητος agoranomus 166.
“Avva mother of Johannes 150. 11.
᾿Αννοῦς father of Tothes 128. 52 ; 129. 5.
‘Avoup| 65. τό.
᾿Ανουβάριον daughter of Tryphon 76. 3, 6, 7.
᾿Ανουβίων (a) 119. 3 ; (6) (fon of Sarapion?) 126. 36 ;
127. 17, 25, 30; (c) 128. 83.
*AvovBiwv son of ’Sarapion 78.2; 87.1
I; 128, 102; 185. 1, 26.
; 104, 4; 105.
᾿Ανουβίων son of Sotas 126. 27.
᾿Ανούπ 149. 25.
᾿Ανούπ, Αὐρήλιος ’A., son of Petronius 149, 4.
᾿Ανούφιος 146, 3.
᾿Αντίμαχος, ρμίας 6 καὶ ’A,, 71. 2.
*Avrivoos 101. I.
᾿Αντίπατρος father of Achilleus 124. 13.
᾿Αντίπατρος father of Irene 46. 7.
᾿Αντίπατρος father of Koulas 124, 18.
᾿Αντωνῖνος, Αὐρήλ. ᾽Α., centurion 78. 1.
᾿Αντώνιος, Αὐρήλ. dr "ex-strategus 81. 4.
᾿Αυτώνιος. Ἰουστεῖνος, duplicarius 107. ra 21; 108. 3;
173 ; 174.
᾿Απὰ Ἰωάννης 145. 4.
᾿Απιπειο(ῦς ?) father of Chaeremon 127. 12.
᾿Απίων father of Horion 186, 1, 28.
᾿Απολλινάριος 1286. 47.
᾿Απολλωνία daughter of Hermione 96. 2.
᾿Απολλωνίδης father of Demetria 104. 1.
᾿Απολλώνιος (4) 88. 28; (6) 88.2; (c) 45.4; (d) 128.
᾿Απολλώνιος aGOranomus 49. Io,
᾿Απολλώνιος ἐπιστάτης 85. 40.
᾿Απολλώνιος ἠπητής 185. 22.
᾿Απολλώνιος λευκός 62. 7.
᾿Απολλώνιος μέλας 62. 6.
᾿Απολλώνιος σκευοφόρος 62. 13.
᾿Απολλώνιος strategus 35. 1.
᾿Απολλώνιος father of Ammonous 95, I.
᾿Απολλώνιος father of Artemidora 101. 2.
᾿Απολλώνιος father of Didyme 98. 7.
᾿Απολλώνιος 6 καὶ Mirroxos father of Hermaeus 98. 12.
᾿Απολλώνιος father of Hermacus 85. 1; 86, I.
᾿Απολλώνιος father of Musaeus 95. 1.
᾿Απολλώνιος father of Nicon 116. 4.
᾿Απολλώνιος father of Pasicrates 82. verso 2.
᾿Απολλώνιος father of Tereus 75. 51.
᾿Απολλώνιος son of Ammonius 85. 3, 24, 26.
᾿Απολλώνιος son of Apollonius 75. 37, 45, 50, 54+
᾿Απολλώνιος son of Dionysius 68, 32.
᾿Απολλώνιος son of Heracleus 75. 50, 54.
᾿Απολλώνιος son of Nilus 187. 9.
᾿Απο(λλώνιος ἢ) son of Ophis 128. 116.
᾿Απῦγχις father of Taouetis 97. 19.
“Andis father of Phoebammon.
λρειος (a) 40. 4, 18; (4) 168.
Ἄρειος father of Amphithales 108. 8.
“Apewos father of Arius the younger 75. 63, 71.
"Apetos father of Hermophilus 86. 7.
“Apevos father of Neoptolemus 71. 9.
“Apetos the younger, son of Arius 75. 63, 71.
ἤΑρειος son of Hermaeus 75. 56, 66 (dis), 68, 73.
"Apevos son of Nearchus 104. 3, 14.
᾿Αρείτιον daughter of Herminus 99. (a) 3, 6.
᾿Αρίθας 157. τ.
᾿Αριστόκλεια daughter of Demetrius, canephorus 48: 4.
᾿Αριστόνικος father of Nikaso 45. 7.
᾿Αρίστων 71. 12.
“Apuddtos 128. 143. ;
“Δρμόδιος father of Porementhis 129. 4; 184, 21.
“Ἁρπαγάθης (a) 84. (c) 3; (4) 77. 82; (c) 119. 6; (4) 125.
, 10.
‘Accuydlies father of Pakusis (a) 111. 4; (δ) 111, 7.
“Αρπαγάθης father of Sagathes 120. 10.
“Αρπαγάθης father of Sietous 66. 44.
“Αρπαγάθης son of Epo... 77. 10, 12, 25, 30, 35.
“Αρπαγάθης son of Pakusis 111. 7.
“Αρπαγάθης son of Satabous (4) 110. 9, (called son of
Erieus) 30 ; (0) 111. 11.
᾿Αρπαγάθης son of Teses 110. ΤΙ, 31.
“Ἅρπαλος father of Harpalus 93. 2.
“Aprados father of Pinoution 189. 8.
Ἅρπαλος son of Harpalus 98. 2, 17, 25.
Ἅρπαλος son of Nicomachus 128. 82 ; 129. 14.
“Αρποκρατίων father of Chaeremon 72. 7.
“Αρσιῆσις father of Thaésis 46, 3.
“Αρσιῆσις son of Pechusis 52. 2.
“Αρσιῆσις son of Pechutes 54, 2.
᾿Αρσινόη 387. 4.
᾿Αρσινόη Φιλάδελφος. See Index IT.
᾿Αρσινόη Φιλοπάτωρ. See Index II,
᾿Αρσινόη athlophorus 48. 3.
᾿Αρτεμιδώρα daughter of Apollonius 101. 2.
᾿Αρτεμίδωρος 144. 9.
᾿Αρτεμίδωρος ὃ καὶ ᾿Αχιλλεύς 63. 4.
᾿Αρτέμων son of Artemon 6 καὶ ᾿Αγρίππας 75. 5, 32, 35.
᾿Αρτέμων 6 καὶ ᾿Αγρίππας, son of Artemon 75. 32, 35, 36,
38, 45.
᾿Αρτέμων son of Asclepiades 75. 37, 42, 44, 49.
᾿Αρχίβιος son of Horus 32. 15.
᾿Ασενώθης (?) antigrapheus 53. 2.
᾿Ασκληπιάδης antigrapheus 54. 2.
᾿Ασκληπιάδης father of Achilles 75. 48.
᾿Ασκληπιάδης father of Sarapion 128, 81.
᾿Ασκληπιάδης son of Achilles 75. 37, 42, 44, 47.
᾿Ασφατούριος 151. 4.
“Ατρῆς, Αὐρήλιος ’A., son of Peues 140. 4, 21, 22.
.larpyntis 80. 6.
Αὔξων, Aipyd.’A., son of Demetrius 187. ro.
Αὐρηλία Θαῆσις daughter of Pathermouthius 141. 3, 22.
Αὐρηλία Τινοῦτις daughter of Herminus 72. 3, 17.
Αὐρήλιος ᾿Αβραάμιος son of Senouthius 150. 15.
Αὐρήλιος ᾿Αμμώνιος 81. 3.
Αὐρήλιος ᾿Ανούπ son of Petronius 149. 4, 19.
Αὐρήλιος ᾿Αντωνῖνος, centurion, 78. 1.
Αὐρήλιος ᾿Αντώνιος ex-strategus 81, 4.
Αὐρήλιος ᾿Ατρῆς son of Peues, γνωστήρ, 140. 4, 21, 22.
Αὐρήλιος Αὔξων son of Demetrius 187. 10.
Αὐρήλιος Γερμανός son of Horus 142, 3, 19.
Αὐρήλιος Γερόντιος strategus 188. 2.
Αὐρήλιος Δίδυμος son of Ammonius, sitologus, 140. 4.
Αὐρήλιος Δίδυμος son of Petinus, sitologus, 140. 3.
Αὐρήλιος Διοκλῆς, praepositus, 189. 1; 140, 1; 141. 1.
Αὐρήλιος Διοσκουρίδης son of Ammonius 72. 4, 18.
Αὐρήλιος Θεόδωρος 151. 21.
Αὐρήλιος Κορνήλιος, sitologus, 140. 3.
Αὐρήλιος Μάρκιος 6 καὶ Νεμεσιανός, ἀπαιτητής 72. 1;
81. I.
Αὐρήλιος Μάξιμος son of Melas 147. 4, 19.
Αὐρήλιος Νεῖλος 188. 24.
Αὐρήλιος Νεμεσιανός. See Adp. Μάρκιος.
Αὐρήλιος Πασώτης komarch 189. 2, 22.
Αὐρήλιος Πῆσις komarch 189. 2, 22.
Αὐρήλιος Πκάλιος son of Taurinus 151, 6,9, 20.
Αὐρήλιος Πλουτίων son of Sarapion 138. 3, 22.
Αὐρήλιος... pel.Js son of Christodorus 161. 22.
Αὐρήλιος = . . eos son of Ammonius 81, 2, 23.
Αὐρήλιος Σαραπίων γνωστήρ 139. 23.
Αὐρήλιος Σερῆνος son of Dioscorus 67. 12.
Αὐρήλιος Σερῆνος son of Ptolemius 149. 23.
Αὐρήλιος Φοιβάμμων son of David 150. 7, 34, 44.
Αὐυθαῖβις daughter of Hermophilus 105. 7.
᾿Αφροδίσιος 69. 2, 19.
᾿Αφροδίσιος son of Acusilaus 91. 3, 18, 25.
᾿Αχιλλᾶς 182. To.
᾿Αχιλλᾶς son of Salatas 128. 10,
᾿Αχιλλεύς (or ᾿Αχιλλής), "Apreuldmpos ὃ καὶ "Ax., 63. 4.
᾿Αχιλλεύς father of Asclepiades 75. 42, 47.
᾿Αχιλλεύς father of Hermas 126, 9 ; 128. 67.
᾿Αχιλλεύς father of Selene 73. 7.
᾿Αχιλλεύς son of Antipatrus 124. 13.
᾿Αχιλλεύς son of Epeis 128. 50.
᾿Αχιλλεύς son of Horus 128. 71.
᾿Αχιλλεύς son of Mires 128. 66.
᾿Αχιλλεύς the younger, son of Peribleptus 128. 21.
᾿Αχιλλεύς son of Zopyrus 124, 11.
᾿Αχιλλίων father of Eutychides 108. 1.
᾿Αχιλλίων father of Exakon 126. 56 ; 128. 118.
᾿Αχιλλίων father of Hermaeus 126. 44; 128. 119.
᾿Αχοᾶπις son of Petesuchus 42, 8, 33.
Αὐρήλιος Μηνᾶς son of Heraclammon 151, 23. )
Βαρῶσις 126, 7.
Βαρῶσις son of Strichon 129. 9, 24. .
Barpayas, Κάστωρ Bar. 128. 31; Ἰμισις λεγόμενος Bar.
129, 11. ,
Βελῆς 126. 18.
Βελλῆς father (?) of Phatres 128. 33.
Βεμερῶν (gen.) 39. το.
Βερενίκη Evepyéris. See Index 11.
Βερενίκη daughter of Hermias, priestess 45. 6.
Βεροῦς daughter of Hermaeus 75. 43, 49.
Βίκτωρ 155. 5.
Βίκτωρ father of Cyriacus 150. 10,
Βίκτωρ father of Phibis 151. 7, 20.
Βόηθος συγγενής 36. 1.
Γαῖος Νωρβανός 88. 48,
Γέμεινος, Κλαύδιος Δίδυμος 6 καὶ T., strategus 66, 20, 24,
45, 47.
Τερμανός, Αὐρήλιος Γερ., son of Horus 142. 3, 19.
Γερόντιος 81. 13.
Γερόντιος, Αὐρήλιος Γερ., strategus 188. 2. a
Γλαῦκος 65, 13. a
Γλουτᾶς 180. 1. ᾿
Δάζμος father οἵ Philon 44. 15. ὲ
Δαμαρίων strategus 79. 22, 43 ; 107. I ; 109. 1. a
Δαμιανός 150. 40, 43.
Δάξ, Μιρῆς Ad€., 128. 60 ; 129. 23.
~ Aaveir father of Aurel. Phoebammon 150. 8,
Δεξιός 88. 11.
Δημᾶς father of Didymus 128. 84.
Δημητρία ἡ καὶ Τασεῦς daughter of Apollonides 104. 1.
Δημητρία ἣ καὶ Tepeds daughter of Hermaeus 75. 1, 33,
40, 61.
Δημήτριος 126. 41.
Δημήτριος Σινωπεύς 42, 6, 30; 55. I.
Δημήτριος father of Aristoclea 48. 4.
Δημήτριος father of Aurel. Auxon 187. το.
Δημήτριος father of Pinoution 189. 8,
Δημήτριος son of Herodes 89. 12.
Δημήτριος son of Tekoous 184, 11, 20,
Διδαροῦς 82. 2..
Διδεῖς ἡ καὶ Πτολλαροῦς daughter of Ptolemaeus 90.
20, 23.
Διδύμη ἡ καὶ Ταρῆς daughter of Apollonius 98. 7.
Διδύμη daughter of Hermaeus 75. 52.
Διδύμη daughter of Hermias 86. 6.
Δίδυμος (a) 62, 4; (δ) 77. 533; (c) 77. 63 ; (4) 128. 100,
Δίδυμος, Αὐρήλιος Aid. son of Ammonius, sitologus
140. 4.
Δίδυμος, Αὐρήλιος Ais. son of Pitinus, sitologus 140. 3.
Δίδυμος, Κλαύδιος Δίδ, ὁ καὶ Téuewos, strategus 66. 20,
24, 45) 47.
Δίδυμος father of Ammonius 128. 99.
Δίδυμος father of Ptolemaeus 75. 34.
Δίδυμος son of Demas 128. 84.
Διογένης 115. 2.
Διογένης antigrapheus 165.
Διογένης father of Hermes 94.1; 96.13; 100. 1 ; 101. 3.
Διογένης father of Melas 139. 17.
Διογένης father of Pinoution 124. τό.
Διογένης son of Hermaeus 109. 6.
Διόγνητος 62. 11.
Διόδωρος 41. τ.
Διόδωρος ὃς καὶ Πετεσοῦχος, son of Marres 56. 1 ; 57. 1.
Διοκλῆς, Αὐρήλιος Διοκ., praepositus 139. 1; 140. 1;
141. I.
Διονᾶς κωμογραμματεύς 68. 1, 2, 25.
Διονύσιος (a) 61. 13 ; (6) 77. 71.
Διονύσιος banker 81. 1, 4, 5; 54. 1, 5.
Διονύσιος father of Apollonius 68. 32.
Διονύσιος father of Herodes 64. 11.
Aios father of Akoris 189. 11.
Δῖος father of Heron 124. 5.
Aios father of Pagenes 189. 11.
Aios son of Pasion 98. 8.
Διόσκορος 68. 14.
Διόσκορος father of Aurelius Severus 67. 12.
Διόσκορος father of Heras 124. 8.
Διόσκορος father of Hermaeus 75. 52.
Διόσκορος son of Heraclides 124. 29.
Διόσκορος son of Hermaeus 124. 6.
Διόσκορος son of Herminus 99. (a) 1, 11, 25.
Διόσκορος son of Theagenes 124, 7.
Διοσκουρίδης 88. 1.
Διοσκουρίδης, Αὐρήλιος A., son of Ammonius 72. 4, 18.
Δίων 117. 3.
Δρύτων son of Pamphilus 36. 3.
Δωρίων (2) 62. 8 ; (4) 114. 4.
Δωρίων father of Hermaeus 75. 49.
Δωσίθεος father of Pekusis 126. 26.
Εἰρηναῖος sitologus 61. 8.
Εἰρήνη daughter of Antipatrus, priestess 45. 7.
Εἰρήνη daughter of Ptolemaeus, priestess 42. 5, 28;
43. 5.
‘Exdous 77. 78.
“Exdous ἐπικαλούμενος Εὐπορᾶς 78. 5.
“Exdous father of Alexas 128. 2.
“Ἑλένη daughter of Tothes 98. 6.
᾿Ἑλένη mother of Dioscorus 99. (a) 1.
Ἔνώχ 155. 2.
᾿Ἐξακῶν 185. 21.
’E£axGv father of Sosibius 99. (a) 4, 27.
᾿Ἐξακῶν son of Achillion 126. 50; 128. 118.
᾿Ἐπεῖς father of Achilleus 128. 50.
᾿Ἐπιαλῦμις father of Proous 129. 8.
᾿Επιμάχης 76. 13.
᾿Ἐπίμαχος 180. 22.
᾿Ἐπίμαχος father of Soéris 99. (a) 7.
᾿Εριανοῦφις son of Psemminis 50. 4, 13, 24.
᾿Εριεῦς 77. 40, et saep.
*Epteds daughter of Panephremmis 113. 8, 27, 32.
’Epteds father of Harpagathes 110. 31.
*Epveds father of Horus 110. 12, 31.
᾿Ἐριών (?) 77. 77.
“Eppatos (a) 79.61; (Ὁ) 124. 25 ; (c) 128. 23 ; (d)128, 120,
“Eppatos father of Alimes (?) 128. 97.
‘Eppatos father of Castor 128. 102.
Ἑρμαῖος father of Demetria 75. 1, 40.
“Eppatos father of Diogenes 109. 6.
“Epuaios father of Horion (a) 99. (a) 4 ; (6) 127. 7, 128,
53; 129. το.
ρμαῖος father of Dioscorus 124. 6.
“Epyatos son of Achillion 126. 44; 128. 119.
‘Eppaios 6 καὶ Φιβίων son of Apollonius 98. 12.
“Ἑρμαῖος son of Apollonius, exegetes 85. 1; 86. I.
Ἑρμαῖος son of Arius 75. 56, 58.
“Eppatos son of Arius the younger 75. 57 (dis), 63,
65, 71.
“Eppatos son of Dioscorus 75. 52.
“Eppatos son of Dorion 75. 43, 49.
“Eppatos son of Helene 98. 6.
“Eppatos son of Horion 127. 9; 128. 51.
“Eppatos son of Musaeus 95. 1, 2,12, 17.
Ἑρμᾶς son of Achilles 126. 9; 128. 67.
“Eppeivos 71. 4, 23.
“Eppeivos father of Aritium 99. (a) 3, 7.
Ἑρμεῖνος father of Aurelia Tinoutis 72. 3.
“Eppeivos son of Herodianus 109. 7.
“Eppeivos son of Perousis 189. 14.
“Eppeivos son of Phibion 99. (a) 1, 25.
“Ἑρμῆς father of Menouthion 124. 15.
Ἑρμῆς son of Diogenes 94.1; 96. 1; 100. I, 3, 6;
101. 3.
“Epplas 66. 6.
‘Epplas ἐπὶ τῶν προσόδων 81. 2, 5.
“Epplas τελώνης 53. 2.
“Epplas τοπογραμματεύς 88. 2, 5.
‘Epplas agent of Paniscus, agoranomus, 48. 2, 17;
(agoranomus) 51, 21, 30.
“Epplas ὃ καὶ ᾿Αντίμαχος father of Chenepeis 71. 2.
Ἑρμίας father of Berenice 45. 6.
Ἑρμίας father of Hermias 86. 3, 6, 21.
“Epulas son of Heraclides 128. 85.
Ἑρμίας son of Hermias 86. 3, 21.
“Epulas son of Phatres 128. 89.
‘Epulovn % 8° ἐπικρίσεως Μία ἡ καὶ Ἕρμ. daughter of
Tothes 99. (4) 1, 4, 13, 26.
ἍἙρμιόνη mother of Apollonia 96. 2.
“Epuls daughter of Hermodorus 71. 3, 14.
‘Epuddwpos son of Heraclides 71. 3, 7.
ἝἙρμόφαντος 95. τό.
Ἕρμόφιλος (a) 126. 16; (2) 185. 8,
Ἕρμόφιλος father of Auuthaibis 106. 7.
Ἑρμόφιλος son of Arius 86. 7.
Ἕρμόφιλος, Κορνήλιοξ 6 καὶ ‘E., son of Eudaemon 99.
(a) 2,14, 29 ; 100. 2, 7.
"Epol. ταξ (Ὁ) 77. το.
Ἐὐάγγελος father of Tryphon 76. 8.
Εὐδαιμονίς (a) 68. 32; (4) 126. 19, 27; 127.24; 185, 4.
Εὐδαιμονίς, Τίσοις ἡ καὶ Edd.,122. 6, 13.
Εὐδαιμονίς mother of Sarapia 88. 8.
Εὐδαιμονίς mother of Cornelius 99. (a) 2.
Εὐδαίμων (a) 68. 8; (6) 142. 20.
Εὐδαίμων father of Anoub(ion) 128. 83.
Εὐδαίμων son of Alexandrus 99. (4) 2, 29; 100. 2.
Εὔνοος father of Pelaeas 51. 5, 27.
Εὔνοος son of Patseous 50. 6.
Εὐπορᾶς, “Exdows ἐπικαλ. Ἐὖπ., 78. 6.
Εὐτυχίδης (4) 95. τό ; (6) 128. 95.
Εὐτυχίδης, Κλαύδιος Εὐτ., 79. 58.
Εὐτυχίδης gymnasiarch 180. 1.
Εὐτυχίδης father of Koulas 124. 19.
Εὐτυχίδης father of Sarapion 108. 1.
Eirvx (dns father of Trophon 128. 93.
Εὐτυχίδης son of Achillion 103. 1.
Εὐτυχίδης son of Sarapion 88. 1, 33; 182. 1, 13; 188.
I; 184.1; 185. 1, 26.
Εὔτυχος 44. 2, 18.
Εὐφημία 152. 12.
Ζυγρᾶς (?) 88. 2.
Ζώπυρος epimeletes 83. 7 ; 84. (a) 2, (c) 8.
Ζώπυρος father of Achilleus 124. 11.
Ζώσιμος father of Sabinus 121. 2, 6.
Ἡγέμων 128, 12.
Ἡλιόδωρος (4) 122. 4. 9, το ; (Ὁ) 161.
᾿Ηλιόδωρος agoranomus 46. 1; 47. 1, 18.
“HAddpos son of Sarapion 181. 19; 184. 1, 22; 185. 21.
Ἦπιόδωρος 40. 1.
“Hpais 152. 13.
᾿Ηρακλάμμων ῥιπάριος 146. τ...
ἑΗρακλάμμων father of Aurelius Menas 151. 23.
Ἡρακλᾶς 77. 20.
“Ἡρακλείδης 90. 24.
“Ἡρακλείδης strategus 64. 4, 7, 11.
“Ἡρακλείδης father of Dioscorus.124. 29.
Ἡρακλείδης father of Hermias 128. 85.
Ἡρακλείδης father of Hermodorus 71. 7.
Ἡράκλειος father of Pelus 189. 16.
“HpdkAnos father of Apollonius 75. 51, 55.
Ἡρᾶς son of Dioscorus 124, 8.
Ἡρώδης 98, 13.
Ἡρώδης antigrapheus 59. 10,
“Ἡρώδης father of Demetrius 89. 12.
“Ἡρώδης father of Ischyrion 91. 2.
Ἡρώδης son of Dionysius 64, 11.
Ἡρώδης son of Musaeus 179.
᾿Ηρωδιανός father of Herminus 109. 7.
ρωίς mother of Heron 91. 2.
“Hpwv 75. 48,
Ἥρων father of Heron 69. 5.
Ἥρων father of Phibion 124, το.
“Hpev son of Dius 124. 5.
Ἥρων son of Heron 69. 5.
Ἥρων son of Sarapion 91. 1, 4, 19.
Ἡσάλων father of Lagos 129. 21, 27.
ἩἩσκᾶς (?) father of Pamounis 128. 101.
Θαῆσις 180. 13.
Θαῆσις, [. . .]odépa ἡ καὶ ©., daughter of Artemon 75. 46.
Θαῆσις, Αὐρηλία ©., daughter of Pathermouthius 141.
3, 22.
Θαῆσις daughter of Harsiésis 46. 3, 5, 14.
Θαμουλί 152. 12.
Θασῆς daughter of Anchophis (a) 74. 15; (2) 102. 6,
12, 19, 23.
Θασῆς daughter of Satabous 74. 19.
Θασῆς daughter of Stotoétis 74. 11.
Oarpijs 127. 25.
Θεαγένης father of Dioscorus 124. 7.
Θεμβῶς 80. 5, 41.
Θεόδωρος (a) 38. 1; (2) 48. τό.
Θεόδωρος protector 187. 2.
Θεόδωρος, Αὐρήλιος ©., 151. 21.
Θερμοῦθις 125. 9, 11.
Θερμοῦθις daughter of Hermaeus 75. 57, 66, 67.
Θερμοῦθις mother of Hermaeus 75. 64, 71.
Θευῆς (?) 106. 8.
Θεῦς mother of Demetria 75. 1, 60, 69.
Θέων (a) 62. 15; (4) 64. 5.
Θοτοῆς father of Phatres 33.4; 84. (a) 4 (c) 3.
ἸΙακύβιος 155. το.
Ἰβιωσκοπί Hs 127. 18,
Ἰβόις son of Calocaerus 189, 12.
‘lepaxtwy 81, 13.
Ἱέραξ 145. το.
᾿Ιούλιος στρατιώτης 125. introd.
Ἰούλιος Πετρωνιανός epistrategus 77. 1.
᾿Ιούλιος, Λούκιος Ἰούλ. Οὐηστεῖνος, praefect 68. 20,
᾿Ιουστεῖνος, ᾿Αντώνιος Ἴ., duplicarius 107. 2, 21; 108. 3;
1738; 174.
Ἰσάκ 148. 6. y
᾿Ισίδωρος 81. 13. %
Ἰσίδωρος son of Musaeus 189. 15.
Ἶσις. See Index VIII.
᾿Ισχυρίων son of Herodes 91. 1.
Ἰωάννης, “Ana Ἴω., 145. 3.
Ἰωάννης son of Job 150. 11, 35, 44.
Ἰωσήφιος son of Colluthus 139, 12.
Ἰώβ father of Johannes 150. 11.
Καιπάλικος father of Paseimis 128. 30.
Καλαβώτης, Σιλβανὸς ἐπικεκλημένος Κι; 76. 10,
Καλᾶς 127. 2.
Καλῆς father of Mires 128. 39.
Καλλῆς father of Horion 127. 6.
Καλόκαιρος father of Ibots 189. 12.
Κᾶμις 128. 63.
Κᾶμις father of Onnophris 128. 78.
Κᾶμις son of Horion 128. 48; 129, 16.
Καπατύτης father of Stotoétis 110. 26.
Καπιτωλῖνος, Μάρκος ᾿Ανθέστιος K., 92. 2, 17.
Κάστωρ 62. 17.
Κάστωρ Βατραχᾶς 128. 31.
Κάστωρ father of Musaeus 139. 13.
Κάστωρ father of Sarapion 85. 7.
Κάστωρ son of Colluthus 128. 27.
Κάστωρ son of Hermaeus 128. 102,
Κάστωρ son of Koulos 126, 6.
Kdorwp son of Panechotes 88, 2.
Κατυλλῖνος consul. See Index III.
Κιλμῖνος (Ὁ) father of Amphion 128, 121.
Κλαυδιανός nomarch 92. 1.
Κλαύδιος Δίδυμος ὃ καὶ Γέμεινος strategus 66. 20, 24,45, 4.7.
Κλαύδιος, Τιβέριος KA., strategus 68. 14, 16, 17.
Κλαύδιος, Φῆλιξ KA, Οὐίνδιξ, epistrategus. See Index
Κλαύδιος Εὐτυχίδης 79. 57.
Κλεοπάτρα. See Index II.
Κόλθε 155. 8.
Κολλούθης son of Mercurius 142. 6.
Κόλλουθος 80. 13.
Κόλλουθος father of Castor 128. 27.
Κόλλουθος father of Josephius 189. 12.
Κόλλουθος father of Panethotes 128. 79.
Κολλοῦχις son of Penob 146. 2.
Κόμων 62. 9.
Κόμων father of Mires 128. 6.
Κόνδυλος 80. 28,
Κοπρῆς 123. 3.
Κοπρῆς father of Pesis 189. 10.
Κορνήλιος 126. 33.
Κορνήλιος 6 καὶ ἙἙρμόφιλος, son of Eudaemon 99. (2) 2,
13, 29; 100. 2, 4, 6.
Κορνήλιος, Αὐρήλιος K., 140. 3.
Κορνήλιος father of Koulas 124, 24.
Κορνήλιος father of Turbon 124, 21.
Κουλᾶς son of Antipatrus 124. 18.
Κουλᾶς son of Cornelius 124. 24.
Κουλᾶς son of Eutychides 124, 19.
Κουλῶς 126. 43.
Κουλῶς father of Chichois 126. 25.
Κουλῶς father of Pseneous 126. 24.
Κουλῶς son of Castor 126. 6.
Κρίων 185. 20.
Kpodpis father of Mires 128. 28.
Κυριακός 149. 3, 11.
Κυριακός son of Victor 150. 9, 35, 44.
Κύριλλος, Φλαούιος Κι, 147. 1.
Λαγῶς son of Hesalon 129. 21, 27.
Λάκων 128. 86.
Λεωνίδης priest 45. 2.
Aménos consul. See Index III.
Λογγαῖος ‘Podpos praefect. See Index VII.
Λογγῖνος, Φλαούιος A., consul 148. 1.
Λολοῦς son of Petenephotes 538. 3.
Λούκιος ᾿Ιούλιος Οὐηστεῖνος praefect. See Index VII.
Λοῦπος, ἹῬουτίλιος A., praefect. See Index VII.
Λυκόφρων 62. τό.
Λυσίμαχος 62. 5.
Λυσίμαχος father of Lysimachus 46. 5.
Λυσίμαχος priest, son of Lysimachus 45, 5.
Λυσίμαχος son of Melas 84. τό.
Μάγνης 44. 4, 21.
Μακάριος 145. 14.
Μακάριος banker 157. 1; 158. 1.
Μακάριος father of Papnouthius 150. 9.
Μαθείας 155. 6.
Μαθείας son of Phoebammon 161. 1, 7, 10, 20.
Μάνων 83. 8.
Μαξίμα mother of Aurelius Anoup 149. 4.
Μάξιμος, Αὐρήλιος M., son of Melas 147. 4, το.
Μάξιμος, Οὐίβιος M., praefect. See Index VII.
Μαρεπάθης son of Sisuchus 88. 3 ; 84. (a) 4, (c) 2.
Μαρία mother of Aurelius Phoebammon 1650. 8.
Μαρία mother of Papnouthius 1650. 9.
Μαρία mother of Phibis 151. 7.
Μάρκιος, Αὐρήλιος M. ὁ καὶ Νεμεσιανός, ἀπαιτητής.
Index VII.
Μάρκος... 142. 2.
Μάρκος ᾿Ανθέστιος Καπιτωλῖνος 92. 2.
Μαρρῆς (2) (=Marres, son of Pechusis) 65. ; (6) 163.
Mappijs priest 58. 3, 7.
Mappijs father of Diodorus 56. 2; 57. 1.
Mappijs father of Tesenouphis 80. 8, 25,39; 33. 4; 34.
(a) 3, (c) 3.
Mappijs son of Pakusis 48, 6, 7, 11, 13.
Mappijs son of Pechusis (=foregoing) 42.8, 32.
Mappijs son of Sisuchus 59. 4 ; 60. 4.
Μαρσιπί ) 126. 49.
Μασκουλεῖνος 67. 7.
Maris 122. 4, 9, 10.
Μεγχῆς (2) 89. 10; (δ) 128. 86.
Meyxijs, Νέαρχος ὁ καὶ M., father of Arius 104. 3.
Μέλας father of Aurelius Maximus 147. 4, 19.
Μέλας son of Diogenes 139. 17.
Μέλας son of Lysimachus 84. 16.
Μέλας son of Pekusis 139. 13.
Μελῶς 128. 32.
Μέμνων 53. 1.
Μενέλαος son of Parigetus (?) 48. 6, 7, 13.
Μενουθίων son of Hermes 124. 15.
Mepxovpuos father of Perit 142. 6.
Mérrios ‘Poddos praefect. See Index VII.
Μηνᾶς, Αὐρήλιος M., son of Heraclammon 151. 23.
Mia, Ἑρμιόνη ἡ δι’ ἐπικρίσεως Μία ἡ καὶ «Ἑρμιόνη, 99. (a)
I, 4, 13.
Μιρῆς (a) 128. 14; (4) 128. 37; (c) 128. 46.
Μιρῆς Δάξ 128. 60; 129. 23.
Μιρῆς Σκίμβιξ 128. 92.
Μιρῆς λεγόμενος Τοθῆς, father of Tothes 184. 17,
Μιρῆς father of Achilleus 128. 66.
Μιρῆς father of Mires (a) 128. 70 ; (δ) 184. 17.
Μιρῆς father of Ophis 126. 13; 129. 25.
Μιρῆς father of Phatres 128. 35.
Μιρῆς son of Kales 128. 39.
Μιρῆς son of Komon 128. 6.
Μιρῆς son of Krouris 128. 28.
Μιρῆς son of Mires (a) 128. 70; (δ) 184. 17.
Μιρῆς son of Pabukis 128. 88.
Μιρῆς son of Pasion 184. 18.
Μιρῆς son of Peteus 127. 3.
Μιρῆς son of Petosiris 184. 19.
Μιρῆς son of Phatres (2) 128. 33; (δ) 128. 45.
Μιρῆς son of Phibion 126. 21.
Μιρῆς son of Socrates 126. 10; 128. 77.
Mirroxos, ᾿Απολλώνιος ὁ καὶ M., father of Hermaeus
98. 12.
Μόσχος 158. 2.
Μουσαῖος father of Asclepiades 189. 9.
Μουσαῖος father of Herodes 179.
Μουσαῖος father of Isidorus 189. 15.
Μουσαῖος son of Apollonius 95. 1, 2, 12, 18.
Μουσαῖος son of Castor 189. 13.
Μουσαῖος son of Paulus 148. 2.
Μουσαῖος son of Pekusis 189. 8.
Ναομσῆσις (or Ναμεσῆσις or Napoojos) daughter of
Spemminis 46. 2, 5, 11; 47. 3, 7. 15, 193; 48, 3,
6, 14.
Νεμεσᾶς 69. 10.
Νεμεσιανός, Αὐρήλιος Μάρκιος ὁ καὶ N., ἀπαιτητής. See
Index VII.
Νέαρχος ὃ καὶ Meyxijs, father of Arius 104. 3, 14.
Νεῖλος, Αὐρήλιος N., 188. 24.
Νεῖλος son of Ammonius 76. 4.
Νεῖλος 6 καὶ Ποσιδώνιος, father of Apollonius 187. 9.
Νεοπτόλεμος son of Arius 71. 9.
Νεφερῶς son of Phibis 109. 2.
Νεχθηρᾶτις 89. 10,
Νεωτερίς daughter of Amphion 98. 6.
Νιγρινιανός consul. See Index III.
Νικάνωρ συγγραφοφύλαξ 161.
Νικασώ daughter of Aristonicus, priestess 45. 7.
Νικόμαχος father of Harpalus 128. 82 ; 129. 14.
Νικόμαχος son of Onnophris 128. 73.
Νίκων son of Apollonius 115. 4.
Νίψναρος 186. 15.
Νιτῆτις 87.2.
Névva 152, 11, 16, 22, 23.
Νωρβανός, Γαῖος N., 68. 28.
Ξένων 48. τό.
᾿Οννῶφρις 128. 18.
᾿Ὀοννῶφρις father of Horus 110. 15, 32.
Ὀννῶφρις father of Nicomachus 128. 73.
Ὀννῶφρις father of Onnophris 112. 24.
᾿ὈΟννῶφρις father of Patkos 83. 3; 84. (a) 2; (c) 2.
Ὀννῶφρις father of Senpoéris 81. 3, 10; 53. 2.
᾿Οννῶφρις son of Kamis 128. 78.
ὈὈυυνῶφρις son of Onnophris 112. 24, 34.
’Ovvdppis son of Stotoétis 111. 12.
Ὀυρννῶφρις son of Tinaros 128. 69.
Ὁνωρατιανός praefect. See Index VII.
᾿Ορσεῦς father of Patseous 50. 7.
᾿Ορύντας 127, 11.
Οὐαλέριος Φίρμος praefect. See Index VII. |
Οὐαλέριος Ppovreivos eparch 107. 3; 108. 4.
Ovéyeros praefect. See Index VII.
Οὐηστεῖνος, Λούκιος Ἰούλιος O., praefect. See Index VII.
Οὐίβιος Μάξιμος praefect. See Index VII.
OdivdrE, Φῆλιξ Κλαύδιος O., epistrategus. See Index VII.
Οὐλκάτιος “Poupives consul. See Index III.
Οὔλπιος Λιμένιος consul, See Index III.
Odpoos praefect. See Index VII.
Ὄφις (4) 128, 56; (6) 128, 116.
Πααλᾶς 85. 20, 23.
Παβοῦς (a) 77. 47 ; (0) 77. 48; (c) 64; (d) 77. 74.
Παβοῦς father of Panephremmis 97. 8.
Παβοῦς son of Stotoétis 77. 2.
TlaBdxts father of Mires 128. 88.
Παγένης son of Dius 189. 11.
Παῆσις (2) 101. 10; (4) 127. 19, 34.
Παῆσις father of Horion 189. το. .
Παθερμούθιος father of Aurelia Thaésis 141. 3, 22. |
Παθοῦρις son of Psenchonsis 54. 3.
Πακύσις father of Harpagathes 111. 7.
Πακῦσις father of Marres 48. 6; (Ilexdors) 42. 8, 33. .
Πακῦσις father of Panechotes 97. 7.
Πακῦσις father of Segathis 113. 16, 32. |
Πακῦσις father of Stotoétis (a) 97.2; (6) 118. το.
Πακῦσις son of Harpagathes 111. 4, 24.
Πακῦσις son of Pakusis 111. 4, 24.
Πακῦσις son of Stotoétis 118. το.
Πακῦσις son of Stotoétis the elder 112. 6, 18, 28.
Πακῦσις son of Taouetis 97. 12. 4
Παλεῦς 129. 18.
Παλίτ son of Horus 142. 6.
Πάλλας 185. 20.
Παμοῦνις son of Eschas (?) 128. ror.
Πάμφιλος father of Dryton 886. 3.
Παμώνθης 81. 23.
Πανᾶς son of Pechutes 54. 2.
Πανεθώτης son of Colluthus 128. 79.
Πανεσνεύς father of Pascheis 127. 8, 31.
Πανετβηοῦς 88. 9. ;
Πανεφρέμμις (Πανεφρίμις, Tlavepptyyus) (a) 66, 18;
(6) 77. 79; (c) 77. 81.
Πανεφρέμμις father of Anchophis(a) 74. 3,11 ; (2) 97. 4.
Πανεφρέμμις father of Horus 111, το,
Πανεφρέμμις father of Satabous 110. 4, 28.
Πανεφρέμμις father of Stotoétis (2) 66. 3; (4) 119. 5.
Πανεφρέμμις father of Stotoétis the elder 112. 6.
Πανεφρέμμις son of Anchophis 74. 3, 9, τό.
Πανεφρέμμις son of Anchophis the younger 74. 10.
Πανεφρέμμις son of Horus 110. 13, 32. |
Πανεφρέμμις son of Pabous 97. 8, |
Πανεφρέμμις son of Paous 74. 17. |
Πανεφρέμμις son of Piboouchis 66. 19.
Πανεφρέμμις son of Stotoétis (a) 112. 26, 37; (Ὁ) 118, 8.
Πανεφρέμμις son of Stotoétis the elder 112. 9, 13, 19,
29, 35.
Πανεχώτης father of Castor 88. 2.
Πανεχώτης son of Pakusis 97. 7.
Ilavicxos agoranomus 48, 2,17; 50. 2.
Πανίσκος father of Sarapammon 79. 52.
Πανομιεύς father of Stotoétis 77. 2.
Πανῶς father of Senteutes 52. 3.
Παοῦς father of Panephremmis 74. 17.
Παπνούθης 145. 20.
Παπνούθιος son of Macarius 160, 8, 34, 44.
Παποντῶς 77. 43.
Παποῦνις 127, 37.
Tlaptyeros (?) father of Menelaus 48. 7.
Πασικράτης son of Apollonius 82. verso 2, 12.
Πάσιππος 48. 16.
Πασίων father of Dius 98. 8.
Πασίων father of Mires 184, 18.
Πασοκράτης (a) 77. 443 (6) 77. 75.
Πασχεῖς 127. 39.
Πασχεῖς son of Panesneus 127. 8, 30.
Πασχεῖς son of Psenamounis 128. 75.
Πασώτης, Αὐρήλιος Π., 189. 2, 22.
Πασεῖμις son οἵ Caepalicus 128. 20.
Παταζ(μῖς 52, 1.
Πατῆς 89. 3, 11.
Πατῆς father of Peteésis 51. 4, 22.
Πατκῶς son of Onnophris 88. 3; 84. (δ) 3; (c) 2.
Πατσεοῦς father of Eunous 50. 6.
Πατσεοῦς son of Orseus 50. 6.
Πατσεοῦς son of Sales 47. 4, τό, το.
Παυλῖνος 187. 18.
Παῦλος 145. 2, 28.
Παῦλος father of Musaeus 148. 2.
Παυσιρίων father of Philias 128, 62.
Παῦσις father of Chenepeis 71. 22.
Tlaxpdrns 89. 3, 11.
Πεισιάναξ father (?) of Antipatrus 45. 7.
Πεκῦσις (4) 66. 3; (6) 127. 18; (c) 129. 28.
Πεκῦσις father of Melas 189. 13.
Πεκῦσις father of Musaeus 139. 8,
Πεκῦσις father of Satabous 66. 31.
Πεκῦσις father of Stotoétis 66. 30.
Πεκῦσις son of Dositheus 126. 26.
Πεκῦσις son of Satabous 66, 32.
TleAatas 48. 8.
TleAalas father of Eunous 51. 5, 25, 27, 29.
Πελῦς son of Heracleus 189. τό.
Πεμήνης (?) 155. 9.
Πενόβ father of Colluchis 146. 3.
Πεπειοῦς 127. 4, 10.
Περίβλεπτος father of Achilleus 128. 21.
Περικλᾶς father of Ammonion 124. 27.
Περίτ son of Mercurius 142. 6.
Tlepodots father of Herminus 189. 14.
a ea βασιλικὸς γραμματεύς 88. 7; 84. (a) 2,
δ) 9.
Πετεῆσις son of Pates 51. 3, 22, 28.
Πετενεφώτης father of Lolous 58. 3.
Πετερμοῦθις 41. 6.
Πετεσοῦχος 125. introd.
Πετεσοῦχος λεσῶνις 85. 10, 26, 38.
Πετεσοῦχος father of Achoapis 42. 8, 33.
Tlereds 184. 4.
Πετεύς father of Mires 127. 3.
Πετεψῶις son of Phatres 184. 11, 16,
Tlerijs son of Petosiris 95. 3, 17.
Πετοσῖρις father of Mires 184. 19.
Πετοσῖρις father of Petes 95. 3, 17.
Πετοσῖρις father of Proous 127. 13; 129. 7.
Πέτρα (?) daughter of Psenenouphis δά. 4.
Πέτρος (a) 155. 3; (δ) 155. 7 ; (c) 155. 9.
Πέτρος father of Flavius Polychronius 148. 3.
Πετρωνιανός, ᾿Ιούλιος Π., epistrategus. See ee VII.
Πετρώνιος father of Aurelius Anoup 149. 4, 19.
Πευῆς father of Aurelius Hatres 140. 5.
Πεχῦσις father of Marres 42. 8, 33; (Πακῦσις) 48. 6.
Πεχύτης father of Panas 54. 2.
Πεχύτης son of Harsiésis 52. 2.
Πῆσις, Αὐρήλιος Π., 189. 2, 22.
Πῆσις son of Copres 189. 10.
Πιβοοῦχις (?) 66. 19.
Πινουτίων son of Demetrius 139. 8.
Πινουτίων son of Diogenes 124, τό.
Πινουτίων son of Harpalus 139. 8.
Πισᾶις son of Stotoétis 110. 6, 29.
Πίτινος father of Aurelius Didymus, 140. 3.
Πκάλιος, Αὐρήλιος Πκ., son of Taurinus 161. 6, 9, 20.
Πλάτων father of Horion 124. 12.
Πλούσιος 144. 3.
Πλούταρχος 99. (a) 10.
Πλουτᾶς 128. 29.
Πλουτᾶς father of Sarapammon 96. 2.
Πλουτίων (a) 185. 22 ; (6) 148. 1.
Πλουτίων, Αὐρήλιος Π., son of Sarapion 188. 3, 22.
Πνεφερῶς κωμογραμματεύς 74. 2.
Πολεῖς 182. 6.
Πολέμων βασιλικὸς γραμματεύς 68. 5, 12.
Πολιάνθης 62. Lo.
Πολυδεύκης 77. 7, 17, 30.
Πολυδεύκης father of Chaeremon 87. I; 105. 1.
Πολυχρόνιος, Φλαούιος Π., son of Petrus 148. 3.
Πομπώνιος Φαυστιανός praefect. See Index VII.
Πορεμένθις son of Harmodius 129. 4 ; 184, 21.
IIdpris 89. 1.
Ποσιδώνιος father of Posidonius 42. 2.
Ποσιδώνιος priest, son of Posidonius 42. 2.
Ποσιδώνιος, Νεῖλος ὁ καὶ Π., father of Apollonius 187. 9.
Ποῦσις 152. 9, Το.
Πρωοῦς (a) 127. 16; (4) 128. 49.
Πρωοῦς son of Epialumis 129. 8.
IIpwods son of Petosiris 127. 13 ; 129. 7.
Πρωοῦς son of Salatas 126, 34; 129. 20.
Πρώταρχος father of Phanias 32. verso 1, 10.
IIpwras 118. 3.
Πτολέμα (Ὁ) priestess 44. 5, 21.
Πτολεμαῖς 116. 2.
Πτολεμαῖος (a) 48. 16 ; (5) 61 marg.
Πτολεμαῖος agoranomus 45. 8.
Πτολεμαῖος father of Dideis 90. 24.
Πτολεμαῖος father of Irene 42. 5, 28; 48. 5.
Πτολεμαῖος son of Didymus 75. 34.
Πτολέμιος father of Aurelius Serenus 149. 24.
Πτολλαροῦς, Διδεῖς ἡ καὶ Πτ., daughter of Ptolemaeus
90. 23.
Πύρρος (a) 44. 6 et saep.; (6) 161.
‘Pla 141. 8.
“PourlAvos Λοῦπος praefect. See Index VII.
Ῥοῦφος, Aoyyaios ‘P., praefect. See Index VII.
“Ῥοῦφος, Mérrios ‘P., praefect. See Index VII.
Il. Ff
Saas 148. 8, 11, 21.
Σαβινι[ 76. 11.
Σαβῖνος κηνσίτωρ 88. 3.
Σαβῖνος son οἵ Zosimus 121. 2, 5.
Σαγάθης son of Harpagathes 120, Io.
Σαλατᾶς father of Achilleus 128, 10.
Sadaras father of Proous 126. 34; 129. 20.
Σαλῆς father of Patseous 47. 4, 19.
Σαλίων son of Arius 86. 7.
SduBas ὑποδέκτης 152. 5.
Σαραπάμμων son of Paniscus 77. 52.
Σαραπάμμων son of Ploutas 96. 2.
Σαραπία daughter of Eudaemonis 88. 8.
Σαρᾶπις god. See Index VIII.
Σαραπίων (a) 62. 12 ; (δ) 127. 5; (c) 181. 22.
Σαραπίων, Αὐρήλιος Σ., γνωστήρ 189. 23.
Σαραπίων father of Ammonius 76. 5.
Σαραπίων father of Anoubion 78. 2; 87. 2; 88. 1;
104.4; 105.2; 128. 103; 181. 1, 25; 182. 1; 188.
I, 23; 185. 3.
Σαραπίων father of Aurelius Plution 188. 4.
Σαραπίων father of Heron 91. 1.
Σαραπίων father of Serenus 139. 9.
Σαραπίων son. of Asclepiades 128. 81.
Σαραπίων son of Castor 85. 7, 9.
Σαραπίων son of Eutychides (?father of Anoubion)
108. I.
Σαραπίων son of Pseneous 126. 24.
Σαρὰς 126. 3.
Σαταβοῦς 66. 4.
Σαταβοῦς father of Harpagathes (a) 110. 11; (δ) 111. 6,
Σαταβοῦς father of Pekusis 66. 32.
Σαταβοῦς father of Taouetis 66. 44.
Σαταβοῦς father of Thases 74. 19.
Σαταβοῦς son of Panephremmis 110, 4, 28,
Σαταβοῦς son of Pekusis 66. 31, 34, 36.
Σαταβοῦς son of Satabous 110. 5, 28.
Σαταβοῦς son of Stotoétis 66. 31.
Σάτυρος father of Satyrus 110. 25.
Σάτυρος son of Satyrus 110. 25.
Σεγᾶθις daughter of Stotoétis 74. 18,
Σεγᾶθις daughter of Pakusis 113. 16, 32.
Σελήνη daughter of Achilles 73. 7.
Σελήνη (? =the following) 126, 8.
Σελήνη sister of Sarapion 181. 1, 24, 25; 185. 3.
Σενούθιος 153. 21.
Σενούθιος father of Aurelius Abraamius 150. 16.
Σενποῆρις daughter of Onnophris 81. 3, 9, 23, 27;
53.2. ~ :
Σεντεύτης daughter of Panos 52. 3.
Σέργιος 151. 5.
Σέργιος consul, See Index III.
Σερῆνος 83. 8.
Lepijvos, Αὐρήλιος Σ,, son of Dioscorus 67. 12.
Σερῆνος, Αὐρήλιος &., son of Ptolemius 149. 23.
Zepijvos son of Sarapion 189. 9.
Σεσιί( ) 126. 4.
Σιετοῦς daughter of Harpagathes 66. 43.
Σιλβανὸς ἐξαπόστολος 188, 9.
Σιλβανὸς ἐπικεκλημένος Καλαβώτης 76. 9.
Σίμιλις, Σουλπίκιος Σ,, praefect. See Index VII.
Ziptos son of Penob 146. 2.
Σισοῦχος father of Marepathes 88. 3; 84, (a) 3.
Σισοῦχος father of Marres 59. 4; 60. 4.
Σκίμβιξ, Μιρῆς Σκ., 128. 92.
Σοῆρις son of Epimachus 99. (a) 7.
Σοκνοπαῖος god. See Index VIII.
Σοκώτης 40. 26. ;
Σουλπίκιος Σίμιλις praefect. See Index VII.
Σουχάμμων 88. 7.
Σοφία 144. 2, 26.
Σοχώτης sitologus 60. 1.
Σπεμμῖνις father of Naomsesis 46. 2; 47. 3; 48. 3.
Στεφανοῦς mother of Cyriacus 150. 10,
Στοτοῆτις (a) 85. 14 ; (δ) 77. 37 5 (¢) 77. 50, 51 ; (4) 77. 73.
Στοτοῆτις daughter of Horus 74. 4, (called daughter of
Panephremmis) 16.
Στοτοῆτις father of Onnophris 111. 12.
Στοτοῆτις father of Panephremmis (4) 112. 26; ()
118. 8.
Στοτοῆτις father of Pisais 110. 6, 29.
Στοτοῆτις father of Satabous 66. 31.
Στοτοῆτις father of Stotoétis (2) 74. 19 ; (4) 102. 8, 20;
(c) 118. 6.
Στοτοῆτις father of Srorofris the elder 111. 11.
Στοτοῆτις father of Thases 74. 12.
Στοτοῆτις son of Anchophis (4) 78. 2 ; (δ) 98. 1, 18,21;
(c) 97. 4; (4) 102. 9, 12, 16, 21.
Στοτοῆτις son of Harpagathes 111. 6, 21.
Στοτοῆτις son of Horus 111. g.
Στοτοῆτις son of Kapatutes 110. 26.
Στοτοῆτις son of Pakusis (a) 97. 2 ; (4) 118. το,
Στοτοῆτις son of Panephremmis (a) 66. 32 ; (4) 97. 8;
(c) 118. 37; (4) 119. 5. het
Στοτοῆτις the elder, son of Panephremmis 112. 6, 28.
Στοτοῆτις son of Panomieus 77. 2.
Στοτοῆτις son of Pekusis 66. 30, 33, 39.
Στοτοῆτις the younger, son of Onnophris 111. 12.
Στοτοῆτις son of Stotoétis (2) 74.18 ; (4) 102. 8, 18, 20,
24; (c) 118. 5, 26.
Στοτοῆτις son of Stotoétis the elder 111. 11.
Στοτοῆτις the elder, son of Stotoétis (z) 111.11; (4) 118,
5, 26,
Στοτοῆτις the younger, son of Stotoétis 118. 24, 39.
Στοτοῆτις son of Thases 74. 13.
Στρατήγιος, Φλαούιος Στ., praefect. See Index VII.
Στρίχων father of Barosis 129. 9, 24.
Συμεών 152. 11, 22.
Συρίων 6 καὶ ᾿Αθηνόδωρος 99. (a) 7.
Σωκράτης father of Mires 126. 10; 128. 77.
Σωσίβιος son of Exakon 99. (a) 4, 27.
Σωσικράτης 48. τό.
Σώτας 189. 9.
Σώτας father of Anoubion 126. 27.
Σώτας father of Archonas 120. 7.
Ταῆσις 83. 9.
Ταῖβις 126. 28 ; 127. 30.
Taoviris (>=T. daughter of Satabous) 66. τό.
Ταουῆτις daughter of Pakusis 97. 12.
Ταουῆτις daughter of Satabous 66. 44.
Taovfris daughter of Stotoétis 97. 2, (called daughter
of Apunchis) 19. :
Taps, Διδύμη ἡ καὶ T., 98. 7.
ge a a μων
Τασεῦς, Δημητρία ἡ καὶ T., 104. τ.
Tavpivos father of Pkalius 151. 7, 20.
Ταφιῶμις daughter of Psenchonsis 54. 4.
Ταφιῶμις mother of Pakusis 111. 5.
Τεκωοῦς father of Demetrius 184, 12, 20.
Τεουῆτις 128. 98.
Tepeds 98. 16.
Tepeds daughter of Apollonius (4) 75. 37, 45, 53; (6)
75. 51, 55+
Tepeds daughter of Arition 99. (a) 3, 4, 12, 28.
Tepeds, Anuntpla ἡ καὶ T., daughter of Hermaeus 75. 1,
33, 40, 61.
Τερεῦς mother of Thermouthis 75. 67, 73.
Tepevr( ) 128. 9
Τεσενοῦφις (a) δ 17; (4) 168.
Τεσενοῦφις komarch 88. 11, 15,24; 34. (2) 10; (c) 6.
Τεσενοῦφις father of Acusilaus 58. 2, 11.
Τεσενοῦφις father of Tesenouphis 110. 7, 30.
Τεσενοῦφις son of Horus 111. 8.
Τεσενοῦφις son of Marres 80. 2, 25, 31, 40; 38.3; 84
(2) 4; (ὦ) 3.
Tecevodpis son of Satabous 110. 10, (called son of
Erieus) 30.
Τεσενοῦφις son of Tesenouphis 110. 7, 30.
Τεσῆς 110. 12, 32.
Teds 35. 14.
Τιβέριος Κλαύδιος strategus 68. 14, 16, 17.
Τιβοῦς daughter of Hermaeus 965. 2, 17.
Τιμαρέτη priestess 45. 5.
Τίμιος 144, 2, 27.
Twapds father of Onnophris 128. 69.
Τινοῦτις, Αὐρηλία Twodris, daughter of Herminus 72. 3,
Τισόις ἣ καὶ Εὐδαιμονίς 122. 6, 12.
Τοθῆς father of Ammonius 129. 15.
Τοθῆς father of Helene 98. 6.
Τοθῆς father of Hermione 99. (a) I.
Τοθῆς, Μιρῆς λεγόμενος T., father of Mires 184. 17.
Τοθῆς son of Annous 128. 52 ; 129. 5.
Τορσορφῖβις father of Phibis 128. gt.
Τοτοῆς κωμογραμματεύς 81. 9, 26.
Τούρβων son of Cornelius 124. 21.
Τρόφων son of Eutychides 128. 93.
Τρύφων father of Anoubarion 76. 3, 6, 7.
Τύραννος 128. 124.
Φανίας son of Protarchus 82 verso 1, 12.
Φανῆσις father of Phanesis 42. 8, 34.
Φανῆσις son of Phanesis 42. 8, 33.
Φατρῆς 128. 2.
Parpijs father of Hermias 128. 89.
Φατρῆς father of Mires (a) 128. 33 ; (6) 128. 45.
Φατρῆς father of Petepsois 184. 11, 16.
Φατρῆς father of Thotoés 33. 4; 84. (a) 4, (6) 3.
Φατρῆς son of Mires 128. 35.
Φαυστιανός, ἸΠΤομπώνιος ®., praefect. See Index VII.
Pavotiva empress 124. 28.
Φεβνί ) 128. 8o.
PAE Κλαύδιος Οὐίνδιξ epistrategus.
Φηοῦς 155. 4.
Φῖβις 81. 2, 13, 21.
Φῖβις father of Phibis 109. 2.
See Index VII.
Φῖβις son of Phibis 109. 2.
Φῖβις son of Torsorphibis 128. gr.
Φῖβις son of Victor 161. 7, 9, 20.
Φιβίων (a) 126. 12 ; (ὁ) 128. go.
Φιβίων father of Herminus 99. (a) 1 (dis).
Φιβίων father of Mires 126, 21.
Φιβίων, “Eppatos ὁ καὶ ®., son of Apollonius 98. 12.
Φιβίων son of Heron 124, 10,
Φιλίας son of Pausirion 128, 62.
Φιλουμένη 49. 6.
Φίλων 48. 16.
Φίλων strategus, 73. I.
Φίλων συγγραφοφύλαξ 48. 18.
Φίλων son of Dazimus 44. 15.
Φίύρμος, Οὐαλέριος Φ., praefect,
Φλαούιος ᾿Αμμώνιος 141. 23.
Φλαούιος Κύριλλος 147. 1.
Φλαούιος Λογγῖνος consul. See Index III.
Φλαούιος Πολυχρόνιος son of Petrus 148, 3.
Φλαούιος Στρατήγιος praefect. See Index VII.
Φοιβάμμων ἀγροφύλαξ 150. 12, 36, 44.
Φοιβάμμων father of Mathias 151. 7, 21.
Φοιβάμμων son of Apphus 152. 7.
Φοιβάμμων, Αὐρήλιος ®., son of David 160. 7, 34, 44.
Φροντεῖνος, Οὐαλέριος Φρ., eparch. See Index VII (δ).
Φωκᾶς p. 204.
See Index VII.
Χαιρήμων πράκτωρ 114, 8.
Χαιρήμων father οἵ Horion 126. 22; 1238, 58.
Χαιρήμων son of Ammonius 128, 54; 129. 26.
Χαιρήμων son of Apipeious (?) 127. 12.
Χαιρήμων son of Harpocration 72. 6.
Χαιρήμων son of Polydeuces 87. 1; 105. 1.
Χενεπεῖς daughter of Hermias 71. 2, (called daughter of
Pausis) 22.
Χιχόις son of Koulos 126. 25.
Χριστόδωρος father of Aurelius . . . 161. 22.
Weppins father of Erienouphis 60. 4.
Ψεναμοῦνις (4) 128. 15 ; (6) 128. 65.
Ψεναμοῦνις father of Pascheis 128. 75.
Wevevoddis father of Petra 54. 4.
Ψενεοῦς (Ὁ) son of Koulos 126. 24.
Ψενεφιλ!. 82. 14.
Ψενθώτης son of Alukis 48. 4, 14, 18.
Ψενχῶνσις 54, 2.
Ψενχῶνσις father of Pathouris 54. 4.
Ψοῖφις 57. 3.
᾿Ωριγένης 62. 14.
᾽Ωριγένης strategus.
‘Opi 88. 6.
‘Oplwy priest, 132. 8.
‘Optwy father of Hermaeus 127. 9; 128. 51.
‘Qplwy father of Horion 865. 3, 23.
‘Qplwv father of Kamis 128. 48; 129. 16.
‘Qplwv son of Ammonius 128. 57.
‘Qpiwv son of Apion 1386. 1, 28.
‘Opiwy son of Chaeremon 126, 22; 128. 58.
‘Oploy son of Hermaeus 127. 7 ; 128. 53; 129. 10,
“ΩὩρίων son of Herminus 99. (a) 4, 28.
‘Qplwv son of Horion 85. 3, 23.
See Index VII.
Ff 2
‘Qplev son of Kalles 127. 6.
“Ὡρίων son of Paésis 189. το.
‘Qplwy son of Platon 124, 12.
*Qpos κωμογραμματεύς 61. 3.
*Qpos father of Achilles 128. 71.
*Qpos father of Archibius 32. 15.
*Qpos father of Aurelius Germanus 142. 3.
*Qpos father of Palit 142. 6.
*Qpos father of Panephremmis 110. 14, 33.
*Qpos father of Stotoétis 74. 4.
*Qpos father of Tesenouphis 111. 10.
*Qpos son of Ammonius 129. 6.
*Qpos son of Erieus 110. 12, 31.
*Qpos son of Onnophris 110. 14, 32.
*Qpos son of Pechutes 54. 2.
*Odgus son of Mires 126. 13 ; 129. 25.
(a) Counties, Nomes, Toparcutes, CITIEs.
Αἰγύπτιος 80. 34.
Αἴγυπτος 67. 13; 79.1; 82.2; 88.1; 147. 2.
᾿Αλεξάνδρεια 68. 6,12; 69.4; 186.4; 187,11 ; 188.15.
᾿Αλεξανδρειανὴ (βουλή Ὁ) 67. 12. ι
᾿Αντινοιτικός 68. Ἴ2.
᾿Αραβοτοξότης 77. 4.
*Apowolrns 42. 9, 34; 48. 6. .
᾿Αρσινοίτης νομός 88.6; 84. (c) 5; 42.6,30; 48.6; 44.
6, 233.77. 43; 80.7; 92.1; 97.1; 102.6; 110. 3;
111. 3; 112. 5; 118. 4; 148. 6.
᾿Αρσινοιτῶν πόλις 82. 2,6; 88.2; 148. 2.
Αὐγουσταμνίκη 142. 3.
᾿Α(φροδιτοπολίτης ?) νομός 188. 2.
Βαβυλών 158. 3, 13.
Διόσπολις ἣ μεγάλη 88. 10.
Διόσπολις ἣ μικρά 88. 9.
Ἕλλην 40. 8.
“Exravopla 187. 1, 15, 16, 20.
Ἑρμοπολίτης 78.2; 75.2; 85.4; 86.3; 94.1; 95.1;
98.12; 99. (4) 3.
Ἑρμοπολίτης νομός 64. 11; 68. 5, 12, 14, 173 72.2;
73.1; 811; 85.2; 86.2; 107.1; 108.1; 109.
I; 189.1; 140. 2; 141. 2.
‘EppomoAtris 71. 3; 72. 3, 17.
“ρμούπολις 68.17; 70. 2; 95. 20; 100.1 (ἡ μεγάλη
ἀρχαία καὶ λαμπρά) ; 109, 8 (ἣ μεγάλη); 182. 11; 161.
3, 15, 22, 23; 155. 2 et saep.
Ἑρμῶνθις 81, 1,133; 52.1; 58.13 δά. 1.
Ἑρμωνθίτης 89. 7.
Ἡρακλείδου μερίς 88. 6 ; 84.(c) 4; 77. 4; 80. 4; 97.1;
110. 3; 112. 5; 118. 4.
Ἡρακλεοπολίτης νομός 147. 3.
Ἡρακλέους πόλις 142. 20,
Θεμίστου μερίς 92.8; 98. 7; 111. 4.
Θηβαίς 86. 2; 137. 15, 16, 20; 151. 3, 5 (ἑκατέρα ©.).
Θράξ 48. τό.
Κόπτος 107. 4 ; 108. 5.
Κρής 86. 4; 48. 16.
Κροκοδίλων πόλις (τοῦ ᾿Αρσινοίτου) 86. 10; 42. 6, 29.
Κροκοδίλων πόλις (τοῦ Παθυρίτου) 45. 8 ; 50. 1.
Λευκοπυργίτης κάτω (toparchy of the Hermopolite nome)
68. I, 2, 5,15, 19; 71.11; 99. (a) 6.
Μακεδών 48.16. Mak. τῆς ἐπιγονῆς 48. 7.
Μεμνόνεια 81. 8.
Μέμφις 65. 11 ; 116. 1.
Μεμφίτης νομός 188. 4.
Ὄσασις Μικρά 187. τ.
’Okupvyxirns νομός 150. 14.
Ὀρξυρυγχιτῶν πόλις 186. 28; 149. 5; 150. 16.
πάγος 142. II. τα πάγος Ἡρακλεοπολίτου 147. 3. 18
πάγος ᾿Ἑρμοπολίτου 189. 1, 3; 140. 2,6; 141.1, 4.
Πάθυρις 46. 1; 47.1; 48.1; 50.8; 51. 10, 21, 24.
Παθυρίτης νομός 81. 5; 86. 11; 45.8. ἡ ἄνω τοπαρχία
τοῦ Παθ. 50. 3 ; 51. 21.
Πατεμίτης ἄνω (toparchy of the Hermopolite nome) 107.
6; 109. 3.
Περὶ πόλιν bo (toparchy of the Hermopolite nome) 95.
3,19; 96. 2. 1
Περὶ πόλιν κάτω (toparchy of the Hermopolite nome)
73. 5, 8, 12; 87.6; 94.5; 105. 5.
Πέρσης 51. 22. II. τῆς ἐπιγονῆς 47. 4; 48. 4; 50. 7.
Περσίνη 46. 2, 3; 47. 3; 48. 3.
Πτολεμαίς 86. 7.
Σινωπεύς 42. 7, 30; 55. 1.
τοπαρχία 81. 6; and see Λευκοπυργίτης, Παθυρίτης,
Πατεμίτης, and Περὶ πόλιν.
(6) VitLacEs.
᾿Ανδρομαχίς 69. 6.
Αὐτοδίκη 69. 6.
Βακχιάς 128. 1, 4.
Διονυσιάς 85. 12.
Εὐημερεία 91. 5.
᾿Ηράκλεια 92. 8 ; 98.7; 111. 3, 27; 118, 4; 120. 9.
Θεαδελφεία 91. 21.
Θεοξενίς 69. 7.
Καρανίς 116. τ.
Ναρμοῦθις p. 7.
Νειλούπολις 80. 1,
Πτολεμαίς Ἐὐεργέτίς 102. 5.
Σοκνοπαίου Νῆσος 80. 3, 4; 88. 5, 84. (a) 5, (c) 4;
35. 7; 48. 6, 11 (om, Νῆσος), 17; 59. 4; 60. 2, 3;
74. 2, 5; 77. 3,5; 78. 3; 98. 2; 97: 3; 102. 11;
0. 2,16; 11, 17; 112. 1, 4; 118.3; 117.1; 119. 7.
Ταλεί 152. 17. Φιλοπάτωρ ἡ cal... 44, 6, 23, 28,
Φιλοπάτωρ 59. 2; θ0. 2. Pirwrepis 114, 7.
᾿Αγλεῳψί 109. introd. Tlevyn[. 141. 4.
᾿Ακῶρις 88. 3. Πέσλα κάτω (κωμογραμματεία ?) 101. 7.
᾿Αρτεμιδ(ώρου ?) 127. 5. . « Ἴρδων, 109. 3.
Ἐρεῖθις 108. 7 ; 109. introd. Σενκύρκις 122. 6 ; (Σινκύρκις) 126. 23.
Θελβῶσθις 109. introd. Σεσόγχων (gen.) 140. 5.
Θνηφι( ) 126. 33, 52. Σινκύρκις, See Σενκύρκις.
Ἰβίων Παν . . μεριΐ. .]s 189. 2. Σινπετῆσις 178.
Ἰβίων Tay... ( ) 126. 12. Tan. .(.) 109. introd.
Κλεοπί ) 126. 42. Ταπτῆρις 68. 1, 2,6, 15, 19, 25.
Κοῦσσαι 85.7, Κουσσίτης 185. 13. Taxol 122. 5,12; 151.6, 10.
Λευκουπύργου 109. introd. Τελβῶνθις 146. 2.
Μαγδῶλα Ἔμστᾳ[ 109. introd. Τέρτον ᾿Επᾶ 107. 5.
Μαγδῶλα Μιρῆ 871. 7; 106. 6. Τῆνις 109. introd.
Μνᾶχις 88. 4, 9. Ὑλῆθμις 122. 3, 8, Το.
Mop] 96. 2. Τοχνοῦβις 71. 12; 122, 1.
Πάριον 109. introd. ; 174. Ψιᾷσις 109. introd.
Πεμκύρις 95. 3, 19. Ψωβιτρῆσις 109. introd.
Φεβεῖχε (or Φεβεῖχι) τοῦ ἩΗρακλεοπολίτου 147, 2, 4. | Ψυγχαν 32. 15.
(c) ἐποίκια, κλῆροι, τόποι, &c.
Αἰσχρίωνος κλῆρος (Herm.) 96. 3. Κρήνη, ἣ λεγομένη Κ. (Pathyris) 51. 25.
᾿Αλεξάνδρου κλῆρος (Herm.) 68. 4, 15, 19, 29. Λεισκανάχου ἐποίκιον 1568. 2.
᾿Αρίστωνος κλῆρος (Herm.) 71. 12. Μοσχίωνος κλῆρος (Herm.) 99. (a) 6, 11.
᾿Αττείνου κλῆρος (Herm.) 87. 8 ; 105. 7. Νήσου Aayavias ἐποίκιον (Oxyrh.) 149. 5.
Διονυσίου κλῆρος (Herm.) 94. 6. Ξένωνος κλῆρος (Herm.) 95. 3, 30.
Δουμιχᾶ κλῆρος (Herm.) 99. (a) 8, 12, 14. πάσκος περὶ Mvaxw 88. 9.
Εὐνοίδια, οἰκόπεδα E. λεγόμενα, (Socnopaei Nesus) 97. 11. Πάτρωνος, λίμνη καλουμένη Π., (Herm.) 100. 3.
Θεοφίλου κλῆρος (Herm.) 108. 3. Πια7ὸθ ἐποίκιον 164. 3.
Θμοιούθεως ἐποίκιον (Heracl.?) 142. 4. Πτολεμαίου κλῆρος (Herm.) 101. 7.
Κολωτίωνος ἐποίκιον (Herm.) 101. 8. Σωφροσύνης ἐποίκιον (Oxyrh.) 150. 13, 45.
(d) dudoda, StREETs, BuriLpiNcs.
“Αδριανεῖον (Arsinoé ?) 80. 11. Πρεμίτ (Socnopaei Nesus ?) 35. 21.
Θέωνος ἄμφοδον (Arsinoé) 148. 3. Σαραπιακὴ πλατεῖα (Hermopolis) 98. 3.
ἸἸουδαικὴ λαύρα (Hermopolis) 98. 10. Τελέσῳ (dative, Hermopolis) 76. 11.
Πόλεως ἀπηλιώτου (ἄμφοδον at Hermopolis) 75. 31, 36, ὑπὸ Μέμφιν (ἄμφοδον ἢ at Hermopolis) 68. 17.
41; 98. 15. Ppovpiov λιβός (ἄμφοδον at Hermopolis) 71. 3; 75. 33,
Πόλεως λιβός (ἄμφοδον at Hermopolis) 78. 3; 75. 58, 38, 43, 47, 50, 54, 56, 62; 96.2; 98.6.9; 99. (a) 2.
64,70; 96.1; 99. (a) 3.
(e) Denes.
Φιλοκλαύδιος ὁ καὶ ᾿Αλθαιεύς (at Alexandria?) 85. 1; | Φιλομητόρειος ὃ (at Ptolemais?) 45. 5.
86. 1. Φιλωτέρειος (at Ptolemais) 36. 4.
ἀγορανομήσας 82. 13 ; 109. 7.
ἀγορανόμος 124. 20.
ἀγορανόμοι in the Pathyrite nome :—
Πτολεμαῖος (ay. τοῦ Παθυρίτου, c. B.C. 150-145) 45. 8.
*Avixnros (Ἄρειος ὁ παρὰ ’A., c. B.C. 127) 166,
᾿Ηλιόδωρος (B.C. 113) 46.1; 47. 2.
᾿Απολλώνιος (B.C. 108) 49. το.
Πανίσκος (ay. τῆς ἄνω τοπαρχίας rod Tad. B.C. 106)
50. 2; (Eppias ὁ παρὰ II.) 48. 2, 17.
Ἑρμίας (B.C. 88) 51. 21.
ἀγροφύλαξ 150, 12.
ἀντιγραφεύς 52.2; 58.2; 54.2; 59.10; 60, 6,9; 165.
ἀπαιτητής, Αὐρήλιος Μάρκιος 6 καὶ Νεμεσιανὸς ἀπαιτητὴς
διοικῶν τὴν στρατηγίαν ‘EppomoAlrov (A. D. 246) 72. 1;
cf, 81. 1.
ἀπαιτητὴς ἀννώναις 189. 4, 7.
᾿Αραβοτοξότης 77. 4.
ἄρξας Ἡρακλέους πόλεως 142. 20.
ἄρχων 146. 4. ἄρχοντες 70.1; 79. 26, 29, 33, 35, 51;
185. τό.
βασιλικὸς γραμματεύς 81. 2, 8; 88. 8; 84. (a) “2, (ε) 9;
60. 6, 9; 68. 5, 11, 12; (βασιλικοὶ yp. διαδεξάμενοι
τὰς στρατηγίας) 79. τό, cf. 49; (Πλουτογένης Ba. yp.
“EpporoAlrov διαδεχόμενος καὶ τὰ κατὰ τὴν στρατηγίαν,
A.D. 185-6) 108. 1. βασιλικός (om. γραμματεύς) 88.
47, 50, 67 ; 181. 23.
βοηθός 81. 12; 188.
βουλευτής 82. 15 ; 88. 2.
γνωστήρ 189. 23; 140. 5, 21, 22.
γραμματεύς 40. 15.
γραμματεὺς τοῦ νομοῦ 68. 12, 14.
γραμματεὺς τῶν .]..p.[w]v 81. 6.
γυμνασιαρχήσας 82. 13.
γυμνασιαρχία 70. 3.
γυμνασιαρχίς 64. 6.
γυμνασίαρχος 124. 9; 180. 1; 186, 28,
δεκάπρωτος 88. 4; 187. 24.
διάδοχος, τῶν διαδόχων, 86. 5.
δορυφορῶν, ὁ ὃ. τὸν ἔπαρχον, 79. 53.
εἰρήναρχος 189. 4. 11; 146. 2.
εἰσαγωγεύς 88. το.
ἐκλογιστὴς τοῦ νομοῦ 69. 4.
ἐκμετρητής 79. 16, 26, 29, 33, 36, 51, 61.
ἐξάκτωρ 142, τι.
ἐξαπόστολος τῆς τάξεως τῆς μαγιστρότητος 188. 10.
ἐξηγητής 86. 2,15; 86. 1, 12; 124. 24.
ἔπαρχος 79. 53; and see ἡγεμών.
ἐπιμελητής 88. 7; 34. (a) 2, (c) 9.
ἐπιμελητὴς βαλανείου 64, 12.
ἐπιστάτης 85. 40.
ἐπιστράτηγος, Βοηθὸς συγγενὴς καὶ ἐ, καὶ στρατηγὸς τῆς
Θηβαίδος (ς. B.C. 135) 86. 1.
Φῆλιξ Κλαύδιος Οὐίνδιξ ὁ κράτιστος ἐ. (c. A.D. 115)
70. I.
Ἰούλιος Πετρωνιανὸς ὃ κράτιστος ἐ. (A.D. 139) 77. 1.
ὁ κράτιστος ἐ. ‘Enravopulas καὶ Ὀάσεως Μικρᾶς
(? Paulinus, A. Ὁ. 288-9) 187. 1, cf. 18,
ἐπιτηρητὴς βαλανείου 64. 14.
ἐπιτηρητὴς κοπῆς τριχὸς καὶ χειροναξίου 119. 4.
ἐπιτηρητὴς νομαρχίας 77. 11, 26.
ἐπιτηρῶν ἀρχεῖον 71. το.
ἐπίτροπος τῶν οὐσιῶν 77. 23.
εὐθηνίας, ἐπὶ τῆς ε. (? Ξε εὐθηνίαρχος), 124. 22.
ἡγεμών 79. 8, 46; 81. το; 82. 4.
Λούκιος ᾿Ιούλιος Οὐηστεῖνος ἣγ. (A. D. 59-60) 68. 20.
Odpoos (c. A. Ὁ. 84-5) 68. 39, 67.
Οὐέγετος 68. 65.
Μέττιος Ῥοῦφος 68. 69.
Οὐίβιος Μάξιμος (A. D. 105) 65. 9,16; (A.D. 107)
64. 4, 8.
Σουλπίκιος Σίμιλις 65. 3, 6; (A. Ὁ. 107) 64, 11.
“Ρουτίλιος Λοῦπος ὁ κράτιστος ty. 70. 2.
Λογγαῖος Ῥοῦφος 6 λαμπρότατος 79. 11, 28; Aoy.
“Pod. ὁ λαμπρότατος iy. (A.D. 185-6) 107. 8;
108. 12.
Πομπώνιος Φαυστιανὸς ἔπαρχος Αἰγύπτου 79. I.
Μηουίος “Ονωρατιανός (A. Ὁ. 232-3) 80. 6,12. Ὅνω-
ρατιανὸς ἔπαρχος Αἰγύπτου 67. 13.
Οὐαλέριος Φίρμος ὃ λαμπρότατος ἣγ. (A.D. 246) 72.
10; (A. D. 247) 81. 5.
Σαλούστιος (ὁ τῆς διασημοτάτης μνήμης Σαλ. 187. 4.
Οὐαλέριος Πομπηιανὸς ὁ διασημότατος ἔπαρχος (A. Ὁ.
288-9) 187. 16, 25.
Bavos 6 διασημ. ἔπ. Aly. 82. I.
κιανὸς ὁ διασημότατος ἔπ. Aly. (? Clodius Culcianus)
83. τ.
Φλαούιος Στρατήγιος ὁ διασημότατος κόμης καὶ Hy.
140. 7.
ἡγεμὼν Αὐγουσταμνίκης 142. 3.
ἴδιος λόγος 69. 4, 15.
ἰλλούστριος 154. 6.
lovpdrwp 88. το.
καγκελλάριος 1658. 2.
κηνσίτωρ 88. 3, 4.
Ἰκογράφος 81. 4.
κόμης 140. 7.
κοσμητεύσας 98. 1; 100. 1 ; 109. 7.
κοσμητής 124. 17.
κυβερνήτης πλοίου ταμιακοῦ 188, 5.
κωμαρχήσας 88. 11.
κώμαρχος 84. (c) 6; 189. 2, 3, 7.
Ὁ αν
τ αν “ον tah en ciel τυ σον νόμον κυ
κωμογραμματεύς $1.9; 40. 20; 61.4; 68. 1, 2, 25, 44,
51, 61; 74.2; 184. 8.
λογογράφος 82. 3.
μαγιστρότης 188. 11.
μαχαιροφόρος 88. 3; 82. 3
μαχαιροφόρος οὐσιακός 77, 20.
voudpyns 92. 1.
voudpxnoas 101, 1.
νομοφύλαξ 108. 8.
νοτάριος 188.
ὁριοδείκτης 88. 5; 142. 12.
παλαιστροφύλαξ 124. 5.
ποταμοφύλαξ (?) 82. 13.
πραγματικὸς τοῦ νομοῦ 107. 15; 108. 19; 109. 14.
πραιποσιτευόμενος πάγον 140. 1.
πραιπόσιτος πάγου 189. 1; 140. (b) verso 1; 141. 1;
142. 11 ; 145. 18.
mpdxtwp ἀργυρικῶν 114. 5,7; 118. 3.
πρεσβύτερος (κώμης) 80. 23; 84.17; 107. 5; 108.6;
109. 3; 184. 3, 6, 15.
προσόδων, ἐπὶ τῶν m., 81. 2; (᾿Απολλώνιος στρατηγὸς καὶ
᾿ ἐπὶ τῶν π.) 86. 2.
προστάτης 89. ο.
πρύτανις, ἔναρχος π., 82. 12.
πρωτήκτωρ 187. 2.
ῥιπάριος 148. 1.
σιτολόγος 69. 2; 60. 1; 61. 8; 69.5; 79. 25, 45, 62;
120.8; 184, 4, 7; 140. 4, 20, 22.
σιτομέτρης 152. 8.
στρατηγός 65.19; 68. 47, 66; 79. 16; 80. 16; 124.
4; 178.
στρατηγὸς ( Apowvolrov)
᾿Απολλώνιος τῶν πρώτων φίλων καὶ στ, καὶ ἐπὶ τῶν
προσόδων (B.C. 132) 85. 2.
στρ. ᾿Αρσινοίτου Ἡρακλείδου μερίδος
Κλαύδιος Δίδυμος ὁ καὶ Γέμεινος (Α. Ὁ. 124) 66. 20,
24, 45, 47.
“Aptoxpartwy (A, Ὁ. 180-192) 97. 1.
στρ. ᾿Α(φροδιτοπολίτου ?)
Αὐρήλιος Γερμανός (Α. Ὁ. 326) 188, 2.
στρατηγοὶ ἹἙπτανομίας καὶ ’Odoews Μικρᾶς 187. 15, 16,
στρ. ἙἭ“Ῥρμοπολίτου
Τιβέριος Κλαύδιος (A. Ὁ. 60) 68. 12, 14, 16, 17.
Ἡρακλείδης (A.D. 107) 84. 4, 11.
Φίλων (A.D. 129-130) 78. 1.
᾿Αμμώνιος προστρατήγησας (A.D. 185-6) 109. 9.
Δαμαρίων 79. 22, 43 ; (A.D. 185-6) 107. 1; 109. 1.
Πλουτογένης βασιλικὸς γραμματεὺς διαδεχόμενος Kai
τὰ κατὰ τὴν στρατηγίαν (A, Ὁ. 185-6) 108. 1.
᾿Ωριγένης (second or third cent.) 84. 11, 19.
Αὐρήλιος ᾿Αντώνιος στρατηγήσας (A. Ὁ. 247) 81. 4.
Αὐρήλιος Μάρκιος ὁ καὶ Νεμεσιανὸς ἀπαιτητὴς διοικῶν
τὴν στρατηγίαν (Α. Ὁ. 246-7) 72.1; 81. 1.
στρ. τῆς Θηβαίδος
Βόηθος συγγενὴς καὶ ἐπιστράτηγος καὶ στρατηγός 86. 2.
συγγενής 36. 1.
συγγραφοφύλαξ 48. 18 ; 161.
σύμμαχος 158. 1.
τηρητὴς ἅλω 126, 22.
τοπογραμματεύς 81. 13, 21; 82.11; 40. 19; 68. 2, 5.
ὑπηρέτης 29. τό.
ὑπηρετῶν τῇ ἐμβολῇ 187. 17.
ὑποδέκτης 152. 5.
ὑπομνηματογράφος 187. 2, 3.
φίλος, τῶν πρώτων φίλων, 85. 1.
XaprovAdpios 154, 5.
χρηματιστής 88. 10, 22.
(4) Mizitary Terms.
βενεφικιάριος 77. 27; 80. 12.
δουπλικάριος 107. 2, 22 ; 108. 3, 22.
etn Ἡρακλειανή 107. 4; 108. 5.
ἑκατόνταρχος 78. 1.
ἔπαρχος τῆς ἐν Κόπτῳ εἴλης Ἡρακλειανῆς, Οὐαλέριος
Φροντεῖνος, (A.D. 185-6) 107. 3 ; 108. 3.
ἐπίταγμα 36. 5.
ἡγεμὼν τῶν ἐν προχειρισμῶι 89. 1.
ἱππαρχία 44. 7, 24.; 55. 2.
ἵππαρχος ἐπ’ ἀνδρῶν, Δρύτων Παμφίλου Κρὴς δήμου
Φιλωτερείου τῶν διαδόχων καὶ τοῦ ἐπιτάγματος ἱππάρχων
ἐπ᾽ ἀνδρῶν 36. 3. ἶ
κάστρα 142. τό.
οὐετρανός 141, 23.
περατοῦρα 142. 16.
πραιπόσιτος τῶν κάστρων ἵππωνίων) τῆς eyylorn{s)
περατούρας 142. τό.
σημεῖον, οἱ [ἐκ] τοῦ σημείου νεανίσκοι, 89. 2.
σιμισάλιος ἀριθμοῦ. . . 148. 3.
στρατιώτης 29. 2, 21; 89.4, 12; 125, introd.; 162. 24;
ὕπαιθρον, τὸ ἐν Πτολεμαίδι ὑ., 88. 7.
φιλοβασιλιστής 89. 12.
(2) Gops.
Ἶσις 128. 56.
Ἶσις Νεφορσῆς θεὰ μεγίστη 80. 5; 85. 4, 33; 41. 3.
Sapams 186, 8.
Σοκνοπαῖος θεὸς μέγας 80. 4; 35. 3, ΤΙ, 17, 24; 40.2;
41.2; 56.3; 57.2; 68. 4; 60. 4; 112.7; 118. 7.
Σοκνοπαῖς (= Σοκνοπαῖος) 35. 33.
(ὁ) FEstiva.s.
ἀμεστέσια 98. 12.
| Ἴσεια 98. 11.
ἀθλοφόρος Βερενίκης Evepyéridos
"Em... Α... (8. 6. 179) 42. 3, 25.
᾿Αρσινόη 7)... (B.C. 173) 48. 3.
... Mdyvnros (B.C. 138-7) 44. 4, 21.
ἀρχιερατεύσας 82. 2.
ἀρχιερεὺς ᾿Αδριανοῦ 124. 26.
ἀρχιερεὺς Σεβαστῶν 124. 22.
ἀρχιερεὺς Φαυστίνης 124. 28. .
ἱέρεια 80. 7; 51. 20; 118. 9.
ἱέρεια “Apowdns Φιλοπάτορος 44. 5, 22.
Εἰρήνη Πτολεμαίου (B.C. 179) 42. 5, 27 ; (B.C. 173)
48. 4.
ἱέρεια βασιλίσσης Κλεοπάτρας, Τιμαρέτη (c. B.C. 150-
145) 45. 5.
ἱέρεια βασιλίσσης Κλεοπάτρας τῆς θυγατρός, Βερενίκη
Ἑρμίου (c. B.C. 150-145) 45. 6.
ἱέρεια Κλεοπάτρας τῆς μητρὸς θεᾶς ᾿Ἐπιφανοῦς, Νικασὼ
᾿Αριστονίκου (c. B.C. 150-145) 45. 6.
ἱερεύς 51. 20; 77. 3; 119.6; 182.8. ἱερ. πρώτης φυλῆς
112. 6. icp. y φυλῆς 74.4. ‘ep. τετάρτης φυλῆς 118. 6.
ἱερεὺς ᾿Αλεξάνδρου καὶ θεῶν Σωτήρων καὶ θεῶν ᾿Αδελφῶν
καὶ θεῶν Εὐεργετῶν καὶ θεῶν Φιλοπατόρων καὶ θεῶν
᾿Ἐπιφανῶν καὶ θεῶν Φιλομητόρων
Ποσιδώνιος Ποσιδωνίου (B.C. 179) 42. 2, 22.
Ἡρακλείδης Tevadov (B.C. 173) 48. 2.
ἱερεὺς ᾿Αλεξάνδρου καὶ θεῶν Σωτήρων καὶ θεῶν ᾿Αδελφῶν
καὶ θεῶν Evepyerav καὶ θεῶν Φιλοπατόρων καὶ θεῶν
᾿Ἐπιφανῶν καὶ θεοῦ Εὐπάτορος καὶ θεοῦ Φιλομήτορος καὶ
θεῶν Evepyerav,.. . Εὐτύχου (B.C. 138-7) 44. 2, 18.
ἱερεὺς Πτολεμαίου Evepyerov 45. 1.
ἱερεὺς Πτολεμαίου (Ὁ Philadelphus) . .
(ς. B.C. 150-145) 45. 2.
ἱερεὺς Πτολεμαίου Piromdropos ...
150-145) 45. 3.
ἱερεὺς Πτολεμαίου ᾿Επιφανοῦς Εὐχαρίστου 45. 3.
ἱερεὺς Πτολεμαίου θεοῦ Φιλομήτορος. . . ᾿Απολλωνίου
(c. B. C. 150-145) 45. 4. »
ἱερεὺς Πτολεμαίου Εὐπάτορος Λυσίμαχος Λυσιμάχου (c.
B.C. 150-145) 46. 5.
ἱερεὺς Σοκνοπαίου θεοῦ μεγάλου 40. 2; 58. 4, 8, 11;
60. 4.
ἱερεὺς Σοκνοπαίου θεοῦ μεγάλου καὶ Ἴσιος Νεφορσῆτος
(Νεφορσείους) θεᾶς μεγίστης (καὶ τῶν συννάων θεῶν)
90. 4; 35.3; 41. τ.
. Λε]ωνίδου
. « μενῆς (c. B.C.
κανηφόρος 51. 20.
κανηφόρος ᾿Αρσινόης Φιλαδέλφου
Dina bia: vopos (B.C. 179) 42. 4, 26.
45. 7.
Πτ[ολέμα Ὁ (B.C, 138-7) 44. 4, 21.
λεσῶνις 86. 11, 26, 38; 40.13; 41. 15.
προφήτης Ἴσιδος 128. 56.
προφήτης Σοκνοπαίου θεοῦ μεγάλου 56, 3; 57. 2.
φυλή 74. 4; 112. 6; 118. 6.
(a) MEasurREs.
2% ἄρουρα 81. 11. ζ
TF ἄρουρα 82.17; 40. ὅ,1τ1. —
ty ἄρουρα 68. 4 et saep.; Tl. 13 ; 101. 8.
H} ἀρτάβη 85. 19, 43 ; αἱ.
ἢ ἀρτάβη 46. 3; 47. 20.
ἢ ἀρτάβη 58. 4 ef saep.
ὦ ἀρτάβη 80. 5 et saep.
= ἀρτάβη 82. verso 5; 88. 28, 29, al.
ὃ--- ἀρτάβη 147. ὃ; 155. 2 δ΄ saep.
° dpraBy 122. 11, 13.
4 πυροῦ ἀρτάβη 119. 16 αἱ.
a ti A,
(ὁ) Coms.
“ dpaxpn 57. 6.
5 δραχμή 17. 15, αἰ.
ς ἡμιώβολον 115. 6 ; 127. 25.
σ΄ ἡμιώβολον 127. 22.
— ὀβολός 125. 5; 126. 9, al.
= ὀβολοὶ δύο 115. 3, 6; 126. 17, al.
f τριώβολον 114. 11, ad.
F rerpéBodor 115. 6, al.
F πεντώβολον 128. 47.
Ἃ τάλαντον 29. 18, al.
€ τάλαντον 187. 10, 13.
Χ χαλκοῖ δύο 115. 6.
L 5 82. 17, al.
S’ ξ 71. 13; 101. 9.
σΈ 82. 17, al.
β᾽ 4 128. 8, al.
VJ ξ. 68. 27; 147. 8.
(4) MisceLLangous.
“7 γίγνεται, γίγνονται passim.
L ‘deduct’ 68. 28, 31 ; 126. 15, 50; 127. 15.
= αὐτός and cases 68. 8; 71. 24; 75. 38 et saep.; 94.
27; 128. 117.
o® ἑβδομηκοντάρουρος 55. 2.
ΡΧ ἑκατοντάρχῳ 78. τ.
ι ἔτος and cases 29. 6, αἰ.
ἔτος and cases 74. 7, αἰ.
ἱππαρχίας 55. 2.
ς καί 157. 4; 158. 4.
Ἦ κριθῆς 61 marg.
ἘΠ᾽ μεμέτρημαι 59. 10; 60. 9.
ἘΠ μέτοχοι 59. 4.
ἘΠ μέτρῳ 47. 9.
B πηχῶν β 81. 3.
ἃ προτέρου 126. 2.
1 πυρός and cases 82. 17, αἰ.
--- συμβολικά 114. τι.
} τέτακται 81. 1; 52.1; 58.1; δά. 1,
7 59. 2.
ζ 75. 31 et saep.
o 75. 4.
4 128. 1.
meaning doubtful.
(2) Wetcuts anp Measures.
ἄρουρα 81. τι, al.
ἀρτάβη passim.
ἡμίχουν 98. 12.
κεντηνάριον 188. 13, 14, 18.
κεράμιον 48. 5, 13,19; 77. 40, 44,46; 98. 11; 126.19;
127. 11, 27; 188, 5, 7; 185.17; 186. 19.
κοτύλη 125. 4.
κυτίνιον 156. 4, 5.
μετρητής 77. 49.
μέτρον 81. 14, 21; 48.9; 46.7; 47. 9; 68.4, 9. μ.
᾿Αθηναῖον 87. 21; 89.7. μ. δέκατον 147.10. μ. δη-
μόσιον 88. 23; 107.12; 108.15. μ. δημόσιον ξυστόν
120. 14. μ. δοχικόν 87. 22; 89. 8; 107. 12; 108.
16. pn δρόμωι τετραχοίνικον 90. 11; 91. 9. μ. τοῦ
Πελαίου 48. 7.
μναεῖον 125. 8.
πῆχυς 81. 3, Το,
σχοινίον 68. 26 δὲ sacp.; 95. 4, 12 ; 96. 3.
χοῦς 98. 12; 126. 46.
(4) Cots.
δραχμή passim.
ὠγὸν ’Apowolrov 146. 6. ¢ Ἑρμουπόλεως 151. 15.
ἰδιωτικὸν ζ. 149. 10, 12, 21 ; 150. 19, 22.
κεράτιον 148, 6 ; 149. 10, 12, 21 ; 151. 15; 158. 3.
μνᾶ 50. 20,
νόμισμα, νομισμάτιον (χρυσοῦ) 148. 5, 6,8; 149. 9, 12,
21; 150. 16, 22, 48, 45; 151.15; 157. 3; 158. 3.
νόμισμα, ἀργυρίου Σεβαστοῦ ν. 95. 5.
ὀβολός 114. 11, al.
στατήρ 40. 21.
τάλαντον 29.18; 81. 12 ; 84. (4) 8; 50. 9, 18; 51. 27;
52.3; 53.3; 54.4; 58.8; 64. 3,5; 70.25; 72.
12; 79.58; 81. 7; 100, 7; 187. 10,133 140. 12 e¢
χαλκοῦς 115. 6, 7.
χρύσινος 152. 6.
‘ Ν Gs
ἀννώνη 189, 4, 7.
ἀργυρικά 89. 10; 99. (a) 18, (6) 18; 114, 5, 7; 118. 3.
ἀρταβεία 85, 9, ΤΙ, 12.
δημόσια 79.60; 84.19; 86. 11,15; 87.25; 88.29;
89.9; 90.19; 91.18; 98.15; 94.14; 96. 7, 8;
99. (a) 18, (6) 18; 104. 11; 105. 10; 106. 1; 128.
113; 142. 18.
διάφορον φορέτρου 69. 12.
ἐγκύκλιον 167. εἰκοστὴ ἐγκυκλίου 52, 1. δεκάτη ἐγκυκλ.
53. 1; δ4. I.
εἶδος 95. 4,13 ; 96. 3; 121. 8.
ἐννόμιον 738. 7.
ἐπιμερισμός 96.8; 99. (2) 18, (4) 18; 106. 2; 107. 14;
108. 18 ; 109. 13.
ἐρημοφυλακία 117. 2.
ὠτηρά 121. 3.
θρίξ, κοπῆς τριχὸς καὶ χειρωναξίου 119. 4.
θυιῶν τέλος 98. 17 ; 118. 5.
κανών 188, 12.
καταγωγή 69. 13, 15.
κοπῆς τριχὸς καὶ χειρωναξίου 119. 4.
λιμένος Μέμφεως 116. 1.
μισθωτικόν 88. 26.
μονοδεσμίας χόρτου καὶ ἄλλων εἰδῶν 121. 7.
ναύβιον 85. ΤΟ, II, 12; 118, 5.
προσδιαγραφόμενα 81. 22; 115. 6, 8.
σιτικά 89.9; 99. (a) 18, (δ) 18.
συμβολικά 114, 11.
τέλος 81. 4,17; 52.3; 53.2,3; δά. 4; 77.16; 98.
17; 118. 5; 181. το ; 142, 5. τέλ. θυιῶν 98. 17;
118. 5.
φόρετρον 69.15; 90.18; 91. 17. διάφορον φορέτρου
69. 12.
χειρωναξίου, κοπῆς τριχὸς καὶ χ. 119. 4.
ἄβροχος 85. 15; 86. 13.
actio 27. 17.
ἀγαπητός 145. τ, 26.
ἄγειν 65.19; 66. 43; 68. 3, 25, 39; 78. 24; 81.15;
125. ἱπέγοά, ; 188. 5.
agere 27. 17.
ἅγιος 151. 1.
ἁγιότης 151. τό.
ἀγκάλη 150. 25.
ἀγνοεῖν 81. 15, 21; 68. 4,10; 77. 18; 152. 14.
ἀγορά 29. 9, 11, 21; 44. 11, 33; 46. το; 47. 14.
ἀγοράζειν 80. 8; 58. 4; δ4. 4; 181. 8 ; 188. 7.
ἀγορανομεῖν. See Index VII. -
ἀγορανόμος. See Index VII.
ἀγοραστής 79. 45 (?).
ἀγράμματος 102. 24; 188.25; 149. 24; 150. 41.
ἄγραφος 110. 24; 111. 22; 112. 21.
ἀγρός 68. 57; 96. 3; 184.5; 148. 4.
ἀγροφύλαξ 150. 12.
ἄγρωστις 90. 22; 91. 23.
ἀγών 89. 8.
ἀδελφή 83.1; 84. (0) 1; 51. το ; 74.15; 75. 60, 67,72;
86.6; 181. 2, 24, 25; 186. 5; 152. 11.
ἀδελφός 54.2; 66. 34; 75.68; 88.8; 84.9; 112. 9,
12, 19, 29; 115. 23, 37; 184. 1,22; 185.1, 26; 141.
5; 142. 6,10; 145.1; 146.2; 152.15, 18; 154. 5,
ἀδελφότης 156. 1.
ἀδιάθετος 72. 8.
ἀδιαίρετος 96. 4; 151. 10.
ἀδιάλειπτος 145. 7.
ἀδίκημα 88. 13.
aditus 27. 14.
ἄδολος 48. 9; 44. το, 29; 47.9; 91. 20.
ἀεί 68. 23; 90.17; 96.2; 97.16; 145. 4.
ἀθέτησις 111. 19; 112. 17; 118. 20,
ἄθετος 64, 12, 13.
ἀθλοφόρος. See Index VIII.
ἀθρόος 19. 64.
ἀθυμεῖν 81. 7, το.
αἰκίζειν 77. 19.
aig 18. 5, 6, το.
αἴρειν 127, 27.
αἱρεῖν 49.8; 82.7; 84.22; 91.15; 92.14, 24; 93.
15; 96.6; 99. (a) τό, (ὁ) 16; 109. 8.
αἰτεῖν 80. 43.
αἰτία 86. 12; 81. τό.
airvay 146. 4.
αἰώνιος 150. 4 ; 151. 2.
ἀκίνδυνος 90. 12; 91. 10; 149. 12.
ἀκολουθεῖν 62. 2.
ἀκολουθία 142. τι.
ἀκολούθως 81. 14; 95. 20; 107. 14; 108. 17; 109.
“-τλ a ri i .χ.ὦ.
ἀκούειν 81. ὃ (Ὁ); 38.6; 180. 7 (?); 185, 14; 142.9;
145. 18 ; 161. 24.
ἀκριβεύειν 154. 7.
ἀκριβής 187. 4.
ἄκριθος 91. 20.
ἄκυρος 68. 9; 95. 10; 96. 9.
ἀκύρωσις 111. 20 ; 112. 17 ; 118, 20.
ἀλήθεια 68. 33.
ἀληθεύειν 142. 1.
ἀληθής 68. 58; 75.28; 82. 11.
ἁλιεύς 80. 29.
ἀλλαγή 52. 3.
ἀλληλεγγύη 90. 1; 189, 18.
ἀλληλέγγυος 151. 10.
ἀλλήλων 50. 21; 99. (a) 4, 5, (2) 5; 100.2; 141.7;
145. 9; 152. 22.
ἄλλος 29. 7, 11, 14; 81. 17, 22, 25; 39. 3,12; 40. 21;
42.7, 31; 64.4,6; 65.7; 66. 29, 37; 68.6, 29,
553 74.13; 75. 50, 56,63; 84.25; 85. 8,11; 86.
8; 90.19; 91. 12,18; 95. το; 96.4, 8; 112. 26;
118. 36; 121. 7,9; 124.30; 125.11 ; 128. 2 e¢ saep.;
184. 9; 148. 13.
ἄλλοτε 187. 8; 152. 8.
ἄλογος 145. τό.
GAs 77. 52; 126. 31.
ἄλυτρον (ἄλοιτρον ?) 148. 14.
ἅλως 85. 18; 126. 22; 147. 9, 12.
ἀμεθέστατος 85. 22; 87. 26.
ἀμελεῖν 180. 3; 181. 14; 183. 6; 185. 5; 148.2; 144.
14, 23; 145. 14.
ἄμεμπτος 189. 18,
ἀμεριμνᾶν 186. 9.
ἀμέριμνος 186, 22.
ἀμεστέσια 98. 12.
ἀμπελῖτις 91. 5.
ἄμπελος 19. 56.
ἀμφισβήτησις 141. 6,
ἄμφοδον 95.2; 98. 7. Cf. Index VI.
ἀμφότερος 68. 42; 77.21; 83.2; 86.7; 110. 11; 111.
10; 139. 2.
ἀναβολή 84. (4) 6; 91. τι.
ἀναβολικόν 181. 15.
ἀνάγειν 154. 7.
ἀναγιγνώσκειν 64. 2; 65. 11; 67. 10, 11,
ἀναγκάζειν 80. 33; 40.13; 88.13; 188. 12.
ἀναγκαῖος 88. 8; 77. 28; 187. 12; 148. 5.
ἀνάγκη 102. τό.
ἀνάγνωσις 67. 13.
ἀναγράφειν 81.15; 68.17; 71.3; 78.2; 75. 33 et saep.;
95. 2; 96. 1,2; 99. (a) 2, 3, (δ) 2, 3.
ἀναγράφιον 71. 13, 25, 35+
ἀναγωγή 88. 21.
ἀναδιδόναι 77. 24; 19. 15; 88.24; 111.19; 112, 16;
118. 19.
ἀναιρεῖν 109. 9; 181. 14; 142. 8.
ἀναλαμβάνειν 82. 10; 147. 7.
ἀναλείπειν 61. 6.
ἀναλίσκειν 181. 19.
ἀναλογεῖν 64. 13.
ἀνάλογος 85. 18; 86. 14.
ἀνάλωμα 48. τι; 46. 7; 47. 11; 49.2; 67. 4; 10. 3,
4, 5; 126. 15, 47, 50; 127.15; 186,21; 158, 2.
ἀναμετρεῖν 142. 12; 147. 11.
ἀνάπαυμα 89. 4; 91, 16.
ἀναπέμπειν 84. 26,
ἀναπλεῖν 181. 7 ; 185. 11.
ἀναπληροῦν 151. 5.
ἀναπλοῦς 181. 20.
ἀναστρέφειν 181. 11,
ἀναφαίρετος 68. 23; 97. τό.
ἀναφέρειν 81. 15, 26; 82.9, 16; 68.25, 32, 50; 95. 20.
ἀναφόριον 66. 14, 22; 68. 12,14; 75. 32, 36, 42, 63.
ἀνδρεία 82. 5.
ἀνεμπόδιστος 38. 12.
ἀνεπίρρητος 147. 11,
ἀνεπιτήδειος 82. 7.
ἀνέρχεσθαι 82. 9.
ἄνευ 149. 17.
ἀνεύρετος 125. introd.
ἀνεψιός 74, το.
ἄνεμος 96. 4.
ἀνηλί } 127. 35.
ἀνήρ 88. 6; 11. 8; 72. 3,18; 95. 3,17; 96.1; 97. 4;
102. 8, 19; 118, 10; 125. introd.; 149. 2; 157. 2.
κατ᾽ ἄνδρα 69. 8, 13; 121. 3.
ἀνθί ) 98. 12.
ἀνθιστάναι 91. 8 (?).
ἄνθραξ 188. 13, 23.
ἄνθρωπος 78. 13; 168. 1.
ἀνθ᾽ ὧν 70. 15, 24.
ἀνιέναι 99. (a) ο, (2) 9.
animus 28. (a) recto 2.
ἀνιστάναι 68. 43.
ἀννώνη. See Index XI.
ἀνοικοδομή 98. 19.
ἀντέχεσθαι 188. 12.
ἀντί 65. 8.
ἀντιγραφεύς. See Index VII.
ἀντίγραφον 81. 3; 64. το; 68.1 et sacp.; 74.1; 77.11,
34; 84.15; 85. 19.
ἀντίδικος 81. 18.
ἀντικνήμιον 98. 25; 110. 9, 25.
ἀντιλέγειν 142. 18; 146. 4.
ἀντίληψις 85. 57.
ἀντιλογία 149. τῇ ; 151. 17.
ἀντιποιεῖν 94. 12.
ἀντλητός 96. 3.
ἀνυπέρθετος 149. 16 ; 150. 29.
ἀνυπόλογος 90. 12; 91. 9.
ἄνω 50. 3; 51.21. Cf. Index VI.
ἄξιος 72. 12; 125. introd. ; 154. 11.
ἀξιοῦν 85. 35; 36.14; 65. 1; 77. 14, 29; 78.23; 80.
8, 14; 81. 8; 125. introd.; 141. 18, 23; 145. 21;
149. 24.
ἀπαιτεῖν 68. 72; 85. 11 ; 140. 11.
ἀπαίτησις 68. 3, 25; 79. 24, 32, 48.
ἀπαιτητής. See Index VII.
ἀπαλλάσσειν 152. 4, 9.
ἀπαντᾶν 148. 3.
ἅπας 72. 11; 98. 8; 96.7; 99. (a) 5, 18, 22, (δ) 6, 17,
22. ,
ἀπεῖναι 82. 7.
ἀπειπεῖν 77. 8.
ἀπερίσπαστος 101, 10.
Gg 2
ἀπέρχεσθαι 81. 3; 145. 18; 157. 1; 158. I.
ἀπέχειν 42. 9, 34; 84.18; 95. 5; 96.55; 102. 14, 21;
108.2; 105.2; 109. 6; 110. 17, 29; 111. 14, 24;
112. 10, 20, 28 ; 118, 11, 21, 27; 128. 104,
δκηλιώτης 81. 27; 50.9; 51. 24,26; 88. 27 δὲ saep.;
75.31; 96.4; 97.12; 98.15; 99. (a) 7, 8, το, (δ)
7:9, 11.
ἀπηλιωτικός 68. 31.
ἁπλοῦς 81.17; 68.7; 96.3; 104.10; 110. 23; 111.
223 112.21; 118, 25; 147.17; 149. 18; 150. 32.
ἀπογράφεσθαι 71. 3; 72. 53 78. 3,9; 74.53 88. 12;
102. 17.
ἀπογραφή 88. 6 ; 102. 13,17. κατ᾽ οἰκίαν amoyp. 74. 7.
ἀποδεικνύναι 88. 4 ; 66.40; 67. 4; 78.25; 187. 17.
ἀπόδειξις 171. 32.
ἀποδημεῖν 145. τό.
ἀποδιδόναι 29. 1 ; 82. verso 5, 8; 48. 7, Τῷ ; 44, 8, το,
27, 31; 46. 4,8; 47. 6,12; 48. 6,11; 49.2; δ0.
12,14; 51. 2, 22, 29; 68. 8; 79. 59; 85. 14; 86.
11; 87.24; 90.17; 91.19; 98. 14; 94. 11; 149.
14, 22.
ἀπόδοσις 46.14; 128. 2 ef sacp.;
151. 12.
ἀποκαθιστάναι 46. 6; 47. το; 48. το; 49. 1; 64. 73 :
180. 23; 142. 17; 146. 3; 147. 9.
ἀποκαρποῦσθαι 142. 15.
ἀποκλείειν 158. 3.
ἀποκομίζειν 188. 14, 23.
ἀποκρίνειν 66. 47.
ἀπόκριτος 151. 14.
ἀπολαμβάνειν 100. 6; 185. 8 ; 142.17; 149, 16.
ἀπολείπειν 86. 5.
ἀπολογισμός 69. II, 15.
ἀπολύειν 65. 1,7; 80.15; 94. 18 ; 152. τό.
ἀπόνοια 84. 24.
ἀποσπᾶν 184, 6 ;
ἀποστάτης 80. 34.
ἀποστέλλειν 88. 22; 85.14; 87. 11,15; 187.15; 148.
8, 10, 20.
dméraxros 87. 12,16; 88.12; 119. 8.
ἀποτάσσειν 82. 14.
ἀποτίνειν 29. 17 ; 82. verso 8; 48.12; 44.10, 31; 46
9; 47.13; 48.12; 49.3; 50.16,
ἀποτροφή 158. 6, 12, 14.
ἀπουσία 185. 5.
ἀπόφασις 67. 7.
ἀποφέρειν 95.7; 96.6; 99. (2) 17, (4) 17; 180. 14.
ἀποχή 106. 3 ; 107. 16; "187, 26, ays
ἀπραγμοσύνη 142. 14.
ἀπρεπής 142. 8,
ἀπρόοπτος 154, 7.
ἄρα 84. 25.
᾿Αραβοτοξότης 77. 4.
ἄρακος, ἄραξ 81. τῷ ; 126. 35.
ἀργός 97. 9.
ἀργύριον 29. 18; 40. 21; 79. 64; 81. 7; 86. το; 87.
13; 89.5; 92. 11; 95. 5,21 ; 96. 4; 97.13; 100.
53 102. 15; 111. 15, 25; 112. 11, 15, 30, 82; 118.
13 δὲ saep.; 114. 9; 128. 18 et saep.; 182. 9; 187.
13; 140. 8, 12, 14.
ΡΟ 81.7; 87.23; 89.8; 128. 114. Cf. Index
147.13; 148. 7, 11;
148. 3.
ἀρεστός 48. 8; 89. 9 (?).
ἀριθμός 148. 3.
ἄριστος 89. 9 (?).
ἀριστερός 51.13; 95. 2; 102.10; 110. 5 et saep.;
5, 8, 9,133; 112. 8, 10, 26; 118, Il, 25.
dpxav(ov?) 155. 6, 7.
ἀρκεῖν 77. 19.
ἀρνός 78. 5, 11.
ἄρουρα. See Index X.
ἀρρενικός 158, 16, 17.
ἀρρωστία 85. 22.
ἀρταβεία. See Index XI.
ἄρτυμα 126. 40.
ἀρχαῖος 100. 1.
ἄρχειν 67.8; 142.20, ἄρχων.
ἀρχεῖον 70. το.
ἄρχεσθαι 68. 26, 30; 148. 8.
ἀρχή 67. 5, 11; 79. 64.
ἀρχιερεύς 124. 22, 26, 28.
ἀρχιερατεύειν 82. 2.
ἄσημος Ἴ4. 15, 17, 20; 97. 10 ; 111. Io.
ἀσθενής 78.143; 141. τό.
ἀσπάζεσθαι 188. 2; 185. 2, 21, 22 ; 186. 5.
ἀσπερμεί 90.6; 91. 8.
ἀσφάλεια 78. τό ; 110. 18.
ἀσφαλής 181. 3; 182. 6.
ἀσχολεῖσθαι 35. 9.
ἄτεκνος 72. 8.
ἀτέλεια 68. 21, 41.
ἄτοκος 46. 3; 47. 5; 48.5; 50. 10.
αὐθαδία 78. 20.
αὐλή 53. 3; 97.9; 98. 3,9; 152. 15, 16.
αὔριον 182. 9; 148. 2, 1
αὐτόθι 96. 5. αὐτόθιν 88. 7.
avrow la 142. 12.
αὐτός, ἐπὶ τὸ αὐτό 100. 7 ; 126. 14, 47; 128. 5, 9; 129.
See Index VII.
ἀφαρπάζειν 125. introd.
ἄφεσις 48. 9.
ἀφῆλιξ 75. 33; 91. 1,2; 134. 30.
ἀφησυχάζειν 141, 15.
ἀφιέναι 87. το.
ἀφιστάναι 40. 17.
ἀφορίζειν 154. 1, 8.
ἀφορμή 148. 17.
ἀφυστερεῖν 189. 19.
ἄχραντος 82. 3,19; 142, 18.
ἄχρι 148. το.
βαλανάριον 128. 45.
βαλανεῖον 64. 3,12; 70. 8.
βάλλειν 98. 3.
βασιλεία 150. 1 ; 151.1
βασιλεύειν 42. 1, 20; 48.1;
βασιλεύς. See Index II.
βασιλικός 88. 9; 856. 55; 48. το; 51. 27; 97. 13.
B. γεωργός 88. 5; 84. (a) 5, 6, (¢) 45 86.6. β. γραμ-
ματεύς. See Index VII. B. ‘Sonos 82. 7; 34.(c) 10;
85.25. βασιλική (γῆ ὃ) 95. 4, 565 96. 4. τὸ β. 32.
10; 88, 19, 31, 36.
faa Oiieba. See Index II.
βαστάζειν 77. 22.
44, τ, τό; 51. 19.
βέβαιος 85, 21.
βεβαιοῦν 95. 10; 96. 9.
βεβαίωσις 95.9; 96. 8; 102. 5.
βεβαιωτής 51. 28.
βενεφικιάριος. See Index VII (δ).
βῆμα 80. 7 ; 81. το.
Bla 85.143; 77. 21; 78.4; 84. 8.
βιάζεσθαι 35. 17.
βιβλίον 69. 4 ; 141. 17.
βλάβη 88. το.
βλάβος 91. 13; 95. τι ; 96. 10,
βοήθεια 81. (dz) ἢ ; 125. introd.
βοηθός. See Index VII.
βοικός 146. 3.
Bow( ) 155. 3, 7, 8.
βορρᾶς 81. 27; 51.25; 68. 27 et saep.; 97.12; 99. (a)
6, 9, 10, « 7, 9; 10.
βορρινός 99. (a) 14, (5) 14.
Boravicpds 91. 12.
βούλεσθαι 50. 25; 68.14, 17; 84. 20; 85. 3; 86.3;
88.4; 90.1; 91.4; 92.3; 98. 3; 94.27; 97.5;
142.5, 7,8; 145.4; 148.12; 149. τό, 22; 181.
βουλευτής. See Index VII.
βουλή 67. τι ; 79. 7; 82. 3,6, 11.
βούλησις 144. τι.
βουνός 68. 29.
βοῦς 148. 6.
βραδύς 63. 5; 102. 24.
βραχίων 112. 8,
γαιδάριον 158. 3» 73 9; 10,
γαμεῖν 152. 12.
γάμος 78, το.
γαυνάκιον 144. 22.
γειτνία 81. 14, 22, 25; 51. τό ; 68. 4,9.
γείτων 51. 25, 27 ; 68. 28, 31; 76. 11,13; 95.5; 96.
4; 97.10; 99. (a) 6, 8, 9, (4) 7, 9, 1ο.
γένημα 59. 3; 61.9,15; 69.18; 77.38, 41; 79.13 (?),
20; 95.8; 96.6; 99. (a) 17, (4) 17; 108. 4; 104.
7; 105.7; 107. 9; 108. 13; 109. 12; 120. 12;
122. 1; 128. τοῦ.
γενικός 151. Το.
γενναῖος 72.16; 81. 21.
γένος 91. 15, 17.
γεοῦχος 88. 30; 106. 2.
γέρδις 128. 49.
γεωργεῖν 85. 16; 83.6; 96.6; 99. (a) τό, (δ) 16; 108.
3; 104.6; 105.4; 128. 105; 142. 5, 7, 13,14.
γεωργία 65. 3; 82.6; 94.12, 17, 18.
γεωργός 83.5; 84. (a2) 5,6; 85. 6,13; 42. 9, 34; 108.
2; 104.4; 121.6; 127. 4,10; 128.103; 181.11;
155. 1, 4, 5,6; 171.
γῆ 85. 27; 40. 6, 18, 22,25; 68.8, 56; 88. 7,14; 87.
26; 91.5; 95.4; 106.1; 142. 7,11,17. δημοσία y.
99. (2) το, (ὅ) 11. ἱερὰ γ. 86. 17. κατοικικὴ y. 96. 3.
οὐσιακὴ γ. 96. 4.
γίγνεσθαι 80. 11, 18, 38; 88. 25; 84. (c) το, (4) 6; 35.
28, 42; 41.17; 68. το; 66. 12, 21; 67.7; 68. 49,
53; 69. 14; 70. 12; 77. 15, 26; 78. 15; 79. 23
et saep.; 80. 3; 88.3; 84. 10,23; 85. 15,17; 86.
13,16; 92.19 ; 94.15; 100. 3; 107.14; 108.18;
109. 13; 114. 6, 11; 120. 16; 125. introd.; 129.
22,29; 185. 10; 186.3; 142,12 ; 148, 12; 145. 7;
148. 8; 149. 12; 150. 22; 154. 9; 166.4; 157. 3;
158. 3.
γιγνώσκειν 66, 21, 42, 46, 47; 68. 58, 64; 180. 10;
135. 16,17; 145. 15; 152. 2.
γνήσιος 86. 10, 15 ; 164. 1, 11.
γνωστήρ 189, 23; 140. 5, 21, 22.
γνωστός 145. 9.
γόμος 188, τι.
γονεύς 75. 60,
γόνυ 110, 10; 111, 13.
γοῦν 82. 5.
γράμμα 71. 24; 79. 22; 82. 4; 84. 23; 89. 13; 104,
16; 112. 35, 38; 189. 24; 140. 22; 141. 24; 142.
20; 148, 10; 145. 20; 151. 22; 152. 1.
γραμματεῖον 147.17; 149.18; 150, 32, 37; 161. 21, 23, 24.
γραμματεύς. See Index VII.
ypapparopdpos 156, 2.
γραπτός 78. 17.
γράφειν 80.14; 82. 2; 35. 40; 44, 10,31; 61.3; 65.
12, 19, 23; 71.24; 78. 34; 89. 13; 102. 23, 24;
104. 15; 106. 8; 109. 5; 112. 34, 37; 118. 39 ; 182.
2; 188. 6 e¢ sacp.; 186. 4; 187. 8; 188. 24; 189.
23; 140. 22; 141. 23; 142. 20; 145. 4; 147. 17;
149. 18, 24; 150. 32, 40; 151. 22; 152. 4, 8; 163.
4,16; 154. 6.
γραφεῖον 95. 21 ; 110. 21 ; 111.17, 27; 112. 2, 14; 118,
17, 34.
γραφή 42. 7, 31; 48.13; 124. 1.
γραφιάριον 181,
γρόνθος 141, το.
γύης 68, 26, 27.
γυμνασιαρχεῖν. See Index VII.
γυμνασιαρχία 70. 3.
γυμνασιαρχίς 64. 6.
γυμνάσιον 70. 9 ; 75. 2 et saep.
γυμνασίαρχος. See Index VII.
γυνή 80. 17,19 ; 74.14; 75.40 et saep.; 127.24; 141. 15.
consortium 28. (c) recto 5.
conspectus 28. (c) recto 6.
constare 27. II.
constituere 27. 15.
consul 27. 9.
consulere 27. 13.
contra 27. 11, 12.
δακτυλίδιον 126. 55.
δακτυλιστής (?) 126. 32.
δάκτυλος 110. 8 ; 112.9; 118. 11, 25.
δάνειον 42. 10, 11, 36, 37; 48. 8; 44.7, 26; 46. 4,14;
47.6; 48. 5,18; 50. 12, 22; 79. 57.
δανίζειν 48. 6; 44.6, 23; 46. 1, 4,12; 47.2,7; 48.
3; 49.6; 50. 4, 12,23; 79. 57.
δαπανᾶν 64. 4; 125. 2,9; 181. 16; 153. 12.
δαπάνη 64. 2; 94. 15; 125. I; 126. 27, 37; 127. 17,
24,25, 31; 188. Io.
δαπάνημα 96. IO.
debere 27. 9.
δεικνύναι 83. 13.
δεῖν 82. 10; 87.20; 91.13; 183. 11 ; 148. 6.
δεῖσα 90. 22; 91. 23.
δεῖσθαι 88. 21; 145. 13.
δεκαπλοῦς 29. 2.
δεκάπρωτος. See Index VII.
δεξιός 74. 9, 12; 98. 25; 102. 7, 9; 110. 26; 111. 7,
12; 112. 27.
desistere 27. 12.
δεσπότης 82. 4; 188. 20; 140. 11; 148. 24; 150.2, 5;
151. 2; 154. 5, 11.
destitutor 27. 13.
δεῦρο 142. 5.
δεύτερον 79. 60.
δέχεσθαι 81. 12, 20, 22, 23; 51. 29; 152. I, 5.
δηλοῦν 80. 13, 32; 81. 24; 84. (4) 4; 51.17; 68. 10;
64. 15; 68. 2, 6, 53, 68; 69. 9,14; 71.15; 72.11;
80. 10; 94.9; 97. 11; 99. (a) 26; 183. 3; 187. 5.
δῆμος 86. 4.
δημόσιος 87. 19; 88. 23; 89. 7; 91. 17; 99. (a) IO,
(6) 11; 107. 12 ; 108, 15; 120.14; 187. 1. ὃ. τρά-
me(a 68. 20; 97.15; 109. 10; 140.9, 13. τὸ ὃ. 68.
73; 70. 9; 88. 23; 94. 3; 95.11; 96. 10. τὰ ὃ.
See Index XI. δημοσίᾳ 70. 5. ἐν δημοσίῳ 99. (a)
23, (δ) 22.
διάγνωσις 79. 38.
διαγιγνώσκειν 29. 3, 18.
διάγραμμα 48. 14. :
διαγράφειν 61. 4; 68. 20; 97.14; 114.3; 118. 3; 119.
3; 121. 1,5; 140. 9, 13.
διαγραφή 81.2; 40.16; 52.2; 58.1; 54.1; 92. 13;
95. τό; 96. 2, 5.
διαδέχεσθαι 79.17, 49; 81.1; 108. 2.
διαδοχή 75. 31, 36.
διάδοχος 86. 5.
διάθεσις 68. 38 ; 145. 23, 26; 152. 1.
διαίρεσις 99. (2) 26, 27, 28, 20.
διακατοχή 72. 10.
διακούειν 78. 23.
διαλαμβάνειν 85. 44.
διαλείπειν 96. 7.
διαλογή 88. 23.
διαλογισμός 79. 9.
διάλυσις 88. 9.
διαμερίζειν 152. 8.
διαμισθοῦν 95. 7 ; 96.6; 99. (a) 17, (6) 17.
διανομή 154. 2, 9.
διαπέμπειν 81. 5; 72.9; 107. 2 ; 108. 4.
διαπίπτειν 88. 46.
διαπράσσειν 78. 8.
διασείειν 81. 6.
διάσημος 82. 1 ; 88. 1; 187. 4, 25; 140. 7.
διασήπειν 158. 20.
διαστέλλειν 40. 5.
διαστολή 40. 25.
διατρίβειν 82. 6.
διαφέρειν 68. 55; 88.0 ; 142. τ (?).
διαφεύγειν 181. 6.
διαφθείρειν 18. 6.
διάφορον. See Index XI.
διαψεύδεσθαι 140. 17.
διβόλητος 91. 11.
διδόναι 40.18; 70. 8, 14; 81. 9, 15, 18; 88. 25; 92.
20; 114. 5; 182. 6, 7, ὃ ; 184.8; 186. 18; 189. 4;
144. 6; 149.11 ; 158. 5,11, 14; 156.2; 157.1; 158. I.
δίδραχμος 50. 20.
διεξαγωγή 85. 41.
διέρχεσθαι 73. 3; 74.6; 96.7; 99. (4) 19, (2) το ; 104.
7; 107.9; 108.7; 109. 12; 112. 14; 12]. 9, 8.
διετής 87. 28.
διευτυχεῖν 68, 24; 79. 33; 78.26; 141.19; 142. 19;
δικάζειν 80. 7.
δίκαιος 48. 10; 44. 30; 65. 6; 95. 4, 12; 96. 3.
δίκαιον 72. 6, 11; 94. 20; 151. Ig.
δικαστήριον 82. 4,10; 142. 18.
δίκη 46.13; 47.17; 48. 16; 49.9; 50. 27; 181. 14;
151. 19 3 152. 20.
δίμηνος 68. 71.
δίμοιρον 87. 10; 158. 3.
διό 86. 14; 74. 22; 79. 39; 125. introd.
διοδεύειν 86. 13.
διοικεῖν 72. 1.
διοίκησις 92. 16; 97. 6.
διορθοῦν 82. 14.
διορίζειν 149. 1 (?).
διότι 145. τό.
διπλοῦς 81. 17; 88. 19, 31; 96. 10,
δίπλωμα 92. 21.
δισσός 99. (4) 23.
diu 27. 12.
dixa 148. 7.
διῶρυξ 68. 9; 91. 11.
δοί ) 172.
δοκεῖν 88. 21 ; 64. 6; 77.29; 79.34; 180.2; 185.14;
154. 1, 8.
δοκιμάζειν 88. 15.
δόκιμος 89. 9.
δοκοῦν 51, 13, 23.
δορυφορεῖν 79. 52.
δούλη 128. 95.
δοῦλος 181. 22.
δουπλικάριος. See Index VII (6).
δοχικός. See Index X.
δρόμος 122. 8. Cf. Index X.
δυενιαύσιος 148. 8.
δύνασθαι 85. 49; 61. 4; 65. 2; 66.15, 35; 67. 6, 8;
68. 56; 77. 32; 78.21; 80.9; 82.17; 88. Io, 11,
16; 180.7; 186.16; 141.15; 148, 18; 164. 9.
δυνατός 145. 22.
ἐᾶν 142. 14.
ἑαυτοῦ 81.14; 48.13; 65.2; 75. 24 εἴ saep.; 82. 14;
100. 7; 112. 8; 152. 19.
ἑβδομηκοντάρουρος 55. 2.
ἔγγιστος 142. τό.
ἔγγονος 68. 23.
ἔγγραπτος 110. 24; 111. 22; 112. 21. —
ἐγγράφειν 80. 14; 187. 23; 189. 3; 142. τό.
ἔγγραφος 142. 13.
ἐγγυᾶσθαι 189. 18, 23.
ἔγγυος 50. 21.
ἐγκαλεῖν 88. 15; 66. 33; 108. 6; 104. το; 105. το;
110. 22; 111. 21, 26; 112. 19, 33; 118. 21, 36; 125.
introd. ; 128. Ιου.
ἐγκαρτερεῖν 18. 22.
ἐγκύκλιον. See Index XI.
ἐγχειρεῖν 186. 13 ; 189. 18.
ἔδαφος 68. 36, 40, 53, 59; 86.7; 96.4; 99. (a) 9,
(4) 9; 141. 9.
ἐθίζειν 61. 17.
εἰδέναι 87. 15; 71. 24; 80. 8, 14; 89. 13; 104. 16;
106. 8 ; 112. 35, 38 ; 188.6; 186. 9; 189. 24; 140.
23; 141, 24; 142. 20; 145. 11; 151. 22; 154. 1.
εἶδος 65. 11. Cf. Index XI. ᾿
εἴλη. See Index VII (0).
εἶ μήν 68, 33.
εἰρήναρχος. See Index VII.
els=ris 80. 28. εἷς ἕκαστος 68. 22.
6. μίαν ἀντὶ μιᾶς 87. 21; 89. 7.
εἰσαγγέλλειν 189. 3, 23.
εἰσάγειν 88. 15; 77. 13, 46, 52.
εἰσαγωγεύς. See Index VII.
εἰσαγωγή 81. 6.
εἰσδοχή 69. 8.
εἰσιέναι 68.21; 85. 17; 88. 20, 28; 89. 3; 148. 9.
εἴσοδος 54. 3.
εἰσφέρειν 77. 22; 83. 13.
ἕκαστος 86. 14; 88. 11; 48.12; 49. 7; 50.21; 68.
21, 22, 53; 79. 50; 88. 15, 16; 99. (a) 15, 23,
(4) 15; 186.7; 140. 8,12; 161. 11; 153. 6, 8, 11;
154. 8, 9, το.
ἑκάστοτε 78. 4.
ἑκάτερος 187. 20; 151. 5.
ἑκατόνταρχος 78, I.
ἐκβαίνειν 81. το.
ἐκβιάζεσθαι 78. 16.
ἐκδικεῖν 184. Io,
ἐκδικία 141. 18,
ἐκεῖ 188, 9, 16.
ἐκεῖνος 67. 3; 79. 21; 83. 15.
ἐκλογιστής. See Index VII.
ἐκλύειν 80. 9.
ἐκμετρεῖν 81. το.
ἐκμετρητής. See Index VII.
ἐκμισθοῦν 142, 5.
ἐκνεάζειν 147. 9.
ἑκούσιος 85. 4 ; 94. 27.
ἐκπέμπειν 146, 4.
ἐκπράσσειν 85. 11 ; 88. 14.
ἐκπρόθεσμος 148. 11.
ἐκτιθέναι 84. (4) 5.
ἐκτίνειν 147, 13.
ἔκτισις 50. 21.
ἐκτός 148, 15.
ἐκφέρειν 29. 12.
ἐκφόριον 82. 3; 35. 16, 27; 55. 5; 87. 12,16; 88. 12,
18; 90.6,16; 91. 7,19; 94.8; 103.2; 104.6;
105. 3; 128. 4, ΤΌ, 114; 188. 13.
ἐκφρεῖν 158. 14.
ἐκχωρεῖν 80. 42, 44.
ἐλάινος 125. 4.
ἔλαιον 77. 48 οἱ sacp.; 92. 7; 98. το; 125.12; 126.
29, 46; 127. 21, 22.
ἐλαιουργεῖον 98. 6, τό, 22; 97. 9.
ἐλαουργός 118. 4.
ἐλάσσων ἼΟ. 12.
ἐλέγχειν 88. 44.
eligere 27. 11.
Acc. ἕναν 152.
ἐλλείπειν 61. 1 ; 186. το.
ἐλπίζειν 181. 5.
ἐλπίς 144, το.
ἐμαυτοῦ 74. 5; 104. 2.
ἐμβί ) 98. 12.
ἐμβάλλειν 188. 8,
ἐμβολή 187. 5, 17.
ἐμός 74. 6; 148. 12.
ἔμπροσθεν 80. 10; 68. 36; 95.8; 96.7; 99. (a) το,
(4) 19; 111. 23; 112. 22.
ἐμφανίζειν 84. (c) 8(?),
ἐμφανισμός 80. 2; 88, 14; 84. (d) 4.
ἐμφέρειν 68. 62.
ἐναντίος 68, 35.
ἐναπόγραφος 149, 6.
ἐναποχρῆσθαι 79. 25, 33.
ἐναπόχρησις 79, 28.
évapxos 82. 12.
ἐνδεῖσθαι 81. 14.
ἐνδέχεσθαι 70. 5.
ἐνδιάθετος 145. 12.
ἐνδιδόναι 148, 12.
ἔνδοξος 154. 6.
ἐνδυμενεία 152. τό.
ἐνεδρεύειν 148, 9.
ἐνεῖναι 98. 8. ἔνι 148. 5.
ἐνεργία 188. 13.
ἐνεργός 98. 8.
évéxew 151, 11.
ἐνέχυρον 151, 19.
ἔνθαλλος 188. 4.
ἐνιαυτός 92, 10; 93. 4, το.
ἐνιστάναι 68. 3,26; 69.17; 71.3; 73.9; 75.3; 85.
5; 86.4; 87. 4,10; 88.6, 19,27; 90.5; 91.6;
92.4; 93. 4,23; 94. 4,28; 95.8; 96.7; 99. (a)
5, (4) 5; 108.4; 105. 8; 108.9; 109. 4; 110. 17,
20; 111. 17, 23; 112, 22; 128. 107.
ἐννόμιον. See Index XI.
évoux( ) 127. 35.
ἐνοχλεῖν 87. 9.
ἔνοχος 189. 20; 140. 17.
ἐντάσσειν 81. 14, 21; 111.27; 112. 1; 161. 12.
ἐνταῦθα 82. 17; 152. 18; 154. 3.
ἐντεῦθεν 42. 39; 149. 8; 150. 18.
ἔντευξις 88. 22, 23.
ἐντολή 188. 14.3 155. 10,
ἐντός 72. 5; 80. τό,
ἐντυγχάνειν 84. (c) 5; 85. 20; 64. 11 ; 66.28; 82. 12;
184. 10; 142. το.
ἐνυφαντός (?) 181. 12.
ἐξάγειν 77. 14 et saep.; 116. 2; 117. 3.
ἐξαίρετος 186. 11.
ἐξακολουθεῖν 95. 9 ; 96. 8ὃ ; 102. 16.
ἐξάκτωρ. See Index VII.
ἐξαπόστολος 188. 10.
ἐξαρτίζειν 98. 8.
ἐξαρτισμός (?) 140. 16.
ἐξειλεῖν 142. 9.
ἐξεῖναι 88. 20, 32; 85. 39; 42. 38; 65. 21 ; 86. 17.
ἐξενίαυτα 85. 14; 86. II.
ἐξέρχεσθαι 180. 4; 148. 4.
ἐξετάζειν 64.14; 68. 47, 52,66; 79. 50.
ἐξέτασις 68. 52; 77. 14; 19. 23.
ἐξηγητής. See Index VII.
ἑξῆς 68. 67; 87. 14; 88. 16; 189. 3; 151. 12.
ἐξοδιάζειν 109. 10 ; 185. 19.
ἔξοδος 54. 3.
ἐξουσία 88. 5; 92. 23; 142. To.
ἐπαγγέλλειν 78. 18.
ἐπάγειν. See Index IV.
ἐπακολουθεῖν 40. 243; 61. 11; 91.2; 96. 1.
ἐπαναγκάζειν 88.15; 142. τό.
ἐπάναγκες 147. ὃ ; 149. 13.
ἐπανήκειν 50. 5.
ἐπάρδιον 86. 11.
ἔπαρχος. See Index VII (a) and (2).
ἐπαυλή 152. 20.
ἐπειδή 88. 28; 152. 11, 24; 154. 2, 7.
ἔπειτα 68. 7 ; 185. 4.
ἐπέρχεσθαι 81. 9 ; 68. 2,6; 77.17; 95. 10, 11; 96, 8,
g; 110. 22; 141.7; 142. 7.
ἐπερωτᾶν 106. 4 ; 188. 19; 189. 21; 140. 18; 147. 18;
149. 18; 150. 33; 151. 20.
ἕπεσθαι 97. 14.
ἐπηρεαστής 184, 12.
ἐπιβαίνειν 32. 4; 142. 7.
ἐπιβάλλειν 81. 5; 74.20; 80. 3,5; 107.6; 108. 10;
109. II.
ἐπιγιγνώσκειν 77. 15,17; 181. 3; 182. 5.
ἐπιγονή 48. 7; 47.43; 48.4; 50. 8.
ἐπιγράφειν 71. 23; 102. 18 ; 104. 14.
ἐπιδεικνύναι 79, 30; 142. 13.
ἐπιδέκατος 88. 20, 32.
ἐπιδέχεσθαι 81. 12; 79. 64.
ἐπιδιδόναι 88. 12; 68. 14, 33; 71.23; 72.19; 74. 22;
77. το, 28; 78.22; 80.13; 81. 17,23; 82.20; 85.
24; 125. introd.; 141. 16, 22; 142. το.
ἐπιείκεια 141. 16.
ἐπιζητεῖν 140. 6.
ἐπίθεμα 85. 21; 86. 16.
ἐπικαλεῖν 51. το ; 76. 10; 78. 5.
ἐπικεῖσθαι 188.
ἐπικλαίειν 154. 9.
ἐπικρίνειν 75. 6.
ἐπίκρισις 99. (a) 1, 4, 13, (δ) 1, 4, 13.
ἐπιμέλεια 64. 13; 79. 27.
ἐπιμελής 181. τι.
ἐπιμελητής. See Index VII.
ἐπιμένειν 181. 4. .
ἐπιμερισμός. See Index ΧΙ.
ἐπιπλήσσειν 84. 14.
ἐπίπλοος 128. I.
ἐπισκευή 98. 19.
ἐπίσκεψις 82. 8,
ἐπισκοπεῖν 68. 3, 6, 25.
ἐπίσταλμα 82. II.
ἐπίστασθαι 82. 8.
ἐπίστασις 85. 48 (9) ; 184. 9.
ἐπιστάτης. See Index VII. .
ἐπιστέλλειν 88. 35; 68. 1, 2, 6,12; 79.273 80. 8,14;
85. 15; 86.12; 142. 11.
ἐπιστήμων 82. 4.
ἐπιστολή 64, 10 ; 65. 13, 173; 181, 21.
ἐπιστράτηγος. See Index VII.
ἐπίταγμα 868. 5.
ἐπιτελεῖν 85. 50; 88. το; 79.18; 90. 14; 91. To.
ἐπιτήδειος 82. 15.
ἐπιτηρεῖν 77. 8.
ἐπιτηρητής. See Index VII.
ἐπιτιθέναι 68. 4, 9.
ἐπίτιμον 96. 10; 126. 42; 187. 6 (?).
ἐπιτρέπειν 67.9; 70. 5.
ἐπιτροπικός 84, 13.
ἐπίτροπος 75. 33; 91. I.
ἐπιφανής 72. τό ; 188. 21.
ἐπιφέρειν 77. 20; 87. 20; 98. 4, 11.
ἐπιχειρεῖν 78. 19.
ἐπιχωρεῖν 92. 3.
ἐργαλῖον (apy.) 98. 20.
ἐργαστήριον 76,12; 92. 7.
ἐργάτης 182. 4, 9.
ἐργολάβος 184, 13.
ἔργον 90. 13; 91. 10; 186. 9.
ἐρῆμος 84. (2) τ.
ἐρημοφυλακία. See Index XI.
ἔριφος 78. 5, II.
ἔρχεσθαι 66. 43; 144. 13; 154. 3.
ἐρωτᾶν 184. 9 ; 185. 4; 181.
ἐσθής 141. 14.
ἐσθίειν 158. το.
ἔστ᾽ ἄν 81. 11.
ἔσχατος 90. 14.
ἕτερος 64.14; 685. 1,7; 70.13; 77. 18; 78. 25; 86.
14, 17; 88. 11; 92. 15,23; 145. 10; 148. 12.
ἔτι 84, (d) 3; 76. 11 (?); 78.9; 98. 4,12; 142.17;
152. 17.
etiam 27. 12.
ἑτοῖμος 82.6; 84. (4) 3; 142. 18.
ἔτος, κατ᾽ ἔ. 85.9; 86. 11 ; 88. 22, 26, 29; 89.6; 90.
10, 13, 16, 18; 91. 7, 10,17, 19; 94. 8, 11, 13; 95.
7; 96.6, 7; 99. (a) 17, 18, (6) 17, 18; 100. 5.
εὐαγής 154. 1, 8.
εὐάρεστος 150. 24.
εὐγένεια 145. 13.
εὐγνωμονεῖν 142. 17.
εὐδοκεῖν 99. (4) 27, 29.
εὐδόκιμος 157. I; 158. 1.
εὐεργεσία 77. 33.
εὐεργέτης 151. 3.
εὐημερεῖν 89. 5.
εὐθέως 158. τό.
εὐθηνία 124. 25.
εὐθυμεῖν 188. 4.
εὐθυμετρία 88. 59.
εὔθυνα 187. 21.
εὐθύριν 51. 23; 95. 2.
εὐκαιρία 80. 9.
εὐκλεής 151. 4.
εὐλογεῖν 145. I.
εὔλογος 145. 24.
εὐορκεῖν 68. 35.
εὔπορος 189. 4.
εὑρίσκειν 40. 4; 68.25; 79.53; 88. 12 ; 180. 4, 10;
187. 21; 144. 3, 5, 12.
εὐσεβής 150. I, 5; 151.2. Cf. Index III.
εὔσημος 74. 12; 102. 7.
Cf, Index VII.
εὔσταθμος 151. 15.
εὐτυχεῖν 88. 27 ; 84. (4) 8; 85. 59; 125. introd.
εὐτυχής 188, 12; 147.6. Cf. Index III.
εὐχαριστεῖν 188. 2.
εὔχεσθαι 64. 15; 182. 11; 148. 22; 146, 6.
εὐώδης 188. 7.
ἐφάμιλλος 148. 6,
ἐφάπτεσθαι 85. “7, 39.
ἐφεξῆς 148. το.
ἐφευρίσκειν 85. 8 (ἀφ. Ῥαρ.) ; 86. 8.
ἐφιορκεῖν 68. 35.
ἔφοδος 95. 10; 96. 9.
extraordinarius 27. 16.
ἕωθεν 186. 3.
᾿ ἕως οὗ 94. 18,
ἔχειν 80. 30; 81. 6, 16,21; 82. 5, 6, 12, verso 3,0;
84. (d) 3; 85.43; 87.16 ; 42.7,31; 49.4; 50.17;
55.4; 56.6; 57.4; 58.7; 64.8; 65. 5, 21; 67.
2,63; 68. 21, 27, 31; 71. 18; 72.11, 14; 76.12;
77.12; 78.55; 80.2; 88. 5 et saep.; 88.7; 92.
18; 94.19; 99. (a) 5, (6) 6 ; 101.6; 102. 13; 125.
introd.; 180. 22; 181.15; 186. 20; 188.17; 142.
18; 148. 7; 144.19; 147.5; 148.4; 149. 7, 20;
150. 17; 152. 14, 16; 158. 12.
facilis 28. (4) recto τ.
falsus 27. II.
ζῆν 78. 19 ; 142. 9.
ζητεῖν 81. 11 ; 154. Io.
(vydv 148. 6 ; 149. Το, 12, 21 ; 150. 19, 22; 151. 15.
Cupoupyds 126. 4, 5 ; 128. 29 (()μ.).
durnpa. See Index XI.
ζῷον 146. 3; 150. 21, 23, 39, 45.
ἡγεμών. See Index VII (a) and (δ).
ἤδη 88. 14; 67. 1, 3; 77.8; 149.8; 150. 18; 152. 8.
ἡλιστί ) 127. 27, 35.
ἡμέρα 29. 4; 80. 43, 45; 50. 10,17; 66.12; 72.5;
80. 16; 82.8,10; 85,20; 99. (4) 5, (4) 5; 111. 23;
112. 22; 180. 11, 13, 22; 138. 15 ; 186. 7.
ἡμέτερος 189. 5; 142. 7, 17.
ἡμιθανής 141. 13.
ἡμιολία 147, 7, 15.
ἡμιόλιον 82. verso 10; 46. το; 47.13; 49. 4; 50. 18.
ἡμίχουν. See Index X.
ἡνίκα 81. 6.
ἠπητής 185. 22.
ἧσσον 95. 11; 96. 10; 141. 13.
θαλλός 90. 9; 98. 11 ; 185. 18.
θαυμάσιος 149, 3, 11.
θεά 35. 5, 34.
θεῖος 189. 20; 140. ΤΟ, 21 ; 142.9; 150.1; 151.1.
θέλειν 79. 43; 180.16; 181. 5; 148. 14; 152. 23;
154. 7; 156. 1.
θεός 80. 4 ; 38.21; 35. 4 et sacp.; 40.9; 56.4; 57.
2; 68. 5; 60. 4; 112.7; 118. 7; 181.5; 142.4;
144, τι, 20; 160. 28; 152. 4; 158.19; 155.1. Cf.
Index IT.
θεοσέβεια 145. 5.
θεωρία 88. 57.
θηλικός 158. 17.
θησαυρός 41, 8; 79. 59, 63; 87. 20; 89. 7; 122, 1, 8;
126. 37, 42; 127. 10.
θλῖψις 144, 18.
Opayn (?) 185. 9.
θρίξ. See Index XI.
θρύον 90. 22; 91. 23.
θρέμμα 102, 17 ; 184, 5.
θυγάτηρ 45.6; 75. 46 et saep.; 152. 11.
Ovia 98. 17; 118. 5.
θύρα 98. 23.
θυροῦν 51. 14, 24.
huiusmodi 27. 13.
ἰατρός 128, 120.
ἰδικός 151. 19.
ἰδιόγραφος 71. 12, 34.
ἴδιος 81.1; 48.11; 46.7; 47.11; 48.11; 49.2; 90.
14; 91.13; 95.8; 96.7,10; 99. (a) 18, (6) 18;
185. 7; 148.5; 151. 12. Cf. Index VII.
ἰδιοσπορία 181, 10.
ἰδιωτικός 88. 10; 96.4; 99. (a) ο, (2) 9; 149. Io, 12,
21; 150. 19, 22, 45; 158. 3.
ἱδρώς 40. 17.
ἱέρεια. See Index VIII.
ἱερεύς. See Index VIII.
ἱερός 85. τό ; 79. 22.
ἱκανός 70. 15, 20 ; 141, Io.
ἰλλούστριος. See Index VII.
ἱμάτιον 125. introd.
ἱματιοπώλης 76. 14.
impetrare 27. 10.
ἰνδικτίων. See Index III.
instituere 27. 11, 12, 15.
intellegere 28. (c) recto 4.
ἰουράτωρ 88. Io.
iw... 92, 21.
ἵππαρχος. “See Index VII (6).
immapxla. See Index VII (ὁ).
ἵππος 142. τό.
Ἴσεια 98. 11.
ἴσος 68, 27 εἰ sacp.; 95.11; 96.10; 99. (α) 14, (δ) 14.
τὸ ἴσον 125. introd. ἐξ ἴσου 92. 15; 98. 15. ἴσως
185. τό.
iubere 28. (c) verso 7.
iudicium 27. 16.
iungere 28. (c) verso 1.
ius 27,12; 28. (a) recto τ.
καγκελλάριος. See Index VII.
καθά 44. 10, 31.
καθαιρεῖν 54. 3.
καθάπερ 46. 13; 47. 17 ; 48.16; 49. 9 ; 50. 26 ; 161. 19.
καθαρός 48.9; 44. 10, 29; 46. 6; 47. 9; 68. 8; 90.
21; 91. 20, 23; 98. 23; 95. 4,12; 96. 3; 188. 13;
147. 7,17; 161. 14.
καθήκειν 81. 11 e¢ saep.; 61. 2, 11, 16; 68. 3 et saep.;
70.11; 85. 20; 90. 14; 91. 12.
καθιστάναι 82. 3; 35.40; 88.12; 48,10; 64.12; 65.
8; 70. 4 (?); 82.14; 97.9; 141. 13.
καθόλον 68. 25.
Il. Hh
καθόλου 88. 3.
καθότι 49. 3; 59. 10; 112. 20.
καθώς 85.25; 88.33; 97.10; 111. 26; 118,48 ; 152. 3.
καὶ γάρ 144. το.
καινός 148. 14. ἐκ καινῆς 64. 2.
καιρός 82. I1; 87. 20; 91. 13; 180. Io,
καιροτηρεῖν 35. 8,
κακός 77. 31.
κακουργεῖν 88. 10; 187. 21.
κακοῦργος 88. 4.
καλάμη 89. 5.
κάλαμος 90.22; 91. 23.
καλεῖν 82. 18; 108. 3.
καλοκἀγαθία 145. 6.
καλός 87.6; 41. 9; 148. 13.
κάμηλος 77. 37 et sacp.; 102. 13, 14; 116. 2.
κανηφόρος. See Index VIII.
κανών. See Index XI.
καρπεία 71. 13.
καρπίζεσθαι 95. 7; 96.6; 99. (a) 17, (6) 17.
καρπός 48.9; 79.143; 147.9; 150. 28.
καρποῦσθαι 88. 6.
καρτερεῖν 180. 6.
κάστρα 142. τό.
κατά, κατ᾽ ἄνδρα 69. 8, 13.
καταβαίνειν 85. 12.
καταβάλλειν 187. 24, 26, 27.
καταβλάπτειν 88. 30, 33.
καταβολή 148. 7,9; 157. 2.
καταγίγνεσθαι 74. 7 ; 88. 3.
καταγραφή 158. 18, 20.
καταγωγή. See Index XI.
κατακαίειν 80. 36.
κατακλείειν 80. 4.
κατακολουθεῖν 81. 12.
κατακομιδή 69. 2.
κατάκριμα 114. 8,
κατακτείνειν 141, το.
καταλί ) 98. 4,11.
καταλείπειν 87.3; 40.10; 68, 28, 31; 72.11; 73.8;
85. 6.
καταναγκάζειν 84. ὃ.
καταξιοῦν 145. 4 ; 162. 4.
καταξύειν 85. τό.
καταπειράζειν 184. 3.
καταπέμπειν 187. 10.
καταπλεῖν 181, 4.
καταπλοῦς 181, 20.
κατασκευάζειν 64, 2
κατασπορά 91. 12; 147. 6.
κατάστασις 88, 7 ; 84, (d)5; 35. 39; 84. 13.
κατατιθέναι 142. 13.
καταφέρειν 187. 13 ; 141. 9; 145. 20.
καταφεύγειν 82, τό.
καταφρονεῖν 142. 9, 14.
Karaxpnylar.,. 98. 12.
Hy ores 83. 36; 35. 36; 52.2; 69.8; 99.(a) 23,
καταχωρισμός 85. 47; 184. 7, te
κατέαγμα 98. 1ο.
κατεγγυᾶν 35. 23.
κατεπείγειν 186, LO,
κατεργασία 88. 21.
κατέχειν 80. 26; 94.17; 97.17; 144, 4; 151. 11.
κατηγορεῖν 11. 6 (Ὁ) ; 186. 24.
κατοικία 95. 4,12; 96. 2.
κατοικικός 90. 4; 95. 3, 18; 96. 3; 99.(a) το, (δ) 11.
κάτοικος 74.18; 104. 12.
κατοχή 80. 9, τῇ.
κάτω 101. 7 ; 158.13; 158.1. Cf, Index VI.
κεδρέα 125. 3.
κελεύειν 66. 48 ; 68. 20; 70. 2; 79. 6 (?), 12, 34, 48;
81. 8; 88. 15; 107. 7,13; 108. 11, 16; 138. 18;
142. 10, 16; 154. 6.
κέλευσις 68, 10; 140. 6.
κέλλιον 152. 14, 16, 21, 23.
kevtnvapwr. See Index X.
κένωμα 48, 8 ; 181. 9.
κεράμιον. See Index X.
κέραμος 188. 9 (?).
κεράτιον. See Index X (6).
κέρμα 143. 6
κεφάλαιον 69. “Aik ; 98.14; 148.6; 149. 21.
i Ἐ δ ) 127. 3
κηνσίτω See “Index VII.
κῆνσος 83. 2.
κηπίον 149. 9.
κηπουρός 127. 19, 34; 149. 5.
κινδυνεύειν 86. 13 ; 125. introd. ; 142. 9.
κίνδυνος 79. 19; 189. 4, 21; 140.18; 149.13, 17 ; 150.
30; 151. 13.
κλειδοποιός 15. introd.
κλείς 98. 24.
κληρονομία 12. 6, 8; 152. 17, 20.
κληρονόμος 72. 8; 99. (a) 7, το, (δ) 8, το.
κλῆρος 82. το; 40. 9; 92. 3; 114. 5; 121.6; 142.12;
148. το. Cf. Index VI (c).
kAnpodxos 120, 11.
κλητός 79. 5.
κλοπή 73. 30, 59, 63.
κνῆκος 91. 15.
κοινός 78. 11; 96, 3 ; 128. 38 ; 142. 6 ; 162. 9, το ; 164. 5.
κοινωνός 92. 18; 94. 2; 100. 4.
κοίτη 88. 9 ; 99. (a) 8, 13, 14, (ὁ) 8, 13, 14.
κοκομανος (gen.) 126. 30.
κόλλημα 75. 41, 47, 54, 70; 76.2; 81.17; 122. 3,6
κόμης. See Index VII.
κομίζειν 85. 43; 87.12; 40. 22.
κοπή 90.16. Cf. Index XI.
κόπος 188. 11.
κοσμητεύειν. See Index VII.
κοσμητής. See Index VII.
kotvAn. See Index X.
κοτυλίζειν 92. 6.
κράμβη 127. 22.
κρατεῖν 61. τό ; 67. 3; 99, (a) 15, (6) 15; 168, 1, 12.
κράτησις 88. 23; 95. 6; 96.5; 97. τό.
κράτιστος 40,6; 66. 9; 67.12; 70.12; 77. 1, 31 (?);
82.6, 12; 137. 1, 18; 188. 9.
κρήνη 51. 25.
κριθή 82. 17; 61. 9, 10, 12 (marg.), 16; 88. 17, 19, 29;
107. 10, 12, 13, 23; 108. 14, 15, 17; 109. 9, 12;
127. 29; 128. 20 e¢ saep. ; 180, 4; 183.4; 152. 3,6,
7; 158. 8, 9, 13, 15; 164. 3.
κρίνειν 88. 10; 68. 46, 66, 70.
κρίσις 88. 18, 30; 48. 15 (?); 66. 15.
κρόταφος 95. 2.
κτᾶσθαι 79. 54.
κτῆμα 186. 12 ; 149. 6.
κτήτωρ 161. 8, Io.
κυβερνήτης 188. 5.
κύθρα 125. 5.
κυκλί ) 127. 34.
κυρεία 95. 6; 96. 5; 97. τό.
κυρία 144, τ, 26,
κυριακός 77. 16; 88. 12.
κυριεύειν 99. (4) 15, (0) 15.
κυριευτικός 99. (4) 5, (6) 5.
κύριος (‘ guardian’) 71. 4, 23 ; 95. 2, 17; 96. 1,2; 97.
3; 98.7; 99. (a) 3, 28, (4) 3; 102. 8, 18, 19; 104.
2,15; 118. το. (title) 79. Io, 20,46; 84.1; 185.
II; 186.8; 140.6; 148.15; 154.11. Cf. Index II.
48.14; 68. 23; 94.19; 95. 11; 96. 10; 99.
@) 22, (Ὁ) 22; 106.3; 147.17; 149.14, 18; 150. 31.
κυροῦν 97. 14, 17.
κυτίνιον 156. 4, 5.
κωλύειν 68. 8; 152. 24.
κωμαρχεῖν. See Index VII.
κώμαρχος. See Index VII.
κωμογραμματεία 101. 7.
κωμογραμματεύς. See Index VII.
λαγχάνειν 99. (4) 11, 15, 21, (0) 11, 15, 21 ; 162. 19,
λάκτισμα 141. το.
λαλεῖν 181. 6.
λαμβάνειν 29. 8; 84. (α) 1; 65. 17; 68. 64; 81. 11;
145. 15; 158. 7.
λαμπρός 72. 9; 79. 8, 11; 80. 6; 81. 5, το; 100.1;
107. 8; 108. 12; 189. 22; 140. 20; 141. 21; 142.
2; 146.1; 148. 2.
λανθάνειν 82. 5.
λάξος 128. 80.
λαύρα 98. Io,
λάχανον 148. 21.
λαχανοσπέρμον 117. 4.
λέγειν 51. 25; 64. 12; 65. 5; 66. 10, 20, 23, 33; 67.
6,13; 70.18; 80.3; 81.14; 97. 12; 129. 11, 23;
181.13 ; 184.17; 148.6,7; 152.3 ¢¢ saep.; 154. 3, 8.
λείπειν 86. 12; 68. 9.
λειτουργία 189. 19.
λεσωνεία 85. 30.
λεσῶνις. See Index VIII.
λευκός 62. 7.
λῆμμα 81.15; 64.14; 129. 3, 19.
ληνός 48. 7.
libertas 28. (a) verso 1, (6) recto 4.
λιβικός 68. 3.
λιθοτόμος 76. 9.
λιμήν 116. 1.
λίμνη 100. 3, 5, 9.
λιπαρεῖν 19. 47.
lis 27. 11, 12, 15.
λίψ 81. 28; 51. 26 ; 68. 27 e¢ saep.; 97.11; 99. (a) 7,
9, 10, (4), 7,9, 10. Cf. Index VI.
Aoyela 79. 62.
λογιστήριον 29. 6 ; 77. 225; 80. 4.
λογογραφεῖν 82. 7.
λογογράφος 82. 3.
λογοποιεῖσθαι 142. 7.
λόγος 81. 16; 85. 445; 68. 5, 10, 38, 43; 69. 15; 77.
16 ; 92. 10 (?), 13, 15; 94.19; 101.4; 125.1; 126.
I, 2; 127. 1,16; 128. 41, 114; 186. 23; 187. 11;
140. 8,9; 142.6; 149. 8, 20; 151. 19; 152.6; 153.
II, 12, 14; 155. 1; 158. 2. tos Ady. 81. 1. Cf.
Index VII. ἐπὶ Adyov 119. 8.
λοιπάς 152. 3.
λοιπογραφεῖν 128. 12, 74.
λοιπός 68. 29; 70. 20, 21; 84. 17; 88, 18; 90.15;
91. 16 ; 108. 3; 111. 12, 31 ; 119. 4, 6 ; 125. introd.;
126. 2, 48; 151. 8, 10.
λυπεῖν 145. τό.
λυχναψία 70. το.
μάγειρος 127, 2.
μαγιστρότης 188. 11.
maior 28. (c) recto 9.
μακάριος 149. 23.
μακροπρόσωπος 51. 22; 95. 2.
μακροφυοῦς 150. 25.
μάλιστα 181. 12.
μανθάνειν 79. 24, 35; 82. 9.
μαρτυρεῖν 66. 35, 38; 151. 23, 24.
μαρτύρεσθαι 141. 17.
μάρτυς 68. 41.
μαστιγοῦν 71. 24.
μάτην 180. 5.
μαχαιροφόρος. See Index VII.
μεγαλεῖον 82. 16, 18.
μεγαλοπρεπής 154. 5.
μέγας 80. 4; 35. 4 et sacp.; 36.10; 88.9; 39.8; 56.
4; 57. 2; 58. 5; 60.4; 78. 25; 84. 21; 100.1 ;
109. 8; 112.7; 118. 7; 142. 8, 19; 148. 19; 161. 2.
μείζων 180. 16. μέγιστος 88. 21 ; 86. 5, 34.
μεθιστάναι 65. 23.
μεθοδία 149. 15.
μέλας 62. 6.
μελεῖν 181. 8; 185. 18.
μελίχρως 51. 22; 95. 2.
μέλλειν 88. 11; 70. 7; 142.9; 147. 6.
μέμφεσθαι 65. 13, 20; 189. Ig.
μεμφητός (?) 63. 5.
μένειν 68. 23; 85. 21; 94.19; 97.15; 142. 18; 148.
15; 162. 5, 13.
μέντοιγε 185. 11.
μερίζειν 140. 8; 152. 21.
μέριμνα 144. τῇ.
μερίς. See Index VI.
μερισμός 140. 25.
μεριτεύεσθαι 158. 1 (?).
μέρος 29. 7, 14; 42. 32; 50. 10, 24; 52.2; 53.3; 67.
8; 68.29; 69.6; 71.13; 74.21; 90.15; 91. τό;
94. 10, 14, 15, 16; 96.4; 97.9; 98.9,15; 99. (a)
II, 12, 14, (6) 11, 12, 14; 100. 5, 8.
μέσος 51.22; 91.25; 95.2; 110. 6 εἰ saep.; 118. 8,
μεσότοιχος (?) 98. 9.
μεταβάλλειν 88. 61.
μεταλαμβάνειν 89. 6
Hh 2
μέταλλον 140. 9.
μεταμισθοῦν 86,17; 92. 24.
μεταπαραλαμβάνειν 68, 23.
μεταπέμπειν 81. 9, 10.
μεταξύ (μετοξύ) 64. 4.
μεταφέρειν 85. 18.
μετελί ) 75. 34, 58, 64 (?).
μετεωρίδιον 186, 12.
μέτοχος 52.1; 55.3; 59. 4; 69. 5; 118. 3; 120. 8.
μετρεῖν 59. 2; 60.2, 8; 61.8; 69. Lo, 12,16; 87. 19;
88. 22; 89.6,7; 94.11; 104.5; 107. 4, 22; 108.
6; 120. 9,17; 185. 19 (?); 147. 5.
μέτρημα 69. 8; 180. 12.
μέτρησις 48. 10; 44. 30; 87.21; 88. 24,25; 107. 12;
108. 16.
μετρητής. See Index X.
μέτρον. See Index X.
μέτωπον 91. 25; 110. 6 67 saep.; 111. 8,9; 112. 26; 118.
7, 9.
μέχρι 80. 23; 96. 7; 99. (a) 19, (ὁ) το ; 101.5; 111.
23; 112. 22; 186.14; 142. 5 (μέχρι).
μῆλος 102. 10; 110. 7.
μήν (substantive) 82. verso 6, 9; 85. 22; 42. 6, 28;
48. 5,8; 44. 5, 8, 22, 27; 45.9; 46.5; 47.8; 48.
6; 49. 4; 50. 13,20; 51.21; 68.35; 71. II, 14;
85.14; 86.12; 87.25; 89.6; 90.17; 91.20; 92.
14; 98. 5,14; 98. 14,16; 102. 5; 110. 2, 20; 111.
2,18; 112. 4,15; 118. 18; 126.1; 187.12; 148.9;
150. 26; 157. 2, 4; 158. 2, 4.
μήν (particle) 142, 17.
μηνιαῖος 69. IO.
μήτηρ 45.6; 71. 3,7; 74.4 et sacp.; 75.1 et saep.; 76.
6; 91.2; 95. 1,2; 96.1; 98.7; 99. (a) 1, 2, 3,
(δ) I, 2, 3; 104.15; 109. 2; 111. 5; 118.15, 32, 35;
126. 8; 149.4; 150. 8, 9, 10, 11; 151.7, 8; 152. 14.
μητρικός 74. 7; 152. 17, Το.
μητρόπολις 82. 9 ; 91. 3.
μιγνύναι 67. 9.
μικρί ) 155. 9.
μικρός 84, (c) 3; 86.9; 110.8; 112. 9; 187.1; 142. 8;
144. 7.
μιμνήσκειν 181,
μίσθιος 92. 19.
μισθός 60. 8(?); 98. 14; 126. 115 127. 37; 182. 3;
155. I.
μισθοῦν 40.7; 85.4; 86.3, 18; 87.3; 88. 5, 33; 90.
I, 23, 255; 91. 4, 243 92.25; 93.3, 24; 94. 3.
μισθοφόρος 48. 17.
μίσθωσις 81. 7; 85. 19, 21, 26 ; 86.21; 88. 7; 94. 9,
10; 101. 6; 108. 7.
μισθωτής 59.4; 90. 19; 100. 3.
μισθωτικόν 88. 26.
μισοπονηρία 88. 16.
μισοπόνηρος 85. 46.
μνᾶ. See Index X (6).
μναεῖον. See Index X.
μνήμη 187. 4.
μοῖρα 154, 1, ὃ.
μόνιμος 48. 9.
povodecpia. See Index XI.
7 gpa 44; 72. 8; 79.55; 92. 4: 166.5; 157. 3;
pvdo| upyds 150. 15.
μυριάς 107. 10; 108. 14; 185. 9.
narratio 27. 11.
ναύβιον. See Index XI.
ναῦλον 67. introd.; 180. 16; 181. 20.
ναύτης 127. 37.
νεανίσκος 89. 2.
νεομηνία 151. τό.
νέος 48.9; 44. 10, 29; 46.6; 47.9; 79. 14; 91. 20;
147.9; 150. 28.
νεωκορία 70. 18 (?).
νεώτερος 74, 11; 75.63, 71; 111. 12; 118.24; 129. 18.
νικᾶν 140. 11.
nocere 27. 11.
νομαρχεῖν. See Index VII.
νομάρχης. See Index VII.
vopapxta 77, τι, 26.
νομίζειν 85. 52; 82. 10.
νόμιμος 92. 22.
νόμισμα 50.9; 95.5. Cf. Index X (δ).
νομιτεύειν 150. 9.
νόμος 48.14; 80. 2.
νομός. See Index VI.
νομοφύλαξ. See Index VII.
nondum 27. 17.
νοσοκομεῖον 154. 2, 8.
νοτάριος. See Index VII.
νοτινός 99. (a) 13, (6) 13.
νότος 81. 26; 51.25; 68. 26 e¢ sacp.; 97. 11; 99. (a)
7; 8, το, (δ) 8, 9, 10.
νουθεσία 84, 21.
νῦν 84. (4) 3; 66.42; 68.66, 68; 79.55; 96.2. vive
86. 8; 67.4; 68. 57.
νύξ 184. 6.
νωθρία 78. 15.
ξένος 152. 24.
ξηρός 150. 21, 23, 38.
ξίφος 142. ὃ.
ξυλαμή 87. II.
ξυλικός 98. 20.
ξυστός 120. 14.
ξύστρα 127. 26 (?).
ὀβολός. See Index X (4).
ὀγδοηκοντάρουρος 44. 7, 24.
ὅθεν 84. (a) 9; 40. 11 ; 80.7; 141. 15.
ὀθόνιον 29. 13; 125. Io.
οἴδημα 141. 12.
οἰκεῖν 97. LO.
οἰκεῖος 67. 2; 79. 4.
οἰκία 80. 9 e¢ saep.; 81. 26, 27; 85. 20; 51. II, 23, 25;
74.7; 76.3; 97.9; 98. 8, 9, 15.
οἰκοδομεῖν 51. 11, 23.
οἰκονομεῖν 68. το; 96.6; 99. (a) τό, (6) 16; 188. 8.
οἰκόπεδον 74. 22; 97. 11 ; 98. IO.
οἶκος 46.6; 47.10; 48.10; 49.1; 58. 2; 54.3; 79.
54. ἐξ οἴκου 111, 15; 112. 11.
οἰνάριον 186, 15.
οἶνος 29. 10; 48. 5, 9, 19; 77. 40, 44, 46.
οἷος 80. 14.
οἱοσδήποτε 146. 8.
ὀλίγος 188. το ; 148, 21.
ὅλος 18. 12; 79. 54; 91.8; 92.10; 98, το; 96.4;
100. 7; 188. 2; 141. 11.
ὀμνύναι 68. 33; 71. 16,23 ; 72.12,19; 75.25; 188.6;
140. 10, 21.
ὅμοιος 80. 28; 66.29; 68. 31, 50; 75. 36; 77. 38 et
saep.; 88.8; 86.15; 90. 8,10, 18 ; 98.20; 99. (a)
12, (6) 12; 129. 22 ; 140. 15.
ὁμολογεῖν 84. (4) 4; 42.6, 30; 55.4; 59.1; 60.1;
66. 41; 67.1, 10; 94.2; 95.1; 98.8; 99. (a) 5,
(4) 5; 100. 8; 101. 4; 102.6 ; 106. 3; 109. 6; 110.
4 et saep.; 111. 4, 14, 20; 112. 5 et saep.; 118. 5, 12,
20, 26; 188. 6, 19; 189. 21; 140.9, 19; 142. 19;
147. 5, 18 ; 148.4; 149. 7, 19; 150. 17, 25, 33; 1651.
9, 13, 20.
ὁμολογία 94. 3; 95. 11, 21; 110. 19; 111. 16; 112. 13,
173 118. 16, 19, 33; 152. 22.
ὁμόλογος 68. 49.
ὁμομήτριος 74. 14; 112. 8.
ὁμοούσιος 151, 1.
ὁμοπάτριος 74. 14; 112. 8.
ὁμορεῖν 68. 56.
ὁμωνυμία 67. 3.
ὅμως 145. 7.
ὀνηλάτης 128. 66, 75 3 158. 8, 11.
ὄνομα 29. 5; 64.14; 67.5; 77.18; 88. 14; 85. 8;
151. I.
ὄνος 77. 45, 46 ; 117. 3; 126. 11, 21; 127. 29; 154. 3,
operire 27. 13.
ὁπηνίκα 149. τό.
ὁπόταν 149. 22.
ὁπότε 92. 24.
ὁπότερος 50, 25.
ὀπτός 99. (a) 9, (ὁ) το.
ὁρᾶν 66. 14 ; 77.6; 180. 11.
ὀρθός 88. 5.
origo 28. (ε) recto 2.
ὁριοδείκτης 88. 5; 142. 12.
ὅριον 68. 27 et sacp.
ὁρίζειν 88. 4; 46.9; 47.12; 48.12; 50.15; 67.6;
72. 5; 80. 16.
ὁρισμός 91. II.
ὅρκος 82. 7; 84. (6) 10; 35.26; 71.23; 72. 20; 189.
20; 140. Io, 18, 21.
ὁρμᾶν 82. 5; 150. 13.
ὅρμος 158. 4.
ὀρφανός 85.7, 8; 86. 6.
ὁσδήποτε οὖν 86. 9.
ὁσδηποτοῦν 85. 6.
ὃς καί 56. 1; 57. 1.
ὅσος 85. 8; 90. 4,14 ; 91.6, 12; 145.14.
ὅσπερ 77. 25; 82.16; 189. 18 ; 147. 8; 160. 24.
ὅστις 78. 7; 99. (a) 22, (6) 22.
ὁστισοῦν 95. 6.
ὅταν 48.9; 79. 50.
overpavds 141, 23.
οὐκέτι 67. 3.
οὐλή 51. 23; 74.9; 91. 25; 98.25; 95.2; 102. 9, το;
109. 2; 110. 5 e¢ saep.; 111. 5 et saep.; 112. 8, 9, 25,
27} 118..7, 9, 11, 25.
οὔπω 188. 17.
οὐσία 77. 23.
οὐσιακός 77. 21; 98. 4.
οὕτως 81. 21; 86. 42; 71.18; 72.14; 181.13; 148,
ὀφείλειν 81.6; 95.6; 110.18; 111.16; 112, 12, 31;
118. 15, 22, 31, 36; 119. 17; 128. 114; 161. 13.
ὀφθαλμός 74.9, 12; 102. 7.
ὀφρύς 51. 23; 68. 9, 34; 110. 5; 111, 5, 12.
ὄψις 141, 12.
πάγος. See Index VI.
παιδαγωγός 65, 21.
παιδασία 88. 27.
παιδιά 88. 3.
παιδίον 181. 9; 144, 8; 157. 1.
παλαιός 19. 13; 128. 41; 148. 12.
παλαιστροφύλαξ. See Index VII.
πάλιν 142. 13, 143 154. 6.
παντιμάξιος 154, 11.
παντοδαπός 78. 12.
πάντοθεν 51. 27.
πάνυ 152. 2.
πάππος 71. 7.
παραβαίνειν 85. 30.
παραγγελία 68. 63; 81. 8.
παραγγέλλειν 80. 40 ; 68. 39; 79. 21; 154, 4.
παράγγελμα 50. 5.
παραγίγνεσθαι 87. 5, 8, 11; 40.143 183. 9; 187. 23.
παραγράφειν 82. 2.
παραδεικνύναι 82. 5; 84. (c) 7, (4) 3; 68. 20, 37, 46, 65.
παράδειξις 84. (a) 9; 68. 1 et saep.
παραδέχεσθαι 85. 12,17; 86, 13, τό,
παραδιδόναι 84.12; 90.21; 91.21; 98.22; 95.4, 12;
96. 3; 187. 11 ; 188. 15; 142. 11, 12.
mapadoxn 127. 39.
παράθεσις 79. 29.
παρακαλεῖν 180. 15; 188. 17, 20; 154. 4, 6.
παράκλησις 148. 12.
παρακομίζειν 180. 8 (?).
παραλαμβάνειν 81. τι ; 46.8; 47.9; 94.2; 188. 8, 22.
παράληψις 35.15; 69. 3.
mapadoyela 88. 13; 84. (c) 6.
παραλογίζεσθαι 84. (c) 7; 35. 13.
παραπέμπειν 142, 18.
παρασκευάζειν 145. 11 ; 158, 5.
παρατείνειν 68. 31.
παραφέρειν 81. 12.
παραχρῆμα 44. 11,31; 46.9; 47.13; 49.5; 50. 17;
111. 14; 112. 11; 113. 12.
παρεῖναι 66. 35; 81. 9; 125. introd.; 150. 27 ; 154. 2;
παρέρχεσθαι 80. τό ; 82. 11 ; 154. 2, 4.
παρεύρεσις 29, 16; 112, 23.
mapededpevery 886. ὃ.
παρέχειν 48. 9; 145.15; 150. 26; 151. τό ; 164. 1ο.
παριστάναι 66. 13, 26, 38, 40; 189, 18, 19,
παρόδια 126, 54.
mas, διὰ παντός 89. 5; 95. 9; 96. 8; 142. 10.
πάντων 185. 2.
πάσκος 88. 9.
passis (Ὁ) 27. 13.
πάσχειν 78.4; 84, 25 ; 125, introd.
πατήρ 80. 8, 26, 30,40; 52.2; 65.4; 74.8; 84.9;
118. 40; 183. 1, 23; 151. 1; 152. 9, 10, 18, 19.
πατράδελφος 72. 6.
πατρικός 74, 21.
πεδίον 69. 6.
πειθανάγκη 81. II.
πελωιος (gen.) 56. 7.
πέμπειν 88. 3; 41.4; 64. 14; 65.15; 69. 3; 77. 29;
80. 11; 181.18, 21 ; 182.10; 188.16; 158. 3,17, 18.
πενθήμερος 29. 13.
πενταετής 85. 21.
πέραν 149. 5.
πέρας 81. τι.
περατοῦρα 142. τό.
περίβλεπτος 154. 1, 4, 6, τι ; 157.2; 158. 2.
περιγίγνεσθαι 68. 7; 94. 13; 99. (a) 17, (6) 17.
περιγράφειν 77. 7.
περιεῖναι 64, 3; 71.15; 95.8; 96.6; 152. 17.
περιλαμβάνειν 81. 8.
περιποιεῖσθαι 84. (4) 2.
περισσός 182. 2.
περίστασις 81. 27.
περισχίζειν 141. 14.
permittere 27. 12.
πῆχυς 102. 9. Cf. Index X.
πινάκιον 126. 38.
πιπράσκειν 78.6; 95.3; 96.2, 5; 98.8; 102. 12, 20;
188. 5; 144. 22.
πιστός 164, 4.
mA. «(7τικος 168, 6.
πλατεῖα θ4. 3; 98. 3.
πλείων 82. 5,12; 84. (4) 2; 70.11; 127. 41; 180. 9,
14. πλεῖστος 44. ΤΙ, 32; 68. 54; 717. 18 ; 180. 2.
πλεονεκτεῖν 78. 13.
πλῆθος 79. 23.
πληγή 77. 19; 141. 9.
πλήν 98. 17.
πλήρης 95. 4,12; 96. 3; 150. 20.
106. 1, 7; 188. 16; 145. 15.
πληροφορεῖν 6B. 42.
πλίνθος 99. (4) 9, (δ) το.
πλινθουργός 126. 43.
πλοῖον 87. 2; 127. 28, 38; 188. 5; 144. 12.
πλοῦτος 142, 15.
πνεῦμα 151. τ.
ποιεῖν 82.8; 84. (a) 7, (2) 6; 85.44; 87.6; 40. 14;
41.9,12; 77. 23, 32; 78. 17, 19; 79. 30, 38, 62;
80. 8; 84. 21; 91. 13; 92. 14; 101. 10; 185. 7;
136. 7,17; 187. 5,20; 148.13; 144.16, 21; 145.
13; 146. 2; 147.13; 148.7; 149. 15; 150. 37;
152. 22.
ποιμήν 127. 39.
ποίμνη 127. 39.
ποῖος 68. 7.
πόλεμος 80. 18, 27.
πόλις 80. 33; 64.5, 7,14; 72.73 100.2; 128. 106;
187. 11; 146.4. Cf. Index VI.
πολιτεύεσθαι 82. 8.
πολύς 40.16; 70.3; 78.7; 88. 4; 84.3; 181. 21;
188. 11; 148. 23; 144.17; 145. 11.
πορεία 97. τι.
πορθμεύς 110. τό.
ἐκ πλήρους 40. 22;
πόρος 79. 41, 45.
portare 28. (c) verso 5.
πόσος 153. 17.
posse 27. II.
post 27. 12.
ποταμός 68. 9, 34.
ποταμοφόρητος 85. 16.
ποταμοφύλαξ 82. 13 (?).
πότερος 185. 14 (9).
ποτίζειν 148, 19.
ποτισμός 91. τι ; 186. 11.
πούς 87. 5,133; 111.6; 142, το.
πραγματεύεσθαι 29. 24.
πρᾶγμα 88. 33, 34; 88. 8; 81.14; 110. 24; 111, 22;
112. 21; 181. 3; 145.9; 154. 4, 7, 8, το.
πραγματικός. See Index VII.
πραιποσιτεύεσθαι 140. 1 (?).
~~? δ ον
πραιπόσιτος. See Index VII (a) and (4).
πρακτορεία 81. 7; 78. 4. ἱ
πράκτωρ. See Index VII. 1
πρᾶξις 48.12; 44.12, 33; 46. 11; 47.15; 48. 13;
49. 5; 50. 23; 147. 15.
πρᾶσις 68. 3, 7, 25, 34; 95. 21; 96. 9, 10; 97. 5;
136, 22.
πράσσειν 29.17; 88.19, 31; 48.14, 15; 46.13; 48.
15; 49.9; 82.15; 88. 11; 186. 14. ᾿
πρεσβύτερος (official). See Index VII. (‘older’) 74. I
3,18; 97.7; 111. 11; 112.6; 118. 5, 26, 37. i
πρίασθαι 51. 27, 29. 2
πρό 68. 54; 80. 7. =
pro 27. 14. =
προαιρεῖν 88. 5. : :
πρόβατον 18. 5, 6, 8, 10; 168. 16. ἢ
πρόγονος 88. τό. i
προγράφειν 80. 9,15; 42. το; 50.16; 59.10; 71.14; :
74.8; 75. 28; 94.16; 109. 5; 185. 12; 149. 20;
150. 36 ; 151. 9.
πρόθεσις 148. 12.
πρόθυμος 41,18; 70. 4 ; 82. 5.
προίξ 95. 6.
προιστάναι 79. 24.
προκεῖσθαι 49. 3; 50. 11; 77.9; 80.9; 81.23; 85.13,
18, 25; 88. 33; 90. 25; 91.23; 96.5; 97.6; 99.
(@) 15 et saep., (Ὁ) 15, 20; 100. 8; 102. 22; 107. 11,
24; 111. 25,26; 112. 20, 30, 31; 118. 22, 27, 38; 126.
56 ; 127. 14,40; 188. 24; 189. 22, 23; 140. 20, 21 ;
142. 19; 147.12; 149. 23; 150. 40; 151. 21.
προλέγειν 88. 9, 12.
προνοητής 149. 12.
πρόνοια 40. 12; 187.20; 144. 21.
propter 27. 14.
προπωλητής 51. 28.
πρός (adv.) 79. 32.
προσάγειν 85. 20.
προσαγορεύειν 145. 5, 22, 26.
προσαποτίνειν 95.10; 96. 9.
προσγένημα 68. 9, 34.
προσγράφειν 79. 18.
προσδιαγράφειν. See Index XI.
προσδιασαφεῖν 81. 14.
προσεδρεύειν 81. 9; 82. 3, 19.
προσεπίτροπος "1. 31.
προσέρχεσθαι 66. 16, 43; 84. 15.
προσήκειν 82. 4; 187. 22.
προσκί ) 98. 5; 122. 1.
προσκαλεῖν 80. 16 ; 86. 22.
προσκαρτερεῖν 65. 3; 124, 2.
προσκομίζειν 81. 17.
προσκρίνειν 64. 5, 6.
προσκύνημα 186. 6.
προσκυνητός 154, 11.
προσλαμβάνειν 100. 4.
προσλέγειν 64, 3.
προσμαρτυρεῖν 80. 24, 29.
προσοδικός 88. 9, 18, 30.
πρόσοδος 81. 2, 7; 88. 19, 30, 33; 86. 2.
προσπορεύεσθαι 88. 17, 29.
πρόσταγμα 88. 17.
προστάσσειν 39. 20; 38.16; 80. 4; 187. 6.
προστάτης 89. 9.
προστιθέναι 77.15; 85. 19.
πρόστιμον 81. 3, 11, 15.
προστρατηγεῖν 109. 9.
προσφέρειν 81.11; 71. 6.
προσφεύγειν 79. 46 ; 146. 12.
προσφώνησις 142. 13.
πρόσωπον 125. 6 ; 151. 4.
προτάσσεσθαι 145, 24.
πρότερον 79. 24; 97. 6.
πρότερος 66. 47 ; 67.9; 126. 2; 183. 13.
προτιθέναι 68. 6, τι.
prouincia 27. 14.
προφέρειν 80. 7 ; 66. 21, 46.
προφήτης. See Index VIII.
προχειρίζειν 89.9; 69. 2.
προχειρισμός 89. 1.
προχρεία 149. 8, 18, 20.
προχωρεῖν 183. 18.
πρύτανις. See Index VII.
πρώην 66. 39.
πρωτί ) 150. 44.
πρωτήκτωρ. See Index VII.
πρῶτον 79. 28, 46, 51 ; 152. 5.
πρῶτος, mp. φίλος 85. 1.
πύλη 77. 5, 9,13; 116.1; 117. 1.
πυνθάνεσθαι 88. 15; 65.43; 66. 22, 45.
πύρινος 48. 9.
πυρός 82. 17, verso 4,5; 85. 19,24, 40; 42.9, 35; 48.
7, 8, 9,123; 44.7 et sacp.; 46. 3,5, 14; 47. 5, 8,20;
55. 6,7; 59. 4 et sacp.; 60. 5 et saep.; 61. 7, 10, 12
(marg.), 14; 68.22; 87.16,17; 88.15, 21,28; 89. 4,
6; 90.7, 9, 10,15; 91. 8,16; 110. 19; 116. 3; 120. 13,
16 ; 128. 3 ez saep.; 129. 3 et saep.; 183.18; 147. 7.
πωεως (?) 188. 8.
πωλεῖν 95.10; 96.8; 180. 3, 5; 162. 23.
πῶλος 77. 48; 116. 2.
πῶς 67. 5.
quaestio 27. 13.
quidem 27. 12.
rationalis 28. (c) verso 6.
rector 27. 14.
papdvwos 98. το, 13.
redigere 28. (c) verso 4.
repetere 27. 16.
rescriptum 27, 10.
reus 27. 11 (?).
pn . .180. 7.
ῥῆμα 142. 8,
ῥητός 78. 24.
ῥήτωρ 128, 22.
pimdpios. See Index VII,
pls 109. 3; 110. 12.
pda 81. 12.
ῥόπαλον 142. 8.
ῥύμη 81. 28; 51. 27; 97. 13.
ῥυπαρός 114. 9, 11.
ῥωννύναι, ἔρρωσο (or -σθε) 81.19; 37.14; 38.13; 65.
8; 58.9; 61.12; 181.24; 182.12; 188. 20; 142.
2; 181. ἐρρῦσθαι εὔχομαι 64. 15. ἐρρῶσθαί σε (or
ὑμᾶς) εὔχομαι 185. 24; 148. 22; 146.5. ἐρρῶσθαί σε
βούλομαι 181. ἐρρωμένως 89. 4.
saepe 27. 15.
σεαυτοῦ, διὰ σ. 182. 4.
σεβάσμιος 80. 11 ; 140. 10.
σεβαστός 80. 11. Σεβαστὸν νόμισμα 95. 5. Cf. Index II.
σημαίνειν 81.8; 68. 45; 82. 13.
σημεῖον 89. 2.
σημειοῦν 68. 11, 13, 16; 69. 19.
σήμερον 67.6 ; 80. 3.
onmew 158. 19.
σιμισάλιος (Ὁ). See Index VII (δ).
σιταρχία 29. 22.
σιτικός 81.6. Cf. Index ΧΙ.
σιτολόγος. See Index VII.
σιτομέτρης 152. 8.
σιτοπομπία 187. 19.
σῖτος 33.14; 84.(c) 8; 185.20; 1897.17; 144. 23;
152. 8; 155. 1.
σιτοφόρος 68. 14, 15, 19; 98. 8.
σκευοφόρος 62. 13.
σκυτάλη 48. το.
σός 82. 3 εἴ saep.; 125. ἱπίγοα, ; 142. 10 ; 145.8, 12,23,
26; 155. 1.
σπείρειν 82. 17 ; 90.14; 91.14, 22.
σπέρμα 61. 3.
σπεύδειν 130. 8.
σπορά 87.153; 143. 4.
σπόριμος 68. 8; 96. 3.
σπόρος 68. 22.
σπουδάζειν 144. 7.
σταθμός Ἴ5. 44, 58, 64.
στατήρ. See Index X (δ). -
στατιονίζειν 80. 12.
στενοῦν 162. 23.
στηθίον 125. 8.
στοχάζεσθαι 88. 4.
στρατεία 158. το.
στρατεύεσθαι 82. 1.
στρατηγεῖν 80. 4.
στρατηγία 12. τ; 19. 17, 31, 49; 81. 1,9; 108. 2.
στρατηγός. See Index VII.
στρατιώτης. See Index VII (δ).
συγγενής 36.1; 99. (a) 3, (δ) 4.
ovyyevls 78. 9.
συγγεωργεῖν 94. 17.
συγγραφή 80. 31, 35; 42.11; 71. 8.
phaksseoree 9 ἢ See Index VII.
συγκαθιστάναι 88. τό, 24.
συγκατατιθέναι 88. 5.
συγκομιδή 91. 22.
σύγκριμα 88. 34.
συγχερσεύειν 88. 7.
συγχωρεῖν 84. (4) 2; 68. 3, 7, 25, 34-
συμβαίνειν 185. 15.
σύμβιος 141. 8.
συμβοηθεῖν 145. 21.
συμβόλαιον 88. 8.
συμβολικά. See Index ΧΙ.
σύμβολον 29. 8.
σύμμαχος 158. 1.
συμμένειν 124. τ.
συμμετρεῖν 59. 10; 60. 6, 9.
συμπαρεῖναι 41. 14.
συμπαριστάναι 41. το.
σύμπας 72.12; 92. 12.
συμπλήρωσις 148. το.
συμπροιέναι 61. 12.
συμφέρειν 88. 25.
συμφωνεῖν 96. 4; 147. 12; 149. 22.
συνάγειν 81. 12.
συναγοράζειν 29. 15.
συναίρειν 44. 13.
συνάλλαξις 35. 29.
συναποχρῆσθαι 79. 26.
συνάπτειν 67. 8.
συναρέσκειν 150. 20.
σύναρσις 101. 4.
συνεδρεύειν 88. 8.
συνεπιδιδόναι 85. 24.
συνεργεῖν 152. 4.
συνεργός 88. 11,
συνέρχεσθαι 78. 1ο.
συνεχής 189. 21.
συνηγορεῖν 88. 20, 31, 82, 34.
συνήγορος 88. 15, 18, 24, 29.
συνήθεια 92. 21 ; 145. 10.
συνήθης 70. 8.
συνιστάναι 81. 7,17; 88.6; 68. 60; 72. 3, 18; 83.5;
84, 20.
σύνναος 85. 5, 34.
σύνοδος 125. introd.
συνοικεῖν 141, 5.
συνοικέσιον 71. 8.
συνταγή 145. 17.
συντάσσειν 29. 11; 88. 23, 30; 34.(d) 5; 35.35; 44.
9; 29.
συντελεῖν 39. 6.
συντιμᾶν 52. 3.
συντίμησις 97. 13.
σύντομος 871. 11. ;
συνυπογράφειν 81. 13.
συνωνεῖν 107. 9; 108. 13.
συστέλλειν 70. 3, 6, II.
σφραγίζειν 41. 7.
σφραγίς 68. 29, 31, 32; 87.9; 90. 4; 91. 6.
σφραγισμός 41, 13.
σχῆμα 142. 14.
σχοινίον. See Index X.
σχοινισμός 68. 4, 9.
σχολάζειν 82. 6.
σώζειν 85. 32; 41. το (?).
σῶμα 141, τι.
σωτηρία 188. 21.
τάλαντον. See Index X (6).
ταμιακός 188. 5.
ταμιεῖον 58. 3; 79.73; 88. 3.
τάξις 124. 30; 188. Io.
ταραχή 80. 11.
ταριχευτής 125. 7, 13 (?).
ταρίχιον 156. 3.
τάσσειν 81. 1, 16; 52.1; 53.1; δ4. τ; 164. 3, 5.
ταφή 125. 1.
τάχα 180. 7.
τάχος 144. 13.
ταχύς 187. 5; 145. 19(?).
τεβεις (?) 89. 7.
τέκνον 35. 55; 86.6; 185. 25; 186. 4; 142. 6.
τέκτων 127. 32.
τελεῖν 68. 22 ; 78. 7; 92. 9, 16; 94. 16; 116. 1; 117.
I; 142. 15, 18.
τελειοῦν 71.9; 110. 20; 111. 16 ; 112. 13; 118. τό, 33.
eteleiothe 150. 43.
τελευταῖος 67. 9.
τελευτᾶν 68. 61; 71.15; 72.7; 74. 8; 86.6; 118. 15,
ae See Index ΧΙ.
τελώνης 58. 2 ; 126. 20.
τέμνειν (Ὁ) 127. 34.
tempus 28. (c) recto 3.
τετανός 51. 22.
τετραετής 77. 7.
τετρασσός 107. τό.
τετραχοίνικος. See Index X.
τηρεῖν 71. 14.
τηρητής 126. 22.
τιθέναι 44. 12, 35 99. (a) 25, 28, 29 ; 144.9; 161. 21, 24.
τιμάξιος 158. 21.
τιμή 81. 23; 86. 42 ; 48.12; 44. 11,33; 46.11; 47.
14; 67. 5; 68. 20; 95. 5, 11. 18; 96.4, το; 97. 13;
98.10; 102.14; 109. 9, 11; 126. 18 e¢ saep.; 127.
II, 20, 26, 29; 128. 116 ; 140.15 ; 150. 20.
τιμιὄτης 145. 8, 22.
tis 64, 7, 8.
τοίνυν 187. 17, 19.
τοιοῦτος 29.17 ; 80. 37; 41.16; 66.38; 78.20; 135.
6; 153. 14.
τοῖχος 54. 3.
τόκος 50. 19; 98.14; 118. 14, 31; 126. 41 ; 127. 18;
128. 4 e¢ saep.; 148.7.
τολμᾶν 88. 10; 184. 4.
τόμος 75. 41, 47, 54,70; 76.2; 81. 17.
τοπαρχία. See Index VI.
τοπογραμματεύς. See Index VII.
τόπος 81. 8, 10,163; 68. 20; 73. 12; 77. 27; 95, τὸ ;
142.15; 151. 5.
' τοσοῦτος 141. 17 ; 142. 17.
eee ee ee
te ee ee + ae
τότε 66. 14; 77. 27.
trahere 27. 12.
τράπεζα 81. I, 133; 52. 1; 58. 1; 54. 1; 95. 16,
δημοσία τ. 68, 20; 97.15; 109. 10; 140, 9, 13.
τραπεζίτης 81.4; 52.3; 58.4; 54.5; 157.1; 158, 1.
τριακονταετής 84. 12.
τριάς 151. 1.
τριετής 68. 41.
τριετία 100. 7.
τριμήσιον 158. 7, 11. 15.
τροφεῖα 148. 5.
τρόπος 86. 28; 84.7; 85.6; 86.9; 95.10; 96.6,9;
99. (a) 16, @) 16; 111.24; 112.23; 187. 19; 142.7.
τροφός 126, 28 ; 127. 30.
τυγχάνειν 84. (d) 7; 85. 42, 56; 77. 33; 81. 6, 16; 100.
6; 187.8; 141. 7, 18.
τύλη 126. 18.
τυραννία 142. 15.
τυρός 126. 39.
τύχη 71. 18; 72.14; 75.273; 188. 8.
ὑγιαίνεν 89. 5.
ὑγίεια 188. 3, 18; 152. 3.
ὑγιής, ἐξ ὑγιοῦς 68. 33.
ὕδωρ 148. 17.
uerus 28. (4) verso 2.
vids 75. 4, 45, 49, 66 ; 85. 7,8; 96.1; 104. 2; 110. 5,
28; 125. 11; 128. 46, 100, 120, 123; 181. 23; 182.
I, 13; 186. 2; 187. 9 ; 146.3; 149. 4, 19, 23; 150.
ἡ et Sacp.; 151. 1, 6, 7, 8; 152. 7, 12.
ὑμέτερος 151. τό.
ὕνιον 148. 11.
ὕπαιθοον 36. 8.
ὕπαρξις 80. 5.
ὑπάρχειν 81. 8; 82. 16; 88. 35; 86. 9; 48. 13; 44.
12, 34; 46.12; 47.16; 48.15; 49.9; 50. 26; 51.
6,23; 64.8; 74.20; 78.12; 86.8; 87.6; 90.2;
91.4; 98.6; 95.3, 18; 96.2; 187.6; 142.4 5144.
18 ; 145. 25; 147. 16; 149.17; 160. 30; 151. 18.
ὑπατία. See Index II.
ὑπερβολή 86. 13.
ὑπέρθεσις 151. 17.
ὑπερκεῖσθαι 97. 5.
ὑπερπίπτειν 50. το ; 147. 14.
ὑπερτιθέναι 68. 8; 148. 11.
ὑπερχρονισμός 128. 20.
ὑπερφύεια 149. 6, 8, 9, 14.
ὑπηρετεῖν 137. 17.
ὑπηρέτης 29.16, 23. =
ὑποβάλλειν 88. 7; 14.
ὑπόβλητος 68. 8.
ὑπογράφειν 81. 21 ; 88.29; 52. 2; 58.2; 54.2; 76.4.
ὑπογραφεύς 110. 24; 112. 21; 118. 24.
ὑπογραφή 31. 14; 142. τό.
indyvos 185. το.
ὑποδέκτης 152. 5.
ὑποθήκη 98.15; 144. 10; 151. 19.
ὑποκεῖσθαι 81. 3; 338.17; 68.13; 150. 31,
ὑποκολλᾶν 187. 13.
ὑπόλογος 68, 3 et saep.
ὑπόλοιπος 152. 7, 21.
ὑπομένειν 70. 4; 189. 20.
ὑπόμνημα 85. 36 ; 125. introd.; 142. ro.
ὑπομνηματίζειν 66. 48.
ὑπομνηματισμός 64. 8.
ὑπομνηματογράφος. See Index VII.
ὑποπίπτειν 68. 34.
ὑπόσχεσις 97. 18.
ὑποσχισμός 91. 11.
ὑποτάσσειν 67. 11 ; 68. 2, 6, 12.
ὑποτελής 92. 20,
ὕστερον 66. 27 ; 68. 44 ; 152. 6.
ὕφαμμος 85. τό.
ὑφαντός 188. 15.
φαίνειν 35. 35; 63.9; 68.22, 23 ; 85.18; 86.17; 90.
23; 91.24; 92.25; 98.24; 97.17; 141.12; 154, 4,
φακός 128. 11, 13, 44, 96 ; 129. 10, 20, 21, 22.
φάναι 80. 44.
φανερός 80. 37; 77. 26.
φάσκειν 108. 8.
φέρειν 80. 45; 68. 63, 69, 72.
φθάνειν 72.9}; 80. το.
φιλαίτιος 65. 22.
φιλάνθρωπος 128. 32.
φιλία 164. 1, 6.
φιλοβασιλιστής 89. 12.
φίλος 85. 1; 181. 17; 145. 23.
φίσκος 77. 6.
φοινικών 81. 3, 8, τό.
φόνος 66. 34, 36, 41, 45.
φόρετρον 127. 27. Cf. Index XI.
φόρος 88. 12; 85. 9, 13, 14, 18; 86.9, 14; 87. 23;
89.8; 98.9; 94.8, 10; 100.5; 128. 104,110; 187.
24, 20; 142. 5, 17.
φορτίζειν 150. 21, 23, 39.
φορτικός 147. 7.
φρέαρ 99. (a) 9, (4) το.
φροντίζειν 88. 9.
φροντίς 185. 6.
φροντιστής 90. 24 ; 149. 4, το ; 150. 7.
φρουρεῖν 48. 17.
φρούριον 81. 27.
φυλακή 88. 34.
φυλάσσειν 72. το; 87. 27.
φυλή 74.5; 112.7; 118. 7.
φυτεία 81. 8, τό,
χαίρειν 81. 5; 82. verso 1, 13; 88. 2, 28; 84. (c) 2; 87.
10; 88. 2; 89. 4,8; 40. 3; 41. 4; 55. 3; 56. 5;
57. 3; 58.6; 64. 11; 68. 2,12, 14; 87. 2; 94.2;
98.8; 99. (a) 5, (4) 5; 100.2; 101.3; 103.2; 104.
53 105. 2; 128, 103; 180. 2; 181. 2; 182. 2; 138.
I; 184. 2 ; 185. 2; 186.2; 187. 3,16; 144.2; 145.
17; 147. 5; 148.4; 149. 7; 150.17; 152. 2.
χαλκός 81. 3, 12, 25; 88. 14; 84. (a) 8, (c) 8; 48. 13;
50.18; 51.27; 58. 3; 54.4; 56. 9; 57. 5,6; 58.
8; 114.11. χ. πρὸς ἀργύριον 81. 15, 20, 22, 24.
χαλκοῦς 48.10; 50.9. Cf. Index X (δ).
χάριν 88. 14; 180.6; 182. 9; 148. 8.
χάρις 142. 19. πρὸς χάριν 68. το.
χάρτης 126. 17; 127. 20.
χαρτουλάριος. See Index VII.
χείρ 110. 8; 112. 10; 118. 11,25. διὰ χειρός 111. 15:
112.11; 118. 12; 148.5. ὑπὸ χεῖρα 186. 17.
χείριστος 40. 9.
χειρογραφεῖν 82. 6; 84. (a) 10(?), (c) 9; 85. 25.
xetpoypadla 85. 31, 443; 67. 10.
χειρόγραφον 128. 12, 20.
χειροτονεῖν 82. 3.
χειρωνάξιον. See Index XI.
χερσεύειν 68. 7, 26.
χέρσος 81.12; 68. 14, 19.
χήρα 141. τό.
χιτών 125. 10, 11.
χλωρός 126: 52; 128. 115, 116; 188. 8, 16.
χορηγεῖν 48. 8.
χορτέγχερσος (?) 94. 6.
χόρτος 87. 11 ; 90. 16; 121. 7: 126. 36; 128.40; 129.
22 et satp.; 150. 21 et saep.; 154. 3.
χοῦς. See Index X.
χρεία 68. 43; 70.13; 107.11; 108. 14; 148. 5.
χρέος 96. 10; 148. 10; 161, 12.
χρεωστεῖν 151, 13.
χρῆμα 88.9 ; 187. 12.
χρηματίζειν 47. 18; 48. 17; 49. 10; 51. 30; 80. 2;
96. 2. !
χρηματισμός 68. I, 2, 6.
χρηματιστής. See Index VII.
χρῆσις 128, τό.
χρῆσθαι 68. 22; 82.11; 96.6; 99. (4) 16,(b) 16; 181.
16; 187. 26; 142. 6, 15.
χρηστήριον 98. 9.
χρόνος 80. 11; 46.9; 47. 12; 48.12; 50. 15,19; 68.
23, 42, 543 71.15; 77.8; 85.22; 87. 28; 90. 21;
91, 21; 98.-22; 95.8; 96.2, 7; 97.16; 99. (4) 5,
10, 22, (6) 6, 19,22; 111.23; 112.22; 142.17; 148,
23; 147. 14.
χρύσινος. See Index X.
χρυσίον 148. 5, 6, 8; 157. 2.
χρυσός 149. 9, 12, 20; 150. 18, 22, 45; 151.14; 157. 3,
4; 158. 3. ,
χωματισμός 91. Το.
χῶρι 118. 22.
χωρίζειν 40. 3. .
χωρίς 79. 32; 85. 9, 10,12; 86. 1ο, 15; 98.10; 118.
36; 161. 17. :
ψυχή 158. 19.
ὠνεῖσθαι 51. 25; 68.8 et sacp.; 95. 10,11; 96. 5, 8,9;
97. 5.
ὠνή aay 28; 52. 1,2; 58.1; 54.1; 92, 9, 20.
ὥρα 79. 53.
ὥρα 142. 4.
ὡς εἶναι 152. 21.
ὥστε 65, 18; 78. τό.
(The numbers refer to pages.)
ἀντιγραφεύς 67. Greeks, quarrels between Egyptians and, 33, 48.
ae er τρ τς Inconsistencies concerning proper names 87, 124.
Indictions 169, 184.
Pinay eee F 4. 6,5. Land-measurement 82.
Calendar, Macedonian and Egyptian, 50-2, 55. λεσῶνις 44.
Confiscated land 123.
Contraction, instance of in a papyrus, 44.
Copper coinage 37, 53.
Dioscorus, supposed praefecture of, 71.
Minucius Italus, praefecture of, 70-1.
Mistakes in figures 62-3, 81, 109, 142, 151, 153.
Νηρηίδες, plot of, 1.
ἐπινέμησις 184.
ἐπιτηρηταί 146.
Euergetes II and Philometor, joint reign of, 68.
Exegetes, functions of the, 105.
Oil, regulations for manufacture and sale of, 115.
Papyrus rolls in the Byzantine period, formation of,
* This index does not include the subjects indicated by the titles of the Papyri, for which see Table, pp. ix-xii.
Papyri, new readings or interpretations of,
Β. G. U. 153. 19, p. 131.
337: 13» P. 44.
392. 40, 46, p. 158.
426. recto 15, Ὁ. 158.
552-75 Pp. 82.
553. A. III. 5, p. 136.
639. 29, p. 158.
Brit. Mus. Pap. 164. 4-6, p. 123.
181, II. 13, p. 82,
C. P. R. I. 39. 18, p. 109.
Fay. Towns Pap. 112. 3-6, p. 114.
Gr. Pap. 11. 15, p. 58.
II. 24. 13, Ὁ. 59.
Pap. Oxy. I. 57. 9, p. 84.
I. 65, p. ΤΟΙ.
IT, 255. τό, p. 82.
ἘΝ references to unpublished,
rawford collection, pp. 103, 116,
Gizeh Inv. no, 10250, p. 53.
10267, p. 180.
10476, p. 169.
, 10485, p. 169.
Umm el ‘Atl, Pp. 97.
πράκτορες in the Roman period 142.
Selides, incorrect junction of, 181.
Simonides, forgeries of, 195, 200.
Sophocles’ Ποιμένες, new quotation from, 3.
Trojan war, dramatization of, 1.
Ursus, praefecture of, 77.
Vibius Maximus, praefecture of, 71.
φιλοβασιλισταί 47.
Piate II
Sop a ΣΝ
No. XI. 1517 CENTURY B.C.
Prate III
Pate ΙΝ
No. CIII. a.p. go.
lr ti
No. XIII. 3rp century ap.
No. XXIV, verso. 4TH CENTURY A.D. No. XVII, verso. 6TH OR 7TH CENTURY A.D
No. XXIII, recto. Late 3RD OR 4TH CENTURY A.D.
Pate VI
. -
1 é
γ΄ ν ;
Πὺ a
δι Ὁ»
ΩΝ a
ai) a
᾿ =
~*~ ge
Piate VII
paar Δὲ
Piate VIII
DAs Jem se
έν τ Ὁ ὁ
" oft ae
ΠΣ Aas wee
pie Att
ὅτ. ἐΞ ΞΕΥΣ
No. ΧΕΙ pc: 175.
No. XLII. B.c. 179.
T= . τ
ἘΞ ἐκ ee
ἘΝ 5 f a fs ὅσος
dtecdies > Serre Cc} arp - & 4
Teese ee te yltts
᾿ = prev rice Few pero? Fats jee”
5 eee τς: ee = Αἰτεῖτε LY hte
Ap ett Ὑτετος στὰ nein Rey ce POY ἘΞ :
ρος or Ἐπτραρ por! Preamp, purmetiersqece ;
= are Risers TN ΡΈΣΕ ες <a YORE APTN rns
= Pere gx 00 Pepocrtee + 4 tireraticenn ~ “rect
: “Taper βεσυετ: rer kwh Athen Rosi mR Ere EIS :
a= = = ech eer tcS rere Seige aS ae :
a= SITE CHS ΣΤ ΤΣ megs reancren terms τέ, “Premera?
ee = Saves ττττῷ praeetcrrrer eye Cera? erie
pent aT pre Srepeeregpegs στο ττστρτ ὦ
= Smet Ap ere kee srewrergy epernert ΞΞΡΈΡΕ ΣΡ ΣΎ: Ξ
7 ἐχολιάττον ει, opTive: apsveTepec) Tet: 58, Piracteretic
jo ὋΣ =a
_ rab. bree eSrerepes SOS TLE Gepk ΕΞ nat
| Ores been ΚΑ του τ teen ία Sern, ites 8
os 2 stetemeneien Sys SESS ——
— 4
ae ~~
Ξε == =
se ere Brent overs ph ny
= Se ae :
No, XXXIII. Αβοῦτ s.c. 157.
.G. 192.
erat Dias ee De os eee ο
ἷ : εν :
B.C. 115.
Pirate XI
evéx} sn eyatcere fry }
}iewpeerien Fs 7 Sey
Dore MENHK Ppp pe,
a pense rfoeriie piney here
yMHbAcrt μῃ
ero AH pre ieee
@ Me CSS MEMES TON Gc Tae eH a
oer sh towel eee
ples tej ye
he Me rete
. ay a RY aes
oq: ον, Poker
(9 1 HE Ape mr sing ἣ
B.c. 88.
Lance Οὐ dh re
ΟΝ ἀν (λα: ὙΠ ἜΝ ἡ λφίως
AER Crests gre crip eeynany RR
SCHON τά Rs dearaprin ire tre ty
ane: ah BA ir sie ak: ΗΠ
ΤΣ eres tenes, of eae a Wal jeer Ϊ he Pagal a
Ἐὰν φ'
No. LI, Cot. 2.
Ἐς 3
a ‘ ἐς sania
5 -
ὅδε δ
᾿ ‘
Pirate XIII
No. LXXXV. αν. 78.
we =
‘aS ὡς i
Dee a
= i :
A.D. 107.
Hats Pee
‘ apes! ΓΕ ΠΥ
‘vas “Kot ey le
Br ertop ucia τ αρ
ἘΠῚ ΔΈ ΟΝ -τον δον
, mH
bs ᾿
x 7 tity Af
E- εξ ;
= 2st ~ 1
; a
i ant
a &
Ares ae ! ane fF Es ) ἈΦΕΡΗΣ | pena ERT MAE οῷ % at “5:4.
Ser, “ea al a
© Bebe Gs cet Co Ὁ
; HIS. (US NOM ere,
THO pepe.
The ERR at
εν NCA eroy Gps?
NPY TOT AY lar ttt pews MAP TYP: (Od |
AL SNC δ᾽ “ort Ν GSE RON) | ot ‘R SN
AT OUP STN DAUM OUN περ τύ ον andere πολ
TRY TOP Aer bd ONTO AHH Ni tHo Ιου ro.
(tse, AEN OOTP ὥγήποο στο τ OT] Jeg pes
; ἘΠ a3 ~ ΟἹ 4 τοῖν Ustad! Ἷ δ ΧΑ QUAN YON TIMILRO POPH Se
seer ee CRE DSTO EI
NV toric Cord how
τίου TNO AN παρὸ GH eric. Umeereetin LH AEN
COTS IGEN ET ony toot peoc oly τ λικυίος.
CTR APOE κὰκ υκν ον \Apeop NENT ORY
° ΕΣ
No. LXVI. a.p. 124.
Piate XVI
No. LXXVII. a.p. 139. ‘
Pirate XVII
Ὑ τὴ
thas Ὁ
+ i 4
iT Ors e
“Topen sae } ee
ἘΠῚ ee
No. XCII. a.v. 162-163,
ι No. LXXVIII. a.p. 184.
& 2
ν >! ὃ, ἃ
1; ΟῚ
ἣν - ἢ;
7 ᾿ 4
3 :
7 .
> _ ᾧ
: )
Pirate XVIII
Bie) yr cae ne eth | Se
3 eer ἐπ et Ἷ i Me
| ὦ ᾿οβαισεον τι. Ps
ὟΝ, 3
ened τὸ
ἥ ; |
ae 5 3 “ὦ, 4 δα Ἐν Sg pn TPA ee
= Ἔξ τὲ >» ae Ἐ “δ oe x 2 τ ἘΠ
ba ps ty
- ἃ Be ἕ
᾿ Sip
ὡξ ee
No. LXXII. a.p. 246.
a Θ"
τως ν΄
Pirate XIX
sem. «4
oped Fo Ney Be
ἀν =
fa sR ee a
Rls fs Bah Ὁ
ἽΝ ογυλοἠοεγγρῆ ρος
No. CXXXVIII. a.p. 326.
, amine on ag ang
er grey,
τι. itenmuarmmngee tT MATIN Ν PT itt ΒΝ
ἭΡΗΣ er et Tp . ᾿ be th Uy, ryt
Feet at TST Pa Φ ΗΜ]
ἢ ἌΝ )
OF δ vat $9
$4 “ εν ον Ai:
i δι πθγὼ ἡγε
ἴ - “ ee Oh a ᾿
Fo gr ye Si thee al Fo:
‘ VES we de ΝΕ ᾿ yp ᾿
or eens ἫΝ Ὡ tigi Dds,
AO Sr eis ally haere Asie aye.
Orgy - : 4 rity Ν i 1
ἵν --- 7 eg
δή. 00
δ ἀν
No. CXXXIX. a.pD. 350.
Pirate XXI
a re ats το « n =
Se. {SS Oe, a Soe Ser
a =~ a ἃ Ω με “- ΝΗ Ζ Seis =~ >
“a "4
ro — , % ati SE 25 epee pera
Ἔράντὶ BAAS ee ee ee
peg ἂν FAS ΞὈτ
= = - τιν τ = he aol “a ~ = 5 : ᾿ I
- ᾿
- Σ ἧ
Pirate XXII
ae pe
No. CLVII. ap. 6r2.
No. CLI. a.p. 610-640.
Pirate XXIV
Fr. g. recto Fr. d. recto
Fr. h. verso Fr. e. recto
Fr. b. verso
No. CXC, 6th cent. a.p.
Part I, No. III (a). Α.Ὁ. 264-282.
i he ——
~ ἐν
‘=.= c Pa μ᾿ = giles 7" “hy € τὰ
“" Pan
ΠΥ ᾿ > i
᾿ :
: +
=a ἂν
i: ' j
y “᾿
. .
᾿ ᾿ ‘
- Ύ
- 4 Seg
‘ely ee
Bee 4.
᾿ ὃς.
AL» *
ξ τ
ee ὁ
+f as. = AS pee ee τ νον
wt ἜΣ ων eT ee ee. Se
=~ ΩΝ
.» ar
- aoe ee